August 18, 2015
1. Call to (}rder—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.
1 Pledge of Allegiance—Vicki Kirkpatrick led the flag salute.
3. Wz/| Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neather|in; Commissioner District 2 —lOm
Sheldon; Commissioner District 3 —Terri Jeffreys.
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1 Liquor Control Board sent a letter regarding intent to streamline their notifications, o
marijuana license application for The Root Cellar and a list of businesses with liquor licenses
due to expire in9Odays.
4.1.2 Terry Ryon and Terri ]mfrmysvvera nominated by Washington State Assodabon of Counties
for appointment to the Transportation Improvement Board.
4.2 News Release: Erika Schwender read the 2014VVeshington Stabs Department ofEcology
Compliance Awards regarding RuaUewmod Wastewater Treatment Plant. Erika Schwender
specifically mentioned the efforts Mr. Marty Grabill. She said there will be on official
presentation at later date.
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input—
' 5.1 Conley Watson took a moment to remember Commissioner Jerry Lingle and acknowledged that
August 19, 3015 will mark three years since Jerry Ling|e's passing.
5.2 Charles Orthman said he will be at the Farmer's Market Aug 29, 2015 9-3 to raise money for the
pnda-potties. He said it will be fun and hopes people will attend.
6. Adoption of Agenda - Cmmmnr. SheUdon/3effreysmoved and seconded to adopt the agenda as
published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; 3-aye.
7. Approval of Minutes—Approva| of the August 3, 2015 briefing minutes and August 11, 2015 regular
meeting minutes.
Cmmmmr. Jeffreys/She0don moved and seconded to approve the August 3, 2015 briefing
minutes and August 11, 2015 regular meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
N-aye; S-aye;3-aye.
8. Approval of Action Agenda:
8.1 Approve/ to call for Request for Proposals from qualified Mnns for multimedia marketing services '
to promote events and festivals held in the County that will draw attendees from outside the
County. The one year contract will commence January 2O16. The anticipated budget for this
project should not exceed $65,000 and will be paid from lodging tax.
8.2 Approval to appoint Gene Currier to the Mason County Board of Equalization, as an alternate
member, to fill o term which will end onS/31/2017.
8.3 Approval of the Interagency Agreement, IAA16132, between the State of Washington
Administrative Office of the Courts and Mason County Juvenile Court Services for CASA (Court
Appointed Special Advocate) programs in the amount of$57,152.00 and no matching funds are
required. This grant will serve as reimbursement for services provided to juvenile dependency
cases perRC%N 13.34.100-10T
8.4 Approval of the Interagency Agreement IAA16083 between Mason County and the State of
Washington Administrative Office of the Courts for BECCA Bill services per RCW 13.32A. The
compensation from this grant agreement is $74,044.00 and no matching funds are required.
This program will provide Truancy, At-Risk Youth (ARY) and Children in Need of Ben/ioas
August 18, 2015 - PAGE 2
(CHINS) programs for juveniles to help prevent family turmoil and further penetration into the
court system.
8.5 Approval to set a public hearing for September 8, 2015 to receive public comment on a private
line occupancy permit for lines near 12680 Shelton Matlock Road in Shelton, Washington, for Mr.
Randall Reeve,
8.6 Approval of the Veterans Assistance Fund applications for: Necessity Items $150.00 and Utilities
$72.51 for total of$222.51, as recommended by the Veterans Service Office.
Cmnmmr. Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through
8.6 as written. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; J-aye.
9. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for o Certain Time—
9.1 Public hearing to consider the sale of nae| property located at 2291 E Crestview Drive, Shelton,
parcel #32U21-54-O2O01, inShonecrest. Mr. Kenny explained the background on this proposed
sale to Mr. Raymond Minish and stated that this parcel has been on the market for quite a while.
Cmmmnr.Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the resolution to sale real
property located at 2291 E Crestview Drive, Shelton, parcel #32021-54-02001' in
Sbonecnmst. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; J-aye. Resolution 37-1-5-
(Exhibit A)
9.2 Public hearing, continued from ]uk/ 28, 2015 to consider amendments to Title 14 of the Mason
CounLyCode— Bui|dingandConstnucbon. Staff: Barbara Adkins. Ms. Adkins went over the
proposed change Lo each section.
Cmmr. Jeffreys asked about out of state engineers.
Rich Balderston said they have to be Washington State licensed. Every state is different and this
state has high seismic zones.
Public Comment:
Larry Bolts asked if the Ordinance could say 864 square feet "or less". He also said Agriculture
buildings do not have the same seismic requirements. He said approving this would help in many
Debbra Coker spoke in favor of this proposed ordinance. She said she is in favor of exempt status
for AG buildings. She said AG buildings provide shelter for animals and could be used for storage
although she said the ordinance exceeds the code limits.
