HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2019-00076 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 10/15/2019 0600 PLANNING -RECETVE Oct 15 2019 815 W.Alder Street GEOLOGIC ASSESSMENT PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY BELFAIR WA 98528 MASON COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: 123091100030 CLIENT: Daniel Fatt 3981 Ne Old Belfair Hwy Belfair WA 98528 BY: N.L. OLSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2453 BETHEL AVE. SE PORT ORCHARD, WA 98366 (360) 876-2284 JOB NO. 10802-19 of �"A s•,�� �'.j, •yJTcPO 4 kf�3p359 S. 7S July 2019 P.O. Box 637. 2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone 1(800) 755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 SERVER,Uscrs•,.Iohr•son•profec;foh:er,Pv.%p?o•Fok,er 10822 tar.masor rnufNly Qed report FATT dx N.L. OLSON & ASSOCIATES INC. 'Engineering, Planning and Surveying July 12. 2019 Project Number: 10802-19 Attn: Daniel Fatt 3981 Ne Old Belfair Hwy Belfair WA 98528 Subject: Geologic Assessment Proposed Single Family Residence 3981 Ne Old Belfair Hwy Belfair WA 98528 Mason County Parcel Number: 123091100030 Mr. Fatt. This report presents the results of our geologic assessment for the referenced property. in the following, we present our findings and conclusion. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If we can be of further assistance or if you have any questions regarding this project. please contact our office. Sincerely. Wesley R.,Johnson, P.E. GeotechnCcal Division Manager P.O. Box 637. 2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard. Washington 98366 Phone. 1(800) 755-1282 Fax. (360) 876-1487 SERVER User face,PraleC F_'nor 108132 fe::^'asa, 0,;Wy gc:!r•.;}on F AT T d.u: TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................I SITELOCATION .........................................................................................................................1 SITECONDITIONS......................................................................................................................1 PROPOSEDDEVELOPMENT........................................................................................................1 SLOPERECONNAISSANCE..........................................................................................................2 SiteSoil Conditions..................................................................................................................2 GroundWater Level..................................................................................................................2 SurfaceSeepage.......................................................................................................................3 AVAILABLE GEOLOGIC AND SOILS INFORMATION..........................................................................3 WildcatLake Geologic Map.....................................................................................................3 HISTORICAL LANDSLIDE RESEARCH............................................................................................3 UPSLOPE GEOMORPHOLOGY.....................................................................................................4 UPLAND WATER BODIES AND WETLANDS ...................................................................................4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMONDATIONS...........................................................................4 PROPOSED BUILDING PLACEMENT.............................................................................................5 SURFACEWATER......................................................................................................................5 EROSIONCONTROL...................................................................................................................5 REPORTLIMITATIONS.............................................................................................................5 FIGURES VICINITYMAP............................................................................................................. FIGURE 1 SITESKETCH............................................................................................................. FIGURE 2 CROSSSECTION A-A................................................................................................ FIGURE 3 GEOLOGICMAPPING................................................................................................FIGURE 4 SLOPE STABILITY MAPPING.................................................................................... FIGURE 5 UPLAND WATER BODIES AND WETLAND INVENTORY......................................... FIGURE 6 APPENDIX A........................................................ MASON COUNTY SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST P.O. Box 637.2453 Bethel Avenue• Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800)755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 USERVERUserslwjohnsonlprojed tolderTrood Foldef\10802 tadUmson county geo report FATT.doc GEOLOGIC ASSESSMENT PROPOSED GARAGE 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY BELFAIR WA 98528 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our slope assessment for the referenced project. The assessment was done per Mason County Department of Community Development Submittal Checklist, 8.52.140 (2) (E) Category d Geological Assessment format, dated April 16, 2018. N.L. Olson has included the Mason County's geologic assessment checklist in Appendix A of this report. SITE LOCATION The property is located by the address of 3981 Northeast Old Belfair Highway, Belfair WA and by Section 9, Township 23 north, Range 1 west, in Mason County, Washington. The vanity Map illustrating the location of the property is shown on Figure 1. SITE CONDITIONS The property is rectangular in shape and 4.4 acres in size. To the north and west, the area has undeveloped land, and development has occurred to the east and south with single family residences. N_L. Olson observed the site has been developed with an access drive, single family residence, outbuildings, septic tank, septic drain field, and water well. Access to the property is provided from Northeast Old Belfair Highway via an existing gravel access drive. In -the area of the proposed garage location, the area has been previously graded with an L- shaped wall located along the south side of the subject property. N.L. Olson illustrated the subject property with previous site improvements as shown on the Site Sketch, Figure 2. The proposed building will overlook a drainage swale to the north that has a slope descending southward with gradients in the range of about 20 to 25 percent. For the access drive and parking areas, the area between the proposed building and existing residence has a typical gradient in the range of plus or minus 5 percent and has been graveled. Further discussion of the slopes comprising the property predominantly to the south has been discussed in the slope reconnaissance section of this report. The slope was vegetated predominantly with second growth douglas fir, cedar and a scattering of large leaf maple, and alder along the drainage swale that bounds the south side of the subject property. The area has been cleared in the area of existing site i1provements. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT As presently conceived, a building has been proposed to be situated south of an existing residence. The proposed building pad area has been previously graded level. The client has informed N.L. Olson that the proposed structure will be two (2) stories and of post and pole construction with a building footprint of about 865 square feet (so. The lower level will be for a P.O. Box 637.2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800) 755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 11SERVER\Userslwjohnsonlproject folderlProject Folder\10802 fatttmason county geo report FATT.doc Project Number: 10802-19 July 12,2019 Page No. 2 three (3) bay garage with slab on grade and the upper level may implement an ADU. The client has also indicated that the gravel drive area located between the proposed structure and existing buildings may be paved. Utilizing Mason County Lidar data, the proposed structure's finish floor will be roughly elevation el 215. N.L. Olson illustrated the subject property proposed garage location as shown on the Site Sketch, Figure 2. SLOPE RECONNAISSANCE As part of our visual assessment performed on July 9, 2019, the slope area located near the proposed building area to the south was examined for indications of slope instability. Indications of slope instability include head scarps, hummocky terrain, inconsistent patterns of vegetation, tension cracks, seepage zones and coarse grain material overlaying silt and clay soils. During our reconnaissance, N.L. Olson observed that the proposed building pad area has been previously leveled with a retaining wall located near the crest of a slope that overlook a drainage swale to the south. The wall is tallest near the south east comer and decreased in height to about two feet in height towards the north and west ends of the wall alignment. At the time of our site visit, the wall height did not exceed four (4) feet. From the building pad area, N.L. Olson observed the slope descended southward terminating along the drainage Swale with gradients of about 20 to 25 percent with a vertical height 20 feet as measured above the stream bank to the proposed building's finish floor elevation. The stream located at the base of swale was about el 178. N.L. Olson has provided a surface profile of the proposed building area and underlying drainage swale as shown on Cross Section A-A, Figure 3. NLO has observed an area within 300 feet of the proposed garage for any indications of slope instability as part of this assessment. At the time of our site visit, a drainage swale was observed south of the building pad. The slope that descended southward from the proposed building area exhibited no indications of past slope instability or erosion. At the time of our visit, no springs or surface seepage was observed along the slope descending to the drainage swale and the slope