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SWG2024-00320 - SWG Application / Design - 7/24/2024
MASON COUNTY 415 46TH ELTON: 7-04297 ,EXT 4 40 SH STREET, ,SHEL-ON,W EXT 400 BELFAIR:360-2754467,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360482.6269,EXT 400 FAX 360427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00320 APPLICANT BEVER FAMILY TRUST Phone: Address: 34 VIA LAS FLORES RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 OWNER BEVER FAMILY TRUST Phone: Address: 34 VIA LAS FLORES RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 SEPTIC DESIGNER PAULAJOHNSON' Phone: 360-898-2255 Address: 171 E VUECREST DRIVE UNION,WA 98592 SEPTIC INSTALLER AARON SHUMAKER• Phone: 360.509.1222 Address: PO BOX 3378 BELFAIR,WA 98528-3378 Site Address: 24321 NE NORTH SHORE RD Primary Parcel Number: 323324300020 Permit Description: Repair/Upgrade to 5bd pressure trench Permit Submitted Date: 07/2412024 Permit Issued Date: 07/29/2024 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $805.00 Ldd¢m,,ared.may e..,1.d.,r,n.un.ronar aymen,l. Permit Expiration Date: 07/2512025 (b...d on dale. npW.n) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staBper Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth speed on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: mawnwuntywa.gov/health/environmental/onsiteloss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY WIFPECEIVEU MASON COUNTY — ® COMMUNITY SERVICES _ "NO m M ww.xwu(mmmuaPv�BI✓E,MronmmNNwhNI � N A 2 41 ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION 3 z m APPLICANT %ZONE m Greg Bever (714) 932-3190 z MAILINGACMESS-STREET CITY,STATE.ZIPCOEE C 34 Via Las Flores Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 m SITE ADDRESS.STREET,CITY aP CODE .'v. 24321 NE North Shore Rd Tahuya, WA 98588 4' NAME OF oDE GNERSep FRONE 9 (360) 898-2255 Arrow Septic Designs, Inc NAMEOFIISTALLER PHONE O I (J Shumaker Construction (360) 509-1222 < PER�MIITTYPE(.wX) DRINNINGVATMRSCUFCE y ®RESIDENTIALOSS 51COMMUNITYOSS ®COMMERCIALOSS ®PRNATEINDIVIDUALWELL tR PRIVATE CLPARTY WELL = IN TYPPEyEOAFNORRIaele Gml ®PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM mNEW CONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES KREPAIRIREPIACEMENT OTHER OETNLS(MMdWeNl appyl O TABLE %REPAIR ( IA suBMIRALs EISURFACINGSEWAGE ❑EXISTING FAILURE IPISHOREUNE Zp DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) ®/SEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOi 52E I W iZWAIVER1Sl(IF APPLICABLE) 5 BR 5.75 acres x I o D RECTIONS TO SITEAND SITE CONDTIONS.I.E~,RER Take State Rte Hwy 3 to Belfair, go (L)onto NE State Rte 300 which turns into NE North 10 Shore Rdd, follow all the way until after the road turns to dirt. Property is on the Left with the r- driveway marked with a Red & White Rowboat. Call owner Greg ahead at (714)932-3190 to 0 1CD let him know you will be coming so he can leave the gate unlocked for you. He will be on-site I N until Aug 25. You will want to drive down, there is tum-around space at the bottom. SITE MVSTBE FLAGGEDFROYYAHI ROAD AN01E51MIXES NVST BEfIAGGEO IMTNTEST MOLENLMBFRS I O OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE U W RACE/FNLURE SOURCE(b,�NwWq pvpwej []VOLUNTARY OMAINTEMwCEIPUMPING O BUILDING PERMIT OHOMESALE OCOMPLAINT 130THER: INSPECTORSOLLOGS COMMEWSICONDTX%NS . Same a5 fIlkv -��At JUL 2 4 2024 D SDLCUDES: RECORD DVALMNG AND INSTALLATION REPORT V=VERY G=GRAVELLY S=SAND L=LOAM S'SILT C=CLAY E:EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROWL. INSPECTORSIGNATUPE OFTE APPLMATION EX"FATWN IS APPLICATIONAPPRMIYSSUEDBY OATS s �sF' -7f?