HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2024-00337 - SWG Application / Design - 8/8/2024 MASON COUNTY 415N6 SHHELTON: 0427-97 ,EXT 400 STREET, ,SHEL ON,WA EXT 400 BELFAIR:360-2754467,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360482-5269,EXT 400 FAX:360427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00337 APPLICANT SOUTH SHORE ENTERPRISES LLC Phone: 1.360.490.5475 Address: PO BOX 249 UNION,WA 98592 OWNER SOUTH SHORE ENTERPRISES LLC Phone: 1.360.490.5475 Address: PO BOX 249 UNION, WA 98592 SEPTIC DESIGNER PAULAJOHNSONa Phone: 360-898-2255 Address: 171 E VUECREST DRIVE UNION, WA 98592 Site Address: UNKNOWN Primary Pamel Number: 322325078001 Permit Description: New 3bd OscarXO2 Permit Submitted Date: 08/0812024 Permit Issued Date: 08/1912024 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $605.00 (additional fees may be required upon installation of system). Permit Expiration Date: 08/1612027 (based on date ornsosoan) Permit Conditions: 1 proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department stall per Mason County Title 17. j 2 permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written 11 authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design fomr. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.govlhealth/environmental/onsiteloss-inspectlon-request.php or call: 360-427.9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY ® MASON COUNTY DATE FKI RE $ 2 y COMMUNITY SERVICES ° E wL-°' 2 DOO DO PWISMwhh(�Cwnmunyry HeehWEnvimn ental XealrAl L 0 swG = y ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION D A gPPLICANI PHONE m M South Shore Enterprises, LLC Rick or Mike (360) 898-2481 c MNUNG ADDRESS-STREET CITY STATE.ZIP CODE ic P.O. Box 249 Union WA 98592 a BTEADCRESS-STREET.CNY.ZPCODE OR—y� RT�p ILq�'l IV• 2113 VV ion WA 98592 NAME OF DESIGNER 1 E N Arrow Septic Designs, Inc AUG U 8 2C"4 60) 898-2255 NAMEOFINSTALLER BY ONE O N :----------- 1ERMRTYPE(v1eZCM1 PGINNING WATER$OURLE y I W RESIDENTIALOSS 51COMMUNITYOSS BICOMMERCIALOSS FL PRIVATE INDIVIDUALWELL Iy PRIVATE TWriPARTY INELL 2 IN TYPE OF MAMR IPMR PRO ®PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM KNEWCONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OTHEROETMLSISM O.AW11 E3 TABLE %REPAIR I UI SUBMDTALS O SURFACING SEWAGE DE%ISTINGFAILUFE []SHORELINE m KOESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) KSEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS I LOT SIZE IF ( CD EDINAIVER(S)(IFAPPLICABLE) 3 BR 80' x 200' x DIRECDONSTOSREANDSTECONDITIONS/w.. PI V At the traffic circle take the 3rd exit and zoom up the hill. Go (R) at the traffic light and head oil OD out E Brockdale Rd which turns into E McReavy Rd. Turn (R) onto E Dalby Rd. Turn (L) c onto Hwy 106 W. Turn (L) onto Orre Nobles Rd.just after Robin Hood, Turn (L)onto Sharpe St. Destination on (R). Yellow sign: "South Shore Enterprises- Lot 2" SMEMUSTBEFUGGEOiROMMAINROADAN MTXO1L5MUSTME GGEDNMTNTESTN UNµMBERS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRAOL UNTARE S[3 MADITENJAN q PIWPw51 VOLUNTARY ❑MNNTENANCEIPUMPING ❑BUILDING PERMIT OHOME BALE OGOMPL9INT DOTXER: INSPECTORSOILLOCS COMMENTS,LOND:TIEI:B RECORD MAWINGPNDINSTAUi.iqN REFORi O DES V '. =VEFVERY G=GRAV£LLV $=SAND La DON., $i=SILT L=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=RWTE REQUIRED MR fINALAPPROVAL. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE APPUCATION EXPIRATION DATE APP ICATONAPPROVEN ISSUEDBY DATE kl `bhbl vllelz� 1�lql&4 THIS FORM MAY BE SCAN EO AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WESSITE REVISED tb9R°IS DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 3 2 2 3 2 — 5 0 — 7 8 0 0 1 A design win be reviewed when 3 co ies of each of the following are submitted: tb " Completed design form that has ben signed and dated. v Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. �Cross-section sketch.including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be sunned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. 11=jmum paper sae: 1/" V 117 ��11��PARCEL IDENTIFICATION'10 " PermitNumber. SWG " 0� 7 � Designer's Name: Arrow Septic Designs,Inc Applicant's Name: South Shorn Enterprises,LLC Designer's Phone Number: (360)898-2255 Maili dress: PO Box 249 Designer's Address: 171 E Vuecrest Dr Union, WA 9WK Union, WA 9BS92 l c'Cn� City State Zi V State Zip DESIGN PA IETERS Treatment Device- ❑Glendon Sioriter ❑Smd Filter' Mound ❑Surd Lined DpIr-a�imicld ❑Recirculating Filter.Type: I(.Aerobic Unit Make/Model OSC R X02 ❑Disinfection Unit hY.Ae'Ftodaf -- Other: _ / Drainfield Type A-V-G`'ag ❑Gmviry IL_ pl'sSare ❑Trench ❑Bed SdSulsasfaae Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals NumberofBedrooms 3 ScheduleiClass Netafim.42 gph Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 270 gpd Length 25 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 36D gpd Diameter .66 in Septic Tank Capacity(working) X021,0002-camp gal Number 6 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 5 Separation .5 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.4 gpd/ft' Orifices Required Primary Area 900 fe Total NumberofOrifices 50 x 6=300 Designed Primary Am 1 900 fjt Diameter emitter in Designed Reserve Area 900 W Spacing 6 in Trench/Sed Width 20 ft Manifold Trench/Sed Length 45 tt Schedule Class 40 Elevation Measurements Length 40 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 3 % Diameter 1 in New Slope.If Altered 3 % Preferred manifold configuration used? RrYes O No Depth ofExcavation upslope 0 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade �w>rdope 0 ill Schedule/Class 40 Designed Vertical Separation 14+ in Length 35 ft Gmvelless Chambers Required? ❑Yes 16 No ❑Optional Diameter 1 in Pump Required? RfYes ❑No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Sipbon Specifications Numberofdoses/day 411 Diff.in Elevation Between Pump& Uppermost Orifice 5 ft Dose quantity .&9 gal Drainfield Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) =ft Chamber Capacity(flood) 1,0002­comp _gal Uppermost Orifice 91,ligher ❑Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Please check those required.Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 6.2 gpm SITimer GrElapse Meter li ry Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 5.8 ft If Timer: Pump on 30 sac ,Pump off 3 min Comments }—. r 9 20LL Wi DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:3 2 2 3 2 — 5 0 -- 7 3 0 0 .1 , Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch Ed Test hole locations V Drainfield orientate tL]ay�t' ffe depth from original grade: Soil logs Trench bed dimens ��N�' eptic tank m Property lines critical distances within lavout fd Drainfield cover Cl Existing and proposed wells 10 D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 R of property Ql Septic tarnldpump