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Stormwater Quality - COM Engineering / Geo-Tech Reports - 5/16/2013
�v�v�rotech �in,g%v►,eer%v�g ceotectiwCcal o EvWv Kovwvtvutal o DNa vage -R.Oadwa� May 16, 2013 Robert Christensen Ent. LLC 1803 154d'Street Ct.N W Gig Harbor,Washington 98332 Reference: Stormwater Quality for Proposed Church Located on NE Gladwin Road,Parcel 12331- 32-00040,Belfair,Washington,98528 Dear Mr.Christensen, Envirotech Engineering (Envirotech) is providing this letter concerning the stormwater quality for the future development of the proposed church that will be located at the referenced property. Due to the size of the development, an engineered stormwater management plan will be required to address both quantity and quality of stormwater due to the expected development. Per Mason County Code, an engineered plan will completed and accepted by the regulating agency which will include provisions for mitigating pollution generated on-site by following the 2005 Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. Pollution may be mitigated by various drainage facilities including bio-infiltration swales, bio-infiltration ponds, bio-filter strips, detention facilities and/ or other Department of Ecology accepted methods. In addition, Ecology requires that the bottom of any bio-infiltration facility shall be a minimum of 3 feet above any perched ground water and/or relatively impermeable substrate such as clay or glacial till. It is deemed by Ecology that appropriate drainage facilities plus 3 feet of free draining soil below the drainage facility is adequate pollution mitigation. Based on our site and subsurface observations, pollution mitigating drainage facilities are feasible for this project and are required for development. Please contact Michael Staten at 360-275-9374 if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Envirotech Engineering X,CLYDE ♦G �F WASy��T9T� .� CIs f 6R �SSIDNALti�G` Michael Staten,P.E. Project Director -PO gox984 gelfa%r, washi.wgtow9g62g Off: 360-25934 C-CLL: 360-689-6045 FaK: 360-275--4789 ewvirotech@geotechvdr,ciLi, fo.covv- 05-31 -13A09 : 22 RCVD tltsart Card No. W0748 14 o« " '' WATER WELL REPORT UNMEWELLI.D.a._ AAG 257 s oul Copy—Owrw's Copy STATE OF WASHINGTON Tland Copy—DMret's Copy Ylreter R1pM Issrmlt No. a.+ 00 (t) OWNER: Noma __ .._Wa±er__cj-XStem (.11ahnsan) Aytaaar NF 7�1 Mi cci nn CrPak Rr3 Rcl fad r� {Jg QRS�R CL _ (?a) STREET AC)ORESSOFWEu tar.a....a�..l_ iVE 1,318 Larson Blvd, Belk, ir, WA 98528 �T �N,p��W.� aosty ,K ,. S (3) PROPOSED USE: n Domesuc inoustnal C M,*pal D (10) WELL LOG of ABANDONMENT PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION © Intgatlon Test well D g0+ar �. Fwm.mbrc Deeo4rr bycoda.cntaaoter,sirs a ma,erta midaauca,n erd atmew Macknrae Ofsgreare to D OeWater and to Mind".,MUM of the m"rlW n esen stratum pw*VM d,Meth at Iwt one entry for each ( )4 TYPE OF WORK: s a Qwrar's naar,0er a1 r onang intomuon,, r a (11 more then anal - WThMAL t+feosa TO O AbsmW"d D New well E Me1hoM cup 0 Bwad D D..wned C cable SD Dri.iv,L1 C Fleow6boned C Rolary D Jellied D Brown conglomorate 0 (5) DIMENSIONS: Diameter of wan___ _...__�_. _____ +•• in WW.j 8_9- _fen. D,,W of completed well 189 1L Gray hardUan E _ LO (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: - 1 f 5 02 Clisi"Invulled: 6 .' Dlsm-tmom_ Q_tt-to _ j$5 _n. — WMded CK Diem ham h.so—h. LWWIns4,iled"I Sand & ravel with water Ttueaded 3 Qum from _R.ki_._ 1R. i.+ tv per}onttlOM; Yes❑ No CR Type of w1waw used _ — SIZE of pafotations_._...__ in.by in. wbiations form, IL to ft � �. pert«a0iwa froth "'SO h- +' perbndons Irom h m IL Screens: Yea® No 0 0) Manufacturer's Name Cook -type Stainless win- wrzp- ModsiNo.—_....