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COM2016-00101 Cancelled 2 Duct Heaters - COM Permit / Conditions - 2/18/2017
MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Inspection Line(360)427-7262 Mason County Phone: (360)427-9670,ext.352 is 615 W Alder St Shelton,WA 98584 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT COM2016-00101 OWNER KELLOG USA RECEIVED: 7/28/2016 CONTRACTOR: AIR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LICENSE:AIRSYE'229KN EXP: 2/1/2018 ISSUED: 8/18/2016 SITE ADDRESS: 16371 E STATE ROUTE 3 ALLYN EXPIRES: 2/18/2017 PARCEL NUMBER: 122311490010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PCL 1 OF BLA#03-17 S 18/103 S 3/143 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: INSTALL 2 DUCT HEATERS(75k,460V) HWY 3 N TO SITE. General Information Construction&Occupancy Information No.of Units: Type of Constr.: VB Type of Use: FACTORY Insp.Area: No.of Bathrooms: Ow.Group: Type of Work: MEC Fire Dist.: 5 No of Stories: Exit Design_Load: Valuation: Building Height: Pre-Manufactured Unit Information Square Footage Information Make: Length: Lot Size: Model: Width: Building: Year: Serial No.: Basement: Parking Spaces: Setback Information Shoreline&Planning Information Front: Ft. Shoreline: Ft. Rear: Ft. Slope: Ft. Water Body. Shoreline Desig.: Side 1: Ft. SEPA?: Comp. Plan Desig.: Side 2: Ft. Fire Protection System Information Auto Fire Alarm System?: Emergency Key Box?: Standpipe?. Auto Fire Sprinkler System?: Access Road?: Fire Extinguishers?: Fixed Fire Suppression System?: Fire Hydrants?: Fire Lanes?: COM2016-00101 Please refer to the following pages for conditions of this permit. Page 1 of 4 n 1 �Pyo� Cot. MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES permit No: l�'Yj 2oI(G—QOl6,t PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING• PLANNING•FIRE MARSHAL 615 W. Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352 Fax:(360)427-7798 ' Phone Belfair:(360)275-4467 Phone E/ma:(360)482-5269 185.1 PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: e, d NAME:R i 5 L MAILING ADD : MAILING ADD SS: I ne CITY:LhI © STATE: ZIP:WU6 CITY-T6 L byY'N- - STI TE: ZIP: 15`PHONE: PHONE:o� 51 �Q CELL: 2°d PHONE: EMAIL :3e5 <15Z1 , WS EMAIL: L&I REG# I a EXP. PARCEL INFORMATION: Q PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number): Zoni, rnm' LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated): L.C. I L} (� 6 �J -J SITE ADDRESS: I "1I akb LA:re_ CIT 0 PWCTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: v D 46( (d L'a ML ul5 i 51t11`715 60 e, 0 TYPE OF JOB ��// NEW ADD /� ALT REPAIR OTHER USE OF BUILDING LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS— 1ST FLOOR__ 2ND FLOOR BASEMENT GARAGE OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS Type of Fixture No.of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric LPG Natural Gas Ductless_ Toilets Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink Furnace Bath Tubs Heat Pump F Showers Spot Vent Fan Water Heater Propane Tank Clothes Washer Gas Outlets �+ V Kitchen Sinks Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Dishwasher Kitchen Exhaust Hood Hose bibs Dryer Vent Other Solar Panel � � Other d��JI Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER/BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OFF1180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. K a qF'� I _ Signature oo(ff�Applicant (', Date x �e-�SlL4� YJ r � °-—i'y� �� Owner/Owners Representati Contract Print Name (Circle one) DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT CN� PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Visit us on-line: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community_dev/ Rev: 1/27/2016 1BN \� O Permit number BLD Mechanical Permit Checklist • Name of owner: Name of Installer: }lei logq u�5 ,�r 5m5tjlgcr)e�( • Fuel Type? LPG Nat Gas Electric Other • If propane, what is the proposed size of tank(s)? • What type of mechanical unit will be i stalled? i.e.free tanding stove,forced air furnac , etc. - �.+ ���5- � V u 5 �c r • If the unit is a wood stove, provide: Make Model Year Label Number • What is the use of the structure? (Circle one) Residential Commercial (A permit application for a commercial mechanical permit will be issued upon satis tall. Include a floor plan showing the location of umt(s)and layout of duct work with the permit application.) • Type of structure: (Circle one) Site Built Home Manufactured Home Other • What room will the mechanical unit be located? O (z-r Y-6orn • Will the unit be located in a basement? (circle one) Yes No • How will combustion air be supplied to the mechanical unit? (Describe, i.e. direct vent, air inlets, etc.) • How will the mechanical unit be exhausted to the outside? Applies to appliances using gas, oil or wood fuel. (Indicate B-vent, direct vent,L-vent,etc.) • What year was the structure constructed? Was this s` � tructure part o£a PUD upgrade? • What type of controls will be installed? (i.e. thermostat, etc.) A't,'' i �'Z iT6 • Will the proposed mechanical unit be a heat source?(circle e) es No • Additional information: CQ i Signature of Applicant" - Date Typical mechanical fees: Forced air furnace $ 18.30 Heat pump 18.20 Propane tank 73..00 Gas Outlets 6.20 additional outlets over 1-5 ($1.20 each after 5) Mechanical base fee 28.50 or $ 9.00 if base fee was paid on an active building or mechanical permit Freestanding unit, fireplace, pellet stove or wood stove $73.00 Final Inspection fee 73.00 HF Series Open Coil Duct Heater Submittal Form Agent: Project: Engineer: Date: i AIR COMMODOTIES STRETCH ISLAND 12109 1 TAG REMOTE Quarity 2 BOX Volts 480 Phase 3 Series HF Kilowatts 75 Width 24 ,Height 24 Air Flow HL Stages 5 Control Volts 24 Insert Flange FLANGE Duct Liner(in.) Dimensions M 16 48 A 16 24 E 6.5 6.5 C/B 9.13 CONTROL OPTIONS: �IMA f—w^ --I r---w--t AIR FLOW SWITCH 24V CONTROL TRANSFORMERL laMAGNETIC CONTACTORS/DISCONNECTINGDOOR INTERLOCK DISCONNECT A FLAIR FLOW NEMA 1 REMOTE PANEL iti;trrl�.pc Flanged Ty edmnploo mae*j Min,Duct Sin M x KH; Max KW: 18.1 111E sq,/t3. NOTES: Air Flow(HR.sbovm atxwc): 16L7I'tuRIGUr lilt t- 11Lxsnulwl R3G&fr 1.l i-r 111. �— Dttcls UP FLOW VLr -11110— Vcnieul &UOL Mcm 1.hl-D.C_A IL 15.1•_and G ditmn mun%dcprna uixwo Litc heatert1c ilpt xx1 will he demma4e0 1my the i k tcKr.1i an+..f chrsr dimen.N.n�am critics) 1h y he lj�Vifi�f utt+lrr"�ICYTt ti." 4"1 Lenten aic fU1.1]lWd,tr.1dWtI a*th IN-*rrl-High Tempu:flurc Club OfTC(b.wiring anfi mrmlml stop;. 1.0 owl paacl C.A iml,au o,terme,ur bide of cloncai rrimc unFcs4 rxher- x iac ycre,[ier1. J.Adcrsr ik-v4ls,-t dw-t insuhmr v,rhiekiars+,ootrriml,tz�rritil.e!c- S Above WK ramp,rn;lwiw nmhilOc wite reed to inconting ym."ccnuiml bhti�. HF Series Open Coil Duct Heater Submittal Form Agent: Project: Engineer: Date: AIR COMMODOTIES STRETCH ISLAND 12109 I TAG REMOTE Quanity 2 BOX Volts 480 Phase 3 Series HF Kilowatts 75 Width 24 Height 24 Air Flow HL Stages 5 Control Volts 24 Insert Flange FLANGE Duct Liner in.) Dimensions M 16 48 A 16 24 E 6.5 6.5 C/B 9.13 CONTROL OPTIONS: c 1 W.