chamber and restrictive strata: ❑ Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations 9 Laterals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas 19 Observation port location bottom ❑ Location and orientation of [Z Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption fry Manifold placement Rf Sand augmentation components 19 Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: m Location and dimension of lid Lateral placement with distance Elf Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Other Information 16 Buildings R1 Audible/vis rut referenced Yes No m Direction of slope indicator 66 Scale of dr own on scale Of ❑ Design staked out 9 Waterlines bar r ❑ 9 Recorded Notices attached E6 Roads,easements.driveways, ❑ 9 Waiver(s)attached parking r: Rf ❑ Pump curve attached RJ North arrow and scale drawing `?ty; ❑ Rf Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar Non-residential justification PAULA JOY JOHNSON ❑ 9 Waste strength YtFNSE 1% i on- ❑ 9Flow DESIGN APPRO VAL The undersigned designer must be o -ed b}'ins er time o installation It Yes ❑ No $-(o. Z� Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulations: Envi onmental Health Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: V O ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form maybe scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 117/2015 �m� Zm-�vp SSnSSSY � my �m� xt �3 '•d n°]lTy F 19YM \�I p 9$!n m I P ° s o y n _ +az�o^ra_E Nauvesav er. g - ---- PPROV °ga A akga m AUG 19 2024 M S*COUNTY ENVIRONME TALH LTO RET I� �i M12 tOF00 IJ00> _ 90.N iC0.;1 u � N,UB ]45A y O r' N°SV Ye•e Apl.l° r —O i✓ o�I" Z o Is 30 15 bo �x'XASt 12eyrw.q� QLOT' �(J�N 5e[9 SIeP< �— J SOLD SNof?E ):nZmR.PRISE$ L ,c ray a faay ?KML432232-50-16001 #1 ocO 2 p UNwrd� 1�J�+ `f85� 2 s p-TEst �LE 00 0 Q � i*I: +6—O DUFF/ 0 - IXFULOWN i (ZeoTS TO MoZCLED GLAy LOAM p{{oPoSfzD 1F2� 0-19"+JILT LowMtRee-r5 3 L7>R To t-k 07r L.1 f4 cr Q Nor�E sPr� J hILJ c� r � / O Control Panel wirh Audio-visual Alarm f O Clegnovt 1,000 Gallon Septic/Aeration'Ibrilc © 1-ComParrmmt wth air a$uaer Oq 1.OW Gallon ClariSer/Pump Tank 2-CompMment [ OHydvorka OpgpA{2 X02 Monad Dr--fi4d OScnR Yet Recao-r`o vrzk � I R APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMEN L HEALTH RET PAULA JOY y lo JOHNSON\ p I:ICEflS�til� � SCAR-XO2 at-grade drip design calculations FLFriction Loss Calculations: =L C/K)18s =friction loss through pipe in feet of head =length of supply line in feet =Flush GPM =47.8(V sch 40 PVC pipe) (Table 2) Hydraulic Layout-OS-50 roils• 240 4 4 1 1.4 7.8 5D'300 5 5 1 1.75 9.75 50' 360 6 3 2 2.1 6.2 50' 4S0 8 4 2 2.8 9.2 50'490 8 4 2 2.8 9.2 50' 600 10 5 2 3.5 11.5 50' oils must be amangetl in a single line F=35(6.2/47.8)1 as F=0.80 Total Design GPM = Flush GPM=6.2(from chart) Total Head=Friction Loss+ Elevation from Pump Tank to OSCAR Coil Drainfeld Total Head=0.8+5=5.8(5.8<50'excess TDH—OK) Factory Timer Settings: 1,440 minutes per day/411 doses per day=3.5 min per dose cycle(incl.on&off) From Factory: 30 seconds On&3 minutes Off e _ APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PAULASJOY JOHNSON'. RET . '(C fGNEYt" FYAPES 4�� OSCAR at-grade drip drainfield design calculations Basal Area Calculations: Base Design Criteria: 360 gpd design flow,soil type 5 (0.4 gpd/ft2),flat site(1%slope) Basal area required=daily design flow+soil loading rate 360 gpd+0.4 gpd/ft2=900 sq.ft. Coil length=6 coils @ 5' diameter(6 x 5'=30')with 24" coil spacing 5 x 2=10 =40' Minimum shoulder width @6" (2 x6"=1')=1' APPROVED `OVED AN 19 2024 Minimum side slopes at I : 1 slope @ 6" (2 x 6" =1')= 1' MASON COUNTY ENpYIRONMENTAL HEALTh- Minimumbasal area length=coil length+shoulder widths+side slopes=40'+KTl'=42', use 45' Basal area width= required basal area.minimum basal length=900 sq.ft.