HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOM2010-00005 Stormwater Plan - COM Engineering / Geo-Tech Reports - 2/17/2010 Cb 60006 Mason County Review Checklist Fkt 1 7 101U For a Stormwater Plan 4�S W. CEDAR ST. Instructions: This checklist is Intended to assist Staff in the review of a Stormwater Plan. The Stormwater Plan is i reviewed for completeness with respect to the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. If an item is found to be not applicable,the Plan should explain the basis for the conclusion.The Plan is also ; reviewed for clarity and consistency. If the drawings, discussion,or recommendations are not understandable, they should be clarified. If they do not appear internally consistent or consistent with the application or observations on site, this needs to be corrected or explained. If resolution is not achieved with the author, staff should refer the case to the Planning Manager or Director. i Applicant's Name: L-A ONt=D Ate S A"t N G� � Permit# W ` C)L�� C� Parcel#_ 19 3 z - 3 Z"" O U 0 Date(s)of the Document(s) reviewed: tit SECTION I-Construction SWPPP Narrative (-t-p v-G P(-0Q t o6-DJ- 5-00?Lv��,v�-C�v( s t"C� Pl�t4r.} <c ti2ov�oe ) (1) Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Elements: (a) Describe how each of the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Element has been i addressed through the Construction SWPPP. OK? Comment: (b) Identify the type and location of BMP's used to satisfy the required element. OK? Comment: (c) Written justification identifying the reason an element is not applicable to the proposal. OK? Comment: (d) 12 Required Elements-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (1) Mark Clearing Limits. OK? Comment: (2) Establish Construction Access. OK? Comment: (3) Control Flow Rates. OK? Comment: (4) Install Sediment Controls. OK? Comment: (6) Stabilize Soils. OK? Comment: (6) Protect Slopes. OK? Comment: (7) Protect Drain Inlets. i OK? Comment: (8) Stabilize Channels and Outlets. OK? Comment: (9) Control Pollutants. ` OK? Comment: /f10)Control De-Watering. V OK? Comment: Oo (11)Maintain BMP's. OK? Comment: (12)Manage the Project. , OK? Comment: Page 1 Form Effective May 2009 (2) p ject Description. Total project area(acres/square feet). OK? Comment: 0.!o a Z is-e ►7v1'9� (b)Total Proposed impervious area(acres/square feet). OK? Comment: Q. 7(0 A-c_ PAC' (c)Total proposed area to be disturbed, Included off-site borrow and fill areas(acres/square feet). OK? Comment: (9. b I I P.A G u i � (d)Total volumes of proposed cut and fill(cubic yards). OK? Comment: -c o x(a) Site Conditions. (3) 6�(a)Description of the existing topography. OK? Comment: (b)Description of the existing vegetation. OK? Comment: (c) Description of the existing drainage. OK? Comment; �-�'7'/pn) (4) djacent Areas. (I) Description of adjacent areas which may be affected by the site disturbance (a) Streams OK? Comment:_ Prb) Vvt"'-v+ (b)Lakes OK? Comment: tom►o krle- (c)Wetlands OK? Comment: N Oy e- �► y� t o (d) Residential Areas OK? Comment: (e) Roads OK? Comment: 5TA--Ce V_,00-CE (f)Other 'OK? Comment: N0 o (il) Description of the downstream drainage path leading from the site to the receiving body of water (minimum distance of 400 yards), 05) OK? Comment: 0(3 e4rru. Ft2,ov►� :C w i S LA 12rD d cL"T- P i4G® cr toritical Areas: r) Description of critical areas that are on or adjacent to the site. OK? Comment: - l '?0"'- e (b) Description of special requiremen s for working in or near critical areas. OK? Comment: Si"T 6c1r'(6 3 0 ! i 06) oils: Description of on-site soils. (a) Soil name OK? Comment: 5vwl) L (C (b) Soil mapping unit OK? Comment: 1E In t~� i'L�"CC P 12 �So t L C aw"1 (c) Erodibility _ OK? Comment: So�� (d) Settleability OK? Comment: 5a (e) Permeability OK? Comment: So CL��ca1Z P+�� (f) Depth OK? Comment:SO i L_ Ovj-1 ✓ A— 2-- A-o (g) Texture OK? Comment: 50 k Page 2 Form Effective May 2009 i i (h) Soil Structure OK? Comment: SC, � V CC �U t,'T PA r 1 ff(7) Er sfon Problem Areas. a) Description of potential erosion problems on site OK? Comment: 5 fit; �O A Go k4�- (8) nstrucilon Phasing. (a) Construction sequence. OK? Comment: S t- t2L:� C_ (b) Construction phasing(if proposed). OK? Comment: �-�_�v�?or1 n s t-0 (9) onstruction Scheduie. I. Provide a proposed construction schedule OK? Comment: C. Z II. Wet Season Construction Activities (a) Proposed wet season construction activities. OK? Comment: S 1t"F --T C_ 2 (b) Proposed wet season construction restraints for environmentally sensitive/critical areas, OK? Comment:_ � t- �-i C' - 10) nglneering Calculations. Provide design calculations• ` (a) Sediment Ponds/Traps. OK? Comment: S!r O 1wt E N"� "C12(ti (��(,� Z (b) Diversions. OK? Comment: NO►J (a) Waterways. OK? Comment: tJU NJ (b) Runoff/Stormwater Detention Calculations. . OK? Comment: jZF-Ct--N-Ct N P Ci (11) perations and Maintenance i (a). An operation and maintenance schedule shall be provided for all proposed stormwater facilities and BMPs, and the party(or parties) responsible for maintenance and operation shall be Identified.An operation and maintenance(0& M) Declaration of Covenant will be required to cover all privately owned and maintained stormwater facilities. 0&M-Declaration of.Covenant forms are available at the Mason County Permit Assistance Center, 426 W. Cedar Street, Shelton,WA 98684. The proponent shall record a copy of the completed Declaration with the Mason County Auditors y of the recorded document must be submitted to the Permit i Assistance Cente ther with thi&com leted Checklist. OK? Com nt: b UTA OrC,( 3 S -5 Srz--rt tj N SECTION II-Erosion and Sediment Control Plans 9(a eneral.) Vicinity Map. OK? Comment: C, t, ID Alk-Dr7 ?AGe 1 0 (b) Clearing and Grading Approval Block, OK? Comment: To 5e: yov t yoty S (c) Erosion and Sediment Control Notes, OK? Comment: S tkk--,ff-f C_ 2. O C. 2 . ite Plan. (a) Legal description of subject prgpe�ty. OK? Comment: ip rt v^0 U r2--e-V (b) North Arrow, OK? Comment: kl.E.t=`T G l. O Page 3 Form Effective May 2009 i i i i i OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS I BELFAIR BRANCH I STORMWATER SITE PLAN I Prepared for: Olympia Federal Savings 421 Capitol Way S I Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 754-3400 I January 7, 2010 Prepared by: Curtis Heinold I Reviewed by: Steven D. Hatton, PE HATTON GODAT PANTIER I 1840 Barnes Boulevard SW Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 943-1599 Project No: 09-065 Project Name: OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH IE:\office\JOBS\2009\09-065 Olympia Federal-Belfair\RPT-Stormwater Site Plan-01.07.09.doc I i i Part 4— Proposed Project Description What stream basin is the project in (e.g., Percival,Woodland)? Union River Belfair UGA Zoning: ......................... Commercial Onsite Residential Subdivision: I Number of lots........................................... Average lot size (acres) ............................ I Building Permit/Commercial Plat: Building(s) (footprint, acres)...................... 0.123 I Concrete paving (acres)............................ Gravel surface (acres)............................... I Lattice block paving (acres) ...................... Public roads-including gravel shoulder(acres)...... Private roads-including gravel shoulder(acres)..... 0.353 I Onsite impervious surface total (acres).................. Part 5— Pre-Developed Project Site Characteristics Stream through site (Y/N) N Name DNR Type Type of feature this facility discharges to (e.g., lake, stream, intermittent stream, pothole, roadside ditch, sheet flow to adjacent property): INFILTRATION TO GROUND I Swales (Y/N) ............................................................. N Steep slopes—steeper than 15% (Y/N).................... Y I Erosion hazard (Y/N)................................................. N 100-year floodplain (Y/N) .......................................... N I Wetlands (Y/N).......................................................... N Seeps/springs (Y/N).................................................. N High groundwater table (Y/N).................................... N Wellhead Protection or Aquifer Sensitive Y/N........... N Other ..................................................................... N I OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 6 I Part 6A— Facility Description CBF#1/#2/#3/#4 Total area tributary to facility including offsite (acres).................. 0.10/0.119/0.212/0.184 Total onsite area tributary to facility(acres)................................. 0.10/0.119/0.212/0.184 Design impervious area tributary to facility(acres)...................... 0.068/0.077/0.202/0.136 Design landscaped area tributary to facility (acres)..................... 0.32/0.042/0.01/0.048 Design total tributary area to facility (acres)................................. 0.10/0.119/0.212/0.184 Enter"1" for type of facility Wet pond detention.......................................... Wet pond water surface area (acres) .............. Dry pond detention........................................... Underground detention .................................... Infiltration pond................................................. Drywell infiltration ............................................. Coalescing plate separator.............................. Centrifuge separator......................................... Catch Basin Media Filter.................................. ... 1 Outlet type (enter"1"for each type present) Filter ............................................................. 1 Oil/water separator........................................... Single orifice..................................................... Multiple orifices................................................. Weir ............................................................. Spillway............................................................ Pump(s)............................................................ Pipe ............................................................. 1 Part 7 — Release to Groundwater Design percolation rate to groundwater (if applicable) NIA Part 8 — Release to Surface Water (if applicable) Mason County MSL Discharge To Surface Percent Design Full Volume(cf) Elevation(ft) Water(cfs) 0 0.00 0.00 25 50 100 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 7 Part 613 — Facility Description Trench #1/#2/#3 Total area tributary to facility including offsite (acres).................. 0.331/0.10/0.184 Total onsite area tributary to facility(acres)................................. 0.331/0.010/0.184 Design impervious area tributary to facility(acres)...................... 0.279/0.068/0.136 Design landscaped area tributary to facility(acres)..................... 0.052/0.032/0.048 Design total tributary area to facility(acres)................................. 0.331/0.10/0.184 Enter"1"for type of facility Wet pond detention.......................................... Wet pond water surface area (acres) .............. Dry pond detention........................................... Underground detention .................................... Infiltration pond................................................. Drywell infiltration............................................. 1 Coalescing plate separator .............................. Centrifuge separator......................................... Catch Basin Media Filter.................................. ... Outlet type (enter"1"for each type present) Filter ............................................................. Oil/water separator........................................... Single orifice..................................................... Multiple orifices................................................. Weir ............................................................. Spillway............................................................ Pump(s)............................................................ Overflow........................................................... ... 1 Part 7 — Release to Groundwater Design percolation rate to groundwater(if applicable) 1.5 inches per hour Part 8 — Release to Surface Water (if applicable) N/A Mason County MSL Discharge To Surface Percent Design Full Volume(cf) Elevation(ft) Water(cfs) 0 0.00 0.00 25 50 100 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 8 II. PROJECT OVERVIEW AND MAPS The proposed project lies in Mason County in Section 28, Township 23 North, Range 1 West in Belfair, WA. The site address is 24081 NE State Route 3. The site is a developed parcel with an existing 4,500 sf commercial building and associated parking/drive area of 12,500 sf. Existing onsite drainage for the improvements is controlled by a catch basin and drywell system. The remainder of the site infiltrates into the soil or sheet flows northerly offsite. The total site area is 0.692 acres. There is no offsite surface flow to the site. The site fronts on State Route 3. Drainage from a portion of the highway is piped across the site along the northeasterly property line in a 15-foot drainage easement designated to Mason County. The site slopes generally south to north at approximately 4-6%, except for the very northerly point of the property which has a 2:1 slope. The proposed project is a 5,374 sf Bank Branch Office with 15,371 sf of parking and drive area. The project will infiltrate stormwater runoff onsite. The table below indicates existing and proposed site conditions: Existing and Proposed Site Conditions Existing Proposed (ac) (ac) Impervious 0.39 0.476 Pervious 0.302 0.216 Maps of the vicinity, site and soils are provided on pages 10, 11 and 12. III. EXISTING CONDITIONS SUMMARY The site lies in the Union River sub-basin of Lynch Cove. As noted in the previous section, the existing impervious area runoff is controlled by a catch basin/drywall system. The remaining site area is covered with groundcover, brush and small trees which infiltrate runoff into the soil or sheet flow offsite northerly. Soil type and slope conditions indicate runoff and erosion potential to be low for the majority of the site. A full soils report is located in Appendix A. Steep slope areas along the westerly portion of the site just offsite and at the very north point of the property, are aquifer- sensitive and require protection. There is an onsite septic system at the northwesterly area of the site which will be utilized by the proposed project and will also require protection. An existing 18- inch storm drain is currently in place along the east property line transporting State Route 3 runoff northerly thru the site to an offsite Mason County drainage system north of the site. Soil investigation indicated no groundwater in test pits ranging from 8.5' to 14' in depth. Table 3.1 indicates existing site coverage data. Table 3.1 Existing Site Coverage (ac) Building 0.10 ac Paving 0.29 ac Landscape 0.302 ac OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 9 Vicinity Map 3 LL ��. 0 y F O NE�O NE OLD CLIFTON RD. 00 NE BELFAIR ST. . o SIT BELFAIR VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 10 0 N CD D m 'p 0 m r cn 94FXTRATMIN TRENCH /WILL,11f1'RT 1U i STALL fI.TP RT r1a •.d••. /'QNIlRYA71g1 FDRf CGF4 M TRAFFIC RATED LID f CAITT11DGt ROIrFLTpI 12.0^11J/•PIT rU Z rn DUAL THIS Slay mm well FIRSTA CJ FI' FLU y FC m f 11 •.pull FLN 13 OO HIM ' Y•�. ~!iifit.!Nf i? i11: 1..1(:::::tl.'ii.;lli �..•��� n UN TRAFFIC RATED S LA)WNW N T� •• \ I, iiii`ii LLFYFVC - 1 , .V C ... pN.012 FTIFT 11` ...I!;:.,.: f full Y►VC `••'• '•1!I i ,.�•,.:: !"!ii!: '!i i Fi!!ii!:ii peat NTIFT YN.TIT t t aLay FTBT a +NT.FaNL».:A�iL AI*Naei.. ;;. NEW BUILDING . . CW4 FF=100.50 N fCARI11puGE GTDIGRLTFII I1TBWXN./rtlff► ' ': DOWN EF�TOVU�T ,?;" T NFLTRATION TRENCH 03 � FLNII :�'� :1:1::',.!! is 'i[!;..���.•. • �,% ,.,N '•il:.•i!!iiiiiii'•: 1anJA/LFr RTrL1 P-•1 S:"''aY"lii"'" MTfi NEST END(IF 12" .�• 'I•';i(I!l: 3 1'ORAFRC TIDAL FORT ' Ir MERVAT10N FONT LE-98.32 �� WIESMALL DETAIL IfATEOIAI Ef TRN'FlC RATED LID •!I'" EEE DETAIL TNF GREET NN DETAIL THIS SHEET \.IFE•FVC C.B.11342 p/.N FT�FT 48'STRUCTURE NTH SOLID IA) . '4 RE SEV—9785NEW9I13 LE(Nw—04.13 18"ALUMINIM PIPE) {. LE(S —94.80(IS-HOPE) I ao \(_� 1HNAA 11/Ar RT rU INSTALL EAST ENO CF 12•CHIP .�':�" ..'�.:: 1W YARD DRAIN "11 !i!!i i!i'i'" RDGYO/REF LE IOO.JO D.. il•!::.:.•:..•: 4'o'i "'`1 NI ATRNN GRATE KNOWN FL Ettl ~ 5 iii�'!:i• aG frA/f.1.rREEF M a Lai FTARIp. + ry INFILTRATION TRENCH 01 \ /'��h•Q`7 m - 11HUA ITE.Fl RTrU 9 ca.P43 ' INSTALL 7' (—LN) + . CNFi `- \�ql RMI ELEV—1019E � 50 25 0 50 f CARTRnDE GTOIGNFILTEII LE(N11)-99.68(18-HOPE) pull 111.22 G LE( -1=12(IB-HOPE) FL F111 • SCALE:1'=60' \ HYDRANT D G) m Soils Map (Joins sheet 4) ll Eh 1... Itr :,•Ab:�l~ �� .,�ha'%�'� n •;`�' .. � ".' �; lvtt..,sS-Ur „x ' ,: L .� '"'�:, ✓ yr- ,.A,,�p.r � j E{ L42'ebrc r E +T. '=.\ lh Jc `e 'n •i jrt�. '" �- ,Fv f�lf aH: ..L' r 1�rYi.S ri�n8 •.Ih {�r .j d;1i MH j ''4 >►. a �H '� .�'�� +� - la Y� ���4•��•;•' �� '�xi�F�e a ? � - "�:.��� •�,..•'f� J• dfrr �' t•- Nd E+ - +i 'xY!` b ., '7'q +l � 'G \V S+ t•rtr j"r''(t�I 'hE $a 4.. •s �/ `.Y �r.•r,' Y ,,..fir t I � .� � � • .CI T'i T•` h i b W ' ii /i. .,,ouY , y=•; c y :s. � Ana� ..,�e�'>:we,"1`.-' a Mh... .m• ��� .r" � �,3- d7.••„�"^�'f � _ y. $ �y ,. �' - '1. %.�•' T. 1' •1- _ -� r 't• emu• a... r: 7 •,r jbb'tit iCi '�".i ' V +we c{ ''Ge.__ � EJ :�-' ry .,+_� ;Eta �j I'�• � _'.s: •' F.�•-.;;� a/� IF `R- s -; `" Tn I 2 Ak. Sty - •!j, i '. }' �• - -°�` _ � I h'= GHQ` � _�•�' .��:� /F��}- �'' Qj kt Es 1,� ` k�''T'""��., a/�i •' �as�d r a�1/• .,i'7^�� r Iay ' V20,11, '�s'7p""-'�.`• -• Eti F�Ab :,r'�yc�"��.i%.cl��.'•�''': � T::^ -'' � tom^" �� ti *- T-i J+ a�� erg �.:t• ti•i-!f�`�C'ai r'7' / � IF -,t,� Crr(„ISc� � t-� �yl `.:,',.c cl.b�...�• ,•r,. ...iti$ .r.• lC � �~��(••�8:-••y.. ����• �� - ��--,�` a .�j ,ter u� a r - �, .i• t .. a�+. 1 -,r ;z 1 rtr-.,.,; 53•'i v.F .r �i�. OQ' •.•1f;' Z' . r +,� -•. rl n• -r e n.,•+ k �+ r 1' K }` �% i r ti•+ t-�+ _ 1lr'r /ia� r . 4 tl '•k•,.,�•�i•. "- .n.4' •'�''1;•• : 'r• ••:•�.5r•�;� (k"'•ter_"r:_�:Yd 'N 1` IF ,C•r nr �-. 1 q? .,. YY.•rr__"r.• a. �':-M7 rr � If ur 1.1 xr I/r4. y_ i � '. s_ .�•� ..i:/:' •, f ,4 —4- i ��'c Ab rE>i- a• v. g Id sue- :..:r �:a' .r��_J/ °.C'-r�MC" � :.'` t... ••'C:�• •�J'�\l.,' b..'- _ Jy �nrT T� �I j • .. '.�i� ui'. ��5��'%�,'+i �jji. .. /a.. •� I rl_ 1•'�;. la 4 1� Ehr• �tiv OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.072010 PAGE 12 IV. OFFSITE ANALYSIS REPORT The proposed finished project will not increase any additional stormwater runoff from the development. Stormwater from developed areas will be infiltrated onsite. Infiltration facilities will be sited to provide slope protection and sized based on WWHM criteria. No downstream impacts will occur as a result from the finished project. The existing offsite drainage facility (18-inch piping) traversing the site will be maintained as is. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 13 J Map of Study Area ��° ��► I Old I r—w I , 9 Z J O �O v f o am 1:i0 ;, �y2 F w N� I • LA t�P� I �N VL ice w u u w u ,y. � R R OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 14 V. PERMANENT STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN The proposed project would contain stormwater onsite in the form of infiltration trenches. Treatment for paved areas will be provided by catch basin media filter. Highway frontage runoff will utilize the existing 18-inch piping system which transverses the site and will remain unchanged. Section 1 Existing Site Hydrology Runoff from the existing onsite impervious areas are controlled by a catch basin/piping/infiltration system. Onsite soil type is sand with gravel and silty sand with gravel. Pre-developed conditions are modeled as forest outwash. Section 2 Developed Site Hydrology Based on soils report and sampling taken at various depths, infiltration rates vary from 0.5 to 3.5 in/hr. An overall design rate of 1.5 in/hr was utilized. The following table indicates total impervious area, pollution-generating areas and pervious areas for the project. Table 2.1 WWHM Developed Land Use Summary Outwash AB Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 3 Basin 4 Basin 5 Basin 6 Basin 7 Roof Impervious 0.16 .102 .021 Paving, S/W (pollution-generating imp.) .079 .052 .097 .115 Landscape Pervious .040 .033 .013 .048 .076 Total Basin .119 .101 .110 .102 0.163 .021 .076 % Impervious roof, paving, S/W 66.39 1 67.33 88.18 100 1 70.55 100 0 Section 3 Projects, Threshold Discharge Areas within Projects, Requiring Treatment and Flow Control Facilities Table 3.1 Quality Treatment Area Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 3 Basin 4 Basin 5 Basin 6 11 Basin 7 Impervious paving S/W .079 .052 .097 0 .115 0 Landscape .040 .033 .013 0 .048 0 .076 Total .119 .085 .110 0 .163 0 .076 Table 3.2 Quantity Infiltration Area Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 3 Basin 4 Basin 5 Basin 6 Basin 7 Impervious paving S/W .079 .068 .097 .102 .115 .021 Landscape .040 .033 .013 .048 .076 Total .119 .101 .110 1 .102 0.16 .021 .076 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 15 No flow control release proposed 100% infiltration onsite. Section 4 Performance Standards and Goals The infiltration (retention) facilities for this project are all sized to meet the flow duration standard outlined in the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. The Treatment Facility Selection Flow Chart was used to determine what type of treatment is appropriate for this project. Specifically, the following steps were followed to determine if more than basic treatment was required. Step 1: Perform offsite analysis. Step 2: Determine if oil control facility is required. Step 3: Determine if infiltration for pollutant removal is practicable. Step 4: Determine if phosphorus control is required. Step 5: Determine if enhanced treatment is required. Offsite Analysis Site is located within the Lynch Cove Basin. There are no receiving waters with listed TMDLs. No special treatment is required due to existing downstream water quality. The finished project will not discharge runoff onsite and analysis required. Oil Control Facility Evaluation Oil control facilities are required if the site is commercial or industrial with high traffic counts; used for petroleum storage and transfer exceeding 1,500 gallons per year; used for parking of vehicles exceeding 10 tons, or if the site includes an intersection that exceeds 25,000 ADT on main road and 15,000 ADT on crossing roadways. This project does not exceed these thresholds; therefore, oil control is not required. Evaluation of Infiltration for Pollutant Removal Infiltration for pollution removal is not practicable as soils are silty sand or gravel. Needs Assessment for Phosphorus Control Phosphorus control is not required by Mason County, Department of Ecology or US Environmental Protection Agency. Enhanced Treatment Evaluation Enhanced treatment is required for industrial sites, commercial sites, multi-family project sites or roadways exceeding 7,500 ADT where stormwater discharges to fish-bearing waters. The site does not meet these requirements; therefore, enhanced treatment is not required. Based upon the foregoing analysis, only basic treatment is required. Treatment cartridge filter catch basins will be used. The cartridges will have media that allow sediment to settle and additional treatment to occur prior to discharge. The number of cartridges were sized using WWHM to capture 91% of the total modeled volume. