HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2005-00196 - SPI Inspections - 8/16/2005 °N-STgTF°� MASON COUNTY D
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o N Planning Division
7 N y P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584
Site Inspection
August 16, 2005
GI1r�c5f �� < tv6u � TO BE KEPT IN THE
Case No.: SP12005-00196
Parcel No.: 123204390150 ��
Project Description: Feasibility for SFR
Dear Applicant:
Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you
will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values.
In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must
be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed
This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations
may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property.
Please contact me at(360) 427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions.
Allan Borden
Land Use Planner
Mason County Planning Department
8/16/2005 1 of 3 SP12005-00196
Site Inspection
8/16/2005 Case No.: SP12005-00196
Site inspection of July 7, 2005 for Patrick and Christina White:
The purpose of this inspection was to determine applicability of
planning regulations for a single-family residence on the site. The
subject parcel is located along the Union River, a type 1 stream,
at an area of a bridge within a bend in the river alignment. The
property has a little slope from the roadway to a potential building
site area adjacent to native tree and shrub cover along the river.
An existing site area was cleared and terraced several years in
the past, at about 100 feet and farther out from the creek bank;
the proposed septic system would be farther back near the south
property line.
Mason County Resource Ordinance
This Type 1 stream is a perennial water of significant volume and
fish bearing capability and falls under the jurisdiction of the Fish
and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter (17.01.110) of
the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The Ordinance
provisions establish certain buffers and building setback
requirements for streams; for a type 1 stream there is a 150-foot
vegetation buffer and a 15 foot building setback, for a total of 165
feet from the channel migration zone (CMZ). In accordance with
the Resource Ordinance, buffers are to be retained in their natural
condition. New residential development is not permitted within
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation areas or its buffers, except
for as approved through a variance or reasonable use exception
review process. A copy of the Fish and Wildlife Habitat
Conservation Areas chapter is enclosed, including details on the
contents of an HMP and the variance public review procedure.
Staff made two measurements from the river bank to a proposed
location of a new home; those distances are 165 feet from the
bridge and the bank of river to the location of the new residence,
creating a diagonal on the property that parallels the river. A new
residence, including decks, balcony, or stairs, would need to meet
these development standards from the Union River. Note the
potential area for development on the enclosed drawing -
The distance A that parallels Timber Lane is about 72 ft. 6 in. from
the point 1 diagonal line at the street then east to the N-S property
line; and the distance B that is 61 feet and parallel the south
property line is about 159 ft. from the point 2 then east to the N-S
property line.
Within the native vegetation buffer along the Union River is an
area maintained by mowing, now covered with graases and
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Site Inspection
8/16/2005 Case No.: SP12005-00196
blackberryvines. The grasses and blackberries noxious plants)
9 ( P )
may removed and the area replanted with native and landscaping
Y P P g
plant species-, Chapter 17.01 .110.F.6. considers such work an
enhancement proposal that needs planning review based upon a
site plan showing the extent of areas cleared of noxious plants
and the plantings proposed for that area to be put in place within a
period of one year from clearing.
P Y 9
Mason County Development Regulations:
The site is zoned Rural Residential 5 (one dwelling unit per 5
acres). Development regulations for this zone set forth a front
yard and Road right of way setback of 25 feet from the edge of
easement. The required sideyard setback on the parcel is 20
feet. An administrative variance may be requested to reduce the
front or rear setbacks to as low as 10 feet and to reduce the side
setback to as low as 5 feet, if the size, shape, or features of the
property constrain the setbacks of the proposed structure (such
as the garage). This process requires application and review at
the time of the building permit submittal.
Flood Zone: the property is within the floodplain of the Union River
(Panel No. 530115 0135C) and development would need be sited
in compliance with the Mason County Flood Damage Reduction
Ordinance, so that the first floor of the structure is one foot above
the 37-foot elevation level of the river (note location on map). A
recent building permit for parcel number 12320-43-00121, on the
west side of the river, did complete a flood elevation certificate, as
part of the permit review, that verified the elevation of the first floor
of the residence (a copy in enclosed).
General process: Future site development must include a site
plan, reflecting all of these setbacks from property lines, slopes
and stream, will be needed for the building permit application
No other critical areas such as steep slopes were identified on site
that would have an impact on future development. County Codes
referred to can be obtained from the County website at
8/16/2005 3 of 3 SP12005-00196
� -J
PLEASE PRINT $205.00 Fee Required
1' Owner: 4i O Applicant: ��c��
0 Site Address:" (�� ` Applicant Address: kE rc
Owner Address: City: 'sjj-e_J)Zn{'1 St (&)!?t_Zip
City: Ln%21 c . k1 P k01St 1.1.�gZip Phone:_( c 0) y -gyA 1 day
Phone:_U day Phone:_() evening
2. Parcel No. 1-)3? - o s-I
Parcel No. - - Email Address:
Legal Description: Prn DPR'� Planner:
y, SMP Comp.Plan Type of Use
'1 y Water Body
3. Pumose of Pre-Inspection
4. Use of Building: ..
5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope saltwater( lake river
pond wetland( seasonal runoff other ) stream( seasonal creek(
Direct Vs to Site:
If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original
application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot
evaluated in this inspection, or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection.
Applicant Signature: Date: (O`
Ifyou would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: Yu
Return application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division
P.O. Box 279
Shelton,WA 98584
Please include a$205.00 check or money payable h'order a able to Mason County Treasurer
When completed, this form becomes part of the parcel file.
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date:
7---- - -
Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water and property lines:
� c
Departmental Review
(For Office Use Only)
Planning Department Findings:
J G�
PLEASE PRINT $205.00 Fee Required
1. Owner: (`, f����;` Applicant:
Site Address: Applicant Address:
Owner Address: oBn oK I City: —St—zip—
City: P,e ;� St (- ip Q u�5�`{ Phone:_( day
2. lhone:_( U(off day Phone:_(_ ) evening
arcel No. - c0 {3q -Q k�;-Q
Parcel No. - - Email Address:
Legal Description: Planner:
SMP Comp.Plan Type of Use
Water Body
3. Purpose of Pre-Ins ction: ^ S
4. Use of Building:
5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope( ) saltwater( ) lake( river V)
pond( ) wetland( ) seasonal runoff( ) other( stream( ) seasonal creek
Directions to Site: ae `
If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original
application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot
evaluated in this inspection, or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection.
Applicant Signature: /!l bbr �Q Date:
Ijyou would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: ( Wed (� —
Return application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division S"
P.O.Box 279 � �; `1 v
Shelton,WA 98584 V
Please include a$205.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer
When completed, this form becomes part of the parcel file.
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date:
Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water and property lines:
Departmental Review
(For Office Use Only)
Planning Department Findings:
r. c