HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2023-00478 - SWG Application / Design - 11/8/2023 584 MASON COUNTY 415NBTHELTON: 6OA27-O70,EXT 400 SHELFAIR 360-2759 70,EXT 400 BELFAIR:360-275-0467,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360482-5269,EXT 400 FAX:36"27-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2023-00478 APPLICANT GREGORY WILLIAM E Phone: Address 2087 MITCHELL RD SE PORT ORCHARD,WA 98366 OWNER GREGORY WILLIAM E Phone: Address: 2087 MITCHELL RD SE PORT ORCHARD,WA 98366 SEPTIC DESIGNER Jim Zimny Phone: 360-516-7287 Address: 7178 WINDFLOWER PL NW SEABECK,WA 98380 Site Address: UNKNOWN Primary Parcel Number: 220175100157 Permit Description: New 2bd ATU with UV to pressure trench Permit Submitted Date: 11/08/2023 Permit Issued Date: 0 8/1 512 0 2 4 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $545.00 laddldonauees may M required upon mstallaion or smarm. Permit Expiration Date: 11/27/2026 15aeed on ale or inapeouonm Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to back ill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.govlheaithlenvironmentallonsiteloss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427.9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY MASON COUNTY ORE. II a3 a ® COMMUNTI Y SERVICES 11 0 z ' �.. nurx.+Wtxe�.�:mn�NMMo SWG �(�13 42( E y ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION ; p m m Eric Gregory 360-509-9281 �j c I.UILING.UKHE55-6"NIEEf.ClIY,B(ME,LPCOCE ic 2087 Mitchell Rd SE, Port Orchard WA 98366 J z r . 81TEAWRFB>-5111FET.Ct1Y.➢PCOOE 1 WLllrpa QLShelton WA98aBTo IN NwEDF DEswNeL PIS r LL,, Jim Zimny NOV 08 2023 360-516-7287 1 V NI.MECFINSTMIH! BY_ Z IO RIIXE vERNR xPE(..sctwN pRINgNONNF9t 30URLE �RESIDENI1ALOSS FcOMMUNRYOSS Fccr.EaERCML OSS GRSVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL 6 PWVATETwOR1RIYN 2 I iVPEOF NDRK(wlMan/ c �I'f PUSLIC NMIER SYSTEM TI^Sa14Na3 I ,� �VI Ii�NEWCONSRUCTONIUPGRADES L REPAIRIRERACEMENT ONBGENS(sMeN✓ pPA 13T EIXREPAIR IyiT I� sV9�rA1TAL5 CismFAGINO SEWW[3E DEXIsTINGFAILURE OSHOREINE IMP I=I DESIGN FOfW(REWIRED) FsEPnD DESIGN QtEWIRED) EEpI00M5 3 LOTsz3(4 O I— I]WNNER(S)QF APR.ICASLE) �[ I /I] OIRECTIONSTO RTE�IN RfEC:ONORION3(m.trlMpeY) I ` From hwy 3 take E Agate Rd 3.8 mi to stop sign and take left on E Agate Rd. Go 1.6 Mi and I p take left on E Timberlake dr. Follow 1.2 and take rt on E Lakeshore DR W. In 4001t take left on E Park Loop , in 450 Ft take Fit on a Willapa Rd. In 400 ft take rt on Willapa PL. Follow a I to the end of Culesac. Lots are marked with pink ribbons. flow pink ribbons to test holes. 3IlEAWTBEFlABSEDfRdIWMROAD N010TXOlFBY/STBEflAli9FD MTM l®TIRMEM/tlFNi 1vl IJ OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE IIPGFA[E/FAILLRE SOIMCE A><�MRIM WM®U Ei Ou TARP DMNNTENMA'EIRIMRW OOOFFININT DOTHEk: INS�EOTOR SgLLOG.4 GGM1BR51 TgND1110N5 yst WAS BOO SI� e Tk� = O —�2 ' " ��Jz� w�� RECLHOCRMMNG.WINSfALLAT10NREFORF SO LOODFS V=VHtY C=GRM'EILY 5=540 L=IOAN SxSRT C=ftAY E=RIRiB.16Y RxµpOlg gEgAR®FOR RN4.IPRiOVK IN3ECtgtSIXNNRE DATE NR101RbNEARM DNXE TICH IFPROV®'ISSIIEO BY 0.TTE \i V2,-j}73 THIS FORM MY'BE SCANNED ANO AVAIUSLE FOR PUSLIC VIEW ON THIS MASON COUNTY YIESSIT6 AENSED1YlS313 DESIGN FORM-PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number. 