HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2003-00251 - SPI Inspections - 1/2/2004 MASON COUNTY Shelton (360)427-9670 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Belfair (360) 275-4467 Planning Elma 360 Mason County Bldg.1 411 N.5th ( ) 4 82-5269 P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 0 i LeJ s + January 16, 2004 b ,�„k.+e 1` Carol DiMarco Connie Wurm 1412 SW 102 PM 3 144 Seattle, WA 98146 RE: Tax Parcel Number 12309-31-90073 Dear Ms. DiMarco and Ms. Wurm: This letter follows correspondence mailed to you on January 2, 2004. The January 2, 2004 correspondence summarized the findings of Planner Rick Mraz, following his December 26, 2003 site inspection of parcel number 12309-31-90073. Rick performed the inspection following receipt of a Pre-Inspection Application request(SPI2003- 00251). Rick noted that recent clearing and grading have impacted a jurisdictional wetland on the parcel. I verified these observations during a joint inspection with Rick on December 30, 2003. The wetland is an unusual system which trends downhill from connected upland wetland pockets. It appears that the wetland was essentially bisected by the clearing and grading. A french drain was installed at the base of the near vertical cut to re-direct the water flow around the cleared and graded area. On December 30,2003,water was actively discharging from the french drain outlet. The cleared graded area separates the upslope and downslope portions of the wetland. The wetland meets the minimum size criteria for a Category III or higher system. The clearing and grading activity constitutes a violation of Mason County Resource Ordinance section 17.01.070. Subsection D lists permit required uses and activities, which include destruction or alteration of wetlands through clearing, in addition to removal, excavation, grading, dredging, dumping, discharging or filling of any material; or the draining or flooding of the site. To achieve compliance with Mason County regulations, you will need to contract with a qualified biologist or plant ecologist to have a Restoration Plan prepared for the site. The Restoration Plan must meet the requirements of Mason County Resource Ordinance section 17.01.200(I)—enclosed for your reference. The Restoration Plan must be based on a formal Delineation and Categorization of the wetland. The Restoration Plan also needs to include documentation provided by a licensed civil engineer, certifying that the french drain system does not require any mitigation measures [alternatively, incorporate any required mitigation measures into the Restoration Plan]. (Resource Ordinance section 17.01.100(D)(3). I have enclosed a resource list of Wetland Consultants for your reference. This list is not all-inclusive and may not be completely up to date,but it is a good starting point. In addition to the Restoration Plan, you will need to submit the following: • Restoration Bond(Form Enclosed)in an amount based on a reasonable, formal estimate for the cost of conformance with the Restoration Plan, and • $360 Restoration Plan Review and Monitoring Fee—covers County costs associated with site investigation, Plan review and three-year file tracking efforts. Please submit the Restoration Plan,Restoration Bond and$360 Fee by February 20, 2004. Contact me at (360)427-9670 ext. 593 at your earliest convenience if you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, or if you feel that you have received this letter in error. I look forward to working with you to resolve this matter. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Kristin French Planner, Code Enforcement ENCLOSURES IN FIRST-CLASS MAILING ONLY i IE` KITS"I'IN FRENCH�C. LANNING f� PO 40rj9 ❑Agent E0 SHELTON WA 98584 ❑Addressee rq = ed Nam C. ateJQH f Delivery{ t ss different from Rem 17 ❑Yes Postage $ r� O livery address below: ❑ No o ad Fee Q+y �,p 0 ReturnReciept Fee J �v > 29 O (Endorsement Required) N � v N Restricted Delivery Fee r 9 (Endorsement Required) - m I Total Postage&Fees I ', -4 � � ❑Express Mail 0 r0 ✓LL) ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise entTO �p✓�r� wkv O ❑C.O.D. N ��lJ ---'��5'- �Q—��- -- mPJ ( y?