HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEOtechnical Report - GEO General - 7/10/2024 MASON COUNTY Submittal Checklist COMMUNITY SERVICES Geotechnical Report Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geotechnical Report and completed, signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared the Geotechnical Report for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item is found not applicable, the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Note:Unless specifically documented, this report does not provide compliance to the International Residential Code Sections R403.1.7 for foundations on or adjacent to slopes, Section R403.1.8 for expansive soils or section 1808.7.1 of the International Building Code Section for Foundations on or adjacent to slopes. Applicant/Owner Dr. Young Lee Parcel# 322314100021 Site Address 4480 East State Route 106, Union, Washington (1) (a) A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development, Located on page(s) pages 3 -5 (b) A discussion of specific soil types, Located on page(s) page 5 (c) A discussion of ground water conditions, Located on page(s) page 5 (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology, Located on page(s) pages 2, 7 (e) A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands, Located on page(s) pages 5, 7 (f) A discussion of history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records. Located on page(s) pages 3 -4, & 7 (2) A site plan which identifies the important development and geologic features. Located on Map(s) Figure 2 (3) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes. Located on Map(s) Figure 2 (4) The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site. Located on Map(s) Figure 2 (5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes. Located on Map(s) Appendix C (6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum seismic safety factor is 1.1, and the quasi-static analysis coefficients should be a value of 0.15. Located on page(s) pages 9 - 11 (7) (a) Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features, Rev. February 2018 Located on page(s pages 13, 15-16, Appendix D (b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields, Located on page(s) None proposed (c) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings, Located on page(s) None proposed (d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes. Located on page(s) None proposed (e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes. Located on page(s) None proposed (8) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of vegetation removal. Located on page(s) page 16 (9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods. Located on page(s) pages 15-16 (10) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development. Located on page(s) slope stability analysis, pages 9-11 (11) Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage, erosion control, and buffer widths. Located on page(s) pages 15-16, Appendix D (12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed mitigation. Located on page(s) No structure proposed (13) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site. Located on Map(s) Figure 2 Keith S. Schembs hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geotechnical Report, dated July 10, 2024 , and entitled Limited Geotechnical Engineering Report,Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad,4480 East State Route 106,Mason County,Washington meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Geologically Hazardous Areas Section, is complete and true, that the assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a (Signature and Stamp) manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. i Page 2 of 2 Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. G EO RESOU RCES earth science & geotechnical engineering 4809 Pacific Hwy. E. Fife, Washington 98424 ( 253.896.1011 1 www. georesources.rocks July 10, 2024 Dr.Young Lee 1879 58t" Street NE Tacoma, Washington 98422 (252)227-4727 cceanside4444@gmail.com Limited Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 Mason County, Washington PN: 322314100021 Doc ID: LeeY.EStateRoute106.RG INTRODUCTION This Limited Geotechnical Engineering Report summarizes our site observations, subsurface explorations, and laboratory test results, and provides geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for the proposed driveway and trailer pad to be constructed on the vacant parcel at 4480 East State Route 106 in the Union area of Mason County, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the attached Site Location Map, Figure 1. Our understanding of the project is based on our conversations with you,James Linsey, and Jeremy Downs of Soundview Consultants; our April 29 and June 18, 2024 site visits and subsurface explorations; our understanding of the Mason County (the County) development codes; and our experience in the site area. The site is currently undeveloped except for a portion of the driveway that provides access to the residence on the adjacent parcel to the south. The new driveway will extend off the existing driveway where the existing paved surface crosses the property line. The new driveway will extend to the north/northwest and will be constructed using a side-cast fill method resulting in cuts and fills on the order of 4 to 6 feet. Near the beginning of the new driveway, a culvert will need to be installed in the existing drainage to maintain existing surface water flows. In addition to replacing the driveway we understand that you proposed to construct a trailer parking pad. We were not provided with a site plan prior to the preparation of this document. PURPOSE & SCOPE The purpose of our services was to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions near the proposed driveway/trailer pad as a basis for providing geotechnical recommendations and design criteria for the proposed development. Specifically,the scope of services for this project included the following: 1. Reviewing the available geologic, hydrogeologic, and geotechnical data for the site area; 2. Exploring surface and subsurface conditions by reconnoitering the site and monitoring the drilling of two borings near the proposed driveway/trailer pad; 3. Describing surface and subsurface conditions, including soil type, and depth to groundwater; 4. Addressing the Mason County Code(MCC)8.52.140.E(5)for Geologic Hazards; LeeY.E State Ro ute 106.RG July 10,2024 page 1 2 5. Providing recommendations for seismic design parameters, including 2021 International Building Code(IBC)site class; 6. Performing a stability analysis of the slopes for the existing and proposed site conditions using Slide 2 by Rocscience; 7. Providing geotechnical conclusions and recommendations regarding site grading activities, including site preparation, subgrade preparation, fill placement criteria, suitability of on-site soils for use as structural fill,temporary and permanent cut slopes, and drainage and erosion control measures; 8. Providing recommendations for retaining walls and/or rockeries that may be required on the upslope side of the driveway to accommodate grading; 9. Preparing this written Limited Geotechnical Engineering Report summarizing our site observations and conclusions, and our geotechnical recommendations and design criteria, along with the supporting data; and, 10. Preparing the Mason County Geotechnica/Engineering Report Checklist. The above scope of work was summarized in our Proposal for Geotechnica/Engineering Services dated June l 1,2024. We received authorization to proceed on June 11,2024 from your permitting agent James Lindsey. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The site is located at 4480 East State Route 106 in the Union area of Mason County, Washington. According to the Mason County,WA GIS website,the parcel is approximately rectangular in shape, measures about 390 to 400 feet wide(north to south) by about 575 to 665 feet long(east to west) and encompasses approximately 7.13 acres. The site is bounded by single-family residential development to the north, east and south, and by East State Route 106 to the west. The Skokomish River delta is located immediately west of East State Route 106. The site is located at the southwest end of Hood Canal with the west-facing sloping area of Union, Washington. Based on our review of topographic contours on the Mason County WA GIS website and as generally confirmed in the field:the site generally slopes up steeply from East State Route 106 at 100 percent to near vertical inclinations for approximately 20 to 75 vertical feet before transitioning to 25 to 65 percent slopes that continue through the central and eastern portion of the site and offsite to the east. Total topographic relief across the site is on the order of 280 feet. Existing site conditions and topography are shown on the attached Site &Exploration Map, Figure 2. Vegetation across the site generally consists of a dense stand of coniferous and deciduous trees with a dense to very dense understory of native and invasive shrubs, brush, and ferns. No evidence of ponded surface water, seeps, or springs were observed in the northern portion of the parcel at the time of our site visit. The closest upland bodies of water appear to be two wetland areas located approximately 3,100 feet to the east of the site.These areas are located along the east side of East McReavy Road. No evidence of soil movement or erosion was observed onsite at the time of our site visit, however there is an over-steepened portion of the slope west of the paved driveway that appears to be where fill was placed on the slope in order to facility the original driveway construction. GEORESUURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.Estate Route 1 06.RG July 10, 2024 page 13 Site Soils The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service(NRCS)Web Soil Survey maps the site to be underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Ad) soils. An excerpt of the referenced NRCS map for the site and adjacent areas is attached as Figure 3 and a detailed description of the mapped soil unit is included below. • Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Ad): The Alderwood soils are derived from glacial drift and/or glacial outwash