area appeared stable. Site Soil Conditions During our evaluation of the site soils, a light brown sandy silt with clay and gravel was observed along the slope. The soil consistency was stiff at roughly four feet below current site grades along the slope. A very stiff to hard soil condition was encountered at about four (4) feet below steam bed level along the drainage swale south of the proposed building. The very stiff to hard soil conditions were roughly 30 feet below the proposed finish floor of the building. Ground Water Level Water well reports located around the perimeter the subject area indicated that the water bearing sand and gravels, actual ground water table, resided roughly 135 feet to 165 feet below the level of the proposed structure. P.O. Box 637.2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800) 755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 \1SERVER\UserslwphnsonVoject foideTlProjecf Fdder\10M2 fattVwson county geo report FATT.doc Project Number: 10802-19 July 12,2019 Page No 3 Surface Seepage During our site visit that occurred at the time of our reconnaissance, no surface seepage, or springs were observed along the proposed building areas or originating from the slope. AVAILABLE GEOLOGIC AND SOILS INFORMATION Wildcat Lake Geologic Map N.L. Olson has reviewed the "Geologic Map of the Wildcat Lake 7.5' Quadrangle, Kitsap and Mason Counties Washington by Peter J. Haeussler and Kenneth P. Clark, 2000", as part of our assessment. Wildcat Lake Geologic mapping has been shown on Figure 4. The site has been indicated to be underlain by glacial till, which has been discussed in the following. Glacial Till, Qvt, (late Pleistocene) the soil has been described as compact light to dark gray non-stratified diamict containing subangular to well-rounded casts, glacially transported and deposited. Clasts are commonly granitic and were derived from Canada. Commonly overlies advance outwash deposits (unit Qva) and bedrock on Green and Gold Mountains. Forms undulating surface, with sediment a few meters to about 20-m thick (Deeter, 1979). HISTORICAL LANDSLIDE RESEARCH In order to assess the slope stability of the general area and subject property, N.L. Olson has reviewed the following: • LHZ — Final Map — (A-1) - Landslide Inventory — Mason Watershed, Isabella Sarikhan and Timothy Walsh—May 2007. • LHZ— Final Map —(A-2)— Landforms and Hazard Ratings —Mason Watershed, Isabella Sarikhan and Timothy Walsh—May 2007. • The map of "Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington" by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, 1977. The information mention above is typically used as a guide by Mason County to indicate geologically hazardous areas. After our review of the above mentioned information itemized above, N.L. Olson has determined slope stability mapping as specified by Mason County does not exist for the subject area. However, NLO has reviewed the slope stability mapping as reviewed in the "Quaternary Geology and Stratigraphy of Kitsap County, Wild Cat Lake Quad", - Jerald Deeter 1979, which has classified the subject property to include the drainage swale to the south as intermediate slope. Intermediate slopes are generally steeper than 15 percent except where conditions such as weaker material and/or abundant groundwater exist. Identified areas include slopes of sand and gravel, till, or thin soils over bedrock that has no known failures. The nomenclature utilized for Deeter for slope stability mapping is similar to the slope stability classifications as utilized in the Coastal Zone Atlas. Deeter's slope stability mapping for the general area has been shown on Figure 5. P.O. Box 637.2453 Bethel Avenue• Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800) 755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 \\SERVEMUserslwjohnsoMpro0ct tolderV�rciect Folder\10802 tatt\mason county geo report FATT.doc Project Number: 10802-19 July 12,2019 Page No.4 UPSLOPE GEOMORPHOLOGY According to Eric J. Schuster's, "Geologic Map of Washington State, the site and its surrounding geologic makeup was classified as Pleistocene Continental Glacial Drift (QQd). This includes the sediments as mentioned by the WDGER above. The geomorphology of this area shows signs of glacial scouring in generally a northeast-southwest direction. These trending ridges and valleys were carved by the retreat of glacial ice in the Pleistocene (approximately 10,000 to 12,000 years ago to the end of the Epoch). UPLAND WATER BODIES AND WETLANDS N.L. Olson has reviewed U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, USFWS, National Wetlands Inventory. The general area for wetlands and upland water bodies near the subject property and have identified the following: • A stream located roughly 300 to the east elevation EL 205 that is separated by ridgeline upslope and north of the existing residence located on the subject property. • Wetland areas located 0.5 mile separated by Northeast Old Belfair Highway with to the north east elevation EL 150 Given the horizontal distance, relatively small surface area of the proposed structure, surface flow