HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2010-00013 - SPI Inspections - 7/1/2011 Py0N-STAR MASON COUNTY o n° DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT > S N Planning Division Y ti P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection July 01, 2011 CARL EHRESMAN TO BE KEPT IN THE 1241 NE OLD BELFAIR HWY BELFAIR WA 98528 PARCEL FILE Case No.: SP12010-00013 p'g ` Z�J ` qo( c Parcel No.: 123201391072 Project Description: DETERMINE BUILDING LOCATIONS AND REQUIREMENT FOR HOUSE AND SHOP Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at(360)427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 7/1/2011 Page 1 of 4 SP12010-00013 Site Inspection r 7/1/2011 Case No.: SP12010-00013 Comments: Pre-inspection for Carl Ehresman on Mar. 4, 2010: The purpose of the pre-inspection was to evaluate issues related to new construction or addition to a single family residence on a 3.75 acre parcel along the north side of the Union River and west of Old Belfair Highway. The parcel has slopes of less than 5 percent throughout the property, has a maintained lawn area to the county road, and has groups of trees throughout the property. The existing residence is in the north center of the parcel. The low elevation lot is associated with the Union River to the east; the lot depth is to the east to west; the area of the property potentially affected by the Union River is to the southeast. The applicant wants to know what development standards to follow or studies to include in proposing new outbuilding construction. These findings state regulations in effect at the time of inspection, unless noted otherwise. Development Regulations standards. The site is in Rural Residential 20 zone. Standard building setbacks are 25-foot front yard setback, and 20-foot side property line setbacks. These setbacks are measured from structures above grade such as roof overhangs, stairs, balconies, decks, heat pumps, storage buildings, and fuel tanks. An administrative variance may be requested to reduce these setback distances from property lines, to as low as 10 feet (front yard), if the size, shape, or features of the property constrain development from the proper setbacks. This process requires application and review at the time of the building permit submittal. Resource Ordinance Standards: _N_ Slope or Landslide hazards: Generally there are no steep slopes that exceed 15 percent. The applicant does not need a geologic study as part of development review. Wetland critical area: Planning staff confirmed that the parcel does not contain certain wetlands, which are regulated under Mason County's Wetlands chapter 17.01.070 of the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The applicant will not need a wetlands special report during development review. Y Shoreline setbacks: The shoreline designation for the Union 7/1/2011 Page 2 of 4 SP12010-00013 Site Inspection 7/1/2011 Case No.: SP12010-00013 River would be Rural Environment per the Mason County Shoreline Master Program and setbacks would be determined by the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The proposed development within 200 feet of the stream would be more affected by the Resource Ordinance standards than the setback standards of the Shoreline Master Program. _Y_ Stream setbacks: The observed Type S stream is a perennial water of fish bearing capability and falls under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter (17.01.110) of the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The setbacks from Union River would be determined by the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The stream setback for a type S stream is composed of a 150-foot vegetation buffer plus a 15-foot building setback closest to the roof projection of a proposed structure, for a total of 165 feet from the channel migration zone (CMZ). Any portion of the new structure, including decks, balconies, and rooflines, must be behind this setback line. The 15 feet toward the stream is an area that may be used for lawns, patios or landscaping (development at grade level). From that point toward the stream is considered to be a required vegetated buffer and is regulated by the Mason County Resource Ordinance Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter. New residential development is not permitted within Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation areas or its buffers, except for as approved through a variance or reasonable use exception review process, but some activities can be done both with and without a Mason Environmental Permit. The applicant has proposed a garage or an outbuilding more that 400 feet from the Union River. The existing residence is 300 feet from the high water line of the creek and close to 25 feet from the north property line. An addition or outbuilding proposed in the vicinity of the existing residence will not be affected by the stream development standards. _Y_ Floodplain area: The property (except for about 90 to 100 feet from the southeast corner) lie completely outside of the floodplain area of the Union River, as shown on the enclosed copy of the aerial image of the nearby vicinity. Since mid-1991, development within the floodplain is guided by the County's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. A building site that is in the floodplain on this parcel would have to be sited to be two feet above the surrounding grade of the property and have provisions in the foundation to permit flood flows to pass through if needed. These aspects would be added as conditions to a proposed 7/1/2011 Page 3 of 4 SP12010-00013 Site Inspection 7/1/2011 Case No.: SP12010-00013 building permit. You would need to confirm with the Health Department what their septic system standards are to make sure about the adequacy of supplying a septic system and drainfield area(s). The Building Department can help you with building code standards in replacing or upgrade existing structures. General process: Future site development must include a site plan, showing all setbacks from property lines, stream alignment, and existing and proposed improvements; this site plan will be needed for variance request and building permit application review. Specific County Code standards for future development may be found at the County website address hftp://www.co.mason.wa.us. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. 7/1/2011 Page 4 of 4 SP12010-00013 '7 --�DfOL�) �h MASON COUNTY 7, lb PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT $255.00 Fee Required t. Owner: G&V o Applicant:_ Site Address: - 0 e atl­ 1/ Applicant Address: Owner Address: O 114a Il city. St Zip City:_ R'klSaaY _St t,J ZiPA Phone-( __day / Phone:(— y- Sal 3 day p Phone:(____-) evening Planner: J� Email Address: r `r 10 .CO-'SMP Comp.Plan a of Use Water Body 2. Parcel No. J 23z- - WpW_-10 7 z Parcel No. _ �p y� /q� J Legal Description: 'T � t - V- D� /V Z 5� V� , K � � 57 -N' l� 3. Purpose of Pre-Tns ection: 2JrVwi�e�al V"C 4. Use of building: S � 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope( ) saltwater( lake( river�) pond( ) wetland( ) seasonal runoff( ) other( ) stream ) seasonal creek Directions to Site: AWY 3 Akr 14A IQ PIJ C114 EN9 M rI If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection,or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. ae�2z/o--] Applicant Sir_nat e: Date: Ifyou would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: Return application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division P.O.Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 Please include a$255 .00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer When completed,this form becomes part of the parcel fil FOR OFFICE USE ONLY:Accepted by: Date: MORE ON SACK SIDE Revised: 12/30/08 ZOOIj %Vd OT:ST OTOZ/OT/ZO _ I Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas (slopes, streams, lakes,wetlands, etc.) existing improvements, as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT ADEQUATE ILUSTRATIOP(S WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. i f Departmental Review (Far Office Use Only) Planning Depqrtment Findings: C00 ln XVa OT:ST OTOZ/OT/ZO