Mason County Commission Chambers,411 Forth 5th Street,Shelton,WA
Week of.Tune 1,2015
Monday, June 1,2015
9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion
Commissioners Neatherlin,Jeffreys and Sheldon met in Closed Session with Bill Kenny
and Frank Pinter from 9:03 a.m.to 9:30 a.m.
9:30 A.M. Treasurer—Lisa Frazier
Commissioners Neatherlin, Jeffreys and Sheldon were in attendance.
• Treasurer Frazier provided information on a proposed reorganization al plan for her office. They
have had two major software changes and there is a legislative change for the acceptance of
property tax payment plans. Due to the labor contract, she needs to make position changes. Lisa
has enough 2015 budget capacity to make the changes. She has been working with Bill Kenny
and they have a meeting scheduled with AFSCME.
9:45 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42,30.110 (1)(i)Litigation
Commissioners Neatherlin,Jeffreys and Sheldon met in Executive Session from 9:45 a.m.to
10:15 a.m. with Tim Whitehead and Barbara Adkins for a litigation matter.
10:15 A.M_ BREAK
10:20 A.M. Support Services-Bill Kenny
Commissioners Neatherlin, Jeffreys and Sheldon were in attendance.
• WA Counties Risk Pool annual visit,Monday,July 20, 11 a.m.
• Employee Service Awards, Tuesday,July 21 @ 2 p.m. , Colonial House
• Housing Authority applicants: Gary Gordon,Robert McDonald,Dinah Griffey. Interviews will be
• Public Health request to approve amendment providing$6,000 to DSHS contract for the
Workfirst-Children with Special Needs Program. Board approve placing on agenda without a
• Draft 2016 Budget Guidelines were reviewed.
• Surplus property(several reduction requests, 1 purchase&sale agreement& 1 MLS)
• Road Tax Diversion residual will be paid back.
• Briefing to discuss grant writer—June 22 possible date.
• Oakland Bay Clean Water district annual report will be on June 29.
• Frank reported that he has heard from the State Auditor's Office regarding the proposed Belfair
Sewer Finance plan and they won't provide a formal comment but will audit if and when enacted.
Cmmr.Neatherlin is going to schedule time with the State Auditor to discuss the proposal.
11:00 A.M. Joint meeting with City of Shelton&Port of Shelton
In attendance: County Commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Terri Jeffreys and Tim Sheldon. Port of
Shelton Commissioners Tom Wallitner,Kristy Buck and Dick Taylor; City of Shelton Mayor
Cronce, Commissioners Tracy Moore and Mike Olsen.
• Chair Neatherlin opened the meeting by stating this is discussion of property that the Port would
like annexed into the City of Shelton UGA.
Steve Goins,City of Shelton, stated the Port request is to modify the outer harbor area.Timing is
at best in 2016 for annexation to occur which is the formal process. The area is not in the UGA
and not in City limits.
John Dobson,Port of Shelton,provided a photo of inner and outer harbor line and the UGA line
that was moved by the County in 2008. The request is to reverse that action and move the UGA
line from the inner harbor line to outer harbor line. His understanding is that has to come from the
County by motion directing staff so it's done in the Comp Plan update in 2015. Then they request
the annexation to the City. If the Port has to wait until the County Comp Plan update in 2016,
Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes
June 1,2015
then annexation wouldn't happen until 2017. The Port wants to create a commercial dock(flupsy)
on north side of marina and turn rest of the marina to recreational use. The flupsy will create a
couple of job and additional revenue.
Cmmr. Jeffreys understands the Port hopes to build a new dock.
Mr. Dobson stated once it's annexed in,they will then go for grants and plan to do that in 2017.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked when the change was made in 2008,was that at the request of someone?
Mr. Dobson understands it was done in response to accepting the City's UGA.
Cmmr. Sheldon commented that wouldn't it then be consistent in order to make this change,the
County would expect a request from the City.
Cmmr.Neatherlin pointed out there is a process to change the UGA and the Port can apply for that
Mr.Dobson stated property this is over water and they are happy to do whatever process the
County requires. They would like to see it happen in 2015.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked County staff if this change can be done administratively.
Barbara Adkins&Tim Whitehead both agreed it would need to follow the County's process
which is that the Port would submit an application. It would then go to the Planning Advisory
Committee with a recommendation to the Commissioners. If the Commissioners choose to make
the change,then it would go through a public hearing process.
Cnnnr. Jeffreys stated that alternatively,it could be done with the 2016 Comp Plan update.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked if the City could make the request rather than the Port.
