HomeMy WebLinkAboutHMP Habitat Managment Plan - 8/16/2005 L 260 Old Fort Townsend Road Port Townsend,WA 98368 (360)2714779 www.littleforest.org Habitat Management Plan for MICHAEL BESSLER SE V4, S9, T23N, Rl W, WM Parcel #1230943-00150 Mason County, Washington This report addresses the potential impact of a future home on the above-mentioned property. The impact addressed is surface erosion caused by stormwater,vegetation management practices, and the effect of human activity on the riparian area of Bear Creek about 500 feet upstream and north of its junction with the Union River. The plan proposes mitigation for the effect on fish and wildlife habitat along the Union River and Bear Creek in Mason County. The wildlife occurring in the area is typical of those species native to western Washington. Species monitored for survival or classed as sensitive,threatened,or endangered are found in the area, although not specifically within the immediate area of this project. These are great blue heron,turkey vulture, osprey,pileated woodpecker,western bluebird,Vaux's swift,and Pacific water shrew. According to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources' TRAX system,no other listed species specifically occur that could be impacted by activities at this site. This plan is intended to enhance habitat for upland animals, fish, birds, and amphibians,and will be developed within a buffer strip averaging forty feet wide with a minimum width of thirty feet. The habitat can be enhanced by protecting the water from sediment delivery through surface erosion and by creating food and cover,including thermal,through vegetation enhancement. Site Description The project site occurs about 500 feet south of the junction of Old Belfair Highway and Bear Creek Dewatto Road. The affected streams are Bear Creek and Union River. The topography of the immediate site occurs within the lowlands of the Union River watershed. Bear Creek,the nearest affected water,occurs in a trough about six feet deep. The proposed residence occurs about 150 feet down slope at three percent gradient from the bank of the stream's trough. The USDA Soil Survey for Mason County has mapped the site's soil as the Everett gravelly, loamy sand, a very loose sand and gravel over a sandy subsoil. The soil is very susceptible to water effected surface erosion. The soil is droughty because the loose gravel and sand subsoil and substratum offer little resistance to the downward movement of water. The soil is fairly stable at low gradient and becomes increasingly erodible as the slope gradient increases. Surface erosion is minimized by the flat topography of this project site. The capacity of the surface soil to hold water is low. 1 Forestech LLC Vegetation The vegetation occupying the site is representative of the immediate area in the overstory as well as the shrub and herb layers. Invasive exotic species,specifically reed canary grass,clematis, English ivy,Himalayan blackberry,and various invasive ornamentals are present. These and other invasive ornamental plants are competing with the native species for space, light,and water. Native vegetation occupying the site are as follows: in the overstory,bigleaf maple,western red cedar,white fir, black cottonwood,western hemlock,red alder, lodgepole pine,wild cherry, and willow. In the shrub layer are rhodendron,thimbleberry,California hazel, snowberry,Indian plum,salmonberry, and red and green huckleberry. The herbaceous layer is occupied by honeysuckle, Solomon seal,sword fern,bracken fern,buttercup,bleeding heart,twisted stalk, bunchberry,and nettles. Recommendations Removing the invasive,exotic species and replacing them with native species, or removing the invasive plants and encouraging existing native species to take over that site,can enhance the Bear Creek riparian function as well as the Union River watershed. Mechanical means should be used to remove the invasive plants. Chemical treatment should be avoided,as application within a riparian zone could be harmful to wildlife in the area. While removing invasives, care should be taken to protect the native plants,as they should be available to occupy the site. The-existing overstory vegetation is primarily composed of hardwoods. Conifer could be successfully regenerated,provided that the trees are somewhat shade tolerant,and would be beneficial as plant diversity will in turn lead to animal diversity. What to plant: After achieving control of the invasive species the following should be planted:20 western red cedar seedlings, 5 rhododendrons, 5 California hazel,and 5 ocean spray. They should each be spaced 10 feet apart. Herbaceous plants are present and well represented;they will release themselves and occupy more space provided that invasive exotic plants are reduced to a less competitive state. The implementation of the above-mentioned recommendations for improvements to the vegetation area should result in a native area with a desired future condition that would increase the protection and the integrity of the Union River watershed wildlife by providing food and cover,including hiding,resting and thermal. Planting a diverse list of tree and brush species would also provide food for different species. The proposed activities at this site should have little or no negative impact on their habitat. The enhanced vegetation of the riparian zone should have a positive effect on their habitat. 2 Forestech LLC This plan is based on background research, field survey by Earl Kong during May 2005,and information provided by the landowner. The analysis,conclusions,and recommendations presented in this report are based on conditions observed in the field and my best professional judgment. 