July 28, 2015
1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance — Erika Schwender led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 Randy Neathedin; Commissioner District 2—T-im
Sheldon; Commissioner District 3—Terri Jeffreys.
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1 David Carnahan, 3ueChemid|in, Ernest &Shirley McGibbon, Joe Cana|iniand Diane Hartley
submitted letters of concern regarding the closure of Wilson Recycling.
4.1.2 Gene Currier submitted an application for the Board ofEqualization.
4.1.3 Attorney Alan Wallace sent letter to reiterate the reason that Wilson Recycling is dosing.
4.1.4 The Department of Agriculture &the Conservation Commission sent a letters of support
regarding amendments bo Title 14.
4.2 Melissa McFadden announced that the County Road Project 1996-Shelton Matlock Road
improvement project was awarded to Lakeside Industries with their bid of$1,015,685.74
E. Open Forum for Citizen Input—
5.1 Dave Bickell spoke about the crime problems plaguing the County. He told the Board that on
Johns Prairie Road, he can think of 13-14 burglaries and more attempted burglaries. He said many
people have burglarized twice ormore. Mr. Bicke|| stated this ism problem! He said it is known
who is committing some of the crimes and still nothing is done. Many people are tired of this same
drug and crime problems in Mason County. Mr. Bicke|| stated"Lets get some of the crime and
drugs off our stneeta".
5.2Steve Bloomfield reiterated he same thing Dave Bicke|| mentioned.
5.3 Cmmr. Sheldon said that crime isa big problem. He read crime report per 1U00 residents from
2011. Out ofSkagit, Grays Harbor, C|a||am, Cowlitz, Lewis and Jefferson Counties, Mason County
has a higher crime rate than any ofthem.
Mr. Bicka|| said his business has been burglarized seven times in one year.
Cmmr. Neathedin said the Sheriffs budget has been increased although the crime is still high. He
said vva have to find a way to change this.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said that one issue is that there is no jail space. The County will need to spend
money for outsourcing in order to make sure all offenders can be placed in jail on warrants and
also serve their sentences.
Mr. Bicke|| said that we have e lot of drug crimes and criminal because Mason County makes it easy
for them tobe here while other counties donot. He suggests trying tn make itharder.
6. AdoptionofAgenda - Cmmmmr. Jeffreys/Sheldonmmoved and seconded to adopt the agenda as
published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; ]-aye.
7. Approval ofMinutes —June 29, 2O15 and July 2Q, 2015 briefing minutes.
Cmmr. Sheldon/Jeffreysmoved and seconded to approve the June 29 and July 20
briefing minutes. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; ]-aye.
July 28, 2015 - PAGE 2
8. Approval nf Action Agenda:
8.1 Approval of the Veterans Assistance Fund applications for: Necessity Items $150.00; Utilities
$688.99 and Housing $350.0O for a total of$1,188.99as recommended by the Veterans Service
8.2 Approval of the Reimbursable Agreement for Mason County Public Works Department to provide
maintenance, engineering and traffic count service, emergency assistance and fabrication of
signs and materials requested by Tacoma Power.
8.3 Approval to authorize Public Works to use the Mason County MRSC Consultant Roster to select
and enter into contract with a consultant to assist with survey services required for county road
project and other public works activities.
8.4 Approval ofWarrants
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s8OZ64O3-8Q26947 $ 1,110,813.65
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s23628-24U12 $ 577,459.92
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s70U1161-7OQ12O3 $ 837,046.75
Total $ 2,525,320.32
Claims Clearing YTDTntal ¢ 18,049,748.91
Direct Deposit YTDTotal $ 8,292,810.48
Salary Clearing YTDTota| ¢ 8,766,258.42
8.5 Approval to seta public hearing on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at9:3O a.m. to consider the sale of
nsa| property located at2291 E Crestview Dr, Shelton, WA, parcel #32021-54'02001, in
Cmommr. Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the action agenda items 8.1
through 8.5. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; 3-aye,
9. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time—
9.1 Public comment as to whether Mason County should consider amending the land use zoning to
expand where solid waste and/or recycling facilities could belocated.
Cmmr. Neatherlin stated that Mason County never closed Wilson Recycling. The Board nf
Commissioners cannot skirt that law and allow Wilson to take garbage.
Cmmmmr. Jeffreys stated there has to be public process in changing a zone. The truth is that some
people in the neighborhood expressed that they do not want a garbage facility in their neighborhood.
Cmmmmr. Sheldon said there are regulatory rules and state regulations for operating landfills.
Cmmr. Neatherlin asked everyone to keep in mind that these areas are neighborhoods and having
odors or rats and other things that go along with garbage in a neighborhood is not a great idea for
Terri Thompson spoke about CARAS (critical aquifer recharging areas) and a study they did about
certain businesses being allowed onCARAS. She said this whole process has been a train wreck.
She gave the background on the land where Wilson Re-cycling was located. Ms. Thompson stated
the she grew upin that area and there are wetlands and CARASin the area. She stated that Mr.
Wilson used the 5EPA checklist that was intended fora storage facility for a re-cycling area. There
was no change of use permit. Ms. Thompson added that the auto wrecking and some of the other
activities going on there are prohibited on top of CARA. She said there is garbage, o rodent and
~ July 28, 2015 - PAGE 3
insect problem and bacteria that needs tobe cleaned upas soon aspossible. She said this process is
broken and the citizens are the ones who pay the price.
Bruce Haskell said they do not utilize the County recycling because they do not want to pay for it
and would like to make a little money by recycling as well. He said if there isn't affordable recycling
then people end up dumping in inappropriate areas. He is in favor of having a zoning change.