220175100157_ __ __ _____ A design will be reviewed when 3 units of each of the following are submitted: •Completed design form that has been signed and dated. I Scaled layout sketch, including all applicable items on checklist •Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form maybe scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site.Maximum paper size: 11"X 17" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number. SWG 2023-00478 Designer's Name: Jim Zumny Applicant's Name: Eric Gregory Designer's Phone Number: 360-516-7287 Mailing Address: 2087 Mitchell Rd SE Designer's Address: 7178 WINDFLOWER PL NW Pon OrrMNWA 98366 SEABECK WA 99300 Ci Slate Zip City State Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofiber ❑Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑Sand Lined Drainfidd ❑Recirculating Filter.Type: ENVIROPLO MR 500 sui uarAT--150a MrAerobic Unit Make/Modd Ef Disinfe0ion Unit Make/Model Other: Drainfteld Type ❑Gravity ❑Pressure ❑Trench ❑Bed ❑Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfreld Specifications Laterals Number ofBedroams 2 ScheduleClass sOh 40 Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 180 gpd length 50 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 240 gind Diameter 1 1/4 in Septic Tank Capacity(working) 500 gal Number 2 Receiving Soil Type(1-b) 3 Separation 5 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.8 gpd/fr' rlfaces Required Primary Area 400 ft' Total Nu d i 20 Designed Primary Area 300 fC Dime 1/8 in Designed Reserve Area 300 ft'- Spai 80 in Trench/Bed Width 3 ft �'2'Z'-/ Manifold Trmch/Bed Length 100 ft Schedule/Class SCh 40 Elevation Measurements Length 2 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 15 % Diameter 2 in New Slope.If Altered 15 % Preferred manifold configuration used? ❑Yes ❑No Depth of Excavation UP-slope 12 in Transport Pipe from OriginalGrade nwnslnpc ;FT7 in ScheduleClass sch 40 Designed Vertical Separation 18 in Length 25 ft Gravelless Chambers Required? ❑Yes 17 No groptional Dimmer 2 io Pump Required? EfYes If No Dealing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphou Specifications Number of doses/day 6 Diff.in Elevation Between Pump&Uppermost Orifice 0 ft Dose quantity 30 gal Dainfield Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) 5 R Chamber Capacity(flood) 10DO gal Uppermost Orifice O Higher O Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Please check those required. Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 10 giant OTimer OElapse Meter ❑Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 10.5 on 3 min r Pump off 4hr5 Comments AUG 15 2024 MASON COUNTY EN,]RCNMENTAL HEALTH. DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:220175100157— Permit Number: SWG 2023- 478 DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Sejoriginal ch 15 Test hole locations H Drainfield orientation and layout Reference original grade: H Soil logs 19 Trench/bed dimensions and H Se H Pro lines critical distances within layout Deny H Drer H Existing and proposed wells H D-Box/Valve box locations Reference riginal gradewithin 100 ft of property H Septic mnk/pump chamberend restrict H Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations surface water and critical areas H Observation port location H Laterals,trench/bed,top and bottom H Location and orientation of H Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption H Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components H Location and dimension of H Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: primary system and reserve area H Lateral placement with distance H Observation ports/clean-outs H Buildings to edge of bed Other Information H Direction of slope indicator