HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHR2002-00016 Shoreline Development and Conditional Use Hearing - SHR Letters / Memos - 6/27/2002 MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Allan Borden Ext. 365 DEPARTMENT: Dept. of Community Development DATE: October 8, 2002 11:15 AM No. ITEM: Approval of SHR2002-00016 Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit for 38 room Hotel and 1,821 sq. ft. retail buildings and parking area at 18350 E State Route 3, Allyn. Planning Commission: recommendation of approval with eight conditions. Background: The applicant has proposed a 38 room hotel and 1,821 sq. ft. retail land use that is suitable for an Urban Growth Area and consistent with the needs of the Town of Allyn. A shoreline substantial development and conditional use permit must be reviewed with commercial and conditional use standards from the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. A 50-foot setback from the shoreline and landscaping in the buffer replaced with native vegetation have been proposed. Public comments are in support of the hotel and retail land uses, but some concerns of access to the state highway and county right-of-way were made. Staff recommends approval with eight conditions: 1) consistent with Shoreline Master Program standards; 2)proper height, setback site coverage, and parking needs; 3) implement native plant landscaping plan; 4)proper access permits from state highway and county right-of-ways; 5) secure review and approval by Dept. of Fish and Wildlife for shoreline vegetation alteration; 6)meet fire protection standards; 4) use debris and runoff control practices; and 5) submit stormwater plan meeting state standards and approvable to Mason County Public Works. Recommended Action: I make a motion to approve SHR2002-00016 Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit with the eight conditions of the staff report based upon consistency with Mason County Shoreline Master Program Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit standards. Attachments: Findings of Fact, Staff report, and Transmittal from Planning Advisory Commission public hearing; and full site/landscaping plans are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners. HAWP61\C0MPLAN\Lee SDP BCC Cover sheet.dot (ahb) October 8, 2002 TO: Mason County Board of Commissioners FROM: Planning staff- Allan Borden RE: Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit(SBR2002-00016) TRANSMITTAL On Monday September 16, 2002, the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission held a public hearing on this matter. Mason County Department of Community Development staff read the staff report on the proposal and the Mason County Shoreline Master Program review standards to evaluate the proposed land use. The architectural representative of the applicant, Tom Sheldon, further described the proposal and presented exhibits that showed the various views of the proposed structure in the shoreline area and from the state highway. Three persons from the Allyn Subarea Planning Group, Bonnie and Richard Knight and Richard Bell, also spoke to state the need for the proposed hotel and the support of the project from the community in general. Planning Advisory Commission members discussed various aspects of the proposal: access from the state highway from the west and from Evans Street from the south; availability of adequate water; the number of parking spaces being provided. Following their discussion, including questions to staff and the applicant's representative, a motion was made, amended, and approved that the Planning Advisory Commission recommends approval of the proposed Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit with the proposed seven conditions and their eighth condition on a stormwater management plan that is approvable to Mason County Department of Public Works; their vote was 4 aye, 1 nay, and 1 abstain. Staff report to Board of County Commissioners MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS October 8, 2002 FINDINGS OF FACT: SHR2002-00016 Kee Won and Myong Lee 38 room hotel 18350 E State Route 3, Allyn WA. 1. Under consideration is the construction of construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building (21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 st. ft. two story building (17 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building (residence above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. The shoreline designation of this portion of Case Inlet is Urban Commercial Shoreline Environment. 2. The proposed land use is guided by the Commercial policies and regulations in the Mason County Shoreline Master Program Chapter 17.16.040, and the criteria for Conditional Use Chapter 7.28.010. 3. Based upon the Shoreline Master Program, the use requires review as a Substantial Development Permit because the fair market value exceeds $5000 and the proposed new commercial use requires a Conditional Use Permit. 4. Three agency, one telephone, and no public written comments were received prior to the public hearing; three persons spoke in support of the proposal at the Planning Advisory Commission public hearing. 5. One telephone, one written, and three public comments were received on the day of the public hearing; the telephone and written comment had concerns about parking, road access, stormwater, and potable water; the three public comments at the public hearing supported the proposed hotel in the Town of Allyn. 6. Based upon the Shoreline Master Program policies and use regulations for commercial development, the review of the proposed hotel and retail areas examined uses along the shoreline; location, setbacks, aesthetics, and height of the development;water and waste facilities provided; and compatibility-with surrounding uses. 7. Based upon the Shoreline Master Program policies and use regulations for conditional uses, the proposed development was evaluated for consistency with the Shoreline Management Act, compatibility with other permitted uses, impacts to the environment and public use of the shoreline, and detrimental effects to the Public interest in the shoreline. FROM THE PRECEDING FACTS, this proposal is consistent with the Shoreline Management Act and with Mason County Shoreline Master Program Chapter 7.16.040 (Commercial Development) and Chapter 7.28.010 (Conditional Uses) standards. The Mason County Board of Commissioners approves Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional use Permit SBR2002-00016, subject to the following conditions: 1) The proposed project shall be consistent with all policies and provisions of the Shoreline Management Act, its rules, and the standards of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. 