HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPA - COM Permit / Conditions - 1/27/2014 1 Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021 -See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 WILDLIFE �..�, F n Ir � G (360)24��CEI n'1T Issue Date: March 01,2013 Control Number: 129424-1 JAN 2 7 20% Project Expiration Date: September 30,2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A 426 W. CEDAR S7 PERMITTEE AUTHORIZED AGENT OR CONTRACTOR Washington State Dept of Natural Resources ATTENTION:Jesse Sims 950 Farman Ave N , Enumclaw, WA 98022 i 360-825-1631 Fax: 360-825-1672 j Project Name: Overland Trail Bridge Installation Project Description: This project involves the installation of a 40 foot length by 5 foot width trail bridge. PROVISIONS 1. The project may begin Immediately and shall be completed by September 30, 2014; Provided: a. Work below the ordinary high water line shall only occur between August 1 st and August 31 st of calendar years 2013 and 2014. 2. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT: The Area Habitat Biologist(AHB) listed below shall receive written notification (FAX: 360-249-1229 or email: a my.spoon@dfw.wa.gov)from the person to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) is issued (permittee) or the agent/contractor no less than three working days prior to the start of construction activities. The notification shall include the permittee's name, project location, starting date for work, and the control number for this HPA. 3. Work shall be accomplished per plans and specifications approved by the Washington Department of F-sh and Wildlife submitted with the JARPA received on January 15, 2013, except as modified by this Hydraulic Project Approval. A copy of these plans and this shall be available on site during construction. WATER QUALITY AND FISH RESOURCES: 4. If at any time, as a result of project activities, fish are observed in distress, a fish kill occurs, or water quality problems develop(including equipment leaks or spills), immediately stop work except for efforts to control leaks or spills or prevent toxic substances from entering the water and notify the Washington Military Department's Emergency Management Division at 1-800-258-5990, and the Area Habitat Biologist listed below. Work shall not restart on the project until approved by the Area Habitat Biologist. 5. Every effort shall be taken during all phases of this project to ensure that sediment-laden water is not allowed to enter the stream. Erosion control methods shall be used to prevent silt-laden water from entering the stream. These may include, but are not limited to, straw bales, filter fabric, temporary sediment ponds, check dams of pea gravel-filled burlap bags or other material, and/or immediate mulching of exposed areas. This may be accomplished by placing a series of low gravel Page 1 of 7 Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021-See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 IW WILDLIFE (360)249-4628 Issue Date: March 01, 2013 Control Number: 129424-1 Project Expiration Date: September 30, 2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A bag dams downstream of the project. The gravel bag dams shall consist of burlap bags filled with pea gravel. The streambed and dams shall be overlain with filter fabric on the upstream side of the dams. Accumulated silt shall be removed with the filter fabric upon completion of the project and the burlap bags shall be slit to allow the pea gravel to disperse downstream. Where necessary, hand tools may be used to ensure stream flow and fish passage are not impeded by the gravel. 6. Prior to starting work, temporary filter fabric, straw bale, or pea gravel-filled burlap bag check dam(s) shall be installed downstream. Accumulated sediments shall be removed during the project and prior to removing the check dam(s) after completion of work. 7. Wastewater from project activities and water removed from within the work area shall be routed to an area landward of the ordinary high water line to allow removal of fine sediment and other contaminants prior to being discharged to the stream. 8. All waste material such as construction debris, silt, excess dirt or overburden resulting from this project shall be deposited above the limits of flood water in an approved upland disposal site. 9. If high flow conditions that may cause siltation are encountered during this project, work shall stop until the flow subsides. 10. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that no petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh cement, sediments, sediment-laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or deleterious materials are allowed to enter or leach into the stream. 11. Fresh concrete or concrete by-products shall not be allowed to enter the stream at any time during this project. All forms used for concrete shall be completely sealed to prevent the possibility of fresh concrete from getting into the stream. 