-R(Zt{ THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC NEW CW THE MASOM COUNTY WEEN IE REVIREDIWa01E DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 3 2 3 3 2 — 4 3 — 0 0 0 2 0 A design win be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: •Completed design form that has been signed and dated. •Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist •Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. •Cross-section sketch.including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County web sIDa..47osimum ape,-sae: 4DENTIf1CAT10N ^ � q Arrow Septic Designs,Inc PermitNumber SWG 'Wti��OyD� Designer's Name: (380)89&2755 Applicam's Name: Greg Bever Designer's Phone Number: 34 Via Las Flores Designer's Address: 171 E Vueaest Dr Main.,Add..: -- WA 98M Rancho Mirage. G 92270 Union, Ciro Stae Zi City Stare Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS ' Treatment Device ❑Gleadon Biofilrer ❑Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑Sand Lined Dminfield ❑Recirculating Filter.Type: ❑Aerobic Unit Make-Model ❑Disinfection Unit MakelModel Other: Drainfteld Type ❑Gravity ef Pressure Trench ❑Bed ❑Sub Surface Drip Septic Tanh/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 5 Schedule/Class 40 33.5 ft Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 450 gpd Length Daily Flow:Design Flow 600 go Diameter 1.25 in Number 2 zones z5= 10 1,500 Septic Tank Capaciry(working) g� Receiving Soil Type(I-b) q Separation 4.5 min. ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.6 gpd/ft' Orifices Required Primary Area 1,000 it, Total Number of Orifices TO 1,005 ft' Diameter 'S/32• in Designed Primary Area 60 in Designed Reserve Area 1,005 ft- Spacing TmnchBed Width 3 ft Manifold TrrnchBrd Length 335 ft Schedule./Class 40 Elevation Measurements Length 2 ea-header ft Original Dminfield Area Slope g % Diameter 1.25 in New Slope.if Altered 6 / Preened manifold configuration used? ❑Yes ❑No DepthExcavation ur-aapr 24 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade poundope 22 in Schedule/Class 40 36+ in Length 200 ft Designed Vertical Separation2 in Gmvelless Chambers Required? [3 Yes [3 No R(Ophonal Diameter Pump Required? Rf Yes ❑No Dosing and Pump Chamber Number of 4 per zone x 2 zones=8 Pnmp]Siphon Specifications 75 gal Diff.in Elevation Between Pump&Uppermost Orifice 80 ft Dose quantity 1,500 eaI 5 ft Chamber Dreinfleld Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) pump controls:Please check those required. y Uppermost Orifice Rf Higher ❑Lower than Pump Shutoff Timer Ct(Elapse Meter i1a Even Counter Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 22.4 per zone gpm ,3 hr• Calculated Total Pressure Head 81.30 ft If Timer: Pump on 2min .Pump off - Calculated JUL 29 2024 P) f a l RET DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number 3 2 3 3 2 — 4 3 -- 0 0 0 2 0 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch R1 Test hole locations 19 Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: 56 Soil logs Ed Trench/bed dimensions and 9 Septic tank R1 Property lines critical distances within layout 9 Drainfield cover m Existing and proposed wells Rf D-Box/Valv'e box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 R of property E9 Septic mik/pump chamber and restrictive strata: 61 Measurements to cuts.banks,and locations 19 Laterals,trench/bed,top mid surface water mid critical areas Ia Observation port