HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAT2024-00238 BLD2024-00664 - WAT Application - 9/12/2023 ( WAT - � � I 415 N_6'h Street MASON COUNTY Shelton,'WA 98584 COMMUNITY SERVICES Slielion:360-427-9670,Ext.400 Belfaii:360-2754467,Ext.400 .Buildin%PlaningEnvironmentalHeakh,CommunityHealth Elriia:.360-482-5269,Eat.400 Application for Determination of Water Adequacy Instructions 1. Complete Part 1. No determination can be made until Part.1 is fully completed. 2. Complete.only the portion of Part 2 applying.to the type of water connection utilized. 3. Submit completed application,with any required attachments for review. 4. An,approVed building site plan must accompany this application. Part 1: Applicant/ Parcel Identification Name on Applicant: Sarni Martin,Agent_for-Lennar Northwest,Inc Date: 8/2172023 Mailing Address: 33455 6th Ave S,Unit 1-B.Federal.Way,WA;98003 Phone:. (253)294A322 Parcel Number: 12328-51-00136 `For Future HIS#136 Type of Water System Reason for Applicationn�l/,,/ ® Public/Community Water System(2 or more ® Building'permit'PLX V i(-00&6W connections) I] Division of land: E Individual water source(one connection), #of Parcels? SPL ❑ Well O Boundary line adjustment` ❑ Spring/surface:water q Other(explain) ❑ Other(explain) ❑ Replacement or Remodel(please indicate name !f you have more than one residence connected of water system below if'applicable—no to this well, check the PubliclCommunity Water signature-required) System box. Part 2: :Water Connection Information Complete the.section appropriate for the type,Of water connection being evaluated`. Public Water System Name of.Water System, C WC1 ` )Zs W c� i Water Facility Inventory(WFI).Number: (write"none"for two-party) I am the manager of this water system. The water system has been approved for'Lqp services. There are presently 9>01 connection(s) in use.This will be the 60PI _connection. ❑ I am the manager of-,this system.This connection will be to upgrade or change the use of an existing connection on this system(Le.: recreational:to full.time). Please indicate on the following line the nature of this change: This water system its able and willing to provide water to this:(these)connection(s)without exceeding. the limits of the water system or its set by state and local regulation. Signature of Water System Manager Date ty3: —�— - This form may be scanned and available for public view at www.co.mason.wa.us. lndividual Water Well p Water well.report(attached to application). Depth ft. ❑ `Well capacity Tes.'attached to application) gpm gpd. The.well driller often performs well capacity#ests at the time thewell is constructed. 'Results from these tests.are noted_on the.water well report.. Results from,these tests..:will,be accepted'. If the water' well report Oaihnot.be located by the applicant or if'the water well report:does:not have a capacity test,. a well capacity test,which.provides stabilization of draw-down and recovery data. must be performed by a licensed contractor. ❑ Satisfactory bacteriological test.(attach-to.application).. Water Resource Inventory,Area (WRIA) Development within which WRIA http.ftis co:r* anon wa.us/bIanning: 14_15 1:6_Z2_. 'Water use.ar Iimitaton:recorded.............................. N!A Yes... Well Drilled :..:.::.:.:.. .....::.::...:...,:.:.,.:.....;.,.:,. Date' Individual Spring/Surface Water 0 WDOE`permit(attach to,application) Q Method of disinfection; I have reason to-believe thot`this water source,can,provide,at least$00 gallons per day:and/or provides water at'a rate',of 2 gallons:per minute based..on the.following observations:. Author of'Statement. Date `Relationship to Applicant. Part 3: .Masoh County Community Services Evaluation. (.staff use:only). D Satisfiactory Determina#ion This determination.:does nof:address.,adequacy of the distribution system,guarantee an adequate supply of T.water indefinitely in.the future;or:guaranted g6hJpl1ance:with all:applicable WDOE'water'resource regulations: Recommended approval indicatesfequirements of Sanitary Code,Title:6,Chapter 6.68.040-Determination of Adequacy for Bui.ld.ing Pern'iits are.satisfied. Additional Growth:Management requiretnerits.may:apply, Chapter 36.70A RCW:. Unsatisfactory Determination: Applicant's water supply doe's not::appear adequate to,meet the needs of'its intended:use for the following reason(s): RevidWA des.'Signatures Environs Health Date This form may be scanned and available for public View at www.co.mason.wa.us. Paee.2 of 2 i 400527 a A S 4ty 915 N.ST'H STREET BLDG 8.SHE fJN VJA965@" SHELTON 360 427 9670,PCT.4QD MASON COUNTS -j C.OA rR ra NIT �y�I ICES BELFPIR 360 275 g467 E?CT 400 l�/)L.� l�.{�1 1 �"L ,;®/ ( d EWA:WO*-482 5269 EXT.400 1 '" Buifdin ,Plannin,Emiiron yenta)Health tomtnunit Health FAX 360,427-7798 fr Application for Dgterminaf on:of Sewer Adgquacy Instructions: 1 Complete Part.1 of application:, Permit number may be�added at later date.: 2 Take:application,Site plan,and:any other`assoclated mformation wi{ti the proposed development,to the�Sewer, �System..;Manager:or Designated Erriployea for approyai , 5 3 Submit completed application antl information to Permit Center orMason County Public Healih,for review ; s -:NOTE You mustsuppryahe System Manager with a site plan for the project,showing all ersUngot:proposed , sewer components and it in relation to proposed deyetopment snit property:; _ Part1;Applicant.1 Parcet tnformation" Applicant:Sarh;Martin,Agent for Lenriar Ngrt iwest,Inc. Date;;_.8/2.1L2025 MOngAddress: 33455.bth Ave S,Unit 1-8. City,:state,Z,p: Federal'Way;WA;98003 Site Address: 12l1 NE Olympic;Ridge Phone:P (253)24i322 . . Parcel Number 1232A sl ooi36 I3St3b Permit Number. (�0�'}'—Q �Q Part,2:Sewer System anformatfon Name of Sewer System. ;Belfair. Site;Ptan attached? Q<fci0 use only;Sewer-Sy Manager or Designated;Emptoyee is to complete. '` New Connection:I have ievtewed the appticants informa brizad:fiave ho issues V iM,Mas9n County Public Health apprcMng,the cotrespondirig Mason County Peimit. Exisfing Connection thane reviewed the apphc86ts information and have notssues with A9ason:69'unty PnhTic Health approvrg the co"riesponding.Mason Cotinty'Permit ❑ it have pwewed:theappfcantsinformationand,h0ue:determ,ned:sewer:r jnecGgnisa,rtentlyNOTavailahleloathis;properfiy a :Please add the fopowingtondjtion(s)qo the corresponding Mason:County Perrnit;,(optioni#) Must meet all•MasonCounty design and construction standards, must p.ay:ail fees including:connection fee with:permit'and'inspection:fee,and Latecomers charge:•(TBD).. Richard Dickinson: `.:""'`'`. 917/23 . y Printed:Name of System managsr/Eriipfoyee signature;ofSyslem Managed Employee' Date 9 ' Part 3:.Mason County Public Health Rev'iewl Approval: Jill 0 satisfactory [] Unsatisfaptory Signature.oi Enyironmentat Heaith:SpedaAsf Date j; ?; This form may be scanned'and available for publi6view on the Mason,County Web Site. 3.