12. All lumber to be used for the project shall meet or exceed the standards established in the most recent version of'Best Management Practices For the Use of Treated Wood in Aquatic and Wetland Environments' developed by the Western Wood Preservers Institute, Wood Preservation Canada, Southern Pressure Treaters' Association, and Southern Forest Products Association. As of January, 2012, the latest version is dated November 1, 2011. EQUIPMENT: 13. Equipment used for this project may operate below the ordinary high water line, provided the drive mechanisms (wheels, tracks, tires, etc.) shall not enter or operate below the ordinary high water line. 14. Equipment used for this project shall be free of external petroleum-based products while working around the stream. Accumulation of soils or debris shall be removed from the drive mechanisms (wheels, tires, tracks, etc.) and undercarriage of equipment prior to its working below the ordinary high water line. Equipment shall be checked daily for leaks and any necessary repairs Page 2 of 7 •� Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal f Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021 -See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 WILDLIFE (360)249-4628 Issue Date: March 01, 2013 Control Number: 129424-1 Project Expiration Date: September 30, 2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A shall be completed prior to commencing work activities along the stream. 15. Equipment crossings of the stream are not authorized by this HPA. BYPASS: 16. A temporary bypass to divert flow around the work area shall be in place prior to initiation of other work in the wetted perimeter. [ADD TEXT HERE] shall be the approved bypass method. 17. A sandbag revetment or similar device shall be installed at the bypass inlet to divert the entire flow through the bypass. 18. A sandbag revetment or similar device shall be installed at the downstream end of the bypass to prevent backwater from entering the work area. 19. The bypass shall be of sufficient size to pass all flows and debris for the duration of the project. 20. Prior to releasing the water flow to the project area, all bank protection or armoring shall be completed. 21. Upon completion of the project, all material used in the temporary bypass shall be removed from the site and the site returned to preproject or improved conditions. 22. The permittee shall capture and safely move food fish, game fish, and other fish life from the job site. The permittee shall have fish capture and transportation equipment ready and on the job site. Captured fish shall be immediately and safely transferred to free-flowing water downstream of the project site. The permittee may request the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife assist in capturing and safely moving fish life from the job site to free-flowing water, and assistance may be granted if personnel are available. 23. Any device used for diverting water from a fish-bearing stream shall be equipped with a fish guard to prevent passage of fish into the diversion device pursuant to RCW 77.57.010 and 77.57.070. The pump intake shall be screened by one of the following: a. Perforated plate: 0.094 inch (maximum opening diameter). b. Profile bar: 0.069 inch (maximum width opening). c. Woven wire: 0.087 inch (maximum opening in the narrow direction). The minimum open area for all types of fish guards is 27%. The screened intake shall consist of a facility with enough surface area to ensure that the velocity through the screen is less than 0.4 feet per second. Screen maintenance shall be adequate to prevent injury or entrapment of juvenile fish and the screen shall remain in place whenever water is withdrawn from the stream through the pump intake. BRIDGE INSTALLATION: Page 3 of 7 Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021 -See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 WILDLIFE (360)249-4628 Issue Date: March 01, 2013 Control Number: 129424-1 Project Expiration Date: September 30,2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A 24. Excavation for and placement of the foundation and superstructure shall be outside the ordinary high water line. 25. The bridge structure shall be placed in a manner to minimize damage to the streambed and banks. 26. The bridge shall be constructed to pass the 100-year peak flow with consideration of debris likely to be encountered. 27. Abutments, piers, piling, sills, approach fills, etc., shall not constrict the flow and cause any appreciable increase (not to exceed 0.2 feet) in backwater elevation (calculated at the 100-year flood)or channel-wide scour, and shall be aligned to cause the least effect on the hydraulics of the stream. 28. Riprap materials used for structure protection shall be clean, angular rock, which shall be installed to withstand the 100-year peak flow. 29. Structures containing concrete shall be sufficiently cured prior to contact with water to avoid leaching. Fresh concrete shall not be allowed to come into contact with state waters. 