location bottom 19 Location and orientation of 56 Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain aid all absorption Rf Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components 59 Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: m Location and dimension of fid Lateral places with distance Rf Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of b Other Information 19 Buildings Ed Audible/v a referenced Yes No Direction of slope indicator Rf Scale ci on scale d ❑ Design staked out ❑ Waterlines ba °r ❑ Rf Recorded Notices attached 19 Roads,easements.driveways, ❑ 9 Waiver(s)attached .# parking sio a° 19 ❑Pump curve attached L North wow and scale drawing PAVLA JOT JOHNaON ❑ [if Evaluation of failure shown on scale ha (CK1151_ iGNEN Non-residential justification t ❑ Rf Waste strength ❑ 1f Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be n d by installer at time of installation 56 Yes ❑ No 1 - Z3-vf Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health mid determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulations: Environmental Health NPeCialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is re uired. This form may be scanned and; for public view on the Mason County Web site. Date: I27l2015 �at � � •. osa- �fl�x-ro Y 1o) 3'x3,i.'5' S }vcx tlnc5 5' o.C. wifi� ® rtserve. K y ` OAudio-visual Alann © Cleanout Rs b j.SLOPE © 1500 Gallon Septic Tank 2-Compartment with EA,5E/AS Effluent Filter O4 1500 Gallon Pump Chamber Ao I l , , valve Control Box o / APPROVE WEL` JUL 29 2024 MASON COUNTY ENORONM C«as.k RET 50' /A� A TesT l�o 0 50 15 Ma /� 7t'- ba«t+rod(Sr hN a�t=lvo" �}ts t ve�sto L Silk- ioa . GRFC, SEVER. _ 42-1. M-Al" loan" PrtacL#32331 3:00020 roo+s,°�'12 'y1s+ r I roots. 51U 340 PAULA JOY JONN60N', 0 ZONE Dts'PR( 367'iN(i VP+-v E �On °N WOK us+Y" I.ZSrt� 4 N E i, kpi'- Agri d.A-,A. b°e �-.Tr�mc� ►s S ff.5 O. C.. 0 24 c11 33 0- NOW (Typical Trench layout) O=Observation Port—to be 4"perforated ` PVC pipe from bottom of trench to finished ° grade. A rern.ovabte wp shalt be installed on observation port pipe. Glue'T"on bottom a so pipe can't be removed. Minimum of 6 in system,at end of each trench. Laterals ate to be centered in trenches- r1 � ' ZoNF 'L' s l��ra 4S _. d t �Gah .r L' o..IS as' cawror. C. 51op— A . 2 t� TftAP�SPeRT t.iNE r Typrd Mural+ Prf 0 n e r � (.7.yyj tr Ftlr Fmrc ��yfn Src� eeP 22 II/I' b 2 " sra ae %SZ, isles 113' PA Ldrd ULR JOT JOHNSON INt a•va' 0.� l 'L'� g p�fGNEfi"' a 'sae p we $ 3To11+ yt�Mroe ems era rde - arr Q. ar+l� G Cr EY K Eed� Lmr& # Ob4 co Desigr: DrOinfreld Cross-Section View JUL 29 2024 C3�v^) R98-2�" b T° �`"' MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 3 0� C� RET Length Length Orifice # Distance from Distance from Lateral# In. Ft. S acin Orifices Feeder Line In. Cleanout(In. 1 1 402 1 33.5 60 1 7 21 1 21 zone 1 2 E402 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 1 3 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 1 4 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 1 5 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 1 6 33.6 60 7 21 21 zone 2 7 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 2 8 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 2 9 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 2 10 33.5 60 7 21 21 zone 2 Total Lateral Len th 335 Total#Orifices 70 GPM= 44.8 (with 5/32 orifices) Per Zone 35 22.4 GPM Dynamic Head Calculations-per zone Selected residual pressure: 5 ft. Length (Ft.) #Orifices Transport Pipe 200 70 5.63 ft. Feeder Total Lateral Line Length Lateral#1 33.5 2 35.5 7 0.10 ft. Lateral#2 33.5 7 40.5 7 0.12 ft. Lateral#3 33.5 12 45.5 7 0.13 ft. Lateral#4 33.5 17 50.5 7 0.14 ft. Lateral#5 33.5 22 55.5 - 7 0.16 ft. Total Elevation Lift 60.00 ft. Add for Zone Distribution Indexing Valve 10.00 ft. Total D namic Head 81.3 W Use Orenco Distributing Valve,2 Zones, 5 laterals pp.,Zone APPROVED c JUL 29 2024 d. MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET s,o • 'A',JOY JOHNSON.