— V- Dam. 5'slot sea J 50 tram_ 184 tL to 1$9 k ?F +-r rr � Qum. —Slot sue _from tt a � L i arevel peeked: Yee 0 No® Sae Of W" >` 7 ( I to Gr"Placed from R to fc StMfataeaaraf: Yee Q No❑ To whatdepCm7 Materiel used in seal 0 Did any MMIS 00nisin unuaabls waW7 Yea 0 No Gi Type of water? Depth of at/au aMethod of sealing eusle aft __.... O T� M PUMP: Manulacturer'a Name Jacuzz I Type: St 1}l. RR e W 0 (8) WATER LEVELS: Lard autaa ewa Con,O+erd tgn stmove mean sea,awl wM, 123 t Wtaw top atwen Date _ WELL CONSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION: l>J nraeisn prewow+ _ be.per eawv,t amG! Dart . a LJJ Anruan weer r ooraroseo M I aonaVW,,d antd/or accept fitly,kN ccnsirwoon of 0-woo. and 1te o %- war aompliara»woo an Was►wmpeW+well corwhucbon starmderds.Matends used and `� 0 the kdormatbn sported above am ma to my beat k-*%dpe and belief. N r (9) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount wa sr iow is bwered below st ft larel N aWas a pump teat msde?Yea© No❑ if yea.by,ahwn9 NAME E YmNd: 3_gis./min.we 28 tL drawdown a rw 1 fire � rar+t m�Fdl[P>Ltti � c� i - Addroas o 7 CL 3 28" .r " (Signed)44w — , --LkosraeNo, 19� W ruoovWy dale(time taken as zero wfman Pump turned oR) a(WNW*00 nanwrad from theft r� Q top to Weller*%*) Weser w tat Tara Water Lever Time wowLirN 151 - tin. 129 10 min. 125 ob"°"ar� i min. 36 _ 4 tin. 128 •_ 12 — ��'�T t t A —Wee Sept. ,+a 22 min. 110 _ S min- 127 1� 3 (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) Date of test Batter as/ pal/min.wWh R-drawdown after hs n and Affirmative Action employer.For A~ gal.lmin.wd h sum W at n.for h - Ecology i6 an Equal naWs,Oppo fly PbYa alb' Arw+an dhow g•v,m, pye o1S1 accommodation needs,OorttACl the Water Resources Program f21(2p6} Temperature of water Wu a chemieat analysis node? Vies CSNo 0at}7-8600.The Tbf)number (2f)6)407-8006. ECY 050-1-20(W)--1 "40 0 go,,Cars No. W 061311 Dea0"911frail and Fl Colpy""h Daprrtrrtent vt Eeaogy WATER WELL REPORT UMOUE WELL I.D.0 _ ' second Copy—Ovnw's Copy STATE OF WASHINGTON Third Copy—Dr1Nat's Copy Walter Right Pem1t!140. 16. 0 (1) OWNER: Name Jolm Byerly Ridge Runner WateCL r IVF 390 Larson Lk Rd Belfair WA �$52$ 4) (2) LOCATION OF WELL: GwnY Mason SW 1w NW t,4 Sec 31 T. 23 N.A 1W W.M. �. (ss) S'TREETAIX?RESSOFWELL(ortrwtetaarssssal N390 Larson Lk Rd Belfair WA 98528 >a } (3) PROPOSED USE: X Domestic indugnal f: Municipal ,"1 (16) WELL LOG or ABANDONMENT PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION I: Irrigationoer Test Woo C' othw I.. FamtMWn.Deeatbe by colow.character.sue of mow*ern!Mrucivni.and slew thickness.of SWOMS N 1.: OaWaiet ... and d»kW and nature of tra maw*in each stratum ponatrated,wah M rain oft entry,for sect, TYPE OF WORK: 0~3 nuav-of well or r romwion. is (4) (n more than ay} --..._ _ ._........ atATMAL FROM TO = Abandor+ed I New well x McF+od:Dug C eared❑ Q Deepened D cable Driven[] r_ Reconditioned D AOWry C_ .Nnsd J (5) DIMENSIONS: Diameter of was__� .. ___ ....... — Inches. Drilled 155 . lest. Depth d oomplwed wau_ _ 155 ff Brown conizIomorate _ 18_ 46 h. (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: ..� '2 Casing Installed: 6 plan ham Q e to 15 a Welded jC Den from 1f.a_ tt. _ 5$ 1Q0 Liner in"°�id�'I Dt.nt rram n.� rtMBlue lomorate 41 p�llorel. Yes p No with gavel & water 1W 134 © Type of perorew used _............ SIZE of pMlorations___... in.by in. - 56 _ perfaaibnsfrom _Rb tL perforations from e`r perforations from __R.to !t. d l3cr one: Yes 5d No❑ a MarwlaQurer a Nlprw Hour tOtl .,,�,— _ Typ. Staln�8e3S$ Wl g wr,? ._. taoda+►b _ Diam. 5 Sot sire _-50 Dism. Sot sirs from_„ _11. L Gratni pecked: Yes Elze No t1 Si of prtvN t3 Gravel pieced from h. — slartecs treat Yee® No C To what dspth4 it, ;= — © Malarial used m a" Bet0nLLe.__— Z Did any stream eontom unusable wetw7 Yes El No Type of water? _ Depth of SUMS. — aM90wd of seaang shata off _ _. - ...___ O CD (7) Type; Mrtutactutar'a Nanw �Cr�,t0 f os v� SUDr TyT+a _.._... ......M.P. O (8) WATER LEVELS: utd-awfaoa savaoat Warit stoned_ Sf 9L,t>a. Comciaad_-t�� fg _ abglla nyan aw l•�et _...... a. i sluts aver 1Q .......... rt.below tap of wag Data WELL CONSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION: W oa.per square indl Dab n AnroNn preawre ___.._.....__.