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Lateral Engineering Calculations for BLD2005-00934 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 2/21/2005
. •••••p.• �•.y.,,vv,n,y �c vviIJUltUIVj MU. i Date: 02/21/05 LATERAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS FOR Page 1 of 2 LB 1.-E. Ree, ,-P:.E. HILINE HOMES PLAN 2776 } _ -* J s 3 LATERAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS FOR HILINE HOMES PLAN 2776 7t.:.-ems SEISMIC: SDC D2 & WIND: 110 MPH, EXPOSURE B Ua STE CODV E. �JIIr ;G ti� Of WAsh�� .d eep Engineering & Consulting, Inc. I.E. (Gene) Reep, P. E. ti Washington License No. 14364 Idaho License No. 8908 0 64 ICC No. 465600 , SJaNAL ' 8205 Sunset Lane, Pasco WA 99301 Phone (509) 547-9087iCell 366-2869 EXPIRES: 01/24/�i � Note: The above stamp applies to the structural members and assemblies described in the following calculations only and is valid with a copied or wet stamp intended for reuse by HiLine Homes. CONTENTS Description Pagel Design Criteria and Specifications Page 2 Engineering Calculations Page 2 TABLES IN ATTACHMENT Table A. Wind Design Criteria Page A-1 Table B. Seismic Design Criteria Page A-1 Table C. General Specifications (2 sheets) Page A-2 Table D. Specification of Structural Components and Fasteners (3 sheets) Page A-3 Table E. Wind Shear Loads Page A-4 Table F. Minimum Wind Shear Loads Page A-5 Table G. Seismic Shear Loads Page A-6 Table H. Controlling Shear Loads Page A-7 Table I. Shear Wall Loads Page A-8 Table J. Roof Diaphragm Load Calculations Page A-9 DESCRIPTION This report provides engineering calculations and structural design specifications for HiLine Homes Plan 2,776. The two-story house is 2,776-sf in area plus a prescriptively designed 624-sf garage. The design is compliant with expected earthquake loads in Seismic Design Category (SDC) D2 for whjck- he maximum:deqign^spectral response acceleration at short periods is Sps = 1.170g. Wind I Date: 02/21/05 LATERAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS FOR L BY: I. E. Ree , P.E. HILINE HOMES PLAN 2776 Page 2 of 2 loads are compliant with a basic wind speed of 110 mph and Exposure Factor B which is equivalent to a 95 mph basic wind speed and Exposure Factor C for buildings with a mean roof height of 22-ft or less Design criteria including calculations are included in Tables A, B, and C (attached) as noted above. Structural loads on shear walls, hold-downs, and drag struts are summarized in Table I (attached). Specifications for structural components and fasteners are listed in Table D (attached) including required load restraints and allowable resistive loads for components and fasteners. DESIGN CRITERIA AND SPECIFICATIONS Design criteria are based on the 2003 International Building Code (IBC), 2001 National Design Specification, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-02. • Wind and seismic design criteria are given in Tables A and B, respectively. • General specifications for building loads nail loads, anchor and hold-down loads, etc. are given in Table C. • Lateral specifications, structural loads, and allowable loads are given in Table D. ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Engineering calculations are documented in Tables E through J based on specifications in Tables A, B, and C. Specifications for structural components and fasteners (Table D) are derived from the results calculated in Tables E through J. These tables provide the following information. • Table E provides wind shear loads for a basic wind speed of 110 mph and Exposure Factor B (equivalent to 100 mph and Exposure Factor C for this building) based on criteria in Table A. Minimum wind loads are provided in Table F based on horizontal pressures equal to 10 psf and vertical pressures equal to zero per IBC Section 1609.2.1.1. Calculations are based on the simplified wind load method of IBC Section 1609.6. • Table G provides seismic shear loads based on criteria in Table B and the simplified analysis procedure per IBC Section 1617.5 and SDC D2. • Table H provides transverse and longitudinal wind, minimum wind, and seismic shear loads and identifies controlling shear loads for factoring into Table I. • Table I provides transverse and longitudinal loads on the building structure including wall length, applied unit shear, shear wall length, resistive unit shear, unit drag load, unit dead load on shear walls, and hold-down loads for various shear wall lengths based on controlling shear loads from Table I. Allowable dead loads are based on an allowance of 6/10 of the calculated dead load per ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 2.4.1 for load combinations using the allowable stress design method of analysis. • Table J provides roof diaphragm load calculations for determining diaphragm shear per IBC 1620.4.3 for seismic loads and comparing these loads with wind and minimum wind loads from Table H. In addition, diaphragm deflection and axial chord stress are calculated. Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-1 Table A. Wind Design Criteria. Description Value Description Value Wind Speed Vas (mph) 110 Vertical Pressures (psfl Simplified Method per IBC Section 1609.6? Yes Wall Zone E -10.7 Importance Factor - Iw 1.00 Wall Zone F -14.6 Exposure & Height Factor (Exposure B) 1.00 Wall Zone G -7.7 Roof Slope 6/12 Wall Zone H -11.7 Horizontal Pressures (psfl Roof Overhang Zone E -19.9 Wall Zone A 24.1 Roof Overhang Zone G -17.0 Wall Zone C 17.4 Roof Overhang Zone F -14.6 Roof Zone B 3.9 Roof Overhang Zone H -11.7 Roof Zone D 4.0 Note: Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE Standard 7-02. A basic wind speed of 110 mph at Exposure Factor B is equivalent to a basic wind speed of 95 mph at Exposure C for buildings with a mean roof height of 22-ft or less. Table B. Seismic Design Criteria. Description Value Description Value Occupancy Category per Table 1604.5 II Is Period To < T </= TS =0.345 sec? Yes Seismic Importance Factor IE per Table 1604.5 1.0 Design Spectral Response: Sa = SDS? Yes Seismic Desgin Category per Table 1616.3(1) D2 Seismic Use Group per IBC 1616.2 1 Default Site Class Per IBC 1615.1.1 D Simplified Analysis per IBC 1617.5? Yes Regular Structure Yes Seismic Design Coefficient: CS = 1.2SDSIE/R 0.216 Building Frame Structure w/Shear Walls Yes Vertical Distribution per IBC 1617.5.2: Fx/wx 0.216 Response Modification Coefficient: R 6.5 Maximum Unit Shear per Table I: vmax (lb/ft) 158 Mean Building Height h (ft) 21.5 Story Shear per Table H: Vs,ory (lb) 8,227 Building Period Coefficient: C, (sec) 0.02 Story Shear Ratio: rmax =10vmaXNstory: 0.19 Building Period: T = C,h314 (sec) 0.20 Base Story Area: AB (sf) 1,292 MCE Short Period Acceleration: SMs (g) 1.755 Square Root of Base Story Area: AB (ft) 35.9 Site Short Period Acceleration: Sps (g) 1.170 Reduncany Factor: p = 2 - 20/rmax(AB)112 -0.89 MCE Long Period Acceleration: SM, (g) 0.606 Minimum Redunancy Factor Per IBC 1617.2.1 1.00 Site Long Period Acceleration: Sp, (g) 0.404 SL Shear: E = pQE + 0.2SDsD = pQE To = 0.2SD1/SDS (sec) 0.069 Base Shear/Weight: VSL/W = PC, 0.216 Ts = SD,/SDS (sec) 0.345 Allowable Stress Design: VASD = 0.7VsL 0.151 Note: Seismic design criteria is based on highest values for Maximum Considered Earthquake (SMs) and site short period (Sps) accelerations for Seismic Design Category D2. Revised 02/21/05 Criteria HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic &Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-2 Table C. General Design Criteria 2 sheets). Description IReference/Calculation Value Building Loads Allowable Foundation Pressure psf IBC Table 1804.2 1,500 Roof Dead Load (psf) Assumption 15.0 Floor Dead Load (psf) Assumption 10.0 Exterior Walls Dead Load (psf) Assumption 15.0 Interior Partition Dead Load (psf) IBC Section 1617.5.1 10.0 Ground Snow Load - P (psf) Building Department 30.0 Flat Roof Snow Load - Pf (psf) Building Department 30.0 Include 20% Snow Load in Weight for Seismic? IBC Section 1617.5.1 if >/= 30 psf No Allowable Nail Loads Lateral Force-16d Sinkers - d = 0.148-in. (lb) NDS Table 11 N - 2X Hem-Fir 102 Lateral Force-10d Pneumatic - d = 0.131-in. (lb)- NDS Table 11 N - 2X Hem-Fir 89 Lateral Force-8d Pnuematic Nails - d = 0.113 (lb) NDS Table 11 N - 7/16 Panels 53 Adjustment for 10-minute Wind/Seismic Loads NDS Table 2.3.2 for 10-min. 1.6 Allowable Force-16d Sinkers - d = 0.148-in. (lb) NDS