HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAT2024-00278 - WAT Application WAT
Permlt/uslsUnce Centel,Sullding,Planning
415 N 6-Street,Bldg 8,Shelton WA 98584,
Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 400 4- Belfer:(360)2754467 ext 400 4- Elms:(360)4825269 ext 400
Application for Determination of Water Adequacy
1. Complete Part 1. No determination can be made until Part 1 is fully completed.
2. Complete only the portion of Part 2 applying to the type of water connection utilized.
3. Submit completed application, with any required attachments for review.
4. An approved building site plan must accompany this application.
Part 1: Applicant/ Parcel Identification
Name on Applicant: Chris Colley & Lonnie Evans Date:
Mailing Address: 7426 NE 155th ST Kenmore, WAPhone: Chris 206-940-5672
Parcel Number: 32223-75.00150 98528 Lonnie 206-940-6660
Type of Water System Reason for A�pt�plilicpattiiog
❑ Public/Community Water System (2 or more ❑ Building permit
connections) ❑ Division of land:
El Individual water source (one connection), #of Parcels? SPL
El Well Exising ❑ Boundary line adjustment
❑ Spring/surface water
❑ Other(explain) ❑ Other(explain)
❑ Replacement or Remodel (please indicate name
If you have more than one residence connected of water system below if applicable—no
to this well, check the Public/Community Water signature required)
System box.
Part 2: Water Connection Information
Complete the section appropriate for the type of water connection being evaluated:
Public Water System
Name of Water System:
Water Facility Inventory(WFI) Number:
(write"none"for two-party)
❑ 1 am the manager of this water system.The water system has been approved for services.
There are presently connection(s) in use.This will be the connection.
❑ 1 am the manager of this system.This connection will be to upgrade or change the use of an existing
connection on this system (i.e.: recreational to full time). Please indicate on the following line the nature
of this change:
This water system is able and willing to provide water to this(these)connection(s)without exceeding
the limits of the water system or any limits set by state and local regulation.
Signature of Water System Manager Date
This form may be scanned and available for public view at www.co.mason.wam .
J:\EH Fusms\Drinking Water Revised 1/25MIR
Individual Water Well
El Water well report(attached to application). Depth 80 ft.
EI Well capacity Test(attached to application) 30 gpm 7 Kd 0 gpd.
The well driller often performs well capacity tests at the time the well is constructed. Results from
these tests are noted on the water well report. Results from these tests will be accepted. If the water
well report cannot be located by the applicant or if the water well report does not have a capacity test,
a well capacity test,which provides stabilization of draw-down and recovery data, must be performed
by a licensed contractor.
El Satisfactory bacteriological test(attach to application).
Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA)
Development within which WRIA httpJlgis.co.mason.wa.us/planning 140 150 16=22=
Water use or limitation recorded................................... N/AQ YesQ
Well Drilled ............................................................... Date
Individual Spring/Surface Water
❑ WDOE permit(attach to application)
❑ Method of disinfection
❑ 1 have reason to believe that this water source can provide at least 800 gallons per day;and/or
provides water at a rate of 2 gallons per minute based on the following observations.
Author of Statement Date
Relationship to Applicant
Part 3: Mason County Community Services Evaluation (staff use only)
Satisfactory Determination:
This determination does not address adequacy of the distribution system,guarantee an adequate supply of
water indefinitely in the future,or guarantee compliance with all applicable WDOE water resource regulations.
Recommended approval indicates requirements of Sanitary Code,Title 6,Chapter 6.68.040-Determination of
Adequacy for Building permits are satisfied. Additional Growth Management requirements may apply. Chapter
36.70A RCK
I Unsatisfactory Determination:
Applicant's water supply does not appear adequate to meet the needs of Its intended use for the following
^Reviewer's Signatures:
Environ. Health: Date
CSD Director: Date 2 of2
tOWATER WELL REPORT NoR�otlntmrdNo. W 163215
o r.'i OnVna &In copy-Ecology.2ad copy-owner,Jrd copy driller�a Unique Ecology Well m Tag No. AGE 709
CorelrudlordDecommissoD("x'in male)
0 Concoction Weer Right Pemut No.
/4 of Intent Number Proper[y0µsier Name Tnnnia Franc
PROPOSEDUSE: nj Doonesoc Ofishearml Muomyul WellSMet Address NE 490 Klah[nrva Rd.
❑newaur ❑kngahon ❑Test Well DOthm
(yty Tahrygg NA 98 County: Mafarlri
171'PEOFWORK: Owveh number of well(dire dun one) EWM merle
®New Well ORecumbi ned Meshed ❑Dug ❑Bored ❑Driven Location t�a_l/4-1/a f1Fa_U4 Scc�i� Tw R.31d_ us
❑Deepened KICable ❑RouD ❑)dted Last oLngg A bhin/S
l.af/Inn WWM cacao
DIMENSIONS: Dmm or of wi,l] A Wises,dedled RO It O,Lr snlg LA Deg -- L
Depsh of completed well�_fl REQUIRED) tong Deg-- Long
CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Tax Parcel No. i 23-7 5-001 50
Casing [Welded __6 Dume from T1 ft 0 75 It CONSTRUCTION OR DECOMMISSION PROCEDURE
Installed: OLmermstaBed Dum from nto_ft Fosmabm Ducnbe by color,gWmcmr,site of materiel nvdswcime,and We
Threaded Dram from k aft, kmd soil name of Ne material ov each slmmm penetrated,wish ar lean one
n"for each change of information Indicate all water encountered
Typc of efform.used MATERIAL FROM TD
SIZE ofperls_m by_m arid. oflerfr_kom ft a ft
Screens:®Yes ❑No ®K-ft, Locance 7.3.