—._ -- LU Aneawrwawicormaawloy _ . _� I constructed andtor SCOW resWiabiiity for construction of this well,end its CD Ot'So vz a'ic+� oomplianoa with all Washington won construction standards Materials used and %D � (9) WELL TESTS: Drawddwn is amount water ievel b lowered below smuc level tow intorination reported above are true to my best knowledge and belief � Was a pump tact made9 Yes® NO 1:1 it yes,by whom? NAME __._. Davis 111Ln ro bwr ix+MCwr, Yekf: ,�.],4 ._.g>w-�min,w+th Lift draweownaftro+ _] __ _ tea. �f�'1 � _ - M Address U i r WA 9852$ 14 2.5 < - CD CX (6;pnea)' ? _ _t oensa Na 1992 Q Recovery data(time taker as zero when pump tuned of)(water level measured from well lop to wow level) Tines Water Level Tinne Water I" T4na Water Level a 0_ 109.75' R gi F=— t min- 107.25 Na. DAV, SD11144A— It1ne _ i8 _ (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) Deb of teal S&W Ion ga,min with ft diewdown attr tots. fufwt gas.rmin.with stem sat at 1t for_. era. Ecology is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.For spe- vial accommodation needs,contact the Water Resources PWam at(206) Aftd tbwr.._ Ripm. Dave 407-6600.The TDD number is(206)407.6006. Tetnpwalwa of water—,Was a chemical anolyets made? Yas D No 93 LCY 050,1 20(993r"f 0 Flie.0riginAl and first Copy with' Appli,.alon No Department of rz*logy WATER WELL REPORT Secand Copy-Owner's Copy Third Copy,-Driller's Copy STATR OW W"HINGWN Permit(1) OWNER: Name... No, -&� T Address-- 0 CL (2) LOCATION OF WELL#county L N 4) fie.ring and distance from section or uiskidlyhooil corner (3) PROPOSED USE; Domestic Wo'lladurtrial 0 Municipal Cl (10) WELL DOG: Irrigation 0 Test Welt 0 Other 0 rorroation:Describe by coLor,character aze of material and structure,and show thickrtess of aquifers and the kind and nature of the ntaftndl In each stratum ponetratirit, unth at least trite entry for each change of forinai:601%. w (4) TYPE OF WORK: 0 "at" number of well 4if morool"Il 411114P)..- --, -I... .... MATERIAL FROM To New well Method: Dug 0 Bared 0 4 LA 0 i Deeponed 0 Cable 0 Illrivaia 0 ....... 0 Reconditioned 0 Rotary;foo'o'Jelled 13 (5) DIMENSIONS: Diameter of well 0 .,n, Depth of completed well 47 E (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS- 0 Casing installed: 46 Diarn- from ft. to C: Thread"0 Main. from fL to welded ........... Diern, from ft. to Perforations: Yes E) No U,' Type of perforator us",............ ......... ....... 0 SIZE of perforations in. by perforations from ft. to perforations from ... .... ft.to ................- ft ....... perforations from ............. fL to Screens: Yes w"No 0 Manufacturer's Narno"'. ....... Type. ..................... Model No__..._.___.._ Otero. Slot size from ft.to ft. Diem. .. slot size from to ft. ........... Gravel packed: yes 0 No P11"slits of grovol. Grovel placed from ............. .. M to--- Surface seat: Yes 9100",No 0 To what depth? .J ....... C) Material used in seal- 0 Did any strata contain unusable waWt Yen 0 Novo' Type of water?. Depth Of strata.,....... .,....._.._ .... .. z Method of sealing strata off 0 4) .................. 0 (7) PUMP: Manufacturer'$Name • ...... ............. CD Type: --------- Z ... ....... elevation 0) (8) WATER LEVELS: Landourface*11 N) above mean sea level... 0 static level ft,below top of won Dow jP--7�-w 0 Artesian pressure __-.-Abs. per square inch Date . ...... C-) Artesian water to controlled by LLI ate.1 -- - - ---- 04- 0 . ......... (9) WELL TESTS: 11Dr8,.,v Z below.i—11,amount water level I* riitt.level Ill-FNA. Was a pump tt-U made? Yes 0 No C) It yes,by whom' y mln. !t, drowdown otter -0- hm, WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT' This well wag drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belict, CL Recovery data (Urne taken as 20ro When pump turned off) measured from well too to water level) NOME Time Time water Level Water Level I n fil�� or cor print) Time Water LAV*1 jJt an tTy 6k J1. .2". _2. .............. .......... ............... Addrfts..—. ........ .. 1 7.44 ...... ......... ........... ..... ... ........... Date of test (Signed).,,.., .....I.......... ....... Aaltet lost -4 gal./mIn. ..--ft.drowdown / After-4,hm i (Well Drilietl Artesian how_..-..._......._......_...-........ —4lpin- Temperature of water......_,...._.Was 0 chemical analysis mallet yes E3 Na LAceim No...P.17;24�4-11- ... Date.. ',;5.7 ....... 191�> i USX ADDITIONAL IF NRCURARY) .01W a Fr, aw•, 20