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 16 Section 5 Stormwater Management Minimum Requirements There are ten minimum requirements for stormwater management within the town of Belfair. The minimum requirements are: 1. Preparation of Stormwater Site Plan 2. Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention 3. Source Control of Pollution 4. Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls 5. Onsite Stormwater Management 6. Runoff Treatment 7. Flow Control 8. Wetlands Protection 9. Basin/Watershed Planning 10. Operation and Maintenance Addressing these ten requirements, it is anticipated that the proposed project will have little or no adverse effects on the downstream and surrounding hydrology. Each of the minimum requirements is discussed below. Minimum Requirement #1: Preparation of Stormwater Site Plan This Stormwater Site Plan is submitted as part of the Olympia Federal Savings Belfair Branch project to meet this requirement. Minimum Requirement #2: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention A Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (C-SWPPP) will be developed prior to construction to address erosion and sediment control anticipated during construction. A Construction NPDES permit will be obtained prior to construction. The C-SWPPP will address all twelve elements as required by the Department of Ecology. Minimum Requirement #3: Source Control of Pollution Public source control is addressed with onsite treatment and retention of stormwater produced by the developed site. Cartridge media filter treatment and infiltrate trenches. The owner will receive a copy of the Pollution Source Control Program as found in the Stormwater Maintenance Plan in Section VII below. The Source Control Program describes Best Management Practices (BMPs) for materials used and waste generated. Minimum Requirement #4: Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls No natural drainage system or outfalls exist on the site. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 17 Minimum Requirement #5: Onsite Stormwater Management, Including Easements and Setbacks Any existing easements are shown on the stormwater site plan. Setback will be provided from existing septic system and steep slopes. Minimum Requirement #6: Runoff Treatment For sites with greater than 5,000 square feet of pollution-generating impervious surface (PGIS), treatment facilities and onsite stormwater BMPs are required. This project exceeds the threshold and will provide treatment facilities and BMP's. Minimum Requirement #7: Flow Control The project will infiltrate all stormwater onsite. No flow control is required. Minimum Requirement#8: Wetlands Protection There are no wetlands on the site or adjacent to the site. Minimum Requirement#9: Basin/Watershed Planning The project will not impact the basin or watershed. All stormwater will be contained onsite. Minimum Requirement #10: Operation and Maintenance A Operation and Maintenance Plan and Agreement is provided. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 18 Section 6 Flow Control System The project will contain stormwater runoff onsite. A flow control release is not required. The following table indicates quantity storage infiltration. A WWHM analysis is provided in Appendix C. Table 3.3 Flow Control Basin 1,3,4 Basin 2 Basin 5&6 **Quantity Required 0.87 ac ac/ft(3,789 cf) 0.09 ac/ft (392 cf) 0.049 ac/ft (2134 cf) Storage Trench#1 Trench #2 Trench #3 37' x 66' x 4.65' 16' x 62'x 1.2' 1 1,175 sf x 5.45' 1/3 void = 3,785 cf 1/3 void = 399 cf 1/3 void = 2,134 *See WWHM located in Appendix C. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 19 O M U 3 D n m m o m 90 D � le.ar.l.uoe: t«1.9;aul•v�y n.M9/•n.TrRnry) W Z IeLTAATIoe TAMIaM ewrAu W.rAu rO@S MEATMS FORT CAa ROTRAMORUTmin aOlwrRgSTOIrLTN f.w^IImff/L) M MTALTM*NW NO Wall • MRALa m ~ na A apgRlR�saowea,el•.may' 1 (�) 12: ii a I.''' {� ) :.ii: :� :I! e.. tl!•: .II!'�'�i!j;i:�'ii�l:."` :! "•�// . II,I,'.�,i;, �!;li.I I•�i i!! I I I:' .'I. ...,:; {..I '� !Il •,.!I�{ n EAST 00 Or lr lji 11 2 LE-uu ''u enwrro t® I . ••4• , teEr PTO u RnMtlw T. I: ��' I!!{{I FERN DA.uM o l«talLlaITWSTAu j{ {I I{ it I !I III' { {I fl_ NEW BUILDING p eawrRouaawr..rei '!. ,! I ��I y!II�) I 'S;.: FFto100.50 DO"won O nlaal { j t9"ItAq aernrr" (rTF) I!. wnnl.noe ra•MOTATMMT C, MELT ENO OF 1r Ctle' roeIIYATIn11 FaMr LE-vL97 DUAL•) � niw r R �r .I 1 w71Wf1O RUT®tn i'�. TAL III.MOST •� 0.9./319 'I� ttrFrc Ir 4/W10N.ME WIN SOIA LID RAI ELEU-17.e9Illww.a 1 I i•:• LE(sq-01e9(e•P.0) I�:I LE(x -II.I!(le'AL LE(ej- ReMAAI FiPU N.OI(Ia-HMO tWITALL tIaAF RT IIJ TAM D"M EAST ENO OF Ir CNP .I l I!: •�« IS II OrAM 14-wo.m TI ATIMIN OPIATE FLWM Sr.IS.4XCOUP •� ! eutFTARIMI +�hry.4Tt` A, Ile 11NIaL1aR� ♦ rAM p1J) `lJ 1 DwllOMI S1wwRLTSA \'• [LE (N -99.86(Ie'HOPE) MO/aa LE( -IM 19(Ie'HDPE) FLSa9f �. S•• • u' \•/. •' `ft\ \ HYDRANT D G� m N O Temporary Sediment Trap QZ Developed: 0.286 cfs (See Appendix C Basin 1-7) Surface Area Required: SA=2,080/cfs SA= 2,080 x 0.286 = 595 sf Surface Area Provided: 818 sf @ Elevation 93.00 Orifice Size: A0 = A&S2h)0's As = 818 sf 0.6 x 3,600 T9 h = 3.5' T = 24 hours 818(2x3.5)0.5 z 0.6x3,600x24x32.20.s 9 =32.2 ft/sec A0 = .00736 D = 13.54x .00736 D = 1.16138 D = 1 5/32" OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 21 Section 7 Water Quality System See Sheet C5.0 & C5.1 Drainage Plans for structure specifications. See Appendix C for WWHM data. The following table is provided. Table 7.1 Wet Pond Summary Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 3 Basin 5 Required Facility 72% of 2-year developed .030 cfs .032 cfs .038 cfs .048 cfs Media Cartridges (0.0167 cfs/cart) 2 2 3 3 WWHM Water Quality printouts are provided in Appendix C. The following table of tributary area is presented. Area(outwash) Basin 1 Basin 2 Basin 3 Basin 5 Grass .043 ac .033 ac .013 ac .048 ac Impervious (paving) .074 ac .068 ac .097 ac 0.114 ac Section 8 Conveyance System Analysis and Design Present an analysis of all conveyance systems and design of the proposed stormwater conveyance system for the project. All pipes, culverts, catch basins, channels, swales and other stormwater conveyance appurtenances must be clearly labeled and correspond directly to the plans. Structured Developed Flow Pipe Conveyance 25-year, CBF #1 .07 cfs 8" pipe @ 1.9% 5.17 cfs 25-year, CBF#2 .076 cfs 8" pipe @ 2.0% 5.30 cfs 25-year, CBF#3 .086 cfs 8" pipe @ 4.0% 7.50 cfs 25-year, CBF#4 .113 cfs 1 8" pipe @ 0.7% 3.14 cfs See Appendix C for piping conveyance calculations. Section 9 Special Reports and Studies A detailed soils investigation was performed by Geotechnical Engineering Services. Six soil logs were dug in the area of the filtration facilities. The log report is provided in Appendix A. A design rate of 1.5 inches per hour was utilized. No other special report or studies have been used. Section 10 Other Permits No other permits beyond approval of this Stormwater Site Plan and Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan are required that will affect this plan. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 22 Section 11 Bond Quantities Worksheet Satisfactory performance is required to be demonstrated by the stormwater handling facilities described in this Stormwater Site Plan and detailed in the Construction Plans and Specifications for this project. The probable construction cost to install these stormwater improvements, in my opinion, is shown on the following spreadsheet. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 23 Bond Quantities Worksheet Drainage Facilities Item Quantity Unit Price Amount Temporary Sediment Trap 1 EA 5,000 5,000 2 Cartridge Catch Basin Filter 2 EA 9,000 18,000 3 Cartridge Catch Basin Filter 2 EA 13,000 26,000 8-inch PVC Piping 68 LF 25.00 1,700 6-inch D.S. Line 225 LF 18.00 4,050 9-inch Yard Drain 1 EA 500 500 Infiltration Trench#1 1 EA 20,000 20,000 Infiltration Trench#2 1 EA 4,800 4,800 Infiltration Trench#3 1 EA 11,300 11,300 Subtotal 91,350 10% Contingency 9,135 Total $100,485 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 24 VI. CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (C-SWPPP) Projects in which the new, replaced, or new plus replaced impervious surfaces total 2,000 square feet or more, or disturb 7,000 square feet or more of land must prepare a Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (C-SWPPP). The C-SWPPP is a separate document and must address each of the twelve elements unless site conditions render the element unnecessary and the exemption from the element is clearly justified in the narrative of the C-SWPPP. Section 1 Mark Clearing Limits a. Prior to land disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area shall be clearly marked, both in the field and on the plans, to prevent damage and offsite impacts. b. Plastic, metal or stake wire fence may be used to mark the clearing limits. c. The duff layer, native topsoil and natural vegetation shall be retained in an undisturbed state to the maximum extent practicable. Section 2 Establish Construction Access a. Construction vehicle access and exit shall be limited to one route, if possible. b. Access points shall be stabilized with quarry spall or crushed rock to minimize the tracking of sediment onto public roads. c. Wheel wash or tire baths may be used and should be located onsite. d. Public roads shall be cleaned thoroughly as needed to protect stormwater infrastructure and downstream water resources. Sediment shall be removed from roads by shoveling or pickup sweeping and shall be transported to a controlled sediment disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. e. Street wash wastewater shall be controlled by pumping back onsite, or otherwise be prevented from discharging untreated into systems tributary to state surface waters. Section 3 Control Flow Rates a. Properties and waterways downstream from the site shall be protected from erosion due to increases in the volume, velocity and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site. b. Downstream analysis is necessary if changes in flows could impair or alter conveyance systems, streambanks, bed sediment or aquatic habitat. c. Comply with Minimum Requirement#7, stormwater retention/detention facilities shall be constructed as one of the first steps in grading. Detention facilities shall be functional prior to construction of site improvements (e.g. impervious surfaces). OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 25 d. The local permitting agency may require pond designs that provide additional or different stormwater flow control if necessary to address local conditions or to protect properties and waterways downstream from erosion due to increases in the volume, velocity and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site. e. If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, these facilities shall be protected from siltation during the construction phase and plans made for restoration after construction. Section 4 Install Sediment Controls a. Prior to leaving a construction site, or prior to discharge to an infiltration facility, stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP. Runoff from fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control performance standard of Element 3.a. Full stabilization means concrete or asphalt paving; quarry spalls used as ditch lining; or the use of rolled erosion products, a bonded fiber matrix product, or vegetation cover in a manner that will fully prevent soil erosion. The local permitting authority should inspect and approve areas stabilized by means other than pavement or quarry spalls. b. Sediment ponds, vegetated buffer strips, sediment barriers or filters, dikes, and other BMPs intended to trap sediment onsite shall be constructed as one of the first steps in grading. These BMPs shall be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. c. Earthen structures such as dams, dikes, and diversions shall be seeded and mulched according to the timing indicated in Element#5. Section 5 Stabilize Soils a. Soils shall be stabilized as outlined below, where downstream water resources or stormwater infrastructure may be negatively affected by sediments (i.e., runoff discharges off the development site). b. From October 1 through April 30, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 2 days. From May 1 through September 30, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 7 days. From November 1 through February 28 soil disturbing activities shall be prohibited. No soil disturbing activities shall occur within Green Cove, Percival,Woodard, and Ellis Creek watersheds from October 1 through April 30. This condition applies to all onsite soils, whether at final grade or not. c. Applicable practices include but are not limited to compost addition, temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, soil application of polyacrylamide (PAM), early application of gravel base on areas to be paved and dust control. d. Soil stabilization measures selected should be appropriate for the time of year, site conditions, estimated duration of use and potential water quality impacts that stabilization agents may have on downstream waters or groundwater. e. Soil stockpiles must be stabilized from erosion, protected with sediment-trapping measures, and located away from storm drains, waterways, or drainage channels. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 26 f. Work on linear construction sites and activities, including right-of-way and easement clearing, roadway development, pipelines, and trenching for utilities, shall not exceed the capability of the individual contractor for his portion of the project to install the bedding materials, roadbeds, structures, pipelines, and/or utilities, and to re-stabilize the disturbed soils, in compliance with the applicable 2-day or 7-day criterion listed above. Section 6 Protect Slopes a. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. b. Consider soil type and its potential for erosion. c. Reduce slope runoff velocities by reducing the continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reduce slope steepness, and roughen slope surfaces. d. Offsite stormwater run-on shall be diverted away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes and swales. Offsite stormwater should be managed separately from stormwater water generated onsite. e. To prevent erosion, at the top of the slopes collect drainage in pipe slope drains or protected channels. Temporary pipe slope drains shall handle the peak flow from a 10- year, 24-hour event; permanent slope drains shall be sized for a 25-year, 24-hour event. Check dams shall be used within channels that are cut down a slope. f. Provide drainage to remove groundwater intersecting the slope surface of exposed soil areas. g. Stabilize soils on slopes, as specified in Element#5. Section 7 Protect Drain Inlets a. As needed to protect stormwater infrastructure and downstream water resources, all storm drain inlets made operable during construction shall be protected so that stormwater runoff shall not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. b. All approach roads shall be kept clean, and all sediment and street wash water shall not be allowed to enter storm drains without prior and adequate treatment, unless treatment is provided before the storm drain discharges to waters of the state. Section 8 Stabilize Channels and Outlets a. All temporary onsite conveyance channels shall be designed, constructed and stabilized to prevent erosion from the peak 10-minute flow velocity from a Type 1A 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. b. Stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent streambanks, slopes and downstream reaches shall be provided at the outlets of all conveyance systems. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 27 Section 9 Control Pollutants a. All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris, that occur onsite shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. b. Cover, containment and protection from vandalism shall be provided for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products and non-inert wastes present on the site (see Chapter 173-304 WAC for the definition of inert waste). Onsite fueling tanks shall include secondary containment. c. Maintenance and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles involving oil changes, hydraulic system drain down, solvent and de-greasing cleaning operations, fuel tank drain down and removal, and other activities which may result in discharge or spillage of pollutants to the ground or into stormwater runoff must be conducted using spill prevention measures, such as drip pans. Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Report all spills to 911. Emergency repairs may be performed onsite using temporary plastic placed beneath, and if raining, over the vehicle. d. Wheel wash or tire bath wastewater shall be discharged to a separate onsite treatment system or to the sanitary sewer if allowed by the local wastewater authority. e. Application of agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides, shall be conducted in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Manufacturers' label recommendations shall be followed for application rates and procedures. f. Management of pH-modifying sources shall prevent contamination of runoff and stormwater collected on the site. These sources include, but are not limited to, bulk cement, cement kiln dust,fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, and concrete pumping and mixer washout waters. Section 10 Control De-Watering a. All foundation, vault, and trench de-watering water, which has similar characteristics to stormwater runoff at the site, shall be discharged into a controlled conveyance system, prior to discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. Channels must be stabilized, as specified in Element#8. b. Clean, non-turbid de-watering water, such as well-point groundwater, can be discharged to systems tributary to state surface waters, as specified in Element#8, provided the de- watering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of the receiving waters. These clean waters should not be routed through sediment ponds with water. c. Highly turbid or otherwise contaminated de-watering water, such as from construction equipment operation, clamshell digging, concrete tremie pour, or work inside a cofferdam, shall be handled separately from stormwater at the site. d. Other disposal options, depending on site constraints, may include: 1. Infiltration OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 28 2. Transport offsite in vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters 3. Onsite treatment using chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies 4. Sanitary sewer discharge with local sewer district approval Section 11 Maintain BMPs a. All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. All maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with BMPs. b. Sediment control BMPs shall be inspected weekly or after a runoff-producing storm event during the dry season and daily during the wet season. c. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be removed or stabilized onsite. Disturbed soil areas resulting from removal of BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. Section 12 Manage the Project a. Phasing of Construction—Development projects shall be phased where feasible in order to prevent, to maximum extent practicable, the transport of sediment from the project site during construction. Re-vegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation shall be an integral part of the clearing activities for any phase. b. Clearing and grading activities for developments shall be permitted only if conducted pursuant to an approved site development plan that establishes permitted areas of clearing, grading, cutting and filling. When establishing these permitted clearing and grading areas, consideration should be given to minimizing removal of existing trees and minimizing disturbance/compaction of native soils except as needed for building purposes. These permitted clearing and grading areas and any other areas required to preserve native growth protection easements or tree retention, as may be required by local jurisdictions, shall be delineated on the site plans and the development site. c. All plats shall include lot-specific grading plans, including information specified by the local permitting authority such as finished grades, finished floor elevations, buildable areas, and identified drainage outlets. This information would normally be submitted with the construction drawings, but may be required prior to preliminary plat approval. d. Seasonal Work Limitations—From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading and other soil disturbing activities shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the local permitting authority that silt-laden runoff will be prevented from leaving the construction site through a combination of the following: 1. Site condition including existing vegetative coverage, slope, soil type and proximity to receiving waters 2. Limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 29 3. Proposed erosion and sediment control measures Based on the information provided, and/or local weather conditions, the local permitting authority may expand or restrict the seasonal limitation on site disturbance. If, during the course of any construction activity or soil disturbance during the seasonal limitation period, silt-laden runoff leaving the site causes a violation of the surface water quality standard or if clearing and grading limits or erosion and sediment control measures shown in the approved plan are not maintained, the local permitting authority may take enforcement action, including but not limited to, a notice of violation, administrative order, fine/penalty, stop-work order, or correction notice. Local government may restrict clearing and grading activities where site conditions may present a significant risk of impact to property or critical areas. Contact the local permitting authority for information on specific site restrictions. In Olympia, except where approved chemical treatment, full dispersion or infiltration is practiced, clearing, grading and other soil disturbing activities are prohibited in all watersheds November through February, and in Green Cove, Percival,Woodard, and Ellis Creek watershed between October through April. e. Coordination with Utilities and Other Contractors—The primary project proponent shall evaluate, with input from utilities and other contractors, the stormwater management requirements for the entire project, including the utilities, when preparing the Construction SWPPP. f. Inspection and Monitoring 1. All BMPs shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Site inspections shall be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The person shall have the skills to(1) assess site conditions and construction activities that could impact stormwater runoff quality, and (2) assess erosion and sediment control measure effectiveness. 2. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Specialist(CESCS)—A CESCS shall be identified in the Construction SWPPP and shall be onsite or on-call at all times. Certification may be obtained an approved training program that meets the erosion and sediment control training program that meets the erosion and sediment training criteria established by Ecology. If a pre-construction meeting is held, this person shall attend. 3. Sampling and analysis of the stormwater discharges from a construction site may be necessary on a case-by-case basis to ensure compliance with standards. Monitoring and reporting requirements may be established by the local permitting authority when necessary. Sampling shall be per Volume I, Section 2.5.2 Element#12 of the City of Olympia Stormwater Manual. 4. Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMPs identified in the C-SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of, or potential to discharge, a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMPs or design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible. g. Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP 5. The C-SWPPP shall be retained onsite or within reasonable access to the site. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 30 6. The C-SWPPP shall be updated within 7 days to reflect any significant changes in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that have, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state. 7. The C-SWPPP shall be updated within 7 days if during inspections or investigations by site staff or local or state officials, it is determined that the C-SWPPP is ineffective in controlling pollutants such that applicable discharge or surface water standards violations are apparent. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 31 VII. STORMWATER MAINTENANCE PLAN OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH January 7, 2010 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 Page 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT....................................................... 34 11. STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE GUIDE ...................... 35 Introduction..........................................................................................................................36 What Is Stormwater Runoff?..................................................................................36 What Is a Storm Drain System and How Does It Work? .......................................36 What Does Stormwater Runoff Have to Do With Water Quality?..........................36 StormwaterFacilities..............................................................................................36 Who Is Responsible for Maintaining Stormwater Facilities?..................................36 How to Use the Stormwater Facility Maintenance Guide? ....................................37 Included in This Guide ...........................................................................................37 Your Stormwater Facilities..................................................................................................37 FacilityKey..........................................................................................................................37 SitePlan..............................................................................................................................38 QuickList.............................................................................................................................40 Maintenance Checklists ......................................................................................................41 InfiltrationTrench ...................................................................................................42 Catch Basins, Manholes and Inlets........................................................................43 Conveyance Pipes, Ditches and Swales ...............................................................44 Grounds and Landscaping.....................................................................................45 ResourceListing..................................................................................................................41 LogSheet............................................................................................................................47 III. POLLUTION SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM.............................. 49 Recommended Pollution Control Practices for Homeowners.............................................49 IV. GLOSSARY...................................................................................... 51 I. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 34 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT After recording return to: Mason County Mason County Project No. "COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL" AGREEMENT TO MAINTAIN STORMWATER FACILITIES AND TO IMPLEMENT A POLLUTION SOURCE CONTROL PLAN For purposes of this agreement and for indexing by the Auditor as required by R.C.W. Ch. 65.04, the parties of this agreement are Olympia Federal Savings Bank, Grantor, and Mason County, Grantee. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: TRACT A OF SHORT SUBDIVISION NO 152, RECORDED JULY 21, 1975, AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 303681, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER (NW t/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW t/4) OF SECTION TWENTYEIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP TWENTYTHREE (23) NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST, W.M. Assessor Parcel No.(s) 123283290000 Commercial/Industrial Maintenance Agreement Forms Page 1 of 5 (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL VERSION) AGREEMENT TO MAINTAIN STORMWATER FACILITIES AND TO IMPLEMENT A POLLUTION SOURCE CONTROL PLAN BY AND BETWEEN MASON COUNTY,AND OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK,AND ITS HEIRS, SUCCESSORS,OR ASSIGNS (HEREINAFTER"OWNER") The upkeep and maintenance of stormwater facilities and the implementation of pollution source control best management practices (BMPs) are essential to the protection of water resources in Mason County. All property owners are expected to conduct business in a manner that promotes environmental protection. This Agreement contains specific provisions with respect to maintenance of stormwater facilities and use of pollution source control BMPs. The authority to require maintenance and pollution source control is provided by Mason County Code. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT A OF SHORT SUBDIVISION NO 152, RECORDED DULY 21, 1975, AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 303681, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER (NW 1/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION TWENTYEIGHT (28), TOWNSHIP TWENTYTHREE (23)NORTH, RANGE ONE (1) WEST, W.M. RECITALS WHEREAS, OWNER is the owner of certain real property in Mason County, Washington, described as set forth in the legal description contained herein and referred to in this agreement as the"Property". and WHEREAS, In connection with the OWNER'S proposed development of the Property, Mason County has required and OWNER has agreed to construct stormwater facilities and to implement a pollution source control plan. The stormwater facilities and pollution source control plan were prepared by for the OWNER'S property and is on file with Mason County. and WHEREAS, OWNER has constructed improvements, including but not limited to, buildings, pavement, and stormwater facilities on the Property, in order to further the goals of Mason County to ensure the protection and enhancement of Mason County's water resources, MASON COUNTY and OWNER hereby enter into this Agreement. The responsibilities of each party to this Agreement are identified below. OWNER SHALL: (1)Implement the stormwater facility maintenance program included herein as Attachment"A". (2)Implement the pollution source control program included herein as Attachment`B". CommercWAndustrial Maintenance Agreement Forms Page 2 of 5 (3) Maintain a record (in the form of a log book) of steps taken to implement the programs referenced in (1) and (2) above. The log book shall be available for inspection by MASON COUNTY at during normal business hours. The log book shall catalog the action taken, who took it, when it was done, how it was done, and any problems encountered or follow-on actions recommended. Maintenance items ("problems") listed in Attachment "A" shall be inspected as specified in the attached instructions or more frequently if necessary. OWNER is encouraged to photocopy the individual checklists in Attachment "A" and use them to complete its monthly inspections. These completed checklists would then, in combination, comprise the log book. (4) Submit an annual report to MASON COUNTY regarding implementation of the programs referenced in (1) and (2) above. The report must be submitted on or before August 31 of each calendar year and shall contain, at a minimum,the following: (a) Name, address, and telephone number of the business, the person, or the firm responsible for plan implementation, and the person completing the report. (b) Time period covered by the report. (c) A chronological summary of activities conducted to implement the programs referenced in(1)and(2) above. A photocopy of the applicable sections of the log book, with any additional explanation needed, shall normally suffice. For any activities conducted by paid parties not affiliated with OWNER, include a copy of the invoice for services. (d) An outline of planned activities for the next year. (5) Prevent any unauthorized modifications to the drainage system and prevent it from being dismantled,revised, altered or removed except as necessary for maintenance,repair or replacement. Any such actions will be covered under item 4 above and shall be approved of by MASON COUNTY. Modifications to the stormwater quantity control and stormwater quality system must be approved in advance by MASON COUNTY and may require the submittal of revised design drawings, supporting calculations,modifications to maintenance requirements,and applications for permits. MASON COUNTY WILL,AS RESOURCES ALLOW: (1) Provide technical assistance to OWNER in support of its operation and maintenance activities conducted pursuant to its maintenance and source control programs. Said assistance shall be provided upon request, as County time and resources permit and at no charge to OWNER. (2) Review the annual report and conduct occasional site visits to discuss performance and problems with OWNER. (3) Review this agreement with OWNER and modify it as necessary. CommerciaVlndustrial Maintenance Agreement Forms Page 3 of 5 REMEDIES: (1) If MASON COUNTY determines that maintenance or repair work is required to be done to the stormwater facility existing on the OWNER'S property, MASON COUNTY shall give OWNER, and the person or agent in control of said property if different, notice of the specific maintenance and/or repair required. MASON COUNTY shall set a reasonable time in which such work is to be completed by the persons who were given notice. If the above required maintenance and/or repair is not completed within the time set by MASON COUNTY, written notice will be sent to the persons who were given notice stating MASON COUNTY'S intention to perform such maintenance and bill the owner for all incurred expenses. MASON COUNTY may also adjust stormwater utility charges if required maintenance is not performed. (2) If at any time MASON COUNTY determines that the existing system creates any imminent threat to public health, welfare or water quality MASON COUNTY may take immediate measures to remedy said threat. No notice to the persons listed in Remedies (1), above, shall be required under such circumstances. All other responsibilities shall remain in effect. (3) OWNER grants unrestricted authority to MASON COUNTY for access to any and all stormwater system features for the purpose of routine inspections and/or performing maintenance, repair and/or retrofit as may become necessary under Remedies(1)and/or(2). (4) OWNER shall assume all responsibility for the cost of any maintenance and for repairs to the stormwater facility. Such responsibility shall include reimbursement to MASON COUNTY within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice for any such work performed. Overdue payments will require payment of interest at the current legal rate for liquidated judgments. If legal action ensues, any costs or fees incurred by MASON COUNTY will be borne by the parties responsible for said reimbursements. (5) OWNER hereby grants to the MASON COUNTY a lien against the above-described property in an amount equal to the cost incurred by MASON COUNTY to perform the maintenance or repair work described herein. This Agreement is intended to protect the value and desirability of the real property described above and to benefit all the citizens of the County. It shall run with the land and be binding on all parties having or acquiring from OWNER or their successors any right, title, or interest in the property or any part thereof, as well as their title,or interest in the property or any part thereof, as well as their heirs, successors, and assigns. They shall inure to the benefit of each present or future successor in interest of said property or any part thereof, or interest therein, and to the benefit of all citizens of MASON COUNTY. Dated at ,Washington,this day of , OWNER By: Title CommerciaVIndustrial Maintenance Agreement Forms Page 4 of 5 STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF MASON ) On this day and year above personally appeared before me, known to be the of , the company that executed the forgoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. Given under my hand and official seal this day of , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing in My commission expires Dated at ,Washington,this day of , APPROVED as to form only: ACCEPTED BY: Mason County Prosecuting Attorney for MASON COUNTY Date Date Commercial/Industrial Maintenance Agreement Form Page 5 of 5 Attachment "A" Stormwater Facility Maintenance Program OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 35 II. STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE GUIDE Introduction What Is Stormwater Runoff? When urban and suburban development covers the land with buildings, streets and parking lots, much of the native topsoil, duff, trees, shrubs and grass are replaced by asphalt and concrete. Rainfall that would have soaked directly into the ground instead stays on the surface as stormwater runoff making its way into storm drains (including man-made pipes, ditches or swale networks), stormwater ponds, surface and groundwater and, eventually, to Puget Sound. What Is a Storm Drain System and How Does It Work? The storm drain system for most developments includes measures to carry, store, cleanse and release the stormwater. Components work together to reduce the impacts of development on the environment. Impacts can include flooding that results in property damage and blocked emergency routes, erosion that can cause damage to salmon spawning habitat and pollution that harms fish and/or drinking water supplies. The storm drain system provides a safe method to carry stormwater to the treatment and storage area. Swales and ponds filter pollutants from the stormwater by physically settling out particles, chemically binding pollutants to pond sediments and biologically converting pollutants to less harmful compounds. Ponds also store treated water, releasing it gradually to a nearby stream or to groundwater. What Does Stormwater Runoff Have to Do With Water Quality? Stormwater runoff must be treated because it carries litter, oil, gasoline, fertilizers, pesticides, pet wastes, sediments and anything else that can float, dissolve or be swept along by moving water. Left untreated, polluted stormwater can reach nearby waterways where it can harm and even kill aquatic life. It can also pollute groundwater to the extent that it requires treatment before it is suitable for drinking. Nationally, stormwater is recognized as a major threat to water quality. Remember to keep everything out of stormwater systems except the rainwater they are designed to collect. What Types of Stormwater Facilities Are There? Different types of ponds are designed for different purposes. For example, wet ponds primarily provide treatment of stormwater. Dry ponds or infiltration ponds are designed to provide storage for stormwater and allow for its gradual release downstream or into the ground. Who Is Responsible for Maintaining Stormwater Facilities? All stormwater facilities require maintenance. Regular maintenance ensures proper functioning and preserves visual appeal. This Stormwater Facility Maintenance Guide was designed to explain how stormwater facilities work and provide user-friendly, straightforward guidance on facility maintenance. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 36 You are responsible for regularly maintaining privately owned ponds, catch basins, pipes and other drainage facilities on your property. Stormwater facilities located in public rights-of-way are maintained by local governments. How to Use the Stormwater Facility Maintenance Guide This Maintenance Guide includes a Site Plan specific to your development and a Facility Key that identifies the private stormwater facilities you are responsible for maintaining. A"Quick List' of maintenance activities has also been included to help you identify the more routine needs of your facility. Also included in this guide: • Comprehensive Maintenance Checklists that provide specific details on required maintenance • Pollution Prevention Tips that list ways to protect water quality and keep storm drain systems functioning smoothly • Resources to provide more information and technical assistance Your Stormwater Facilities This section consists of two parts that are to be used together: the Facility Key and the Site Plan. Review the Site Plan and identify the numbers denoting a feature of the system. Then check the Facility Key for the feature type and checklist name. Facility Key The stormwater facility in your neighborhood is composed of the following elements: Type of Feature&Checklist Name Location on Site Plan Infiltration Trench 1 Treatment/Filter Catch Basin 2 Conveyance Pipes, Ditches and Swales 3 Access Roads and Easements 4 Drywells, French Drains or Downspouts 5 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 37 Site Plan 2'RPL)❑ INSTALL 2 t •. 