-I —I 81 ("—w-1 AIR FLOW SWITCH A 24V CONTROL TRANSFORMER L 1 L A MAGNETIC CONTACTORS/DISCONNECTING DOOR INTERLOCK DISCONNECT Na FLOW MR FIOw/94--4 NEMA 1 REMOTE PANEL In�cet �, nungerl type idmiged pA i.tdau min.mo.Sim;CW x 8111: Max KW.- 18.1 KW cq,/ft. NOTES: Act HOW(HR-,,hQxn ahavc): 10,7f'ioR7:GM, I mt f— tlunrunutl FUGA l'lt_X.IiT Ia. Duc"t UP FLOW Vu Vtxilenl UL filets filets ( .Ai.U.C&L• U.F.and Q.flnK•w.vrun.dcp",i utxtn Ott hwtcr.k igtr" will ha deaamloed n}•the falrr<.r..It my of chose tiirrtcnsioms arc uiiiL�I they Isual hel.et'ttomt under. 2.All ftcatcn mr funuabcd.rrndarO wotb Di.c'rppc lliKb Tcn IV430r-OVI, 6111101.wiring and mminni smpi. 1 C1Intr1*I Jratle I ct ICIKI..au OKCM19,tip e,itk 4 elcmem Frame unks,<enfiar- N1_�l'�}tlrlCl� J.Advise d.:rlilx,R duct insukttart,rhl,&ifess,um.Yllid,sxgrnfirl,etc. 5 AlKtvc NA Amp,rr.laiw multifdc wire feed to izmtcinl;lwucr rcrtnubat hkti. GENERAL NOTES: 1. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SHALL ADHERE TO THE NEC 6 ALL APPLICABLE STATE 6 x LOCAL LODES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL OUTAGES AND DEMO WORK WITH PLANT OPERATIONS TO MINIMIZE PLANT DOWNTIME.CONSULT WITH OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE FOR INSTRUCTION. — 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE DEMO WORK WITH OTHER TRADES. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY PRIOR TO ANY DEMO THOSE CONDUITS MARKED TO ^ / BE REMOVED ONLY CONTAIN CONDUCTORS TO BE REMOVED.F CONDUITS CONTAIN m OWNERS TO REMAIN,CONE FOR RE SHALL BRING IT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE 6 Il/`�1'V►A—/1 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE FOR RESOLUTION. � o 5 CONTRACTOR 6 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FUNCTIONALITY OF OTHER LOADS THAT MAY BE FED FROM SIEVED CONDUITS MARKED FOR REMOVAL.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE m GREAT CARE AS TO NOT AFFECT THE FUNCTIONALITY OF LOADS TO REMAIN N SHARED F CONDUITS OR THE VICINITY. � w 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO REPAIR.PATCH,PAINT,OR REPLACE ANY PIECE OF EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN THAT IS DAMAGED FROM THE REMOVAL OF ELECTRICAL CONDUIT OR EQUIPMENT. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL SEAL HOLES N WALLS.FLOORS.OR EQUIPMENT PER RANT STANDARDS AFTER CONDUITS ARE REMOVED. ❑ 8. AFTER CIRCUITS ARE DEMOEO REMARK THE ASSOCIATED BREW(ERSIBUCKETS SPARE. 1 o E1� E1.3 NEW DRYERS KEY NOTES: C) O1 REPLACE EXISTING 18 CKT.PANEL WITH 3D CKT.PANEL OF SAME MAKE AND TYPE CA F RE-USE EXISTING BREAKERS TO EXTENT PC656LE. O _ o INSTALL TWO(2)NEW 3P,48OV.100A BREAKERS FOR RELOCATED DRYERS. ® I O BREAKERS SHALL BE SAME MAKE AS PANEL AND LISTED FOR SUCH Siff. Z RELOCATED DRYERS I CONNECT NEW DRYERS TO EXISTING FEEDS PREVIOUSLY USED FOR RELOCATED Q Q O g O DRYERS. CL Z V O I o LL va 02000 /S' l / i I / /1 UtnO W ? a?s� 3 C Lu <o W e(3(F2 AWG CU � Z J � ? Yo ,aB GIRD O } U W Z tap W JF � � w Ll , a gls: ❑ F �LLI ❑ - w , O � P22 ¢Ia b`gm ❑ mg' �\ gg �u_ �- �� - E o .m 5 SERVICE AREA POWER PLAN E.o SCALE:3(32' 1,4r � s 0 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW '" PRDIEC01 ONLY DRAWING# DATE: 050M16 E 1.0