• 'L'iCK1t i Fit- 4 flF�� exrxaa , n _ Data Distributing Valves Applications General Automatc Distributing Valve Assemblies are used to pressunze multiple zone Orenco's Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies are mechanically operated distrlbu5on iii includng tw4le filters,aend filter,and drainfi,lds. and Beau.-folly nd,.t ft pump's flow is multlple tunes or cello r,a dis- tribution field.Valve actuation is accomplished by a combination of pressure and flow.They allow the use of smaller horsepower pumps on large sand filters and drainfields.For warbe,a large community drainfield requiring 300 gpm(18.901 can use a sudine calve assembly to reduce the Top Now pump flaw rate requirement to Only 50 glen(3.141. --_ Ccuplltg Onal only warrants Automatic Distributing Valves when used in conjunc- tion with High-Head Effluent Pumps with Biot em"pump vaults to provide pressure and flow requirements,and to prevent debris from fouling valve operatbo.An inlet ball valve,a section of clean pipe,and a union for each outlet are provided for a complete assembly that is easy to maintain and Diatributlng vake monitor Ideal valve location is at the high point in the system.Re@r to Automatic Distributing Vahg Assemblies tMP-VA-1(for more information. unbn Standard Models clear pipe �+ V4402A,V4403A.V4404A,V4605A,V4606A,V6402A,V6403A,V6404A, V6605A,V6606A. earl Valva Product Code Diagram Elm. V ®®Fgi� A Side YWW TA Ll, Puluga sa'nc.AOrtin:Wlkp'. a3 = 2ca^,naMrs N- 3mnnnt 05= 4nnneaAors 05= Srmrevlion5 ElbeVlS W- 6hwNNonS ' 4va1d6k d.CnlgermnyTona. < dtldH¢W'!nadiaa ay.Wae,omnaetimi InIBVwtlatsh¢.inlmm; 6 e 1,R5(a'I 6 = +.'sJ p01 MOM YWW okawmv;ar e APPROVED JUL 29 2024 Materials of Construction Fkbngs Sch.40 PVC per ASTM specification MASON COUNfl ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT ions Rh so PVC iMrn sinecitcaron RET Bell Vana $Ch.40 PVC per ASTnI SpeciBcanon Clear Pipe 6Ch.40 PVC per ASTM specifieatl0o Oneerne SASMms°Inc.,814 Airway Are.,Soft OR W479 USA•s -M-9843.541-459-4449•Www-Werne-cum gev.1b)-S t] w9elmz Grenc • Data Specifications Model Inlet Size in.(mm) Outlets Size,in.(mm) Flow Range,gpm(Usec) Max Head,it(m) Min.6mlosure' •j V4402A 1.25(32) 1,25;321 10-40(0.63-252) 170(51.816) V51217 V4403A 1.25(32) 1,25 j321 10—40( .63—2.52) 170(51.816) V91217 V4404A 1.25(32) 1,25(32) 10—4010.63—2.521 170(51 V 13l V81217 V4605A 1.25134 125(321 10-4D 10.63-2.52) 170(51.016) RR2418 V46064 1.25(32) 1,25(32) 10-40(0,63—2.52) 170(51.816) RR2418 V6402A 1.50(38) 1.50(38) 15-10010.95-6,31) 345(105.16) RR2418 V6403A 150((W 1.50(381 15—100(095—6,311 345(105.16) RR2418 V6404A 1.50(38) 1,5008) 15-100(095-631) 345(10516) RR2418 V6605A 1.5006) 1.50(4 15-100(0.95-631) 345005,16) RR2418 V66W 150(38) 1.50(36) 15-10010.95-6.31) 345(105.16) RR2418 ~"area.,e.