hindrances such as existing road alignments and elevation differences, N.L. Olson does not foresee negative impact such as slope instability, erosion or migration of sediment laden surface runoff from the proposed garage into the wetlands or upland water bodies especially after paving operations have been completed for the subject property. The upland water bodies and wetland mapping has been provided on Figure 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMONDATIONS Following our review of Mason County Resource Ordinance, Ordinance 8.52.140, geologic hazard areas, dated April 16, 2018, we conclude large scale sliding or deep-seated rotational failures resulting from the proposed garage appears unlikely given the gradual sloping nature of slope comprising the drainage swale to the south. During our slope reconnaissance, N.L. Olson observed that the overall global stability of the property under the present site conditions appears good. In our opinion, the area of proposed garage is not located within three hundred feet of any known landslide hazard area and an additional geotechnical engineering report will not be necessary in regards to the proposed development. N.L. Olson based our opinion on the site's overall stability with the slopes having gradients in the range of 20 percent to 25 percent and the actual building area not occurring on the slope but set back to the north of this slope area. N.L. Olson observed that the underlying slope was comprised of a stiff sandy silt with clay and trace gravel roughly four feet below current site grades with the material becoming very stiff to hard roughly 30 feet below the level of the garages finish floor. P.O. Box 637. 2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800) 755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 11SERVERIUsers%wjohnsonlproject toldertProject FolderM802 fatrVnason county,geo report FATT.doc Project Number: 10802-19 July 12,2019 Page No. 5 Note: Water well logs in the area indicated that the sandy silt with clay and trace gravel will extend from near surface to 135 feet to 165 feet below the proposed building area. The water well log reports did not indicate the relative density of the soil. PROPOSED BUILDING PLACEMENT Based on our review of the site soil conditions, the proposed building may be constructed as proposed. Support for the proposed single family residence can be provided with post and pole construction. Per the plan, we understand the pole embedment portion will be extended about six (6) or more feet below current site grades. In our opinion, the new building can be placed as shown on the Site Sketch as illustrated on Figure 2. SURFACE WATER The free flow of "uncontrolled surface runoff' towards or over slopes is to be avoided due to slope stability and erosion concerns. Additionally, all runoff from proposed roofs and paved driveways or other hard impervious surfaced areas should be intercepted, collected and disposed away from structures and slopes, and discharged where storm runoff will not impact down slope structures, walls, or adjacent properties. The client has informed N.L. Olson that surface runoff from the proposed building or existing development will not be directed along the drainage swale south of the proposed building area. The surface runoff will be directed to the east in the same manner as their previous development. In our opinion, the contribution from the roof top runoff from this 865 sf proposed building will be minimal when compared to the existing conditions, which was either graded with graveled or compact soil surface. EROSION CONTROL In areas that soil is exposed during construction activities, N.L. Olson recommends these areas can be covered with a minimum of 3 to 4 inches of straw. These areas should also be seeded with grass or mulched and landscaped. Silt fencing and other erosion control devices may be required to control water runoff and sediment transport off the site to the south and east if construction should occur during the winter. REPORT LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the client regarding the subject project. Information presented in this report has been collected and interpreted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions, and in accordance with sound and generally accepted principles consistent with normal consulting practice. No other warranty, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular use has been made. In the event that change in the nature, design, or location of the proposed construction is made, or any physical changes to the site occur, recommendations are not be considered valid unless P.O. Box 637.2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800) 755-1282 F2x: (360) 876-1487 MERVERWserslwjohnsonlproject folder4Project FotderM802 fanmason county geo report FATT.doc Project Number. 