2) The applicant shall meet the standards of the Conditional Use Permit review, including proper setbacks, height standards, site coverage, and parking needs for the land uses proposed. 3) The applicant shall implement the proposed native plant landscaping plan in order to provide a re-established vegetation buffer along the saltwater frontage of Case Inlet and meet the intent of the Mason County Resource Ordinance fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas development standards. 4) The applicant shall provide proper ingress and egress for the proposed land use and secure the proper road traffic access permits from Washington Department of Transportation and Mason County Department of Public Works. 5) The applicant shall secure the review and approval by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Ecology of proposed vegetation removal of shoreline and/or wetland plants that will be done during site preparation and eventual replanting in the vegetation buffer. 6) The applicant shall meet the fire protection standards of Mason County in the construction and operation of a motel land use in the Allyn Urban Growth Area. 7) The applicant shall use best management practices to prevent debris and runoff from entering the waters of the State, both during and following construction. 8) The applicant shall submit to Mason County a stormwater plan designed to 2001 state stormwater management technical standards; that plan shall be stamped by an engineer and shall meet approval of the Mason County Department of Public Works. 9) The applicant shall contribute to the improvement of Evans Street equivalent to the cost of asphalt surface for one half of said roadway adjacent to the applicant's property, to be done concurrently with the county's improvement of the other half of said roadway. /o � 6..� Chai date (Department of Community Development recommendations, October 8, 2002) MASON COUNTY PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION September 16,2002 FINDINGS OF FACT: SHR2002-00016 Kee Won and Myong Lee 38 room hotel 18350 E State Route 3, Allyn WA. 1. Under consideration is the construction of construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building(21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 st. ft. two story building(17 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building(residence above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. The shoreline designation of this portion of Case Inlet is Urban Commercial Shoreline Environment. 2. The proposed land use is guided by the Commercial policies and regulations in the Mason County Shoreline Master Program Chapter 17.16.040, and the criteria for Conditional Use Chapter 7.28.010. 3. Based upon the Shoreline Master Program, the use requires review as a Substantial Development Permit because the fair market value exceeds $5000 and the proposed new commercial use requires a Conditional Use Permit. 4. Three agency, one telephone, and no public written comments were received prior to the public hearing; three persons spoke in support of the proposal at the public hearing. 5. Based upon the Shoreline Master Program policies and use regulations for commercial development, the review of the proposed hotel and retail areas examined uses along the shoreline; location, setbacks, aesthetics, and height of the development; water and waste facilities provided; and compatibility with surrounding uses. 6. Based upon the Shoreline Master Program policies and use regulations for conditional uses, the proposed development was evaluated for consistency with the Shoreline Management Act, compatibility with other permitted uses, impacts to the environment and public use of the shoreline, and detrimental effects to the Public interest in the shoreline. FROM THE PRECEDING FACTS, this proposal is consistent with the Shoreline Management Act and with Mason County Shoreline Master Program Chapter 7.16.040 (Commercial Development) and Chapter 7.28.010 (Conditional Uses) standards, subject to the following conditions: 1) The proposed project shall be consistent with all policies and provisions of the Shoreline Management Act, its rules, and the standards of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. 2) The applicant shall meet the standards of the Conditional Use Permit review, including proper setbacks, height standards, site coverage, and parking needs for the land uses proposed. 3) The applicant shall implement the proposed native plant landscaping plan in order to provide a re-established vegetation buffer along the saltwater frontage of Case Inlet and meet the intent of the Mason County Resource Ordinance fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas development standards. 4) The applicant shall provide proper ingress and egress for the proposed land use and secure the proper road traffic access permits from Washington Department of Transportation and Mason County Department of Public Works. 5) The applicant shall secure the review and approval by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Ecology of proposed vegetation removal of shoreline and/or wetland plants that will be done during site preparation and eventual replanting in the vegetation buffer. 6) The applicant shall meet the fire protection standards of Mason County in the construction and operation of a motel land use in the Allyn Urban Growth Area. 7) The applicant shall use best management practices to prevent debris and runoff from entering the waters of the State, both during and following construction. 