�I"a,am,rrmmxus—grea4s a~ Table 1. Automatic Distributing Valve Assembly Headloss Equations Model Senes Equation Operating Range,gpm(Used) V4400A HL-0065x03- 10-4010.63-2521 V46004 Ft=0.665 x 0" 10-25 0163—1.571 V6W f{=0.0045x9- 3.5xil-a".b.7 15-70095-442) y5W —. K=0OD49 x 01+5.5x(1-a' 15-709.95-4.4) 36 V6600A 30 E 25 R 20 V4400A V6400A 15 V4600A t0 R 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ROW(gpm) APPROVED JUL 29 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET Ni0 SF VA-1Orenco Systems`IN.,014 Airway Ave.,Sumedin,OR W479 09A•800-348-9843•641-459-Will•www.oranca.cam nev.2.0,®03117 'e,7M2 orenc • Technical Data Sheet PF-Series Submersible Effluent Pumps: 1 -Phase, 60-Hz, 4-inch (100-mm) Applications Features/Specifications Our PFSeries 4lnc`I(100-mm)Submersible Effluent Pumps are To specify this pump for your insallatlon,require the following: designed to transport screened effluent(with low TSS counts)from • Minimum 24-hour nn-dry capability Qiquid end)with no deterioration septic tanks or dosing tanks.These pumps are constructed of light- in pump life or performance' weight,corrosion-resistant stainless steel and engineered plastics,and . A-inch(3-mml bypass orifice to ensure flow recirculation for motor are field-serviceable and repairable Wm common tools.They're also codling end to prevent air bind CS4-and UL-cerfified to U.S.and Canadian safety standards for efflu- . Uquid-end repair kits available for better long-term cost of ownership ent pumps. • TRI-SEAL floating impeller tlesign on 10,20,and 30 gpm(0.6,1.3, PF-Sedes pumps are used in a variety of applications,including pressur- and 1.9 Used)models;floating stack design on 50 and 75 gpm(3.2 ized drainfields,packW-bed fitters,mounds,aerobic units,effluent iink and 4.7 Used)models gation,liquid-only(effluent)servers,wetlands,lagoons,and more.These • Franklin Electric Super Stainless motor,rated for continuous use end pumps are designed to be used with a Blomberr pump vault or after a frequent cycling secondary treatment system. • Type SON 600-V motor cable(model PF751512 uses 14 AWG, SJOOW,300-V cord) — DisUarge correction .rylaPyc IV51 iavaxwlm Standard Models See specifications chart on page 2 for a list of standard pumps.For a complete list of available pumps,call Cando. Product Code Diagram Franklin liquid � lfl r © L❑❑-❑-❑ entl Tan-axxr+fl�ca°Pxw° xmxnow.,,ml awk-,orn 20 -mrm so -so�nt w -vans — Suction xmiectldn aMµ=,q-wpnMcnpy u¢M q =lnlmel a...reM" APPROV 1� 2 I s 115 2 33, ry JUL 29 2024 Franklin MASON COUNTY ENVIRONME AL EALT PP79 °'S_"Knol In Super stainless RET N 210.E sO•ahpR motor IblAtlmae,WIII> 10= I00N 20=2011.a, 30-%0% b -ffloz 75=75en ry Pr W. ru.0rtiw,mh pixWe h 4yn pBL'a[e 141p0.TtM us M1e 20.rwtimaroegakfxdp,q¢tleWtl41MN ��� SA Frei:.Lv• F anklin Elaat ie �l�(fit M It 11 rF)�C 1 LP20868 LP2053e86 JYi[ ll� Nr0" 1 been,Syylme•ad 1M1319-ga13•.1 51 W.1-4594449•wwwmco.cwn RZo o mm fyX l OT\� Perot d4 omnco Technical Data Sheet Specifications id y Q 1 Pump Model S Z � 9 9 S a m s o .a 9 c PF100511 10(0.6) 0.50(0.371 1 115 120 127 12.7 1 74 in.GFP 23.0(650) 16(4061 26 02) 300 $S PF100511CJr 10(UU 0.50(0.31) 1 115 120 12.7 12.7 1%in,GFP 23.0(6601 16(406) 260Zi 300 x� PF100512 a 10(0.6) 0.5010.37) 1 230 240 6.3 6.3 1 R in.GFP 23.0(66G) 16(406) 26 021 3D0 q� PF100712'x" 10(0.5) 0.7510.50 1 230 240 8.3 8.3 1%n.GFP 25.9(650) 171432) 30114) 300 O) PH 01012 x- 10(0.0 1.00 P75) 1 230 240 9.6 9.6 1 K in.GFP 27.9 709) 18 97) 33(15) Too- MOW' 20(1.31 0,50(0.37) l 115 120 12.3 12.5 1 Y:in.GFP 22.3(566) 18(457) 25 01) 300 (0 PF200512' 20(1.3) 050(0.37I 1 230 240 6.4 6.5 1 14 in,G P 22.5(572) 18(457) 26 02) 300 PF201012"" 200.3) 1.00(0,75) 1 230 240 10.5 10.5 twin GFP 28.4(721) 201508)) 330 ) 100 c PF201512" 200.3) 1.600.11) 1 230 240 