10802-19 July 12,2019 Page No.6 the changes are reviewed by N.L. Olson and conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing. Any site involving sloping terrain has inherent risk of earth movement. As a result, the CLIENT agrees to accept full responsibility for all risks associated with steep slopes. The CLIENT acknowledges that this risk cannot be completely eliminated and that engineering and geologic analysis is intended to reduce the inherent risk associated with slopes. No amount of geotechnical engineering and geologic analysis can provide a guarantee of stable slopes. Geotechnical engineering and geologic analyses are based heavily on subjective interpretation, professional judgment, and opinion regarding the physical conditions at a specific site. Subsurface conditions are only documented at those points where samples were taken and interpolation and extrapolation is necessary between and around sample locations. Conditions can vary between samples and can change over time due to natural processes and/or human activity. Analyses and recommendations provided in this report are based in part upon the data obtained from the subsurface explorations. P.O. Box 637. 2453 Bethel Avenue • Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800) 755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 11SERVER1Userslwyohnson`,project foldeAProject Fo4deri10802 faMmson county geo report FATT.doc r �I KITSAP I - - � SITEi4ii I s .°•.Ai• y f i r� ork i}FPf B�•_ff�ftc°n .�� Fla 1 BREMERTON NATIONAL { AIRPORT Figure 1 A N.L.Olson&Associates,Inc. VICINITY MAP ATTN: SCALE 1'=1.0701 J Engineering,Planning and Surveying STABILITY MAPPING DANIEL FAIT DATE, .wLr2v,v 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY °RAWNG WJMBM f 360) 876 z74 BELFAIR WA 98528 BELFAIR WA 98528 10802-19 2453 Bethel A�,P.O.Bo:637,Port Omhord,WA 88366 PARCEL NUMBER: 123091100030 , , SUBJECT PROPERTY OUTBUILDING (EXISTING) GRAVEL SFR OU'i'BUILDINGS DRIVE (EXI TING) (EXISTING) AREA (EXISTING) TOPOGRAPHY D PROPERTY LINES �15 N ADAPTED FROM FROM MASON COUNTY IDAR, GIS,AND AERIAL PHOTOS INFORMATION. ALL s PROVIDED MEASUREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. THE SITE SKETCH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ACCURATE ONLY TO THE DEGREE IMPLIED AND bop o PROPOSE WALL METHODS USED. GARAGE EXISTING SEPTIC - A- 210 �►/ Zp5 �SEE �BJECT AREA �g5 NOTE STREAM �80 THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 15 SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHIAI.1 DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING'WOPK HE AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. CALL 48 HOURS -- BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-811 DIG FIGURE 2 REVISIONS m wre y ..e.eel:fXAla ,L SITE SKETCH IATe AAYNwI, o. nArz ev wecnvnav nneXMe I1 a ATTN: LiJ N.L.Olaon&Auocieles,Inc. 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWi' IAAwwa ER: nIUwH Daniel Fan oaa�I Englneerieq,Mannlnq nna s�,a nq BELFAIR WA 98528 3981 N.ad B.Ralr Hwy 10802-19 AnHmwn e.,.,vu,e,r en,N,i ft—w N1. PARCEL NUMBER:123091100030 Wale WA 98528 A. i! naET fs 270 ._..._ __ —_._.........__.....�_._�-._..—._.......—..— _.... _— -... 270 260 -- - - 260 250 250 240.____._.._ _.._---.._.--- PR IP_OSED-BUILDING _.____ 240 230 230 FILL LO K&LOAD WALL PROFILE 220 FF•216 220 STREAM 210 BANIE- 210 /,' 190 / 190 SIT EAM 180 170 � .X•. . : 170 F................-..........._......................_-__---_--_-----.-..-_-- ---------_.--_-_-_-_----- —— - - 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 CROSS SECTION A A VERY STIFF TO HARD SOIL CONDITION ROUGHLY SCALE 1"30' � �LOOKING EAST 4 FOUR FEET BELOW LEVEL OF STREAM EL 175 NOTE THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IS TOPOGRAPHY AND PROPERTY LINES WERE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GET THE EXACT ADAPTED FROM FROM MASON COUNTY LIDAR, UTILITIES BEFOREECOMME COMMENCING WORK O HE AGREES N OF ALL E XI ING BE GIB,AND AERIAL PHOTOS INFORMATION. ALL FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH BE OCCASIONED LOCATE PROVIDED MEASUREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS AND MIGHT PRES PRESERVE ANY ANDHIS ALL VNOEROROVNOFAILURE TOTLUTILITIES. ARE TO BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE. THE CALL 48 HOURS SITE SKETCH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BEFORE YOU DIG ACCURATE ONLY TO THE DEGREE IMPLIED AND 1-800-611 DIG METHODS USED. FIGURE ICLLE: P•]P RevlslaNs a< ..' CROSS SECTION A-A n,�nror w oEum a •r�T�N.L.ObOn$Aeaciatee Inc. a ATrn: n.E A LY,A,o q y q a d s� 0,I 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY 3981 o Old BelfelrHwy 10802-19 n r1+us�..,., lava,w w.fN PARCEL NUMBER:123091100030 Belfair WA 98528 EKer a I ; — F. } �Ir•r - {r*ri F' ;#ts -.:`- }!I — —.— — — — — — — —. — — �L ,1'E' — — — — — — — — .— — — — 41'. -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- — — — — — — — — — - , r t —.— — — _. .-. — — — fr - - - — — — — — — —• — — —. I l — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -_--� GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE WILDCAT LAKE 7.5'QUADRANGLE, KITSAP AND MASON COUNTIES WASHINGTON BY PETER J. HAEUSSLER AND KENNETH P. CLARK,2000 Figure 4 ,► N.L.OIsonBAssociates,lnc. USGS MAPPING ATTN_ SCALE—: '' 1.0V L=J Engineering,Planning and Surveying 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY DANIEL FATT DAM �Yr"' BELFAIR BE FAIR 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY °RA"41C NUMM BELFAIR WA 98528 10802-19 PARCEL NUMBER: 123091100030 i 8.;-t :,rr,f".3.. =c-t<>c:•r.''rF i87sc ! 