8) The applicant shall submit to Mason County a stormwater plan designed to 2001 state stormwater management technical standards; that plan shall be stamped by an engineer and shall meet approval of the Mason County Department of Public Works. Chair date (Department of Community Development recommendations, September 19, 2002) MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Mason County Bldg. 1 411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Belfair (360) 275-4467 Elma (360) 482-5269 Seattle (206) 464-6968 October 8, 2002 TO: Mason County Board of Commissioners FROM: Planning staff- Allan Borden RE: Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit (SHR2002-00016) I. Summary. The applicant has proposed a 38 room hotel and 1,821 sq. ft. retail land use that is suitable for an Urban Growth Area and consistent with the needs of the Town of Allyn. With the proposed 50-foot setback and landscaping in the buffer replaced with native vegetation, the proposed use will not interfere with the public use of the shoreline and the boardwalk provides access to the shore through the hotel. The hotel is compatible with existing land uses along State Route 3. The proposed hotel and retail complements the existing port pier and waterfront park north of the subject property. No adverse impacts to the shoreline are anticipated. The public interest in the shoreline suffers no detrimental effect as shoreline access and shoreline views are part of the hotel and retail proposed land use. Staff recommendation is approval with eight conditions based upon consistency with Mason County Shoreline Master Program Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit standards. STAFF REPORT II. Applicant. Kee Won and Myong Lee, owner; Lloyd Baker GGLO, representative. III. Property Location. At 18350 E State Route 3, Allyn, WA.; tax parcel 12220-50- 05001; in R 1 W, T 22 N, Section 20,NE1/4. IV. Project Description. Shoreline Conditional Use Permit to construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building(21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 sq. ft. two story building (16 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building (lodging above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. Site plan is shown on Exhibit A page A10.02A. VI. Analysis. This permit requires a Substantial Development Permit, as the proposed construction is valued at $5,000 fair market valup, and a Conditional Use Permit, as the proposal is a non-water dependent commercial land use. Mason County Shoreline Staff report to Board of County Commissioners Master Program Chapter 7.16.040 (Commercial Development) and Chapter 7.24.010 (Conditional Uses) guides review of this proposal. Applicable Commercial Development Policies are: 1. Commercial development on shorelines should be encouraged to provide physical and/or visual access to the shoreline, and other opportunities for the public to enjoy the shoreline. 2. Multiple use concepts which include open space and recreation should be encouraged in commercial development. 3. Commercial development should be aesthetically compatible with the surrounding area. Structures should not significantly impact views from the upland properties,public roadways, or the water. 5.Commercial developments should be encouraged to locate inland from the shoreline area, unless they are dependent on a shoreline location. Commercial developments should be discouraged over water or in marshes,bogs, swamps, and wetlands. 6.New commercial development in shoreline areas should be encouraged to locate in those areas with existing commercial uses in a manner that will minimize sprawl and inefficient use of shoreline areas. 7. Parking facilities should be placed inland, away from the immediate water's edge and recreational beaches. 8. Commercial development should be designed and located to minimize impacts of noise and/or light generated by the development upon adjacent properties. Commercial developments which generate significant noise impacts should be discouraged. Applicable Commercial Development Use Regulations are: 2.Commercial development may be permitted in the shoreline area in the following descending order of priority: water-dependent,water-related,and water-oriented. 3. Parking and loading areas shall be located well away from the immediate water's edge and beaches,unless there is no other practical location for parking. Parking and landscaping plans shall be reviewed for compliance with all applicable county ordinances. 5. Water supply and waste facilities shall comply with the strictest established guidelines, standards, and regulations. 6.New commercial development shall be located adjacent to existing commercial developments whenever possible. 7.New or expanded structures shall not extend more than 35 feet in height above average grade level. 9. Commercial developments shall be located and designed to minimize noise impacts to adjacent properties. Staff report to Board of County Commissioners 2 Analysis: The proposed hotel and retail area buildings, and access boardwalk,provide a multiple use of the property while setting back the development so that a physical as well as visual access to the shoreline is still allowed. The land use is water-oriented as a great number of general public can enjoy the shoreline and can access the shoreline for waterfront activities, either by views from the buildings or by recreating in the shoreline buffer and beach areas. The development is located on a shoreline property with a currently wide-open view of North Bay Case Inlet. While the proposal is setback 50 feet from the Ordinary High Water Mark, and this setback area will be landscaped with native plant species, some view obstruction from the upland properties and public roads will take place compared to the present openness of the property. The property is located in the existing area of commercial development, with a restaurant to the south, real estate office to the north, and wood carving and espresso business to the west. Much of the parking is located adjacent to the state highway, and two accesses to the highway are proposed(a main central entrance and a north side entrance). Buffering from the residence to the north will be attained with a six-foot stockade fence, and buffers on other property lines will be provided with proposed landscaping. Buffering is shown on Exhibit A,page A10.03. The hotel buildings are proposed at the 25 foot height limit standard set forth in the Mason County Development Regulations. All activities in this multiple use proposal will be serviced by the North Bay sewer system. Water service to the property is proposed from either Washington Water or the Port of Allyn water systems. As part of the standards of Chapter 7.28.010, uses which are classified or set forth in the Master Program as conditional uses may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate all of the following: 1. "The proposed use will be consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58 and the policies of the Master Program." 