(ExtraFee) Yes S`FrBBF---t.No.;-------- . -- or PO Box No. City.State.ZlP+4--Q - 7:;n �1-t�-�------------- pa`TIc l3'n 1 j 7914 8797 ra 102595-02-M-1540 , °N STATE MASON COUNTY 4P5 N,o k DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT O AU N S N z Planning Division 7 N y P O Box 279, Shelton,WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection January 02, 2004 CAROL DIMARCO 1412 SE 102ND PMB 144 SEATTLE WA 98146 Case No.: SP12003-00251 Parcel No.: 123093190073 Project Description: DETERMINE WETLANDS AND SLOPES Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at(360) 427-9670, ext. 577 if you have questions. Sincerely, 1!5 U Rick Mraz Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 1/2/2004 1 of 3 SP12003-00251 Site Inspection 1/2/2004 Case No.: SP12003-00251 Comments: A field inspection of the subject parcel was conducted on 12/26/03 to assess critical areas issues relevant to the development of the site for residential purposes. The parcel contains a wetland and steep slopes. The wetland appears to have been partly cleared and graded by recent site preparation activities. Research into the parcel history indicates that, during the short plat process, wetlands were identified nearby but the extent was not noted on the individual parcels. The cleared area and graded adjoins an area vegetated primarily with mature Red Cedar and Red Alder. Understory shrubs include Devil's Club and Salmonberry, ground vegetation is primarily Sword Fern. The upper soil layer is characterized by a very dark chroma and was saturated at the surface. The abrupt nature of the cut displays the soil characteristic clearly and indicates that the wetland trended into the cleared and graded portion of the parcel. Clearing into the wetland may constitute a violation of the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The wetland requires categorization and delineation to determine its jurisdictional status relative to wetlands chapter of the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If clearing has occurred within the wetland and/or its requisite buffer, restoration and additional environmental permitting may be required. The activity has been referred to the Kristin French, Mason County Code Enforcement officer. She can be reached at 360-427-9670 x593 for details on the enforcement action. The parcel also contains and is adjacent to a steep slope. A steep slope trends downward away from the building site at an angle in excess of 21.8 degrees. This area meets the criteria for a Landslide Hazard Area per the provisions of the Mason County Resource Ordinance No. 77-93. Any site work or application for development within 300 feet of a Landslide Hazard Area requires a Mason Environmental Permit and geotechnical report to assess slope stability and address specific efforts to remediate the hazard. Enclosed is a copy of the Landslide Hazard Areas chapter of the Resource Ordinance. Please note the distinction between a geologic assessment and a geotechnical report. This project will require a geotechnical report. Actual slope setbacks will be established by the contents of the geotechnical report. The report must state that the hazards of the landslide area can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety, and must also assure the project will cause no significant environmental impact. If you have questions or concerns regarding these issues, please 1/2/2004 2 of 3 SP12003-00251 Site Inspection 1/2/2004 Case No.: SP12003-00251 contact me. 1/2/2004 3 of 3 SP12003-00251 _ I t � MASON COUNTY PLANNING bEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION t-t -ZDo­'! PLEASE PRINT �� 'i j _ /j�) �,fj $200.00 Fee Required 1. Owner: Q , rv, arc b Applicant: tom, H ,��,,,,A,p s 6 4- Site Address:__ N owe Applicant Address: -iv q s-L t T g Owner Address: t yl.;L 5 W 10 z P, e, l y,t City: P v 4�lz`y St ,4—Zip �►S 3 7 City:_ 5�-r�-,-n_,c St- %.6L�Zip 'a S)Y16 Phone:_(,?;_) Q -7 3 — q 6 G day Phone:_( day