Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street, Shelton,WA
Week of February 23,2015
According to staff notes,the following items were discussed.
Monday,February 23,2015
9:00 A.M. Sheriff's Office—Sheriff Salisbury
Commissioner Neatherlin was available to meet with departments.
Sheriff Salisbury provided information regarding the lack of female staff at the jail and they can
no longer incarcerate female inmates and will be moving the female inmates to other facilities.
There is a contract with Forks and a new contract with Nisqually. They estimate they will need 20
to 25 beds n Nisqually. Long term commitments will go to Forks. Sheriffs office met with the
courts on Friday and they are working on the court and transport schedule. Sheriff Salisbury
stated they have been talking about this for some time and the impacts to other offices. Chief
Haugen stated the jail population is 118 and the cap is 104. Civil Service has been recruiting
female correction officers and has not been successful. The jail remodel will be complete soon but
they are still short staff.
Judge Finlay stated this isn't new information and it will cause delays and interruptions with the
courts. Planning to bring all female inmates on one day to court and looking at trying to use
Skype for some things.
Judge Steele stated he is doing what he can to accommodate and understands this issue. The jail
doesn't have the room and/or staff and this causes a revolving door of offenders. The situation is
they get charged and released, don't show up for court and continue to be released. He sees this as
one more step of the system breaking down,
Susan Sergojan stated her staff has a good relationship with jail staff. Having female inmates will
cause a hardship for her staff and she has no travel money and Skype is not a good way to transact
Cmmr.Neatherlin acknowledged this has been a concern for some time. He asked if indigent
defense attorneys could be contracted with in these other areas, such as Forks. It was pointed out
the offender has to communicate with other offices and those that are serving the long term
sentences, don't have as much contact with the attorneys because they are sentenced.
Sheriff Salisbury pointed out the jail staff continues to make sacrifices to cover the shifts.
Staff recruitment was discussed. Cmmr.Neatherlin was in agreement that if there is an
opportunity to hire male correction officers,to do so since there are vacant female correction
officer positions. After the briefing,Cmmr. Sheldon concurred with hiring correction officers. It
was noted that it is difficult to attract staff due to Mason County's low wages.
9:40 A.M. Commissioner Sheldon joined the briefing session.
9:30 A.M. 9:40 A.M.Public Defense—Susan Sergojan
Commissioner Neatherlin and Commissioner Sheldon were in attendance. Commissioner Jeffreys
was absent.
® Susan requested permission to move forward with two one-half contracts for the same dollar
amount of an existing District Court contract that she is terminating. The Board approved placing
the contracts on the agenda.
Susan is working on changes to the indigent defense standards and will bring forward at a later
Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes
February 23,2015
9:45 A.M. Support Services-Bill Kenny
Commissioner Neatherlin and Commissioner Sheldon were in attendance. Commissioner Jeffreys
was absent.
® Underground Storage Tank-Pollution insurance coverage was reviewed and will be placed on the
• E911 contract amendment. This is an amendment to the annual State contract with WA counties
to help fund operations for their 911 dispatch centers. This amendment adjusts the funds as stated
in the amendment,based on a mid-year review of the updated revenues and expenditures in the
contract. Approved to place on agenda.
® Hood Canal Coordinating Council Citizens Advisory Group to advise and develop the Habitat
Project List. Commissioners appoint two Mason County members. Monica Harle is willing to
continue to serve on the advisory board. A news release will be added to the agenda.
• Have a notice of DOT surplus property that is for sale and a request from Gary Hanson(adjacent
property owner)to expedite the required 60 day waiting period. Cmmr. Sheldon stated this is a
small strip of land and he can see no county use of it. Approved to place on agenda.
® The Board approved the request from Ken VanBuskirk for a letter of support for his nomination of
his wife,Peggy, for the North Mason School District"Graduates of Distinction" award.
Commissioner Discussion
Commissioner Neatherlin and Commissioner Sheldon were in attendance. Commissioner Jeffreys
was absent.
® There was a discussion of the Belfair Bypass. Cminr.Neatherlin stated he would like to place it
on the Transportation Improvement Plan. Cmmr. Sheldon has had a discussion with DOT. The
assumed route would be Highway 302 intersection to Lake Flora Road.
The briefing adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager
R d Neatherlin Tim Sheldon Terri Jeffre s
Chair Commissioner Commissioner