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BLD2003-00899 Final Propane and Hood - BLD Permit / Conditions - 8/4/2003
Insoecuor pine 360)421-7 LOG MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (360142;-9670. axt.352 Mason County Bldg. 3 426 ,N. Cadar P.C. Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 MECNA�VIC, L °ERMIT BLD2003-00899 OWNER: TOM, QUINSEY RECEIVED: 7/3/2003 CONTRACTOR: LICENSE: EXP: ISSUED: 7/3/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 247 OUTE 3 BELFAIR EXP!RES. 1/3/2004 PARCEL NUMBE LEGAL DESCRIPTIO NW c4703 NE STATE ROUTE 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: i DIRECTIONS TO SITE: Propane Tank and Hood From Belfair East on Hwy 3 .3 miles. turn !eft Down driveway to intersection and left down hill to house. General Information `vlecnanicai 7;x,%,es FEES -ice Type 3y Date Amount Receipt ype of Use: 'nso. .Area: ype of`Nock: -ire Dist.: Exhaust -oca Mechanical =ee KKK 7/3/2003 S10.55 312003 Propane lank Mecnanicai 3ase Fee KKK '/3/2003 S23.50 312003 mecnanicai Fee KKK '7312003 310.35 312003 Total 344.30 • r 3L;2003-00899 ='ease-efer-o 'ha-oilcwirg gages �-r -5 . - ;_ ' 0r CASE NOTES FOR B LD2003-00899 CONDITIONS FOR B LD2003-00899 1) Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-64 0982. The persons* ning this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. X 2� -- 2) In accordance with the Uniform Building Code, all sites shall have approved numbers or addresses located in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Mason County Building Department requires that this be completed prior to calling for any site inspections. A re-inspection fee based on rates as adopted by the jurisdiction and the Uniform Building Code will be assessed if the owner and/or contractor,fail to post the site prior to requesting inspections. X 3) All propane tanks must be installed in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and all applicable Mason County ordinances. All Propane tanks between 125 and 500 gallons must be located a minimum of 10' from any building, property line, public way, possible source of ignition (electrical outlets, electrical fixtures, compmssors, etc), and/or any weeds, grass, brush, trash or any other similar combustible materials. If a propane tank is exposed to probable vahistrfae age, protective bollards must be installed. X i 4) All propane tanks must be installed in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and all applicable Mason County ordinances. All propane tanks must meet the installation requirements and minimum setbacks as listed in the Mason County Fire Marshal's Standards for the Installation of Propane Tanks.,, _ 5) Fuel,piping shall be inspected after the installation of gas piping is complete, and before the attachment of fixtures, appliances, or shut-off valves. At the time of inspection the test pressure shall be no less than 10 psi held for no less than 15 minutes. Appliances to be attached to the fuel piping system-shall not be use un i the final inspection has been performed and approved by a Mason County building inspector. X 6) Owner/applicant must obtain a seperate ermit for the acement of any size propane tank serving a fixed appliance within a dwelling structure or unit prior to the placement of the tank. X �—� 7) The placement of small propane tanks are not normally subject to a permit review by the Planning Department; however, propane tanks are subject to Planning Department regulations. Such regulations prima ril consist of setbacks from shorelines and features considered to be critical areas (streams, wetlands, slopes, etc.) If you think such features exis on_ nearby your property, please contact the Planning Department so that exact setback requirements can be determined. X �� — _- BLD2003-00899 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. 2 of 3 This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, or if construction or work is suspended for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. Evidence of continuation of work is a progress inspection within the 180 day period. Final inspection must be approved before building can be occupied. OMERORAGENT: ��{.+�C�i� ;�� �/1 _ DATE: i BLD2003-00899 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. 3 of 3 o CONCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME w Footings / Setbacks Date B y Ribbons 0 co C) Date By Gas Piping Date B y CD Foundation Walls Date B y Set-up Date By INSULATION Date By B G 1 Slab Insulation Floors Final Date By Date By Date By FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT D ate B y Date B y Date B y PLUMBING Attic OTHER Groundwork Date By Date By WALLBOARD NAILING D.W.V. Date By Date By FINAL INSPECTION Water Line Date By Date By Date By a 0 0 cc 0 CD a 0 C� ,0 3. 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