Phone:_(�s 3) Q-tt g- - 3 y -7 t evening 2. Parcel No. `- a0 Parcel No. Legal Description: Ln-r 3 cr s �,, PLPrr Planner: GBM RAN DMJ SAL SMP Comp. PIa Type of UseRVS �` Water Body 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection : p lam. 601 i-rawL U - _a J,!Z �c P 9-5 4. Use of Building: Ft} p 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope F�� saltwater ❑ lake❑ river❑ pond I_ l wetland N seasonal runoff other❑ stream Ll _ `i X Directions to Site: ,. o uo 6erLr- 4W 6 cA_ D t 1 s F-o A� G p /4F5cr,rr ). L „, i 8 -r s 4 i j,/4 C A-1-St± z+ 1J&NJ TV&A /-1 To P,14 A G�t-S S l' c� A� v'r- SZsa - 3 P-O O(t c v N-yo 6P-T- If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection, or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signature:' tom,-- -t�.., Date:_ If you would like to be on site during inspection, please check here: T�1! RECEIVED /eD Return application to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division DEC 19 2003 P.O. Box 279 Shelton, WA 98584 426 W, CEDAR ST. (360) 427-9670 Please include a $200.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer When completed, this form becomes part of th6 parcel file. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: ' Date: Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water &property lines: SRG,Word/MYDocume,rt�YvedstufffPr�inSpWbn MORE ON BACK SIDE Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water and property lines: SQ-1 L Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: Ij 4 kk ro En o 4-4 ' A O -lq G � x >i� rt AiL*SANDY COVER-MINIMUM S MIN/IN RATING. w b E > to ,,; �U NO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON SEPTIC SYSTEM{_ CURTAIN DRAIN /s AJ6 REQUIRED AT THIS TM. o. ¢" `d z3 U LATE2ALS TO FOLLOW CONTOUR OF SLOPE. � w •r-I � N 04 4 v (o -w (n DIMENSIONS ARE CRITICAL. M N (a (a DO NOT DEVIATE FROM DESIGN. a - o ��' USE EXTREME CARE IN SITE PREP. This septic:system is �4 designed for a peak O >~ `" `0 '� O cU ' SEE ALL ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION MOTES, flOW aft Mats. per day, ��•-+ E: a) -w .io U o w 3 �''~.. sp MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3'. AP3-IC SYSTEM DESnN ONLYI Q A ro U �' -� '�c VERTICAL SEPARATION DISTANCE. THIO SSA-SIJBJECTTO OTHF_R ~ MAINTAIN OCj' r C�1 WELLS 1 SUR;-ACE WATER. AGMSICUY'S APPROVAL! THIS IS NC)T A SURVEYI WTALL TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN Z 4 '.'� / MWIT NO TOPSOIL DUMNG SITE PREP. INSTALL SYSTEM ONLY WHEN SOILS ToP SIDE. AND A:ON►N}:R TO PLANT GRASS Oyn SYSTEM �� `,_ ARE PROPERLY DRY. , �..i o� � \ � - l.IAITAIAI GROWTH. `• o , 50 x/sTi.JLs 4�,.�eoPo D.e/vE-ZZIA Y '— � � �.sLEEvEd a I 75 V 5 2: 51'0129_ 0::....Q.U.A..d.�.N.k 5..... LICENSED DESIGNER EXPRES �1 n `� I RPE► b 7 7 FR, b I Sss No, o2y� r SCALE 1" = 100' DATE APPROVED 0 50 100 200 �i D1RECZRi10Ff1GENERAL SERVICES W OWNER: GEORGE & TERESA MAREK a Q a P.0.8OX 2142 BELFAIR, WA 98528 TAX ACCOUNT NO. 12309-31-00070 � o m O� K OEyyATTOrR--�� BEAR CREEK:-_ 79.10'23� E 0 9'10'23, E 153•35 I 7 117.56 17.56 oA FILLED N 10.49'38" W NIE L l 20.00' L=53.73' R=666.19' N of EXISTING 60' ACCESS LOT 1 I �AND UTILITY EASEMENT AUD.N0. 294048 +Q (94,014 s.f.) co o z , IG �o 3/4" J.P. ►� WESTING G3� F, 30' 30' (IRRIGATION ONLY) � 11 . cAL MA - 72 ADJOINING o Q�' E EXISTING N WETLAND p S1 jcn 32 6° 6195'6 I I I LOT 2 w NW COR. (75,680 s.f.) SE 114,SW 114 7 L. N --------------- EX/STING is I O i RESIDENCE bo � p Ln LEGEND N 5g.96' w ; N SET NO.5 REBAR/ CAP & 2"x2" STAKE Q N FOUND AS PER R.O.S. N j voL.lz,Pc.lao rn LOT 3 O �f——.ti. EASEMENT I (57,629�1 S.f.) ��,`(k' <NIGH —WL— WETLAND \ LOT 4 I n LPN Q. SOIL LOG \ (52,094Zsof.) I Rp ? \ EXCEPTION PER ORIGINAL �S- LEGAL DESCRIPTION \PURPOSE UNKNOWN) �0\ � I S 8 9 1306.57' 1306.51' 17 1 s S 89'5822"' E I' I.P. BRASS MON. WARNING ! � MASON COUNTY HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY TO BUILD, IMPROVE, MAINTAIN, OR OTHERWISE SERVICE ANY PRIVATE ROADS CONTAINED WITHIN OR PROVIDING 7�J� SERVICE TO THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS SHORT PLAT.