June 23, 2015
1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order ot6:1Qp.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance— Marilyn Vogler led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 Randy Neather|in; Commissioner District 2—Tim
Sheldon via telephone; Commissioner District 3—Terri Jeffreys.
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1The Liquor Control Board sent marijuana license applications for Proprietary Plant Varieties, Inc.
and South Colby Investors, m special occasion license application for Allyn Community
Association and a list of businesses with liquor licenses due to expire in 90 days.
4.1.2 Cheryl Williams submitted an application for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
4.1.3 Kelly McIntosh and Jeff Carey submitted applications for the joint UGA Advisory Committee.
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input—There was no citizen input.
5.1 Scott Wilson from Wilson Recycling said they wish to continue doing business but are being
closed due tozoning. He asks the Board tudo what they can to help them stay open.
Cnnnnr. Neather|in made it clear that they can sb|i re-cycle.
Mr. Wilson said yes, they can re-cycle but they need garbage to stay viable.
Cmmr. Jeffreys would like them to stay open too but zoning is not available as zoning does take
time. It can be achieved but not by June 30, 2015.
Cmnnr. Naather|in wants to clarify that Wilson Recycling has not been shut down by the County and
they can still re-cycle.
Mr. Wilson said the State has suspended his permit until ha gets the zoning fixed.
Cmmr. Neathedin said he wants to make it very clear that the County did not shut them down
because the citizens out there think that the County has shut them down. Crnnnr. Neather|in read a
memo from Community Development Director, Barbara Adkins, stating that Mr. Wilson is allowed to
operate a re-cycling facility. He wants to be very clear tothe public. He stated that the
Department of Community Development has not closed anything down which is what the public is
being led tobelieve.
Larry King said the County, City and Department of Ecology need to work together to allow Wilson
Re-cycling bo continue operating. He said he would like the County to take the lead in trying toget
this taken care of. He added that this business isan asset to the Community.
Cmnnr. Neether|in said they are taking the lead and he just had a call with Public Health but again
reiterated that County did not shut down Wilson Recycling.
Steve Bloomfield said Mr. Wilson is providing o service tnthe County. Mr. Bloomfield told Mr.
Wilson that he may be able to employ some of his employees if it comes down to it. He also spoke
about the lands that Seattle Shellfish leased from the County. He said they are actively working on
it and are hoping for productivity by the end of the year.
June 23, 2015 - PAGE 2
Laurel Nelson King said Wilson Re-cycling is providing a necessary business in the County and now
people will lose their jobs. She believes the City, County and the state Department ofEcology
should be helping Wilson Re-cyc|ing.
Marilyn Vogler said she appreciates the re-cycling offered by Mr. Wilson. She said she hopes that
all the agencies involved can work things out.
Cmmr. Neathcdin reiterated that they are not preventing Mr. Wilson from re-cycling and stated that
he ia free tocontinue re-cycling at his facility.
Karen Sandberg spoke on behalf of Scott Wilson and asked the Commissioners to take leadership
on this. Heis providing a service for everyone in the County.
Cmmr. Neether|in said they also need to be respectful to the residential areas. He also reminded
Ms. Sandberg that the County did not shut them down.
Cmmr. Sheldon stated that solid waste is highly regulated and re-cycling is in a different category
but they are doing what they can.
6. Adoption ofAgenda Cmmr. Sheldon/Jeffreysmmoved and seconded to adopt the agenda as
published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; ]-aye.
7. Approval of Minutes—Approval of the June 1 briefing minutes and June 9 and 16 regular meeting
, minutes.
Cmmr.Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve the June I briefing minutes
and June 9 and 16 regular meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;
O. Approval uf Action Agenda:
8.1 Approval of the Veterans Assistance Fund application for Utilities $552.74 as recommended by
the Veterans Service Office.
8.2Appruva| for the Board to authorize the Deputy Director/County Engineer to execute
supplemental agreement No. 5 to local agency standard consultant agreement with KPFF
consulting engineers for CRP 1829, 5koknmishVa||ey Road, Hunter Creek Bridge project. This
supplement would add an additional $55,893.91, a reduction of$17,253.0U, with a new
maximum payable amount nf¢290,583.61.
8.3 Approval of the January 2016 through December 2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA)
with the Mason County Sheriffs Office Employees Guild. This agreement is presented tothe
Board as advancing Mason County Public Safety while sb|| representing exceptional stewardship
of public funds.
8.4 Approval of the resolution to set a budget hearing on July 7, 2015 to consider the following
budget transfers to the Z01Sbudget:
(a) $1,200,000 budget transfer from Current Expense Fund Ending fund balance/non
departmental to fund #413-000000-100-000 Belfair Wastewater&Water Reclamation Project
(b) $1,780hmnn Current Expense fund Ending fund balance/non departmental to #001'
(c) $35,000fronn Mental Health #164-800000'080to #001'000808-170'220-523'31'510'054
for the Volunteer Coordinator position in Probation Services.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked for item 8.4tmbe removed for o separate vote.
June 23, 2015 - PAGE 3
Cmmr. Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through
8.3 with the removal of item 8.4 for a separate vote® Motion carried unanimously.
N-aye; S-aye®J-aye.
Item 8.4 Approval of the resolution to set a budget hearing on July 7, 2015 to consider the
following budget transfers to the 2015 budget:
(a) $1,200,000 budget transfer from Current Expense Fund Ending fund balance/non
departmental to fund #413-000000-100-000 Belfair Wastewater&Water Reclamation
Project Fund.