3 Faaedech tLc gABITAT MANAG M"ff pLAN ATE MAP SE V,394-23NAM-MA,M""Cow paml#12309-43-00150 sexk—l"-w New Nit F F 1� sT R�.czuRE �, PROPERTY LftJ€. �' Map Output Page 1 of l FOREST PRACTICE ACTIVITY MAP TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH HALF 0, RANGE 1 WEST(W.M.) HALF 0, SECTION 9 Application#: o V + 00606 1 +8007 0 IS 702 � m 9/ 1709 17 782 4- + 70968 �30 a 0 7 68 ,7097 4 � Ro1FcT 18 y5� ' Please use the legend from the FPA Instruction or provide a list of symbols used. Monday,May 30,2005 12:10:37 PM NAD 83 Contour Interval:40 Feet Forestech LLc Michael Bessler Habitat Management Plan Scientific name of plants mentioned in this report Trees Bigleaf maple—Acer macrophyllum -FACU Douglas fir—Pseudotsuga menziesii Grand fir—Abies grandis-FACU Lodgepole pine—Pinus contorts Red alder—Alnus rubra-FAC Western hemlock—Tsuga heterophylla-FAC Western red cedar—Thuja plicata-FAC Wild cherry—Prunus emarginata Willow—Salix Shrubs California hazel—Corylus cornuta californica-FACU Common snowberry—Symphoricarpos albus Evergreen huckleberry---Vaccinium ovatum Himalayan blackberry—Rubus discolor-UPL Indian plum—Oemleria cerasiformis-FACU Ocean spray—Holodiscus discolor Red huckleberry—Vaccinium parvifolium Rhododendron—Rhododendron macrophyllum Salal—Gaultheria shallon Salmonberry—Rubus spectabalis-FAC Scotch broom—Cytisus scoparius Thimbleberry—Rubus parviflora Trailing blackberry—Rubus ursinus- FACU Wild blackberry—Rubus spp.-FACU Herbs Bleeding heart—Dicentra Formosa Bunchberry—Cornus canadensis Buttercup—Ranunculus repens-FAC English ivy—Hedera helix—*non-abrasive False Solomon's-seal—Smilacina racemosa Stinging nettle—Urtica dioica-FAC Twisted stalk—Streptopus roseus Forestech LLc Ferns Bracken fern-PWridium aquilinum-FACU Sword fern—Pol"ichum munitum-FACU 1847755 Paps: 1 of 2 09/00/2M 12:34P Return To: MICHAEL BESSLER MISC 33-M Mason Cc, NA 330o iuE laid Q���- �,a .l r, U-)� Q KSa� TITLE NOTIFICATION OF HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN DATE: OWNER NAME: csSlC.e- MAILING ADDRESS �o() N t r� c = PARCEL# LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (ABBR.FORM: QUARTER/QUARTER,SECTION,TOWNSMP,RANGE,PLAT, LOT&BLOCK NOTICE: The property was the subject of a development proposal within a critical area or its buffer, for the purpose of ..�1 61 k application number C a-aos- O cj� filed on„aLl/o z . (date) This property is subject to the conditions,mitigation and/or conservation measures as contained within the Habitat Management Plan submitted to and approved by the Mason County Department of Community Development. Restrictions on the use or alteration of the property,may exist due to the contents, conditions, mitigation and/or conservation measures of the Habitat Management Plan which are to be maintained in perpetuity. A copy of the Habitat Management Plan is attached hereto. GRANTOR(S): LAST FIRST MI LAST FIRST MI SIGNATURE(S): GRANTEE: PUBLIC ` 1847755 Paso: 2 of 2 09/08/2005 12:34P MICHAEL RESSLER RISC 33.00 Mason Co, NA A E DESCRIPTION: Three tracts of land situate in the West one-half of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington, [particularly described as follows: (1) BEGINNING at the South one-quarter comer of Section 9,Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., ' in Mason County, Washington and proceeding thence along the South One of said Section, North 81900221" East 1302.76 feet;thence North 0617"34" East along the East fine of the West one-half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 9, 1076.46 feet to the Southeasterly comer of the tract hereby described and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence West 264 feet; thence North 139.24 feet; thence East 264 feet; thence South 139.24 feet? more or less,to the POINT OF BEGINNING. (2) BEGINNING at the center of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., in Mason County,Washington;thence South 0"17'34"West 125 feet;thence West 129.35 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence West 134.65 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence East 51.95 feet;thence South 39"35'East 129.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. (3) BEGINNING at the South one-quarter comer of Section 9,Township 23 North, Range 1 West W.M., in Mason County, Washington, and proceeding thence along the South tine of said Section 9, North 89T2'21" East 1302.76 feet;thence North O917'34" East along the East fine of the West one-half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 9, 1648.46 feet; more or less,to the Southerly right-of-way line of the "Old Navy Yard Highway"; thence South 6802930" West along the Southerly right-of-way tine of said "Old Navy Yard Highway"; 294.82 feet to the Northeasterly comer of the tract of land hereby described and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing South 6802930" West along the Southerly right-of-way tine of said "Old Navy Yard Highway", 192 feet; thence South 393.50 feet; thence East 186.07 feet; thence North 239.29 feet; thence East 8 feet; thence Northwesterly 227.58 feet, more or less,to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING all that portion of the North 200 feet as measured at right angles to the East line which lies East of the West 40 feet thereof. Exhibit A-Legal Desa"on (0-150902.WDro-1509=10) 06/07/2005 10:02 3603772243 ACE CONSTRUCTION INC PAGE 01 A.i F, coustructiox�, Inc• . ' P.O• Bc►� 4627 . xe+Enert.on, WA 95312 ..o e.e:.(36Q) 373-7875 Fax: 3 77-2243 FA.X ' ' `15I SSION COVER SHEET ATE }'i TmtE: VAX FROM: . . . : _ . : . ;moo �� •. . 5-A4. R 0 � (In no comer sheet) 2- NUMBS FRQ'B"EMS OR Q.UF,STTC?NS RF,G.�R1)TiNC= . T1aS TRANSW9,010 FLFASE, GALL (36Q) 373-7g7S. 96/07/2005 10:02 3603772243 ACE CONSTRUCTION INC PAGE 02 JUN 0 2005 42-5'W. CEDAR ST. . " :'. " " _ _ r_ _ , •.......__._w_._. �... . .. ..._.. z !� L 10 ka 38D /.'SDI 30/ ui . • "LDS . 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