Table 11 N - 2X Hem-Fir 163 Allowable Force-10d Pneumatic - d = 0.131-in. (lb) NDS Table 11 N - 2X Hem-Fir 142 Allowable Force-8d Pneumatic Nails - d = 0.113 (lb NDS Table 11 N - 7/16X Panels 85 Max. Allow. Toenail Lateral Force in SDC D Ib/ft NDS ASD/LRFD Sect. 4.1.6 150 Allowable Force-16d Sinker Toenails (lb) FToenaii = 0.83FAiiowabie Per NDS 11.5.4 135 Allowable Force-10d Pneumatic Toenails (lb) FToenaii = 0.83FAllowable Per NDS 11.5.4 118 Allowable Force-8d Pneumatic Toenails (lb) FToenaii = 0.83FAliowabie Per NDS 11.5.4 70 Simpson Wedge Anchors (3,000 psi Concrete) Tension Load for 1/2-in. -dia.w/4.5-in Embed. Catalog C-SAS-2004 2,320 Adjustment for No Special Inspection ICBO ER 3631 0.5 Adjustment for Wind/Seismic Loads NDS Table 2.3.2 for 10-min. 1.6 Adjustment for Hem-Fir Framing NDS ASD/LRFD Table 4.3A 0.93 Allowable Tension for 1/2-dia.w/4.5-in Embed. Per Calculations 1,726 Foundation Anchors (ASTM A307 Steel Bolts) Lateral Load for 1/2-in. dia. Anchor Bolts (lb) NDS table 11 E for Hem-Fir 570 Adjustment for Wind/Seismic Loads NDS Table 2.3.2 for 10-min. load 1.6 Allowable Shear for 1/2-dia.w/7-in Embed. Min. (lb Per Calculation 912 Lateral Load for 5/8-in. dia. Anchor Bolts lb NDS table 11 E for Hem-Fir 830 Adjustment for Wind/Seismic Loads NDS Table 2.3.2 for 10-min. 1.6 Allowable Shear for 5/8-dia.w/7-in Embed. Min. (lb) Per Calculation 1,328 Allowable Loads for Simpson Hold-Downs (3,000 psi Concrete) LSTHD8 Strap Tie with 24-16d Sinkers (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 1 ,950 STHD8 Strap Tie with 24-16d Sinkers (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 2,370 STHD10 Strap Tie with 28-16d Sinkers (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 2,880 STHD14 Strap Tie with 38-16d Sinkers (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 41430 LTT20B Tension Tie 10-16d Sinkers (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 1,750 HD2A HDs with 2-5/8-in dia. Bolts (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 2,570 HD5A HDs with in dia. Bolts (lb) Simpson Catalog C-2004 3,130 Revised 01/20/05 General Criteria HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 I Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-2 Table C. General Design Criteria 2 sheets). Simpson SSTB Anchor Bolts (2,500 psi Concrete) SSTB16 6-in wall with 5/8-in dia. w/13-in embed. Catalo C-SAS-2004 4,420 SSTB20 6-in wall with 5/8-in dia. w/17 in embed. Catalo C-SAS-2004 4,600 Shear Wall Hold-Down Calculations Description Equation/Calculation Value Allowable Restorative Dead Load Factor ASCE 7-02 Load Combinations 0.6 Shear Wall and Drag Strut Heights ft Wall Heights are 8-ft max. 8.0 Maximum Tension at End of Shear Wall Segment T = 8v - 0.3w L N/A Minimum Shear Wall Length for Wind Loads (ft) h/Lsw = 8/3.5 = 2.3 Minimum SW Length for Siesmic Loads (ft) sw = = 4.0 Roof/Floor Diaphragms and Shear Walls Maximum AR for Unblocked Diap hragms ms NDS ASD/LRFD Section 4.2.4 3�.1 Maximum AR for Shear Walls Wind NDS ASD/LRFD Sect. 4.3.4 3.5:1 Maximum AR for Shear Walls Seismic NDS ASD/LRFD Sect. 4.3.4 2:1 Adjustment Factor for AR > 3.5 Seismic NDS ASD/LRFD Sect. 2b/h Seismic Adjustment Factor for h = 8-ft & b = 4-ft AFseism(c = (2)4 / 8 = 1.0 Seismic Adjustment Factor for h = 8-ft & b = 3-ft AFseismic = (2)(3)/(8) = 0.75 Minimum Shear Wall Length for Blocked Panels NDS ASD/LRFD Sect. 1-ft Framing for Nominal ASD Shear > 350-lb/ft NDS ASD/LRFD Sect, 3-in Adjustment Factor for Hem-Fir NDS ASD/LRFD Table 4.3A 0.93 Adjustment Factor for Strength Level Shear NDS ASD/LRFD Section 4.2.3 0.50 Simpson Seismic & Hurricane Ties And Framing Angle Plates F1 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 415 H1 Siesmic & Hurricane Tie (lb) F2 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 140 Uplift - Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 400 F1 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 130 H2.5 Siesmic & Hurricane Tie (lb) F2 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 130 Uplift - Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 365 F1 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 505 H10 Siesmic & Hurricane Tie (lb) F2 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 450 Uplift - Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 780 F1 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 480 H14 Siesmic & Hurricane Tie (lb) F2 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 245 Uplift - Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 1 ,050 A35 Framing Angle (lb) F1 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-2004 450 F2 - Lateral Per Catalog C-SAS-20041 600 Revised 01/20/05 General Criteria HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2121/2005 Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-3 Table D. Specification of Structural Components and Fasteners (3 sheets)'. Foundation Anchor Bolt Specifications Maximum applied shear per Table I Ib . 5,086 Maximum anchor bolt Load @ 72-in o.c. minimum 2 anchors per mudsill (lb). 763 Allowable anchor bolt load for 1/2-in dia. A307 bolts with 7-in. embedment (lb). 912 Simpson MA6 Mudsill Anchor Specifications Maximum MA6 Mudsill Anchor Load @ 60-in o.c. minimum 2 anchors per mudsill (lb). 652 Allowable MA6 Mudsill Anchor Load (lb) 680 Shear Wall Hold-Down Specifications (Both Levels) Hold-Downs of 4-ft Long Left Shear Wall Segment Install Simpson STHD8 Strap Tie Holddowns on each end of 4-ft long Left shear wall segment. Install ties before concrete pour. Strap may be bent one full cycle before 2,135 fastening to framing. Fasten to 3-in nominal framing with 24-16d sinkers. Allowable load for 3,000 psi concrete = 2,135-lb. Remaining Shear Walls Remaining shears walls do not require hold-downs since 6/10 of restoring dead loads exceeds uplift due to shear. See Table I for hold-down requirements. Connect wall sheathing on main level walls and lower level walls to 5/4 rim joist with 8d 210 nails @ 4-in o.c. Allowable load for 8d nails @ 4-in o.c. = (3)(70) = 210-lb/ft. Shear Wall Sheathing Specifications (Both Levels) OSB on 11-ft of Left Exterior Shear Wall Segments Maximum applied shear load on Left Main Level SW per Table I (lb). 5,086 Apply 7/16-in. OSB wood structural panels to Hem-Fir framing members with 8d nails @ 4-in o.c. on all edges and all edges blocked with 3-in nominal Hem-Fir framing members. Basic allowable shear = 1,205-lb/ft (wind controls) per NDS Table 4.3A for framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Adjustment Factor (AF) for ASD is = 0.50 and AF = 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93)(1 ,205) = 560-lb/ft. Allowable resistive shear for 11-ft of OSB SWs = (11)(560) = 6,160- GWB on 6-ft of Left Interior Shear Wall Segment Apply 1/2-in. GWB drywall panels to both sides of Hem-Fir framing members with No. 6 Type S or W drywall screws 1-1/4-in long @ 4-in o.c. on all edges and in the field and all edges blocked. Basic allowable shear = (2)(300) = 600-lb/ft (wind controls) per NDS Table 4.3A for framing @ 16- in o.c. per Note b. Adjustment Factor (AF) for ASD is = 0.50 and AF for Hem-Fir framing = 0.93. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93)(600) = 279-lb/ft. Allowable resistive shear for 6-ft of GWB SW = 6 279 = 1 ,670-lb. Total allowable resistive shear load = VosB + VGwB = 6,160 + 1 ,670 = 7,830-lb. 7,830 Remaining Shear Walls (Both Levels) Maximum resistive unit shear load per Table I Ib/ft . 212 Apply 7/16-in. OSB wood structural panels to Hem-Fir framing members with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. all edges blocked. Basic allowable shear = 785-lb/ft (wind controls) per NDS Table 4.3A for framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Adjustment Factor (AF) for ASD is = 365 0.50 and AF = 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93)(785) = 365- 1 b/ft. Revised 02/21/05 Lateral Specs HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/22/2005 I _ Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-3 Table D. Specification of Structural Components and Fasteners (3 sheets)'. Drag Struts Specifications for Shear Walls (Second Level) Drag Struts For Shear Walls Below Gable Trusses Drag on Gable Truss Maximum applied shear on gable-end wall per table I (lb/ft). 