30. Where aggregate or earth type material is used for paving or accumulates on the bridge, curbs, or wheel guards shall be installed and maintained to prevent the loss of this material into the stream. 31. Approach material shall be structurally stable and shall be composed of material that if eroded into the water shall not be detrimental to fish life. 32. The bridge stringers shall be placed in a manner to minimize damage to the streambed or banks. 33. SITE RESTORATION: Alteration or disturbance of the bank and bank vegetation shall be limited to that necessary to construct the project. Within seven calendar days of project completion, all disturbed areas shall be protected from erosion using vegetation or other means. Within one year of project completion, the banks, including riprap areas, shall be revegetated with native or other approved woody species. Vegetative cuttings shall be planted at a maximum interval of three feet(on center) and maintained as necessary for three years to ensure 80 percent survival. Page 4 of 7 ~ Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021 -See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 WILDLIFE (360)2494628 Issue Date: March 01, 2013 Control Number: 129424-1 Project Expiration Date: September 30,2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A PROJECT LOCATIONS Location #1 WORK START: March 01, 2013 IWORK END: September 30, 2013 WRIA: Waterbody: Tributary to: 15.0487 Unnamed Hood Canal 1/4 SEC: Section: Township: Range: Latitude: Longitude: County' NW 1/4 19 �23 N 01 W N 47.47163 W 122.85888 Mason Location#1 Driving Directions From Belfair, take Highway 300 approximately 1 mile to the Sand Hill Road. Take a right onto Sand Hill road and travel for approximately 2 miles. Take a right at DNR Blue Gate#103(Old Youth Camp Road)Continue 1/2 of a mile down abandoned road until you come to the stream crossing/project site. APPLY TO ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS This Hydraulic Project Approval pertains only to those requirements of the Washington State Hydraulic Code, specifically Chapter 77.55 RCW(formerly RCW 77.20). Additional authorization from other public agencies may be necessary for this project. The person(s)to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued is responsible for applying for and obtaining any additional authorization from other public agencies(local, state and/or federal)that may be necessary for this project. This Hydraulic Project Approval shall be available on the job site at all times and all its provisions followed by the person(s)to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued and operator(s)performing the work. This Hydraulic Project Approval does not authorize trespass. The person(s)to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued and operator(s)performing the work may be held liable for any loss or damage to fish life or fish habitat that results from failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval could result in a civil penalty of up to one hundred dollars per day and/or a gross misdemeanor charge, possibly punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. All Hydraulic Project Approvals issued under RCW 77.55.021 are subject to additional restrictions, conditions, or revocation if the Department of Fish and Wildlife determines that changed conditions require such action. The person(s)to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued has the right to appeal those decisions. Procedures for filing appeals are listed below. MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS HPA: You may request approval of minor modifications to the required work timing or to the plans and specifications approved in this HPA. A minor modification to the required work timing means up to a one-week deviation from the timing window in the HPA when.there are no spawning or incubating fish present within the vicinity of the project. You may request subsequent minor modifications to the required work timing.A minor modification of the plans and specifications means any changes in the materials, characteristics or construction of your project that does not alter the project's impact to fish life or habitat and does not require a change in the provisions of the HPA to mitigate the impacts of the modification. Minor modifications do not require you to pay additional application Page 5 of 7 Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021 -See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 WILDLIFE (360)249-4628 Issue Date: March 01,2013 Control Number: 129424-1 Project Expiration Date: September 30, 2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A fees or be issued a new HPA. To request a minor modification to your HPA, submit a written request that clearly indicates you are requesting a minor modification to an existing HPA. Include the HPA number and a description of the requested change and send by mail to:Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, PO Box 43234, Olympia, Washington 98504-3234, or by email to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov. Do not include payment with your request. You should