2. "The proposed use will not interfere with the normal public use of the shoreline." 3. "The proposed use of the site and design of the project will be compatible with other permitted uses in the area." 4. "The proposed use will cause no unreasonable adverse effects to the shoreline environment in which it is located." 5. "That the Public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect." [The applicant has submitted responses which are attached to this staff report] Proiect evaluation with these criteria: The applicant has proposed a lodging land use that is suitable for an Urban Growth Area and consistent with the needs of the Town of Allyn, as noted by the Allyn Subarea Staff report to Board of County Commissioners 3 Planning Group. With the 50-foot setback, the proposed use will not interfere with the public use of the shoreline and the boardwalk accommodates access to the shore through the hotel. The hotel is compatible with the existing restaurant use to the south, commercial office to the north, and retail uses on the west side of State Route 3. The proposed hotel and retail complements the existing port pier and waterfront park located 400 feet to the north of the subject property. With the proposed 50 foot setback and landscaping in the buffer replaced with native vegetation, no adverse impacts to the shoreline are anticipated. The public interest in the shoreline suffers no detrimental effect as shoreline access and shoreline views are part of the hotel and retail proposed land use. VII. Evaluations. A. Characteristics of the site. The site is a fairly flat upland area that drops 6 to 8 feet from the State Route 3 area to the Ordinary High Water Mark at the shoreline. Past grading and temporary land uses have left the property largely unvegetated or in commercial parking use. An old hotel that was later converted to a nursing home existed on the property and was demolished many years ago. The well serving that past use is still located on the property. The existing septic system limited potential use of the property. B. Characteristics of the area. The subject property is within an existing area of commercial development, with a restaurant and few retail buildings to the south, a real estate office to the north, and wood carving and espresso business, fire station, and convenience store to the west across State Route 3. There are also residences to the north and south along the shoreline of North Bay, each of which are upland of bulkheads. C. Shoreline Designation. The shoreline designation of the site is Urban Commercial Shoreline Environment. D. Comprehensive Plan. The Mason County Comprehensive Plan designation for the project site is Allyn Urban Growth Area. Building height limit of 25 feet is being reviewed as part of this proposal. Maximum building size of 10,000 sq. ft. in Allyn is exceeded by proposed 17,975 sq. ft building and is subject to a special use permit review by Board of County Commissioners public hearing. VIII. SEPA Compliance. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on August 22, 2002 and three comments have been received. The Washington Department of Transportation provided comments on stormwater, access,noise attenuation, and signing (Exhibit B). The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife had comments on nearshore habitats adjacent to the Ordinary High Water Mark and the replacement of invasive plant species with native plant species (Exhibit Q. The Washington Department of Ecology had comments on the revegetation plan and signage for the public access boardwalk to the shoreline (Exhibit D). Staff report to Board of County Commissioners 4 IX. Conclusions. As designed, this proposal is consistent with the Shoreline Management Act and with Mason County Shoreline Master Program Chapter 7.16.040 (Commercial Development) and Chapter 7.24.010 (Conditional Uses) standards, subject to the following conditions: 1) The proposed project shall be consistent with all policies and provisions of the Shoreline Management Act, its rules, and the standards of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. 2) The applicant shall meet the standards of the Conditional Use Permit review, including proper setbacks, height standards, site coverage, and parking needs for the land uses proposed. 3) The applicant shall implement the proposed native plant landscaping plan in order to provide a re-established vegetation buffer along the saltwater frontage of Case Inlet and meet the intent of the Mason County Resource Ordinance fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas development standards. 4) The applicant shall provide proper ingress and egress for the proposed land use and secure the proper road traffic access permits from Washington Department of Transportation and Mason County Department of Public Works. 5) The applicant shall secure the review and approval by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Ecology of proposed vegetation removal of shoreline and/or wetland plants that will be done during site preparation and eventual replanting in the vegetation buffer. 6) The applicant shall meet the fire protection standards of Mason County in the construction and operation of a motel land use in the Allyn Urban Growth Area. 7) The applicant shall use best management practices to prevent debris and runoff from entering the waters of the State,both during and following construction. 8) The applicant shall submit to Mason County a stormwater plan designed to 2001 state stormwater management technical standards; that plan shall be stamped by an engineer and shall meet approval of the Mason County Department of Public Works. X. Choice of Actions 1. Approval of the permit request. 2. Denial of the permit request. 