HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccess Road - RAP Letters / Memos - 3/29/1993 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER Shelton, Washington 98584 March 29, 1993 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS DATE TO: GRACE MILLER, Planning Department FROM: ALAN A. TAHJA, Department of Public Works SU BJ: Engineering review of St. Hugh Episcopal Church in Allyn Grace; I have reviewed the plans for St. Hugh Episcopal Church in Allyn and have the following comments; (1) No legal access to the subject property has been shown. A portion of Fawcett Street is a vacated street as shown on the plans, by action of the Mason County Commissioners (see attachment pg 6) . Portions of Wheelwright Street have been vacated (by State statute and by County Commissioners action) . By state statute, platted roads that were not developed within five years of the plat development (Allyn) , revert back to the prior owners. Therefor Wheelwright is viewed as a private easement available to the ownerships abutting it within the plat. I am attaching some correspondence concerning Wheelwright Road and undeveloped plat roads in general . (2) An erosion and sediment control plan (E&S plan) will be required for the proposal (designed to provide water quality for a 6 month design storm defined as 64 % of a 2 yr. storm event) along with a permanent stormwater control plan, stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the state of Washington, designed to infiltrate as much stormwater as practical . What stormwater cannot be infiltrated must be restricted to a release rate of half the 2 yr. storm event runoff based on pre-development conditions and to 100% of the 10 through 100 year storm events based on pre-development conditions. For the Allyn area, precipitation for a 100 year storm event is expected to be 7.0 inches in a 24 hour period, 5 inches of rainfall in a 24 hr. period for the 10 yr storm event and 3.5 inches of rainfall per 24 hours for the 2 yr. storm events. Because of the stormwater 1 NOAA Atlas 2, Volume IX, figures 25,27 & 30. Isopluvial maps of western Washington dated February, 1992 File: H:\LETTERS\EPC-ALN Page 1 of 2 problems already being experienced in the Allyn area, these minimum standards should be strictly enforced. Normally the E&S measures should precede any earthwork done to the site, but I have visited the site and see that the clearing appears to be substantially complete and me requiring an E&S plan is after the fact. The swale alluded to on the Utilities and Grading plan might have existed when these plans were prepared, but is now obliterated and the present stormwater is collected in a small settling pond and discharged through two 4" PVC pipes to the opposite side of the neighbor's property into a wooded area and ultimately into the drainage pond in the Allyn Mobile Home Park. The Allyn Mobile Home Park pond is already taxed to capacity and any discharges into this basin/watershed should be carefully analyzed. (3) Section 9.03 of Mason County Parking Ordinance (Ord. # 815) requires "one parking space for each 4 seats or one per 50 square feet of floor area for assembly not having fixed seats" . The plans provided me show that the Nave and Narthex have a combined capacity of 327 seats. This suggests that 82 parking spaces should be provided for them alone. The architect shows the total building capacity as 342 occupants which suggests that 85.5 parking spaces should be provided. The plans I have show 63 parking spaces planned. This should be increased to a minimum of 85 spaces. ALAN A. TAHJA - -- - Engineering Support AAT:aat cc:MLY attachments: 1 (6 pages) File: H:\LETTERS\EPC-ALN Page 2 of 2 MASON COUNTY aaav ' 3q- °0 i L fl PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER Shelton, Washington 98584 August 26, 1994 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS DATE _ _ TO: JASON MANASSEE, DCD - Planner FROM: AL'N A. TAHJA, P/W - Hydraulic Engineer SUBJ. _St. Hugh Is Episcopal Church Access Road Upgrade Jason, I've reviewed the proposed plans for the reconstruction of the access road for the St. Hugh's Church proposed in Allyn, Washington, and find them acceptable except for its compatibility with the proposed stormwater detention facility discharge location/needs. The proposed detention facility relieves itself via a 12" CMP to the lower side of Wheelwright street where no major ditch construction is planned. Mr. Robert Boehm P.E. , designed and submitted the plans for the road reconstruction and justified the lack of armoring the ditch on the lower side of Wheelwright because its only function was expected to be to convey the stormwater runoff from a small portion of the road surface. The relationship between the road's drainage requirements and the building improvements stormwater needs was overlooked. Two options appear to be immediately available. An armored ditch could be constructed along the lower side of Wheelwright Street, or the discharge from the detention facility could be redirected to the upper side of Wheelwright Street and run down the proposed armored ditch. I have contacted Mr. Boehm and he understands my concerns and will be contacting the proponents to discuss how they want to remedy this issue. A check of my files on this proposal reveals that an O&M (operation & maintenance) declaration has not been submitted to cover the stormwater facilities for this project when completed. Attached please find a copy of an O&M covenant that has been reviewed by the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney's office and approved for use. To my knowledge, these are the last issues before Public Works to be resolved regarding this project. 4LZi- TAHJA cc: Boehm File: H:\WP\LETTERS\ST-H ­HM.IDC 34-- �I MASON COUNTY 1-7L1 y 0 s Vz_ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER Shelton, Washington 98584 JaMiary 4, 1995 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS DATE TO: DON BRUSH, DCD - Planner FROM: ALAN A. TAHJA, P/W - Hydraulic Engineer SUBJ: St. Hugh's Episcopal Church Access Road Upgrade Don, Mr. Robert N. Boehm, P.E. , delivered a revised set of plans for the upgrading of Wheelright Street in conjunction with the planned development of the Church Party The discharge from the Church's detention pond has been directed to the upper side of Wheelright Street, and the applicant is proposing armoring the Wheelright ditch from Station 0+32 to Sta. 4+00 to accommodate anticipated flows. In my last correspondence with Jason (IDC dated 8/24/94) , I forwarded him a copy of an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Covenant to be forwarded to the applicant. This element of the stormwater plan still needs completion, otherwise, I am satisfied with the stormwater plan and improvements as submitted to date. AAM AiA A. ZVUA File: H:\WP\LETTERS\ST-H-B2M.IDC