H Audible/visual alarm referenced Yes No 14 Waterlines H Scale of drawing shown on scale ❑ ❑ Design staked out bar ❑ Cl Recorded Notices attached H Roads,easements,driveways, H ❑Waiver(s)attached parking H ❑Pump curve attached H North arrow and scale drawing ❑ ❑ Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar A Noo-resideadalj¢gifintim❑ ❑ Waste strength ❑ ❑Flow DESIGN AWRI&W The undersigned designer must be notifie nstall at time of installation d Yes ❑ No SignattlTv igner Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site,�regulations:� � I�nf�a+yy�1ySrVY1 � �IS"�ZH Environmental Health Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. t( 17j�1 Colo ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason county web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 E � o w �`l Q := °a rtYi G Q w` B win yk 0 n ro i j lV N V O �^ O N N w 'a Q O %dJ m % . W \ Z y8droom: .� • K )dome a O o in L O o Y ` �♦ i0 m � L L V1 O \ N \ � 0 Z ,~ b � Y Z P O m b b b N APPROVED _ vow u `m„ N uo AUG 152024 C of o MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET SEDURED L D WH WtTWUMy srulAmom A00'ERRE3t HIMORADE PROP EEWAOE WURDE FLOATMNAT PPROVED AUG 15 2024 -apAmm MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL LTH nvPf= RET - S8MMW UD WH QUTRRff SEAL M DYIl19t AO®ER� EAM - PREENORADE VALVl'rl . RAJ TO DRAPPM --- —_ INEOONOWWOPAW NHIERIOR VALVE. O — — ROMIOBff NORIDROVOWHE PIOATEIOI L PORFlOAT AEO�ffb EUEmooll" OBDIE/IKAL PIRW IUUU P1a1C9tl9YBEB Q]�AtJ rz to ertnw ww Rarwaraf x twc rnemn • VZPVC wvtc r i r zrff � I�uwl i z Ptc rsdfx CHA R owes= CAMS (ygUrW6rNI 41T m6MTaGfJiPamY:Q1 Cl UMM I ROm CNKnY:a0ra�llLta R31mfM.mY:N 1W CaWW6 ; R000:1W GL�. � x i I x III i i rff� APPROVE AUG 1 5 2024 wm�.aWp 1,r I hVl, hMENTA H { PNOMFrorµ` r 1sr� •+1 NAmE9aa art abo rsututgllMstaucrm ow smnsaa i)EaAvab hole w Vff" W t kd M bedm,itllauu. PS i 2)sbolbm dhde barmy.arbA 9'daaryetl dkMl 3UMM tl .W*M pmlw dhga.keapYgtRwp m r--_— xawtsf xMl I 4)N fad b fm�O wXh wabr.A Y,RId aCace Ab IOFV y,.ab.(w,ay)sA heed Woe dnpaddry. I I I 5)W I daWWn.saMrabaNpOra - �^ 'I II ♦d as orve. sl PWbrrn wrwtlpnaieaa Whin MI0 al,aTddaOM I I lu t1Pm aPV� „m. triafm 11 1 b parJOYl,,sdVy�IdsnW, ago= IILAs� 1)FlWmdYfYc _ s)FlMls,atlatlWaNmbaWaO menaiV atlaaa `� � __— �_______JL_—J yWlerlowafd b�dc r►�.aa AER BIC TREATMEN TANK DETAIL FOR Nu WATER BNR-500 TREATMENT UNIT ENVIRO-FLO, INC. 3101112 P.O. BW 3r 101,Fk w P.O.7)83921181, W01)8 s,AIS 30 mm esene mml ers+r/e 1" = 1.4 ft. Water �� .� ,_vIT_n1 .v.Mr�„V A_vMo.Plu.1nC i i �tPR COUNTY 1 tAL MA N COUNP E6'IR PARTS LIST NuWater NR Assembly Di gram A DUAL PORT A TOR M POLY DIFFUSER BAN(2) B.W RUBBER W'W CLAMPS(2) x 1-PW 131?SECTI(W C 21Y BARBED ADAPTOR X I?NPT(2) 01'SUPCAP 0 1W SLIP X 1IY NPF ADAPTOR P 1W CLEAN PVC HOSE(OPTXIHAL 51 E.1'STREET X la NPT BUSHING(21 0 11 PVC PIPE IBY INSTMLERI F.1x W'ELBDW(3) R 1'PVC PIPE ISY INSTALLER) 0.1'X 1'X I TEE S z PW PIPE(BY INSTALLER) H 1'N)'ELBOW(J) T UB'BARBEDA6YROR 1p 1a'NPT 1 I.S X t'BUSHING U t?STREET X tN'NPT BUSHNG RI �: J TSAWT TEE V1/ PVC COUPLER 2) 7. M /V' Z x 1'PNTCROBB W TCOUPLER(BYINSTALLER) L 1'COUPLER(BY INSTALLERI Revised 2/25/12 " 111111111Ni11111111111111111111 ., NNIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllll 1111 I I I I I I I I I f 1111111111111111111 1111111'Illelffllilllllllllllllll - • Ie1111111NIfINllllle1111111111 Illllltllilllllllilllllllllillll Ilell1111 elll I IN IIII IIII IIII IIII Nli q�ll 111111111111 NN 11111111 �IIIIN11f111N11111111111111 l►q 11►N III I I IIi lIN II I l 11 11 11 11 ' IW��IIINIIleelllllllllllllllil 11N 1!n Hli l lil lilt llll llll llll ' IIIIh111h1111111111111111111111 NN'11/1111 C 11111111111111111111 ' 11111111NIIIC111111111111111111 III►Ilelllle1111►1111111111111111 IIII Iiii 111111N 1111111111111111 f !