Mr. Goins stated the applicant covers the cost and the requester is the Port.
Port Cmmr. Taylor stated they are trying to find the simplest,fastest way to serve the citizens.
Mr. Whitehead suggested the Port submit an application for the Comp Plan amendment.
The Commissioners agreed to follow process and not make the change outside of the established
Mr. Dobson stated their legal staff has advised that it can be done by a simple motion to direct
staff to go through the process.
Cmmr. Jeffreys responded that the County's legal staff has stated it cannot be done
Cmmr.Neatherlin stated he wants to hear from the City if this is where they want to go.
Dave O'Leary, City of Shelton, stated he is not sure if they have a position. He supports
commercial activity and supports moving this forward.
City of Shelton Commissioners Tracy Moore and Mike Olsen and Mayor Cronce all stated they
are in favor in moving forward with this process to move the Shelton UGA. Mayor Cronce
commented it makes sense to have the entire marina in the UGA.
Cmmr.Jeffreys asked if it is possible to do the City process simultaneously.
Mr. Goins stated they would need to go to legal for advice to make sure they are not challenged.
Mr. Dobson stated he has concerns if both done at same time. They need to move the harbor line
and then the City can make their Comp Plan amendment. They would need the County to move
the UGA line from inner to outer harbor line in 2015. Then go to City for annexation in 2016.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked if changing the UGA to the outer harbor inner line,does that change
anything on land.
Discussion of the maps. Cmmr. Jeffreys wants to be certain this change affects only the water
Brandon Palmer,Port, stated the request is to change UGA line from inner to outer harbor line for
submerged lands with the exception of Eagle Point,which the Port owns.
No uplands are impacted except Eagle Point.
Mr. Goins stated that Eagle Point is in the UGA that will be part of annexation process.
Cmmr. Sheldon confirmed that all permitting for Sierra Pacific is in City of Shelton.
® Cmmr. Jeffreys brought up a constituent request that the county extend the water line down
Capitol Hill to the City water tower to allow development. There are about 140 acres that could
be developed if there is water access. She would like the City to consider this in their Comp Plan
update. The properties are in the UGA,but not in City limits. Mr.Palmer pointed out that is a
Port reservoir and has a City water line. Mr. Dobson agreed this is unique because of Port/City.
Discussion of what would be required. Mr.Palmer stated there is a wholesale water agreement.
Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes
June 1,2015
At some point the Port will need water to Port property.Mayor Cronce stated they would need to
assess if the reservoir could adequately supply all the demands. Mr.Palmer noted there is also
need for fire flow.
Mr. O'Leary stated this has a wide variety of legal and policy issues to consider.
® Cmmr.Olsen stated he is lobbying for the County to adopt a fee for onsite sewer systems to be
used for water quality.
® Cmmr. Sheldon brought up the Shelton Cemetery. He stated the legislature made a change for
counties with one city,that could lower levy requirement.
Cmmr.Neatherlin stated he is on the cemetery board. They have considered going out for a vote
and the cemetery board has not wanted to go forward. He will bring this up to the cemetery board.
He noted the City is at their levy cap so even if created,there may be no money going to the
cemetery district.
® Cinmr. Jeffreys mentioned a Metropolitan Park District.
® Mayor Cronce stated the City is placing on the November ballot a 2/10 of 1%sales tax increase to
be used for street improvements.
® The Boards agreed to have joint quarterly meetings. Cmmr. Jeffreys asked if other Ports should
be included. Mr.Dobson brought up hiring Jim Darling to facilitate strategic planning. This
would for the Chairs of each Board and one staff person and then have 1/4 meetings with the
entire Boards.The cost would be$7,000 for the County. No commitment was made besides
agreeing to meet quarterly.
The meeting adjourned 12:05 pm.
Commissioner Discussion—there was no discussion.
2:00 P.M. Public Works-Brian Matthews&Melissa McFadden
Utilities&Waste Management-Brian Matthews/Erika Schwender
Commissioners Neatherlin and Sheldon were in attendance. Commissioner Jeffreys
joined the briefing at 2:17 p.m.
® Recommend the Board authorize the Chair to execute the Adopt-A-Road Agreement with Hood
Canal Appreciation Project for Gladwin Road. Melissa said they would like to talk to the Sheriff s
office about utilizing the litter grant for tipping fees and if there isn't money available there,Public
Works may apply for their own grant money. The Commissioners asked for information on where
the Sheriffs litter grant is spent. Melissa will contact the Sheriffs office.