121 Bottom Chord and Wall F p p Fasten gable end truss to double to later with 2-10d toenails 16-in - - Top Plates @ o.c. Allowable load for toenails - (2)(12/16)(118) - 177 177-I b/ft. Drag Struts For Shear Walls Below Eaves Maximum unit shear on walls below eaves per table I (Ib/ft). 108 Drag on Wall Top Drag roof diaphragm shear on Simpson truss ties fastened to Plates & Truss Ties wall top plates per manufacturer's instructions (see Roof 307 Framing Specifications). Allowable load for 10d toenails and H2.5 Ties = 307-lb/ft. Drag Struts Specifications for Shear Walls (Main Level) Left & Right Shear Wall Drag Struts Maximum unit shear on Left & Right walls per table I (lb/ft). 150 Drag Top of Wall on Fasten bottom of second level wall panels and top of main Wall Sheathing Panels level wall panels to rim joists and wall plates with 8d common 236 and Rim Joists toenails @ 6-in o.c. Allowable load for 8dnails = (2)(118) _ 236-lb/ft. Fasten bottom plate of SWs to mudsill with 10d nails @ 6-in Drag Bottom of Wall on o.c. Fasten 3/4-in floor sheathing to floor joists with 8d nails @ Floor Sheathing Panels 6-in ox. Allowable load for 10d nails @ 6-in o.c. _ (2)(142) = 170 and Floor Joists 284-lb/ft. Allowable load for 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. _ (2)(85) _ 170-lb/ft (controls). Front & Rear Shear Wall Drag Struts Maximum unit shear on Front & Rear walls per table I (Ib/ft). 110 Drag on Wall Sheathing Fasten bottom of second level wall panels and top of main Panels and Rim Joists level wall panels to rim joists and wall plates with 8d toenails @ 234 6-in o.c. Allowable load for 8d nails = (2)(117) = 234-lb/ft. Revised 02/21/05 Lateral Specs HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-3 Table D. Specification of Structural Components and Fasteners (3 sheets)'. Roof Diaphragm Framing Specifications Structural Component Description Required Allowable 7/16-in unblocked wood structural panels per IBC Case 1. Fasten with 8-d nails @ 6-in o.c. on all edges and 12-in o.c. in the field. Allowable unit Roof Framing Panels shear (wind loads control per Table H) = 645-lb/ft 150-lb/ft 323-lb/ft (with 8-d Nails) per NDS Table 4.2B for unblocked panel diaphragms. Adjustment Factor (AF) for ASD = 0.5. Adjusted allowable shear = (0.50)(645) = 323- Ib/ft, Truss Blocking 2X4 vent blocking in each trussbay. N/A Fasten roof diaphragm boundaries with 8d nails @ Boundary Nailing 6-in o.c. N/A Fasten truss tails to top plates with 2-10 toenails and a Simpson H2.5 or H1 Seismic & Hurricane Ties fastened to trusses with 8d nails and to top plates per manufactures instruction. (see sheet S3, Truss Connections Roof Framing Plan). Allowable load for 2-10d 535-lb 614-lb (Parallel to Truss) toenails = (2)(12/16)(118) = 177-lb per truss tail. Allowable load for H2.5 Ties = 130-lb per truss tail for Hem-Fir. Total allowable load per truss = 2(177 + 130) = 614-lb per truss (H2.5 ties control). Truss Connections Fasten truss tails with 10d toenails and Simpson (Perpendicular to H2.5/H1 Seismic & Hurricane Ties per above 535-lb 614-lb Truss) specifications. Allowable load = 614-lb per truss (H2.5 Ties control). Note 1: Allowable loads, adjustments, and calculations are provided in Table C, General Design Criteria. Roof diaphragm loads are calculated in Table J, Roof Diaphragm Calculations. Revised 02/21/05 Lateral Specs HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 I Table E. Wind Shear Loads. Wind Zone Zone Zone Zone Moment Moment Zone Pressure Width Ht./Depth Area Force Arm (ft-lb) (psf) (ft) (ft) (sf) (Ib) (ft) Second Level Horizontal (Transverse) Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 24.1 6.8 9.0 61.2 1,475 17.0 25,074 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 17.4 31.2 9.0 280.8 4,886 17.0 83,061 Front-to-Back Roof Zone B 3.9 6.8 6.5 44.2 172 17.0 2,930 Front-to-Back Roof Zone D 4.0 31.2 6.5 202.8 811 17.0 13,790 Second Level Transverse Shear/Moment 7,3441 1 124,855 Main Level Horizontal (Transverse)Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 1 24.11 6.81 8.01 54.4 1,311 8.0 10,488 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 1 17.41 31.21 8.01 249.6 4,343 8.0 34,744 Main Level Transverse Shear/Moment 2,827 45,233 Wind Shear Transferred to Main Level Shear Walls 10,171 170,088 Second Level Horizontal (Lon itudinal) Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 24.11 6.81 10.61 72.1 1,737 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 17.41 27.21 12.61 342.7 5,963 Second Level Longitudinal Shear 5,775 Main Level Horizontal(Longitudinal) Wind Loads - Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 24.1 6.8 8.0 54.4 1,311 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 17.4 27.2 8.0 217.6 3,786 Main Level Longitudinal Shear/Moment 2,549 Wind Shear Transferred to Main Level Shear Walls 8,324 - Vertical (Transverse)Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone E -10.7 6.8 17.0 115.6 -1,237 19.5 -24,120 Front-to-Back Wall Zone F -14.6 6.8 17.0 115.6 -1,688 6.5 -10,970 Front-to-Back Wall Zone G -7.7 31.2 17.0 530.4 -4,084 19.5 -79,640 Front-to-Back Wall Zone H -11.7 31.2 17.0 530.4 -6,206 6.5 -40,337 Roof Overhang Zone E -19.9 6.8 2.0 13.6 -271 27.0 -7,307 Roof Overhang Zone F -17.0 6.8 2.0 13.6 -231 -1.0 231 Roof Overhang Zone G -7.7 31.2 2.0 62.4 -480 27.0 -12,973 Roof Overhang Zone H -11.7 31.2 2.0 62.4 -730 -1.0 730 Total Uplift on House -14,927 -174,386 Vertical(Longitudinal)Wind Loads Side-to-Side Wall Zone E -10.7 6.8 19.0 129.2 -1,382 Side-to-Side Wall Zone F -14.6 6.8 19.0 129.2 -1,886 Side-to-Side Wall Zone G -7.7 47.2 19.0 896.8 -6,905 Side-to-Side Wall Zone H -11.7 47.2 19.0 896.8 -10,493 Roof Overhang Zone E -19.91 6.8 1.0 6.8 -135 Roof Overhang Zone F -17.0 6.8 1.0 6.8 -116 Roof Overhang Zone G -7.7 47.2 1.0 47.2 -363 Roof Overhang Zone H -11.7 47.2 1.0 47.2 -552 Note.- Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE Standard 7-02. Revised 02/21/05 Wind Loads HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/2112005 ill Table F. Minimum Wind Shear Loads. Wind Zone Zone Zone Zone Moment Moment Zone Pressure Width Ht./Depth Area Force Arm (psf) (ft) (ft) (sf) (lb) (ft) (ft-lb) Second Level Horizontal (Transverse) Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 10.0 6.8 8.0 54.4 544 17.0 9,248 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 10.0 31.2 8.0 249.6 2,496 17.0 42,432 Front-to-Back Roof Zone B 10.0 6.8 6.5 44.2 442 17.0 7,514 Front-to-Back Roof Zone D 10.0 31.2 6.5 202.8 2,028 17.0 34,476 Second Level Transverse Shear/Moment 5,510 93,670 Main Level Horizontal (Transverse) Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 10.0 6.81 9.01 61.2 612 8.0 4,896 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 10.01 31.21 9.01 280.8 2,808 8.0 22,464 Main Level Transverse Shear/Moment 1,710 27,360 Wind Shear Transferred to Main Level Shear Walls 7,220 121,030 Second Level Horizontal (Longitudinal)Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 1 10.01 6.81 10.61 72.1 721 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 10.0 27.2 12.6 342.7 3,427 Second Level Longitudinal Shear 3,111 Main Level Horizontal (Longitudinal)Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone A 1 10.01 6.81 8.01 54.4 544 Front-to-Back Wall Zone C 1 10.01 27.21 8.01 217.6 2,176 Main Level Longitudinal Shear/Moment 1,360 Wind Shear Transferred to Main Level Shear Walls 4,471 Vertical(Transverse)Wind Loads Front-to-Back Wall Zone E 0.0 6.8 17.0 115.6 0 19.5 0 Front-to-Back Wall Zone F 0.0 6.8 17.0 115.6 0 6.5 0 Front-to-Back Wall Zone G 0.0 31.2 17.0 530.4 0 19.5 0 Front-to-Back Wall Zone H 0.0 31.2 17.0 530.4 0 6.5 0 Roof Overhang Zone E 0.0 6.8 2.0 13.6 0 27.0 0 Roof Overhang Zone F 0.0 6.8 2.0 13.6 0 -1.0 0 Roof Overhang Zone G 0.0 31.2 2.0 62.4 0 27.0 0 Roof Overhang Zone H 0.01 31.2 2.0 62.4 0 -1.0 0 Total Uplift on House 0 0 Vertical (Longitudinal)Wind Loads Side-to-Side Wall Zone E 0.0 6.81 19.0 129.2 0 Side-to-Side Wall Zone F 0.0 6.81 19.0 129.2 0 Side-to-Side Wall Zone G 0.0 47.2 19.0 896.8 0 Side-to-Side Wall Zone H 0.0 47.2 19.0 896.8 0 Roof Overhang Zone E 0.0 6.8 1.0 6.8 0 Roof Overhang Zone F 0.0 6.8 1.0 6.8 0 Roof Overhang Zone G 0.0 47.21 1.0 47.2 0 Roof Overhang Zone H 0.0 47.2 1.0 47.2 0 Note: Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE Standard 7-02. �I Revised 02/21/05 Min. Wind Loads HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-6 Table G. Seismic Shear Loads. Load Height/ Length Area Weight Shear Building Component (psf) Width (ft) (sf) (lb) Load i (ft) (lb) Second Level Seismic Forces Second Level Roof Diaphragm 15.0 1 ,292 19,380 2,931 Second Level Roof Gables 10.0 8.0 34.0 272 2,720 411 Second Level Exterior Walls 15.0 1 ,292 19,380 2,931 Second Level Partitions 10.0 1 ,292 12,920 1 ,954 Second Level Weight/Shear Load 54,4001 8,227 Main Level Seismic Forces Second Level Floor Diaphragm 10.0 1 ,292 12,920 1 ,954 Main Level Exterior Walls 15.0 1 ,292 19,380 2,931 Main Level Partitions 10.0 764 7,640 1 ,155 Main Level Weight/Shear Load 39,940 NO Base Shear 14,268 P-Delta Effects Item Reference Value PS = Total vertical design load at and above level 2 = ASCE 54,400 h2 = Story height (in) ASCE 96 0/h = Design story drift between levels 2 and 1 = 2003 IBC 1617.5.4 0.01 A = Design story drift between levels 2 and 1 = 2003 IBC 1617.5.4 0.96 VX = Seismic shear force acting between levels 2 and 1 = ASCE 6,040 Cd = Defection amplification factor for OSB shear walls = ASCE Table 4.0 0 = Stability coefficient = P,,O/VXh2Cd = ASCE 0.02 P-Delta Effects are not required to be consider if 0 </= ASCE 0.10 Revised 02121/05 Seismic Loads HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/2112005 Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-7 Table H. Controling Shear Loads. Main Floor Level Second Floor Level Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal (F-to-R) (S-to-S) (F-to-R) (S-to-S) Wind Load Ib 10,171 8,324 7,344 5,775 Minimum Wind Load Ib 7,2201 4,471 5,510 3,111 Seismic Load Ib 6,0401 6,040 8,227 _8,227 Note: Shaded cells indicate controling shear loads. Revised 02/21/05 Controling Loads HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 I Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. rage H-b Table I. Shear Wall Loads. Transverse Loads (Perpendicular to Roof Peak) Floor Level Main Level (Wind Controls) Second Level (Seismic Controls Wall Identification Left Right Left Right Applied Shear (lb) 5,086 5,086 4,114 4,114 Wall Length ft 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 Applied Unit Shear Ib/ft 150 150 121 121 Shear Wall Length ft 17.0 24.0 34.0 32.0 Resistive Unit Shear lb/ft 299 212 121 129 Unit Drag Load Ib/ft 150 62 0 01 8 Unit Wall DL Ib/ft 370 370 180 01 180 Max. Hold-Down 3-ft SW (lb) 1,394 696 482 0 542 Max. Hold-Down 4-ft SW (lb) 617 -811 104 0 164 Max. Hold-Down 6-ft SW (lb) -1,603 -2,301 -976 0 -916 Note:Hold-downs are required on 4-ft long Left SW segment. Longitudinal Loads (Parallel to Roof Peak) Floor Level Main Level (Wind Controls) Second Level (Seismic Controls Wall Identification Fron t Rear Front Rear Applied Shear (lb) 4,162 4,162 4,114 4,114 Wall Length ft 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 Applied Unit Shear Ib/ft 110 110 108 108 Shear Wall Length ft 20.0 25.0 26.0 34.0 Re sistive Unit h ni Shear Ib/ft 208 166 158 121 Unit Drag Load Ib/ft 99 57 50 13 Unit Wall DL Ib/ft 495 495 315 315 Max. Hold-Down 328 -5 415 117 3-ft SW (Ib) Max. Hold-Down 4-ft SW (lb) 711 -1,044 -246 -544 Max. Hold-Down > 6-ft SW (I -3,681 1 F -4,014 -2,136 -2,434 Note:No hold-downs are required. ne Plan 2776 Wind Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 Revised 02/21105 Shear Wall Loads HiLi , rteep Cngrneenng uonsuainy, inc;. r Qyu Table J. Roof Diaphragm Load Calculations. Description Reference Equation/Commen Value Roof/Floor Diaphragms Load Calculations Diaphragm Shear/Weight IBC Sect. 1620.4.3 F /W P = 0.21ESDS = 0.234 Diaphragm Weight (lb) Report Table G W = w ARoof = 54,400 Strength Level Diaphragm Shear (lb) IBC Sect. 1620.4.3 F = 0.21ESpsW 12,733 Service Level Seismic Diaphragm Shear (lb) ASCE Sect. 2.4 Q = 0.7E = 0.7QE = 8,913 Max. Service Level Shear From Table H (lb/ft Report Table H Q = Wind 10,171 Diaphragm Span (ft) Design Drawings b = 34 Service Level Diaphragm Unit Shear (lb/ft) Calculation Iv, = 1/2Q/b = 150 Roof Diaphragm Deflection Calculation Modulus of Elasticity-Diaphragm Chord (psi) NDS No. 2 DF-L 1 ,600,000 Area of Diaphragm Chords (in") Design Drawings Achold = 2(1.5)(5.5) 16.5 Moment of Intertia of Diaphragm Chords (in'y Calculation I = 2Achord(b/2) = 1 ,373,328 Diaphragm Length (in) Design Drawings L = 12*38 = 456 Diaphragm Deflection (in) Calculation y = 5v__ /384E1 0.04 Exterior Wall Height (in) Design Drawings h wall = 12*8 = 204 Allowable Diaphragm Deflection (in) IBC Table 1617.3.1 yA„oW. = 0.025hwa11 5.10 Roof Diaphragm Chord Stress Calculations Diaphragm Moment (ft-lb) Calculation M = vrL /8 = 26,999 Diaphragm Chord Force (Ib) Calculation C = T = M/b = 794 Axial Chord Stess (psi) Calculation F = P/A = 48 Allowable Parallel Compressive Stress (psi) NDS Table 4A No. 2 Hem-Fir 1,300 Allowable Parallel Tensile Stress (psi) NDS Table 4A No. 2 Hem-Fir 525 Revised 02/21/05 Roof Calculations HiLine Plan 2776 Wind, Seismic & Specs 110 mph & D2.xls 2/21/2005 -wvc'uNrnent atocK Plan Policy Effective July 1, 2004 f Pu ose • The purpose of the Stock Plan system is to create a more efficient, cost saving reviews; to maintain records pertaining to Stock Plan buildingd Procedure; t reduce redundant plan eveloobtaining residential building permits in order to promote affordable'housing for the citizens ofMasonCounty.of saving method Stock plans are single-family construction plans that have been reviewed by the Mason County Building Department and approved for use on multiple sites. The approval for use on multiple sites is based on the restriction that no changes to the plans are permitted. Refer to "Options"and"Changes to the Approved shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the design; nature, and extent of the work proposed, nd/an show in de9s.The y will comply with the minimum requirements of the applicable codes adopted by Mason County. ail thatt Criteria Limited to one and two-story single family dwelling Non-Residential structures (R-3)and private garages (U-1). Non-Re or commercial building plans are not eligible to be used as a Stock Plans unless prior written approval is� received from the Mason County Building Official. • Constructed by the original applicant, stock plans are not transferable to others. • Not located in a critical area (wetland, steep slope, flood hazard) • Washington State law requires that any registered professional, who prepares or supervises the preparation of drawings and construction documents, stamp and sign such documents. Stock plans must also contain acknowledgement and approval of the submitted plans for use in the construction of multiple buildings, without any limitation on quantity and location, by any and all preparers (including, but not limited to architect,engineer or building designer. The engineer of record must sign and stamp all calculations,correspondence. If the license of the engineer of record expires during the life of the stock plan documents upd to d d letter, prepared and stamped by the engineer of record,will be required before subsequent permits will be approved. Initial Approval/Process• • Submittal Documents: To begin the process, the applicant must request to have a plan identified as a Stock Plan and must submit the following: t ✓ Completed Building Permit application, ✓ Completed Stock Plan application, ✓ Three (3)sets of construction drawings, (2 sets for building dept.and 1 set for planning dept. review), ✓ Completed Energy Code compliance form, ✓ Two(2)sets of structural calculations and related documents, if applicable. • A full plan review fee will be collected.at the time of submittal based on square footage, occupancy, and use the building. y of • Snow and wind design loads vary in Mason County. Additional design loads may be incorporated in the stock plan, see the "Options"section that follows. • The plans will be reviewed for compliance and the plan reviewers redlined comments, corrections, and stamps will be added to the approved drawings. Additionally,the approved sets will be assigned a Stock Plan Number ). and cataloged by the building division. One copy of the plans will be retained for our files. One co the approved "SITE COPY", will be returned to the applicant. py� COMP. SHINGLES -- --ATTIC V NT ROOF CLASS 'B' MIN.15#FELT JACKS- 64 SQ. IN. EACH. 7/16" APA RATED (TO BE INSTALLED ABOUT V FROM THE RIDGE)24/0 5HTG. (OPTIONAL RIDGE VENT,PER CONTRACT) V+n) 5 — INSULATION BAFFLE MFG.PRE-ENGINEERED (1"AIRSPACE) ROOF TRUSSES 24" O.C. uj i 2X VENT BLOCKS R-38 INSULATION O ■ O- 1/2" G.W.B. TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL: \. - 2X6 TOP PLATE OVER CONTINUOUS METAL -- SIMPSON H-1 GUTTER 3:1 2X6 PLATE (OR)H-2.5 2X6 5TUDS-16"O.C. �� " HURRICANE CLIP 2X6 BOTTOM PLATE 11-7/8" "I"JOISTS copyright 1999 H NE HOMES SHEATHING STRUCTURAL RATED � I @19.2" O.C. ( I AIR BARRIER = R-21 INSUL. - 3/4" TAG SUB-FLR. Z VAPOR BARRIER PAINT APA RATED 48/24 p OVER SHEET ROCK �' ( GLUED A NAILED NOTE: F- r PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING CLEAR Cn Z rn DIMENSIONS: W Z 2i � co HEADROOM 6'-8"MIN. O= ¢ o 1011 TREAD WIDTH 36"MIN. Q J w CO �TYR TYP HANDRAIL HEIGHT BETWEEN 34"&38" m d Z a R RISE 7 "MAX. 2 J TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL— r� RUN 10" MIN. } 2-2X4 TOP PLATES PROVIDE HANDRAILS ON ALL STAIRS PATIO OR DECK nM 2X4 STUDS 16"O.C. W/(3)OR MORE RISERS.A SINGLE 9-1/2" "I"JOISTS -BY OWNER @19.2" O.C. 2X4 BOTTOM PLATE HANDRAIL IS ACCEPTABLE WHEN MAX. 1-1/2" I 1/2"GYP.BD. EA. SIDE STAIRWAYS ARE LESS THAN 44" 1 THRESHOLD TO j _ WIDE.HANDRAIL SHALL BE - R-21 INSUL. 