�IIIIIIII1111111011111N1111 f ��' IWII i11111111� � | | . � � -- ■ | ; { q { � f ■ ■ . � � � « � - - - - # APPROVED ^ ` AUG A p & ; c, e NI , . ( ` m § | ! Nf 3 \ \ � | § \ MODEL AT 1500 UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM - INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL The Model AT 1500 UV disinfection system is listed with Underwriters Laboratories(UL)under Standard Mos.residential treatmentdevice. The installer should provide a powerdisconnect switch mounted to the exterior of the facility being served to de-energize power to the unit during maintenance. Electrical work must be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, as well as all applicable local codes. The Model AT 1500 UV disinfection system conforms to the applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)requirements including Title 21, Chapter 1,Subchapter J,Radiological Health. CAUTION: DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE UV LAMP OR EXPOSE SKIN DURING OPERATION. PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE AND SKIN BURNS WILL OCCUR FROM UV RADIATION EXPOSURE. UV BLOCKING SAFETY GLASSES MUST BE WORN DURING INSTALLATION, SERVICE OR ANY TIME THE LAMP MAY BE ILLUMINATED. UV BLOCKING SAFETY GLASSES ARE AVAILABLE FROM NORWECO. COMPONENTS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The Model AT 1500 UVdisinfection system consists ofthe 1. The excavation forme upstream wastewatertreatment following components: system should include an additional 3 feet of length to allow for installation of the Model AT 1500. 1) Control enclosure 5) UV lamp(bulb)with 2. Carefully unpack the Model AT 1500 system. Remove 2) 4"ABS riser pipe male connector and properly discard all packaging materials from the 3) Disinfection chamber 8) Power cable with female system components. The UV lamp should remain in with turbulence inducer twist lock connector the protective shipping sleeve until it is installed. 4) 4"ABS inlet and outlet 7) UV quartz sleeve 3. Flow direction indicator arrows are molded into the coupling B) Subassembly handle disinfection chamber.When installing the disinfection chamber, be sure to orient the chamber correctly with The components should be supplied by the installer: the Bow arrows pointing towards the effluent plumbing. 1) Disconnect switch 8) Isopropyl alcohol .,IraFr Me wwmeBom 2) Solvent cement 7) #1412 AWG cable 3) Hacksaw 8) Conduit and fittings 4) Glycerin (optional) 9) Flat head screwdriver 5) Clean,soft cloth 10) Phillips head screwdriver .•ounsr NUB �� wvwvm eaamulbs rME Gr�sH LIGHT AP ROVEDUG 15 2024 SON COU TY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHRET INLET AND OUTLET HUBS CWPIING SIEEVE 4. Solvent weld the effluent line of the upstream treatment DISINFE^TION w system to the 4"inlet hub of the Model AT 1500.Next, cH.BEH ' p solvent weld the 4"outlet hub to the final effluent line. UV DISINFECTION CHAMBER AND SUBASSEMBLY Cover the open top of the disinfection chamber and backfill up to the bottom ofthe plumbing. AT 1500 UV DISINFECTION INSTALLATION AND OPERATION (Cont.) 5. The control enclosure should be completely above has become disconnected, it must be reconnected grade in the finished installation. The