allow up to 45 days for the department to process your request. MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS HPA:You may request approval of major modifications to any aspect of your HPA. Any approved change other than a minor modification to your HPA will require issuance of a new HPA. If you paid an application fee for your original HPA you must include payment of$150 with your written request or request billing to an account previously established with the department. If you did not pay an application fee for the original HPA, no fee is required for a change to it. To request a major modification to your HPA, submit a written request that clearly indicates you are requesting a major modification to an existing HPA. Include the HPA number, check number or billing account number, and a description of the requested change. Send your written request and payment, if applicable, by mail to: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, PO Box 43234, Olympia,Washington 98504-3234. If you are charging the fee to a billing account number or you are not subject to the fee,you may email your request to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov. You should allow up to 45 days for the department to process your request. APPEALS INFORMATION If you wish to appeal the issuance, denial, conditioning, or modification of a Hydraulic Project Approval(HPA), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)recommends that you first contact the deparlment employee who issued or denied the HPA to discuss your concerns. Such a discussion may resolve your concerns without the need for further appeal action. If you proceed with an appeal, you may request an informal or formal appeal. WDFW encourages you to take advantage of the informal appeal process before initiating a formal appeal. The informal appeal process includes a review by department management of the HPA or denial and often resolves issues faster and with less legal complexity than the formal appeal process. If the informal appeal process does not resolve your concerns, you may advance your appeal to the formal process. You may contact the HPA Appeals Coordinator at(360)902-2534 for more information. A. INFORMAL APPEALS:WAC 220-110-340 is the rule describing how to request an informal appeal of WDFW actions taken under Chapter 77.55 RCW. Please refer to that rule for complete informal appeal procedures. The following information summarizes that rule. A person who is aggrieved by the issuance,denial, conditioning, or modification of an HPA may request an informal appeal of that action. You must send your request to WDFW by mail to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife HPA Appeals Coordinator, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia,Washington 98501-1091;e-mail to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov;fax to(360)902-2946; or hand-delivery to the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St SE, Habitat Program, Fifth floor.WDFW must receive your request within 30 days from the date you receive notice of the decision. If you agree,and you applied for the HPA, resolution of the appeal may be facilitated through an informal conference with the WDFW employee responsible for the decision and a supervisor. If a resolution is not reached through the informal conference, or you are not the person who applied for the HPA,the HPA Appeals Coordinator or designee will conduct an informal hearing and recommend a decision to the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of the informal appeal, you may file a request for a formal appeal. B. FORMAL APPEALS:WAC 220-110-350 is the rule describing how to request a formal appeal of WDFW actions taken under Chapter 77.55 RCW. Please refer to that rule for complete formal appeal procedures. The following information summarizes that rule. A person who is aggrieved by the issuance, denial, conditioning, or modification of an HPA may request a formal appeal of that action.You must send your request for a formal appeal to the clerk of the Pollution Control Hearings Boards and serve a copy on WDFW within 30 days from the date you receive notice of the decision. You may serve WDFW by mail to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife HPA Appeals Coordinator,600 Capitol Way North, Olympia,Washington 98501-1091; e-mail to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov;fax to(360)902-2946; or hand-delivery to the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St SE, Habitat Program, Fifth floor. The time period for requesting a Page 6 of 7 Washington HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Coastal Department of 48 Devonshire Road FISH and RCW 77.55.021 -See appeal process at end of HPA Montesano,WA 98563 WILDLIFE (360)249-4628 Issue Date: March 01, 2013 Control Number: 129424-1 Project Expiration Date: September 30,2014 FPA/Public Notice#: N/A formal appeal is suspended during consideration of a timely informal appeal. If there has been an informal appeal, you may request a formal appeal within 30 days