90 1••'.••.•.•. ... 2 CARTRIDGE STORkILTEvt ' `DO .. RIM 96.50 .. . FL9320 13i00 g • ''t2.00. . . . 97 96 9 Ar S �-29LF 8"PVC 96' B 0.007 FTIFT V NEW BUILDING 1175 SF:5.45'DEEP FF JOO.50 !•.;:;:::� .: •. K INFILTRATION TRENCHED ❑ DOWN SPOUT 12.43.92,49.93'ITT(PL) mP) INSTALL 4"OBSERVATION PORT • WI TRAFFIC RATED LID SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET C.B. , 2 48' STRUCTURE N1TH SOLID96-4 LID RIM ELEV= 97.83 NEW 98.42 z I.E. (SW) — 98.83 (8'PVC) I.E. (N) a 94.13(18'ALUMINUM PIPE) I.E. (S) = 94.80 (18"HDPE) 11+54-85,11fi.43'RT(PL) INSTALL •:i= YARD DRAIN • K NOS 9"C9f900 W1 ATRIUM GRATE RIM 99.50 FL 98.8T 35LF PVC .2 Q oai FTIFT MW. h�,70 •103 G�`p• O 40 20 0 40 SCALE: 1"=40' OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 39 Site Plan 1 C.B. /6J2 RIN ELE-V- 95.09 LF- (SW) - 91.79 (11"CAIP) LE. (NE) - 9394 (12-CRAP) NE TO CULVERT L2t-- n.7s RT(PL) EAST END OF 12'CUP INSTALL I.E. - 95.63 STORMFLTER IV z Sr x 1.IC DEEP 0+6523,�1.�INFILTRATION TRENCH Si �yINSTALL4'OESMATION PORTVW TRAFFIC RATED LIDLINESEE DETAIL THIS SHEETT M .'}rP'or i 1 woo • 5.07 29'8' W. .Y • Ci r CLEANOUT USE TRAFFIC RATED '_ 1 ALF r PVC LID WHEN IN ASPHALT \ •? - Q 0.019 FTIFT �{. ry?ric::i::::::':`•:':,'...:.. r PVc o.s.LNE❑ 0.01 FTIFT MIN.TYP 10+79M,50.7s'Rr(Py E: K ' 'C i�t .=s:E:s:t::.'•" NEW INSTALL CBF-2 - ;�•: BUILDING 2 CARTRIDGE STORMFI_TER RUM 9982 FF= 100.50 FL IMLZI E \ WEST END OF 72'CRAP I.E. - 98.J2 ' 0LF r PVC \0.04 FTIFT EAST END OF 12' CWP 100.30 INSTALL •'::�:!; ".' 4'OBSERVATION PORT W1 TRAFFIC RATED LID \� " '�"'r�""' •':� :. SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET sr:9e•:4sDEEP INFILTRATION TRENCH 01 ^"i'• 11+2423.1193T FIT(PL) INSTALL CBF.T s CARTRIDGE STORMFS.TER IIIII� ••. RIM umFL OL32 �vf� 7YF 4'PVC G8. /343 a 0.01 FTIFT MIN. (SOLID LID) RIM ELEV— 10.196 40 20 0 40 I.E. (NW) - 99M(IS-HDPE) 11+st es,110.4r RT(PL) I.E. (SE) 100.12(18-HOPE) INSTALL SCALE: 1"=40' NDS AN r r C CBB OWWI ATRIUM ORATE RIM 9930 FL 94.97 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 38 Site Plan 2 12.49.SB,1,24'RT,PI.) INSTALL 50 • •• a CARTRIDGE STORMF4.TER'•.... �9 •... .•.'• ,RIM 9. .... . •. /N n,00. :g 9'8' 97 96 L: 46• QGMT FVFT v NEW BUILDING k` ,: :`.. FF C 100.50 INFILTRATION NFILRA TRATI ON DEEP f INFI0N TRENCH f7 ❑ DOWN SPOUT 12-43.92.4a.9]'RT(PL) INSTALL © 4"OBSERVATION PORT WI TRAFFIC RATED LID . SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET C.B. /342 �\ 48'STRUCTURE WIN SOLID LID RIM ELEV= 97.83 NEW 9B.42 rn I.E. (SW) — 9&83(6, PVC) I.E. (N) 94.13 (78'ALUMINUM PIPE) I.E. (S) 94.80 (18"HDPE) 11-54.95,116.43'RT(PL) INSTALL 'S o YARD DRAIN '~t'• NOS 9'CB 4BU7 WI ATRIUM GRATE RIM"m FL 99.97 QIr PVC FT MBL A 41 �4-� k ti�AO •103 G p O Q 40 20 0 40 SCALE:1"=40' OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 39 Quick List The following is an abbreviated checklist of the most common types of maintenance required. Please go over this checklist after heavy rains. The list represents minimum maintenance to be performed and should be completed in conjunction with the other checklists for an effective maintenance program. ❑ Inspect catch basin grates to see that they are not clogged or broken. Remove twigs, leaves or other blockages. Contact the local jurisdiction to replace the grate if it is broken. ❑ Inspect inlet and outlet pipes for blockages. Clear all blockages. ❑ Inspect filter strip, swale and pond walls for erosion or caved in areas. ❑ Inspect riprap (rocks) at the inlets and outlets of culverts and other pipes. If they are silted in or eroded away, replace them. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 40 Maintenance Checklists The Maintenance Checklists in this packet are for your use when inspecting the stormwater facilities on your property. This packet has been customized so that only the checklists for your facilities are included. If you feel you are missing a checklist, or you have additional facilities not identified or addressed in this packet, please contact your local jurisdiction. The checklists are in tabular format for ease of use. Each describes the area to inspect, inspection frequency, what to look for and what action to take. A log sheet is included toward the end of the chapter to help you track maintenance of your storm drainage system. Although it is not intended for the maintenance survey to involve anything too difficult or strenuous, there are a few tools that will make the job easier and safer, including: • A flashlight • A long pole or broom handle • Some kind of pry bar or lifting tool for pulling manhole and grate covers • Gloves A resource list is included in the next chapter. There you will find the phone numbers of the agencies referenced in the tables, as well as the contractors and consultants who designed and constructed your facilities. ASAFETY WARNING: In keeping with OSHA regulations, you should never stick your head or any part of your body into a manhole or other type of confined space. When looking into a manhole or catch basin, stand above it and use the flashlight to help you see. Use a long pole or broom handle to check sediment depths in confined spaces. NO PART OF YOUR BODY SHOULD BREAK THE PLANE OF THE OPEN HOLE. Resource Listing If you suspect a problem exists, please contact your local jurisdiction at one of the numbers below and ask for technical assistance. CONTACT NUMBERS Olympia Sewer & Stormwater Engineering (360) 753-8768 Washington State University (WSU) Cooperative Extension (360) 786-5445 DEVELOPER INFORMATION ENGINEER'S INFORMATION Olympia Federal Savings Bank HATTON GODAT PANTIER 421 Capitol Way S 1840 Barnes Boulevard SW Olympia, WA 98501 Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 754-3400 (360) 943-1599 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 41 Infiltration Trench Inspection Frequency Look For Action Area Storage Area Annually Sediment build-up in Remove sediment and/or clean system. facility so that infiltration system works according to design. Storage Area Annually Slow draining (more than Enlarge the system or replace 48 hours) or overflowing. gravel with large diameter perforated pipe. Aerate soil to improve drainage. Contact design engineer or City for more information. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 42 Catch Basins, Filter These structures are typically located in the streets and public rights-of-way. Local jurisdictions are responsible for routine maintenance of the pipes and catch basins in rights-of-way, whereas homeowners are responsible for keeping the grates clear of debris in all areas as well as pipes and catch basins in private areas. Inspection Frequency Look For Action Area Catch Basin During and Accumulation of trash or debris in front Remove blocking trash or Opening after major of catch basin opening that prevents debris with a rake and storms water from flowing in. clean off the grate. Catch basin Quarterly Sediment or debris in the basin. No Remove debris from more than half the depth from the catch basin. bottom of the pipe to the bottom of the basin should be allowed to accumulate. Use a long stick or broom handle to poke into sediment and determine depth. Inlet and Quarterly Trash or debris in the pipes that has Remove trash or debris Outlet Pipes exceeded 1/5 of their height. Ensure from inlet and outlet there are not tree roots or other pipes. vegetation growing in the pipes. Inlet and Annually Cracks wider than '/2 inch and longer Repair cracks or replace Outlet Pipe than 12 inches at the joint of any inlet the joints. Joints or outlet pipe. Also check for evidence of sediment entering the catch basin through cracks. Grate Quarterly Cracks longer than 2 inches or Replace grate if multiple cracks. necessary. Frame Quarterly Confirmation that the frame is sitting Repair or replace the flush on top of the concrete structure frame so it is flush with (slab). A separation of more than 3/4 the slab. inch between the frame and the slab should be corrected. Catch Basin Annually Cracks wider than '/2 inch and longer Replace or repair the than 3 feet. Also check for any basin. Contact a evidence of sediment entering the professional engineer for catch basin through cracks. evaluation. Determine whether or not the structure is sound. Checklist continues on next page. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 43 Catch Basins, Manholes and Filter Checklist, Continued Inspection Area Frequency Look For Action Catch Basin Quarterly Chemicals (such as natural Clean out catch basin. Contact your gas, oil and gasoline)that local jurisdiction or Thurston County may have entered the catch Environmental Health if you detect a basin. Check for noxious color, odor or oily sludge. odor or oily sludge. Oil/Water Quarterly Significant sludge, oil, Remove the catch basin lid and skim Separator grease or scum layer off oil layer. Pour oil into a (downturned covering all or most of the disposable container, seal container, elbow or"T" in water surface. wrap securely in newspaper, and Catch Basin) place in trash. Water surface should be clear of oily layer. Pipe Elbow Quarterly Damage to top or bottom of If pipe is broken, replace pipe in pipe; determine whether accordance with approved plans on pipe is plumb. file with your local jurisdiction. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 44 Conveyance Pipes, Ditches and Swales Inspection Frequency Look For Action Area Pipes Annually Confirmation that accumulated Clean pipes of all sediment sediment has not exceeded and debris. Remove all 20% of the diameter of the pipe vegetation so that water flows and that vegetation has not freely through pipes. Repair reduced free movement of or replace pipe as necessary. water through pipes. Ensure that the protective coating is not damaged and rusted. Dents should not significantly impede flow. Pipe should not have major cracks or tears allowing water to leak out. Open Ditches Quarterly Yard waste or litter in the ditch. Remove trash and debris and dispose of properly. Open Ditches Annually Confirmation that accumulated Clean ditch of all sediment and sediment has not exceeded debris. 20% of the depth of the ditch. Open Ditches Annually Vegetation (e.g., weedy shrubs Clear blocking vegetation so and Swales or saplings) that reduces the that water flows freely through free movement of water ditches. Grassy vegetation through ditches or swales. should be left alone. Open Ditches Quarterly Signs of erosion. Inspect Eliminate causes of erosion. and Swales slopes for signs of sloughing or Stabilize slopes by using settling. Action is needed appropriate erosion control where eroded damage is over 2 measures (e.g., reinforce with inches deep and where rock, plant grass, compact potential for continued erosion soil). exists. Open Ditches Annually Adequate rock placement in Replace rocks to design and Swales splash pad, check dam or standard. lining. Native soil should not be visible. Swales Quarterly Adequate grass coverage. Aerate soils, reseed and Take action if coverage is mulch bare areas. Keep grass sparse and weedy, or areas are less than 8 inches high. overgrown with woody Remove woody growths, vegetation. regrade and reseed as necessary. Swales Quarterly Confirmation that swale has not If possible, speak with been filled in or blocked by homeowner and request that structures, shrubbery, etc. the swale area be restored. Swales Annually Standing water in swale or very A survey may be needed to slow flow velocity. Stagnation. verify grades. Grades should be from 1% - 5%. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 45 Access Roads and Easements Inspection Frequency Look For Action Area General One Time Adequate access to your If there is not enough access, stormwater facilities for check with your local maintenance vehicles. jurisdiction to determine whether an easement exists. If so, a maintenance road may need to be constructed. Access Quarterly Debris that could damage Clear all potentially damaging Road vehicle tires (glass or metal). debris. Access Annually Any obstructions that reduce Clear along and over roadway Road clearance above and along the so there is enough clearance. road to less than 14 feet. Road Annually Potholes, ruts, mushy spots or Add gravel or remove wood as Surface woody debris that limits access necessary. by maintenance vehicles. Shoulders Annually Erosion along the roadway. Repair erosion with additional and Ditches soil or gravel. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 46 Drywells, French Drains or Downspouts Inspection Frequency Look For Action Area Downspout Annually Water overflowing from the First clean the gutters and downspout onto the ground. downspouts. If this doesn't solve the problem, a larger drywell may be required. Roof Annually Moss and algae taking over Disconnect flexible part of the the shadier parts of the downspout leading to the drywell. shingles. Remove moss. Pressure washing or use of fatty acid solutions, instead of highly toxic pesticides or chlorine bleach, is preferred. Install a zinc strip as a preventative. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 47 Log Sheet Use log sheets to track maintenance checks and what items, if any, are repaired or altered. Make copies of this page; use a fresh copy for each inspection. The completed sheets will serve as a record of maintenance activity and will provide valuable information about how your facilities are operating. Log sheets should be kept in a dry, readily accessible place. INSPECTION DATE: PERFORMED BY: PHONE NUMBER: ADDRESS: POSITION ON HOA: CITY,ST ZIP: OBSERVATIONS PART OF • • MAINTENANCE DATE OF INSPECTED ACTIVITIES) ACTION TAKEN ACTION OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 48 Attachment "B" Pollution Source Control Program OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 49 III. POLLUTION SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM Purpose Pollution source controls are actions taken by a person or business to reduce the amount of pollution reaching surface and groundwaters. Controls, also called "best management practices" (BMPs) include: • Altering the activity(e.g., substitute non-toxic products, recycle used oil, route floor drains to sanitary sewer rather than storm sewer) • Enclosing or covering the activity(e.g., building a roof) • Segregating the activity(e.g., diverting runoff away from an area that is contaminated) • Routing runoff from the activity to a treatment alternative (e.g., a wastewater treatment facility, sanitary sewer, or stormwater treatment area) Recommended Pollution Control Practices For Business Owners Pollution source controls are needed because of the contamination found in runoff from commercial areas and the effect of this contamination on aquatic life and human health. Research on urban runoff in the Puget Sound area and elsewhere has found oil and grease, nutrients, organic substances, toxic metals, bacteria, viruses and sediments at unacceptable levels. Effects of contaminated runoff include closure of shellfish harvesting areas and swimming areas, mortality of young fish and other aquatic organisms, tumors on fish and impairment of fish reproduction. Materials Used and Wastes Generated Of particular concern are drives and parking areas. Because of heavy vehicle usage, the concentration of oil and grease in stormwater may exceed the Ecology guidelines of 10 mg/1. Although there are no local data to confirm this view, limited research in the San Francisco Bay area found the mean concentration of oil and grease in stormwater to exceed 10 mg/1. Required Actions The following actions shall be taken to ensure that pollution generated on site shall be minimized: 1. Warning signs (e.g., "Dump No Waste—Drains to Stream") shall be painted or embossed on or adjacent to all storm drain inlets. They shall be repainted as needed. Materials needed to undertake this task can be purchased or may be available from the Public Involvement Coordinator for the Department of Public Works. 2. Sediment removed from basins, ponds and swales shall be disposed of in a proper manner. Contact the local governing jurisdiction for inspection prior to completing this task. 3. No activities shall be conducted on site that are likely to result in short-term, highly concentrated discharge of pollution to the stormwater system. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, heavy vehicle maintenance and cleaning of equipment used in the periodic maintenance of buildings and paved surfaces.Use of pesticides and fertilizers shall be minimized. 4. Do not dump paint, solvents, oils, or other such substances, including landscape waste, into storm drains or ponds. A local automotive service center may recycle oil and oil filters. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 50 Septic System Care and Management Although septic systems do not seem to have a direct relationship with stormwater runoff, in some instances they can be related. 1. Roof drains and stormwater runoff should be diverted away from the drainfields. Excess water reduces the capacity of the drainfield to absorb effluent from the septic tank. 2. Septic tanks should be pumped regularly. Ponded water, damp places in the yard, foul odors and/or a dark gray or black soil color may indicate septic drain field failure. Effluent from a malfunctioning septic can cause disease and nitrate problems in groundwater. For septic system assistance, contact the Thurston County Health Department at(360) 786- 5490. References Puget Sound Water Quality Authority, Managing Nonpoint Pollution-An Action Plan for Puget Sound Watersheds, 88-31, June 1989. Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Quality Guide-Recommended Pollution Control Practices for Homeowners and Small Farm Operators 87-30, revised June 1991. Washington State Department of Ecology, Hazardous Waste Pesticides, 89-41, August 1989 OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 51 IV. GLOSSARY BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP) - Structures, conservation practices or regulations that improve quality of runoff or reduce the impact of development on the quantity of runoff. BIOFILTER (SWALE)-A wider and flatter vegetated version of a ditch over which runoff flows at uniform depth and velocity. Biofilters perform best when vegetation has a thick mat of roots, leaves and stems at the soil interface (such as grass). BIOFILTRATION -The process through which pollutant concentrations in runoff are reduced by filtering runoff through vegetation. BUFFER-The zone that protects aquatic resources by providing protection of slope stability, attenuation of runoff and reduction of landslide hazards. An integral part of a stream or wetland ecosystem, it provides shading, input of organic debris and coarse sediments to streams. It also allows room for variation in stream or wetland boundaries, habitat for wildlife and protection from harmful intrusion. CATCH BASIN -An inlet for stormwater set into the ground, usually rectangular, made of concrete and capped with a grate that allows stormwater to enter. CHECK DAM -A dam (e.g., rock, earthen, log) used in channels to reduce water velocities, promote sediment deposition and/or enhance infiltration. COMPOST STORMWATER FILTER-A treatment facility that removes sediment and pollutants from stormwater by percolating water through a layer of specially prepared bigleaf maple compost. CONSTRUCTED WETLAND -A wet pond with dead storage at varied depths and planted with wetland plants to enhance its treatment capabilities. CONTROL STRUCTURE (FLOW RESTRICTOR)-A manhole and/or pipe structure with a flow- regulating or metering device such as a weir or plates with small holes known as orifices. This structure controls the rate at which water leaves the pond. CONVEYANCE-A mechanism or device for transporting water including pipes, channels (natural and man-made), culverts, gutters, manholes, etc. CRITICAL AREA—Areas, such as wetlands, streams and steep slopes, defined by ordinance or resolution of the jurisdiction. Also known as "environmentally sensitive areas." CULVERT-A conveyance device (e.g., concrete box, pipe) that conveys water from a ditch, swale or stream under(usually across) a roadway or embankment. DEAD STORAGE - The volume of storage in a pond below the outlet that does not drain after a storm event. This storage area provides treatment of the stormwater by allowing sediments to settle out. DETENTION FACILITY-A facility(e.g., pond, vault, pipe) in which surface and stormwater is temporarily stored. DETENTION POND -A detention facility in the form of an open pond. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 52 DISPERSION TRENCH - An open-top trench filled with riprap or gravel that takes the discharge from a pond, spreads it out and spills (bubbles) the flow out along its entire length. Dispersion trenches are used to simulate "sheet flow" of stormwater from an area and are often used to protect sensitive adjacent areas, such as wetlands. DRAINAGE SYSTEM - The combination of Best Management Practices (BMPs), conveyances, treatment, retention, detention and outfall features or structures on a project. DROP STRUCTURE -A structure for dropping water to a lower elevation and/or dissipating energy. A drop may be vertical or inclined. DRY POND - A detention facility that drains completely after a storm. This type of pond has a pipe outlet at the bottom. EASEMENT -A right afforded a person to make limited use of another's real property. Typical easements are for pipes or access to ponds; they may be 15 to 20 feet wide. EMERGENCY OVERFLOW OR SPILLWAY -An area on the top edge of the pond that is slightly lower in elevation than areas around it. This area is normally lined with riprap. The emergency overflow is used only if the primary and secondary outlets of the pond fail, in the event of extreme storms or if the infiltration capability of the pond becomes significantly diminished. If the emergency overflow ever comes into play, it may indicate the pond needs to be upgraded. ENERGY DISSIPATER -A rock pad at an outlet designed to slow the water's velocity, spread out the water leaving the pipe or channel and reduce the potential for erosion. FREEBOARD - The vertical distance between the design high water mark and the elevation of the top of the pond. Most ponds have one to two feet of freeboard to prevent them from overflowing. INFILTRATION - The soaking of water through the soil surface into the ground (percolation). (Many ponds are designed to fully infiltrate stormwater and thus do not have a regularly used discharge pipe.) INFILTRATION FACILITY (or STRUCTURE) -A facility (pond or trench) that retains and percolates stormwater into the ground, having no discharge (to any surface water) under normal operating conditions. JUNCTION - Point where two or more drainage pipes or channels converge (e.g., a manhole). JURISDICTION - Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater or Thurston County(as applicable). LINED POND or CONVEYANCE -A facility, the bottom and sides of which have been made impervious (using, for example, a plastic liner or clay/silt soil layer) to the transmission of liquids. LIVE STORAGE - The volume of storage in a pond above the outlet that drains after a storm event. This storage area provides flood control and habitat protection for nearby streams. MANHOLE - A larger version of a catch basin, often round, with a solid lid. Manholes allow access to underground stormwater pipes for maintenance. NATURAL CHANNEL - Stream, creek, river, lake, wetland, estuary, gully, swale, ravine or any open conduit where water will concentrate and flow intermittently or continuously. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 53 OIL-WATER SEPARATOR-A structure or device used to remove oil and greasy solids from water. They operate by using gravity separation of liquids that have different densities. Many catch basins have a downturned elbow that provides some oil-water separation. OUTFALL-The point where water flows from a man-made conduit, channel or drain into a water body or other natural drainage feature. RETENTION FACILITY-An infiltration facility. RETENTION POND -A retention facility that is an open pond. REVETMENTS - Materials such as rock or keystones used to sustain an embankment, such as in a retaining wall. RIPRAP- Broken rock, cobbles or boulders placed on earth surfaces, such as on top of a berm for the emergency overflow, along steep slopes or at the outlet of a pipe, for protection against the action of water. Also used for entrances to construction sites. RUNOFF- Stormwater. SAND FILTER-A treatment facility that removes sediment and pollutants from stormwater by percolating water through a layer of sand. STORMWATER-That portion of precipitation that falls on property and that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate but flows via overland flow, channels or pipes into a defined surface water channel or a constructed infiltration facility. Stormwater includes washdown water and other wastewater that enters the drainage system. SWALE-A shallow drainage conveyance with relatively gentle side slopes, generally with flow depths less than one foot. This term is used interchangeably with "BIOFILTER". TRASH RACK or BAR SCREEN -A device (usually a screen or bars) that fits over a pipe opening to prevent large debris such as rocks or branches from entering and partially blocking the pipe. WET POND -A stormwater treatment pond designed with a dead storage area to maintain a continuous or seasonal static water level below the pond outlet elevation. OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE 54 APPENDIX A — Special Reports and Studies OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE A-1 I i �' i �i � 1 � ii � i 4 l 1 i � I •I I � j � � f REPORT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS 24081 NE STATE ROUTE 3 /%•, ;;lf" BELFAIR,WASHINGTON SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 4" F O R MSGS ARCHITECTS -------------- \ t • _ Geotechnical Engineering Services File No. 11536-002-05 September 10, 2009 Prepared for: MSGS Architects 510 South Capitol Way Olympia,Washington 98501 Attention: Garner Miller Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. 1101 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98402 (253) 383-4940 GeoEngineers, Inc. Mackenzie J. Hanks, EIT �g� Its Geotechnical Engineer �Q o WA �F Aia4'1 _- Sqwe"� C� �P 25824 '��` FC/STELE Garry H. Squires, PE, LG, LEG �'��014ALE�� Principal MJH:GHS:tt TACOM 1\11536002\05\Finals\1153600205R.docx Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. File No.11536-002-05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................1 PURPOSEAND SCOPE ..............................................................................................................................1 GEOLOGYREVIEW.....................................................................................................................................2 SITECONDITIONS.......................................................................................................................................2 PROJECTLOCATION........................................................................................................................2 SURFACECONDITIONS...................................................................................................................2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS.......................................................................................................2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS............................................................................................................3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................................3 GENERAL...........................................................................................................................................3 SITE DEVELOPMENT AND EARTHWORK.......................................................................................3 General......................................................................................................................................3 Strippingand Clearing...............................................................................................................3 SubgradePreparation ...............................................................................................................4 Temporary Excavation Support and Groundwater Handling.....................................................4 PermanentCut and Fill Slopes..................................................................................................4 SurfaceDrainage.......................................................................................................................5 ErosionControl..........................................................................................................................5 FILLMATERIALS................................................................................................................................5 General......................................................................................................................................5 PipeBedding .............................................................................................................................5 TrenchBackfill...........................................................................................................................6 Useof On-Site Soil....................................................................................................................6 FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION............................................................................................6 General......................................................................................................................................6 AreaFills and Bases..................................................................................................................6 TrenchBackfill...........................................................................................................................6 SEISMIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................................7 General......................................................................................................................................7 SeismicDesign Criteria.............................................................................................................7 LiquefactionPotential................................................................................................................7 FOUNDATIONSUPPORT..................................................................................................................7 General......................................................................................................................................7 SpreadFootings........................................................................................................................8 LateralLoad Resistance............................................................................................................8 Settlement..................................................................................................................................8 FLOORSLABS...................................................................................................................................8 STORMWATERINFILTRATION.........................................................................................................9 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................9 LIMITATIONS..............................................................................................................................................10 File No.11536-002-05 Page i QoENGINEERS� September 10,2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page No. List of Tables Table 1. Seismic Design Parameters 2006 IBC ..........................................................................................7 Table 2. Soil Infiltration Rates Grain-Size Distribution Analysis..................................................................9 List of Figures Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Plan APPENDICES APPENDIX A—SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING Appendix A Figures Figure A-1. Key to Exploration Logs Figures A-2 through A-7. Log of Test Pits Figure A-8. Sieve Analysis Results APPENDIX B—REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE File No.11536-002-05 Page H GWENGINEERS� September 10,2009 REPORT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS 24081 N ESTATE ROUTE 3 BELFAIR,WASHINGTON FOR MSGS ARCHITECTS INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services for the proposed Olympia Federal Savings bank located at 24081 NE State Route 3 in Belfair, Washington. The project site is located northwest of State Route 3 approximately as shown on the Vicinity Map,Figure 1. Our understanding of the project and project site is based on information provided by you, an initial site visit on August 14, 2009, and our experience in the Belfair area. We understand preliminary development plans call for a new bank building with a two-lane drive through and possible infiltration swales or pervious pavement for on-site disposal of stormwater. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of our services is to evaluate soil and groundwater conditions as a basis for developing design criteria for geotechnical aspects of the proposed project. Our specific scope of services for this study includes the following: 1. Reviewing readily available published geologic data and select in-house files for existing information on subsurface conditions in the project vicinity. 2. Locating and coordinating clearance of existing utilities. We contacted the "One-Call Underground Utility Locate Service"prior to beginning explorations. 3. Exploring soil and groundwater conditions at the project site by excavating six test pits to depths of 8-1/2 to 14 feet using a subcontracted rubber-tire backhoe. 4. Performing laboratory tests on selected soil samples obtained from the explorations to evaluate pertinent engineering characteristics. The laboratory test program consisted of four moisture content determinations and four grain-size analyses. 5. Providing recommendations for on-site disposal of stormwater by infiltration. We provide preliminary infiltration rates based on empirical correlations with soil gradation parameters. 6. Providing recommendations for site preparation and fill placement. We include: criteria for clearing, stripping and grubbing; an evaluation of the suitability of on-site soil for use as structural fill; gradation criteria for imported fill, if required; guidance for preparation of subgrade soil, which will support slab-on-grade concrete floors and pavements; and criteria for structural fill placement and compaction. 7. Providing recommendations for design and construction of conventional shallow spread footing foundations, including allowable soil bearing pressures; minimum width and depth criteria; coefficient of friction and equivalent fluid densities for the passive earth pressure state of stress to estimate resistance to lateral loads; estimates of frost penetration; and estimates of foundation settlement. File No.11536-002-05 Page I GEoENGINEER September 10,2009 8. Providing general recommendations for support of on-grade floor slabs including capillary break, vapor retarder,underslab drainage, and an estimate of the modulus of subgrade reaction. 9. Discussing seismic considerations, including seismic design criteria consistent with the 2006 International Building Code(IBC)and our opinion of the liquefaction potential of site soils. 10. Providing recommendations for design of standard-duty asphalt concrete (AC) pavements including: base course gradation, thickness and compaction criteria; and thickness and compaction requirements for AC. GEOLOGY REVIEW Based on review of available published geologic maps, Quaternary Age alluvial soil deposits underlie the project site and surrounding area. The Geologic Map of the Belfair 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Mason, Kitsap and Pierce Counties Washington, (Polenz, Alldritt, Hehemann, Sarikhan, Logan, 2009) indicates the site is underlain by Alluvial fan(Qaf). Qaf is generally described as poorly sorted and stratified silt, sand, gravel and boulders. SITE CONDITIONS PROJECT LOCATION The proposed Olympia Federal Savings project is located at 24081 NE State Route 3 in Belfair, Washington. The site is located northwest of Highway 3 and is bounded by a commercial property to the northeast and a Safeway store to the southwest. Residential properties bound the site to the northwest. SURFACE CONDITIONS The triangular-shaped site has an existing one-story timber construction building with an asphalt concrete parking lot to the southeast of the building. The asphalt concrete pavement at the test pit locations ranges from 1.5 to 2 inches thick and is underlain by about 1 inch of crushed rock. The site slopes gently down to the northwest. There is a moderate slope in the northwest comer of the site. We observed two manholes for a septic system and we understand that there is a septic drain field in the northwest comer of the site. A Mason County drainage and maintenance easement exists along the northeastern boundary of the site. A 4-foot-tall chain link fence bounds the western part of the site and extends along the crest of the cut slope. The cut slope to the west of the chain link fence is inclined at about 2H:1 V (horizontal:vertical) and extends down to a rockery wall that is located on the adjacent Safeway property. The slope above the rockery near the building was observed to be approximately 7 feet high. The rockery wall height ranges from 0 to 12 feet. The wall batter is approximately 8 degrees and the rockery appears to be in relatively good condition based on our visual observations. We did not observe any bowing of the rockery, or, tension cracks in the slope above the rockery at the time of our site visit. The rock size at the base of the rockery was observed to typically be between about 34 and 42 inches wide by about 24 to 28 inches deep. Rock sizes were typically 30 inches wide and 24 inches deep at about mid height in the rockery. We observed that the rockery was keyed into the ground and that there were quarry spalls behind the larger rocks. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS We explored subsurface conditions at the site by excavating six test pits on August 20, 2009 using a rubber-tire backhoe subcontracted by GeoEngineers, Inc. The test pits were excavated to depths of 8-1/2 File No.11536-002-05 Page 2 GWENGINEERS� September 10,2009 to 14 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. A more detailed description of the exploration methods and procedures is presented in Appendix A. Figure A-1 presents a key to the exploration logs. Logs of the tests pits are presented as Figures A-2 through A-7. Laboratory test methods and results are also included in Appendix A. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Beneath the asphalt concrete pavement, crushed surfacing or an organic-rich surficial layer we encountered materials we interpret to be alluvial fan deposits except at the location of test pits TP-1,TP-5 and TP-6 where we encountered some existing fill material. The fill in test pit TP-1 was observed to be similar in character to the native soil deposits and may have been derived from other areas on the site during grading for the parking lot. The fill in test pit TP-5 consisted of sand with gravel and silt. Test pit TP-5 was located northeast of the septic tank manholes. The fill encountered within the test pit was similar in character to native on-site soils and we interpret it to be backfill from the septic tank installation. The fill in test pit TP-6 consisted of layers of silty sand with gravel and sand with silt and some debris consisting of glass,metal and the lid of a drum. Below the fill,where present,or beneath the surficial layers described above,we encountered native soil that typically consisted of medium dense silty sand, silty gravel or sand with variable silt, and gravel content. No groundwater was observed in our explorations. Seasonal perched groundwater could occur where relatively permeable soil is underlain by a less permeable layer. We expect the amount of perched groundwater and the depth at which it occurs to vary with season and precipitation. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL Based on our observations, it is our opinion that the proposed Olympia Federal Savings can be constructed generally as envisioned. It is our further opinion on-site infiltration of stormwater is feasible at this site using an infiltration rate of 0.5 inches per hour. The following sections provide geotechnical recommendations for design and construction of the proposed improvements. There is existing fill,which if present within the building area, must be removed to firm and unyielding native soil and replaced with structural fill. SITE DEVELOPMENT AND EARTHWORK General We anticipate that site development work will include removing existing vegetation; demolishing the existing structure; excavating for utility trenches; removing existing fill as necessary and placing and compacting fill and backfill materials. We expect that the majority of site grading can be accomplished with conventional earthmoving equipment in proper working order. The following sections provide recommendations for earthwork,site development and fill materials. Stripping and Clearing Based on our explorations, we anticipate stripping and clearing at this site will be required to remove the existing asphalt concrete or organic-rich topsoil from structural areas. Stripping should extend at least 5 feet beyond building and pavement areas. We estimate that the depth of stripping will generally be on the order of 6 inches or less. Greater stripping depths may be required to remove localized zones of loose or organic soil, or if stripping operations cause excessive disturbance to subgrade soil. File No.11536-002-05 Page 3 GEoENGINEER=.!