riser pipe and at this time. To do so, remove the gasketed cover subassembly handle are purposely manufactured from the control enclosure. Connect the lead labeled longer than necessary and must be trimmed. Fit the -ONE" on the UV power cable to the terminal block riser pipe into the top of the disinfection chamber and marked "1". Conned the lead labeled 'TWO"to the mark a trim line on the bottom. Mark the subassembly terminal block marked '2'. Conned the lead labeled handle on the bottom to trim the same amount. "THREE"to the terminal block marked"3". Conned the yellow/green lead to the terminal marked"Y/G". SIIBA%EI.BY UV PO G r'A"aF WRX FB.WE FINI&IED CCNNEC OPAOE 1•A&R NIGH THE LOCAiIa TM CUTAND g8GA0 RISER NPE IJIOOROOVE DFTIE BOTTOM OFIWiIXE _ _ TWIST LDCI(COHXEClW9 CUTAND VBGwD GUT HM6LE OF RISER AND WRFR / FPE roLBNTIH DISMFECIION wm1NAC10Aw CW.MBFA wrwrGrHETW®r saLVENTway 9 vE"ry r 4DGRGOYMIMrI THETRIMMED nYIAPa NTOT1E T�TN�ED 0.1SVRNGPMTIE I NEO ROBnIR! w.HDLero11E N, vE�wr DlswFecrroN CI WAOER A PR p "WNNEVr" use H,vmLe romsrr,u MAIECONNCSTG+ LUS0.IGTE �p (� WSURARSE1tdLY1MT0 WATER oa SWIT" II 1 .1 DI9MIrECTDN GHAMBEfl AUG 1 2024 WATER GLYCERN ASON CC JNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRIM RISER PIPE AND HANDLE RET LAMP POWER CONNECTION 6. Disassemble the union on subassembly handle and set aside the top portion with UV power cable. 10, Remove the threaded access plug from the riser pipe. 7. Use a hacksaw to cut along the trim line on both the 11, Match the alignment tab on the male connector from riser pipe and handle to make them the proper length. the UV lamp to the alignment groove in the female 8. Solvent weld the riser pipe to the disinfection chamber twist lock connector on the UV power cable. Push the and solvent weld the handle to the UV subassembly. two connectors together until the male connector is 9. The Model AT 1500 isshipped wilhthe UV powercable fully seated in the female connector. Rotate the twist connected to the control enclosure. Iflhis power cable lock collar until it snaps into the locked position. 12, Insect the UV lamp and power cable into the handle wATE1nNY1r wPowER ." assembly until the base of the lamp is seated in the 81R"'""F'E` rnn�errn bottom of the quartz sleeve. Rotate the power cable if the lamp becomes misaligned. 13. Lower the union onto the handle assembly, making ONION a llks= sure to pull any slack cable through the strain relief connector. Assemble and tighten the union and strain II relief to insure a watertight seal. NEMA eP Fvevv it 14. Use water or glycerin to lubricate the rubber gaskets NEw ,uN ll W lA4Fwn1 located on both sides of the UV subassembly. CCHN15. Do not touch the quartz sleeve or allow excess glycerin to contact it. Use a clean, soft cloth and isopropyl uv suayssereLr .` F alcohol to thoroughly clean the quartz sleeve. .; 16. Fill the disinfection chamber with dean water. MANUFACTURED BY NORWECO, INC. not wQC��. NORWALK, OHIO y U.S.A. 44857 - -�,�7iy www.norweco.com HANDLE ASSEMBLY OMMXLIIIMRTELO.INL.NORM//iLK OMO V.SA/REV 01/ID33 AT 1500 UV DISINFECTION INSTALLATION AND OPERATION (Cont.) 23. Remove the control enclosure cover and black w sU° EMev omerac11. electrical insulator. Inslalla#142AWGcablefr0mthe w�am disconnect switch to the control enclosure. Insure the connection to the UV system is made in conduit,solvent welded to the conduit fitting provided. A watertight connection is critical for proper operation and safety. 3 ? 