HomeMy WebLinkAboutRLC95-0738 for GRD95-0048 - RLC Inspections - 11/2/1995 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 411 N. Fifth, P.O. Box 578, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 DATE: 11/02/95 TO: KENNETH VANBUSKIRK NE 1080 SAND HILL RD BELFAIR WA 98528 RE: GRADING Case No. : RLC95-0738 Parcel No. : 123203300010 Dear Applicant : As part of this department ' s review on your permit application, a Resource Lands and Critical Areas (RLC) site inspection was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and it ' s critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from steep slopes, streams, wetlands, and waterbodies must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670 or (360) 275-4467, ext . 41^- /S if you have any questions . Sincerely, Land U49 Planner Department of Community Development COMMENTS: Proposed site is a natural depression area where water might accumulate during winter months. According to soil survey, soils located along property are the Everett series which are excessively drained. This might create an issue about groundwater impacts from type of fill used. Fill must be clean and free of hazardous materials and .petroleum products. RLC, rev. 06/09/94 J F RESOURCE LANDS & CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST 3 :x A, y Permit Number RLC# Owner � l` �• Vomll�� Parcel Number ❑ 1 . Saltwater/Lake 20 z acres Designation Name of Waterbody ❑ 2. Rivers, streams, or creeks Type of Water ❑ 3. Lakes or ponds less than 20 acres in size l ❑ 4. Wetlands: Areas that are inundated or saturated'by.surface Water that under normal circumstances support vegetation adapted for life in such conditions as the following: Marshes, bogs, and swamps. Wo 5. Slopes greater than .15% or 8.51 a _ lco 6�te ❑ 6. Floodplain ❑ 7. Seismic Hazard Area Aj0 ❑ 8. Aquifer Recharge Area ❑ 9. Other Comments: f.✓ c r i�-a-t;C ,�-u� r rit e Lt . 1 r cfC4, e. 0M A*f-fk "Aa a44,d. u . YD Aut orize ignature Date DRAWINGS,& ♦ADDITIONAL FINDINGS: - . ,� , I MA PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/COUN ROAD ENGINEER Shelton, Washington 98584 November 21, 1995 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATIONS DATE TO: MIKE BYRNE, General Services Director FROM: ALAN A. TAHJA, P/W - Hydraulic Engineer SU BJ: Kenneth A. VanBuskirk LMP, GRD 95-0048, RLC 95-0738 Public Works has reviewed the proposed grading activity submitted by Mr. VanBuskirk, and would like to voice the following concerns; 1) Fill receiving sites should be stripped of vegetation and duff material down to a clean mineral material prior to fill material placement. A good material interface free of rubble and vegetation will better facilitate percolation of surface water across the soil interface barrier. 2) The completed fill areas should not be allowed to be so completely filled that their ability to receive and percolate existing stormwater flows is diminished. The present depressions should not be allowed to become mounds that shed water instead of receive it. The proponent, in answering questions #13 & #16 of Mason County's Land Modification Permit, declares that existing runoff patterns will not be altered. This condition should be adhered to and investigated before and after grading activities. 3) The applicant has made application for approximately 250 cubic yards of material . This would result in a fill area approximately 60' x 60' x 2' deep. Public Works will attempt to monitor the amount of material delivered to this site, and curtail delivery once this amount is achieved. I have discussed the waste material expected to be available from Mason County's Sand Hill Road Construction Project with Mr. Rich Geiger, the County's project engineer. Mr. Geiger declares that no hazardous materials or petroleum products are expected to be disposed of off the road construction project. Mr. Geiger did anticipated that some of the material delivered to the VanBuskirk property might contain broken pieces of asphalt concrete, but for the most part would be composed of inorganic mineral materials. Mr. Geiger also informs me that the County's road construction project will probably not be undertaken until 1997. Because the fill locations are intentionally located in depressed low areas, erosion and sediment should be confined to the VanBuskirk property, and no ad ' Tonal erosion and sediment control features appear necessary. ACAN A. TAHJA File: H:\WP\GRADING\VNBSKRKADC