® Approval of Cooperative Procurement Agreement between King County and Mason County;
allowing Mason County to use King County's competitively awarded contracts for various
equipment and supplies. In preparing for the Little Mission Creek project, it was discovered the
pipe supplier is on the King County agreement and allowing the use of this agreement will
expedite the process.
® No Parking signage along Larson Blvd and Larson Lake Road(Beard's Cove). Staff
recommendation is to not sign the area as "no parking"but deal with the derelict vehicles on a
case-by-case basis in conjunction with the Sheriffs Office. Staff has been on-site and it's their
opinion the vehicles are not posing a safety hazard to the traveling public, impacting road
maintenance, or blocking access to private property. At this point, a public hearing will not be set.
Cmmr.Neatherlin will meet with the citizens.
® Melissa has talked to the organizer of a proposed Tractor Drive on July 11. Twelve to twenty
antique tractors will participate. The length of the drive was questioned and the Board expressed
reluctance in allowing the tractors on public roads. After discussion,the Commissioners requested
Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2015
six established pull off areas and shorten the route. Staff will evaluate the event to observe the
impact for a future recommendation.
® Speed limit on Sandhill Road during daylight hours. Staff will move this forward.
2:30 P.M. Department of Community Development—Barbara Adkins
Commissioners Neatherlin,Jeffreys and Sheldon were in attendance.
0 Joint Citizen Advisory Committee of the Allyn and Belfair Urban Growth Areas for the 2016
Growth Management Act Update. Barbara has drafted a resolution and news release.
a Review and adjustment of Planning Permit Fees. There have been no adjustments since 2009 and
the expense to run the Planning Department exceeds the revenue and the Building Fees subsidize
the Planning Fees.
Cimnr. Sheldon asked about efficiencies and speeding up the permit process. Cmmr.Neatherlin
stated if the cycle is shortened,the cost should be reduced.Barbara stated these are planning fees
and most are flat fees,no matter how long it takes to process the permit.
Barbara stated that already they have more permits coming in the door than the staff can handle,
which slows the process down. They do provide a pen-nit and planning person to serve customers
every day,which is a service that other counties do not do.
The average staff time to process the various types of permit were discussed.
One planner is devoted to working on the Shoreline Master Plan(SMP)update.
Cmmr. Sheldon asked for the status of code enforcement.
The planning process was discussed.
The Commissioners asked for comparison information with other rural counties.
Cmmr. Sheldon left at 3:15 p.m.
Discussion of how to speed up the SMP update. The Board asked for a briefing with the PAC
Chair Bill Dewey to discuss the process.
Commissioner Discussion
Commissioners Neatherlin and Jeffreys discussed the following items. Commissioner Sheldon was
® Brief review of the Port of Shelton/City meeting.
® 2016 budget. Cram. Jeffreys stated she would like to earmark the increase in sales tax(one time
monies)for capital projects. She wants a dedicated capital budget. Cmmr.Neatherlin wants
salaries/benefits separated from operating costs. There was a discussion of budget process.
The briefing adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
Tuesday, June 2,2015
11:00 A.M. Finance Committee Meeting
Finance Committee Members Treasurer Lisa Frazier;Auditor Karen Herr and Chair Randy
Neatherlin were in attendance. Commissioners Tim Sheldon and Terri Jeffreys were also in
Treasurer Frazier provided the quarterly financial information as of April 30,2015. Beginning
cash balance was$6,442,646.68 and ending cash balance was $9,532,103.53. Total cash&
investments are$163,031,199.39.
Currently there are no registered warrants issued at the rate of 2.13%
Old Business:
Cash handling policy and procedures are still pending. Frank Pinter, Finance Manager,is assisting
Lisa with these policies. Frank was not available for cominent.
Belfair Wastewater System—Internal funding update. Neatherlin spoke on this issue. Proposals
were sent to the SAO for their opinion and to check the numbers for accuracy. Discussion ensued
between Neatherlin and Sheldon on whether the State will weigh in on this issue.Neatherlin
believes an outside expert should take a look at these numbers before proceeding.
Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes
June 1,2015
New Business:
Kickstarter Program in regards to Parks. Apparently this is no longer a program the Commission
is interested in pursuing. Frazier shared her concerns and would prefer the 501 C3 program, as
would Sheldon.
Other discussion:
Discussion ensued on issues regarding road diversion,RCO grants,upcoming labor agreements,
the closing of Simpson,reduced timber sales,etc. and their impact on the upcoming 2016 budget.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager
Randj Neatherlin Tim Sheldon 'Te
Chair Commissioner C