Cmmr. Sheldon moved to approve $1,200,000 budget transfer from Current
Expense Fund Ending fund balance/non departmental to fund #413-000000-100-
000 Belfair Wastewater &Water Reclamation Project Fund as an inter-
departmental loan.
Motion died due to lack of a second.
Cmmr. Jeffreys/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve action item 8.4 (a)for
$1,200,000 budget transfer from Current Expense Fund Ending fund balance/non
departmental to fund #413-000000-100-000 Belfair Wastewater&Water Reclamation
Project Fund. Motion carried. N-aye® S-nay;]-aye. Resolution 29-15 (Exhibit A)
Cmmr. Sheldon said that doesn't want this debt to be spread around the entire County. He would
rather have an inter-departmental loan.
Cmmr. Jeffreys said she did not second the motion.
Cmmr. Neatherlin reminded Cmmr. Sheldon that this is only setting up the budget hearing and added
that here has already been a lot of work on this.
Cmmr. Sheldon said he prefers an inter-departmental loan.
9. 6:30 p.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time-
9.1 Public Hearing to consider the sale of real property located at 92 W. Blakely Drive, Elma, WA
parcel 51908-50-00100, Star Lake. Staff: Frank Pinter
Cmmr.Jeffreys/Sheldon moved and seconded to approve sale of real property
located at 92 W. Blakely Drive, El ma, WA parcel 51908-50-00100, Star Lake.
N-aye; S-aye;]-aye. Motion carried. Resolution 30-15 (Exhibit A)
Cmmr. Neatherlin read the Resolution.
10. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) -
10.1 Vicki Kirkpatrick thanked DEM (Department of Emergency Management) for the earthquake
exercise. She said it's important for the preparedness of the County.
10.2 Cmmr. Sheldon said that he thinks the burn ban should include floating lanterns as they are
dangerous and create a fire hazard.
Cmmr, Jeffreys said any change would take one year to come into effect.
June 23, 2015 - PAGE 4
11. Board's Reports and Calendar-The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week
and announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
June 23, 2015 - PAGE 5
1�7 ZJI6�
Randy Veatherlin, Chair
ATTEST: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
CleA of the Board Terri Jeffreys, Coim"mi4ioner
WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making
the budget for the year 2015, it is necessary to make provision for Budget Transfers to the budget as
required by RCW 36.40,100, and RCW 3&40 195 for the following:
Current Ex Anse-
(a) $1,200,000 budget transfer from Current Expense Fund Ending fund balancelNon-
Departmental to
Fund#413-000000-100-000 Belfair Wastewater&Water Reclamation Project Fund
(b) $1,700 from Current Expense Fund Ending fund balance/Non-Departmental to
#001-000000-0,10-000-553-60-545-951 WSU Extension Office for ER&R
(c) $35,000 from Mental Health #164-000000-000 to #001-000000-170-220-523-31-510-054 for the
Volunteer Coordinator position in Probation Services
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE Board of Mason County Commissioners:
That the 7th day of July, 2015 at the hour of 9:30 a.m in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in
Courthouse Building 1, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place
for a public hearing upon the matter of Budget Transfers to the 2015 Budget as T-Qllows-.
(a) Current Expense—$1,200,000to Fund'#413-000000-100-000
n. Nay
Randy Neatherlin Tim Sheldon I ern Jef'V1
Chair Commissioner Cc Ene"r
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following Budget Transfers to the 2015 Budget will also be
considered at the public hearing scheduled on July 7, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.:
(b) Current Expense-$1,700 to WSU Extension Office
(c) Mental Health-$35,000 to Probation Services
I kl 'lo
Randy Neatherlin Tim Sheldon T6rri Jeffi-d
Chair Commissioner Commission
The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to cause notice of
such hearing to be published as provided by law.
DATED this 23rd day of June, 2015.
J06'Almanzor, Clerk of the ai'1
Tim Miteh Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
C: Auditor Financial Services
Publish 2x 6/25 &7/2—bill to Commissioners, 4,11 North 4t"Street, Shelton
WHEREAS, Mason County ovens the real property parcel 51908-50-00100, 92j111 Blakely Drive,
Elrna, WA that was declared surplus by Resolution No. 4-15 at a public hearng on May '19, 2015; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, upon the recommendation o9 the roperty Manager,
has determined that the property is surplus to the needs of the County, and
WHEREAS, Mason County has received an offer to purchase the property in the arnount o,$12,500
from Jay W Coker and a public hearing was held on Jane 23, 2015 to consider the offer;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of County
Commissioners that the property described above (parcel 5190 -50-00100)is approved at the price of
12,500 to Jay Coker; and
E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proceeds of the sale of said property are to be dedicated first
to any delinquent property tax obligations and related penalties, expenses and assessments; and next.to
reimbursement of the Property Management expenses, and finally to the Current Expense Fund; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Commission is authorized to sign the related
closing documents and the Property Manager initiate payment of 6% fee of sale price to the County's real
estate agent.
DATED this 23rd day of June; 2015.
t �A , �' Randy Neatherlin, Chair.
i ,Almanzor, Clerk of the B' arcI
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
=w i �f
Tim Whitehead, ChiefADPA Terri Jeffreys 'C;d m� signer,
O%Property[Ving\RESOLD ION-Sale of 92 W Blakeh,Drive Elrgna.doc