1 1/2"-2"ROUND ORE GRIPPING LANDING VAPOR BARRIE�PAINT r 3/4 TAG 5UB-FLR. - Q. APA RATED 48/24 OVER SHEET ROCK I GLUED A NAILED = SHAPE SET MIN.1 1/2" FROM WALL. NOTE: n!' ,'r HALF WALL OR SOLID WALL Z '� `` ' "`' ' STAIRWAYS SIMILAR. PROVIDE LASHING 16"x8" FTG i t BLACK 6 MIL POLY -- I HANDRAIL MIN. 1 SIDE. Q z R-30 INSUL.® VISQUEEN VAPOR BARRIER ( F- Q 2x8 LEDGER MIN.ATTACH -� THROUGHOUT CRAWLSPACE \ MIN.CLEAR WIDTH AT AND I U J W/(2) lOd NAILS @ 16" O.C. BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT,51.i'I ON _ ( [ NOTE: / INCLUDING TREADS AND (� 2x6 RAFTER W 1/4" = V-0" 2 PROVIDE LIGHTING AT TOP AND LANDINGS, SHALL BE 31Z"MIN. H1 CLIP AT RAFTER BOTTOM OF STAIRWAY ACCESS W/ META OUT SWITCHES AT BOTH LOCATIONS 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE HANGER JOISTS PER PLAN ���1C�� W/OUT TRAVERSING ANY STEPS. PROVIDED ON ROTH S17r)FS HANDRAIL 4Z" MAX. — 4x10 DF#2 TOP PLATE-USE H WOOD ROOF BEAM 3x6x0.036" STEEL —DBL. JOISTS 14 " 2 GUSSET Ix MIN. WOOD PLATE AT SPLICES / 2x6 PLATE OVER ,� HILINE HOMES VAPOR BARRIER(OR) �_ 11308 62ND AVENUE i"x8" WEDGE- GUSSET 2X4 KNEE WALL-1- TREATED 2x6 (3) 2x12 STRINGERS PUYALLUP WA,98373 ANCHOR (4) 16d NAILS @ 19.2" O.C. MUDSILL ANCHORS v _ \ (253)840-1849 x. 129 24"x24"x12"- EA. SIDE 12"x6"CONT. -� 5' O.C.(OR) X cc 5/8"TYPE"X"GWB RISER a FOOTING 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS Q \ w CONC. PIER SIMPSON ABA44-FASTEN � � �. � � _ � PLAN: 2776 TO POST W/(6)16d NAILS #4 CONT.-�_ @ 6 FT. O.C.W/ � M � ao � DATE: 03/05/05 REBAR _ 3x3x1/4" WASHER SOLIDBLOCKING t'' w u ATTACH TO PIER W/ �'X&' - O O JOB#: 11 WEDGE-ALL WEDGE ANCHOR. —2x4 STUD 42" MAX. 7" MIN. ~ "' MIN.4z' IMBED.5" MIN. @ 16"O.C. PROJECTIO 36' MIN. M Z PORCH FRAMING_ 2 TYP. PONY WALL 10" MIN. GENERAL STAIRWAY DETAIL. A2 1 SCALE: 1/2"=V-0" SCALE: 1/2"=1 -0" MAX. VARIANCE 3 5CALE:-I/Z' - TYPICAL HANDRAIL ," Fmaaas DIMENSIONS 14'-l2" 4" 14'-2 ; W 60 40 HS �40]40 FIX S.G. 60 40 HS _lp-A i 60 ��; II_ --__-IL_-. I BEDROOM 2 3:1 36" HT. _ WAU_-, If-- ----- - f L 26 l3 1S _ copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES BONUS RM, 3'_5 16 _' 21 -38 24 BATH Z O r T-312" `3 _ 0 A = 0 LL, ,, ATTIC - 3'-2" �� o = -61 tt W Z 00 lle' "I"JOIST - - ,� �, �s1 AccEs a - @ 19.2 O.C. 6x10 D.F.#2 6x10 D.F.#2 �n O °cv �! a 0 � Q o ---- r �- - --- K1 16 5' TUB/ c� = v START POINT —I - - - - - - — , ---- -60- cv SHWR. - m Ui aCo 2 j I 6 60 O 26 r J I i ------ = J CV _j - - - -- _ 60 > o, __ 4,_81 3;-5 6,_3 4;_14 0 a I 1 o m ^� zW o I BEDROOM 3 HOBBY RMt zD :r 00 0 -2 3- /2 11- /8 TM SFRD I - ----: _ - -- —_ -- _ __ ! '� 3s �' _m .� ) 60 40 HS 60 40 HS 60 40 HS O A __J O z -- - - L Q IF 12'-2 3; i ;:cv •� 12'-9" 4 13'-m4 cj� J 3-1/ xll 7/ T B TR U M N O I 38'-0" W a" II pp pp I FLAN �11-7/8`I' J IS S 19. C. UFFE R �L OOfR FLAN Q„ I i l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l 1/8"=r-0" ' � UPPER FLOOR FRAMING NOTES 0 1. HEADERS ARE TO BE 6x8 D.F.#2 U.N.O. ! I HILINE HOMES 2. ALL MULTIPLE JOISTS @ HEADERS SHALL BE FABRICATED WITH WEB 11308 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 FILLERS (IF APPLICABLE)AND GLUED &NAILED PER JOISTS MANUF. (253)e40-1849x.129 3. JOISTS SHALL BE SUPPORTED LATERALLY AT EACH SUPPORT BY D 6x10 .F.#2 A 6x10 D.F.92 6x10 D.F.#2 BLOCKING (OR) CONTINUOUS RIMBOARD AS PER JOIST •: `��-�Y MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. PLAN: 2776 4. FRAMING CONNECTORS SHALL BE "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE" (OR)AN DATE: 03/05/05 }� *I APPROVED EQUAL. JOB#: ve° �I -p=i I-°-p�� FLOOR ��I I I I I 5 STACK-FRAME FIRST FLOOR WALLS @ 19.2" O.C. FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, AND HVAC. 6. PROVIDE 22" x 30" ATTIC ACCESS PANEL WITH TIGHT FITTING, SELF- Al -1 CLOSING DOOR. DOOR SHALL BE BACKED WITH INSULATION IF LOCATED ABOVE HEATED SPACE. VERIFY LOCATION ACCESS WITH CONTRACTOR. Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality Code (VIAQ) Fan Specifications 24'-0" 8'-� Bathrooms 50 CFM min. at .25 w.g. 38'-m" � 4'-III" 14'-4" �'-22" 16 -5 vJ Laundry Rooms 50 CFM min. at .25 w.g. Kitchen 100 CFM min. at.25 w.g. OPTIONAL 60 610 W GARAGE S.G.��Whole House Fan - CFM at .25 w.g., 1.5 sones 60 40 HS at 0.1 w.g. with manual and automatic controls. °L = OPTIONAL i m I, 40 40 H5 ,3i 0 36 HS �I 3 'g" 31-52 All fan ducts: Insulate ducts to R-4 min, - -- Z NT Y `r J Single backdraft damper I OPTIONAL KITCHEN ■� O Terminate outside structure MANDOOR ' (� 5 K. I w - Securely fastened and sealed with gaskets, +� 1 —RANGE W/ rn WALL MASTER mastics,or tapes installed in accordance with min ; HOOD (VTO) STOP. SUITE m I the manufacturers specifications. i 2'-81" 00 Duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any ducts. Z = 4'-82° 3'-9" _im 3 6'-I 1 _11 IO !OPTIONA t O _ copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES HEAT PUMP N r+ 2s Bp v 1HEATER. MIN. 18" ABOVE �E� 24 SLAB AS REQ'D PER IRC _ -- PAN. WIG 24 d >C� UL SOLID CORE 1 8"MIN. —"~ = F—,� Q = - - 0 Z �i CRAWL T 0 I- c�v - WITH WEATHER STRIP 28 2 2 r- �,� Cao BATH o `r O \Oa l R. 0-1�t �_,�ACCE55� i �-- v - Z SURFACE WARM WALL `;� _ - ao `t cA - w ? It I0 W/5/8" TYPE"X"GWB ��� r COATS 5 _ 1 ' LLI Z Z ?2 CONTINUE TO `� O � � (n 0 Q v T ITY 24 61 Q Q= S'-4" `tIM) J w co 4,_311, 00 Z a_ a_ M -- --- — - 2 2 -0 1'-5" 3'-8" -- J N B N DRY I— — DBL. 2x4'5 = -� N I JNASH W =� (5)PLACES } IN ENTRY LIVINCz RM o � 30 30 HS ,n o .o A whole house ventilation system shall be provided by a r system that meets the Washington Ventilation & Indoor Air 24'-52" ® 4 Quality Code. A label shall be affixed to the control that a 60 40 H5 20 50 FI 3� 6040 5 5. . reads, "Whole House Ventilation (see operating a �Z �GH instructions)."VIAQ 303 &304 14'-4" �'-11 I5'-82° (y _ ._ L_ _ _ _— — — � — '—— 0 Z lit';1VC;ICAL t'KAM11V li 1V U'1'L''J Q 12'-fd" 14'-0" 12'-011 4x4 POST 0 _J 1. SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL STATE/LOCAL CODES 7'-6�" 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. PLEASE NOTIFY BUILDER OF ANY 0 381_�" LL WITH CONSTRUCCTION.OR OMMISSIONS PIOR TO PROCEEDING �U ,� ,,\ AREA SQ T. 3. OWNER SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD �✓ FIRST FLOOR.... 1484 CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMENCING CONSTRUCITON. SECOND FLOOR.... 1292 Plans include pages of (19 4. DESIGN IS BASED ON 1500 p.s.f. SOIL PRESSURE. TOTAL.... 2776 engineering docum n that must 9. WATER HEATER IS TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER PORCH 228 remain attached to ap ovq.{ *VIbMES 5. SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS ANOD LOWER THIRD OF THE TANKPER IR C.. CHAPTER PRECAUTIONS 12 GARAGE.... 624 11308 62ND AVENUE PRECAUTIONS PERTAINING TO THE METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SECTION M1307. WHEN INSTALLED IN A GARAGE,WATER HEATER PUYALLUP WA,98373 SEQUENCES AND PROCEDURES USED DURING WORK. MUST BE A MIN. 18" ABOVE THE SLAB. ® =HOSE BIB (253)840-1849 x.129 6. PROVIDE FIREBLOCKING AT ALL PLUMBING,ELECTRICAL,AND 10.GARAGE DOORS MAY BE LOCATED AT ANY REASONABLE EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS. LOCATION WITHOUT REQUIRING ENGINEERING. WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE 2776 7. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE 11. GARAGE MANDOOR MAY BE ADDED TO ANY EXTERIOR WALL OF WSEC Compliance Method: Prescriptive Path—Option IV 03/05/05 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THE GARAGE WITHOUT REQUIRING ENGINEERjiJG. Type of Heat: 8. WHERE REQUIRED, USE 3000 P.S.I.CONCRETE FOR FOUNDATION 12. STACK FRAME THE FIRST AND SECOND STORY FLOORS AND ALL Glazing \ WALLS PORCHES GARAGE SLABS, STEPS ALND ALL OTHER AREAS INTERIOR WALLS AT 19.2" O.C. FOR HVAC, ELECT, AND PLUMBING. (windows, including glass doors)maximum U-Factor: U-.40 EXPOSED TO WH�ATHER PER I.R.C. TABLE R402.2. MINIMUM COMPREHENSIVE STRENGTH IS AT 28 DAYS. FLOOR �I ^ * I Doors: U-.40 or less (solid core wood or equivalent) r FLAN V Wall Insulation: R-21 Floor Insulation: R-30 2 Ceiling V`1ASH,�f�T� d STATE E a ;,�Q ,i Insulation: R-38 cl,ti .� �& '�=���"' • 1'-11 ' MIN. I(2) 2x STUDS 2x BOTTOM PLATE, MIN. FOOTING WIDTH "W" ,y 4"CRIPPLEWALL/ STEP TAG PLYWOOD 5 (STORY) 1 2 3---- - -- FOUNDATION r- 5UBFLOORING T (THICKNES )6 6 8z ♦ W U.N.O. CRIPPLE WALL " ' a" RIMJOIST y W �WTD H 13 15" 23" (I R40 .1) SHEATHING SHALL BE O.S.B. NAILED W/ 8d ` r NOTE: NAILS C� b" O.C. EDGE s -2x STUDS:.,.: ` H ��A"� 1. WHERE THERE IS LE55 THAN 4'-0" OF UNBALANCED BACKFILL STEMWALL mi AND 12" O.C. FIELD. ;^ , �, r � � " C� 16" O.C._• ,:� -WHERE "A" I5 PERMITTED TO BE 6 THICK W/ (1) #4 CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN ow O (OR) 1- U5E SHEARWALLS ' :' ,• •,r• .`y:` w °• EXCEEDS 8'-0" TOP 12" OF FOUNDATION WALL FOR SEISMIC DESIGN AREAS D1 AND D2. 16 GA. 16 CROWN 1-a I .PROVIDE 16 GA. LONG STAPLES @ 4" AT ALL EXTERIOR ;' :,`' < METAL TIE: (IRC SECTION R404.1.4) 3:1 EDGE AND 12 FIELD PONYWALL 1 z" x 4'-0" MIN. 2. WHERE THERE IS MORE THAN 4'-0" OF UNBALANCED BACKFILL WALLS a,. .. AND SHALL BE 100% PERIMETERS '': -ATTACH EACH MUST BE LATERALLY RESTRAINED AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM (OR) copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES TRANSFERABLE SHEAR. DESIGNED AS A RETAINING WALL.• : :,.-... • ,:.SIDE W/ (8) ibd COMMON NAILS. 2x6 MUDSILL W/ J �`:• 3.WHERE REQUIRED, USE 3000 PSI AIR ENTRAINED CONCRETE AT EXPOSED MUDSILL ANCHORS f� Z H a �,.. �F � ' FOUNDATION WALLS, GARAGE SLABS, PORCHES, STEPS, AND OTHER O _)5'-0" O.C. `r J v Q: •. ... LL a AREAS EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. PER. IRC, TABLE R402.2 E z 12" FROM ENDS a� Q m ¢ �- '.• X Iw MIN. U.N.O. Z ao Q Q FOUNDATION _I — W z Q FOUNDATION FOOTING D —III—I '" U) Q:r < o -III Q -'u, 00 STEMWALL s m Z a STEPPED FOUNDATION/CRIPPLEWALL : I!-11 i :: = J CV IS I I_ I I-III_ 1 IRC SECTION 602.11.3 B =1 • - —i I I—I - 1=1 O lOd NAILS i i=III -III' A 2 EA. STUD BAY A 11=i I —I I IS I {- F=-1 I 1 INTO TOP PLATES FOR FIRST FLOOR. ..., . .� _ _ -I I-I I I X J _III I I I J H =1 1 I �- LL Y ~ N/ —_III J H —III t I- Q F- Y I • LL- X 00 U V 05B TO LAP -� _ _ I -� —I :-a +� 3 tL — I I ¢ 00 X rn ¢ X . I-I I Q Y — ,0 r� Q a m RIMJOIST FLOOR JOISTTHE 4 I I I I X m ¢ X ¢ ¢ J CIOw X I I 8d NAILS 2 10 Q MIN.11 8 1 8 8 8 U @ 4" O.C. O d NAILS i MIN. I r MIN, _II fi MIN. I 'J MIN. —J 1.1.1 16" O.C. �I S/W DETAIL _, IIL - -, SHEAR TRANSFER NTS HORIZONTAL REBAR: (1) #4 HORIZONTAL REBAR: (2) #4 HORIZONTAL REBAR: (2)#4 HORIZONTAL REBAR: (2)#4 HORIZONTAL REBAR: (2)#4 N E. CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN \ RF 12" OF TOP OF STEMWALL AND 12" OF TOP OF STEMWALL AND 2" OF TOP OF STEMWALL AND 12" OF TOP OF STEMWALL AND 12" OF TOP OF STEMWALL AND 1 308 62 HOMES °F easy���-0 (1)#4 CONTINUOUS REBAR 3" 1 #4 CONTINUOUS REBAR 3" YALLU D AVENUE 9837 ( ) (1) #4 CONTINUOUS REBAR 3" (1) #4 CONTINUOUS REBAR 3" (1)#4 CONTINUOUS REBAR 3" PUYALLUP WA,98373 y °ti FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF (253)840-1849 x.129 FOOTING. FOOTING. FOOTING. FOOTING. FOOTING. VERTICAL REBAR: (1) #4 REBAR VERTICAL REBAR: (1)#5 REBAR VERTICAL REBAR: (1) #6 REBAR VERTICAL REBAR: (1)#6 REBAR VERTICAL REBAR: (1)#6 REBAR PLAN: 2776 -� �\ 1 436 � W/ HOOK @ 48" O.C. MIN, W/ HOOK @ 48" O.C. MIN. W/ HOOK @ 48" O.C. MIN. W/ HOOK @ 24" O.C. MIN. W/ HOOK @ 16" O.C. MIN. DATE: 03/05/05 oA ��'GIST �� ���`' WALL PENETRATION OF 14" WALL PENETRATION OF 14" WALL PENETRATION OF 14" WALL PENETRATION OF 14" WALL PENETRATION OF 14" JOB#: FsS/0NAL ECG AND FOOTING PENETRATION AND FOOTING PENETRATION AND FOOTING PENETRATION AND FOOTING PENETRATION AND FOOTING PENETRATION EXPIRES 01/24 2006 OF 3". IRC R403.1.3 OF 3". IRC R403.1.3 OF 3". IRC R403.1.3 OF 3". IRC R403.1.3 OF 3". IRC R403.1.3 FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 3 �, �,ARR.C. FOUNDATIOn�'E EMWALL DESIGN A6 /BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS, R404.1.1(2) N.T.5. In lieu of an engineered design and supporting Calculations. refer to attgrhp(i HP.tnilc fn,r nrncnrinfixio vl W3612 W3330 W4830 W3015 W3330 CW2430R W �\ DC2430 F331 HOOD `� �� WINDOW .— O MAX. REFER HEIGHT OF SINK copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES 70" 30 DO . . " RANGE(FREE DISH- `� STANDING) WASHER Z O cA Z rn W — v 833 \ (Wn Q= ¢ CO B48 0821 CAR36 CAR36 5636 0 3 KITCHEN 2 K TCH N KITCHEN m a Z ?Co 1 Lo = J 04 } D d W _Z z F331 F331 C J LAV Q [L LAV LAV LAV LAV U . `\ N\ HILINE HOMES V5836 11308 62NO AVENUE VSB36 VSB36 VSB33 VDB18 V5833 PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253)840-1849 x. 129 3 POWDER 5 2nd STORY BATH MASTER BATH 4 PLAN: 2776 NOTE: DATE: 03/05/05 FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATING OR PURCHASING CABINETS. JOB#: C- 481NET ELEVATION NTS A5 2x STUDS @ 16"O.C. 2x6 P.T. MUDSILL - �--FLOOR SYSTEM: MANUF. TRUSSES @ 24"O.C. j 3/4"MIN.TAG 5UBFLOOR GLUED z ,^ AND NAILED TO JOIST w/8d @ /" - 2x VENT BLOCKING W/ BORED �+J �+ 6" O.C. EDGE� 12"O.C. FIELD / I HOLES INSECT SCREENS GRADE It FLOOR JOISTS PER PLAN @ I:f 1`OSLOPE 6" 19.2" O.C. HUNG W/SIMP50N W 1 � TOP FLANGE JOIST HANGERS IN 10'-0 / %1BATT INSULATION PER PLAN REBAR REQUIREMENTS: _ "SIMPSON"MUDSILL ANCHOR SIMPSON H1 IN5ULATIO (1)#4 HORIZ. BAR z _f.� I I CONT. BEHIND WITHIN 12" OF TOP OF � SPACING PER MANUF. SPEC. WITHIN HURICANE CLIP "T" WALLS. STEMWALL. �, I-I 12" OF CORNERS AND MUDSILL SPLICES.l I1 1 (2) 2X6 PLATES(1)#4 VERTICAL REBAR I -I I I - (OR)�' ANCHOR BOLT W/3"x3"xl/4" 2X4 STUD '1.= - WASHER. EMBED.7" INSULATIONI (INTERIOR WALL) T @ 48' O.C. MIN.14 -. ry, PENETRATION W/HOOK. ?� (DO NOT COUNTERSINK.)�I shl I I �i it 11= H E!e,DER D ET!e 1IL BACKER 2X6 DRYWALL-- copyright 7999 HILINE HOMES 4"PERF. DRAIN PIPE 6" 6 MIL BLACK POLY GROUND NTS AND CLEAN DRAIN ROCK 12" COVER. OVERLAP SEAMS 12" 2X6 STUDS @ TYP.@ PERIMETER 2,_O„ 16" O.C. Z (BY OWNER WHERE REQ'D.) EXTERIOR WALLS 0 (1)#4 CONT.REBAR MIN. 0 OINTERIOR WALL DETAIL w Y c, IN FOOTING W Z� � � NOTE: REBAR IS TO BE INSTALLED IN A WAY THAT IT I5 NOT WET SET. PICAL SCALE: 1/2"=V-0" w Q= Q o . FOUNDATION DETAIL Q Jw a00 "i' ATTACH WALL SHEATHING D �n MAX.4'-6" STEMWALL SCALE: 1/2"=l'-0" p z PER 5/W DETAIL = N}ILS @ 24"O.C. MAX.LOAD a j 2x STUDS @ 16"O.C. 1,500# i i x6" NAIL ROOF SHEATHING MIN. 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" 5 FRAMING DETAIL BLOCKING AT BEARING LAP JOIST PER 1'-0" O.C. EDGE AND 12"O.C. NTT WHERE REQUIRED FIELD PLAN MAX.LOAD (n MANUF.TRUSSES 2,500# @ 24"O.C. NAIL BLOCK TO „ TRUSS CHORDS \BLOCKING W/VENT---------, \ BEAM PER PLAQ TO PLANE W/OUTSIDE �` \ POST PER PLAN �-PO EDGE OF SHEATHING SHEATHING TO- TOP PLATE r MAX. LOAD 6,000# HILINE HOMES CON 11308 62ND AVENUE C.(2) 2x6 TOP PLATES PIER PAD 0 PUYALLUP WA,98373 058 - I , 42" '. ��J17�� (253)840-1849 x.129 NAIL W/8d COMMON NAILS @6" O.C. EDGE AND 12" O.C. 4 -2x STUD MAX, LOAD 1, 0# 2,500# 6,000# PLAN: 2778 FIELD OR i T(THICKNESS) 12" DATE: 03/05/05 6" 8" STAPLE W/16 GA. -,6'CROWN JOB#: 14 LONG STAPLES @ 4" O.C. I W(WIDTH) 12" 16" 24" EDGE AND 6"O.C. FIELD = 4 SHEATHING DETAIL A4 SCALE: 3/4"=V-0" 6 CONCRETE PIER DETAIL POST PI R PA CA : 1 2"=V-0" _ OPTIONAL S.G. GARAGE ix3 CORNER TRIM �-O HORIZONTAL SIDING Al FINISHED GRADE BY OWNER S.G. SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM tdD -- BUILDING 6"IN 10'-0"MIN, COPYri9hc 1999 HwNE FUMES REAR ELEVATION OPTIONAL MNOOOR Z O W Z.2 o 8 � <a: < Q jw 00 NOTE: Co 0-J a- R ADDRESS MUST BE LOCATED = -i cli 2X6 BARGE BD. ON THE HOUSE WHERE IT I5 EASILY - } W/iX2 TRIM IZ SEEN FROM THE MAIN ACCESS ROAD (OWNER RESPONSIBILITY) n 4x BEAM AND POST Z BIRDS MOU RIGHT ELEVATION O --'_� ---,- ,-�-� ZX6 RAFTERR COMP.SHINGLES — 1/8"= 1'-0" Z I LEFT ELEVATION � +- � HILINE HOMES 1/8"= 1'-0" — — 11308 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253)840-1849 x.129 El PLAN: 2776 El El El❑❑ — _ ® DATE: 03/05/05 0❑❑❑0❑�❑ - ----- _ JOB#: ❑0ClOIC�❑ �® -- J a® _ FRONT --- — -- — A3 E L E��T I ON —4x4 POST NAILS TOP PLATES TOGETHER-- I Typ,EXTERIOR 5/W W/(2)lOd NAILS @ 16" O.C. ON O.S.B./PLYWOOD ONLY 5 CFALL SHEARWALLS U.N.O. 8d COMMON NAILS @ OPTIONAL OPTIONAL I 6"O.C.EDGE AND 40 40 HS JT6ARAG� ' '^ — 12"O.C.FIELD ORV 1 16 GA.STAPLES 7/16" ` NAIL W/Sd NAILS CROWN,1-3/4"LONG 1 @'4"O.FIEDGDE AND FIELD.