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SEP2007-00077 GRD2007-00013 Grade, Retaining Walls - SEP Determinations - 7/17/2007
o�-srA MASON COUNTY �P� C �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT it N1 O A0 N Planning Division ° } P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 °0 °y (360)427-9670 186A MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2007-00077 Description of Proposal: GRD2007-00013 SEPA for grading only (including retaining walls and stormwater plan). Another SEPA will be applied for later to address the rest of the project. Proponent: MARTY REYNOLDS Site Address (If Assigned): Directions to Site: Allyn Parcel Number: 122205068001 Legal Description: ALLYN BLK- 68 LOT: 1 & VAC WHEELWRIGHT Lead Agency: Mason County The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. MITIGATED MEASURES ARE ATTACHED. Please contact Rebecca Hersha at ext. 593 with any questions. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date shown below, when the determination is final. Comments must be submitted to Dept. of Community Development, P.O. Box 279, Shelton WA 98584 by 8/2/07. Appeal of this determination must be filed within a 14-day period following this final determination date, per Mason County Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Authorized Local Government Official Date MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2007-00077 CONDITIONS OF THIS DETERMINATION �) Erosion control measures must be in place prior to (and during) any clearing, grading, or construction. Removal of vegetation should be minimized and any areas disturbed should be restored to prevent erosion and other environmental impacts. Soil in stockpiles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures to prevent soil loss. All exposed areas of final grade or areas that are not scheduled for work shall not remain exposed for more than two days between October and May and more than 7 days between May and October. Soil may not be allowed to become airborne and impact neighboring properties. Spraying with water is required during dry weather to prevent visible wind erosion. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed to minimize erosion. Methods include slope roughening, terraces, and pipe slope drains. All temporary erosion control systems shall be designed to contain the runoff from the developed two year, 24 hour design storm without eroding. Provisions shall be made to minimize the tracking of sediment by construction vehicles onto paved, public roads. Water quality is not to be degraded to the detriment of the aquatic environment as a result of this project. To prevent noise impacts, the operation of heavy equipment shall be limited to the hours of 8 AM to 6 PM. X �1o�,�r� DNS sue- io- i i -off MASON COUNTY DCD �q Sent SEPA '�007-00077 to(check all that apply)on 7 '07: a Skokomish Tribal Nation © WA Department of Ecology Natural Resources Dept. Environmental Review Section ATTN: Marty Ereth PO BOX 47703 N 541 Tribal Center Rd. Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Shelton,WA 98584 Quinault Indian Nation U.S.Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: Mark Mobbs SEPA Reviewer PO Box 189 PO Box C-3755 Tahola,WA 98587 Seattle,WA 98124 M Squaxin Tribal Nation WA Dept.of Fish and Wildlite Natural Resources Dept. ATTN: Margie Schirato(saltwater) 2952 SE Old Olympic Highway 2391 W Deegan Rd. Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton,WA 98584 E] The Confederated Tribe of the Chehalis WA Dept.of Fish&Wildlife ATTN:SEPA Reviewer ATTN:Gloria Rogers(freshwater) 420 Howanut Rd. PO Box 695 Oakville,WA 98568 Elma,WA 98541 Shannon Soto Mc WA Dept.of Transportation WA DNR, South Puget Sound Region Alana Hess, Development Review Engineer 950 Farman Avenue North P.O. Box 47440 Enumclaw,WA 98022-9282 Olympia,WA 98504-7440 0 Elizabeth Ellis M City of Shelton WA DNR,Aquatic Resources 525 West Cota St. PO BOX 47027 Shelton,WA 98584 Olympia,WA 98504-7027 Office of Archeaology& Historic Preservation 0 Boyd Powers ATTN:Stephanie Kramer WA DNR,SEPA Center P.O. Box 48343 PO BOX 47015 Olympia,WA 98504-8343 Olympia,WA 98504-7015 M School District: M Olympic Region Clean Air Agency 2940-B Limited Ln. NW © Mason Cty Public Works ATTN: Olympia,WA 98502 Mason Cty Env. Health ATTN: Mason County Transit PO Box 1880 Agent: f Shelton,WA 98584 , U� (t. e S © Applicant: Marty Reynolds P.O. Box34, ��t�� %WA 1%5;)"f July 19, 2007 Mason County Department of Community Development Planning Division P O Box 279 Shelton, WA 98584 Re: SEPA2007-00094 SEPA grading. Rebecca Hersha Public Works would like to comment on the SEPA Checklist. 