+20'=45' Basal area dimensions=45'x 20'(900 s.f.) Media: OSCAR drainfield:ASTM C-33 sand media:as per Washington Department of Health's Recommended Standards and Guidance for Intermittent Sand Filters. Supplies/Control Panel: • OSCAR X02 Control Panel: The LF1P-RF-AR or ARA control panel shall be used to operate the timed dosing sequencing of the OSCAR-XO2. Timer settings for the OSCAR-XO2 are short and very frequent(3 minutes off and 30 seconds on). The supply line needs to drain between doses, so the"on time" may need to be increased to compensate for filling the supply line prior to each dose. Each OSCAR-XO2 unit will include: • LF1P-RF-ARA control panel • LOT-30,1/2 hp,120 volt pump • HI-Blow Aerator, HB-SD(go liter/minute) '`!L • Hi-Blow diffusers • OS-50 or OS-100 Coils 140 NY •}• • PVC fittings and drip tubing adapters � PPOLA JO JOH1 • HWN-.7-RF automatic headwo. luumrs • Solid A inches poly tubing for connections • 2 float switches Headworks: HWN-.7-RF %inches Arkal disc filter,mesh, 130 micron • %inches Arad flow meter • Three oil filled pressure gauges(0-100 psi) • 5 Netafim normally closed solenoid valves(Model 80) OSCAR Cover Options: There may be a desire to cover the OSCAR with something additional to the specified ASTM C-33 sand. The intent is not to have too much additional cover over the final C-33 sand layer. Placing too much cover will inhibit plant root growth. Because the C-33 sand is sub-surface irrigated,grass and other ground cover will grow rapidly,forming a firm protective cover over the OSCAR.At the end of the first growing season the C-33 sand layer will be as firm as native soil to walk on. Cover Options include: • Landscaping jute mat with grass seed or ground cover plantings • Thin layer of mineral soil low in organic content(<10%organics) • Thin layer of crushed or washed rock for wind erosion protection • Thin layer of bark or woad chips Do Not Cover C-33 Sand drainfield with: • Organic mix(manufactured top soil from compost) • Filter fabric OSCAR authorized dealer supply kit contact info: • H.D. Fowler,contact Jamb Gober(Tumwater) phone:(360)459-7300 • Ferguson Waterworks(Silverdale)contact Zach or Daryl 360-697-1510. • Iconix Waterworks,(Tumwater)office(360)539-7518 APPROVED AUG 19 202"1 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET io-m f ________________^ ::,� Q 11 E s� a $ -r � W 4 N tl') p O Y _ i -_ � 7 " aM des APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTYENVJR NMENTALHEALTH RET � � � � � I § ) ) § k \ ■ ��. - ; \\ : _ k )!