24. Attach the incoming hot(black)lead to theterminal block marked"LINE*. Attach the Common(while)lead to the terminal block marked "NEUT". Attach the incoming ground lead to the terminal block marked"GROUND". 25. If a remote alarm panel is required, the alarm leads should be installed in a separate conduit, solvent welded to the second conduit fitting provided. Connect one alarm lead to either the normally open (NO) \= terminal 01-the normally closed(NC)terminal. Choose the correct terminal for the type of signal required by the remote alarm panel. Connect the other lead to the common (COM)terminal. 26. Solvent weld a conduit plug into any unused fittings. 27. Apply thread sealant to the access plug and install plug INSTALL UV SUBASSEMBLY in the riser opening. Tighten to insure a watertight seal. IT Align the rubbergaskets with the rectangular opening and D Q lowerthe UV subassembly into the disinfection chamber. 18. Tuck the excess power cable into the riser pipe. 19. Use a dedicated 115 vofiAC single phase 15 amp clrcud in the main electrical panel forthe AT 1500. CAUTION: To,� Make sure the breaker is off before proceeding. 20. Use a disconnect switch to de-energize power during service. Mount directly to the facility being served coo W. 21. Install a#142AWG cable from the dedicated breaker in C �c the main electrical panel to the disconnect switch. 22. In the disconnect switch enclosure, connect the hot rroN oiscorartr (black)lead from the main electrical panel to me"LINE' -moo- terminal. Connect the black lead from the UV system to the'LOAD'tenrlinal. Hare hurl both white leads together. Connect ground leads to the ground lug. APPROVEED s�r¢Ty row ' sole AIM 15 2024 s' `" G N MWENT LHEALT CONTROL ENCLOSURE WIRING RET 28. Reinstall the electrical insulator and four thumb O screws. Make sure that the cutout for the safety 0 0 0 0 interlock switch is positioned correctly overthe switch. m MN " O row 29. Reinstall the control enclosure cover, insuring that the O191N safety Interlock post is aligned with the safety interlock switch. Tighten the four screws on the cover to insure a w watertight seal. NOTE: If the switch is not aligned with the post, the UV lamp will not operate and the green light on the side of the enclosure will not illuminate. 30. Backfill around the disinfection chamber and riser pipe. Finished grade should be below the control enclosure to prevent the entry of surface water. 31, Tura on power at the disconnect switch and main DISCONNECT SWITCH WIRING service panel. Confirm the green light on the enclosure is illuminated indicating proper operation. AT 1500 UV DISINFECTION INSTALLATION AND OPERATION (Cont.) MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE r�� °R63r UV protective eyewear must be wom during service or xuo LCRr any time the lamp may be illuminated. It is recommended that the subassembly be removed and serviced every six months to insure proper disinfection.To inspect and clean FH9� the quartz sleeve: °rVDE _M W MP 1. Turn off power to the UV system at the disconnect ° R`"aIF �'Aa4 RI9ERPRE switch andlor main service panel.Confirm that the wereanm green light on the side of the enclosure is off. wRawncaa SR RAF 2. Remove the control enclosure coverand access plug. aorirerra rn 3. Carefully remove the UV subassembly from the disinfection chamber °sWfECi14N C w a'rifts 4. Inspect the quartz sleeve for signs of damage or an Rlsrx wr accumulation of biological film. If the quartz sleeve has been damaged, the UV subassembly must be replaced. If biological film is present on the surtace of the quartz sleeve, a must be cleaned to insure proper r unox disinfection. 