124 125 1K in.GFP 34.01@64) 24C10 4109) 100 PF300511' 300,S) 0.50(0.37) 1 115 120 11.8 11.8 1 V4 in.GFP 21.3(541) 2015DB) 2B 03) 300 PF300512 " 300.9) 0.50(0.37) 1 230 240 6.2 62 1 N in,GFP 21.3(541) 206081 25(11) 300 PF300712" 300.9) 0350.56) 1 23D 240 SS 8.5 1Y in.GFP 24.8(630) 21(533) 2903) 300 PF301012" 300.911 1,000.75) 1 230 240 10.4 10.4 1!6 in.GFP 27.015861 22(5591 3205) 100 PF301512'` 30(1.9) 1.501.11) 1 230 240 126 12.6 1'A n.UP 32.8(11M) 24(610) 40(18) 100 PF30213i 30(1.9) 2.000A9I 1 230 240 11.0 11.0 1An.SS 35.5(902) 26M 44 RO) 100 PF303012xar.c 30(1.9) 3A09,231 1 230 240 1SB 16.8 1An.SS 44.5(1130) 33(8381 54(24) 100 PF3D5012 xx'` 3011.91 5.00(3.73) 1 230 240 26.6 25.8 t u n.SS 66.5(1689) 53 0346) 821371 100 PF5005W 50(3.2) 0.50(0.37) 1 115 120 12.1 12.1 2 in.SS 203(516) 24(fit Ol 27(12) 300 PF500512" 50(3.2) 0.509,M 1 230 240 6.2 6.2 2n.SS 20.3(516) 24(610) 2702) 300 PF500712' 50(3.2) 07503.56) 1 230 240 8.5 8.5 2n.SS 23.7 I602)) 25(635) 31(141 3D0 PF501012" 5013.4 1.00(0.75) 1 zw 240 10.1 10.1 t in.SS 27.01686) 26(6W1 35(16) 1D0 PF501512' 5013.2) 1.500,11) 1 230 24D 12.5 12.5 20.SS 32.5(826) 30(7p 41 (191 100 PF503m2'xr a 50(3.21 3.0012.23) 1 230 240 17.7 17.7 2 n.SS 43.0(1092 37(S40) 55(25) 100 PF505m2x•r.° 50(3.Z 51013.73) 1 230 240 26.2 26.4 tin.SS 65A(1661) 5503971 64 R9) 100 PF751 D12" 75(4.7) 1.00(0.75) 1 230 240 99 10.0 tin.SS 27.0 Re", of low, 3405) 100 PF751512 75(4.7) 1.500,11) 1 230 240 12.1 12.3 tin.SS 33.4(848) 30(762) 44R ) 100 I GW=wau.ra)M w'mr eo,,S -= ers fool ft 19.a Narcoe 4 WIe 2790",,000l acne Age f1 k-i W SS de,,p u 219 a .WW.dale:e]dm 2m NP!55 ae[narge 112 La m.l g000lanmlkn.OtNrerge b'vliale NPr tbaWN,uS:-Wooe"aza+rm3+le cemf o"o'eW.'we as Whe aremt+W C'wtvlfavvCMwn Ovmarta eM.u.'fittolp6.b 000.,.alM.' Woe, P M1dnlnum deub k'eu'Iwsu!ps Pw'rvs Men insMkM In an Oenro cV.^.4p"fwlq'4WdW Lloi (Pew lMUW!o odo,WeaMss.mlr tan S'uM Ies150xMfe dP o"WIP Co 0"noo mere)nrmnew,,. 3 *i,'m. lw,*,."ef ttf-'ml mU 4 npnpreearoKfof-WeoofoeWml ' 5 eo mr.W IwF wlvv l0)w arz ,aizrnM". 6 6sdn M'xne�ge eoo,,*'NWran.b'Cese w'nW 6orrolcr Oremn. Caw[uw la"k!a[dJse�aaMYwinemllepina<u"rrvn mnAdW YIrMu�:ea lw:'n's WnO wmaatOmm d 7w� M,aWw=l,w„ aro eaen ,W„ tt.apf�eP APPROVED 9 JUL 29 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET n1e-Pe-PF1 016yslelns`•8001•+1 541'459-4449'www.orencd.com R v.100 m121 Pape 2otl_ � OC `-1 Technical Data ' Materials of Construction Discharge Glass-filled polypropylene or stainless steel Discharge bearlrg Engineered the mosaderc tPEM _ Diffusers Glass-flied PPO(NoM GFN3) Impellers Caroni acebl copolymer an 10-,20-,and DID gpm models;501 impellers are f GFN3 Intake screen Polypropylene Suction connection Stainless all Dme shaft 7/1G-In.hexagonal stainless steel.300 series Coupling Soared stainless steel.300 series Shell Stainless steel.300 series Motor Frankin motor exterior constructed of sleinless steel.Motor filled with deion coed water and props gfyWI for constant lubrication.HenneOcaly, sealed motor housing ensures moisture-free windings.All thrust absorbed by Kingsbury-type thrust bearing.Hated for continuous duty.Single- phase motors are equipped with surge arrestors for added security.Single phase motors though 15 hp 0.11 kwe have call thermal over- Idea pmti which tops at 203-221'F(95-1054 Q. Using a Pump Curve A pump curve helps you determine the best pump for your s)stem.Pump curves show the relationship between flow and pressure(total Dynamic head or`TDi providing a graphical represenlz0on of a pump's optimal performance range.Pumps perform best at their nominal flow rate.These graphs show optimal pump operation ranges with a solid line and show flow rates outside of these ranges with a dashed line.For the most accurate pump specification,use Orerni PumpSelect'software. Pump Curves 500 __._ Pli Soria,60 Nor,0.5.1S hp '- I -- PRO Soria,SO Nr,0.5-1S M1p 400 '.i —__. _ 350 p adi _ -- -350 _ - C 300 2 300 — l = PF20fit _ p 1F1p0 r j..