3. Conditional approval of the permit request. 4. Postpone for further information. Staff report to Board of County Commissioners 5 �PypN-CATFo� MASON COUNTY Mo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT >- S N U Planning Division a Y 0 P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 OJ �O 1864 (360)427-9670 Case No.: SHR2002-00016 SHORELINE PERMIT REQUEST Received: 6/27/2002 Type of Permit: Substantial Develogment/Conditional Use Applicant: MYONG LEE 7201 NE 152ND PL KENMORE, WA 98028 Location of Proiect: In Allyn on State Route 3 at Lakeland Drive along the waterfront. Within Case Inlet and/or its associated wetlands. The project will not be within shorelines of statewide significance. Shoreline Designation: Urban Parcel Number: 122205005001 Address: 18350 E STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN Legal Description: ALLYN BLK: 4 LOTS: 1-8 EX; BLK 5 LOTS 1-7 & S 20'8 & TAX 674 A-B & VAC BENNETT & Project Description: Shoreline Conditional Use Permit to construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building (21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 st. ft. two story building (16 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building (lodging above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. �P�oN cr'°TFo� MASON COUNTY OOUU N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY S N 0T DEVELOPMENT y Z Z 7 N n °~ Planning Division i864 P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 NOTIFICATION OF AN;ffss g PERMIT APPROVAL October It, 2002 MYONG LEE 7201 NE 152ND PL KENMORE WA 98028 Case No.: SHR2002-00016 Parcel No.: 122205005001 Proiect Description: Shoreline Conditional Use Permit to construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building (21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 st. ft. two story building (16 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building (lodging above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. Dear Applicant: Your Conditional Use/Substantial Development was approved at the county level. Shortly after the approval was granted, you received or will receive a letter from the Department of Ecology (DOE) indicating that a 60-day review period has been initiated. Upon completion of the review period, it is your responsibility to obtain any building permits needed. If you submitted a building permit prior to the granting of your Conditional Use/Substantial Development, please notify us so that we can pull your folder and circulate the building permit to the appropriate departments for their approval. Construction will not be authorized until completion of the review period or resolution of any appeals. A building permit is good for six months, with one six month extension possible if requested prior to termination of the initial six month period. With a Conditional Use/Substantial Development, construction must begin within two years of approval and be completed within five years from the date of approval. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. S'q rely, 14 Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning PypN'STArFo� MASON COUNTY o a° �, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT N X Planning Division N Y ii P O Box 279,Shelton,WA 98584 OJ 0Y (360)427-9670 186A Case No.: SHR2002-00016 SHORELINE PERMIT STATUS: ISSUED Received: 6/27/2002 Issued: 10/8/2002 Expires: 10/8/2007 Type of Permit: Substantial Develooment/Conditional Use Applicant: MYONG LEE 7201 NE 152ND PL KENMORE,WA 98028 Location of Project: In Allyn on State Route 3 at Lakeland Drive along the waterfront. Within Case Inlet and/or its associated wetlands. The projectwill not be within shorelines of statewide significance. Shoreline Designation: Urban Parcel Number. 122205005001 Address: 18350 E STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN Legal Description: ALLYN BLK: 4 LOTS: 1-8 EX; BLK 5 LOTS 1-7 & S 20'8 & TAX 674 A-B & VAC BENNETT & Project Description: Shoreline Conditional Use Permit to construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building (21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 St. ft. two story building (16 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building (lodging above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. This permit has been granted by Mason County persuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and nothing in this permit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other federal,state or local statutes,ordinances or regulations applicable to this project but not inconsistent with the Shoreline Management Act (Chapter90.58 RCW). This permit may be rescinded pursuant to RCW 90.58.140(7)in the event the permittee fails to comply with the terms and conditions hereof. CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BEGIN OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL THIRTY(30)DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FILING THE FINAL ORDER OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITH THE REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL,OR UNTIL ALL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS INITIATED WITHIN THIRTY(30)DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SUCH FILING HAVE TERMINATED. No permit authorizing construction shall extend for a term of more than five (5)years. If actual construction of a development for which a permit has been granted has not begun within two years after the approval of the permit by the Board of County Commissioners, the Board shall, at the expiration of the two-year period, review the permit, and upon a showing of good cause, extend the permit for one year. Otherwise, the permit terminates; provided that no permit shall be extended unless the applicant has requested such review and extension prior to the last regular meeting of the Board coming before the permit exipration date. Approved: ❑ Denied: ❑ �` - Authori d Local Government Official Date ----------------------------------------------- THIS SECTION FOR DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY USE ONLY IN REGARD TO A CONDITIONAL USE OR VARIANCE PERMIT. Approved: ❑ Date received by Department of Ecology: Denied: ❑ This permit is approved by the Department of Ecology pursuant to Chapter 90.58 RCW. Development shall be undertaken pursuant to the attached terms and conditions. Date Authorized Dept. of Ecology Official SHR2002-00016 2 of 2 10/8/2002 �f Conditions Associated With 4:35:56PM T I D E M A R K Case#: SHR2002-00016 COMPUTER SYSTEMS. INC. itle'''R qw, .