Manufacturer's Name k
Typedai]... Model No
Dram 5 Slot Sou__3G__fmm___75_____ft m fl Silty fine brown and with
Diem scot seta ko rt m n some gravel and water 19 58
GraveMlierpacked: ❑Yee IRNo ❑SoreofgmvNxand
Mammals placed from ft m k. Cetrented sand & gmyel wi
Surface Seal: IR Yer ❑No To what depth 1 R k
Materials mil io seal Ratrmi to
Did any suamoomes unusable warn+ Dyes f1 No
• TypeofwauR Demh of Sams
McNod of sWtvg straw on
FIRM?: Mumbemrers Name r-1Au
Type H P
WATERLEVELS: I -swf=elevatimabovemeaysealevel ft
Some level 36 It below top of well Dam
Arienm pressure_ He persquaremeh Date
Anenan water.e controlled by
Wm eta
WELL TESTS: Dnwdown ss ya afm'lamt wets level is lowered below snot kvel
Wss apump ast made�DYes No lryes,bywMm>
• yield gal/coo with ft drawdownaner I.
I Yield isyrmn with ft dnwdown after bn
Yield wiW ft dmwdown after lass
Recoverydnm(raneiAenwiemwhenpumpmmee oftwauri i tun mdf
wen m,e m comer lowly
Tome Wiser Level Time Water Level Time Water Level
1 2��
Bnls,Rat_3D� j/min wiN�_n dmwdownaRer1rsh Wash ,ton t tt
Amica[ gal/tam wMsle-Wa1 0 enarl Me It Of LC 10�0
Artesoad Oow a p m Dam Tempcmtme ofwater_Wuachemral atulysu model Oven ON. Stun Dau 1/8/03 Completed Dale 1/10/03
WELL CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION: I constructed and/or accept responsibility for construction of this well,and in compliance with all
Washington well construction standards.Materials used and the unformanon reported above are trot,Is my best knowledge and belief.
q Driller ❑Eginic" ❑Tmnee Name nun) n.,a //g�y)_� Drilling Company flavi a Dri ll my
Driller/Engneer/Ccatnee Signalu ,ate � Address 3.19 e+13 Dayis Farm FW.
Duller or Trmnee License Ol No. 17nF City,-=,Zip Bfaire Wa 98528
Co a
It trainee,llcerued driller's RegisUistratioion NppAVISDI1100A Dare ilea-A3
Sigmture astd 1.ittiase no.
Ecology is an Equal Opportunity Employer ECY 050.1-20(Rev almp
Thurston County Environmental Health
2000 Lakeridge Dr.SW 6 Olympia,WA 98502
nsuxsroacourrrr 360867-2631
Dab Samoa w0cu'E Time Sample County
xoen 44on Yu"f
TYPa MWebr system(dack only ors box) ❑ Private Hau U o
❑GmupA ❑Group B wcsh;C 1fr ,/
Group A and Group B Systems-pro"from Wale,Facllilies Inventory(WFI):
ID# _
System Name:
comeoperson: ✓"
Day Phone: ,b) .(�' CBHPhone:( )
E Eve.Plwne:( )
dowrAnh(Pdnthanua . eMAPa ur grocers)
` 1..
_;'611t2�Z.L� 0
Semple cMkcbd by(na"):
bcetlonoraddmeswhem sanpk cdpcted: Special linsWdions arcanmw1w:
TYPO of Sample(Matched only one box M#1 through M4 kaW below(
1.IRRoutlne Distribution Semple ].Repast Sample unreel routine)
Chbdrabd:Yes_No ❑Dismt,Mbn System
Chlorine Resdual:Tote--Fors_ Chlorinated:Yea_No
7;Raw Water Source Sample Chlorine Residual:Tots_Free
❑E.wli-GWR(AP) r
❑fecal-swn,cra.vsnmvy,,,,,nannl Unalidsclay rouse,let,numb.,.
Flamed Yea_No_
❑Assessment Wnhohn,f P) amegaagpiy routine collect dab:
4.❑Semple CMlecled for Mformation only
Imrestigalive_ ConeWcdon/Repairs_ other_
❑Unsafistactory Total Cahbim present and Satisfactory
❑E.cdipreseM ❑Ectl4 absent o lifgm debcled�
Replacement Sample Required:
❑Samgle too rid(>30 hours) ❑TNTC ❑
Bacbdal Density Results:iobl ocsfoms /f00m1. EaW nOmN.
Fecal Colibnn NOpnl EntamwcG ngD ml.
is d Catl.: SM"'tt 0SM 92220 Daaantlhre Reunad:r ,
SM 9215E ❑Enbmlwlp - 7t
Dale aM nme Ariwyzed �aJI - L4 Dek
Samnk Nualy pDHmmO.pYpMt4jbl Lea Ua ..