@4" EDGE AND 12" M,q T I�� -- --.--- - TRY KITCHEN IT NAIL W/8d COMMON NAILS N E. RF @6"O.C. EDGE AND 12" O.C. I �� of WAS&., Z FIELD OR t0 .a O .— O STAPLE W/16 GA. t6'CROWN co �� OPTIONAL MANDOOR- 1�'LONG STAPLES @ 4" O.C. I O.S.S. II MIN 24"PANEL IS APPLIED TO EA. EDGE AND 12"O.C. FIELD _ SIDE OF BLDG. FASTENED PER 5/W 3:1 (NOT SHOWN) LI LI 1 436 Q DET�IL. SEE DETAIL 5 ON A4 FOR CL05Ei 2x STUDS ; Off, ICI �p �,�' ZO ATT�CHMENT, f�IUDR ATH @ 16" O.C. I I I I FS` ST'ER copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES III S/oNAL �� =o- tENbINEERED (2) 10d NAILEA. STUD BAY XPIRES 01 24 2006 z BOTTOM PLATE • T— —1 DININCxMUDSILL Rm, LIVINGS RM. � _ coIL W/8d NAILS W Z O < HEARWALL NAILING ' EDGE ANDI2' T Y Q QW 1 ELD. mPICAL EXTERIOR 5/W NTS PRESCRIP —i :D j `n _ GENERAL FRAMING NOTES = Q 1, SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL STATE/LOCAL CODES 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS.PLEASE NOTIFY BUILDER OF ANY — NAIL TOP PLATES TOGETHER SUSPECTED ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS PIOR TO PROCEEDING COVERED PORCH W/(2)10d NAILS @ 16"O.C. WITH CONSTRUCTION, >— G.W.B.(BOTH SIDES OF WALL)3• OWNEO ALLCOM VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS — — — — —— —a' — — — —— — — —-' —— — — — — - - PRIOR Z NR.6x1 LONG TYPE S"0 W 4. DESIGN IS BASED ON 1500 s Q DRYWALL SCREWS @ 4"O.C. p. .f.SOIL PRESSURE. J EDGE AND 4" O.C. FIELD. • G,y�/,g, I 5. SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY I J PRECAUTIONS PERTAINING TO THE I METHODS,'-ECHNIQUE5, -NAIL W/8d NAILS 2x STUDS SEQUENCES AND PROCEDURES USED DURING WORK. @4" EDGE AND 12" @ 16"O.C. 6. PROVIDE FIREBLOCKING AT ALL PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND FIELD. �DRM. 22 /-10d NAILS ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS. II II @6" O.C. 7. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE 01-00 L= Q i�/ BOTTOM PLATE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. W W 8. 0.5.B.WALL SHEATHING ONLY FOR EXTERIOR SHEARWALLS = U STEMWALL MUDSILL NAILED PER EXTERIOR SHEARWALL DETAIL. 130NUS RM. BATH Q 9. INTERIOR SHEARWALLS SHALL BE GYPSUM WALL BOARD.SEE Q 2 �/ INTER. S.W. /DRAGSTRUT DETAIL FOR SCREW SPACING. 10. GARAGE DOORS MAY BE LOCATED AT ANY REASONABLE EXTERIOR co LEGEND NTS LOCATION WITHOUT REQUIRING ENGINEERING. HILINE HOMES '`D 11308 62ND AVENUE 11. GARAGE MANDOOR MAY BE ADDED TO ANY EXTERIOR WALL OF THE PUYALLUP WA,98373 SHEARWALL GARAGE WITHOUT REQUIRING ENGINEERING. (253)840-1849 x.129 ® = BRACEWALL PANEL -NAIL W/8d NAILS12.NAIL ALL EXTERIOR TOP PLATED TOGETHER WITH 2 10d NIAL5 @ @4" EDGE AND 12" _GARAGE BRACED PANELS HEDULE 16" O.C. AND ALL EXTERIOR BOTTOM PLATED WI (2) 10d NAILS FIELD. PLAN: 277g EACH STUD BAY. 1A4'-0"EXTERIOR BRACED PANEL W/MIN. 3/8"PLYWOOD 3DRM. 3 H405eY R1`1 DATE: 03/05/05 ON ONE SIDE. 8d NAILS 6"o.c.AT EDGES, 12"ox.AT 13. THE GARAGE IN THIS PLAN IS PRESCRIPTIVELY DESIGNED. DEN JOB#: INTERMEDIATE FRAMING. THE COMMON GYPSUM WALL BOARD 4G.W.B.)WALL BETWEEN / THE GARAGE AND THE HOUSE IS ENG NEEDRED TO ACCEPT 2'-B" ALT, B D PANEL W/MIN. 3/8" A.P.A.RATED LOADS FOR BOTH THE HOUSE AND THE GARAGE,IN LIEU OF I I PLYW00 NE SIDE. 8d NAILS @ 3"o.c.EDGES, 3" I.R.C. SECT.R602.10.11 EXCEPTION 1 O.C. FI L A 2EL TO(P2 OZX STUDS.PRODVIDE(2j 1%E DIA. S 2 AN R BOLTS WS�" EMBED MIN. 5�EEARUJALL 4 BRACEWALL PLAN N E. R F 24'-0° �� o !Nc A v J 2xb MUDSILL— � 14 -, SIMPSON MA6 r7 %'-I I" 16'-5" 2x8 MUDSILL PRESCRIPTIVE ENGINEERED 16"X 8" 5CREE4:EN T J. ANCHOR BOLT W/ _ 92'"I"JOIST OPTIONAL FOUNDATION 1��1T�(�Y� � � W 3x3x4 WASHER.MIN. `III •o GARAGE ' —� 7"IMBEDMENT n 1 436 c� @ 19.2 O.C. �.1 rj PATIO ,4 1 11= o. _ 7f7 `��;. 0�F'�?�'CISTER�C� ��' STAR BY T POINT S1 C -i l� o . SS/ANAL �� 2,-0 __--- OWNER < 6 —� — PAD; - - - - - - - — - - - - - - -- - - -� BY8 � EXPIRES O1 24 20 6 WN ER;NCHOR - - - - - - - - - w It - - - I 6"5T MWALL = (- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-31 PONYWALL-� 2MHOR i I OPTIONAL �\ I I a ti I I 2x6 I IBLO FORCKOUT I I I (I� bRAG dN OLO�R J 0115T�V/I8d NAILS I II I x4 KN&&EWAL€.O�N I I I M copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES SIMPSON THROUGH FL OR SHEET ING @ 6' O.0 6 x8" FTG MANDOOR�I MA6 OR 2" I P CA „ ANCHOR BOLT ° 3 �" 1 2 I I W/WASHER \a :. �'JIOZ II ;I OPTIONAL O Y AL4 I BLOCKOUT FOR - I Z �- - O HEAT PUMP - 0 CONCRETE 71 I w - 0) FOOTING 0 �I� (I 14"CONC. SLAB ON COMPACTED - = If I �� r) t f. T- _ W INTERIOR FOOTING III FILL. SLOPE SLAB ON. 2" I S� I = LU Z 2 � CO n , z e I TO DOOR. I 6, 0„I I II I I I -1,L311, I I; ZC 5 WI II�SUPA p I I I m (� Q 0 a NTS l7lZ I 'I =� A / N T 0 I IG T ITTI G D00�2. I r- m Q J w co �I� III i L1J� I LI • LL I mIZ? N JOISTS I - �- -�+- = J v CONTINUOUS I `I r Q TRIMMER 19.2" O.C. I 2 x 4 PLATE II ;I - - - - I } PONYWALL II rJ I� I� x4 PO T 5 P AC 5) .�continuous foundation is lrwi for I I , 1 9 1/2'"I' J I TS 19.2" around the entire perimeter �f I I SPEATHIPOINY WAL CAN 6NEI SIbE I N the structure. g AL EUP-i I I - Z OBOTTOM OF FLOOR SHEATHING(� I I L H D R L - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - I- � F R O AL - L�IS UEEtVV�O I �„ = 5 = A RI R HROUGH UT L _ _ _ rn 24" C'�r1�x- — — — — — — — — — — — — J (L [L I I R WLSP CEj LA S,LI E5 � I �! MIN. . : a it i 4�S1 1;`3 y ® �o $ +�- F I I ( 2 I� i I z z � - - - — C FOOTING + \ N L - - - - - - - - - _O G CRAWL ACCESS DETAIL 009� 3 "10211 ROUGH OPENING 4 "3�„ TOP FLANGE JOIST A TOOP IL J Q 4 HANGER-TYPICAL BY >- a I- < NTS 24'_5" PIER4TYPI CONCRETE OWNER Q 2X4 TOP PLATE ECIEND ( LA J� L_J J L Z "SIMPSON" STHD8 MINIMUM (o O HEADER APA RATED 5HT'G HOLDOWN ATTACHMENT-SEE 12'-0" 14'-0" 12'_01 3/8"MIN. 24/0 EXP 1. DETAIL 5 ON SHEET 51. O O NAIL SHT'G TO HEADER @-/ -_ 3-7'-11" (L .J 3"O.C.EA. WAY FOUNDATION & FRAMING NOTES (2)2X STUDS,NAIL SHT'G (2)2X PLATES, NAIL 5HT'G 1. ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON STIFF,FIRM SOIL MEETING 5, FOUNDATION VENTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT 1/ 300 SQ. FT. TO EA.PLATE THE REQUIREMENTS OF DEFAULT SITE CLASS "D" PER I.B.C., PER I.R.C.,SECT. R408.2 AND WVIAC CODE. HILINE HOMES SECTION 1615.1.1. DESIGN I5BA5ED ON 1500 P.s.f. SOIL. TO EA. STUD. i3oe szND AVENUE i ., _ 6. 2x8 MUDSILL TO BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE INSIDE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (2)1/2" DIA. ANCHOR 2. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL BE 2x A/R FACE OF FOUNDATION WALL TO ACCEPT JOIST HANGERS. (253)840-1849 x.129 8d NAILS @ 3" O.C.TO ALL - - HEM-FIR#2 MIN. TREATED WITH AN APPROVED PLATES,HEADERS,STUDS. BOLTS W/7' EMBED.(MIN) PRESERVATIVE (OR)STANDARD HEM-FIR ON AN IMERVIOU5 7. 8" FOUNDATION W/iLLS SHALL BE ANCHORED WITH z' ANCHOR ►. ` W/3x3x1/4" WASHER R MOISTURE BAR IEk (I.R.C. R319.1) BOLTS WITH 3"x3"x4" WASHER @ 6 FT. O.C. WITH A 7" MIN. PLAN: 277B IMBE_ 3. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE BLOCKOUTS IN FOOTINGS OR WALLS MAX D12 EFRONT M PLATE ENDPTH. A S. 14 FT.MUD ANCHOR BOLTS LLS ANDPPLACE DATE: 03/05/05 SIMPSON STHD8 FOR PLUMBING ELECTRICAL STUB-OUTS. ANCHORS ACCORDINGLY. JOB#: ATTACH PER MANUF. 4. USE 3000�p s.i. CONCRETE WHERE REQUIRED BY THE I.R.C. 8. 6" FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL BE ANCHORED WITH " SPECIFICATIONS TABLE 40Z.2. "SIMPSON MUD ANCHORS @ 5 FT. O.C. A MIN. OF(2))ANCHORS PER PLATE. 