HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlood Plane Certification - PLN General - 7/19/2004 Jul - 19-04 08:43A Ward C Muller & Assoc 360 377 5951 P _ 01 Ward C. Muller & Associates ors This cover page and the Licensed Land Surveyors following page(s)are sent 217 Sidney Avenue F by the AutoFax System. Port Orchard, WA 98366 mfo•IWwcmassoc.cnm Telephone(36M870-344.1 Fax 1340377-5951 Date: July.19, 2004 To: Risk Mraz.. Name .1360A77-8425 _.. Fax Number From: Lyle R. Muller Name Total pages: (Including Cover) 3 Message: Dear Rick: Attached you will find a copy of the Flood Plane Certification for the property being 5 Timberline Drive NE in Belfair. The Assessor's Account Number of the property is 12320 43 00121. The owners of the property are Robert and Tricia Percival. I understand this is the last hurdle in the approval of thier building permit. Respectfully Lyle "Reed" Muller Over 47 years service to xitsap- Mason County and the Olympic Peninsula Global Positioning System Survey ScduU.ens -Large Lot Subdivisions y •BoundarySurveys g (:rrnsultink lVeavork lkr -Short Subdivisions i nr -Subdivisions ti ». klhw an l'Innning •Topograph Surveys n:rr.,capiure •Land Use Planning 1'u�1 1'rncessrn Jul - 19-04 08 _ 44A Ward C Muller & Assoc 360 377 5951 P - 02 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 0,M.Q No 3067-0077 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM EXpirr s December 31,200f- ELEVATION CERTIFICATE important: Read the instructions on pages 1 - 7. SECTION A- PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION F>r Insxert C."n1panylj�� BI-IILDIN uWNER.'S 1.1.14E P;ii;y NUr'nGer Robert Percival el i1-D.N,STRE=T AODPF:�:�;IfK['tlthnq r1JX,trnrl��.rihti,amfcv E•Idg No)t'R P 0 RriiJTc ANG F'•t t'<NCt ::;;tnt,at,y NAIi:tJi.rnl�e:r 120 NE Timberlane Drive Gfi" STATE ?IF CODE Belfair WA 98528 PRirFERTY DE•:nC RIPTI0tJ(I of:;nd Brc,NLrrb?r:.Tax Pamol Ni.mhrr.Legal ek• 12320 43 00121 BUILDING'I.I;SE(e n..Rorildesiti.31,tJnr-resrdenGal,P.rhiilu7n.Act:eso 1,etc i Ise a comment,—,area.it Residential LAI I-I-DELONGITi_UE(QF"IONALi HORIZONTAL DAII." :<t(1R:F I--I ,Fr.(Ty1 r.) —-------------- ---- ------ �_-�AAC'1927 1--1 AD 13>''' �--I U`G Ouad Map I-- ')'h.,r ----- - SECTION B-FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM)INFORMATION E•1.NFIP::OMMUNIT'+NAME g o-Q!,1LINITi'N IMBER B2 ,::1--JNTYI-IAME B? STATE Masan County 530115 MASON (Unincorporated) Washington 84 :IAP AND D.104Ei Sr $CTFIx 86 F.RM INDFK. Br FIPM P/V-JEL I Fit'-,-ft F• BASF FLOCtD E_Ev;Ti r IJUMt;ER DP.TE EF-EiiTIVFJRE"I' EDDATE ZCrJE(:-) ( r..•.ht_:,us?depinotrlo,lci;; 5301'[5(1135 C a r 17, 1988 Ma 17 1988 A2 34.00 U 10 Indicate the source of lltn Base Flrod Elevalk'irt (BFE)data ox base f1cm-id deiolh entered in 89 FIS Profile IX 1 FIRM I__1 CnmTxmily Determine(1 lI Other(Describe):_--_-_--_______---------_----_-_ 1311. UrJi(nie the elevni m datum used frx the BFE in 89:IXl NGVD 1929 1__I NAVD 1988 1__1 CXher(Describe):----------- ------- 812. Is the building Hx ated in a Coastal Barrier Resnurms Syslem(CBRS)area or Otherwise Protected Area(OPA)? 1--]Yes IX 1 Nt:t Dos ignatit_xl Data:------------------------- SECTION C • BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY REQUIRED) C1 Building elevations are based on 1XIConstru(Iron Drawings' I_-li3udding Utxior Cotislnldlr"V 1--1Finishod Cr.nst.ntckn "A new Elevation Certifinalo will be required when ix)ns(rucirn cd the building is oomploln C2 Buiklircj Diagram INrrinber_� (S(rlect the buiklinrg diagram nxrst sirmiar to the butkiittg for which this corlificate is being narniAeted-soo Pages 6 and t. If rN-)diagram aatlratoly represents the building,provide a sketch rx NhrrlrxJraph.) C3 Elevation.-Zones Al-A30,AE,AH, A(with BFE),VE•V1-V30,V(with BFE),AR,AR/A,ARlAE,ARIA 1-A30,AR1AH,ARJAU Crirnplete heats C3.a-i below acrrording kr the buildimj diagram specifier.)in Item C2 Stale the dalunh LISGd.II the datum is different hom the datum used kir the BFE in Section B.convert the datum to that used 14A tone BFE.Sltcaa field nteasurentents and clelum umversirxr Calculation. Use the sI GLIV pr0VidWJ or the Cumtenls area of Seclkn D rx Sector G.as altlortpriate,to(.",ument(he datum uxtveiskat DaknnN_G. 1929 Cox voisimiCor nments NA----- ---------------------- --- Elevalkmi reference mark used Peat 1934(P 255--- Dees the elevatkm reference nnafk used appear on the FIRM? 1-_I Yes 1 X1 Nr� O a.Top rA[capon III.-Of(includitlg basement"endosur e) ____�____ ❑ b}Top of next higher fkrrar ____—_---4U.� fl. m) v R_'..A?� ❑ C)B011,:x1i of lowest hor¢ontal structural member(V zones-only) ------------- - rt.tm) �'y CF O (1)Allached garage(kopctf slab) Uj __---__B9•�-Oat) J :•yP cr •t� ❑ e)Lowest elevatinn of machinery ant/or equipment r _ NA at this time o servicirtcJ the buikling(Describe in a Cormnenls area.) ______—___ R. m) .� O 0 Lowest adjacent(finished)grade(LAG) -------_-38,5- n m) z.- •• n�,e ❑ g)Highest adjacent(finishers)grade(HAG) ----------39.2 ft. in) _ + O h)Nc j of permanent openings(flcuxl ven(s)within 1 ft.above adacent gracle 12±__ �4 k I.AN�� Cl i) f Olaf area r7f all pern>inenl openings(tkx.rrl vents)in C3.It--z2E'±sq.I .(sq cm) SECTION D-SURVEYOR, ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certitieatlrxn is to be skpiotl and sealed by a land surveyrrr,engineer,or arctnitect aultxxized by law ba certify aleval"I ink matiah. I cedify that the information in Seetions A, B.and C on this r.omfreSte represents my hest efforts to ratelpret the data avadabl(1 I understand that NIV false Statement inav be punishFble b fine or im rtisonment under IS U.S. (.'ode Section 1001 C•ERTIFIER'S NAME UCEtJS h1lRJ EP.. L fie R. Muller TITLE C MFAN.r? r tJAt�Ac 04M Owner Ward C.Muller and Associates ADDRE::S ; SAE 9 F::6 7 • v ['oft&chard 3kirJA7 E DATE TELEPHONE 15 004 3 876-3443 FEMA Form 81 91.January 2003 See reverse side for conlinualirtn Replaces all Ixevicxls editions Jul - 19-04 08 : 44A Ward C Muller & Assoc 360 377 5951 P_03 IMPORTANT: In these spaces,copy the corresponding information from Section A. For lnsurance C.puny Vs BUIL ANG STREET rDDRE45(Including Apt.Unit.Suit(.-.xn:tlo(Blot No)(:(R P n Rt-)VI E AdrG BOX 14t.. Policy Nur(hor 120 NE Timberlane_Drivc IT 1' S1 AI E ZIP t:ODE Company NAN Arvin er Belfair WA 9fi528 SECTION D-SURVEYOR, ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Ccq-.)y both sides of This Elevation Certificate for(1)colxnllndy official,(2)insurancn aprit/wITglany,and(3)building Owner —_ i:OfdMEWTS. Structure elevations basedd upan,_client uo�!idedu7d E�», ati(ln-and elevation plan. Additional information regarding crawl space depth and number and size of venting provided by cleint. IXI t-41eci,Ilr'iF..,l'Alta;hp::nt5 SECTION E- BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITHOUT BFE) For ZrKre AU and Zone A(wilhail OFF), ulnplole Itoms E 1 Ih((-?l.Kjh Fb If lho Flevnhcn Cothhoale is intended Icv uco as suIj-)onillg informalicin frir a LOMA of LOMR-F.Sedicxl C nlllst be 0-0111-01rid C 1 Outlding Diagram Nlnnber (Select the building diagram m(st%lllllla(b.t Ihn t)Llnr-Iillg It:K which this corlificale Is hoing cC911-ileled- see pages t; at)(]7 If no diagram accuralely repiesenl-s the building.Ixow.1v a sketch(IN pll(dc(yrapll.) 1:2 I hn ii.p t-4 the bcdb_lm tkxtr(mcludirxg basement i-x endosulo)of the building is I. )- I fl (ui)II_..I in.(cnl)I_._(aht_we do I-_I bek)w ((;heck ono)Ill%highest adJacenl grade (Lice natural c)rado,If avail 1t110 y r:3 Iry Buikling Oragranl5 6-8 with openings(see page 7).the next higher floor r,r etovatecl ficK:x(oleval)on b)of the bulkhlig rs I.._I..-1 n.(Ill)I.- I _Jill. (cm)above the highest a(Ijacenl grade Ccnul-AMP 11Pllr'C3 h alxl C3.i nn frrmt rg form E4 I I Ill (nl)) I .)hI fun)I (alxwe ur L I bek.(w (check one)the highest aripcont grade. (LIse natural grade,it avadnblo) F5 For 7rnlr.AO rely It W)IlcxA def-)lh number is available,is the lop 1-9 Ihn bcdtrnl Il b�if olP.valecl it acox(lance willi the(xnrrnlimily, fk:Ky*)lain rnaila(lenlenl t NUnlallce?► I Ye,, I I No I I tlnknc?wo. I hP IcK.al etf le:aal must certity this nlfonilatk"x1 in SeOioll G SECTION F- PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)CERTIFICATION file fiuoflerly((weer c(r owner's aullKirized representative who Orilli?leles Sedit xis A.13•C(11wIv,1:3.h ary.l C3.1 only),aivJ L k:K Z(.1 (wnll01.11 a FEMA-issued or crannlunity-issued OFF)eK Ax1e AC)nulsl si(_1111nre !!w srafernents in Sections A.B. C. and F are eorm(- to !!le host of JTl L'.M !erige. -- F- FkF'r 0:•1.F C.-P.-'WHEER'S'ALITH?RIZED REP?L SFt!T.t%T-'a''E IdPI.bE - Y` STATE ZIP.'.A-0E n ,)f" TEI__Pli,(.(NE ::.I iId,S11Jr'' l�.rt.I.1 r l_-1(;rt��+nor:•it alla�lm-•t1!�. SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATION(OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance I,)arJmimMer the o inv olunity s Ik:K:irlplaul Management cKdinance can C011N)lele Sec1i(ms A.B,C(or E), arxl G of this Elevalk:n Certificate 0:411pIMP the aflf)lu:ahle Ilen1(s)and sign t)P14-Iw. (:,1 I I The mk:Kulalem n1 Se%Xkalr C WaS LAkell h(n1U111P1(It"?( 1111e111atN tl1 nlal t1aS tlI?ell nl(111(?(.1 and erupt rsw.l by a licensn(I sun!ey(x, (?IY.f IIIL`el,CK art:1111CCa IYfTLt IS alllfl0(IZ e(1 by slalP,rlf k:((:a)taw lU Cedily t)IQt!,(I Tlll Ndt:KIllalN=(II (Indicate the s,:Kuco allrl dale rot th(? elevahrjn Bala el the Cc?nnlents area hok?w) ul n:nnlimily tNhcaal umpteted SecUOn E f(:K a bulklitxl I(x.al(1rl nl L(711P A(•NnI1rKd a I CMA iaued nr u�Ilttllirnity-issuadl BFCj cK Z(M1e AI> (A I I flee folly�wlllg irlroonal in(ITents G4-139)is pri-wldw-I IdK (Y N1N1HIllity II(K.xJl.tlal(I Illanagei pi d purf:N ises FHIM1T rJIIt.APE G5 M7E PFRMI I I:_:=l)rl? ;(• I:in,l'_=(.FF;"rIFIC;{;I"E GF C<,MPI I.a.NGFJ -i:(...'Pi ::Y G/ This peiml has bean Issued fcx: I_.J New 0:4151rut:lWin I__I SUDstanlial InlfxiwpnlerN (A.ElevalirKl r-)f as-bi.lill IowPsl fkN1r(including basenwnl)t:If the building is ft (m) DalunT G9 13FF(.it (n Z(ale AO)depU1 of fkx(diilg at the butkfirlq,der ----...__-- -_-fl (ill) Datum. 1.:, -Al •:r FIC IAL'S NAME f'TLE Mr.1UhJ11`'Pr,A.1l 1 L L F7 PH-.d 1 E N;PIA.TI lRE - - D'AT" I—I Ctic�:':r(c,re it atla(:hnenLa Replaces all Fxevlal"euult.xls FEMA Ft.-win 81-31.January 2003