over dense glaciomarine deposits and form on slopes of 30 to 50 percent. These soils have a"severe"erosion hazard when exposed and are included in hydrologic soils group B. Site Geology Based on our review of the Geologic Map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Mason County, Washington (Polenz et al., 2010) the site is located in an area underlain by pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial deposits (Qpuop). No landslide, alluvial fan, or mass wasting deposits are mapped closer to the site than 1,100 feet. An excerpt of the referenced geologic map is attached as Figure 4. • Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial deposits (Qpu� Mapped at the site and in the surrounding west facing sloping areas, these pre-Fraser deposits generally consist of well graded gravel with sand, silt,clay and diamicton (sediments that are poorly sorted and contain a wide range of clast sizes). These sediments were deposited prior to the more recent Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation. As such, these deposits are considered over-consolidated and exhibit high strength and low compressibility characteristics where undisturbed. The infiltration potential is generally limited. We also reviewed the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) Coastal Atlas shoreline mapping for the surrounding area. The slope stability mapping was originally published as a hard copy map in the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington between 1978 and 1980 and eventually digitized for reference.The site and surrounding shoreline area are mapped by the Coastal Atlas as"intermediate" (1). This designation is likely based on the height and steepness of the slopes across the site and surrounding area. No areas of"unstable-old slide"(UOS)or"unstable-recent slide"(URS)are mapped at or in the vicinity of the site. An excerpt of the Coastal Atlas for the site area is included as Figure S. The Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington by Mackey Smith and R. J. Carson (USGS Map 1-853) maps the site as a Class 2 area. Class 2 areas are considered stable under normal areas by may become unstable during construction if allowed to be over-steepened by erosion and/or if subjected to seismic activity. This map does not identify any known slides or areas of higher risk within the immediate vicinity of the site.An excerpt from the referenced Relative Slope Stability Map is attached as Figure 6. We also reviewed the WA Department of Natural Resources (WA DNR) 2017 Landslide Compilation datasets for the site vicinity. The Landslide Compilation dataset consists of mapped landslides compiled from a variety of sources including 1:24,000 and 1:100,000-scale surficial geologic maps, landslide hazard zonation studies,watershed analyses, reconnaissance-scale landslide mapping from winter storm landslide events and a lidar-based study of near-shore landforms. There are two mapped landslides identified along the south shore of the Hood Canal (upslope of E State Route 106) GEORESOURCES eatM science&geotechn�ca4 engineenng LeeY.Estate Route 1 06.RG July 10,2024 page 14 but are more than 2,000 feet from the site. According to the WA DNR datasets, these deposits were identified using reconnaissance-level mapping. An excerpt of the DNR Landslide Compilation map is included as Figure 7. Subsurface Explorations On June 18, 2024 we visited the site and monitored the drilling of two borings to depths of about 31'/2 feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were drilled with a track-mounted drill operated by a licensed driller working for GeoResources. The specific number, locations, and depths of our explorations were selected based on the configuration of the proposed development and were adjusted in the field based on consideration for underground utilities, existing site conditions, site access limitations and encountered stratigraphy. Representative soil samples obtained from our explorations were placed in sealed plastic bags and then taken to our laboratory for further examination and testing as deemed necessary. The relative locations and surface elevations of the explorations are presented below in Table 1. TABLE 1: APPROX/MATE LOCAT/ONS, ELEVATIONS,AND DEPTHS OFEXPL024TIONS Exploration Surface Termination Termination Number Functional Location Elevation' Depth Elevation' (feet) (feet) (feet) B-1 Eastern portion of proposed driveway 105 31 Y2 73Y2 --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------- - B-2 Western portion of proposed driveway 100 31 Yz 68Yz Notes: 1=Surface elevations estimated by interpolating between contours presented on the Mason County WA GIS website. During drilling,soil samples were obtained at 2'/z and 5-foot depth intervals in accordance with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) as per the test method outlined by ASTM D1586. The SPT method consists of driving a standard 2 inch-diameter split-spoon sampler 18 inches into the soil with a 140- pound hammer. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each 6-inch interval is counted, and the total number of blows struck during the final 12 inches is recorded as the Standard Penetration Resistance, or "SPT blow count'. If a total of 50 blows are recorded within any 6-inch interval (refusal), the driving is stopped, and the blow counts are recorded as 50 blows for the actual distance the sampler was driven. The resulting Standard Penetration Resistance values indicate the relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The boring was backfilled by the drillers with bentonite chips and abandoned per Washington State Regulations. The subsurface explorations completed as part of this evaluation indicate the subsurface conditions at specific locations only, as actual subsurface conditions can vary across the site. Furthermore, the nature and extent of such variation would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. Based on our experience and extent of prior explorations in the area, it is our opinion that the soils encountered in the exploration are generally representative of the soils at the site. The approximate locations and numbers of our borings are shown on the attached Site & Exploration Map, Figure 2.The indicated locations were determined by taping or pacing from existing site features and reference points; as such, the locations should only be considered as accurate as GEORESOURCES earth scien;e R geote,hraeao erg; ieenng LeeY.E State Ro ute 106.RG July 10,2024 page 15 implied by the measurement method. The soils encountered were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System(USCS)and ASTM D2488. The USCS is included in Appendix A as Figure A-1,while the descriptive logs of our borings are included as Figures A-2 and A-3. Subsurface Conditions At the location of our explorations, we encountered consistent subsurface conditions that, in our opinion, generally confirmed the mapped stratigraphy. Our explorations encountered soils that appeared to be consistent with undocumented fill and pre-Fraser sediments. These glacial soil layers and others are described in the following paragraphs. • Undocumented fill: Approximately 5 to 15 feet of brown silty sand with gravel in a very loose to loose, moist condition was encountered in each boring. We interpret these soils to be consistent with undocumented fill associated with the construction of the adjacent driveway. • Pre-Fraser sediments: Underlying the undocumented fill soils, our borings encountered approximately 5 to 20 feet of tan-grey silty sand with gravel in a medium dense to very dense, moist to wet condition overlying tan sandy gravel with silt in a dense to very dense, wet condition. These soils were encountered to the full depths explored. We interpret these soils to be consistent with pre-Fraser deposits. Laboratory Testing Geotechnical laboratory tests were performed on select samples retrieved from the boring explorations to estimate index engineering properties of the soils encountered. Laboratory testing included visual soil classification per ASTM D2488 and ASTM D2487, moisture content determinations per ASTM D2216, and grain size analyses per ASTM D6913 standard procedures. Test results summarized below in Table 2 and graphical output results are included in Appendix B. TABLE 2: LABORATORY TEST RESUL TS FOR ON-S/TE SOILS Gravel Sand Silt/Clay D10 Ratio Sample Soil Type Lab ID Content Content Content (mm) (percent) (percent) (percent) B-1, S-2, D: 5' GW-GM 105226 .3 . -------------------------------- ---------- 61 ----------32.9 5.8------------------------------------------- -01941- --- B-1, S-7, D: 25' SM 105227 --1.7 45.2 - -------- ---- - ------------ -----------------------------------------------------------13----1 <0.075 ----------- B-2, S-5, D: 15' GM 105228 44.5 41.0 1 14.5 <0.075 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater seepage and/or saturated soils were observed in both borings at about 20 feet below the ground surface (approximately elevation 80 to 85 feet). We anticipate the encountered groundwater seepage in our explorations is consistent with localized perched groundwater that occurs throughout the pre-Fraser deposits. Perched groundwater typically develops when the vertical infiltration of precipitation through a more permeable soil, is slowed at depth by a deeper, denser, less permeable soil type. We anticipate fluctuations in the local groundwater levels will occur in response to precipitation patterns, off-site construction activities, and site utilization. As such, water level GEORESOURCES eartt.luence&geotechn,caf erg,^eanng LeeY.Estate Ro ute 106.RG July 10,2024 page 1 6 observations made at the time of our field investigation may vary from those encountered during the construction phase. ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our data review,site reconnaissance,subsurface explorations,and our experience in the area, it is our opinion that the construction of the driveway and trailer pad is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided appropriate measures are taken to maintain stability at the site during and after construction. Our services were provided to assist in the design of a private driveway and trailer pad to be located on a sloping property. Our recommendations are intended to improve the overall stability of the site and to reduce the potential for future property damage related to earth movements,drainage, or erosion. However, all development on slopes involves risk, only part of which can be mitigated through qualified engineering and construction practices. Favorable performance of structures in the near term does not imply a certainty of long-term performance,especially under conditions of adverse weather or seismic activity. Detailed conclusions and geotechnical recommendations regarding the design and construction of the proposed development are presented below. Geologically Hazardous Areas-per MCC Chapter 8.52.140 Mason County classifies the following as geologically hazardous areas: i) Areas with any indications of earth movement such as debris slides, earthflows, slumps, and rock falls. ii) Areas with artificial over steepened or un-engineered slopes, i.e., cuts or fills. iii) Areas with slopes containing soft or potentially liquefiable soils. iv) Areas over steepened or otherwise unstable as a result of stream incision, stream bank erosion, and undercutting by wave action. v) Slopes greater than fifteen percent(eighth to one-half degrees)and having the following: a. Hillsides intersecting geologic contacts with a relatively permeable sediment overlying a relatively impermeable sediment or bedrock(e.g., sand overlying clay); and b. Springs or groundwater seepage. vi) Any area with a slope of forty percent or steeper and with a vertical relief of ten or more feet except areas composed of consolidated rock. A slope is delineated by establishing its toe and top and measured by averaging the inclination over at least ten feet of vertical relief. In addition, the County may use the following to indicate areas that have a higher likelihood of meeting the classification criteria above: i) Landslide hazards mapped by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources (Washington Geological Survey) such as"Landforms and Hazard Ratings- Mason Watershed,"Isabelle Sarikhan and Timothy J.Walsh,August 2007. ii) The areas identified on the Mason County Soil Survey Map as having slopes greater than fifteen percent. GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.Estate Route 1 06.RG July 10,2024 page 17 iii) The areas identified on the Coastal Zone Atlas, Volume 9, of Mason County, Washington as: a. Unstable-"U"; b. Unstable Old Slides-"URS"; c. Unstable Recent Slides -"URS"; d. Intermediate Slopes-"I"; e. Modified Slopes-"M". iv) The area identified as Class 2, 3, 4, or 5 of the maps: "Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington," by M. Smith and R.J. Carson, U.S. Geological Survey, Series Map 1-853-F, 1977; v) Areas described and mapped as areas of poor natural stability and historical and recent landslides by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources including "The Geological Map of North Central Mason County, Washington,"by R.J. Carson, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Earth Resources, 1975; vi) Areas mapped as landslide deposits (Map Unit Qls) on the Geologic Maps of Washington 7.5-Minute Quadrangle(Longbranch, Squaxin Island, Shelton, Summit Lake,Vaughn, Lake Wooten, Mason Lake, Belfair, Skokomish Valley and Union, Lilliwaup, Hoodsport, and Holly). No evidence of landslides was observed during our site visit nor are any landslide or mass- wasting deposits mapped on or in the vicinity of the site. Our borings were completed near the existing driveway of 4420 East State Route 106 and encountered loose undocumented fill soils in the upper 5 to 15 feet. Additionally,we anticipate that the steeper slopes in the lower western portion of the site are cut slopes associated with the construction of East State Route 106. No deposits of potentially liquefiable soils are inferred by the referenced mapping, nor were any encountered in our subsurface explorations. The site is located near a marine shoreline and river delta. We did not observe evidence of erosion and over-steepening of the shoreline at the time of our site visit. Slopes greater than 15 percent were observed across the site. Our borings did not encounter an adverse contact; however, groundwater seepage was observed at approximately 20 feet below the ground surface in our borings. Slopes of 40 percent or greater with 10 feet or more of vertical relief are mapped and were observed across the site, particularly in the lower western portion of the site. The Alderwood gravelly sandy loam(Ad)soils mapped at the site are listed and were observed as having slopes greater than 30 to 50 percent. As stated, the Coastal Atlas maps the site as "intermediate" (1). The Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington (Smith and Carson, 1977)maps the site as Class 2. Class 2 area are believed to be stable under normal conditions but may become unstable if: disturbed by human activities, if slope is over-steepened by erosion, or if subjected to strong seismic shaking. An excerpt of the map is included as Figure 6. Our review of geologic maps of the site area does not indicate the presence of landslide deposits at the site. Landform mapping by DNR(2010)presented on the Mason County WA GIS map, indicates that the site is categorized as a "high"hazard, as shown on Figure 8. We also reviewed landslide mapping by DNR (2009). No landslide deposits are mapped on or in the vicinity of the site (Figure 7). Our observations and evaluation would generally concur with the Mason County mapping. However, based on the result of our slope stability analysis, discussed later in this report, the existing site GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.EState Route 1 06.RG July 10, 2024 page 1 8 configuration has a minimum FS of about 1.5 and 1.1 for static and pseudo-static conditions, and would be classified as Stable. Erosion Hazard Areas- per MCC Chapter 8.52.160 Mason County defines erosion hazard areas as those areas underlain by soils which are subject to severe erosion when disturbed. These soils include, but are not limited to, River Wash("Ra") or Coastal Beaches ("Cg")and the following where they occur on slopes of fifteen percent or steeper: (i) Alderwood gravelly sandy loam ("Ac"and "Ad") (ii) Cloquallum silt loam ("Cd") (iii) Harstine gravelly sandy loam("Hb") (iv) Kitsap silt loam ("Kc") The NRCS maps the site to be underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Ad) soils, meeting the County's criteria of an erosion hazard area. Weathering, erosion, and the resulting surficial sloughing and shallow land sliding are natural processes that affect steep slope areas. It is our opinion that if typical erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used during clearing and replanting of vegetation as outlined in the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) are followed, then the potential for erosion resulting from the proposed development to adversely impact the project site or adjacent areas should be minimal. Additional recommendations for erosion control are presented below in the"Erosion Control"section of this report. Seismic Design The site is in the Puget Sound region of western Washington, which is seismically active. Seismicity in this region is attributed primarily to the interaction between the Pacific,Juan de Fuca and North American plates.The Juan de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American plate at the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). This produces both intercrustal (between plates) and intracrustal (within a plate) earthquakes. In the following sections we discuss the design criteria and potential hazards associated with regional seismicity. Seismic Site Class Based on our observations and the subsurface units mapped at the site, we interpret the structural site conditions to correspond to a seismic Site Class "C" in accordance with the 2021 IBC documents and American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE)7-16,Chapter 20,Table 20.3-1. This is based on the range of SPT blow counts of the soils encountered in our explorations. These conditions are assumed to be representative for the subsurface across the site. Design Parameters We used the ASCE Hazard Tool website to estimate seismic design parameters at the site.Table 3, below, summarizes the recommended design parameters. 00-020=1— GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.EState Route 1 06.RG July 10,2024 page 19 TABLE 3: 2021 IBC PARAMETERS FOR DES/GAt OF SEISMIC STRUCTURES Spectral Response Acceleration(SRA)and Site Short Coefficients Period Mapped SRA SS= 1.555g Site Coefficients (Site Class C) Fa = 1.200 - --— --- ----- --- ---------------------- -------------------------- Maximum Considered Earthquake SRA SMs= 1.866g Design SRA Sos= 1.244g Peak Ground Acceleration The mapped peak ground acceleration(PGA)for this site is 0.670g. To account for site class,the PGA is multiplied by a site amplification factor (FPGA) of 1.2. The resulting site modified peak ground acceleration (PGAM) is 0.804g. In general, estimating seismic earth pressures (kh) by the Mononobe- Okabe method or for use in slope stability analyses are taken as'/3 to Yz of the PGAM,or 0.268g to 0.402g. Seismic Hazards Earthquake-induced geologic hazards may include liquefaction, lateral spreading, slope instability(as discussed above)and ground surface fault rupture Liquefaction is a phenomenon where there is a temporary reduction or complete loss of soil strength because of an increase in pore water pressure induced by seismic vibrations. Liquefaction mainly affects geologically recent deposits of loose,fine-grained sands and low-plasticity silts that are below the groundwater table. It is our opinion that the combination of steep slopes, normally consolidated soils, and groundwater seepage in the area of the shoreline bluff indicate that there is potential for lateral spreading during a seismic event. The site is mapped as having a "low"to "very low" liquefaction susceptibility by the Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington (Palmer et al., 2004) as shown on Figure 9. Based on the results of our subsurface explorations (density and consistency of the subsurface soils) across the site, we also conclude that the potential for liquefaction at the site is low. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Geologic Hazards Map (Geologic Information Portal) shows the site to be located about 2.4 miles southeast of the Hood Canal Fault zone and 2.4 miles northeast of the Lucky Dog fault(Figure 10). No evidence of ground fault rupture was observed in the subsurface explorations or our site reconnaissance. Therefore, in our opinion, the proposed structure should have no greater risk for ground fault rupture than other structures in the area. Slope Stability Analyses We analyzed the global slope stability of the site in the existing and proposed configuration using subsurface profile A-A', as shown on Figure 2. The topographic information for the cross section was based on 5-foot contour data from the Mason County WA GIS website. This cross section was selected as the most critical section given the height and steepness of the slopes relative to the proposed development. As stated, we were not provided with a site plan prior to the preparation of this report. The proposed conditions were based on our understanding of the proposed development. GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.EStateRoute 106.RG July 10,2024 page 1 10 We used the computer program SLIDE2, from Rocscience, to perform the slope stability analyses. The computer program SLIDE uses a number of methods to estimate the factor of safety (FS) of the stability of a slope by analyzing the shear and normal forces acting on a series of vertical "slices" that comprise a failure surface. Each vertical slice is treated as a rigid body; therefore, the forces and/or moments acting on each slice are assumed to satisfy static equilibrium (i.e., a limit equilibrium analysis). The FS is defined as the ratio of the forces available to resist movement to the forces of the driving mass. A FS of 1.0 means that the driving and resisting forces are equal; and a FS less than 1.0 indicates that the driving forces are greater than the resisting forces(indicating failure). Soil unit weights and strength parameters were assigned based on our experience; our review of Geotechnical Properties of Geologic Materials (Koloski, Schwarz, and Tubbs 1989), Shallow-Landslide Hazard Map of Seattle, Washington (Harp, Michael, and Laprade 2006), and the Washington State of Department of Transportation Geotechnical Design Manual (2022); and our subsurface explorations completed at the site on June 16, 2024, as well as laboratory testing of representative soils for index properties. Table 4 summarizes the values published in the two referenced reports;the reference for the strength properties used in this analysis. TABLE 4: SOIL PROPERTIES FOR VARIOUS NAT/I/ESO/L TYPES ENCOUNTERED IN THE PUGETSOUND Deposit Source Dry Unit Friction Angle Cohesion Weight(pcfl (degrees) (Psf) Glacial Till(SM,ML) 120-140 35-45 1,000-4,000 Glaciolacustrine(SM,ML,SP) Geotechnical Properties 100-120 15-35 0-3,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ of Geologic Materials' ------------------ --------------------- ----------- Outwash(GW,GP,SW,SP,SM) 115-130 30-40 0-1,000 Pre-Fraser glaciation coarse-grained deposits 38 -400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-Fraser glaciation fine-grained deposits Shallow-Landslide 26 -600 ---------------------- - - Hazard Map of Seattle, NA --------—---------------------------------------- Washington ------ Pre-Fraser non-glacial coarse-grained deposits 2 36 -400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Pre-Fraser non-glacial fine-grained deposits 26 -600 WSDOT Geotechnical Design 4 Outwash Manual NA 40-45 0 (M46-03.12) Notes: 1 Koloski,Schwarz,and Tubbs,Engineering Geology in Washington,WA Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 78 Vol 1(1989) 2 Harp,Michael,and Laprade(2006)Shallow-Landslide Hazard Map of Seattle,Washington,U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1139 3 Chapter 5 of the 2022 Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)Geotechnical Design Manual(M46-03.12) 4 GDM does not provide range for outwash,but states"near zero cohesion for clean deposits" NA=Not Available GeoResources assigned soil unit weight and strength parameters based on our experience, our subsurface explorations, as well as laboratory testing of representative soils for index properties. Table 5 below, summarizes the estimated soil properties of on-site soils used for our slope stability analyses. GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.EState Route 1 06.RG July 10,2024 page 11 TABLE 5: EMMATED SOIL PROPERT/ES OF ON-S/TESOILS USED FOR SLOPESTABILITYANAL YSES Dry Unit Saturated Cohesion Phi �. Soil Type Weight Unit Weight (psf) 1 (degrees) (pcf) (pcf) pre-Fraser, silty sand deposits 125 126 300 42 -- -----_------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pre-Fraser, sandy gravel deposits 127 128 200 4-5 — --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Structural fill 125 - 0 35 Based on our review,and the data shown in Tables 4 and 5 it is our opinion that the assumed values for the various soil types appear to be within the range of tabulated values in the referenced literature. We used the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles as specified by MCC 8.52.140(5)(E), which satisfies both moment and force equilibrium, to search for the location of the most critical failure surfaces and their corresponding FS. The most critical surfaces are those with the lowest FS for a given loading condition and are therefore the most likely to move. Quasi-static analyses were completed using a horizontal coefficient of 0.15g as specified by MCC 8.52.140(5)(E). Based on our slope stability analyses, the existing site configuration has a minimum FS of about 1.5 and 1.1 for static and quasi-static conditions, respectively. A second section was modelled across the proposed driveway/trailer pad modelling a shallow cut and fill,as proposed. Results for the proposed conditions did not affect the results of our analysis. Details of our slope stability analyses are included in Appendix C. Our analysis only examines the site under existing conditions and is based on topographic data available on the Mason County WA GIS website. As stated,we were not provided with a proposed site plan prior to the preparation of this document. Once a site plan has been prepared, we recommend that additional slope stability analyses be completed. Temporary Excavations All job site safety issues and precautions are the responsibility of the contractor providing services/work. The following cut/fill slope guidelines are provided for planning purposes only. Temporary cut slopes will likely be necessary during grading operations or utility installation. All excavations at the site associated with confined spaces, such as utility trenches and retaining walls, must be completed in accordance with local, state, or federal requirements including Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and Washington Industrial Safety and Health Administration (WISHA). Excavation, trenching,and shoring is covered under WAC 296-155 Part N. Based on WAC 296-155-66401, it is our opinion that the undocumented fill soils be classified as Type C soils, and that the deeper pre-Fraser soils be classified as Type B soils. According to WAC 296-155-66403,for temporary excavations of less than 20 feet in depth,the side slopes in Type B soils should be sloped at a maximum inclination of 1 H:1 V and Type C soils should be sloped at a maximum inclination of 1 1/2H:1 V or flatter from the toe to top of slope. All exposed slope faces should be covered with a durable reinforced plastic membrane during construction to prevent slope raveling and rutting during periods of precipitation. These guidelines assume that all surface loads are kept at a minimum distance of at least one half the depth of the cut away from the top of the slope and that significant GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnica!eng,n,eering LeeY.E State Route 1 06.RG July 10,2024 page 1 12 seepage is not present on the slope face. Flatter cut slopes will be necessary where significant raveling or seepage occurs, or if construction materials will be stockpiled along the slope crest. Where it is not feasible to slope the site soils back at these inclinations, a retaining structure should be considered. Retaining structures greater than 4-feet in height(bottom of footing to top of structure) or that have slopes of greater than 15 percent above them, should be engineered per Washington Administrative Code (WAC 51-16-080 item 5). This information is provided solely for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants, and should not be construed to imply that GeoResources assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job site safety is the sole responsibility of the project contractor. Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes Permanent cut or fill slopes in soil should be no steeper than 2H:1 V. All permanent slopes should be protected from erosion as soon as feasible after grading is completed. Typical erosion control methods per the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington should be sufficient for proposed site grading activities. Additionally, permanent slopes should be planted with a hardy vegetative groundcover, mulched, or armored with quarry spalls as soon as feasible after grading is completed. Fill slopes constructed on grades that are steeper than 5H:1 V(20 percent) should be "keyed" into the undisturbed native soils by cutting a series of horizontal benches and should be constructed in accordance with Appendix J of the 2021 IBC. The benches should be 11h times the width of the equipment used for grading and be a maximum of 3 feet in height. Subsurface drainage may be required in areas where significant seepage is encountered during grading. Collected drainage should be directed to an appropriate discharge point. Grade Separation Walls Because a grading plan has not been established,the heights and types(supporting cuts/fills) are unknown. If the cuts or fills need to be retained, there are several types of grade separation walls that use pre-cast modular concrete blocks. Rockeries could also be used. These proprietary systems can be designed as either gravity walls (without reinforcement) or as mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls (with geogrid reinforcement). Below we provide a summary of gravity and MSE walls, as well as rockeries. We can provide site specific wall design calculations once the grading plan has been developed and the actual wall type is selected. Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE)walls are constructed using compacted soil with layers of reinforcing material, such as geosynthetics or steel strips, that extend behind the wall face to create a reinforced soil mass. This wall system is designed to support fills taller than 4 feet in height. Other wall systems, such as gravity walls or rockeries, are typically more cost effective for cuts of less than 12 feet and fills less than 6 feet tall. Detailed wall design should be performed by the wall designer, including internal and global stability, sliding resistance, and required reinforcement layout and properties. Wall backfill should consist of structural fill and should be compacted to 95 percent of the MDD as determined by the Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557). The soil drainage zone within 12 to 18 inches of the wall should be compacted to approximately 90 percent of the MDD based on ASTM D1557. We recommend the use of WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12(4) for Gravel Backfill for Drains for the soil drainage zone aggregate. GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnicai eng,neermg LeeY.EState Route 106.RG July 10,2024 page 1 13 Typical facings for MSE walls with geogrid or geotextile reinforcement are small modular concrete blocks (such as AIIanBlock, Keystone, and others)or large modular concrete blocks(such as Redi-Rock and StoneTerra). Rockeries may be considered for use as a decorative facing in front of wrapped face geosynthetic MSE walls. In our opinion, MSE wails with welded wire mesh or steel reinforcement (or gabion style wall) such as the Hilfiker wall systems, would also be feasible from a geotechnical perspective. Gravity Walls Large modular concrete block walls (such as Redi-Rock, StoneTerra, or Ultrablock) are often designed as gravity walls(without geosynthetic reinforcement). Gravity walls depend primarily on the weight of the concrete blocks to resist failure from overturning and sliding. Gravity walls are typically a cost-effective option for cuts of 12 feet or less or fills 6 feet or less. Taller wall sections and walls subject to surcharge loading(including tiered wall configurations with less than 1 H:1 V separation)will require larger block sizes to resist the additional forces acting on the wall. Gravity walls consist of larger, pre-cast concrete blocks and are more suited to supports cuts and fills up to about 10 feet in height where no surcharge loads are impacting the wall. Rockeries Rockeries should not be used unless the retained material is stable without the rock facing. Rockeries are considered to act principally as erosion protection, and they are not considered to provide strength to the slope unless designed as a buttress using limit equilibrium slope stability methods. We do not recommend rockeries be constructed in front of cuts taller than 6 feet or fills with more than 4 feet of exposed height unless constructed as a wrapped-face MSE wall with rockery facing. Rockery walls should be constructed of hard, dense, sound, and durable rock, free from seams, cracks, and other defects in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification 9-13.7(1). Backfill materials for rockery walls should consist of WSDOT Standard Specification 9-13.1(5)for Quarry Spalls or shot rock of the same quality. Rockery boulders should be placed in uniformly decreasing sizes from the bottom of the rockery to the top,with a battered face of at least 1 H:6V from vertical towards the cut face. All rocks should be placed in running bond construction, with no continuous joint planes in vertical or lateral directions, and each rock should maintain at least two points of contact with adjacent rocks so that they are keyed together. The maximum void between adjacent rocks should be less than 6 inches as measured at the largest dimension of the void; voids larger than 6 inches should be keyed with chinking rocks to fill the void. We recommend tiered rockeries be separated by level terraces at least equal to the height of the lower rockery, so that the upper rockery does not place a surcharge load on the lower rockery. Site Drainage All ground surfaces, pavements and sidewalks at the site should be sloped to direct surface water away from the structures, steep slopes, and property lines. Surface water runoff should be controlled by a system of curbs, berms, drainage swales, and or catch basins, and conveyed to an appropriate discharge point. GEORESOURCES earcn science&geotechNcal engiReE LeeY.Estate Route 1 06.RG July 10,2024 page 1 14 We recommend that footing drains be installed for the residence in accordance with the 2018 IBC, Section 1805.4.2, and basement walls (if utilized) have a wall drain as described above. The roof drain should not be connected to the footing drain. EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparation All structural areas on the site to be graded should be stripped of vegetation, organic surface soils, and other deleterious materials including existing structures, foundations or abandoned utility lines. Organic topsoil is not suitable for use as structural fill, but may be used for limited depths in non-structural areas. Based on our subsurface explorations, we anticipate that stripping depth will likely range from about 6 to 12 inches for topsoil. Areas of thicker topsoil or organic debris may be encountered in the lower pasture area, in localized depressions, or in areas of heavy vegetation. In addition to the removal of topsoil, any undocumented fill soils across the site should also be removed or removed and replaced from within the area of the proposed driveway or trailer pad. As stated, our borings encountered approximately 5 to 15 feet of undocumented fill. Recommendations regarding removal, processing and replacement of the undocumented fill is discussed below in the"Suitability of On-Site Materials as Fill"section. Where placement of fill material is required,the stripped/exposed subgrade areas should be compacted to a firm and unyielding surface prior to placement of new fill. Excavations for debris removal should be backfilled with structural fill compacted to the densities described in the "Structural Fill"section of this report. We recommend that a member of our staff evaluate the exposed subgrade conditions after removal of vegetation and topsoil stripping is completed and prior to placement of structural fill. The exposed subgrade soil should be proof-rolled with heavy rubber-tired equipment during dry weather or probed with a Y2-inch diameter steel T-probe during wet weather conditions. Soft, loose, or otherwise unsuitable areas delineated during proof-rolling or probing should be recompacted, if practical, or over-excavated and replaced with structural fill.The depth and extent of overexcavation should be evaluated by our field representative at the time of construction. The areas of old fill material should be evaluated during grading operations to determine if they need mitigation, recompaction, or removal. Structural Fill All material placed as fill for the proposed wall should be placed as structural fill. Material placed as structural fill should be free of debris, organic matter, trash, and cobbles greater than 4- inches in diameter. The moisture content of the fill material should be adjusted as necessary for proper compaction. Materials The suitability of material for use as structural fill will depend on the gradation and moisture content of the soil. As the amount of fines(material passing US No. 200 sieve)increases,soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. During wet weather,we recommend use of well-graded sand and gravel with less than 5 percent (by weight) passing the US No. 200 sieve based on that fraction passing the 3/4-inch GEORESOURCES earth scuenre&geotechmcal erg+reering LeeY.EStateRoutel06.RG July 10,2024 page 1 15 sieve, such as Gravel Backfill for Walls(WSDOT 9-03.12(2)). If prolonged dry weather prevails during the wall construction, higher fines content(up to 10 to 12 percent) may be acceptable. Placement and Compaction The appropriate lift thickness will depend on the structural fill characteristics and compaction equipment used, but it is typically limited to 4 to 6 inches for hand operated equipment; thicker lifts may be appropriate for larger equipment. For larger equipment such as a hoe-pac or drum roller,we recommend a maximum loose-lift thickness of 12 inches. Structural fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD as determined by the Modified Proctor(ASTM D1557), except for within 12 inches of the back of the wall, as described in the "Wall Drainage" section of this report. Additionally, the moisture content should be maintained within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content in accordance with ASTM D1557. Suitability of On-Site Materials as Fill During dry weather construction, the non-organic,granular onsite soil may be considered for use as structural fill, provided it meets the criteria described above in the"Structural Fill"section and can be compacted as recommended. If the soil material is over optimum moisture at the time of excavation, it will be necessary to aerate or dry the soil prior to placement as structural fill. We generally observed the site soils to be excessively moist (damp to wet) at the time of our subsurface explorations. The undocumented fill and pre-Fraser deposits encountered in our borings are generally comparable to "Common Borrow"(WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.14(3)). These soils should be suitable for use as structural fill provided the moisture content is maintained within 2 percent of the optimum moisture level. We generally did not observe any construction material or organic material in the upper undocumented fill soils. However, if present, screening the fill material with a 3-inch sieve to remove organics and construction debris would be appropriate. Removal