5. Use a soft damp cloth to carefully and thoroughly Ue �' VTUCK POWER CABLE INSIDE RISER the quartz sleeve. 6. Use isopropyl alcohol on a soft cloth to carefully re&ve 4. Cortsect new lamp and carefully lower into the UV difficult stains like fingerprints or biological film.�'; r,2' ubassembly. Make sure the lamp is fully seated in 7. Remove all accumulated solids from the disinfection the quartz sleeve. chamber using a vacuum or service pump. 5. Reassemble union and tighten strain relief. 6. Lowerthe subassembly Into the disinfection chamber. TM�W�RWAPPROVE v °YB�1�v7. Reinstall the threaded access plug into the riser. 8. Reinstall me enclosure cover, insuring that the safety interlock post is aligned with the safety interlock switch. Tighten the four screws to insure a watertight seal. 9. Tum on power et the discennect swhch or main service panel. Verify that the green light on the side of the mFrcontrol enclosure is illuminated. J uomNOTE: UV lamps contain mercurywhich is hanmul to the environment. Recycle old UV lamps at an authorized center. ALARM CIRCUIT i0PYL a TMsaro-r °, The Model AT 1500 system is equipped with a current aLr awry aeavesensing circuit to monitor the UV lamp performance. Ifthe WS A p p R E fLW_lamp output drops below an acceptable level for proper RW Ismfection,the alarm circuit will turn off the green light on AUG 15 024 the enclosure. When connected to the Service Pro control center the service provider can be immediately notified CLEANING THE OUART4gWnUN7Y ENVIR MENTAL{""intenance to the UV system is required. For more Information regarding connection of the Model AT 1500 UV It is recommended that the UV lamp be replaced ATy disinfection system alarm to a Service Pro control center, two years to insure proper disinfection of the treatment please refer to the Service Pro Control Center with MCD system effluent. The green light on the side of the control Technology Installation and Operation Instructions. enclosure will no longer illuminate when the lamp needs replaced. To replace the lamp: MANUFACTURED BY NORWECO, INC. 1. Repeat steps 1,2 and 3 show. NORWALK, OHIO 2. Disassemble the union on the subassembly handle nor~W U.S.A. 44857 and remove the UV lamp using the power cable. www riorweco.com 3. Disconnect the UV lamp from the UV power cord by rotating the twist look collar%tum. e«rwmll rrom�co,Irvc.vomvnue ontousn,REV oixza Advantage Perc & Design Timely•Reasonable•30 Years of Local Experience Construction Notes for Pressure Distribution 2 Bedroom System: Pressure Distribution w/graveless chambers(Rock and pipe may be substituted) Install 2-50'Laterals of 1 i/4"sch 40 PVC pipe. Install on 5'foot centers. 1/8"Orifices on 48"centers beginning 2e from the beginning of the lateral and oriented at 12 O'clock. Install 8"trench depth on low side of trench and maintain 18"of vertical separation Install level and along contours. Only Install in dry weather only. Use 500-Gallon trash tank, 1000 gallon BNR-500,and 1000 gallon pump tank. See pump Chart for Pump Specs Use Nuwater Control Panel or equivalent w/audible and visual alarms for low and high water. System designed for typical residential waste strength sewage only. System designed for 240 Gallons Per Day Properly abandon existing septic tank and document APPROVED AUG 15 2024 MASON COUNTY ENRONMENTAL HEALTH RET Advantage Perc&design APDdesiens(dicloud.com (360)516-7287