/ September 10,2009 Subgrade Preparation Subgrades should be thoroughly compacted to a uniformly firm and unyielding condition on completion of stripping and before placing structural fill to establish design grade. We recommend subgrade soil be proof-rolled prior to the placement of fill or other structural elements as described below. We recommend that prepared subgrades be observed by a member of our firm, prior to placement of fill or pavement base. Our representative will evaluate the suitability of the subgrade and identify areas of yielding,which are indicative of soft or loose soil. The exposed subgrade soil should be proof-rolled with heavy rubber-tire equipment. If soft or otherwise unsuitable areas are revealed during proof-rolling or probing that cannot be compacted to a stable and uniformly firm condition, we recommend that: 1) the subgrade soils be scarified (e.g., with a ripper or farmer's disc), aerated and recompacted; or 2) the unsuitable soils be removed and replaced with structural fill, as needed. Temporary Excavation Support and Groundwater Handling Based on our explorations, shallow excavations will likely cave unless the sides are appropriately sloped. Excavations deeper than 4 feet should be shored or laid back at a stable slope if workers are required to enter. Shoring and temporary slope inclinations must conform to the provisions of Title 296 Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Part N, "Excavation, Trenching and Shoring." Regardless of the soil type encountered in the excavation, shoring, trench boxes or sloped sidewalls will be required under Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA). The contract documents should specify that the contractor is responsible for selecting excavation and dewatering methods,monitoring the excavations for safety and providing shoring,as required,to protect personnel and structures. In general, temporary cut slopes should be inclined no steeper than about 1-1/2H:1 V. This guideline assumes that all surface loads are kept at a minimum distance of at least one half the depth of the cut away from the top of the slope and that significant seepage is not present on the slope face. Flatter cut slopes will be necessary where significant seepage occurs or if large voids are created during excavation. Some sloughing and raveling of the cut slopes should be expected. Temporary covering with heavy plastic sheeting should be used to protect slopes during periods of wet weather. Groundwater was not encountered in the explorations. Based on our explorations, we do not anticipate groundwater will be a major factor during shallow excavations and earthwork. We anticipate that the groundwater handling needs will generally be lower during the late summer and early fall months. We anticipate that shallow perched groundwater can be handled adequately with sumps, pumps, and/or diversion ditches, as necessary. Ultimately, we recommend that the contractor performing the work be made responsible for controlling and collecting groundwater encountered. Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes In general, we recommend that permanent cut and fill slopes be constructed at a maximum inclination of 2H:1 V. Where 2H:1 V permanent slopes are not feasible, retaining structures should be considered. Cut areas should be re-vegetated as soon as practical to reduce the surface erosion and sloughing. Temporary protection should be used until permanent protection is established. If fill slopes are constructed, we recommend they be overbuilt slightly and subsequently cut back to expose well compacted fill. File No.11536-002-05 Page 4 GMENGINEERS� September 10,2009 Surface Drainage Surface water from roofs, driveways and landscape areas should be collected and controlled. Curbs or other appropriate measures such as sloping pavements, sidewalks and landscape areas should be used to direct surface flow away from the buildings, and erosion sensitive areas. Roof and catchment drains should discharge to an appropriate collection system. Erosion Control Based on existing site grades and the proposed development, we anticipate that erosion control measures such as silt fences, straw bales and sand bags will generally be adequate for the proposed development. However, if construction and grading is staged, slopes may be created and additional erosion control measures may have to be implemented. Temporary erosion control should be provided during construction activities and until permanent erosion control measures are functional. Surface water runoff should be properly contained and channeled using drainage ditches,berms, swales, and tightlines and should not discharge onto sloped areas. Any disturbed sloped areas should be protected with a temporary covering until new vegetation can take effect. Jute or coconut fiber matting, excelsior matting or clear plastic sheeting is suitable for this purpose. Graded or disturbed slopes should be tracked in-place with the equipment running perpendicular to the slope contours so that the track grouser marks provide a texture to help resist erosion. Permanent measures for erosion control should include reseeding or replanting the disturbed areas as soon as possible and protecting those areas until new vegetation has been established. Permanent site grading should be accomplished in such a manner that stormwater runoff is not concentrated and surface water is not directed to sloped portions or into excavated areas of the site not intended for stormwater disposal. This can be accomplished by grading the site to direct the flow to appropriate collection points away from the slopes or excavations. Tightlines should be used where necessary to direct storm or other surface water across sloped areas. Tightlines should be anchored on slopes 15 percent or steeper. FILL MATERIALS General Material used for fill should be free of garbage debris, organic contaminants and rock fragments larger than 6 inches. The suitability of material for use as structural fill will depend on the gradation and moisture content of the soil. As the amount of fines (material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly more sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult or impossible to achieve. If construction is performed during wet weather conditions, we recommend using fill consisting of well-graded sand and gravel containing less than 5 percent fines by weight based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. If prolonged dry weather prevails during the earthwork phase of construction,a somewhat higher fines content may be acceptable. Pipe Bedding Trench backfill for the bedding and pipe zone should consist of well-graded granular material with a maximum particle size of 3/4-inch and less than 5 percent passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve. The material should be free of roots,debris,organic matter and other deleterious material. File No.11536-002-05 Page 5 QoENGINEER� September 10,2009 Trench Backfrll We recommend that all trench backfill consist of material of approximately the same quality as "gravel borrow" described in Section 9-03.14(1) of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications. All fills should be constructed in horizontal lifts at the appropriate thickness for compaction. For compaction recommendations refer to the "Fill Placement and Compaction"section of this report. Use of On-Site Soil Based on our subsurface explorations, we conclude that the inorganic mineral native soil may be considered for use as structural fill,provided any oversize particles are removed and it can be placed and compacted as recommended. Large cobbles and boulders can be present in the alluvial fan deposits and will need to be removed before the material can be used as structural fill. The existing fill is not suitable for reuse as structural fill unless all deleterious material is removed. Some of the site soils were observed to have relatively high fines contents, which may make them difficult or impossible to compact when wet or if earthwork is performed during periods of extended wet weather. FILL PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION General Structural fill should be compacted at a moisture content near optimum. The optimum moisture content varies with the soil gradation and should be evaluated during construction. Silty soil and other fine granular soil such as silty sand, silty gravel, sand with silt and gravel with silt can be difficult or impossible to compact during persistent wet conditions. Fill and backfill material should be placed in uniform, horizontal lifts, and uniformly densified with vibratory compaction equipment. The maximum lift thickness will vary depending on the material and compaction equipment used,but should generally not exceed 10 to 12 inches in loose thickness. Area Fills and Bases Structural fill placed to raise site grades and aggregate base materials under foundations, slabs and pavements should be placed on a prepared subgrade that consists of uniformly firm and unyielding inorganic native soils or compacted fill. Structural fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density (MDD) determined by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method D 1557(modified Proctor). Trench Backfill For utility excavations, we recommend that the initial lift of fill over the pipe be thick enough to reduce the potential for damage during compaction but generally should not be greater than about 18 inches. In addition, rock fragments greater than about 1 inch in maximum dimension should be excluded from this lift. In building areas, trench backfill should be uniformly compacted in horizontal lifts to at least 95 percent of the MDD (ASTM D 1557). Fill placed below a depth of 2 feet in pavement areas should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the MDD (ASTM D 1557). In nonstructural areas, trench backfill should be compacted to a firm condition that can support construction equipment. Suitable native soils or select granular soils should be acceptable in non-structural areas. File No.11536-002-05 Page 6 GEoENGINEERtr/P September 10,2009 SEISMIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS General The site is located within the Puget Sound region,which is seismically active. Seismicity in this region is attributed primarily to the interaction between the Pacific, Juan de Fuca and North American plates. The Juan de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American plate. It is thought that the resulting deformation and breakup of the Juan de Fuca plate might account for the deep focus earthquakes in the region. Hundreds of earthquakes have been recorded in the Puget Sound area. In recent history, four of these earthquakes were large events: 1) in 1946, a Richter magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred in the Vancouver Island, British Columbia area; 2) in 1949, a Richter magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in the Olympia area; 3)in 1965, a Richter magnitude 6.5 earthquake occurred between Seattle and Tacoma; and 4)in 2001 a Richter magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Nisqually,near Olympia,Washington. Geologists report evidence that suggests several large magnitude earthquakes (Richter magnitude 8 to 9) have occurred in the last 1,500 years, the most recent of which occurred about 300 years ago. No earthquakes of this magnitude have been documented during the recorded history of the Pacific Northwest. Seismic Design Criteria We understand seismic design will be performed using the 2006 IBC standards. The following parameters should be used in computing seismic base shear forces: Table 1. Seismic Design Parameters 2006 IBC Spectral Response Accel.at Short Periods(Ss)=1.33 Spectral Response Accel.at 1 Second Periods(Si)=0.49 Site Class=D Site Coefficient(FA)=1.0 Site Coefficient(Fv)=1.5 Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction refers to a condition where vibration or shaking of the ground, usually from earthquake forces, results in development of excess pore pressures in saturated soils and subsequent loss of strength in the deposit of soil so affected. In general, soils that are susceptible to liquefaction include loose to medium dense "clean" to silty sands that are below the water table. In our opinion, the potential for liquefaction at the site is low. FOUNDATION SUPPORT General The proposed Olympia Federal Savings may be satisfactorily founded on continuous wall or isolated column footings established on undisturbed native soil or on structural fill that extends to undisturbed native soil. As discussed above, we recommend existing fill be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill where fill is present at or below foundation grades. The overexcavation must extend laterally beyond the footing perimeter a distance equal to the excavation depth below foundation grade,or 3 feet,whichever is less. We recommend a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous wall footings and File No.11536-002-05 Page 7 September 10,2009 CiEOENGINEER� 2 feet for isolated column footings. All footing elements should be embedded at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent external grade. We recommend installing footing drains to collect and remove possible seasonal perched groundwater. Interior footings should be embedded at least 12 inches below finish floor. We recommend that a member from our firm observe all foundation excavations before formwork and reinforcing steel is placed in order to check that the bearing surfaces have been adequately prepared and that the soil conditions are as anticipated. Loose or disturbed soil should be recompacted or removed and replaced with compacted structural fill as recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Spread Footings Footings founded as described on undisturbed native soil or compacted structural fill may be designed using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf). This value applies to long-term dead and live loads exclusive of the weight of the footing and any overlying backfill and may be increased by one-third when considering total loads,including transient loads such as those induced by wind and seismic forces. Lateral Load Resistance Lateral loads on foundation elements may be resisted by passive resistance on the sides of footings and other below-grade structural elements and by friction on the base of footings. Passive resistance may be estimated using an equivalent fluid density of 270 pounds per cubic foot(pcf), assuming that the footings and below-grade elements are backfilled with structural fill placed and compacted as recommended. Frictional resistance may be estimated using 0.35 for the coefficient of base friction. The above values include a factor of safety of about 1.5. Settlement Based on typical single-story construction loads, we estimate that settlement of footings designed and constructed as recommended should be less than 1 inch with differential settlements between comparably loaded isolated footings or along 50 feet of continuous footing of 1/2 inch or less. Most of the settlements should occur essentially as loads are being applied. Loose or soft soil below footings or disturbance of the foundation bearing surface during construction could result in larger settlements than predicted. FLOOR SLABS A modulus of subgrade reaction of 300 pounds per cubic inch(pci) can be used for designing the building floor slab provided that the subgrade consists of undisturbed native soil or structural fill and has been prepared in accordance with the "Site Development and Earthwork" section of this report. Settlement of the floor slab designed and constructed as recommended is estimated to be less than 1 inch. We estimate that differential settlement of the floor slab will be 1/2 inch or less over a span of 50 feet providing that the fill below the slab is compacted as recommended. We recommend that on-grade slabs be underlain by a minimum 6-inch-thick capillary break layer to reduce the potential for moisture migration into the slab. The capillary break material should consist of a well-graded sand and gravel or crushed rock with a maximum particle size of 3/4 inch and less than 5 percent fines. The material should be placed as recommended in the "Fill Placement and Compaction" section of this report. If dry slabs are required (e.g., where adhesives are used to anchor carpet or tile to the slab), a waterproof liner may be placed as a vapor barrier below the slab. File No.11536-002-05 Page 8 GEoENGINEERS� September 10,2009 STORMWATER INFILTRATION Select soil samples obtained from test pits TP-2, TP-3 and TP-4 were tested in general accordance with ASTM D 422 to determine the grain size distribution. The results of the grain size distribution testing are presented in Appendix A, Figure A-8. We compared these results with the stormwater rates presented in the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. Design stormwater infiltration rates for the soil samples obtained are provided in the table below. Table 2. Soil Infiltration Rates Grain-Size Distribution Analysis' Soil Approximate Recommended Soil Sample Elevation of Infiltration Test Sample Depth Sample USCS Soil Rate (inches Pit No. No. (feet) (feet) Soil Description Classification per hour) 2 2 6 94 Sand with Gravel SP 3.5 3 2 2 98.5 Silty Gravel with Sand GM 0.5 4 41 4 94 Silty Sand with Gravel SM 0.E5 3 12.5 85.5 Silty Sand with Gravel SM 0.5 Notes: 1 For selected soil samples. 2 Based on grain-size analysis in accordance with procedures outlined for ASTM D 422 and in the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin,Tables 3.7 and 3.8. 3 Based on Topographic Survey provided by MSGS Architects. The values presented above are for the samples obtained in a particular area at a particular elevation and represent an estimate of design infiltration rates. Location specific field or laboratory infiltration testing in accordance with local regulations should be performed to develop final design infiltration values. Stormwater should be treated in accordance with current regulations prior to infiltration. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Pavement subgrades and fill should be prepared and placed as previously described. The crushed rock base course should be moisture-conditioned near the optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD determined in general accordance with ASTM D 1557 test procedures. An appropriate number of in-place density tests should be conducted on the compacted base course to check whether adequate compaction has been obtained. Crushed rock base course should conform to applicable provisions of Sections 4-04 and 9-03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Hot mix asphalt concrete should conform to applicable sections of 5-04, 9-02 and 9-03 of the WSDOT 2006 Standard Specifications. The recommended pavement sections assume that final improvements surrounding the pavement will be designed and constructed such that stormwater or excess irrigation water from landscape areas does not infiltrate below the pavement section into the crushed base or subbase fill. Standard-Duty Asphalt Concrete Pavement(Automobile Parking Areas) • 2 inches of hot mix asphalt, class 1/2 inch,PG 58-22. • 4 inches of crushed surfacing base course and/or top course compacted as recommended. • Structural fill or native soil subgrade prepared as previously recommended. File No.11536-002-05 Page 9 CsEOENGINEERS September 10,2009 � Heavy-Duty Asphalt Concrete Pavement(Access Roadways) • 3 inches of hot mix asphalt, class 1/2 inch,PG 58-22. • 6 inches of crushed surfacing base course and/or top course compacted as recommended. • Structural fill or native soil subgrade prepared as previously recommended. The recommended pavement sections may not be adequate for heavy construction traffic conditions such loads imposed by concrete transit mixers, dump trucks, or crane loads. Additional pavement thickness may be necessary to prevent pavement damage during construction, and/or repair of damaged pavements should be anticipated. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the exclusive use by MSGS Architects and their authorized agents for the Olympia Federal Savings project located on State Route 3 in Belfair,Washington. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions,express or implied, should be understood. Please refer to Appendix B titled"Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use" for additional information pertaining to use of this report. File No.11536-002-05 Page 10 QoENGINEERi September 10,2009 34, .. M • s tt a i o * SITE • ` o , N � CD CU U X cl U ' � N 7 JIM O N O (0 N M WE Washjaagtin s N ' S CD 1 a h 750 0 750 � - CD I&-) Feet 0 ® _ N "otes: Vicinity Map 0 1.The locations of all features shown are approximate. a 2.This drawing is for information purposes.It is intended to assist in t showing features discussed in an attached document.GeoEngineers,Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files.The master Olympia Federal Savings a file is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc.and will serve as the official record of this communication. Belfalr, Washington 3.It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof,whether for O personal use or resale,without permission. Data Sources: ESRI Data&Maps,Street Maps 2008 G Eo E N G I N E E R Figure Projection:NAD_1983-983_UTM_Zone_10N 1 wDatum:D Nonh_American_1963 North arrow oriented to grid north O MACT'e• -t, SS NO. 152 A.F.NO.030501 • � •�TR r ! i SS NTRA O. fff A.F.NO. 0. 1;' r i s / War.*— / j 1 TPa/' A SURVEY A.F.NO. B29i9 AND A.F.N0. 1726736 f 3 Site Plan Notes: Lec�end a 6 Olympia Federal Savings 1.The locations. nqof all features shown am approzIntendmate. TP_1 Test txit number and approximate bcallon 2.This dawing Is for Infonnatlon purposes.It Is Intended to assist In showing features discussed In an attached � d Belfair,Washington 8 document GeoEngineem,Inc.cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic flies.The master file Is ti stored by GeoEnglneers,Inc.and MR serve as the official record of this communication. 5o 0 50 GEOENGINEER.