{ t� lil \ L APPROVED § q _NCM ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2 \ k k E X02 Tanks 2/3 tow Q0. Coro Qum: L7 113 i rf Treatment tank Discharge tank Introduction: The OSC4R-XO2 treatment system is comprised of two systems: the X02(a septic chamber,aeration chamber, clarifier, and pump chamber) and the OSCAR:coils, C-33 sand, reverse flush headworks, and control equipment. Wastewater is collected in the septic chamber where gross solids are separated.The waste stream is aerated in the aeration chambers.Aerated effluent passes though the clarifier then into the pump chamber.The expected waste strength will be 30 mg/I CBODS and 5 mg/I T55. Effluent is dosed through a 120 mesh disc filter to OSCAR coils, installed in ASTM C-33 sand. Effluent discharged from the coils is treated by the sand prior to infiltrating into the receiving soil. Final discharge is expected to reach 2 mg/1 CBOD, 1 mg/1 TSS,and 36 FC/100 ml of effluent, meeting Treatment Level A.The X02 tanks can only be used with OSCAR tolls. APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET Design: The single family residence packages are designated as: OSX02.240, OSX02-300, OSX02.360, OSX02.450, OSX02-480, and 0SX02-600 and have the corresponding design flows of 240, 300, 360, 450, 480, and 600 gallons per day. The OSX02-240, 300, 360, 450, and 480, are standard packages. Design flows greater than 480 gallons per day are considered custom and will require design assistance from Lowridge Onsite Technologies, Inc. For the standard single family residence OSCAR-XO2 package parts list see the appendix. The X02 can only be used with OSCAR coils. All tanks must be approved by Washington Department of Health. An OSCAR-XO2 is two technologies combined together as one. The system can be designed in increments of flow up to 3500 gallons per day. The OSCAR has different sizing criteria than the X02. The X02 is designed in increments ranging from 500, 750, 1125, 2250, 3,000, to 3,500 gallons per day (see Table 1-2). The OSCAR is designed in increments of 62.5 or 125 gallons per coil per day, depending on coil model (see Tables 2 and 3). consequently, a design for a 7 bedroom system (840 gpd) would incorporate a 1125 gallon per day X02 plus 14 OS-50 OSCAR coils (875 gpd). X02: Treatment Tank: The partition wall between the first and second compartment of the treatment tank must have a 4 inch by-pass hole or the bottom of the tee baffle located between 40% to 60% of the liquid depth. Discharge Tank: The patrician between the first and second compartment of the discharge tank must have a 4 inch by-pass hole located at least 18 inches above the floor of the tank and no more than 27 inches between the bottom of the by-pass hole and floor of the tank. Recommended hight is 18 inches, if possible. Table 1-2 660-670 330-340 1 660-670 330-340 8o Vm 1 000 500 1.000 500 120 Vm or more 1 500 750 1500 750 : 180 Vm or more ie�ib tpd 3.000� 11500 3,000 1,500 3e0 Vm or mom 4,000 2.000 480 Um or more 4,500 ! 3,000 4,500 ! 3,000 , 560 Vm or more_ APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET Is �1p t it I ll I Thermoplastic Reinforced Thermoplastic motor bracket and discharge with built-in guide bearing.This 1/2 HP pump has a stainless steel top bearing and motor coupling.These are assembled with our A.Y.McDonald stainless steel motors.Two wire single phase models include pump,motor,and 10' lead. I Thisfour inch submersibleis supplied with grounded leads meeting the National Electrical Code(N.E.C.)specficati0ns. A The performance curve below will assist you in choosing the pump that meets your needs. i MODELS E-30GPM 00 �I E - 30 GPM 300 1/2 HP 122 F. 53 P.S.I200 _ Flush 100 1/2 HP•4 S4A6E8. Dose Simla a 5 10 15 _-Yp__ 25 ,30 35 40 _ oupI-__ 0 _. 