Steve Bloomfield said at one point there was oUGA zoning committee. This was being done under
grants. It was not vetted out to come to a conclusion. He would like the opportunity to try it again.
He said he would like tofind a suitable space for something like this.
Linwood Kraft brought in his petition from people who live in Hickem Lane and who against the
Recycling in his area. Mr. Kraft told the Board his well is only 3O feet deep. He stated that since the
recycle center has been shutdown, he has caught 7 rats and is concerned about the effects onthe
water. He said there were also noise problem with crushing cars.
Rob Drackman has the recycling system coming to their home although they don't take glass soit
is inadequate therefore they had to go to Wilson to get rid of glass. He said the County system is
fine although it needs some tweaking.
Cmmmmr. Sheldon said at one point they were spending a lot ufmoney on the drop boxes for some nf
the re-cycling. He stated that due to the growing crime problems in the County, some of the money
needs to be re-directed.
Marilyn Vogler said she is in favor offinding an appropriate recycling area in the UGA.
Kris Broche wonders why they can't set up an area at the County dump that is similar to Wilson's so
it will be easy for citizen's torecycle. She stressed that there needs Lobean alternative and perhaps
Mason County can lead the way so that others would like tofollow.
Cmmmmr. Sheldon said a lot of this is about the economics of metal.
Debra Soupa said it's disturbing to think the zoning could change.
Ronald Martin lives on Hickenn Lane. There one smells, rats and seagulls coming from Wilson. He
stressed that everybody on their driveway is getting ruts. He also mentioned that are other oecyders
around and for the best price, people should go to South Sound recycling.
Cmmmmr. Jeffreys said she likes the idea of bringing recycling into the existing landfill. She will ask
staff if anything can be done.
Cmmmmr. Sheldon said zoning iaa contentious issue. Mason County zones for what you can do rather
than what you cannot do.
9.3 Public hearing to consider adoption of revised Mason County Title 14, Building and Construction,
Chapter 14.08 Building Code Amendments, amending Section 14.08.030"Permits Required"and
adding new Section 14.O8.831 "Work Exempt from Permits". Barbara Adkins explained how this
proposed revisions became necessary and what the revisions will change. Barbara gave the Board
copies nf the proposed revised ordinances.
July 28, 2015 _ PAGE 4
Cmmr. Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the action agenda item 9.2
revising Mason County Title 14, Building and Construction, Chapter 14.08 Building Code
Amendments,amending Sectiow14.08.030"Permits Required"and adding new Section
14.08.031"Work Exempt from Permmits°. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; 3-
Justin Smith asked how things will be tracked.
Barbara Adkins said they will have to file affidavits and they will also track permits.
An audience member asked about small private sheds to be used as home office.
Cmmr. Ncather|in said some things are unknown.
Constance Ibsen said what about the people who don't get permits and just do whatever they want.
Cmmr. Neather|in said they can do the best they can although some people break the law.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked if there is a limit to the number of structures they can have on land.
Public Comment:
Debbra Coker commented that she is in opposition of changing the code and said she thinks the
public and County would beatrisk.
Cmmr. Neathedin asked what she would recommend on enforcement.
Ma. Coker said possibly on the affidavit, the enforcement rules could be listed.
Cmmr. Jeffreys asked how requiring a permit will prevent building conversions.
Angela Shower from Farm bureau said they are in favor of the revisions.
Conley Watson said he is against these changes.
Larry Bolts said he supports these changes. DCD can spend their time nn approving home permits
instead of worrying about little shads, etc. He said there are many benefits to allowing the proposed
changes. People can afford to purchases needed buildings/structures instead of paying for
building permit.
Tina Piatt said they have small farm and they do have equipment that sits uncovered. They do
need to be allowed to build the structures. She said this in an incentive for people totake pride in
the appearance in their small farms.
Rich Geiger said Jefferson County has an exemption for specifically agriculture buildings. He is in
favor of this.
A|ann Krivor stated that he is president ofhis home owners association. He said it makes a
difference to be farm friendly and makes their lives easier. Farming is becoming more attractive all
the time.
July 28, 2015 - PAGE 5
Tina Piatt said she supports agriculture buildings. She also spoke about the definition of agricultural
buildings and agricultural exemptions,
Cmnor. Sheldon stated that he fills all public hearing should be conducted the same way. There are
no rebuttals and back and forth comments. He feels this should be in a more formal manner and
people would be better served.
Neather/in said he already let one rebut so he will let the others.
Cmmr. Sheldon said you can't rewrite the rules.
Constance Ibsen said she is favor of this for only agriculture buildings. She asks the Board to
postpone this to come back with this ina cleaner manner.
Cmnnr. Sheldon thanked everyone for coming and said one thing that is lacking a clear definition of
"agriculture". He said we need tobe very clear on what exactly"ogricu!ture" is.
Cmrnr. Jeffreys asked Barbara Adkins if she has the definition of agriculture buildings.
Barbara read the definition of"agriculture".
Cmmmmr. Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to table this hearing and continue this on
August 18, 2015. Motion Carried unanimously. . N-aye; S-aye; J-aye.
10. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)—J
10.1 Justin Smith said they had their 4-H extravaganza and over 200 people came through. He
added that Bnayden Ritter and Mary DcMatteowi|| be starting work atVV5U extension office.
11. Board's Reports and Calendar-The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week
and announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at8:4Up.m.
July 28, 2015 ® PAGE
Ra dy Neatherlin, Chair
a � _
ATTEST: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Clerk of the Board Terri Jeffreys, sion