1 � .�. r p vc �// _ - r be R. INTERMEDIATE /" 8 STABILITY /�� •W �i N • �s M� ,� ,011 tQFlFA1R) : AWL FAIN 4.2 hit. 47'30" 1*701YHE 26 "1. TOU3.101 "Quaternary Geology and Stratigraphy of Kitsap County, Wild Cat Lake Quad", -Jerald Deeter 1979, Figure 5 N.L.Olson&Associates,Inc. SLOPE STABILITY MAPPING ATTN scALF, f=i.00a• L!AJ Engineering.Planning and Surveying 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HM DANIEL FAIT DATE .:ULY-�14 BELFAIR WA 98528 3981 NE OLD 8ELFAIR HVVN °RAV04C M49M PARCEL NUMBER: 123091100030 BELFAIR WA 98528 10802-19 SKET 1 OF1 WETLAND (typical) WETLAND (typical) IDENTIFIED STREAM (typical) HIGH POINT WATER BODY EXISTS.BETWEEN 1 25' PROPOSED BUILDING &STREAM WATER BODY SCALE" 1• 1000• U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, USFWS, National Wetlands Inventory, Figure 6 N.L.Olson&Associates,Inc. UPLANDS WATER BODY ATrN: SCALE: j••''°n0' L=J Engineering,Planning and Surveying AND WETLANDS INVENTORY DANIEL FATE DATE sULY2019 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY oaAMNC NUMBER BELFAIR WA 98528 BELFAIR WA 98528 10802-19 S7 ''" "' `p'�' PARCEL NUMBER: 123091100030 -rr I OF , Project No.ACL05-04-G033 March 11,2005 Page No.3 APPENDIX A MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST P.O. Box 637.2453 Bethel Avenue• Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone: 1(800)755-1282 Fax: (360) 876-1487 %%SERVER1Usersbyohnson%prWct fokWV1roject FoWerklDW2 fatfWason county goo report FATT.doc MASON COUNTY Submittal Checklist COMMUNITY SERVICES St"nq,Kmvn ing.Environme nnntal Hwlth,Co ty Heatlh Geological Assessment Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geological Assessment and completed,signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geological Assessment for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. if an item is found not applicable,the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Note:Unless specifically documented, this report does not provide compliance to the International Residential Code Sections R403.1.7 forfoundations on or adjacent to slopes, Section R403.1.8 for expansive soils or section 1808.7.1 of the International Building Code Section for Foundations on or adjacent to slopes. Applicant/Owner DANIEL FATT Parcel# 123091100030 Site Address 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY BELFAIR, WA 98528 (1) A discussion of geologic conditions in the general vicinity of the proposed development,with geologic unit designation based on referenced maps. Located on page(s) PG 3, 4 AND FIG 4 (2) (a)A discussion of the ground water conditions at the site, Located on page(s) PG 2, 3, & 5 (b) A discussion of the estimated depth to water, Located on page(s) PG 2, 3, &5 (c) A discussion of the quantity of surface seepage, Located on page(s) PG 3 & 5 (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology, Located on page(s) PG 4 (e) A discussion of location of upland waterbodies and wetlands. Located on page(s) _ PG 4 & FIG 6 (3) The approximate depth to hard or dense competent soil, e.g.glacial till or outwash sand. Located on.page(s) _ RC; ? 8 F I 3 (4) A discussion of any geomorphic expression of past slope instability(presence of hummocky ground or ground cracks,terraced topography indicative of landslide block movement, bowed or arched trees indicating downslope movement,etc.). Located on page(s) PG 2&4 ( NON NOTED) (5) A discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records. Located on page(s)_ PG 2 &3 FI G . (6) An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard area or its associated buffer or setback and the potential for landslide activity at the site in light of the proposed development. Located on page(s) PG 4 (7) A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the subject property. Rev.February 2018 Located on page(s) _ PG 4 (8) If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed development, then the following are delineated on a geologic map/site map: (a) the area of the proposed development, Located on Map(s) n/a (b) the boundaries of the landslide hazard area(top, both sides, and toe), Located on Map(s) n/a (c) the associated buffers (top, both sides, and toe), Located on Map(s) n/a (d) building or other setbacks(top, both sides, and toe). Located on Map(s) r)— (9) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site. Located on Map(s) FIG 2 I, WESLEY R. JOHNSON hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geological Assessment, dated July 23, 2019 and entitled GEOLOGIC ASSESSMENT, PROPOSED BUILDING, 3981 NE OLD BELFAIR HVJY, BELFAIR,VdA 98528 meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Geologically Hazardous Areas Section, is complete and true, that the assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. titiY R-JOy 3 S �0V was fey i Q�C3e 59��,� J�I�NAL (Signature and Stamp) Page 2 of 2 Disclaimer. Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geological Assessment.