- 250 _ _ a 250 PF1005 s 260 200 150 IOD c 100 i _h Y— .. —r...... I—j r 5g .- 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Flow in gallons per minute(g / Flow in gallons per minute(gpm) APPROVED JUL 2 9 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET NTo.N-PF.1 1^�arreea,Sy(lst�ee° 1^ 'Rro-348-9843•at ml-4a9i 9•www.arenco.c9m Rev.10001/71 Pa9¢3or4 Grenco Technicai Data sheet Universal Flow Inducer Applications General Orenco's Universal Flow Inducer houses any Orenco high-head efflu- To specify this product,require the following: ent pump in applications where tilballon Is not necessary.The base • Class 125 4-in.(nominal)PVC pipe body rests on the bottom of the tank,and the mounting flange is epoxied to a PVC riser The flow inducer can be lengthened or shortened to fit • Injection-molded ABS mounting flange any tank.The tee,which holds the mounting flange and float assembly • Injection-molded holster for float tree bracket.slides to any po dbon along the film inducer.A float assembly • Ability to accommodate flows as great as 65 gpm(4.1 Usec) (ordered separately)snaps into the bracket.Applications include: • Pump tanks Standard Model • Disinfection systems UFI-4 • Effluent euSe systems • Cisterns Materials of Construction Flovi inducer Class'125 PVC Mounting flange, Injection-moleed ASS Base Fiberglass-reinforced polyesler Specifications Sliding tee Dimensions Mounting flange Float assembly Flow inouter diameter 4"nominal (fins 3-in.pipe) bracket Height 72"(1828 Morn (can be lengthened or shortened) Shipping weight 13lb(5.9 k9) Float assembry(ordered Separately) Mounting bracket epoxied 6-F Discharge assembly to PVC riser APPROVED 4-in,flow inducer JUL 29 2Q21 —Float assembly MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET i 1 3/8-in.(35-mm) High-head inlet holes pump Fiberglass base avraraursalAtSv m ma�erep�n raux.ueu+e»s msdma rwwurm tv 'xer ro av•Morn eon+vnu� xm un-t Orenw Syseema•Inc.,el4AinvaY Ave.,BuMalin,089'l479 USA•BeeJAB-A9A3•`.r61-0.59-W9•www.ar¢�o.wm Per.2 Pagel 0n �^44 PoAa 1 on ,lye to O��`F PresTule Disbibution SYSTEM —ReoOnunaded SMndmde and Guidance ETPoedw Dale.July 1,2007 SECURED LJO WITH GAS TIGHT SEAL 2e•DIAMETER \ . . `/ ACCESS RI6ER 1 To PUMP MIISIIGRADE' FIAMSMISIAT APPROVED EFFLUENT FILTER SMDWEM SEP7ICCALITANK E$Qr- EE==LID VRTH GAS nGHT SEAL TIREADEDUNION n nl\n"S u-DIAYETER V ACCESS RIS R SERVICE VALVE' FINM GRADE �— — r—.TODRAQFIELD FROM SERIC _—.—.. TMKI EMMMSENCV STORAGE ANTI SIPHON VALVE.- ' NIGH WATER AVOW LEVEL -.SN1EPBmEBT WORKING VOLUME FLOAT I " NORMAL TOM OFF IEVEI FOIL FLOAT MOUNTING ENCLOSED PUMP — _ CHECK VALVE• aEDWENTENRouD• _ _ APPROV D LW - � JUL 29 2024 RmWENT6 k='tnr.0 ` eENTn U"L ..