• /// Figure Reference:Base drawing provided by Hatton Godat Pantler Engineers and Surveyors. Feet 0 GEOENGINEEI } o. lY tiy6. APPENDIX A � SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING ff ffi v � A irvy. F AS i Y 3. APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS Subsurface conditions at the site were explored on August 20, 2009 by excavating six test pits using equipment and an operator subcontracted to GeoEngineers, Inc. The test pit explorations ranged in depth from 8-1/2 to 14 feet below surrounding site grades. The locations of the test pits were established in the field by pacing from existing site features such as roadways and structures. Locations of the explorations are provided on Figure 2. The elevations presented on the test pit logs are based on interpolation between the topographic contours shown on the site plan provided by MSGS Architects. The locations and elevations of the explorations should be considered approximate. The field explorations were performed under the direction of our personnel. Our field representative obtained samples, classified the soils, maintained a detailed log of each exploration and observed groundwater conditions where applicable. The samples were retained in sealed plastic bags. The soils were classified visually in general accordance with the system described in Figure A-1, which includes a key to the exploration logs. Summary logs of the explorations are included as Figures A-2 through A-7. The relative densities noted on the test pit logs are based on the difficulty of excavation and our experience and judgment. Laboratory test methods and results are described below. LABORATORY TESTING General Soil samples obtained from the test pits were transported to GeoEngineers laboratory. Representative soil samples were selected for laboratory tests to confirm our field classification. The following paragraphs provide a description of the tests performed. Moisture Content The moisture content of selected samples was determined in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 2216. The test results are used to aid in soil classification and correlation with other pertinent engineering soil properties. The test results are presented on the test pit logs at the respective sample depths. Particle-Size Analyses Particle-size sieve analyses (SA) were performed on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 422. This test method covers the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils. The distribution of particle sizes larger than the U.S. No. 200 sieve (75 micrometers) was determined by mechanical sieving. The results of the tests were used to check field soil classifications. Figure A-8 presents the sieve test results. File No.11536-002-05 Page A-1 GWENGINEERS� September 10,2009 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART ADDITIONAL MATERIAL SYMBOLS MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL SYMBOLS TYPICAL GRAPH LETTER DESCRIPTIONS GRAPH LETTER DESCRIPTIONS WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL- On CLEAN °�° GW SAND MIXTURES /\/\j/\ CC Cement Concrete GRAVEL GRAVELS AND D o 0 GRAVELLY VrrLF OR NO FINES) O O POORLY-CRADEDGRAVELS,GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES ei SOILS o o GP AC Asphalt Concrete COARSE GRAVELS WITH ° GM SILTY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND-SILT GRAINED MORE FINES MIXTURES CR Crushed Rock/ SOILS RACTION RETAINED ON NO.4 Quarry Spalls SIEVE )APP oRECPSLESA)MOUNT GC �YEYMREVELS,GRAVEL-SAND- TS Topsoil/ Forest Duff/Sod SW WELLGRADEDSANDS.GRAVELLY CLEAN SANDS sANDs MORE THAN 50% SAND RETAINED ON NO. AND (LITTLE OR NO FINES) . Soo SIEVE Y $P POORLY-GRADED SANDS,GRAVELLY SAND SOILS NDSAND Measured groundwater level in exploration,well,or piezometer MORE THAN 50%OF SANDS WITH SM SILTY SANDS,SAND-SILT MD(rURES Groundwater observed at time of PASSING NO.pN FINES _ exploration SEVE IAPPREC LEAAMOUNT SC M SANDS,SAND-CLAY Perched water observed at time of exploration INORGANIC SILTS,ROCK FLOUR ML CLAYEY WITH Measured free product in well or INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO — piezometer SILTS PLASTICITY. CL MEDIUM PLASTIC ,GRAVELLY LIQUID FINE AND LESST LIMIT CLAYS,SANDY CLAYS,SILTY CLAYS, Graphic Log Contact GRAINED CLAYS LEAN CLAYS SOILS ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGAN ICSILTY Distinct contact between soil strata or OL GAYS OF LOWPLASTICRY geologic units INORGANIC SILTS,MICACEOUSOR Approximate location of soil strata P�SIN o'� I I I I MH DWTOMAGEous SILTY SOILS change within a geologic soil unit SIEVE SILTS LK7L11DUMIT , INORGANIC CLAYS OFHGH Material Description Contact AND GREATER THAN so CH PLAsncrry cLovs Distinct contact between soil strata or OH ORGANIC CLAYS AND SILTS OF geologic units MEDIUM TO WGH PLASTICITY Approximate location of soil strata change within a geologic soil unit HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS _ _ _ pT HIGHO ORGANIC SWAMP SOILS WITH 9 9 g HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: Multiple symbols are used to indicate borderline or dual soil classifications Laboratory/Field Tests Sampler Symbol Descriptions %F Percent fines AL Atterberg limits In2.4-inch I.D.split barrel CA Chemical analysis CP Laboratory compaction test Standard Penetration Test(SPT) CS Consolidation test DS Direct shear ■ Shelby tube HA Hydrometer analysis MC Moisture content ® Piston MD Moisture content and dry density OC Organic content Direct-Push PM Permeability or hydraulic conductivity PP Pocket penetrometer ® SA Sieve analysis Bulk or grab TX Triaxial compression UC Unconfined compression VS Vane shear Blowcount is recorded for driven samplers as the number of blows required to advance sampler 12 inches(or Sheen Classification distance noted). See exploration log for hammer weight and drop. NS No Visible Sheen Ss Slight Sheen A"P"indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the MS Moderate Sheen drill rig. HS Heavy Sheen NT Not Tested NOTE: The reader must refer to the discussion in the report text and the logs of explorations for a proper understanding of subsurface conditions. Descriptions on the logs apply only at the speck exploration locations and at the time the explorations were made;they are not warranted to be representative of subsurface conditions at other locations or times. KEY TO EXPLORATION LOGS GMENGINEER� FIGUREA-1 Date Excavated: 8/20/2009 Logged By: mm Equipment: Case 580 Extendahoe Total Depth (ft) 8.5 SAMPLE m E E m o MATERIAL z J E DESCRIPTION e REMARKS O .-. N Ol U C m..: M L_ C — C LQ ?'y =O �m d N E N t0 o' U y C W F fn F U' C7 U Lu U AC 1.5 inches asphalt concrete,1 inch crushed rock SP-SM Red/brown fine to coarse sand with gravel and silt(medium dense,moist) (fill) i z SM Red/brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) 3 Z 4- 5- 3 SP-SM Tan/gray fine to coarse sand with gravel and silt(medium dense,moist) 6- 7- 8— Test pit completed at 8.5 feet on 8/20/09 $ No groundwater seepage observed a No caving observed 0 c� rc z z 0 0 E ti c' E O F 2 Notes: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols. The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. Log of Test Pit TP-1 Project: Olympia Federal Savings s G W E N G I N E E R;� Project Location: Belfair, Washington Figure A-2 Project Number: 11536-002-05 Sheet 1 of 1 Date Excavated: 8/20/2009 Logged By: MJH Equipment: Case 580 Extendahoe Total Depth (ft) 9.5 SAMPLE iu m MATERIAL w E E °' REMARKS co z _ d DESCRIPTION L C C d ?y =O C m m N 0 A a) N E ! C 2L) M 0 F- W F- 0 t7 U Lu Jill AC 1.5 inches asphalt concrete,I inch crushed rock SM Dark brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) Red/brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) 41 SM C. 01 2 0A 3- OP 4 9y 5 41 6 SA SP Tan/gray fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) a 0� 7 9ti 8 w w t7� 91 9 al Test pit completed at 9.5 feet on 8/20/09 No groundwater seepage observed No caving observed 0 O N R' 2 Z O W O E E 0 P g F Z F Notes: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols. The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot qL Log of Test Pit TP-2 Project: Olympia Federal Savings s G W E N G I N E E R S� Project Location: Belfair, Washington Figure A-3 Project Number: 11536-002-05 Sheet 1 of 1 Date Excavated: 8/20/2009 Logged By: MJH Equipment: Case 580 Extendahoe Total Depth (ft) 10.0 SAMPLE a w - E E o MATERIAL N z DESCRIPTION e REMARKS O ... N Ol U C l9 L C - C d j.y y d N E W 2 O M U �0 W 0 F- to h- 0 CD U W o 0 AC 2 inches asphalt concrete,1 inch crushed rock SM Red/brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) 2 GM Red/brown silty gravel with sand(medium dense,moist) 0 sn 9 3 0 4 4 0 0� 5 0 5 6 0 0 0p 7 0 0J� 8 Grades to gray/brown 0 w w U 9ti 9 � 0 3 N to Test pit completed at 10 feet on 8/20/09 IQ No groundwater seepage observed P No caving observed N Z U' 2 O U' E E 0 i7 F z Notes: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols. The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot Log of Test Pit TP-3 Project: Olympia Federal Savings E �•• Project Washington Location: Belfair, Washin ton �.7EOENGINEERS ,/ / FigureA-4 Project Number: 11536-002-05 Sheet 1 of 1 Date Excavated: 8/20/2009 Logged By: MJH Equipment: Case 580 Extendahoe Total Depth (ft) 13.0 SAMPLE m m _ Eto m o ° m MATERIAL REMARKS d DESCRIPTION tcc c — c t ny y c m d m an d m occ r o`o W O H fqF U' 00 W �U CR 1 inch crushed rock SM Red/brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) 01 1 3- 4- -A 1 10 SA 0� 5 A� 6 C� 7 g U W O 6 a 9 9-A Z SM Tan/gray silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) � 10 u u z w 12 E 1 10 SA E b� 13 Test pit completed at 13 feet on 8/20/09 No groundwater seepage observed 0 No caving observed i� F z F Notes: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols. The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot a Q Log of Test Pit TP-4 Project: Olympia Federal Savings s Project Location: Belfair,Washington FigureA-5 Project Number: 11536-002-05 Sheet 1 of 1 Date Excavated: 8/20/2009 Logged By: MJH Equipment: Case 580 Extendahoe Total Depth (ft) 14.0 SAMPLE °' 0 MATERIAL m m o 4 a) Z DESCRIPTION e REMARKS > L C E C d =O m N E 41 f0 O N U •.• lL O F (A FF 0 C7 U W f U CR 2 inches crushed rock SP-SM Red/brown fine to coarse sand with silt and gravel(medium dense,moist) Possible septic tank backfill . (fill) 91 � 2 A5 3 4 g� 5 I sP/SP-SM Layered gray/brown fine to coarse sand with trace silt and red/brown fine Possible septic tank backfill Ati 6 to coarse sand with silt(medium dense,moist)(fill) 9^ 7 °A 8 U W W a' 10 i� 0 u w lb 11 z Z P-SM/S Gray/brown fine to coarse sand with silt and gravel interbedded with i red/brown silty fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(native) 0 w 0° 12 E h � 13 E u p 8 14 Test pit completed at 14 feet on 8/20/09 No groundwater seepage observed F No caving observed z Notes: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols. The depths on the test ph logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot a Log of Test Pit TP-5 Project: Olympia Federal Savings s G W E N G I N E E R5� Project Location: Belfair, Washington Figure A-6 Project Number: 11536-002-05 Sheet 1 of 1 Date Excavated: 8/20/2009 Logged By: MJH Equipment: Case 580 Extendahoe Total Depth (ft) 12.5 SAMPLE iu M E MATERIAL REMARKS " a a Cn Z DESCRIPTION O N CU u >~ C m C Cn G j'y H m N E N W N O 0 W F rlW7 FW- 0 (7 U W U DUF Forest duff 95 M/SPS Red/brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel and trace organics interbedded with gray fine to coarse sand with silt(medium dense, moist)(fill) 1 Z 2 With glass and metal waste 3- 4- 5- 6— SM Red/brown silty fine to medium sand with gravel(medium dense,moist) 8 3 �1 U W O W 9 I h ~I 10 O � Z �y 2 o SP/SM Gray/brown fine to coarse sand with gravel and trace silt interbedded with tz red/brown silty fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist) e E Test pit completed at 12.5 feet on 8/20/09 No groundwater seepage observed ENo caving observed 0 8 F z c7 Fi Notes: See Figure A-1 for explanation of symbols. The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. a Q Log of Test Pit TP-6 Project: Olympia Federal Savings Project e , g C.7EOENGINEERS ,/ Pr t Location: Blfair, Washington FigureA-7 Project Number: 11536-002-05 Sheet 1 of 1 TACO:\11\11536002\05\Finals\1153600205FigureA8.ppt MJH:BAR:mh 090309 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3" 1.5" 314" 318" #4 #10 #20 #40 #GO #100 #200 100 s0 80 70 m 60 z 50 40 U 30 Lu 20 10 m 0 O 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 m O (n GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Z 07 m 3 < m rn m rn v D - �1 (D GRAVEL SAND 1< COBBLES COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT OR CLAY a) cD in c N N ::3 !n Z1 (0 N fD o < y EXPLORATION DEPTH MOISTURE SYMBOL NUMBER ft % SOIL CLASSIFICATION N in cn 0 TP-2 6 4 Fine to coarse sand with gravel(SP) TP-3 2.5 9 Silty fine to coarse gravel with sand (GM) D O TP-4 4 10 Silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(SM) 00 - TP-4 12.5 10 Silty fine to coarse sand with gravel(SM) GEoENGINEERS 5� 4 �a J � r E r YY s� 4 S� e APPENDIX B a REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE raft WO N`�Ae'Fr, 'F a rMn { K y� e � 3 zero APPENDIX B REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE' This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES, PERSONS AND PROJECTS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by MSGS Architects and their authorized agents. This report may be made available to regulatory agencies for review. This report is not intended for use by others,and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. GeoEngineers structures our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, a geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved in the same project. Because each geotechnical or geologic study is unique, each geotechnical engineering or geologic report is unique,prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared for the exclusive use of our Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OR GEOLOGIC REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET OF PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS This report has been prepared for MSGS Architects for the Proposed Olympia Federal Savings project located in Belfair, Washington. GeoEngineers considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this project and report. Unless GeoEngineers specifically indicates otherwise,do not rely on this report if it was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. For example, changes that can affect the applicability of this report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure; • elevation, configuration,location, orientation or weight of the proposed structure; • composition of the design team; or • project ownership. Developed based on material provided by ASFE,Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences;www.asfe.org. File No.11536-002-05 Page B-1 GMENGINEERS September 10,2009 If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE This geotechnical or geologic report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by manmade events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes,slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying a report to determine if it remains applicable. TOPSOIL For the purposes of this report, we consider topsoil to consist of generally fine-grained soil with an appreciable amount of organic matter based on visual examination, and to be unsuitable for direct support of the proposed improvements. However, the organic content and other mineralogical and gradational characteristics used to evaluate the suitability of soil for use in landscaping and agricultural purposes was not determined, nor considered in our analyses. Therefore, the information and recommendations in this report, and our logs and descriptions should not be used as a basis for estimating the volume of topsoil available for such purposes. MOST GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGIC FINDINGS ARE PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations from widely spaced sampling locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT FINAL Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations included in this report. These recommendations are not final,because they were developed principally from GeoEngineers' professional judgment and opinion. GeoEngineers' recommendations can be finalized only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. GeoEngineers cannot assume responsibility or liability for this report's recommendations if we do not perform construction observation. Sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation by GeoEngineers should be provided during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not earthwork activities are completed in accordance with our recommendations. Retaining GeoEngineers for construction observation for this project is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING OR GEOLOGIC REPORT COULD BE SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION Misinterpretation of this report by other design team members can result in costly problems. You could lower that risk by having GeoEngineers confer with appropriate members of the design team after File No.11536-002-05 Page B-2 GWENGINEERUrd) September 10,2009 submitting the report. Also retain GeoEngineers to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering or geologic report. Reduce that risk by having GeoEngineers participate in pre-bid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. DO NOT REDRAW THE EXPLORATION LOGS Geotechnical engineers and geologists prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering or geologic report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. GIVE CONTRACTORS A COMPLETE REPORT AND GUIDANCE Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering or geologic report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with GeoEngineers and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A pre- bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your project budget and schedule. CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties. READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY Some clients, design professionals and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. GeoEngineers includes these explanatory "limitations" provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you are unclear how these "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use"apply to your project or site. GEOTECHNICAL, GEOLOGIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS SHOULD NOT BE INTERCHANGED The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly,environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. File No.11536-002-05 Page B-3 September 10,2009 GEOENGINEER5� BIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTS GeoEngineers' Scope of Work specifically excludes the investigation, detection, prevention, or assessment of the presence of Biological Pollutants in or around any structure. Accordingly, this report includes no interpretations, recommendations, findings, or conclusions for the purpose of detecting, preventing, assessing, or abating Biological Pollutants. The term"Biological Pollutants" includes, but is not limited to,molds,fungi,spores,bacteria,and viruses,and/or any of their byproducts. File No.11536-002-05 Page B-4 GEoDwaiwEERi September 10,2009 APPENDIX B — Drainage Maps OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE B-1 2 4377 SF(TOTAL) 7 2945 SF(IMPERVIOUS) rJ 3323 SF(TOTAL) 7111 SF(TOTAL) 4992 SF(IMPERVIOUS) 1 6 5175 SF(TOTAL) 4 919 SF 3430 SF(IMPERVIOUS) 4455 SF(TOTAL) (TOTAL) 4806 SF(TOTAL) 4004 SF(IMPERVIOUS) TOTAL SITE AREA 1p 30,165 SF IO Gj► 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE: 1"= 30' 16'x 67 x 1.14'DEEP 10+65.23,36.51'RT(PL) 11+06.26,27.75'RT(PL) \ Gc INFILTRATION TRENCH#2 INSTALL INSTALL 4"OBSERVATION PORT CBF-1 \ W/TRAFFIC RATED LID 2 CARTRIDGE STORMFILTER 12+49.56,11.24'RT(PL) .SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET RIM 98 60 INSTALL 0 FL 90 9 5"D.S LI ..: .:....... ... 3 FA(tTRLDGE STORMFILI9:R :IG ), RIM 96.50,......... C.B. 32 : t I+DA S.Ol 29 S$" W 14+00 . FL 93.26 �o RIM ELEV = 5.09 LS` 1 \ 35 13+00 LE. (SW) _ 91.79 (12" CMP) 100 98 97 96 9 E. (NE) = 93.94 12" CMP r U / NE TO CULVERT ::5 LE�' • i .\ t A' B y •y Q EAST END OF 12" CMP \\\. ::: �.:::: :: : I.E. = 95,63 S TRAFFIC TEETYP -. : :I:' '?:: : : :' J . .... 9k I USE TRAFFIC RATED � LID WHEN IN ASPHALT \ � i may»C J vF. . ;:. ." :; :::;:: 16LF 8"PVC \ C @ 0.019 FT/FT 6"PVC D.S.LINE 28LF 8"PVC @ 0.01 FT/FT MIN.TYP t _ t. 9E rti r r� v @ 0.007 FT/FT 10+78.50,50.33'RT(PL) As°? ! ::: i NEW BUILDING INSTALL CBF-2 F F 100.50 2 CARTRIDGE STOR RIM 09.R 0 1175 SF x 5.45 DEEP D WN RIM 99.62 O SPOUT ��` SIT•` •� •�' ' � 3?;;:;: INFILTRATION TRENCH#3 FL W32 ' E10+92.69,96.57'RT(PL) m'P) 4^ oo,' :. . . INSTALL K:i : :• 12+43.92,48.93'RT(PL) <T:. INSTALL WEST END OF 12" CMP 4N"OBSERVATION PORT WEST OBSERVATION PORT • ': /TRAFFIC RATED LID I.E. = 98.32 i 'a• ,y W/TRAFFIC RATED LID SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET \\ � SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET C.B. #342 8LF 8"PVC `'0.04 FT1FT 48" STRUCTURE WITH SOLID LID f ' RIM ELEV = 97,83 NEW 98.42 I.E. (SW) = 98.83 (6" PVC) rti I.E. (N) = 94.13 (18" ALUMINUM PIPE) I.E. (S) = 94.80 (18" HDPE) J' ' 't•:•:•:: 11+54.85,116.43'RT PL '::'•��:::::;�' INSTALL \ c' —{ i'.t........ .....• . . . .yA: ` :'' i0! YARD DRAIN EAST END OF 12" CMP NDS 9"CB#900 i GAG :::.;:::: p ::: ::: I.E. = 100.30 ' ::::::: .? :: : WI ATRIUM GRATE \ a 7 :;.,1• .