10_._._ Y0 __3p. AO Sc _80 _IU ___...so Fourplex 0 20 10 so a0 100 120 I40 160 FLOW GPM Specifications LOT-3C 12 Plastic 115 i IO5] 0.53 23 SUBMITTAL INFORMATION --- M`Oonald - Stainless steel pump shell and pump shaft - Powered by A.Y.McDonald submersible motors 12 HP. - Reinforced Thermoplastic diffusers and impellers - 11/4'FNPTDischarge - Thermoplastic intake screen and cable guard NO-LEAD:The weighted average of the wetted surface of this no-lead product contacted by consumable water contains less than one quarter of one percent(0�.25%�)lead. V _ Lowrides Onsite Technologies,Inc. Tall Free:1.877-676-8823 daver;loe:ndgetech.com P.O.Box 1179 Fax:1-425-335-3622 oscaronsite.ccm Lake Stevens,WA 98258 AY MfcrnMd t:e irl...bee on this eseleml braw113 ca at when pufdio.d.Item no upxw availability includmij leWf atiens are eubj-m her,without noti:e. Submined by: APPROVED AUG 19 2024 q) ( MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET ' o ' O J i O O � � 0- � z _ = O 0 0 LL- APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET 1'Z� b Panel Wiring Diagram Model LF1P-RF-ARA Quote#0130230C3 From Ma61PO✓ar Pa ' 10NA0,10.w Hi MVIr MpJ6MCL t.t PmuiME 6vdKra. PUMP ONO .--.—•--••? 1A 20VAL 10 12 L, — — 314HP L9 — 1♦ fmm Main Pmwr Parel 12WAL,10.IN Hz Mevn dscMne2 pmsipaE py pNers. LS BLr. ONO ................. • 1 _ is ,O14H tO ------------- 1.7 BLOWER ♦...�............... 28 12WAL 10 1.3 : 19HP IS BLOWER . .. .. 3B 1SVAL 10 114Hp 1.N S 1.12 ENO —1 -I . 1.13 x 1.14 LONTRO'S _. :..........- CB RO LOGO BASE ; O00 1.15 L1 ry SIEMENS BE01p3Y-i FB°S lBA1 1.16 HpL^nMl 1.17 TimerV Petlu_�OR� l-J�� "LL ,.10 1.19 APPROVED 0 tAUG 19 2024 1.21 PusFb6aanre MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a-1J RET PM 1,$3 SEMICIOOCOSEMICONDUCTORa VCt MOTOR CONTROLLER pt SIEMENS -34 PnulfP 3RF2150.13A22 1 2S Y pAv.1.O.00=DOLDAR t$fi Pyet[ l3�-Ib • 21 VALVEVI(51.52) 2.2 wx0 RELAY R1 DrP 53 IDEC y29 4120 2.3 u 0 'IP1i0 VALVEV2(5LS4) RELAY 20 ow s1 `� DEC 03 RJIS 4120 2.5 z xwD VALVE V3(95) R 26 � � M DR3 IOScEC Oq RJ2SCLA120 22 wD z3 a9 L000 LOGO EXPANSION OM8 IXPANSION SIEMENS 210 L1 ry 6ED10S IFS000BP2 2T1 01 gtPAMLIGHT I ) R DEC 212 MN SERIES AUDISLEALARM A FLOYD BELL 213 90.1081 ... "^°`�""' • REMOTE ALPRM 2.14 •_••••••••• L ® - 5 120VACA RM) uyrt we 215 Ip 2'6 TRMBFORMER 2.16 Signal OL2- 24 120V-MV 12 I A 2,17 FUSE _ y 1 2,e 20mm cRl �I N,c �.ama. SOLENOID VALVE S, 2.19 - •, _._.... _._.__. 2tWC VALVE rn t PROVIDED BY OTHERS 2.20 APPROVED x,C CD;mnon SOLENOID VALVE 52 2.2, AUG 19 2014 '--- -- --------� 2aV� PROVIDED By OTHERS 222 MAS N COUNTY ENORONVENTAL HEALTH CR2 RR ET N/O R-�T Cannon NVAGVA VALVE 83 2.23 '1. ......1_MI—IIWyIa.{gllg,.l-�'.1_M1....__._.� SOLENOID VE zza PROVIDED BY OTHERS I n;C Tnmmen 1 SOLENOID VALVE SG -1 NVACVALVE 225 PROVIDEO BY OTHERS 2.26 9OLEN IDVALVE S5 mma co .-._. 2aVACOn VE 2.27 v PROVIDED BY OTHERS 2.28 EDN.. EN- R,R.1.0®OMSM PM,2a 3.1 3.2 Control Panel Connections 3.3 34 51 53 53 56 55 3.5 �V Plevure 1 SwXch Nigh L.1 i6 Naim anon we�fewlo5 3.7 n n n n 18 31 h .. . ........ � ��y. 3.19 1A 18 28 1 "" 3.11 .. ---- ---------......J.... .�1/ ...... ... Ma "e 3.12 3.13 3,14 3.15 3.16 3.11 3.18 3.19 320 A pp 3.2, Rp V 3.22 MASON��� Y64�9 RfT N�ENIg1 yE4lTy 3,24 125 28 IV ".1.00 NML2021 ery.3 of 3 auox Septic Deoigrzo si6o°ne • ' OSCAR X02 Pietreatmant PAULA JOY JOHNSON INTE NANC '. INSTALLATION&MAE 'tCBIJ U i OSCAR At-Grade Drip Distribution Systems VAR 1. Installers must attend OSCAR X02 training and be certified by Dave Lowe at Low Ridge Technologies(www.lowridgetech.com)prior to installing this system. 