Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA
Week of December 22,2014
9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion
Commissioners Jeffreys,Neatherlin and Sheldon met with Bill Kenny and Frank Pinter in Closed
Session for a labor discussion from 9:00 a.m.to 9:30 a.m.
9:30 A.M. Mason County Senior Activity Association—John Wyatt,Board President&Ruth Coots,
Commissioners Jeffreys,Neatherlin and Sheldon were in attendance.
® Mr.Wyatt and Ms. Coots reviewed a sample letter of support they are asking the Commissioners
to sign in support of the Mason County Senior Activities Association's request for a Local
Community Project Grant from the Washington State Capital Budget to renovate their newly
purchased senior center building. The Commissioners agreed to place the letter of support on the
9:45 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation
Commissioners Jeffreys,Neatherlin and Sheldon met with Tim Whitehead for an Executive
Session fi-om 9:45 a.m.to 10:25 a.m. for potential litigation. Brian Matthews,Erika Schwender
and Bill Kenny were also in attendance.
10:15 A.M. Support Services-Bill Kenny
Commissioners Jeffreys and Neatherlin were in attendance. Commissioner Sheldon was absent.
® Veterans' Assistance Board(VAB)is requesting the assistance to indigent veterans be increased to
$800 per year and the catastrophic amount be increased to$300 per year.
Have been budgeting$100,000 for this service and in 2011 $55,663 was spent;2012- $56,977;
2013 -$55,292 and YTD$43,778. There was discussion about the VAB's recommendation and
how much control they have over how the money is used. Crmnr.Jeffreys suggested the
Commissioners may want to hold a hearing. Diane will provide additional information on the
role of the VAB.
® Written response to Lake Nahwaztel residents regarding the letter received from the Friends of
Lake Nahwatzel that they have abandoned their effort to forn the lake management district. The
Commissioners agreed to send the letter.
® Applicants for Housing Authority's two vacant positions—Elaina Heglen,Tammey Newton,Kathy
Haigh. Commissioners agreed place on the January 6 agenda an item to select Newton and Haigh.
10:45 A.M. BREAK
10:50 A.M. Public Works-Brian Matthews&Melissa McFadden
Utilities&Waste Management -Brian Matthews
Commissioners Jeffreys and Neatherlin were in attendance. Commissioner Sheldon was absent.
® Public hearing for amendment to the fi-anchise agreement with Sandy's Waterfront LLC.
® Approval to advertise for letters of interest for 2015 for Construction Project Inspectors, Contract
&Fee Appraisers,Construction Material Testing and Timber Management Services.
® Melissa reported she is looking at speed limit changes at Sand Hill.
® Brian requested pennission to contract with GIS for utility work.
11:15 A.M. Public Health&Human Services—Debbie Riley
Commissioners Jeffreys and Neatherlin were in attendance. Commissioner Sheldon was absent.
® Debbie reviewed the notice of intent to sue the City of Shelton for violations of the Federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in the City of Shelton by the Waste Action Project for
the old Shelton Landfill.
® Onsite septic bill has been approved by the Governor-as 2015 Department of Health Agency
requested legislation.
Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes
December 22,2014
• Discussion of the issue that there will no longer be an Environmental Health staff person in
Building 3 in 2015 and Debbie drafted a news release that she would like to read at tomorrow's
Commission meeting. Debbie provided the following data for the time period of September 2013
-December 18,2014,330 working days;707 walk ins,average of 2.1 people per day. Issued 319
permits from that location during that time which averages of .9 permits per day.People continue
to come to Building 8 for services. Discussion of having Permit Techs receiving Environmental
Health permits. Environmental Health would have to pay DCD for this service. Debbie Riley
pointed out they no longer have the funding or work for staff to be located in Building 3.
11:30 A.M. Facilities,Parks&Trails—John Keates
Commissioners Jeffreys and Neatherlin were in attendance. Commissioner Sheldon was absent.
• Reviewed the idea of relocating DCD to Building 8 so DCD and Environmental Health are located
in the same building. John stated he has reviewed Building 3 with the Superior Court judges. One
issue is DCD storage,logical storage in Building 8 would be the"dentist office"but after an
engineering analysis,the floor isn't strong enough. Possibly could turn downstairs meeting room
into storage and finish the"dentist area"into a meeting space and possible office space. Would
need a men's and women's restroom in Building 3 upstairs for court. Could configure a
courtroom upstairs.Would need to relocate the Coroner.
Cmmr.Neatherlin thought the 3rd court space was going to be in the Courthouse basement.
Cmmr.Jeffreys stated that is estimated to cost$300,000.
Discussion of logistics to make the relocation happen. John will obtain a cost estimate for the
required work.
Discussion of what other services may need to be located with permitting,such as stormwater.
John will follow up with the Superior Court judges.
Discussion went back to having the Permit Techs take in Environmental Health permits.Barbara
will talk to Bill Kenny about any labor issues. Cmmr.Neatherlin wants to avoid,as much as
possible,the customer having to go back and forth between buildings.
• John Keates received a Courthouse sign quote that is under$5,000 and he will work with the court
• Linda Woyotich presented information for the Parks Website and Marketing Program. Looking to
the Kick Starter social program for an Adopt a Park campaign and are seeking Commissioner
support to issue an RFP. Have received approval from legal staff. The estimated annual cost is
$20,000 and would be funded by the Kick Starter program and on-going costs would be funded by
apps that would be created. Cmmr.Neatherlin stated he is trying to figure out if the goal is to bring
in volunteers,tourists or inform the public of our parks&trails. John stated one of his goals is to
build awareness of parks and trails with people they have not been able to reach with the current
medium. Linda is willing to do outreach to the community. Cmmrs.Jeffreys and Neatherlin
support moving forward.
• Skatepark MOU-John is suggesting a cap for materials at$750 from the county and City of
Shelton staff is reviewing this option.
• Painting estimate for Building 8 is$12,621 to outsource the service and it's estimated at$15,664
in house. The Commissioners support outsourcing the painting.
Commissioner Discussion—there was no discussion.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager
erri Jeffr Tim Sheldon Ra dy Neatherlin
Chair Commissioner Commissioner
Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes
December 22,2014