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GRD2007-00010, FPA2005-00018, SPI2005-00378 multi-parcels - GRD Letters / Memos - 5/3/2007
°N STATE MASON COUNTY o CO A o N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT N Planning Division o Y 0 IP P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 NOTIFICATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION May 03, 2007 JACK JOHNSON PO BOX 1119 BELFAIR WA 98528 Parcel No.: 122203300210 Project Description: Grade and widen existing access road create ditches and sediment control, level and grade building lots (also parcels 122203390221, 122292200320) Dear Applicant: You have submitted a permit application (case no. GRD2007-00010) for proposed construction or development in the county. Upon review of your application, I have determined that the contents of the application are incomplete or do not provide enough detail for review. Therefore, review of your application will not proceed until the necessary information is provided (see the comment section of this letter for details.) Once the information is submitted and the application is complete, I will continue to process your application accordingly. If the additional information is not provided to the County within 180 days of this request, the application shall expire and no further action on the proposed development shall take place. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 593 if you have questions. Sincerely, Re cca Hersha Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 5/3/07 Page 1 of 2 GRD2007-00010 NOTIFICATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION 5/3/07 Case No.: GRD2007-00010 Comments: It appears the SEPA checklist that you submitted for the Forest Practice Application in 2005, did not cover your current grading proposal. Enclosed is a copy of the Pre-application meeting notes from 2006. In addition, the geotechnical report from 2005 needs to be updated demonstrating that it still applies to current conditions (we cannot accept geo-reports that are more than 6 months old, without an addendum) and that the proposed road construction will not negatively impact slope stability. Furthermore, the 2005 geo-report has not been signed and stamped by a geological engineer, a licensed geologist, or an engineering geologist. Please complete a SEPA Checklist and submit it as well as the signed addendum to the geological report to Rebecca in the Planning Department. Thank you. 5/3/07 Page 2 of 2 GRD2007-00010 Sherwood Creek Parcel Numbers Owner: Jack Johnson Construction Parcel Number Legal Description 12220-33-90221 PCL 1 of BLA#06-23 REV I Surveys 9/6 & 32/61 12220-33-00210 PCL 6 of BLA#06-230 AF#1877210 Survey 32/61 12229-22-00320 PCL 5 of BLA#06-23 REV I Survey 32/61 Case Activity Listing 5/23/2007 ���, � �—� Case#: GRD2007-00010 7:48:15AM � �•���� IP10 Assigned Done Activity Description Date I Date 2 Date 3 Ilold Disp To By Updated GRDA100 Building Review 4/13/2007 None 4/13/2007 TAM GRDA110 Planning Review 4/13/2007 None HOLD RDH 5/17/2007 RDH Need SEPA checklist and updated geo. See"Letter of Incompleteness." Received geo addendum Still awaiting SEPA checklist. GRDA010 Application Received 4/13/2007 None DONE TAM 4/13/2007 TAM Submitted in Belfair office GRDA150 Letter of Incompleteness 5/3/2007 None DONE RDH 5/3/2007 RDH It appears the SEPA checklist that you submitted for the Forest Practice Application in 2005,did not cover your current grading proposal. Enclosed is a copy of the Pre-application meeting notes from 2006. In addition,the geotechnical report from 2005 needs to be updated demonstrating that it still applies to current conditions(we cannot accept geo-reports that are more than 6 months old,without an addendum)and that the proposed road construction will not negatively impact slope stability. Furthermore,the 2005 geo-report has not been signed and stamped by a geological engineer,a licensed geologist,or an engineering geologist. Please complete a SEPA Checklist and submit it as well as the signed addendum to the geological report to Rebecca in the Planning Department. Thank you. `22Z) - 3-CO Zz �1 OZ s +, C_ s �•0 2Z2 Nd �©22 Page 1 of 1 CaseActivity-rpt r 5/3/07 1`��R ����_ ��(� Case #: SPI2005-00378 Case Activity Listing12:45PM 11010 Assigned Done Activity Description Date l Date 2 Date 3 Hold Disp To By Updated Updated By SPIA010 Application Received 12/27/05 12/27/05 None DONE KKK 12/27/05 KKK SP1A100 Site Inspection 12/27/05 1/10/06 None AH13 1/30/06 A1113 SPIA600 SPI Letter-Field Review 1/30/06 None DONE AIIB 1/30/06 AHB Site visit made on Jan. 10,2006 for proposed BLA of 6 lots: Staff'observed vertical banks on the north and west sides of Sherwood Creek Rd.and graded access route to five to six properties located just east and south of the LakeLand Village plat. Areas of the site are vegetated and contain mature evergreen trees where logging was not yet done,and minimal areas were graded in the recent past to access the lots to be served by anew road. Steep slopes in excess of 40 to 70%exist on the property,adjacent to the access road,varying in height(30 to 60 ft.)along the ridge where the LakeLand Village plat is located to the north and west. Zoning: The property is located in the Allyn Urban Growth Area with a RI zone designation. Standard building setbacks for this zone are 5-foot side setbacks and a 20-foot front yard and rear setback. Other development standards set forth in the Allyn UGA zoning code may apply,depending on the proposal submitted. Landslide hazard areas: Due to the greater than 40%slopes on or adjacent to the site,further development of the property would require that a Geotechnical Report be provided prior to permit issuance in accordance with the enclosed Landslide Hazard Ordinance,section E.5. The Report will need to address the full extent of site development(proposed site preparation,water and sewer system,road,utilities, and structures),erosion control,and vegetation and storm water management. Building site envelopes should be defined so that new development proposed will be specifically connected to the building site. At least 3 copies should be provided to the County. A Landslide Hazard Covenant may need to be completed and recorded with the County Auditor,if it is determined through a Geotechnical Report that proposed construction will occur within a landslide hazard area or it's buffer. It is understood that the proposed access road will follow near the north parcel boundaries,rather than the already graded access alignment. Prior to further ground disturbing activities,excavation or grading, an acceptable geotechnical report will need to be submitted to the County and a permit issued(grading permit,building permit or Mason Environmental Permit). A topographic profile for new building sites will need to be provided when submitting a building permit application. This profile view should show existing and proposed topography with regards to cutting,filling etc. Streams setbacks: No typed streams were observed during this inspection;so for the drainage observed,no development standards associated to such critical areas would apply. General process: As part of a geotechnical report prepared for these properties,a site plan showing roads,building envelopes,building setbacks,buffer areas,and property lines,will be needed for subsequent land development. A topographical profile or other topographical information will also be needed. County development standards referred to may be obtained from the County website at http://www.co.mason.wa.us.and then look for Community Development. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. Page 1 of 1 CaseActivity..rpt a =a e m c a: _ m 1 a. A .n W " b u 4 � e w_✓ °.,7 Y^s w +b }�,� r, �h. . ` 3 ;' ,