from the date you receive the Director's or designee's written decision in response to the informal appeal. C. FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME PERIODS: If there is no timely request for an appeal,the WDFW action shall be final and unappealable. ENFORCEMENT: Sergeant Jackson (29) P2 Habitat Biologist f for Director Amy Spoon 360-249-1228 �— WDFW CC: Page 7 of 7 haf,STATE•G,, O � - x 1 9�pY State of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Mailing Address:600 Capitol Way N, Olympia WA 98501-1091,(360)902-2200,TDD(360)902-2207 Main Office Location: Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia WA Dear Hydraulic Project Approval Recipient: You recently received a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). I would like to know how we did in providing service to you and how we might do a better job. Please take a few moments to complete the enclosed comment card. The card is already addressed to my office and stamped; you only need to drop it in the mail. WDFW is responsible for protecting fish and wildlife across the state. Our regulatory authority includes the protection of fish and fish habitat, and we do this through the HPA whenever someone wants to do work in or near the water. Our goal is to help landowners and contractors do this work and at the same time, protect fish and fish habitat. It is important to me that WDFW employees be clear, consistent, and timely when responding to the needs of Washington citizens. The HPA comment card is one way for me to measure how we are doing in this regard. - For that reason, your comments will be very useful and greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking time to complete our survey. Sincerely, C Phi ip Anderson Director Enclosure MASON COUNTY RESIDENTIAL PLANS SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Owner's Name Q Date: "2 I'2d _ Reviewed By:. Documents:/ Q,SOU rce—S ��i'D • ✓,B�' ding Permit Application Completed 11 N �Stormwate � I ' g Intake Checklist Completed, P I L BAN 2014 ite plan includes:Allowable building area,roo angs,decks,etc. _Fire Apparatus Access Road info required? Yes/ T —Energy Code Application Form-O Electric wall heater O Electric central furnace O LPG42&Wa CEDAR $-T O Heat pump with electric furnace O Heat pump with LPG furn ce O Boiler(heat type ) O Ductless Heat Pump O Other: Specify: ne) Mechanic ' g Application-WATER HEATER FUEL TYPE/LOCATION Engineering? Yes o Snow load: Seismic: D2 Stock Plan—a oved snow load: Seismic: D2 Manufactured Homes—4 FLOOR PLANS Foundation Type: ANSI/Manufacture method Engineered footing/foundation Basement Decks: Covered? Uncovered over 4 x 6 and over 30"? Construction plans required. Construction Plans:_3 COMPLETE SETS _Plans Legible _Recognized Scale _Elevation Views _Cross.. coon _Foundation Plan Roof Framing Plan _Floor Plan-Use of rooms noted(all floors) _Floor Framing Plan-all-floor levels including loft,crawlspace,etc. (<200 :??—stairs?) _Deck Framing Plan,incl cov.porch framing Plan Details: _Roof framing details,truss lay-out may be needed (Hi d girder location shown) _Wall Framing-Does bearing-wall height exceed (Engineering may be required) _Floor framing: Floor joists(size&spacing): ,Floor beams: _Window headers. Typical header: Garage header: _Foundation:footing size,reinforce t _Concrete Walls-Does Concre all Height Exceed 8'?(Engineering may be required,see details) _Landings at all exits?Les an 30"above grade?Y/N _Heated By Furnace- cation of Furnace Fuel type: _Fireplace/Stove rmation Shown-Fuel Type? Location(s): _Window S arked on Plans Brace all panels(shear walls)marked on plans or lateral engineering? COMMENTS: hr e4c, ENGINEERING REQUIRED Braced wall panels/brace wall lines are not marked on plans(R602.10) Amount and location of bracing does not meet minimum required in Table R602.10.1 DESIGN CRITERIA: All notes and details required as a result of the engineered analysis shall be transferred onto proposed building plans. Wind 85 MPH, Exposure B(unless proven otherwise). Seismic Zone: ,Snow sf. IRREGULAR BUILDINGS R301. Irregular portions of structures shall be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. A portion of a building shall be considered to be irregular when one or more of the following conditions occur: 1)Exterior braced wall line or BWP cantilevered or offset by more than 4' 2)Roof or floor is not laterally supported on all edges 2A)Portion of roof or floor extend more than 6 ft.beyond the braced wall line. 3)End of BWP extends more than 1 ft.over an opening more than 8 ft in width below. 4)Opening in a floor or roof exceed the lesser of 12 ft.or 50%of the least floor or roof dimension. 5)Portions of floor level are offset vertically 6)Shear wall lines do not occur in two perpendicular directions. 7)When a story above grade is includes masonry or concrete construction(exc: fireplaces,chimneys,and veneer). When this applies the entire story shall be designed.In accordance with accepted engineering practice. H:\permit tech building checklist.doc Revised 11-29-2007 _x. . , a� a