2. Installer must review OSCAR X02 installer manual prior to system installation. 3. OSCAR X02 supply kits are available through LowRidge Technologies approved suppliers only. 4. The Treatment Tank and Discharge Tank must both be 2-compartment,State approved and sized per the OSCAR X02 manual and the onsite wastewater treatment system designer. S. OSCAR Sand media must meet or exceed ASTM C-33 standards. 6. Install drainfield level with contour of the ground. 7. Install drainfield during dry weather and soil conditions;any soil smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 8. Tanks must have risers to the surface as required by Mason County to ensure easy access for future operation and maintenance. 9. Headworks must be in boxes accessible from the surface for future operation and maintenance. 10. Ensure any trees and shrubs are removed,grass is cut short and then scarify surface of ground in drainfield area in prep for d[ainfreld. 11. Ensure 6"minimum cover sand media over the drip irrigation mbing. 12. Install audio/visual high-water level alarm. Redundant off switch not required. 13. Flow inducer tube or block are not required for the pump,it can sit on bottom of tank. 14. install return line from headworks back into the tee outside the inlet of the treatment tank. 15. Encase all water lines within 10' of drainfield and under any driveway/parking areas. 16. Divert all storm water runoff and house downspouts away from on-site sewage system. 17. No curtain drains allowed within 10' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down-slope edge of the drainfield and reserve area. 18. Inspect floats, clean filters,and test high water level alarm every 6-12 months as needed. 19. All materials and workmanship must meet County and State regulations. 20. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Environmental Health Department will make this design null and void. 21. All manhole lids and access, sampling or inspection ports most have locking coven and be located at ground level. 22. All transport lines under driveways or parking areas must be encased to prevent crushing. 23. The tanks are to be protected from vehicle tic or traffic-rand tanks may he used. 24. The drainfield is to be protected from all vehicle traffic or other damaging factors that could compact or disturb the soils. 25. The preferable cover planting for subsurface drip is turf or grass,or non-invasive groundcover plants. It is reoommended to install an optional jute mat upon completion of the dranfield to prevent erosion and then seed with grass immediately. Other options include a thin layer of mineral soil low in organic content(<10%organics)and grass,a thin layer of crushed or washed rock for wind erosion protection,or a thin layer of bark or wood chips. 26. Do not cover the drainfield with organic mix(manufactured topsoil from compost)or filter fabric. 27. The homeowner should ensure no vehicle u ..roto-diiing or digging in the area of the drip field to prevent damage to the drip tubing. Also, invasive plant species should not be allowed. 28. Home/property owner is responsible for all property lines,comers,surveys,encroachments,etc. 29. Owner Please Note: when you begin using your septic system,contact your septic installer to discuss setting up a schedule for your required Operation&.Maintenance. APPROVED AUG 19 2024 MASON COUNTY ENYRONMENTAL HEALTH 1� RET