and processing of the undocumented fill soils should include excavating down to native soils, and an appropriate level of processing to meet the specification of"Common Borrow". GeoResources should provide sufficient laboratory testing and monitoring to ensure the above specification is met and the material is replaced as structural fill. Because of the higher fines content of the undocumented fill, these soils are highly moisture sensitive and may be difficult or impossible to compact when wet. We recommend that completed graded-areas be restricted from traffic or protected prior to wet weather conditions. The graded areas may be protected by paving, placing asphalt-treated base, a layer of free-draining material such as pit run sand and gravel or clean crushed rock material containing less than 5 percent fines,or some combination of the above. Erosion Control Weathering, erosion and the resulting surficial sloughing and shallow land sliding are natural processes. As noted, no evidence of surficial raveling or sloughing was observed at the site. To manage and reduce the potential for these natural processes, we recommend erosion protection measures be in place prior to grading activity on the site. Erosion hazards can be mitigated by applying Best Management Practices(BMP's) outlined in the SWMMWW. To manage and reduce the potential for these natural processes,we recommend the following: GEORES � URCES earth science&geotechnlcal englneenng LeeY.Estate Route 106.RG July 10,2024 page 16 • No drainage of concentrated surface water or significant sheet flow onto or near steep slope areas. • No fill should be placed within buffer or setback areas unless retained by engineered retaining walls or constructed as an engineered fill. • Grading should be limited to providing surface grades that promote surface flows away from the top of slope to an appropriate discharge location. • The driveway and pad should be graded with a ditch constructed along the upslope side.The ditch should have quarry spall check dams and should convey water back to the existing drainage. • The new culvert installed in the drainage should have a rock pad on the outfall side to minimize potential for scour, and rock on both sides of the entrance(per guidance for cross drains from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice Manual, details of which are in Appendix D). If the recommended erosion and sediment control BMPs are properly implemented and maintained, it is our opinion that the planned development should not increase the potential for erosion of the site.While a planting plan is not required,the cut and fill slopes adjacent to the driveway and trailer pad should be stabilized with permanent erosion control including vegetation. Tree clearing below the pad should be limited to limbing up trees to provide view corridors and selected tree removal under the guidance of a forester or arborist. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for use by Young Lee and other members of the design team,for use in the design of a portion of this project. The data used in preparing this report and this report should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding or estimating purposes only. Our report, conclusions and interpretations are based on our subsurface explorations,data from others and limited site reconnaissance,and should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Variations in subsurface conditions are possible between the explorations and may also occur with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the budget and schedule. Sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation should be provided by our firm during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. The scope of our services does not include services related to environmental remediation and construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. If there are any changes in the loads,grades, locations, configurations or type of facilities to be constructed, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report may not be fully applicable. If such changes are made, we should be given the opportunity to review our recommendations and provide written modifications or verifications, as appropriate. GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnical engineering LeeY.EStateRoute106.RG July 10,2024 page 1 17 We have appreciated the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoResources, LLC ?Jordan L. Kovash, LG oject Geologist L� � { W h r F KBTH=TT SCHEM Eric W. Heller, PE, LG Keith S. Schembs, LEG Senior Geotechnical Engineer Principal JLK:EWH:KSS/jlk Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoutel06.RG Attachments: Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Site&Exploration Map Figure 3: NRCS Soils Map Figure 4: Geologic Map Figure 5: Coastal Atlas-Stability Map Figure 6: Relative Slope Stability Figure 7:DNR Landslide Compilation Figure 8: Mason County Geologic Hazard Map Figure 9: Liquefaction Susceptibility Map Figure 10:DNR Fault Hazard Map Appendix A-Subsurface Explorations Appendix B-Laboratory Test Results Appendix C-Slope Stability Analysis Appendix D-Driveway Details '0000 GEORESOURCES earth science&geotechnicaf engineering HO ♦ s *a ct6;,ow crrsrrasrnK - Ak ' ff Skokomisth Indian Tribe p, wok toy > , r - scAeanncnec ' r rM MorMra�-....r Approximate Site Location Map created from Open Street Map (https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=l6/47.3539/-123.1049) (k (NV+(F S Not to Scale Site Location Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.F. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks I Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoute106.F Ju1y2024 Figure 1 7h; Ai . s Jk I �►°`� ' I ; f I v n i 41F 29:+ Note Site&Exploration Map Map created from Mason County GIS website(https://gis.masoncountywa.gov) N _ Proposed Single-Family Residence Boring06 number and approximate location w t G E O R E S O U R C E S xas-East State Route 1 to PP Mason County,Washington Scale 1"-100' earth science&geotechnical engineering PN:322314100021 4809 VaciBs Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1253.896.1011 I—georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoute106.5EM July 2024 Figure 2 c R, Approximate Site Location Map created from Web Soil Survey(http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx) Soil Slopes Erosion Hydrologic Type Soil Name Parent Material (percent) Hazard Soils Group Ac Alderwood gravelly sandy Glacial drift and/or glacial outwash 15 to 30 Moderate B Ad loam over dense glaciomarine deposits 30 to 50 Severe S Not to Scale NRCS Soils Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy,E. I Fife,WA 98424 i 253.896.1011 i www,georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EState Route 106.F July 2024 Figure 3 i IV Lid ml2. . of 1 Qb 0 K 0 M H F L A ]`ram , ' QPtlop g ' y ffit 1 •� af Qaf if#Qg f fig" n l Qp� ! M ud _ A., GEoLo.K m..a: a„ i ______ Camcl--iimeh mdmtmce cam.!oeati�mbrtd �Oca` l ' � c-uma JQa i -Qga Ogic -- C�d� q —W.1�tfi�. my r Approximate Site Location An excerpt from the Geologic Map of the S.kokomish Valley and Union 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Mason County, Washington by Michael Polenz,Jessica L. Czajkowski, Gabrial Legorreta Paulin,Trevor A. Contreras, Brendan A. Miller, Maria E. Martin, Timothy J.Walsh, Robert L. Logan, Robert J.Carson, Chris N.Johnson, Rian H. Skov, Shannon A. Mahan, and Cody R. Cohan (2010) Artificial fill Qgt Vashon lodgement till Qga Vashon advance outwash Qpuoa Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial deposits J Not to Scale Geologic Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 Mason County, Washington G E O R E S O U R C E S earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoute106.F July 2024 Figure 4 NEW Slope stability 4D _ ,.,, Stable C`t intermediate _ y Modified 40 Unstable V Unstable(old slide) IV Unstable(recent slide) �a A Approximate Site Location An excerpt from the Washington State Department of Ecology Coastal Atlas website (https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatlas/) cNr��r Not to Scale Coastal Atlas - Stability Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE o R E S o U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. l Fife,WA 98424 i 253,896.1011 j www,georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoute106.F July 2024 Figure 5 Class I CL % ' " t R. .` Class 3OA e" xY,Y !— 4 > „a n:.. IN K •. t Approximate Site Location An excerpt from The Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington by Mackey Smith and R.J. Carson(USGS Map 1-853) i� S Not to Scale Relative Slope Stability Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad '► 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S O U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoutel O6.F July 2024 Figure 6 x t 1 � Union .', ti Vy �3 :s �'�` }-OJ6 468 'W 'PO.t �06 7 3: F Dalby Rd E fvaniYansta Dr r i r i 'ry r f Approximate Site Location Map created on the Washington Geologic Information Portal (https://geologyportal.dn r.wa.gov) Not to Scale �--- DNR Landslide Compilation Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EState Route 106.1' July 2024 Figure 7 Geok�ic Hazard_t,ayers Landslides-DNR 2010 i Landforms-DNR 2009 1-H°9h j2-Moderate 1 - 3-Low I is 9pY ' P Jj I _ t 8 3..i 4 ut. Z �� Approximate Site Location Map created from Mason County WA GIS website (https://gis.masoncountywa.gov/Mason/) w �r: 5 Not to Scale ��s■►— Mason County Geologic Hazard Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S a U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. ► Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georescurces.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoute106.F July 2024 Figure 8 EXPLANATION Liyue6�inanrapcbtliy.HLCiH ", ® I.cpoehRioac it�tb�7ty:MODF�iAT E b H it'tl - t Liquetrotiov*Ac gtb0lty:MODERAn ! ❑ Lyua6dim autoepif *y:LOW tvMWFAAFL layue6cdan sU=*d Uky.LEM L.igu.&,dm nus.oWiy:VERY LOW W WW I j-Y Tahuya �� f Ljac&csiansu=01a13ty,MYLOW o l/ 8�.�nd 7b�caf nit r I�dnane turat �\ F-1 Peatdepcni per���dglrm�mWet �...w-..---.. : re es•oi ld�Ji' iYafeP C .. a m eMYs�rt ssav4s2ae0 toy lm�n>b etcaryire4 -.____,..