December 7, 2015 Special
9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:03
2. Pledge of Allegiance — Mike Dorcy led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2—Tim
Sheldon; Commissioner District 3 —Terri Jeffreys.
4. 2016 Budget Hearing — Presenter: Frank Pinter, Budget Manager:
Mr. Pinter spoke about the budget process and preceding budget workshops. He spoke about the
modifications to the preliminary budget with a levy shift& modifications. The budget is anticipated
as follows: $40,364.000.00 for the general fund and $59,986,000.00 for the special funds. The
County will have $4,600,000.00 in reserve which is more that the county reserve policy states.
He said there are numerous expenses.
Cmmr. Sheldon said this is the first time our budget has been over 100 million and asked what the
budget was for last year. He added that it's scary that the budget is that high being that it's the
first time in 100 years that there hasn't been an operating mill in Mason County.
Mr. Pinter said the budget for last year was$90,683.000.00
Public Testimony:
There was no public testimony.
Commissioner Deliberations:
Cmmr. Jeffreys said she is in favor of tabling this. She said she is also in favor of helping to build
back the Auditor's budget.
Cmmr. Sheldon said a 10% increase in the budget without an economy to support it is scary.
He stated they are relying on a levy shift and he wonders if a levy shift is sustainable as well. He
added that he has some real reservations about growing government this fast.
Cmmr. Jeffreys stated that it's important for all to know that the levy shift is a one-time shift of
revenues and expenditures.
Cmmr. Neatherlin explained the levy shift. There are numerous one time expenditures such as the
courthouse expenses and the new vehicles for the sheriffs office. They are trying to re-invest into
the County.
Cmmr. Sheldon said there is still a hiring freeze although they are adding 13 new positons.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said there was 60% reduction at DCD during the recession. They would like to be
staffed in order to be more efficient for the public. She added that Probation is doing a great job
and they want to keep improving. She stated that a boating deputy is also very important as well
as a new utility person.
Cmmr. Neatherlin said you have to give the people what they need to function. It's a necessity for
a good community. There need to be employees to operate and give the community the services
they need. The boating/marine deputy is a no brainer and it's a win-win situation for the
December 7, 2015 (Special Meeting) - PAGE 2
Cmmr. Sheldon said he believes this creates a bow wave.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said the loss of Simpson has been a great loss although budgeting has been good
and they are moving forward.
Cmmr.Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to close this public hearing and consider
adoption of the 2016 budget on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Motion carried
Cmmr. Sheldon encourages citizens to attend the budget hearings. He reiterated that there are a
lot of changes going on.
5. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Ran4 Neatherlin, Chair
ATTEST: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Terri Jeffreys, mi sioner
the Board