1. Site plan has three siltation ponds that disperse onto slopes. What impacts on slopes will dispersion create from the pond dispersing on the steeper slope? Middle Pond 2. How does this plan tie into the long term stormwater plan once the site is graded. August 19, 2005 Drainage Report was not provided with SEPA Checklist 3. What impacts might there be on County Road Culverts? Please feel free to contact me at (360) 427-9670 x724 if you have any questions regarding these comments, or if you feel any features need further discussion or attention. Sincerely, John Sliva Programs Engineer P�oN_STgTFo� MASON COUNTY M o 9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS O SU = p T = BUILDING 8 415 NORTH SIXTH STREET P.O. BOX 1850 N Y y SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 OJ �O Phone(360)427-9670 x450 1864 Fax(360)427-7783 August 2, 2007 MASON COUNTY Mason County MISSION Department of Community Development The mission of Mason Planning Division County Government is to P O Box 279 provide essential& mandated services which Shelton, WA 98584 will preserve & benefit the health,safety,&welfare of Re: SEPA2007-00077 Grading Permit GRD2007-00013 Mart Reynolds. the general public in a g y yn professional and courteous manner through the effective and equitable management Rebecca Hersha of available public resources. Public Works would like to comment on the SEPA Checklist. Mason County recognizes that its employees& 1. The Allyn Comp Plan identifies Wheelwright Street as a future county road. volunteers are the foundation upon which The county currently does not have the resources to develop Wheelwright. If these Services are provided. the developer wants to build Wheelwright for access to his proposed project, it will need to be built to the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines. 2. A traffic impact analysis needs to be completed to address any impacts to Lakeland Drive and any required improvements as a result of the additional traffic generated by the development. 3. If stormwater from the site is proposed to be discharged to the existing county road stormwater system, onsite retention and detention is required. Post development stormwater discharge rates need to equal pre-development rates. 4. SEPA does not address impacts on the county stormwater conveyance system to Case Inlet during construction and completed phase of project. Water Quality and Quantity is a concern and should be addressed. 5. SEPA does not address condition of county and state conveyance system. Are the culverts and associated equipment capable of handling flow from project? Please feel free to contact me at (360) 427-9670 x724 if you have any questions regarding these comments, or if you feel any features need further discussion or attention. Si cerely, ✓;- John Sliva rograms Engineer o4 STATgo� RECEIVEn A UG 0 2 [007 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY MCCD - F'L�=RritsN+VG PO Box 47775• Olympia,Washington 98504-7775• (360) 407-6300 August 1,2007 Ms.Rebecca Hersha Your address Mason County t is in the Department of Community Development Kennedy- Planning Division ,; Goldsborr PO Box 279 watershed Shelton,WA 98584 Dear Ms.Hersha: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the mitigated determination of nonsignificance for the Reynolds Grading project(SEP2007-00077)located on Wheelwright Drive in Allyn as proposed by Marty Reynolds. The Department of Ecology(Ecology)reviewed the environmental checklist and has the following comment(s): WATER QUALITY: Roberta Woods(360)407-6269 Any discharge of sediment-laden runoff or other pollutants to waters of the state is in violation of Chapter 90.48 RCW,Water Pollution Control,and WAC 173-201A,Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington,and is subject to enforcement action. Proper disposal of construction debris must be on land in such a manner that debris cannot enter the Case Inlet, stormdrains draining to waters of the state or cause water quality degradation of state waters. Soil in stockpiles should be stabilized or protected with sediment-trapping measures to prevent soil loss. All exposed areas of final grade or areas that are not scheduled for work,whether at final grade or otherwise, shall not remain exposed and un-worked for more than two days,between October 1 and April 30. Between May 1 and September 30,no soils shall remain exposed and un-worked for more than 7 days. Clearing limits and/or any easements or required buffers should be identified and marked in the field, prior to the start of any clearing,grading,or construction. Some suggested methods are staking and flagging or high visibility fencing. Cut and/or fill slopes should be designed to minimize erosion. Methods such as slope roughening, terraces,or pipe slope drains may be used. All temporary erosion control systems should be designed to contain the runoff from the developed two year,24-hour design storm without eroding. Provision should be made to minimize the tracking of sediment by construction vehicles onto paved public roads. If sediment is deposited,it should be cleaned every day by shoveling or sweeping. Water cleaning should only be done after the area has been shoveled out or swept. iOw August 1,2007 Page 2 Coverage under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities is required for construction sites which disturb an area of one acre or more and which have or will have a discharge of stormwater to surface water or a storm sewer. An application can be downloaded from Ecology's website at hU://www.ecy.wa.goy/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/#Application or you can contact Charles Gilman at(360)407-7451 for an application form. Ecology's comments are based upon information provided by the lead agency. As such,they do not constitute an exhaustive list of the various authorizations that must be obtained or legal requirements that must be fulfilled in order to carry out the proposed action. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments please contact the appropriate reviewing staff listed above. Department of Ecology Southwest Regional Office (AW: 07-5853) cc: Kurt Fremont, WQ Charles Gilman, HQ/WQ Roberta Woods,WQ Marty Reynolds(Applicant) 8/13/2010 Conditions Associated With 5:03:28PM Case #: SEP2007-00077 Irpo" Permit Condition Status Updated item# Code Title Status Changed By Tag Date By 1) 1 STORMWATER SITE PLAN NOT MET 4/16/2008 RDI l Development is subject to the details found in the Storm and Grade plan, dated 3-14-08,prepared by Mr. Michael Wnek. X 2) 1 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS NOT MET 4/16/2008 RDH Erosion control measures(as outlined in Temporary Sediment and Erosion Control Plan,dated 3-14-08, authored by Mr.Michael Wnek)must be in place prior to any clearing,grading,or construction. Removal of vegetation should be minimized and any areas disturbed should be restored to prevent erosion and other environmental impacts. Soil may not be allowed to become airborne and impact neighboring properties. Spraying with water is required during dry weather to prevent visible wind erosion. Provisions shall be made to minimize the tracking of sediment by construction vehicles onto paved,public roads. Water quality is not to be degraded to the detriment of the aquatic environment as a result of this project. To prevent noise impacts,the operation of heavy equipment shall be limited to the hours of 8 AM to 7 PM. X 3) 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS NOT MET 5/1/2008 RDH Development is subject to the conditions and recommendations found in the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Heath&Associates,dated August 2007. However,WA DOT's conditions(SR3 Lakeland Intersection) prevail. X 4) 1 SR3/LAKELAND INTERSECTION NOT MET 6/3/2009 DLC The following transportation improvements to the State Route 3/Lakeland Drive intersection shall be completed before constructing buildings on the site: (1)On Lakeland Drive: A right turn lane and through movement pocket and a dedicated northbound left turn lane. X 5) 1 LANDSCAPING NOT MET 5/l/2008 RDH As discussed,the site plan does not show the required 5 foot(minimum)landscaped buffers between parking areas and sidewalks and buildings(Allyn Zoning Code 17.14.140.c). Development must include these landscaped buffers.It must be shown on the site plan submitted for a building permit. X Page I of 1 CaseConditions..rpt Case Activityg 5:03:09PM Listing 8/ :09PM NP10 Case #: SEP2007-00077 Assigned Done Activity Description Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 Hold Disp To By Updated Updated By SEPA010 Application Received 5/25/2007 5/29/2007 None DONE KKK 5/29/2007 KKK SEPA200 Planning Req.for More Info 6/11/2007 None DONE RDH 6/11/2007 RDH Thank you for the SEPA Checklist and Land Modification Permit Application. Before we can make a determination for the SEPA Checklist,we will need to review a Traffic Impact Analysis for the proposed development. Please submit the report to the Planning Department or mail to: Mason County Planning ATTN:Rebecca P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 Thank you. SEPA900 Telephone Call 7/12/2007 None DONE RDH 7/12/2007 RDH Spoke with engineer Nels Rosendahl. He feels that a TIA is not warranted and that Mason County cannot hold up a SEPA for a TIA that doesn't exceed thresholds. SEPA900 Telephone Call 7/12/2007 None DONE RDH 7/12/2007 RDH Spoke with Marty Reynolds. He feels that the County is asking for too much,and that his proposal for Wheelright was above and beyond what should have been expected. If the County isn't isn't in agreement,then he will simply not have an entrance onto Wheelright.The single entrance would be on Lakeland. SEPA052 Print Mitigated DNS 7/18/2007 None DONE RDH RDH 7/17/2007 RDIJ SEPA020 Initial Review 5/29/2007 7/18/2007 None DONE RDH RDH 7/18/2007 RDH DNS w/conditions SEPA Review ends 8-2-07 THis SEPA checklist is only to address the grading plans(with retaining wall and stormwater plan). Another SEPA will be submitted later to address the rest of the project. SEPA065 Print Modified DNS 10/10/2007 None DONE RDH 10/10/2007 RDH SEPA800 Documents Received 10/25/2007 None DONE RDH 10/26/2007 RDH Received comments from ALana Hess at DOT and from Tom Moore at MC Utilities. Awaiting PW's comments. Page 1 of 2 CaseActivity..rpt Case Activityg 5:03:09PM 11014 Listing 8/ :0 Case #: SEP2007-00077 Assigned Done Activity Description Date I Date 2 Date 3 Hold Disp To By Updated Updated By SEPA900 Telephone Call 1/3/2008 None DONE RDH 1/3/2008 RDH Spoke with Alana Hess. This new TIA relies heavily on about 35,000 of space being used for medical/dental and only about 4,000 of general office space. We will need to condition the permit so that if that changes,another TIA review will need to occur. SEPA800 Documents Received 2/l/2008 None DONE RDH 2/6/2008 RDH Received revised construction drawings per MCPW recent request. Sent to PW on 2-6-08. SEPA065 Print Modified DNS 2/7/2008 None DONE RDH 2/6/2008 RDH Received revised drawings per Mason County Public Work's most recent request. SEPA120 Hold 10/4/2007 5/1/2008 Hold DONE RDH 5/1/2008 RDII Sent out modified DNS. Original SEPA only covered the grading,but was informed by DOT that it must cover the entire project. Received additional information from the applicant,but still need the revised SEPA checklist. Received. Page 2 of 2 CaseActivity..rpt