HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2024-00268 - SWG Application / Design - 6/13/2024 584 MASON COUNTY 415 NB THELTON: ,SHELT967 ,EXT 400 SHELTON:STREET, ON, EXT 400 BELFAIR:360-275< 67,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360482-5269,EXT 400 FAX:360-427-7767 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00268 APPLICANT CASTLE DAVID N Phone: Address: 5811 E STATE ROUTE 3 SHELTON,WA 98584 OWNER CASTLE DAVID N Phone: Address: 5811 E STATE ROUTE 3 SHELTON,WA 98584 SEPTIC DESIGNER CINDY WAITE* Phone: 360-701-0205 Address: 80 E Pickering Lane SHELTON,WA 98584 SEPTIC INSTALLER BRAYDEN SCHOENING` Phone: 360-742-2982 Address: 121 W GRIZDALE DRIVE SHELTON, WA 98584 Site Address: 5813 E STATE ROUTE 3 Primary Parcel Number: 321362490061 Permit Description: Repair 2bd pressure trench Permit Submitted Date: 06/13/2024 Permit Issued Date: 0713112024 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $805.00 leadmonal roes mW b r ulmd Boon lnsWilabon dereleml. Permit Expiration Date: 06/17/2025 Ibeeed on dore or,.o«wnl Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department stafi'per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specked on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoneountywa.govlhealth/environmentallonsitelass-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. _..5[Jl_Y MASON COUNTY Op4Goal UNITYS pNOERVICES RECE C Do mS _ Od ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION s n APPLICANT DAVID CASTLE PHONE m 0 IF MAILING ADDRESS-STREET.CRY,$,ATE,ZIP-- ODE 360-4264785 5811 E STATE ROUTE 3 Z c SREAOOREgs.sTREEr,cm.zIP1,GDE SHELTON WA 985874 m 5813 E STATE ROUTE 3 TR SHELTON NAME OF DESIGNER _ WA 98584 I W CINDY WAITE PHONE NAME OF INSTALLER 360-701-0205 N TBD PHONE PERMITTYPE(µay , I ' DRINKING MTER SOURCE G KRESIDENT ccIALOSS RICOMMUNITYOSS XJC COMMERCIALOSS ''I PRNATEINDIVIDUALVELL OPRVATETV�PARTYWELL N IOU TYPE OFNORKfaNMM , 0 ❑ PUBLIC VNSER SYSTEM IZ I (I ANEW CON6TRUCTON/UPGRADES Iif REPAIR/REPLACEMENT oTNER DEMXafwxR eRmerAw+Yl El IX SUBMITTALS I N IYI DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) WSEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) O SURFACING SEWAGE 4I IXISTNG FAILURE ❑SHORELINE EVWIVER(6)UFAPPLICABLE) LOTSRE E- I A OIRECTIOMS TO SITEpNO SITE CONDRIONb;(y.pUydy"T �/ 4+ACRES o GO NORTH ON HIGHWAY 3, TURN LEFT INTO DRIVEWAY, GO STRAIGHT UP LONG I Cl DRIVEWAY, SOIL LOGS ARE IN FRONT OF THE MANUFACTURED HOME. o o BREWSIBFFLACGEO FROM MAAV ROAOpXO RBTMG{EBERM,BEpAGGEO µ90ETE3THOLENNgERg , I .Im I � —OFF.:.A_JSE NPGRAOE/FNLURE 8011RCF(fu 1pMYp p„pPROB) OVOLUNTARY 13",TENANCE/PUMPING ❑SUILDINGPERMIT OHOMESALE OCOMPLAINT 130T1ER'.--_— .SPECTORbOLLLOGs '10 GS' COMMENTSICONDRN)NE �n w -NYA hUk�A- P°� vt7 STL CODES: O' '+) VVERY G=ryUVELLY b=SAND L=LOMI S1=yLT O_ RECORD OMWNG AND INSTAWTION REPORT 'GRAY E=E%IREmay R=ROpt9 REQUIRED FOR FMPLAPPROVL INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE AEPGCATON EXPIRATION DATE M b I t1 �� � e � PLXATONAPPROVEN ISSUED BY DATE THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY MWITE REVI$EO,yI/p15 DESICN FORM—PACE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: L2_. 3 8 — 2 4 — 9 0 0 6 1 A de lign will he reviewed when 3.conies of each of the following are submitted: C07pleted design form that has been signed and dated. •Scaled layout sketch, including all applicable items on checklist Scal d plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist °Cross-section sketch,including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and eveilable for public New on the Maim 9.una Wait lift.Mmimunr paper six: l l 'X l)" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ' Penni Number. SWG_ 4.b2 (r� Designer's Name: CINDY WAITE Appli ants Name: DAVID CASTLE Designer's Phone Number: 360-I01.0205 Maiiii g Address: 5811 It STATE ROUTE 3 ,T _ Designer's Address: 80 E PICKERING LANE &HELTON WA 98584 SHELTON WA 88584 Ci State Zip CityState 2i DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device O Gle don aiofilter ❑ Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑ Sand Lined Drainficid ❑Recinulating Filter.Type: O Ae bie Unit Make/Model O Disinfection knit Make/Model Other: y Drainfteld Type ❑Gr ity Rf Pressure ❑Trench Mr Bed ❑Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfteld Specifications Laterals Numbi rofbedrooms 2 Schedule/Class SCHEDULE40 Daily I low:Operating Capacity 180 gpd Length 50 ft Daily I low: Design Flow 240 gpd Diameter 1.25 in Septic rank Capacity(working) EXISTING 1200 gal Number 4 Receiv ng Soil Type(1.6) 5 Separation 5 ft Receiv'ng$oil Appl. Rate .4 gpd/ft' Orifices Requir xd Primary Area 600 W To umber of Orifices 40 Design x1 Primary Area 600 ftt Oi et 3/16 in Designed Reserve Area ft' SP Tg A 60 a in Trench Bed Width 3 ft ; d,e.. 'F4r Manif�rfl�a Trench Bed Length 200 ft S r� 'V SCHEDULE 40 Elevation Measurements th.ls WNtt Z 1-2 fl Origin I Drainfield Area Slope <1 % Ns oEst 2 In New SI pe,If Altered _ % a scr}eJ eR9'configuration used? br Yes 13No Depth of Excavation Up-slope 12 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Dawnslape 12 in Schedule/Class SCHEDULE 40 Design d Vertical Separation 24 in Length 10 ft Gravell ss Chambers Required? O Yes ONO lif Optional Diameter 2 in PumpRequired? If Yes ONO Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number ofdoses/day 4 Diff. in levation Between Pump&Uppermost Orifice —5—ft Dose quantity 45 gal Drainfic Id Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) 2 ft Chamber Capacity(flood) 1200 gal Uppe lit Orifice Higher O Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls: Please check those required. Copse. ®Total Pressure Head _ 23.6 Spin 19timer gElapse Meter fd Event Counter Calculal ed Total Pressure Head ).19 ft If Timer: Pump on ,Pump off Corrine its COWRF1 R PUMP TANK REQUIRED,PETRO PIT EXISTING TANK WITH RISERS AND EFFLUENT FILTER,SET CONTROLS AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. ESIGN FORM'—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number: 3 L L L¢,_ -- 2 4 -- 1 0 0 6 t Permit Number. SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS S aled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch RTest hole locations 19 Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: 2 Soil logs Ed Trench/bed dimensions and Rf Septic tank Property lines critical distances within layout 2 Drainfield cover Existingand proposed wells 16 D-BoxNalve box locations P P Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property 0 Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: 15IlWasurements to cuts,banks,and locations pt.k ekV E9 Laterals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas la Observation port location bottom ®Location and orientation of 0 Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption 66 Manifold placement fib Sand augmentation components 56 Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: Location and dimension of 56 Lateral placement with distance Ed Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Buildings g Other Information Ca Audible/visual alarm referenced Yes No Direction of slope indicator B Rf Scale of d4vin wmge.stown on scale 66 ❑ Design staked out Waterlines bar ❑ ❑ Recorded Notices attached Roads,easements,driveways, ❑ ❑ Waiver(s)attached parking fit ❑ Pump curve attached North arrow and scale drawing 66 ❑ Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar V s to Non-residential justification Tyr"' ❑ ❑ Waste strength ❑ Flow DESIGN APPROVAL TI te undersigned designer must be notified by installer at time of installation Ed Yes ❑ No C� 1�. owls V-1 14 �2aty Signature of Designer Date T ie undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulations: �8fr� (31 (2`t Environmental Health Specialist Date C UTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWDYG CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved'by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: (/ ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. lease Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, less prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. �11 Installation Fee is required. Is form may be sunned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 APPROVED JUL 31 1014 MASON COUN Ty ENWRONMENTAL HEALTH RET O � (lO- ti a V � a E\ s .I a a C_1 /wATE f S'GNERV • Jill • O �QyNi. / Y.Jy✓ a for JUL 312024 �lro.� auE MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET I � ' t...e 9 _ /zeW ey4fl, t $ r 19 UCEN E00ESAII � Residence c yy, 2. Audio/visual alarm 3. Clean out 8 bs' C hts 4. 1200 gallon exisrting septic tank 5. 1200 gallon pump tank 11 C 1 6. Transport line 7. Repair drainfield area - ye ° L yr-'r 8. Water hookup RAINFIELD LAYOUT Q21 _ _ _- TT Ile, i6 APPROVED JUL 31 2024 MASON COUNTY ENV]RON YEN TALHEALTH RET e7 zCND Q ATE GNE X (�eCLEANOUT/083 PORTS ) UI N ED D SI' `� D SOXIVALVE SOX I) X3 SOIL LOOS ORIFICE SPACING 5 feral k Length Length Orifice A Distance from Distance from end Len th u _ # (Feet) Inches) Spacing" Orifices feeder line of end of lateral 11 50 600 601 30 2.5 2.5 50 21 50 600 60 10 2.5 2.5 50 31 s0 600 601 10 2.5 _ 2.5 50 41 SO 600 60 10 2.5 2.5 50 200 — 40 195 T ANSLENGT_H PM K (2" SCHEDULEN 40 F ICTION LOSS S uirt 2 E evation difference 5 TOH 7.199924 Jvp APPROVED JUL 31 2024 `�P"� . MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAD TRENCH CROSS SECTION RET CINo WAIT 1�✓' LICENSED OESIGN NNN /� EMPIRES U1 01 C �fwe,7�r/.J.1 12 y,. N Ir fcd le a 441,; Ail) Soft, APPROVE[ To0"N"Ka BIBEBwITN LOOKING Uo MASONCOUNJUL 31 2024 PMlBUBB WMAL! ENORONMENTAL H A A RET Ea�rN PLowooNTM X MVE BLOTS" Bewm oLO16"mm EL°wow SE......... CTION A-A w MIMEO BOOK OMIN BUMP T1IIW... PNOM �P PUMP CNN/BEII � m IT Q 4CE 0 SIGN exmuts us�m SECUREpx"D WRH OAS„GHT SEAL TML14 p UNION 2ZCENTRIFUQAL N'WAMETSR CCESS RISER FINISH GMpESERVICE l VALVE• FROM SEPTIC G j /�TANKTO ORAINFIELO TORAGEANTI SIPHON HIG"WATERALARMLEVELVALVE UME INDEPENDENT NORMALTIMEROFFLEVEL _ FLOATSTEM FOR FLOAT UNP MOUNTING OUD• CHECKVALVE+ITE �� t°• SUEMERSIBLE CENTRIFUGAL PAUP.QiAMBER PUMP ^� "AS NEEDED 1400 vPIIPM J /N�IG /eAPPROVED JUL 31 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET sl 4 E AITE LICENSED DESIGNER ExriNtS ,sea Iib�fyPumpsPo A.. Specifications A 280 Series 1 /2 hp AppR ED Submersible Effluent Pump JUL 3 SONCOUN 2024 n'EN LITER.PER MINUTE W80"ENIA(NEqLTN 0 so 160 1E0 zoo 2E0 RET �0 1s I i 0p a r r - - = E aTE 20 ' L CEN DGESIGNER -xniN IIGtG d 10 0 6 11 0 10 00 30 40 50 60 TO ORLLON.PIR MINUTE BO_PI ROWnGIS Wb11n 1l.Blibe P.INc. All nPMe maneJ. Sl+Tifonlione euLjxlmcAanye witM1om nWive lubwy PIQEEnC Installation Notes APPROVED JUL 31 2024 Pressure Distribution SysterMrAt$ONCOUNTYENYIRONMENTALHEALTH 32136-2490061 5813 E State Route N3 RET 1. This is a repair, existing drainfield full of roots and sludge 2. The prepared site plan is not a survey. It's the owner's responsibility to verify property lines; utility lines (water, sewer, power, phone and gas) prior to installation. 3. Concrete pump tank required 4. Existing septic tank to be retrofitted with risers and effluent filter S. Pump controls to be set at time of installation 6. Install system during dry weather with acceptable soil conditions 7. Gravel based drainfield required. 8. The tanks may be moved as necessary to accommodate building requirements. Septic tank location must meet all required setbacks. 9. Keep wheeled vehicles off the drainfield area before, during and after installation. Tracked equipment only, 10. All ground, surface water and roof drains must be diverted away from the septic tanks and drainfield. Ensure the final grade slopes away from these areas and water doesn't collect on or around them. Use swales, berms, catch basin and tight lines, curtain drains, etc. to divert all waters. 11. Curtain drains can be no closer than 10' upgradient and 30' down gradient of the drainfield 12. Exposed restrictive layers, cuts, banks, etc. can be no closer than 50' downhill from the drainfield. 13. Install access risers on the septic tanks, valve box and ends of laterals. 14. Make sure septic tank risers are epoxied or caulked to cast in riser rings on tank. . 15. Lids must form a water and gas tight seal with the access risers 16. Install effluent filter specified in this design at the septic tank outlet. 17. This system must be installed by a Mason County Certified installer. 18. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the designer and Mason County Health Department will make this design null and void. 19. This design was sized per Washington Administrative CodeWAC246-272A-0230. The operating capacity is based on 45 gallons per day per capita with two persons per bedroom. The minimum design flow per bedroom per day is the operating capacity of ninety gallons multiplied by 1.33. This results in a minimum design flow of one hundred twenty gallons per day. This creates a surge factor of 33% but anticipated flow is ninety gallons per bedroom per day. 20. Install laterals with contour of the ground 21. Install trench bottoms level and always maintain a minimu 'x inches into native soil 22. Install locator tape on top of all drainfield laterals. 23. Install threaded clean outs at the ends of all laterals Ica ust nd to within six inches of finish grade and be in a valve box as shown 3lfyagf 24. Install audio/visual alarm Filter fabric required over dr I r kfilling. If the drain rock extends above the original grade, run th 69 t e inches down the trench wall. e 510 LI NSEdr SIGN�iI � 1b111 G%o,RC9 OSnp •I System Owner Responsibilities: 1. Operation and Maintenance is required by Washington State Department of Health and Mason County Health Department. 2. The septic tank and pump tank should be pumped every three to five years or as needed. 3. System owners are responsible for having maintenance performed annually. 4. System owners are responsible for responding to septic issues in a timely manner. 5. System owners shall not at any time change or alter settings in the control box. 6. System owner agrees to read and abide by information regarding their system in the User Manual provided by Mason County Public Health. • -7. Keep the flow of sewage at or below the approved design operating capacity. 8. Keep waste strength at residential waste strength parameters. 9. Spread loads of laundry through the week. 10. Do not use excessive bleach or detergents with added whiteners. 11. Do not shower, do laundry and dishwasher at the same time 12. Antibiotics can kill or impair the biological process in the septic tank. 13. Leaky plumbing can hydraulic overload your on-site septic system. APPROVED JUL 31 2024 MASON COUNTY ENORONMENTAL HEAL T REi W t ryvvq • 9 �Oa.p �� 11 N E WgTE LICENSED DESIGNER LF 1t�,1 `S