C / nnr. Nenther|in said it states you don't need a permit up to 16 feet, it would be exempt from
Debbno Coker asked the Board to take a better look at these changes and consider adding
enforcement language.
Cmmr. Neather/in said they still comply with the international building codes. It does not give
permission for people to do things but yet certain things are exempt from permits.
Conley Watson said he has never heard of anyone reducing the code.
August 18, 2015 - PAGE 3
Barbara said she believes she is only removing needs for permits. She doesn't see it as diminishing
the code. There are still responsibilities to meet codes.
Rich Balderston said sometimes building things "to code" is hard if you are not familiar with how to
read codes. He said they will be accepting affidavits from people who don't know how to read code.
Cmmr. Sheldon said this should be broken to two separate areas,
Cmmr. Neatherlin said he likes the change in the wording and it doesn't change requirements and
specified things still must be within code.
Cmmr. Jeffreys says it can be taken two different ways. She said she doesn't think we need to add
compliance wording to this.
Barbara said "compliance" is in a different section of the code.
Cmmr. Sheldon/Jeffreys moved to divide the question between agriculture and
Cmmr. Sheldon withdrew his motion.
Cmmr.Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to Amend draft ordinance to 14.08.031 (1)
agriculture buildings shall be exempt when 864 feet or less® Motion carried unanimously.
N-aye; S-aye;3-aye®
Cmmr.Jeffreys/Neatherli n moved and seconded to amend draft ordinance 14.08.031 (2)
revising the sentence Storage buildings shall be exempt when 576 square feet or less.
Motion carried. N-aye; S-nay;J-aye.
Cmmr.Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the Ordinance amending Title
14 of the Mason County Code-Building and Construction 14.08.030 with respect to
boathouses and amended section 14.08.031 allowing exemptions for storage structures.
Motion carried unanimously. -aye; S-aye;J-aye. Ordinance 38-15 (Exhibit B)
10. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)—There was no other business.
11. Board's Reports and Calendar -The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week
and announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
August 18, 2015 - PAGE 4
Ran Neatherlin, Chair
ATTEST: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
C er of the Board Terri JefFreys, m issioner
Elh I) bit A
WHEREAS, Mason County owns the real property parcel#32021-54-0200', 2291 E Crestview Dr,
Shelton, I that was declared surplus by Resolution No. 18-13 at a public hearing on April 9, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, upon the recommendation of the rhi P-ope , n,ge
I �ivia -�j
has determined that the property is surplus to the needs of the County-, and
WHEREAS, Mason County has received an offer to purchase the property in tie amount of $4,000
from Raymond Minish and a public hearing was held on August 18, 2015 to consider-the offer;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mason County Board ol' County
Commissioners that the property described above (parcel#32021-54-02001) is approved at the price of
$4,000 to Raymond Finish; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proceeds of the sale of said property are to be dedicated first
to any delinquent property tax obligations and related penalties, expenses and assessments; and next to
reimbursement of the Property Management expenses; and finally to the Current Expense Fund; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Commission is authorized to sign the related
closing documents and the Property Manager initiate payment of 8%fee of sale price to the County's real
estate agent.
DATED this 18th day of August, 2015.
f�a_iNeatherlin, Cha
Ju ie Almanzor, Clerk of the mar
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Terri Jeffrey m -ssioner
Fk\Resdudon for Sala of Property 07281 €oc,
ANK ORDItNAINCE amending Title 14,Chapter 14,o8, Building Code Arnendi nen,,11-s,.amending
Section 1 .o8.0,o with respect the maintenance of boathouses and adding new Se_�O. 71 a .08.031
providing exemptions for storage structures under the authority of RCW 1 9.2 ot,,4,,
WHEREAS,this Ordinance amends Chapter 14,08 by amendinc Section exclude,
the normal maintenance and repair of boathouses from building permit requiren eel- , and
WHEREAS,this Ordinance amends Chapter i,,,.,o8 to create a new Section f E c{'.<: ,..__10V'cJr
Exernpt from Permit,- and
HIE EA ,Section s:14.08,oSa and 3.4,08,0331 supplement Section 105.2 of the ir;temati_; . l
Building Code and International Residential Code to include certain and specific storage structures
and boathouse maintenance from building permit requirements,
NO-VAT TI1E EFORE, BE IT I-3IEREBY ORDAINED,DINED,thatthe Board of Commissioners of
Mason County hereby amends the Mason County Code Title 1 (Building and Construction)
revising Chapter14-08.(See Attachment A)
DATED this i day of_ _2025.