� Hge:tars�,;aoare c�c ra ate-.rC�pae a iW asp t" i 106 - ------------------------- r, Approximate Site Location An excerpt from the Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington by Stephen P. Palmer, Sammantha L. Magsino, Eric L. Bilderback,James L. Poelstra, Derek S. Folger, and Rebecca A. Niggemann (2004) Not to Scale Liquefaction Susceptibility Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy,E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesou rces.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EStateRoute106.F July 2024 Figure 9 Seismogenic Folds. Known or Suspected c • visible fold trace ` " A; `r ' -- Inferred fold trace •- Concealed fold trace a fit` Active Faults, Known or Suspected Visible fault tr ace �0 - - Inferred fault trace • - Concealed fault trace h' Tacoma fault - I ahuya .erz 2.4 miles ` Union , Luck Dog faultcity &` 2.4 miles? S anticline _oke ♦ . ` Little Hoqularn ♦ b 4 Skokom, Mohrwefs Veltey - � a Oy z ° A� Luk. a 4 x IJ<1 f� '♦ �� lnke ce ` ~/� • t ♦ .McEwen Approximate Site Location Map created from the Washington Geologic Information Portal (geologyportal.dnr.wa.gov/) NI' S Not to Scale DNR Fault Hazard Map Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.Estate Route 106.F 7July 2024 Figure 10 Appendix A Subsurface Explorations LOG OF BORING B-1 Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad G E O R E S O U R C E S 4480 East State Route 106 earth science &geotechnical engineering Mason County, Washington 1.Refer to log key for definition of symbols,abbreviations, and codes Drilling Company: Boretecl Logged By: DEM 2.USCS disination is based an visual manual classification Drilling Method: HSA Drilling Date: June 16,2024 and selected lab testing 3.Groundwater level, if indicated, is for the date shown and may vary Drilling Rig: EC 95 Track Drill Datum: NAVD88 4.NE = Not Encountered 5.ATD = At Time of Drilling Sampler Type: 2 inch split-spoon Elevation: 105 feet 6.HWM=Highest Groundwater Level Hammer Type- Cathead Termination Depth: 31.5 feet Hammer Weight: 140 Ibs Latitude: Notes: Longitude: Test Results ai $ Plastic Limit Liquid Limit m Exploration n o Soil description E E %Fines(<0.075mm) O notes Co /Water Content ♦ 'o w Q. 0 Penetration- ♦ (blows per foot) 0 105 Brown silty SAND with gravel(SM)(Moist,Very Loose) a (Undocumented Fill) 1 3 ♦ .. . ...... .. .. 1 ... ........ -. _... ..... 2 .. .. . .. . ... ......... . 5 100 Tan,gray,and brown well-graded GRAVEL with silt and sand 12 :: : (GW GM)(Moist,Medium Dense to Very Dense)(Pre-Fraser 19 ..... ..... Olympic-source Glacial and Nonglacial Deposits) " ""......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 19 16 ::::: :: ... :: 14 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1095 13 n....... ......... 23 :: : ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 15 90 23 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 25 ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 18 ...:....::... ...::...:::...::: ......... ......... ......... ......... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 20 85 28 : ATD..... .. .. .... .. .. ...... ......... ::::::. zs ........ ......... ......... ......... 27 25 80 Gray silty SAND with gravel(SM)(Wet,Very Dense)(Pre-Fraser 28 40 .. ... .... .:: Olympic-sourced glacial and nonglacial deposits) . ., .. , 19 ....:......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... .. 30 75 00 5of6 (Termination Depth-June 16,2024) .... ......... .... Silty sand Well graded GRAVEL with silt Sheet 1 of 1 JOB:LeeY.EStateRoute106 FIG. A-2 SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL GRAVEL CLEAN GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL,FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL GRAVEL GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL COARSE GRAINED More than 50% GM SILTY GRAVEL SOILS Of Coarse Fraction GRAVEL Retained on WITH FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVEL No.4 Sieve SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND,FINE TO COARSE SAND CLEAN SAND More than 50% SP POORLY-GRADED SAND Retained on No.200 Sieve More than 50% SM SILTY SAND Of Coarse Fraction SAND Passes WITH FINES SC CLAYEY SAND No.4 Sieve SILT AND CLAY ML SILT INORGANIC FINE CL CLAY GRAINED SOILS Liquid Limit ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT,ORGANIC CLAY Less than 50 SILT AND CLAY MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY,ELASTIC SILT INORGANIC More than 50% CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY,FAT CLAY Passes No.200 Sieve Liquid Limit ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY,ORGANIC SILT 50 or more HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: 1. Field classification is based on visual examination of soil Dry- Absence of moisture,dry to the touch in general accordance with ASTM D2488-90. Moist- Damp,but no visible water 2. Soil classification using laboratory tests is based on ASTM D2487-90, Wet- Visible free water or saturated,usually soil is obtained from below water table 3. Description of soil density or consistency are based on interpretation of blow count data,visual appearance of soils,and or test data. Unified Soils Classification System _ Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE O R E S O U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.Estate Route 106.F July 2024 Figure A-1 �- LOG OF BORING B-2 -"" —���■_ Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad G E O R E S O U R C E S 4480 East State Route 106 earth science &geotechnical engineering Mason County, Washington 1.Refer to log key for definition of symbols,abbreviations, and codes Drilling Company: Boretec1 Logged By: DEM 2.USCS disination is based on visual manual classification Drilling Method' NSA Drilling Date' June 16,2024 and selected lab testing 3.Groundwater level, if indicated, is for the date shown and may vary Drilling Rig: EC 95 Track Drill Datum: NAVD88 4.NE = Not Encountered 5.ATD =At Time of Drilling Sampler Type: 2 inch split-spoon Elevation: 100 feet 6.HWM=Highest Groundwater Level Hammer Type: Cathead Termination Depth: 31.5 feet Hammer Weight: 140 Ibs Latitude: Notes: Longitude: Test Results c y o Plastic Limit —� Liquid Limit m n Z- Exploration n m Soil description E E Fines(<0.075mm) O o" m notes iii ' %Water content • 'o w n n Penetration- ♦ (blows per foot) � 100 a o 0 0 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel(SM)(Moist,Loose) """"' """"' (Undocumented Fill) ...._. ._...... ...._... ......... _....... ......... 3 ::: :::::.... ...:::::: ::::::::: 3 .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 ... 3 .:......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 4 :::::......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..:::......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 4 :::,:....._.................._.._._. ....._.._._....._....._.._... 4 7 ... ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 3 ... 10 90 a .. 4 ..I...... ......... ......... ......... ........1 —...... ......... ......... ......... ......... 3 ..... ....: ..... 15 85 Tan,gray,and brown silty GRAVEL with sand(GM)(Moist, 15 Dense)(Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial 20 .... .... .... .... .... deposits) 20 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 20 80 Tan sit GRAVEL with coarse sand GW-GM 21 ... ATD silty ( )(Wet,Dense to 17 ..... Very Dense)(Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial 23 .,,, deposits) ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 25 75 ..... . ..... ......... ...... .. ......... ......... ......... .... .. 30 70 50/4 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... (Termination Depth-June 16,2024) _.: .....:... .......:. Silty sand ® Well graded GRAVEL Silty gravel with silt sheet 1 or 1 JOB: LeeY.EStateRoute106 FIG. A-3 Appendix B Laboratory Test Results Particle Size Distribution Report 100 90 80 4- 70 Of LLJ III J ` Q Z 60- Z 50 - W 40 30 20 10 1 T-f 0- 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. %+3" %Gravel- %Sand Fines E Coarse Fine Coarse Medium F- to Fine Silt Clay U) 0.0 26.0 35.3 11.1 12.4 9.4 5.8 .0 Test Results(ASTM D6913& ASTM D 1140) Material Description Opening Percent Spec.* Pass? Well-graded GRAVEL with silt and sand(GW-GM) a) > Size Finer (Percent) (X=Fail) 1.25 100.0 1 91.9 Atterberg Limits(ASTM D 4318) .75 74.0 PL= NP LL= NV Pl= NP ca .5 61.4 0 0 0.375 53.8 Classification 3: .r- a) #4 38.7 USCS(D2487)= GW-GM AASHTO(Ml45)= A-l-a o 2: #10 27.6 Coefficients i5 #20 20.4 1390= 24.6255 D85= 22.7284 D60= 12.0273 #40 15.2 D50= 7,9853 D30= 2.4155 D 1 0.4134 5 0 #60 11.4 D10= 0.1941 Cu= 61.98 Cc= 2.50 a) #100 8.6 #200 5.8 Remarks 0 -0 Natural Moisture:7.2% a) C U) Co Z5 Date Received: 6/18/24 Date Tested: 6/28/24 75 0 Tested By: MAW x E Checked By: KSS of Title:PM _0 a) (no specification provided) Source of Sample:B-I Depth: 5 Date Sampled: 6/18/24 Sample Number:2 ------- ----- 0 GeoResources, LLC Client: Dr.Lee Young Project: Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad Q) CU Fife, WA Project No: LeeY.EStateRouteI06 Figure B-I Tested By: Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report 100 90 80 70 Of W Z 60 50 LLJ 40 LLI J: 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 vi GRAIN SIZE-mm. %Gravel %Sand %Fines %+3" .r- E Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine : silt Clay 0.0 18.0 23.7 15.9 18.9 10.4 13-1 Test Results(ASTIM D 6913& ASTM D 1140) CU C Material Description 0 L:5 Opening Percent Spec.* Pass? Gray silty SAND with gravel(SM)(Wet,Very Dense)(Pre-Fraser > Size Finer (Percent) (X=Fail) Olympic-sourced glacial and nonglacial deposits) Q C: 1.5 100.0 ca 1.25 94.2 a) Q Atterberg Limits(ASTM D 4318) 1 86.4 PL= NP LL= NV Pl= NP cc 0 0 55 74.2 82.0 Classification 3: 2! 0.375 70.0 USCS(D 2487)= SM AASHTO(M 145)= A-l-a #4 58.3 Coefficients i6 #10 42.4 1390= 28.1340 D85= 23.1240 D60= 5.2695 #20 30.8 D50= 3.0236 D30= 0.7894 D15= 0.1194 #40 23.5 1310= Cu= CC= W a) #60 18.9 Remarks #100 15.9 0 -0 #200 13.1 Natural Moisture: 11.6% 0 ca (n Date Received: 6/18/24 Date Tested: 6/28/24 75 (n Tested By:MAW X E Checked By: KSS a) Title: PM -0 a) (no specification provided) Source of Sample:B-1 Depth: 25 > Date Sampled: 6/18/24 ii Sample Number: 7 0 h: Client: Dr.Lee Young GeoResources, LLC Q) 11 Project: Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad rn ICU Fife, WA Project No: LeeY.EStateRoutel06 Figure B-21 Tested By: Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report C! '! - -E 4 iR it it 1; -:9 100 90 80 70- LLJ Z 60 Z 50 LLJ LU 40- a_ 30 20- 10 0 1 00 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. Q >1-a %Gravel %Sand %Fines%+3" i E Coarse Fine Clay Coarse Medium Fine Silt co__ - i 0.0 10.6 33.9 1 13.0 16.4 11.6 14.5 49 Test Results(ASTM D 8913& ASTM D 1140) Material Description to :2 Opening Percent Spec.