5 MIN. HOEDOWN DETAIL MAX. 12" FROM PLATE ENDS. USE A 14 FT MUDSILL AND PLACE ANCHORS ACCORDINGLY. p p }� * C SIMPSON SDHD8 NTS FOUNDATION / FLOOR FRA III VC, FLAN v FRAL STRUCTURAL NOTE AL NATURAL FORCES (WIND AND SEISMIC) IMPOSED TH15 BUILDING ARE RE515TED BY A SYSTEM OF ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AND FASTENERS DESIGNED TO RESIST DE51GN BASE LOADS SET FORTH BY UJI CRITERIA IN TABLES A AND B ON THIS PAGE. TH15 5TRUCTURAL SYSTEM 15 DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2003 NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION (ND5) j AND THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (I.B.C.) im 0 5TRUCTURAL MEMBERS THAT ARE NOT A PART OF THE ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONVENTIONAL LIGHT-FRAME IT 3: CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS OF I.B.C., SECT. 2308. copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES Table A.Wind Design Criteria, Description Value Description Value Wind Speed Vas{m h) z 110 Vertical Pressures(psf) SimplifleQ Method per 18C Section 1609.6? Yes Waft Zone E ,10.7 �- Importance Factor-ti,, 1.00 Walt Zone F U) z CD -14.6 tW Z cn Expiasure& Height Factor(Expos ure B) 1.00 Wall Zone G -7;7 Q o U Roof Slope 6/12 Wall Zone H -f1<7 Q J w co Horizontal Pressures{paf) Roof Overhang Zone E -19.9 m i1 Wall Zone A 24.1 Roof Overhang Zone G -17.0 = Wall Zone;C 17.4 Roof-Overhang Zone F 14.6 < Roof Zone B 3.9 RoofDverhang Zone H 11.7 Roof-Zone D 4.0 Notes:Plus and minus signs sign"dy wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces,respectke(y per ASCE Standard 7-02..' A basic wind speed ofilo mph iC os Expure Fa ctor B is equlwfent tc a basic wind speed of 95 mph et Exposure C far buildings with a mean roof height of 22-tt'or lessor Description Value Descriptions Value Z Q Occupancy Category per Table 1604.5 - q Is Period To T<1=T,=0.345 sec? Yes \N E RF LLB Seismic Inn rtance Factor! rTable 1604.5 1:0 Desi n S ectral Res nse: S =S 7 Yes ��J�w of WAS&., A Seismic Desgin Category per Table 1616.3(1) D2 Seismic Use Group per 1BC 1616.2 ► 0 W _ Default Site Glass Per 18C 1615.1.1 D Simplified Analysis per IBC 1617.57 Yes THE LATERAL DESIGN OF THIS PLAN IS ENGINEERED TO 0 Regular Structure Yes Seismic Designcoeffilcient:C.= 1.2S fe/R 0,216 (� MEET THE 2003 INTERNAITONAL BUILDING CODE (I.B.C.) I3uikJing frame SlructurewlShear Walls` Yes VerticalAistribi�tian per IBC 1617.5,2 Fx/wx 0.216 REQUIREMENTS; .0 14 Response Modification Coefficient. R 6.5 Maximum Unit Shear per Table l:v p ^�.x(lb/ft) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY; D2, SDS=1.170G �'``F EQjs L Mean Building Height h(ft) 21.5 Story Shear per Table H:Va,o (lb) 5,227 BASIC WIND SPEED: 110 m.p.h., EXPOSURE B ss/ONAL ENG Building Period Coefficient:Ct(sec) 0.02 Sto Shear Ratio'r,;,X=10vM"Ns„ : 0.19 BASIC WIND SPEED: 100 m. h. EXPOSURE C HILINE HOMES BuildingPeriod: T= C h3i{ Sec 0.20 Base StoryArea: As sf} 1,292 p' EXPIRES 01/24/2006 11308 62NDAVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 MCE Short Period Acceleration: SMS (g) 1.755 Square Root of Base Story Area:Ae (ft) 35.9 (253)840-1849 x.129 Site Short Period Acceleration: SQS(g) 1.170Reduncany Factor. p= 2-20/rmex(Asff' -089 Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc. STRUCTURAL DRAWING INDEX MCE Lon Period Acceleration: SM1( ) 0.606 Minimum Redunancy Factor Per IBC 1617.2.1 1.00 I.E. (Gene) Reep, P.E. PLAN: 2776 Site Lon Period s SO DESIGN CRITERIA DATE: 03/05/05 9 Sol 0.404 SL Shear: E=-pQE + 0.2SQSD = pQE To=0.2SQ1/SQS(sec) 0.069 Base Shear/Weight VSL/W= PC, 0.2161 Washington License No. 14363 S1 FOUNDATION PLAN JOB#: I.C.C. No. 0465600 S2 SHEARWALL PLAN T,=SD1/Sas(sec) 0.345 Allowable Stress Design: VASD= 0.7VSL 0.151 Note_ Seismic design criteria is based on highest values for Maximum Considered Earthquake(Sms)and site short period 8205 Sunset Lane Phone: (509) 547-9087 {Spa)accelerations for�Seismic Design Category D2. Pasco WA, 99301 Cell: (509) 366-2869 S3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN (so E COPY b Q - COO(D, C)C)4 �� � Documents attached to approved plans: &Re+t7n Plans include pages of Plan review I Mist: Pages C'n engineering documents that must Engineering: c6 N Oater, I Vertical remain attached to approved plans Number of pages._'-, A IRF R MASOIN BUILDHNG INSPECTOR C I i A"I G E S SUBJECT Tv APPR 0 V A WIP OPTIONAL OPTIONAL (D V) 40 40 HS GARAGE OP 01 ("1-= I C� ui TIONAL�" OR MANDO OPTIONAL HEAT PUMP AND WATERJZ F71 -..HEATER. MIN. 18" ABOVE SLAB AS REQ'D PER IRC -0\ z 0 E0 copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES CLC" OUTLET OUTLETO 0 \ PGF 1: 0 U) WHOLE HOUSE FAN Lu — ----- W/TIMER SWITCH Lu Z 2 �2 U) <0 < < 3: �: LU 00 a- OWP -i Z) iny —j C14 :D 0-1 1 a_ IL ELECTRICAL NOTES lct: 1. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE 110y.HARD WIPED WITH BATTERY F- 65F BACKUP AND SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED.OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SMOKE DETECTORS IF A MONITORED FIRE W o ELECTRIC SYM50LS SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. LL * LIGHT SWITCH 2. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LOCATION OF —j GFI $ SURFACE MNT.LIGHT PANEL AND METER WITH CONTRACTOR. ui 3Qr 110 V. DUPLEX OUTLET RECESSED DOWNLIGHT 0 220 V.OUTLET 3. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE HEAT-LOSS EXHAUST FAN. VTOS CALCULATIONS (OR) FOLLOW THE PRESCRIPTIVE PATH WEATHERPROOF OUTLET REQIPEMENT5 FOR SIZING HEATMING EQUIPMENT. WP C) EQUIPMENT CONNECTION 4. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO ALL LOCAL AND HILINE HOMES 4)E '�GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER(D SMOKE DETECTOR STATE CODES. 11308 62ND AVENUE F PUYALLUP WA,98373 TV OUTLET W HEATER/FAN COMBO. VTOS (253)840-1849 x.129 0 0 RECESSED CAN LIGHTS A TELEPHONE ff�M ZONED ELEC. HEATER PLAN: 2776 DATE: 03/05/05 EXACT LOCATION OF SWITHCHES,OUTLETS,LIGHTS,ETC. JOB#: MAY VARY. ELECTRIC;4L f=L AN I k El 1'4 ,—(2)10d NAILS I.B.C. CASE 1 ROOF — SHEATHING LAYOUT TYPICAL EA. STUD BAY A 12" RIPPED ROOF INTO TOP PLATES tO I SHEATHING ,^ FOR FIRST v J FLOOR. {' 05B TO LAP OPTIONAL — __ I W GARAGE THE4' RIMJOIST P A OPTIONALFLOOR JOIST R EADER�t A8d NAILS @ — ---4"O.C. (2)10d NAILS — __16"O.C. = 55 5 P.E TR 55 5 @ 24" .C24 O d3:`I' -_ .L FRA I -M NG D T�AI - EL - copyright 1999 HILINE HOMES S p — _ ,* ROOF VENTS TO BE 1' FROM— -� - � - .12 M THE RIDGE. - - z 1 - - =- — O LLL— I O ' _ Zo U co — — — w o _ __ I c!) Q= o oa0 0-g a- _J D to T1 USE 2x4 LOOKOUTS = Q •,,I I 48" O.C. TYPICAL x12 D.F 2 _ I +� rU%s Pilzin--e1'I rrlUSL AT GABLE ENDS a — TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD e a'dalla�Jle 017 Ste at r BLOCKING FOR DRAG5TRUT k z= i �� E. RF €t ming in pe c . I I ®© SEE DETAIL#1 ON 52 of As -_ _ co I•T NAIL TOP PLATES Z AND FRA E / 4' =) 1 Z n i TOGETHER W/(2) FT RS I PL IN P 1 v lOd NAILS @ 16" O.C. -a 0� �1 436 x10 FL 2 A 11 G.W.B.(BOTH SIDES OF WALL) ' �CISTERF� � z 1, F S ,4 `'y SIMPSON H-1(OR)H-2.5 TRUSS Q G , t No.6x14'LONG TYPE 5 OR W S /ONAL 4x4 POST — i" TIES AT EVERY MEMBER G•w•B• I i% DRYWALL SCREWS @ 4"O.C. FASTEN TO TRUSSES PER MANUF. LL J EDGE AND 4" O.C.FIELD. EXPIRES 01 24 2006 SPECIFICATIONS U I•I I 2x STUDS ROOF FRAMING NOTES @ 16"O.C. 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALL HEADERS ARE TO BE 6x8 D.F. #2 U.N.O. O I I� lOd NAILS 6'O.C. 2. JOISTS AND RAFTERS ARE TO BE H.F. #2 MIN. U.N.O. 8, ALL ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE CASE 1, PER I.B.C. NAILED WITH I 3. TRUSSES SHALL CARRY MANUFACTURER STAMP AND HAVE 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C. EDGE AND 12" O.C. FIELD. BOTTOM PLATE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS ON SITE FOR INSPECTION. HILINE HOMES 9. TOE-NAIL ALL GABLE END TRUSSES WITH (2) 10d NIILS @ 16" 11308 62NO AVENUE L —2x4 4. NO TRUSS SHALL BE FIELD MODIFIED WITHOUT PRIOR O.C. INTO TOP PLATES. PUYALLUP WA.98373 APPROVEAL FROM ENGINEER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. t Fri (253)840-1849 x. 129 • 2x4 STUD 5. FRAMING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE"SIMP50N STRONG TIE" (OR) 0= CUT OUT FOR VENTING. KITCHEN-8"x 8" FOR HOOD 1ENT O.S.B.0.5.6. ---PONYWALL-SEE AN APPROVED EQUIVELANT. FOR HOOD VENT, BATHROOMS-4"X 4",AND UTILIY-6"x 6" PLAN: 2776 SHEARWALL FOR HOOD WHOLE HOUSE FAN DATE: 03/05105 6. PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION PER I.R.C. 806.2.THE NET FREE I, NAILING ON DETAIL • = GUTTER DOWNSPOUT JOB#: � VENTILATED AREA SHALL BE 300 5Q FT.50%OF THE REQUIRED --- __ 3 ON SHEET 52 VENTILATTON AREA SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3 FT.ABOVE EAVE �'�= FULL HEIGHT WALL-ATTACH TO BOTTOM TRUSS CHORD W/(2) FOOTING 2xb MUDSILL VENTS. THE BALANCE OF REQUIRED VENTILATION SHALL BE 10d NAILS AT EACH FRAME UP STUD -- PROVIDED AT THE EAVES. ■= 64 SQ.INCH ROOF VENT PLACE V-0" FROM RIDGE 7. PROVIDE A MIN. 22"x30" ATTIC ACCESS PANEL WITH TIGHT- C INT R. SHEARWALL/DRAGSTRUT INSULAT`ON IF CLOSING OC EDOOR. BOVE HEATED 5P CE.BVE IFD WITH ROOF FfRA I*I �I LAN J 2 PARALLEL TO JOIST NTS LOCATION ACCESS WITH OWNER. I� I V L I V 1/8"= V-0"