� p
r $qg E
"A 9,.e:1�Al, •°an^.. , he.,tiw _�._-.�_......._,_
_.., N °- a Ra y Neatherlin,Chair
Cle�kof the Board
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri.Jeffrey , ,omr-i ssioner
Tim Whitehead, Chief I`PA Tim Sheldon,Commissioner
AMENDING CHAPTER 14.08, SECT-TON 14^08.030 AT, 1,`kD777,NlG
NEW SECTION 14.08.031
Section 3-o5.1is adopted, and supplemented with the following:
(3] pennhs shall be required for all docks,� piers, and-floats excluding: the normal maint enence
and repair of boathouses; and floats which are less than i2o squarefeet, are- detached and
chain anchored. Permits shall also be required for seawalls, bulkheads, or other similar
structures, regardless of type of construction, including, but not limited "Co, rock rip nap,
pilings,wood and concrete block.
(2) Permits shall be required for perktrai|ers, recreational park trailers, manufactured housing,
commercial structures,commercial coaches,factory built housing,
(3) Permits shall be required for the construction of vehicular and/or pedlest-rian '-.)ridges.
Submittal documents such as plans, calculations and specifications must be st.anlD, ed and
approved byan engineer licensed in the State of Washington isrequired.
The Build ing Officia| may review and app rove srna|| private foot bridges not forvehicu)aruse,
(4) Tenant Review Applications, Commercial (COK4) Permits shall be required forcornrnercia|
use buildings when there is a change in tenant prior to occupancy whether or not
construction or alterations are performed or proposed and regardless of the use or
occupancy classification. When a building is constructed with future tenant spaces
intended to be finished or occupied at a later date, a separate permit is required for each
tenant space prior to any tenant occupancy. The permit fee shall be as adopted under the
co/rentbui|ding permit fee schedule.
The International Building [ode is clear on one important fact when it comes -to exemptions.
"Exemptions from permit requirements ... shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work
tobedoneinanyrnannerinvio|a1ionpfthep[ovisioDsofth[e] |ntcrnationalBuilding [odeorany
other laws or ordinances of[its]jorisdiction." Even though e building permit may not berequired,
provisions of the state code are still in force and effect. In this Section, Sections [A]zo5.2_ and R
3.o5.2 of the International Building Code and International Residential [ode are adopted herein by
reference and supplemented with the following:
(z) Agricultural buildings. AbuUding or structure directly related to an a8ricu|tura| activity
defined to include: farming, forestry, ranching, a|gacu|ture, aquacu(ture,- apiculture
(beekeeping); horticulture; viticulture; animal husbandry, including, but inot imited to, the
cane and raising of livestock, equine, and fur-bearing animals; poultry husbandry and the
'�D[[Al zu5z
production of poultry and poultry products; dairy production,- the production of field crops,
fruits, vegetables, nursery stock, ornamental shrubs, ornamental trees, Christmas trees'.
flovvers/ sod/ or nnuSh[nonns; timber and pasturage. Agricultural sheH ",be
exempt when less than 864 square feet with a VvaH height not to exceed -�_6feet, and
setback ten feet from all other structures. This exemption does not ap�I�Ljg buiHin-gs
remain subject to the authority and restrictions of Mason County Code Cha[D I Lers ITO(),
(Collective Gardens)and-17.1.7(Recreational Mari-juana).
used for the purpose of crowing or producing medical or recreationlal cannabis which shall
(2) Storage (Non-Agricultural) Buildings: Buildings or structures used for the storage of
belongings, not designed for human habitation, and not used for remunerative purposes.
These structures shall not be a place of human habitation or pbce ofemp!oyment, nor
shall it be a place used by the public. Storage buildings shall be exemnpt when \ess tha�n
578 square feet with a wall height not to exceed ten feet and shoObe ten feet
from all other structures.
(3) Agricultural and Storage Buildings shall be exempt from the permitting requirements of
Title z4 only when:
a. The property owner must obtain a Affidavit of Exemption and certifythrough the use of
an affidavit recorded untitle:
i That the exempt structure will meet the definitions in J-4.03-032.(1)and (2-);and
J. That the structure is not located within a critical area unless i'� complies with
Chapter 8.S2 MCC, Resource Management, and
iii That it complies with setback requirements in accordance vvith Title 17 MCC,
Zoning; and '
k/. That it is built to the latest version of the International Residential Code and
International Building and Fire Code; and
v. |f the building exceeds z2o square feet in accordance with [Al 2.o5,2of the z0-zz
International Building Code construction documents shall be prepared by a
registered design professional and submitted with each Affidavit of Exemption.
b. Plumbing and mechanical permits are still required.
c. The maximum height nf the structure not to exceed those described inz4.o8.o3-1(i) and
d. The exemption does not apply to structures located within afluodvvay.
e. The proposed structure must adhere to other applicable Mason [ounty, State, and
Federal regulations orordinances,