------ PUMP MASON COUNTY E RET LAMER AII 15� � PUMP CH@EH gYPICALI I Septic Tanks must meet standards required by WAC chapter 246-2�72C and FIGURE2 rrlannf eL must be on Dept of Health list of registered sewage tanks. .tee 7 6 � c all � z 0 U N g > N E N E a co U3ll �1 0- k i I II I . o fJ m cn =jy APPROVED J •? C .7 JUL 29 2024 MASON COUNTY ENY1RONMENTAL HEALTH x m € RET SKVSO - Submersible Sewage Ejector Pump iiiiiiiiiiiiamsERiiiiiiiiii ® oonn000snoououuu�o�� mmass i iii�®iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii���oiiiooiiiiiiiiiiiGGii•�ii Emmaus iiiiii�iaiiiii��ii �a ,N COUNTY EWIRONYENT4L NPT { � i avie t Septic Dc3iym, Ac. ; INSTALLATION& MAINTENANCE Pressure Distribution Systems ...... �py3�OHNSON 1. Install Laterals with contour of the ground. winrs .p 2. Install trench bottoms level. 3. Install locator tape or rebar at each end of all drainfield laterals. 4. Install observation ports as indicated on the plot plan. One required at distal end of each lateral in drainfield with bottom extending to the drainrock/native soil interface. Glue "T"to bottom so Observation Port cannot be easily removed from ground. Install removable cap on top of port at final grade level. 5. Install drainfield during dry weather and soil conditions;any soil smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 6. Install threaded clean-outs at the end of all laterals(cap must extend to within six inches of finished grade and be marked with locator tape or rebar). 7. Install audio/visual high water level alarm. 8. Install 1/8"mesh non-corrosive pump screen(min. 12 sq. ft. surface area,not to interfere with controls or floats.) Or pump screen may be substituted with Bio-Tube in septic tank and block under pump. Pull bio-tube every 6-12 months and flush back into tank. 9. Install anti-siphon valve above pump in pump chamber to prevent the pump chamber from siphoning into the drainfield. 10. Install check valve in pump outlet line to prevent system from draining back into the pump chamber. 11. Tee to Tee construction between laterals and manifold with orifices oriented at 6 o'clock. Install laterals to the manifold with the orifices at 12 o'clock,(do not glue),after pressure test and Environmental Health Dept. approval,turn orifices down(6 o'clock)and glue laterals to manifold. Orifice shields may be used with orifices in the 12 o'clock position in lieu of turning the orifices down to the 6 o'clock position. 12. Filter fabric required over drain rock prior to back filling. If the drain rock extends above natural grade,run the filter fabric at least 2 inches down the trench wall. 13.Encase all water lines within 10' of drainfield and under any driveway/parking areas. 14. Divert all storm water runoff away from on-site sewage system. 15.No curtain drains allowed within 10' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down-slope edge of the drainfield and reserve area. 16.Have the septic tank and pump chamber pumped or inspected every 3 years minimum. 17.No vehicular traffic over drainfield area. 18. Inspect floats, clean filters, and test high water level alarm every 6-12 months as needed. 19. All materials and workmanship must meet County and State regulations. 20. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Environmental Health Department will make this design null and void. 21.All manhole lids and access,sampling or inspection ports must have locking covers and be located at ground level. 22.All pressure systems with a pump chamber outlet higher than the drainfield must have an anti-siphon valve or a 1/8"hole drilled in the discharge pipe above the pump to prevent siphoning.Ensure anti-siphon hole sprays down/away from emn . 23. All transport lines under driveways or parking areas must be, vv E�tu g. 24. Homeowner is responsible for all property lines and easements. JUL 2 9 2024 l� OFI MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET