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MEP2005-00051 - MEP Permit / Conditions - 8/24/2005
SON-STA MASON COUNTY o P A o N Department of Community Development F o N z Planning Division 7 N y ti P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584 0 (360)427-9670 186A MASON COUNTY CONDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT August 24, 2005 CONNIE WURM 1412 SE 102ND PMB 144 SEATTLE WA 98146 Parcel No.: 123093190073 Issued: 8/24/2005 Case No.: MEP2005-00051 Project Description: The following critical areas are present on this property: Long-Term Commercial Forest FWHCA Ch. 17.10.060; Ch. 17.01.110; Mineral Resource Lands Frequently Flooded Areas Ch. 17.01.066; Ch. 17.01.090; Inholding Lands Landslide Hazard Areas Ch. 17.01.062; Ch. 17.01.100; X Wetlands Seismic Hazard Areas Ch. 17.01.070; Ch. 17.01.102; Critical Aquifer Recharge Erosion Hazard Areas Ch. 17.01.080; Ch. 17.01.104. This permit,with conditions, is granted pursuantto the Mason County Resource Ordinance (Chapter 17.01 MCC.) Nothing in this pen-nit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations applicable to this project. This permit may be rescinded if the permitee fails to complete the project as proposed or fails to comply with the standards of this ordinance. No Authorized Local Government Official Date Mason Conditional Environmental Permit 8/24/2005 Case No.: MEP2005-00051 Conditions: 1.) A Mason County Restoration Bond in the amount of$800 will be required before issuance of Mason Environmental Permit X 8/24/2005 2 of 2 MEP2005-00051 f - 09/12/2005 11: 25 3607692251 DIMARCO PAGE 05/05 - - -- • - --• -- -•--- BOOS 0000-900URW Z 10 Z 500Z/f►S19 aPLvnssi aloWq PvAnbw aq����owe,a�� Alurx*ucftW_f ( G _suptBPuo� �, bgoo0-g00Zd3W :-ON ase� �a007.ftr2/8 Mmod lgU8UJUOJlwua ICL§Oplpuoo tu)SM ON.SM MASON COUNTY o P� A o - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Y s U Planning Division y o T z P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584 �oJ Y to~ (360)427-9670 1864 NOTIFICATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION August 24, 2005 CONNIE WURM 1412 SE 102ND PMB 144 SEATTLE WA 98146 Parcel No.: 123093190073 Project Description: Dear Applicant: You have submitted a permit application (case no. MEP2005-00051)for proposed construction or development in the county. Upon review of your application, I have determined that the contents of the application are incomplete or do not provide enough detail for review. Therefore, review of your application will not proceed until the necessary information is provided (see the comment section of this letter for details.) Once the information is submitted and the application is complete, I will continue to process your application accordingly. If the additional information is not provided to the County within 180 days of this request, the application shall expire and no further action on the proposed development shall take place. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 294 if you have questions. Sincerely, Cha ad McCoy III Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 8/24/2005 1 of 2 MEP2005-00051 NOTIFICATION OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION 8/24/2005 Case No.: MEP2005-00051 Comments: Clue to the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Landslide Hazards Chapter 17.01.100 and the presence of slopes greater than 40% and within 300 feet of the proposal a Geotechnical Report will be needed. Please provide the enclosed ordinance to your licensed engineer or geologist so that they are aware of all of the requirements for Geotechnical Reports per Chapter 17.01.100, section E. 5. The report needs to address all of the requirements of this section. Missing information will result in further delay in the processing of your building permit. The report must state that the hazards of the landslide area can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety, and must also assure the project will cause no significant environmental impact. See Mason County Code 17.01.100, E7. 8/24/2005 2 of 2 MEP2005-00051 FROM oWi'L-r*i [•1D ASSOC.:.' INC. FA�4 NO . :3608762 3 Oct. 11 2004 10:49HM P2 'lIF1t+fFt'NDr MASON COUNTY DEPAD1 MENT OF Colo muNr'C1r DIE1/1~1.opmEN7 /�, ll.•</ RESOURCE ORDINA, (pp*f ,Al MCC) (/cc ' " YGT `D 4 f t N,iFT1t ftw i P.Q,sox g7v,8i�vow, WA 9004 NVI 426 22 ?404, MMON ENVIRONMENTAL KAMM CONDITIONAL use a VARIANG=� � CEDgR ST The purpose cf it+h l�e®atave C)rdlnt►nco!1 to prgtet:!kiaac�rr Catl�r±tya nature+Tesourve Iar,da and em;.eal 0-mm and is u"er #10 suthO ty o1 Chept t 36.112,W70A,38,34,as.n,ae.09,s4,39,$0 4 P ad 90.0A ROW. FEE.P iNT f. %--- lnlurw9' himillpir�: 4,A91F S j'a,ia pl. SE situ A City: r stets ' " zip D , Ltaa�t isle xoidte AddteaA: v ��-- rim Duulu* Mr. >=01 Sim �• / GEC a e Ii .. p 3 Dkvotk?tm to Sits; 0 7iy i m i s 4. Butu wba ttcod=j requiem a•permit fa-1 roldi heeds,( ptar]7.01.062 I Lft&Tc=Corpu—W Forst,Cbap%r 17,10.060 Q Wat]anela,tiya 17.01,070' Minaral lletraraoe Lands,Chelster'17,01.066 0 F;ogvcaety Flw3de4 Amax,Clmpta 17.01,0" Q AgWfer RedmrO AMU,Chqftr 17.01.090 - q Lec►delidt Hamrd Arm,CAapW r i7A1:100.C3 1'r Wm lb=d Alva%C'bupt@ 17,01,104 ❑ Seiamin Ramd Amu.Chapter t7,0i.101.a Vish tmd Wildlife Habitat Canaan 4m Ames,Qwpw 17.01,110 ❑ ldID*vm"W me of propoCty with � , tf 1Ar - 8 Wmtify and de-riibo the pmpow4 i4gat�,inallttlittg IM type of m t4r'ida to be Used oottett ma dm ta►d Wier Infbtmt"(Attach itianal ebtsd<s;�Pa6od �� ( e�' �^ f s r T Any vm*an or aq f wnt to pmporty:salttva%r Q lalm g Rim ❑ Pend wetWW Summit Rmotf C7 tear g' Will thpts be to ttttta:ntiott of awetland tsrtdla wvtlead vegeCndott mu? Y ist No C7 G X 14a Al w, Q. 9' 1'f ea"o is l c%W tut Vmjoat site,iMIWe;r000rda. trot to RP&? rl Co inanity Seoo? © Publk SVLw Supply? m•Well? ❑ t n, 1 peoflob;, New)Add El Ait ❑ 1epait © D=01ition ❑ other Mail pm*is trantcd lmrwmt to pie Reraumvv ordt ioo(Cwkc 17,01 MCC)W'-aothh g in"permit Alan asauee ttto �WHO"6vm ot oamplime with nay aher hdaell,Ihto,a Iwo liAl QI,wdbm m,or re tiew wlte mo IkeWUM ordltlane Tiro portWt sat be etudWW V q 9ppitoable f4 ttdi prgJaat,bqt dw omdidom ortbtr lr pltrattont to the avtmt the pecmittm twig to ODhv a i 1 MA9ort tly mA9m�tot�toS At.u P ntrn=3,00 fWm' fe+.,a,rAtl MASotr[t0sot>I tHtwr ANft v ca st,22x,00 ?m.+nav4a;ror,►�sias 1Ssao4 r�r�rs+o crrac v�,ar+r rrur Vmm:1244003 ii 'd z l : l L bLIUZ llt+3d iyiN lt+11N3(]iiNd FROM :WILTED AMC.' , ;FAX' N0: :.3608762053 Oct. 11 2004.10:49RM P3 F slons Flood Zones irur�tUMS Fencess Drtvet�,o" lans Shoretlnes tem Topography Ia age Diectfoaal by(N,9 w,cw.) mprovements Easements ra rclaticM to plot plan nking Street i APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE KAN BELOW, aci-c�n�a APPLICANT To DRAW T' OPOGRAPHY Mow, n R ii _:ii 'c LL: LL V00Z 8L �30 90SVzc690ZL:xe3 AllV38 AN lVI1N3an8d ` c a� Low. G `-4 s p UI O '`meaty' U 4J � U1 •11 > ! : �1 x >14J czz Atli-SANDY COVER-MINIMUM S MIIN/iN RATING. � ( > rn � 00 NO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON SEPTIC SYSTEM. �� 4J O„a 4u 1 CURTAIN DRAIN 15/-/6 REQUIRED AT THIS TIM. LATERALS TO FOLLOW CONTOUR OF SLOPE. O R, U �J fd 4J W � U) DIMENSIONS ARE CRITICAL. a) ro i DO NOT DEVIATE FROM DESIGN. 4-) a �,° �� USE EXTREME CARE IN SITE PREP. This:>eptic system is •14 P designed for a peak o � � 0 SEE ALL ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION N w OTES. flo of,&o gals. per day. 'J a) �4 a) ,_._, >., Q p9 MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF�'. SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN ONLYI Q Q `a VERTICAL SEPARATION DISTANCE. THIS'B.S.A.SUaJECTTO OTHER MAINTAW 10fi F rt,,,v1 WELLS A SURFACE WATER. AeE+NCY'S APPROVAU THIS 1S NOT A SURVEY1 INSTALL TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN Z g INSTALL SYSTEM ONLY WHEN SOILS roP s of 111 NOYF NO TOPSOIL DUMG SITE PREP. yet_ o� i \ \ �- `•- ARE PROPI=RLY JRIr'. OWNER TO T1ANT GLASS OVER SYSTM j \ \ '. AND MAINTAIN GROWT11. y gv'+ De ,v Qo � / W��L 51�` I G• 7S• 75. N ./f�' . O Q BRA J 1 t 3• /� / �! /cYs7., �secvE 1L ��. � � �• � � �s• � �� tit, rock 3 7q. s1'0129 0::....Q.U.A J!6.2 . r LICENSED DESIGNER...? EXPIRESL11S� .F,.RE]M .:WiLTERM00D FAX Md. :36a8762053 Oct. 11 20,04 le:49AM P5 1 ` THE SHORELINE PEW PROCESS Page 6 Publication costis the responsibility of the applicant.Final permit pmessing will MI occur until advertising fees have:been paid to the nowapaper by"o applicant.The Shelton-Meson County Journal will bill the applicant direcdy, I I WE understand that I/WE must glum'and date the aftched acknowledgment Indicating and that I/WE understand that Is MY/OUR responsibility,I/WE mast aubmit the elgnod page as part of application In order for it to be oaneldored as complete. DATE „., 50 'd L l: l l UOOZ 81. �30 909UZ£E 90Z L:xe3 AllV38 NON lV 11N3011dd I REEL b 2 2 FR b l 555 NO. SCAL 1" 100, DATE APPRO —d�� p F'� DIR£C�R 0 4GENERAL SERVICES �o �� `b OWNER: CEORGE do TERESA MAREK C a 6 BELFAIR, WA 98528 2 J TAX ACCOUNT NO. : 12309-31-00070 �S w m O� D st ALI NO 21941t K Dl,1,ATT�Rl� 8fJ1R CRE�'10.2f' E I '- 23' E j53'85 7g'10' 6' IEL FiLLe I \ 117.$ 20.00f9'J8 W i o 66-R 666.19' \ ��s Qf-I'J7'1 J• N I I I EXISTING 60,ACCESS AND UIIUTY EASEMENT r � LOT*: )1 I ��Auo.No. 294048 (A ( n �o M p. Ids HIG I EXISTING 30' JO, WELL { F I (I RR ICWTON ONLY) a;y+' I I Ind i � 3L. �\ � yd� I ;, I •MIS 1 4. 0 ► I S.P72 .W 1. AVYaEO� b E SHOPNC I o f 6'95 g6' �I v+t I i I a LOT 2 i w ed (75,580 s.L) NW SE 114. EXI 11NG RESIDENCE �0 •y0 b N' 4 8 3�' E INS4 Vf I I 1 LEGEND 1$g.g6. W I —SET NO.1 RE8AIj/ GIP X rx2• STAKE r h' O —MUND AS PER R.O.S p Ol VO.12,PG.►ao a LOT 3 0 N (51.629 s.t.) r0 k. b;--^'EASEMENT � � (•I� �'� y1 A I I p KN�NI' 6 \sal LOG wto I ' \ XCEPTION PER ORIGINALI I �J• LEGAL DESCRIPTION a c; PURPOSE UNKNOWN) I fJ06.1T'a '1fJ06.1 17 " 1' LP. "�� BRASS MON. WARNING I MASON COL/MY HAS NO RESPONSOU1Y TO SLMD. IMPROVE MAINTAMI, OR OTNVMM SERVICE ANY S.P. PRNATE ROADS CONTAMEO WMihv OR PROWDING 1256 S-Iq-94 SERVICE M THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS SHORT PEAL . Pape 8 UaT OF ADJACENT PRopeRrr OWNERS IM PHN 300 FEET of YOUR PROPr"90UNOARIEs '� (J l FOR CONDITIONAL USE AMJ VARIANCE l Addr"G&We to be obtained rrom ft;Mayon CWM n9aeoaor3 Oft*,�j.��BmQnd FkW. ,A). Ph.i l P�, c�OYic) ,� �n. ()ir i 1�, uc� 4 PC) `� j CnCol,� 51wMar/011) �r r W 31.9De�� + WA X. WA l3ertr?i 3!Do SE �'1 l�iii wA WA 37U �I•E L.arscn P..�.v� ,: . N E.old 1ofo,� A1j. n, wA P��p?e r •ze s AHn • i,anc i i 45 Ial&h Ave- NC- F 1% Po tax 3i/(L