$ Y. 1) 1 SPECIAL USE PERMIT 8/21/2002 AHB Applicant shall apply for Mason County Special Use Permit for the review of the 17,975 sq. ft.two story building,which exceeds the 10,000 sq. ft.maximum building size standard of the Mason County Development Regulations. The review shall determine whether a building of this size shall be permitted. 2) 1 SHORELINE PERMIT CONDITIONS 10/8/2002 AHB 1) The proposed project shall be consistent with all policies and provisions of the Shoreline Management Act, its rules,and the standards of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. 2) The applicant shall meet the standards of the Conditional Use Permit review,including proper setbacks, height standards,site coverage,and parking needs for the land uses proposed. 3) The applicant shall implement the proposed native plant landscaping plan in order to provide a re-established vegetation buffer along the saltwater frontage of Case Inlet and meet the intent of the Mason County Resource Ordinance fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas development standards. 4) The applicant shall provide proper ingress and egress for the proposed land use and secure the proper road traffic access permits from Washington Department of Transportation and Mason County Department of Public Works. 5) The applicant shall secure the review and approval by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Ecology of proposed vegetation removal of shoreline and/or wetland plants that will be done during site preparation and eventual replanting in the vegetation buffer. 6) The applicant shall meet the fire protection standards of Mason County in the construction and operation of a motel land use in the Allyn Urban Growth Area. 7) The applicant shall use best management practices to prevent debris and runoff from entering the waters of the State,both during and following construction. 8) The applicant shall submit to Mason County a stormwater plan designed to 2001 state stormwater management technical standards;that plan shall be stamped by an engineer and shall meet approval of the Mason County Department of Public Works. 9) The applicant shall contribute to the improvement of Evans Street equivalent to the cost of asphalt surface for one half of said roadway adjacent to the applicant's property,to be done concurrently with the county's improvement of the other half of said roadway. Page 1 of 1 CaseComhtwns..rpt ON-STATE MASON COUNTY o�y o o N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT N o Planning Division i� N Y o A P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 of 1864 `' (360)427-9670 SHR2002-00016 NOTICE OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that MYONG LEE, who is the owner of the described property, has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit for the development of: Substantial Develonment/Conditional Use Shoreline Conditional Use Permit to construct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft. two story building (21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft. retail area), a 9,729 st. ft. two story building (17 rooms), and a 1,498 sq. ft. two story building (residence above, 591 sq. ft. retail below). Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore. Parking for 38 vehicles provided on site adjacent to State Route 3 in Allyn, WA. Site Address: 18350 E STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN Parcel Number: 122205005001 Location of Project: In Allyn on State Route 3 at Lakeland Drive along the waterfront. Within: NE (quarter section) of Section: 20 Township: 22 N Range: 1 W, W.M. in , Mason County Washington. Said development is proposed within Case Inlet and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P O BOX 279 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest within 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 8/15/2002. Written comments must be received by 9/14/2002, Due to the proposed building of 17, 975 sq. ft. being greater than the 10,000 sq. ft. maximum building size for the Allyn Urban Growth Area, the applicant is also applying for a Special Use Permit. The public hearing for this permit request will be held on this same date in October 2002. A public hearing will be held on this permit request. Contact this office at(360)427-9670, ext. 365 for date and time of hearing. Planning Advisory Commission on Mon. Sept. 16, 2002 6:00 pm Board of County Commissioners on Tues. Oct. 8, 2002 1 1:00 am A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 8/14/2002 under WAC 197-11-340. Written comments regarding this determination must be received by 8/28/2002. SHR2002-00016 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Mason County Bldg.1 411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Belfair (360) 275-4467 Elma (360) 482-5269 Seattle (206) 464-6968 August 26, 2002 RE: NOTICE OF MASON COUNTY PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Myong Lee Construction of three buildings: 38 room hotel (27,704 sq. ft. total area), two retail buildings (1,821 sq. ft. total area) and upstairs lodging room above a portion of retail area (907 sq. ft. area) adjacent to Case Inlet. Parking for 38 vehicles, landscaping and stormwater treatment provided on property. Located at 18350 E State Route 3, in center of Allyn. Dear Applicant, Agent, Agency, or Concerned Citizen: The public meeting before the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission for a Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use request for Myong Lee (application for hotel and retail within shoreline management area) at the above location will be held on Monday evening, September 16, 2000 at 6:00 PM. This meeting will be held in the County Commissioners Chambers, Building I, 411 North Fifth St., Shelton, Washington. This shoreline permit proposal will also be reviewed in a public hearing before the Mason County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday October 8, 2002 at 11:15 AM at the same location as the above public hearing. A County Commissioner public hearing on a Special Use Permit to construct a building greater than 10,000 sq. ft. for the proposed 17, 975 sq. ft. main hotel building will be held at 11:00 AM, preceding the shoreline permit public hearing. Any written or oral comments are encouraged and accepted prior to or at the public hearings. Please find the notice of application and drawings attached. A copy of the staff report will be available upon request. Questions or requests can be directed to Allan Borden of the Department of Community Development (DCD) by phone at (360) 427-9670 or 275-4467, extension 365. (mail address is DCD, P.O. Box 578, Shelton WA 98584) Sincerely, Allan Borden Long Range Planner MASON _COUNTY DEPARTMENT Or COMMUNITY DEVELOPM Courthouse Annex P.O. Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670r�Ml( THE SHOR T iT`t p R�ifTT ADDT i("'ATint�r HEALTH S ERVOICES PERMIT NO. SHORELINE-' SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT SHORELINE VARIANCE DATE RECEIVED SHORELINE CONDITIONAL USE The Washington State Shoreline Management Act(RCW 90.58) requires that substantial developments within designated shorelines of the state comply with its administrative procedures (WAC 173-14) and the provisions of the Mason County Shoreline Management Master Program. The purpose of this Act and local program is to protect the state's shoreline resources. The program requires that substantial development(any development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds $2,500 or materially interferes with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the State) be reviewed with the goals, Policies, and performance standards established in the Master Program. Answer all questions completely. Attach any additional information that may further describe the proposed development. Incomplete applications ill be returned. APPLICANT: ADDRESS: 'y J (Street))' (City) (State) (Zip) TELEPHONE: (Home): 0 99 , AUTHORIZED (Business): �4y REPRESENTATIVE: I�O�� ADDRESS: (Street) TELEPHONE: (Home): 6Z�� (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DESCRIPTI N (Business):- ,Q�� 6 z3 --Lt6 Lt 6 General Location (include property address, water bodyand as ociated wedat ds--identify e name of the shoreline): p G 1 Ali r 7 Legal Description (include section, township, and range to the nearest quarter, quarter section or latitude and longitude to the nearest minute. Projects located in open water areas away from land shall provide a longitude location): Include all parcel numbers. s OWNERSHIP Applicant X'- Owner Lessee Purchaser Contract (Identify) Other Owner: (Street) (C'tY) (State) (Zip) (Revised 8/99) The Shoreline Permit Applicati- - Page 2 DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION Development (identify and describe the proposed project, includingthe construction methods, p inc pal dimensio h'Pe of materials to be used, , and other pertinent information): --------------- -------------- WMV �-1ylUC�7p Use (identify current use of property with existing improvements: Reason for requesting development: ------------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4informa6on t knowledge and belief, the foregoing information and all attached W�ative) J ate -- __---------------------------------------------- �14-W� TO BE COMPLETED BY —------OFFICIAL Identify and describe existing features of the site and surrounding area. I If proposed structures will exceed a height of 35 feet above the existing grade level, indicate the location of any.residential units,that will have an obstructed view. If a Conditional Use or Variance is requested, make reference to the appropriate section in the Master Program. , (Revised 1/95) The Shoreline Permit ApplIcati Page 3 LI C PERMIT NO, ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST Addresses are to be obtained from the Mason County Assessor's Office, Building I, Second Floor, ,r --------------- (Revised 1/95) '�P 7'41- 0 � MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building III, 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 279 Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone: (360) 427-9670 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SHORELINE CONDITIONAL USE The purpose of a Conditional Use Permit is to allow greater flexibility in varying the new application of the Use Regulations of the Master Program. Conditional Use Permits should also be granted in circurnstances where denial of the permit would result in a thwarting of the Policy RCW 90.58.020. In authorizing a Conditional Use, special conditionsspecial may be attached to the permit by local government or the Department of Ecology to prevent undesirable effects of the proposed use. Uses which are classified or set forth in the Master Program as conditional uses may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate all of the following: 1 . Show that the proposed use will be consistent with the policies of RCW 90 58 and he policies of the Master Program. 1 i L� 1 2. Show that the proposed use will not interfere with the normal public USE! of the shoreline. 1 1I I lt�li' Revised 8/94 3. Show that the proposed use of the site and design of the project will be compatible with other permitted uses within the area. U� iA I 4. Show that the proposed use will cause no unreasonable adverse effects to the shoreline environment in which it is to be located. LL YZI 5. Show that the public interest suffers no substan ial detrimental effect. �y Other uses which are not classified or set forth in the Master Program may be authorized as conditional uses provided that the applicant can demonstrate, in addition to the criteria set forth above, that extraordinary circumstances preclude reasonable use of the property in a mariner consistent with the Use Regulations of the Master Program. Uses which arE! specifically prohibited by the Master Program may not be authorized. In the granting of all Conditional Use Permits, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional requests for ;ikE act:Wis ;n the area. For example, if Conditional Use Permits were granted for other developments in the area where similar circumstances exist, the total of the conditional uses should remain consistent with the policies of the Master Program and should not produce substantial adverse effects to the shoreline environment. Revised 8/94 •�y'�-15 fee. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF MASON ) I, 6u,2C &I'lw do hereby certify that I posted 4/ copies of the attached Alc'66 .,12/,C z, —���a/ .,_� 2.,.�.�_ on _ �day of 20o,?- in public places as follows: one at Si�z on 1��%%rd VrIICgL}ion ./.rtG D�✓�ia�r fir k s r.�cc:L�) . J one at lr �„ L l � LIiilo.4e 5 �;h� u � /�,, �: 4"i'&l'u-'d 1� one at In witness witness whereof, the party has signed this Affidavit of Posting %Notice this ,P& ' day of , 20v y By Address: PV Z.t!�,27 u," 6KIA fS'-Sy r STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF MASON ) Subscribed and sworn to me this ,V4� _ day of 20 0 -7 BONNIE L CAP NOTARY PUBLIC ; N ary ub Ic f�t e S a of Washington 0 STATE OF WASHINGTON 0 Residingat My Commission Expires June 6,2006 0 Commission Expires -- —�� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division PO Box 279,Shelton,WA WW4 ( )427-9670 Affidavit of Publication NOTICE OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHR2002-"16 Notice is hereby given that MYONG LEE, F WASHINGTON, who is the owner of the described property,has TY OF MASON SS. filed an application for a Shoreline Manage- ment Permit for the development of: Substantial Development/Conditional Use Shoreline Conditional Use Permit to con- Julie G. Orme being first duly sworn struct 38 room hotel composed of a 17,975 sq. ft.two story building(21 rooms with 1,230 sq. ft.retail area),a 9,729 sq.ft.two story building )ses and says that she is the clerk (17 rooms),and a 1,498 sq.ft,two story build- ?LTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL,a weekly newspaper.That said news- ing(residence above,591 sq.ft.retail below). gal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months nrior to the Public access boardwalk from hotel to shore, iublication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continu- Parking for 38 vehicles.provided an site adja- veekly newspaper in SHELTON, Mason County,Washington, and it is now cent to State Route 3 in Allyn,WA. all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of Site Address: 18350 E STATE ROUTE 3 of said newspaper.That the said SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ALLYN )th day of August, 1941,approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court Parcel Number:122205005001 on County. Location of Project:In Allyn on State Route 3 at Lakeland Drive along the waterfront. Within:NE(quarter section)of Section:20 iexed is a true copy of a Notice of Shoreline Mgmt - Township:22 N Range:1 W,W.M. 3ermi t - Myong Lee in,Mason County Washington, Said development is proposed within Case Inlet and/or its associated wetlands.Any per- son desiring to express their view or to be noti- blished in regular issues(and not in supplement form)of said fied of the action taken on the application should notiSON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF )nce each week for a period of two COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT weeks,commencing on the P O BOX 279 SHELTON,WA 98584 day of August ,20 02 and ending on the in writing of their interest within 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to day of August 20 02 both dates inclusive, WAC 173-14-020.The final date of publication, i newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of the said posting,or mailing of notice is 8/15/2002. the full amount of the fee charged for the Written comments must be received by 9/142002• blication is the sum of$ ] 2 3 _ 2 E Due to the proposed building of 17,975 sq- ft. being greater than the 10,000 sq,ft. maxi- /l1 mum building size for the Allyn Urban Growth U Area the applicant is also applying for a Special Use Permit.The public hearing for this permit 15 th request will be held on this same date in Octo- nd swom to before me this_ day of ber 2002. A public hearing will be held on this permit crust ­20 02 request.Contact this office at(360)427-9670, ext,365 for date and time of hearing. 4 Q 1- _ Planning Advisory Commission on Mon. Notary I'u in and for the State of Washington Sept 16,2002 6:00 pm Board of County Commissioners an Tues, Residing at Shelton,Washington Oct 8,2002 11 00 am mission expires o2- 20 . A Determination of Nonsignificance was P issued on 8/14/2002 under WAC 197-11-34. Written comments regarding this determina- tion must be received by 8/28r"2. 8/8-15 2t MASON COUNTY DEVELOPI iT REGULATIONS May 5,2002 Publication cost is the responsibility of the applicant. Final permit processing will = occur until advertising fees have been paid to the newspaper by the applicant. The Shelton-Mason County Journal will bill the applicant directly. I/WE understand that I/WE must sign and date the attached acknowledgment indicating and that I/WE understand that is MY/OUR responsibility. I/WE must submit the signed page as part of application in order for it to be considered as complete. DATE 1 OWNER APPLICANT JOSEPH AND PAMELA BONINO TRS ET AL ALLYN PROPERTIES PATRICIA STROUT P.O. BOX 856 900 ISLAND DR., STE 401 ALLYN WA 98524 RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 ROBERT AND MARILYN ANDERSON KEE WON AND MYONG SOO LEE P.O. BOX 108 7201 NE 152ND PL. ALLYN WA 98524 BOTHELL WA 98011 THOMAS AND BERNICE NOL EN TRS RICHARD AND BER.NICE NIGH TRS P.O. BOX 1151 P.O. BOX 1066 ALLYN WA 98524 ALLYN WA 98524 CHARLES AND LUCILLE AMACHER ERNEST AND SHIRLEY MCGIBBON P.O. BOX 46 2828 S. FRONTENAC ST. ALLYN WA 98524 SEATTLE WA 98108 HARVEY COUSINS CAROL BROUWER 6200 GLENWOOD RD. SW 536 PERRY AVE. N. PORT ORCHARD WA 98367 PORT ORCHARD WA 98366 HUGH MIDDLETON RAINIER CONCEPTS LTD. P.O. BOX 396 P.O. BOX 131 BELFAIR WA 98528 ALLYN WA 98524 WSCO PETROLEUM FRANCES BOARDMAN FAMILY TRUST 2929 NW 29T" AVE. P.O. BOX 590 PORTLAND OR 97210 GRAPEVIEW WA 98546 JULIA MORRELL DELBERT AND BARBARA STORMO 2639 N. HARRISON AVE. P.O. BOX 73 FRESNO CA 93704 ALLYN WA 98424 ALLYNVIEW PARTNERSHIP DANIEL AND JANICE BUNTING P.O. BOX 345 P.O. BOX 152 ALLYN WA 98424 ALLYN WA 98424 STANLEY AND BARBAR SMELCER MASON CO. FIRE DISTRICT #5 P.O. BOX 353 P.O. BOX 127 VAUFHN WA 98394 ALLYN WA 98424 RANDALL NESHAM REBECCA SETHER / JENNIFER HARPER P.O. BOX 595 6 TULALIP KEY ALLYN WA 98424 BELLEVUE WA 98006