* Pass? Tan,gray,and brown silty GRAVEL with sand(GM)(Moist Dense) 2 > size Finer (Percent) (X=Fail) (Pre-Fraser Olympic-source glacial and nonglacial deposits) W C i 3: 1 1.25 100.0 89.4 Afterberg Limits AASTIA-D 4318 ram, .75 89.4 PL= NP LL-- NV Pl= NP 19 0 0.375o 71.8.5 77.0 Classification 3: ,- #4 55.5 USCS(D 2487)m GM AASHTO(Ml45)= A-l-a 0 #10 42.5 ZO Coefficients C C Z #20 33.0 i D90= 25.7304 D85= 16.5093 D60= 5.7487 26.1 0.6276 D15= 0.0837 Q #40 D50= 3.2938 D30= #60 21.0 D10= Cu= C c #Ioo 17.6 Remarks cc 0 #200 14.5 -0 Natural Moisture:7.5% U) Date Received: 6/18/24 Date Tested: 6/20/24 Tested By: MAW X E Chocked By: KSS cc Title:PM 0 4) 'G (no specification provided) (0 Source of Sample:B-2 Depth: 15 Date Sampled: 6/18/24 -4 _-Saawle-Nu tuber;-5 ------- 77, 0 GeoResources, LLC Client: Dr.LeeYoung (D Q Project: Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad co (D Co Fife, WA Pro jectNo: LeeY.EStateRoutel06..____.___ Flaure Tested By: Checked By: - Appendix C Slope Stability Analyses o• 0 100 200 300 A O M ti (D ct t.•. 'r•d:°' O '.;�.;�.;• '. 6) Cn U'i Cn Cn .A .A W W CO W N N N N 1--` F' O O O Ort rc] O W Ut W O CO U"i W O OD Cn W O W (Ii W O O� U� W O N CJ� W O n n 1,r• + O r� rY V y id CC O d'J�t ,:ti•i ••• dir •.rtr•.. J 1 t � Ldiat i ttt'`ti � •'• 4ri �yr _ __ � Gl N '6 < N "O OI rt NO _' d4ryrtitl..1S ~ N C 0! rtririri �r~ /r n '•XX M ds,r tY ! A i t t t t L 1 rt t t JtR'.f rS •"•.�� 0 41 at 1 t ia:r 4�l.Flaw, a... i �} .� G 00 r:. x :°a ro N St: tY•1 N N 3 1r4r4r4r d=r1 r r':t. v .' S N N m dtdl'�ti LJ�r t 1 i 'k'r x' J t'r�r r:r1r iJ r avr C oNi V rr W '•d4 r tilt t l rr�': J '. N N G `� Ln to O i d1d4 4 td di r : :, N N ;4wiJ4dg 4`.'. •``.de o:•.t:rsv4 'ew�,. �°L J rt J111 Lr1 L �r i i i L 1 3 1 tl r,l1 t Sr fROOM,P •� 1 L t 1 (p '', did Ji L•.Lriri i iF t l f t;•, 3 3 3 S •6 3 t t• l l d l r d ai ltat L to M aS , Q Sa4Jy S`'ir1 iJ r. r S A _ 0 Q ;•"riril•'l~••fi ''J `iai irlria`r O O II 0 (n i 1•rt a iaS t i ;rtid p p p fldi Lb . t i •s p S rL r4'fir :l 1 r 4J rL 1. i A A G r L j r1 S r cn N �' G L i r t S G 0 G T On r4 4d trlr r4 t 1 4�1 Q W Q � � rOT G � d4r4dir ltrir•' r f4rir 1 d ri. � � � � � •t C €ri firs it firs~• if rt. n (� +l l r J r l l d J r J - j 4a-.. rtal a.J �" FLat C C 1 � 4ti11 Li : - N N •C = ji irSrirl t 4 it ri r r r - 3 (� �• 4r1 L tir 4r r t t t Lr � '`L t r4r4 r d r4 (v O 4 Una toNo 1d r l l C C' r4 i t i ti i.Sft ri ri tS��` lS Sd rt i 1 ft'S a JSa'}4 4 1 Z ri t tr1r4 t.Z.- r r f•r '. d lil4 d trill ',d J '4•. m i ..5, r:,.,..•.. ::d is (n i Sft dill 1 dtrt S r r l r rt � i�i 1 4se�•. t t 4 tit in S.. J rl l J 0 C � it i trt trir v,r rt d •"Ji r J ltr d r p l J J J r l l - rirl�.i 1 1t iJ lid l lMs L lrtrlow 1 i tr1 d .04r i t trim1 Opm Tom to t 1 il4l 1 414. l 3 rrr r r d ir•.i 1rLrtri, ••.i r J r i it t�Nt.t.t•L.t.i.•. . i d:RfJ r 1 r1r t 1 tJ r ris l r i.L.i:.j.•s 1 1 it .• J, 1.1:ti''::r11 tirSJS`j•r•f' '.+° 1,S i 1 1•. 1 t• i t v I O i Safety Factor Unit Saturated 0 0.0 Material Strength Cohesion Phi Water Hu o-- Color Weight U.W.(Ibs/ Hu v 0.3 Name (Ibs/ft3) ft3) Type (psf) (°) Surface Type 0.5 � 0.15 pre-Fraser, 125 126 Mohr- 300 42 Water Custom 1 0.8 silty sand ® Coulomb Table 1.0 pre-Fraser, ■ Mohr- Water 1.3 sandy gravel 127 128 Coulomb 200 45 Table Custom 1 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 04 5.0 5.3 5.5 -------- 5.8 1.1 ............ 6.0+ -� g a2 W. o- 4 41'L L LL L 4 4 •. L L L L LL L LL 4LLL LLt L 1 4 tit L L L L L L L L L L L L LLL L L L LL L L L L L L LLL L e' 1'11 r.' d J J t ld• Y ..'fie...... t .*Y' !' d '. L L •.L 11i 1 L i 1 LLL L t`f•'.•1'f l l l l t .' ."." ."l. 1 •r2 .•!' J 1'l f ll 1 J'J ll! c�ro- l J J' ."F. l 1 l f l t 1 7'J f l .• J l J'.t J l .•.•.'J l .' J if f l f l l� L L L L L L 1 4 L L L L LLL L L L L L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L ti L L L L _ P J .'t f 1'.• 1' f l .' /'t •` 1 1 1'f f l �l'.' l t i!'J .`{.' .' .' t J .'1. L L S 4+'L L L L L L L 4LL L L L L LLL 4 L. L L L L L L L L LL L L LLL L L �'Xltl l llt �t 1'l f 1 tJ'f.'••J' 1' •'l t 1'l 1 .`l Jl �'l d Jr •'lit l J' .•f J{ld J, W L 1 b S L L 1 1 L L L L L L L L L LLL t LLL L L L S L L L L L L t! {l t f 1't l�{�{M•.'%• f f l l.' t r .'t t .•. l l t f J d J'•'�' r D.•.{ .' 1'1 .".l J.' 1'f -••S•.11'L fLit t1~lLJ•l •fll f1 L f1 f1 L.Ll y LJ 11 1 f1 f:. ti j L L f1{ 1r1 f1 f•�•o L LJ.''• 'J'Ll1 t 1'L f 1 L fti f1 1 11'Ll1 1'.Lf 11 f171. ;V.V. ti 1 1 1 1 1.1 L L L L L L 1 1 1 L 5, 1•L•, ,�"r'�r ,pr-�' r• r. r r r•r r •. r:r r r r r ,�r r r r t r r r r r r,r.r,r.r r r r r r.r r r e r r •r•,r . L L L L L 1 1 L L L. L L L• L L L L ti 1 1 1 1 1 L S ..ti.�y.� r�1�"'�rY'o-p'W�"'�F f.�l'l tLJ':.:1 t1$...1�11 LJ J.1'+..r r 1'f..i•.�lS{.•.•{AL{L�':i'.:•.:•.{::::: ..L... S ti{�Lr..Lf•' l: '1'{{ r`1{ 1'J .. 1'..'. 1.J.'1. pfj{»{w{:: ,,��•..'.�•• 1'.t•t^Y..':•t.•'�f%lLf:tl�f:Ju•� L.L.•.v•..•,rt.•.••..L•S.L.•.+L••.•Lsy,L.L.... •+.••. L.La..... L.....L.L'...•L...•t L 1�.6�.%S�'..•.•5.+....•L•L•' .b••••.•L 1{{1{`.•.L{•.{�:✓.{L{5{4{L{ti:•{'1{:•�5i{'..1{:.{..: :L{1{• l.L..�a{.{1{1"+L..'.:1{'.{:i::{:L:L�+.{:{1{•.:�.:1{L:i.•1v1.. •{y{1{y:1:1{y{1+•.{y{y{•;:i�{L::,a:L:w{ti:C::;{L{Q: o-_ ',J'�.:. fR•a' ..'r`l,l tt•..21'J ;l.J't .'..f1.1111':;:j•'•/`;�.:;7.7�f�.':•••lit Jtt P r•l." e`�J•:;1'.:.,t.l;:tY •f :•r'�1.:.�,•F.l�:..•.t:t�:.l•.r..•�«•J'- :.f'•.•�:.•.1..`. r. e.,.•L.L......•:.• •.. .�.+••L..".•.•Ss1.+.....•S.LP.....SeLe.a••.L....... r1•..{a•:.:4...�.:.'w• ....1.•.L...........yL..•L�.�•. L�.+�.1....1..• •1..M'....L.1..•.L.NL.1•L•,••L.ti.1•Y'S•1{1..•L.L.L...L. .L.L.La1•L.S�..�L. .L{1:� - T�-,-,-TTr-�-,---r-T�r-,-- T-T-r-r-�-T-,-T� .... . .,. _ �__�T-,-,-T-T�---�-T�-�-r-r--_---�-r-=-r-��-r-•-*-�---� __ -�-�TT� 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Project Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad aExisting � n n Quasi-static (0.15g) OcJcIenceo nBy mpay SLIDEINTERPREr 9.o28 I Date 6/28/2024, 7:56:56 AM File Name LeeY.BtateRoute 106.SS.slmd Unit Saturated C� Color Weight U.W.(Ibs/ Hu Material Strength Cohesion Phi Water Hu Ru - Name (Ibs/ft3) {t3) Type (pso (°i Surface Type Value pre- Fraser, . 125 126 Coulomb 300 42 Water Table Custom 1 silty sand pre- Fraser, . 127 128 Mohr- 200 45 Water Custom 1 sandy Coulomb Table gravel p Structural ■ 125 Mohr- 0 35 None 0 ro-s Fill Coulomb 4 o , o- N 1.5 S S S. S S 5 1'L. S 1S. 1 .1 54 '•. S. 1 SL 1 S 1 ". 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"r.P.P.{•d. •J• .r.P.d•J.. ••r.Jr .J.•.J. ••J•J.d. rJ.d.. .r, .J. .P.r.. .J.. •.d. .P.P.. .d. •.J.d•.•J.J.P. .+L•..."..L'•.:1.4'•.::.:...1..........1.1:...1.1.•"...:L..........L.a..•..�..1.1.......1.1".,..,:1.5...:1:1:L...e..+•.".•".�.:�.a,.1::.:•..•....."....•4:�.::.:s'.y.L:y.•.:4.1::.:L.r..1..':1:1.1...ri:1...::.::':L..,:::L....^..:.:•.:.•.•.::�:5�:'L+i::.:1.L....:.:1:L.'�:^.:L::•:y..�.1..�."...4.4..•.•4:.���. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 project Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad — i Group Proposed Scenario Static r o c s c i e n c e Zrawn By - -- -_-_- Company SLIDEINTERPRET 9.028 Date 6/28/2024r 7:56:56 AM File Name LeeY.EStateRoute106.SS.slmd Appendix D DNR Forest Practice Details NRCS Practice Standard 560 Access Road Ditch Block �.--Slo�2% lin. 1 ft min. M04Energy Dissipator/Filter• Strip fill over pipe CROSS SECTION Ditch Block Culvert {�/ t20-135 deg Road ---T T T i*- T- T PLAN VIEW NOTES- ' 1) Minimum cover over culvert is 1 ft. 2) Spacing and size of relief culverts to be based on local conditions 3) Disturbed areas and slopes shall be seeded and mulched to grass upon completion. 4) Culvert outlet to be directed across a vegetated area for filtering cut sediment and away from wetlands and streams. 5) Use rock riprop where necessary for erosion Protection at outlet. &) Minimum culvert diameter 18" in Western WA 15" in Eastern, WA. CROSS DRAIN SCALE NTS Typical Cross Drain Detail Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnicai engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy,E. I fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesourcessocks Doc ID:LeeY.Estate Route 106.f July 2024 Figure D-1 Ditch Block c Road Surface F +--5lo 2% min- 1 ft min. till over pipe Single Wall, Corrugated, Polyethylene Pipe Connected to Biwall pipe culvert, snaked down slope. CROSS SECTION Energy Dissipater/ Filter Strip Ditch Block Culvert !/ Rood 120 —f135 deg NOTES PLAN vIEVa' 1) Minimum cover over culvert is t ft. 2) Spacing and size of relief culverts to be based on local conditions 3) Disturbed areas and slopes shall be seeded and mulched to grass upon campletlon. 4) Culvert outlet to be directed away from direct discharge Into wetlands and streams. 5) Use rock riprap where necessary for energy dissipater at outlet 6) Minimum culvert diameter 18' in Western WA 15" in Eastern WA. 7) Anchor downspout where stability is necessary using rock or treated posts. CROSS DRAIN WITH DOWNSPOUT SCALE : NTS Typical Cross Drain w Downspout Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesaurces.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EState Route 1 06.F July 2024 Figure D-1 >J.0 f 2-4" QUARRY SPACES 3.0' (rnin) .. Mrnr LTER FABRIC i i=1 I►-1!1=1 I!=1 DISPERSION PAD SCALE NT'-� ems-- Typical Dispersion Pad ®� Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.Estate Route 1 06.F July2024 Figure D-1 ROCK MUST COMPLETELY COVER THE BOTTOM AND SIDES OF THE DITCH 6" MIN, � �1 24" MIN, 2:1 SLOPES i 2"-4" ROCK AL Et IF, 11— L THE DISTANCE SOCH THAT POINTS A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION � CHECK DAM SCALE NTS Typical Check Dam Proposed Driveway and Trailer Pad 4480 East State Route 106 GE 0 R E S 0 U R C E S Mason County, Washington earth science & geotechnical engineering PN: 322314100021 4809 Pacific Hwy.E. I Fife,WA 98424 1 253.896.1011 1 www.georesources.rocks Doc ID:LeeY.EState Route 1 06.F July 2024 Figure D-1