•./:� ;:: ;:;: RIM99.50 \ �0 FL 98.87 �• .' ' ' ' 35LF4"PVC 3T x 66'x 4.8'DEEP \ INFILTRATION TRENCH#1 @ 0.01 FT/FT MIN. A' T ,,, \ �P c)- 30 15 0 30 11+24.83 118.53'RT(PL)L \ C.B. 343 )► o # INSTALL (SOLID LID) CBF-3 \ �, "'Olt RIM ELEV = 103.96 SCALE:1"=30' 3 CARTRIDGE STORMFILTER �. \ '• I.E. (NW) = 99.86 (18" HDPE) Q RIM 99.62 aG� \ ' I.E. (SE) = 100.12 (18" HDPE) FL 96.32 ••� \' �Ge �o \ EX. HYDRANT APPENDIX C — Drainage Calculations OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS BELFAIR BRANCH 01.07.2010 PAGE C-1 TEAR FLOW(cfs 1Q0 100 .0249 k)(k k k kk X k)ck k k k 50 .0229 25 }.0203 V 1.0 10 .0155 o Predeveloped 5 0108 10E_1 x Developed Mitigated f I L 2 .0038 4 ! I I I I 10E-2 S 1 10 20 30 40 50,,fi8 ='mPl 90 99 5 Cumulative PEoffability Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart TEAR FLOW(c1s 100 .0881 0.02 Pro lasralnn { III I x Developed uuii Facilft}, 50 .0794 I 0.02 25 .0711 N 10 .0606 v 0.01 5 .0527 I I I I d AiI i F � 0.01 2 .041 , 10E 5 10E 4 10E 3 10E-2 10E-1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph YEAR FLOW(cs) r c 980 .0000 Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: 09-065 Site Address: 24081 NE state Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date : 12/17/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 2 Flows To Point of Compliance Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0.101 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 1 Flows To Trench 1 Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.033 IMPERVIOUS: 0.068 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Trench 1 Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 1.2ft. Bottom Length: 62ft. Bottom Width 16ft. Side slope 1: 0 To 1 Side slope 2: 0 To 1 Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.009 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0.4 ft. Riser Diameter: 8 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 8 in. Elevation: 0.4 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(cfs) 92.20 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 92.25 0.023 0.001 0.000 0.034 92.30 0.023 0.002 0.000 0.034 92.35 0.023 0.003 0.000 0.034 92.40 0.023 0.005 0.000 0.034 92.45 0.023 0.006 0.000 0.034 92.50 0.023 0.007 0.000 0.034 92.55 0.023 0.008 0.000 0.034 95.40 0.023 0.009 0.000 0.034 95.45 0.023 0.010 0.448 0.034 95.50 0.023 0.011 0.737 0.034 95.55 0.023 0.013 1.028 0.034 95.60 0.023 0.014 1.332 0.034 95. 65 0.023 0.015 1.652 0.034 95.70 0.023 0.016 1.988 0.034 95.75 0.023 0.017 2.339 0.034 95.80 0.023 0.018 2.706 0.034 95.85 0.023 0.019 3.088 0.034 95. 90 0.023 0.020 3.484 0.034 95. 95 0.023 0.022 3.895 0.034 96.00 0.023 0.023 4.320 0.034 96.05 0.023 0.024 4.758 0.034 96.10 0.023 0.025 5.209 0.034 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.003843 5 year 0.010849 10 year 0.015516 25 year 0.020294 50 year 0.022937 100 year 0.024906 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Unmitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.04163 5 year 0.052713 10 year 0.060568 25 year 0.071097 50 year 0.079393 100 year 0.088089 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Mitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 5 year 0 10 year 0 25 year 0 50 year 0 100 year 0 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Year Predeveloped Developed 1956 0.051 0.000 1957 0.003 0.000 1958 0.011 0.000 1959 0.007 0.000 1960 0.002 0.000 1961 0.009 0.000 1962 0. 001 0.000 1963 0.004 0.000 1964 0.003 0.000 1965 0.001 0.000 1966 0.016 0.000 1967 0.007 0.000 1968 0.006 0.000 1969 0.002 0.000 1970 0.003 0.000 1971 0.011 0.000 1972 0.010 0.000 1973 0.005 0.000 1974 0.007 0.000 1975 0.006 0.000 1976 0.012 0.000 1977 0.001 0.000 1978 0.001 0.000 1979 0.002 0.000 1980 0.009 0.000 1981 0.004 0.000 1982 0.000 0.000 1983 0.007 0.002 1984 0.000 0.000 1985 0.000 0.000 1986 0.003 0.000 1987 0.007 0.000 1988 0.000 0.000 1989 0.002 0.000 1990 0.000 0.000 1991 0.006 0.000 1992 0.003 0.000 1993 0.001 0.000 1994 0.006 0.000 1995 0.007 0.000 1996 0.004 0.000 1997 0.001 0.000 1998 0.006 0.000 1999 0.011 0.000 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Rank Predeveloped Developed 1 0.0162 0.0000 2 0.0117 0.0000 3 0.0113 0.0000 4 0.0112 0.0000 5 0.0110 0.0000 6 0.0096 0.0000 7 0.0094 0.0000 8 0.0086 0.0000 9 0.0074 0.0000 10 0.0071 0.0000 11 0.0068 0.0000 12 0.0068 0.0000 13 0.0068 0.0000 14 0.0067 0.0000 15 0.0065 0.0000 16 0.0065 0.0000 17 0.0061 0.0000 18 0.0060 0.0000 19 0.0060 0.0000 20 0.0054 0.0000 21 0.0042 0.0000 22 0.0041 0.0000 23 0.0036 0.0000 24 0.0031 0.0000 25 0.0031 0.0000 26 0.0030 0.0000 27 0.0027 0.0000 28 0.0026 0.0000 29 0.0021 0.0000 30 0.0021 0.0000 31 0.0017 0.0000 32 0.0016 0.0000 33 0.0014 0.0000 34 0.0011 0.0000 35 0.0008 0.0000 36 0.0007 0.0000 37 0.0007 0.0000 38 0.0006 0.0000 39 0.0004 0.0000 40 0.0003 0.0000 41 0.0000 0.0000 42 0.0000 0.0000 43 0.0000 0.0000 1/2 2 year to 50 year 0000000000 CD 00000000 CD 000 CD CD 0000000000000000000000 CD 0000000000000000000a0 CD 00N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F, F, F, N F, F- F� F- F� F� F FN F- F- -, F-. F- -, �, F-I F" F, 1- F� F-I F F-I HN F- - r-' F--' O o 000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ -161 m m m Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn " It, IA 1A .A W W W W W NNNN F' F� F� F' h' O O O O O W l0 W W OO M OD CO OO --IJ �1 J �1 M a) 0l M M Cn (n Cn Cn A J P a, A W W W W W NNNNI- -'i. O wm A. F w �ICn W Flo �] aNOO 011t�- NO �I Cn WF-' CO --1 Cn W O OO M J�. N O N M 0- H W --7 Cn W F' W --1 'pNO OO M a N 0 �1 Cn W FEW �1 Cn W OOO MJ N- MW F� F- F-' F-' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN W W �p. CnOIO1010 MM -,11OW WHF' - F HF- F-' F-' NNNNN W W W a, CnCnCnMM --I �1NF' F-' I-' HF-' NNN ro ONNW co W W C7'iwN It, mJOW JNO61w0. JW -1OlONW -A -1OW0) F'1 NN (.nul PLOW (D ID C O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O N N FsJ a ro 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 a w a ro a rvro Ili rororororororo �orvrororororororororororo �arorororororordrororororororurororororobny 'v1vro 'v 'vrororo vrorororororonyro lid rororororororororoFn a a a a w a a a a a a a a w a a w w w a a a w w w a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a w a a a a a a a a a a a w a w w a a a a w w a a a a a a w rA 0.0172 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0174 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0176 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0178 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0181 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0183 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0185 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0187 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0189 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0191 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0193 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0195 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0198 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0200 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0202 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0204 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0206 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0208 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0210 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0212 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0215 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0217 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0219 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0221 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0223 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0225 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0227 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0229 1 0 .0 Pass Water Quality HMP Flow and Volume. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-lime facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. program and accompanying documentation as provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. TEAR FLOW 10-0 100i 0398 " kkkkkkkkkkkk?9PDCDG7L604DDOOOOkkkXkkkY�70kkk 50 0367 25 M I III V 1-0 10 'M46 I ( I m o Predeveloped 5 0174 I I t 10E-1 x Developed Mitigated i ( aoa000 10E-2 2 0061 1 10 20 30 40-! 0 70 SO 90 99 Y � �f CumulativelY6bability Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart YEAR FLOW(ds 100 .1404 I III 0.04 x: °, - 50 .1264 Developed vuM Facilit f I ,1 25 .1131 0.03� i � ^ x I N 10 .0963 I I I U 0.02 �,- 5 .0837 2 : .0660 v I 0 0.00 < I I! 10E-5 2 10E-4 10E-3 10E-2 10E-1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph YEAR€FLOW(cts) s I I I I I 980 .0000 = Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Oly Fed Belfair Site Address: 24081 State Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date 12/22/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 5 Flows To Point of Compliance GroundWater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0.162 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 5 Flows To Trench 3 GroundWater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.048 IMPERVIOUS: 0.114 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Trench 3 Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 5.45ft. Bottom Length: 43.5ft. Bottom Width 27ft. Side slope 1: 0 To 1 Side slope 2: 0 To 1 Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.030 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 1. 1 ft. Riser Diameter: 8 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 8 in. Elevation: 1.1 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table _Stage(ft) Area(acr) yolume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(cfs)__ 88.55 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.000 88.65 0.027 0.003 0.000 0.041 88.75 0.027 0.005 0.000 0.041 88.85 0.027 0.008 0.000 0.041 88.95 0.027 0.011 0.000 0.041 89.05 0.027 0.013 0.000 0.041 89.15 0.027 0.016 0.000 0.041 89.25 0.027 0.019 0.000 0.041 KJ F- O N F+ lJl N gd m F- In N H o " W M lDlDwwwwww Cow C0wCDwwwwwwww CD COw CD LD w w w w w w w CO w w w w w w m m m m m mm F' 00 Ln O m Fj 00 Ln O (D F, WwwW wW W W W WNNNNNN Ili NNNF` HHF-' F' HHF- HF --` OOOOOO (DC) aC) w OIOIOIOww E k k k ID N E k k k N 0 d E COmJO1 (na W N) '' ID mJOICJIa W NF 0w0 O :-I OIOO� Ja� cn awNF o �DaoJrncnaw k tD (D (D a a k N N N a a n cn Cn cn Cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn cn Ul rn rn Cn Cn rn cn rr Cn to cn cn to rn (n Cn Cn Ul cn cn cn rn rn cn cn cn to cn cn Cn Cn cn Ul Cn Cn H a N ►ai M M H (D H ►ai 0) M M O H ►i ro (D N ro (D M � H m F+ r• (D 0 0 0q0 00000000o0O000000000oOo000000000000000000Oo000a o0000000000000000000000000000000) 0D 0D 0000000000 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N rt rt ft p p NN N 00 N Z 0000000 00 00000000000000000000000000000000000 0 h o000000 y o000000 h{ b� F F F Fir F F F� F r F F r F' F F� F� F o000000000D 0D ; 00000000000000 F' • • • • • E F'• • • • • E F' FC aaaW W WNNNN F� C) 000 D w w m m mm J J J J m m M Cn Cn Cn Cn IN a a a W W W W NNN 0 OC OC) 0 OOO (DCD C) O mwCDmCnNlOJaF- wmwF� m (nNOJaNIflm0. F� m (nW oJU7Nl0Japl , w0) LA) ON (nNOJaN (1, x. N l0 m M a. W w W N I--' O 0 a. H �p o m W m W Ut Fh w w m N o. --1 m M w (A W IN I--' N Ol w (A m 0) a m W I-, to FIF Cn F' F' N w m.. m a W J N (n a — h h1y O m a aF' J 0 iDw cnmm O �rJ Fi F1 H rlyA� d d b C' W J CnW F� W J Cn W F- o m M �P W I--` W m M Ut W N (DW J M (n W N H (D .w m J . . . W N . . O . O CD CD (D (D H H NNF to W aJID W JOOOo 4 C (D (A W W W WwW aUldlmlOF--� ad> lONCnID W JNj :_j 1pCn ;o Oo Cj WCnJ WaONmom W W Ooo0 mW H (D (D0 0W Jaa m 0 w JO LnW W J W 0. CD mw Irl W mJ CDaa m W am w w o a m m N J o o CD CD ro ° ((DD a a 0 4 a o0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 rt 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 P. W It, a 1a a n a a a 0. 0. 0. 0. 0a a 0� a n a a a 0. IN It, a � a a s n a a a s a a a c a W rt F' F' F- F H F FJ F' F F F' F-' F-` H F N HF' F F HF' F' FJF F F' F F' F F F F F F H a �• rt w ID a n (t (D a Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 5 year 0 10 year 0 25 year 0 50 year 0 100 year 0 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Year Predeveloped Developed 1956 0.081 0.000 1957 0.005 0.000 1958 0.018 0.000 1959 0.011 0.000 1960 0.003 0.000 1961 0.015 0.000 1962 0.001 0.000 1963 0.007 0.000 1964 0.004 0.000 1965 0.002 0.000 1966 0.026 0.000 1967 0.011 0.000 1968 0.010 0.000 1969 0.003 0.000 1970 0.005 0.000 1971 0.018 0.000 1972 0.015 0.000 1973 0.009 0.000 1974 0.012 0.000 1975 0.010 0.000 1976 0.019 0.000 1977 0.001 0.000 1978 0.002 0.000 1979 0.002 0.000 1980 0.014 0.000 1981 0.006 0.000 1982 0.000 0.000 1983 0.011 0.000 1984 0.000 0.000 1985 0.000 0.000 1986 0.005 0.000 1987 0.011 0.000 1988 0.001 0.000 1989 0.003 0.000 1990 0.000 0.000 1991 0.010 0.000 1992 0.004 0.000 1993 0.001 0.000 1994 0.010 0.000 1995 0.011 0.000 1996 0.007 0.000 1997 0.001 0.000 1998 0.010 0.000 1999 0.018 0.000 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Rank Predeveloped Developed 1 0.0259 0.0000 2 0.0187 0.0000 3 0.0180 0.0000 4 0.0179 0.0000 5 0.0177 0.0000 6 0.0154 0.0000 7 0.0150 0.0000 8 0.0137 0.0000 9 0.0118 0.0000 10 0.0114 0.0000 11 0.0109 0.0000 12 0.0109 0.0000 13 0.0109 0.0000 9 A n n1 n'7 n nn()f1 15 0.0104 0.0000 16 0.0103 0.0000 17 0.0097 0.0000 18 0.0096 0.0000 19 0.0095 0.0000 20 0.0087 0.0000 21 0.0066 0.0000 22 0.0066 0.0000 23 0.0057 0.0000 24 0.0050 0.0000 25 0.0050 0.0000 26 0.0048 0.0000 27 0.0043 0.0000 28 0.0042 0.0000 29 0.0034 0.0000 30 0.0033 0.0000 31 0.0028 0.0000 32 0.0025 0.0000 33 0.0023 0.0000 34 0.0017 0.0000 35 0.0013 0.0000 36 0.0012 0.0000 37 0.0011 0.0000 38 0.0009 0.0000 39 0.0006 0.0000 40 0.0004 0.0000 41 0.0001 0.0000 42 0.0000 0.0000 43 0.0000 0.0000 1/2 2 year to 50 year Flow(CFS) Predev Final Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0031 263 0 .0 Pass 0.0034 230 0 .0 Pass 0.0038 204 0 .0 Pass 0.0041 174 0 .0 Pass 0.0044 145 0 .0 Pass 0.0048 135 0 .0 Pass 0.0051 122 0 .0 Pass 0.0055 102 0 .0 Pass 0.0058 86 0 .0 Pass 0.0061 77 0 .0 Pass 0.0065 73 0 .0 Pass 0.0068 67 0 .0 Pass 0.0071 64 0 .0 Pass 0.0075 59 0 .0 Pass 0.0078 56 0 .0 Pass 0.0082 50 0 .0 Pass 0.0085 42 0 .0 Pass 0.0088 37 0 .0 Pass 0.0092 33 0 .0 Pass 0.0095 30 0 .0 Pass 0.0099 27 0 .0 Pass 0.0102 26 0 .0 Pass 0.0105 24 0 .0 Pass 0.0109 22 0 .0 Pass 0.0112 19 0 .0 Pass 0.0116 15 0 .0 Pass 0.0119 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0122 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0126 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0129 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0133 12 0 .0 Pass 0.0136 12 0 .0 Pass 0.0139 10 0 .0 Pass 0.0143 9 0 .0 Pass 0.0146 9 0 .0 Pass 0.0150 9 0 .0 Pass 0.0153 7 0 .0 Pass 0.0156 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0160 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0163 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0167 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0170 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0173 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0177 5 0 .0 Pass 0.0180 4 0 .0 Pass 0.0184 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0187 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0190 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0194 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0197 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0201 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0204 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0207 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0211 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0214 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0218 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0221 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0224 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0228 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0231 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0235 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0238 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0241 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0245 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0248 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0252 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0255 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0258 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0262 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0265 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0268 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0272 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0275 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0279 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0282 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0285 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0289 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0292 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0296 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0299 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0302 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0306 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0309 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0313 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0316 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0319 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0323 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0326 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0330 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0333 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0336 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0340 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0343 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0347 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0350 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0353 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0357 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0360 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0364 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0367 1 0 .0 Pass Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. program and accompanying documentation as provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. YEAR FLOW(Cft 1001.0398 10-0 So,x>,xx> ,xxXk}0.�)kXkXkkkk}:kk 50 '.0367 25IM3 TillII� 10 .0248 I 1 o Predeveloped 5 .0174 t 10E4 x Developed Mitigated i ! II 0 0 If� od.0000 2 .0061 10E-2 1 10 20 30 40-%6 0 70 90 90 99 CumulatiwPf6bability Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart YEAR FLOW(cfs 100 .1404 0.04 �- i. I hi I x Developed udit Facilte 50 1.1264 0.03 25 .1131 ^ N 10 .0963 + V 0.02 5 '.0837 0.01 2 .0660 1 i III j l i I U N o.00 10E.5 10E 4 10E 3 10E-2 10E 1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph YEAR FLOW(cfs) i Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT 'roject Name: Oly Fed Belfair ite Address: 24081 State Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date 12/22/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 1 Flows To Point of Compliance GroundWater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0.117 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 3 Flows To Trench 1 Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.043 IMPERVIOUS: 0.074 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Trench 1 Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 4.8ft. Bottom Length: 66ft. Bottom Width 37ft. Side slope 1: 0 To 1 Side slope 2: 0 To 1 Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.011 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0.2 ft. Riser Diameter: 8 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 8 in. Elevation: 0.2 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) yolume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(cfs) 92.20 0.056 0.000 0.000 0.000 92.30 0.056 0.006 0.000 0.085 92.40 0.056 0.011 0.000 0.085 92.50 0.056 0.017 0.737 0.085 92. 60 0.056 0.022 1.332 0.085 92.70 0.056 0.028 1.988 0.085 92.80 0.056 0.034 2.706 0.085 92. 90 0.056 0.039 3.484 0.085 In N F- 0 N W N H 0 N H 0 N N I" In N Fj Ul N N (0 l0 lD l0 lD (0 l0 l0 (0 (D (0 l0 (0 l0 l0 l0 l0 (0 l0 l0 lD l0 lO l0 l0 (0 l0 l0 lD (0 l0 (0 lD lD l0 l0 l0 lD l0 l0 l0 0 (n0 N p 0000 N H 0000 N H -jMMMMMMMMMM0cncn00 Lncncn0 Lna1 a4. aa+ 1aIa It, lawwwwwW W LA) ww $4 rto o kk rto o kk rto (D lC 14 E K k k (D (D F�1 Fi 010O0 �1O1 (n P W NF 010O0 �161 (Jt PWNI 0lflN �l6lUt P W NI 0100O �161Cn AwNNo as 1pD� ►ai H a a a ►a1 M 0 ro (Da w ►111 rat d ro o0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 H ti ro 11 P) ro � P, H 11 ro ►1 H M 0 � 0 � 0 P. � oOo00000000000000000000000a00000000000000 o0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn (n Cn Cn Cn Cn cn Ui cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Ul Cn Ul Ul Un Cn Cn Cn cn Ul Cn cn U'l Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn cn Cn (�D N IUD rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn 0 p p P (D FJ (D H (D o0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000 M 0000000 f1 0000 (D00 ri 0000000000 W W W k O MCnCn �P �A W W NF-' F-' 00wwm - --jm 1CnU 0. .9- W K) MH ' 001OWW --J --JMMLn04- — 0 000000.. 0 OOo 000i. 0 W (OWO0N �1F� Ln0aP. W W -,jN) M -- 0Wa-,. 00W --JHM0 (nWW OON (nO -AODW -INO10Cn 0 p. w m �l M Cn P O p, N N N h- F- O 0 p, H M J Coma, Lnw " w aww .alq �n to w N O W �l m w N Cn W m O m N 0 0. F- of w N Cn F- 0 d> l? 01 W V' 0 J a w w w 0 0l 0l 0l Ol 00 (n Cn Cn J�- aP .A It, 4P IN W W w W W NNNNN NNF- F- F-' F-' HN H F- wm J m Cn It, N ID H y �lUl WF� (O --] (nW HW -iLnWF CD Mt- WF-' 10OOMLnW N0W -_jm (n W NF CD F I NW `i C (D U] 41 Cn P W W W W W Cn �l W 0. O N (D I 0.-� (D Ol �P Ul W W 0 O W �] A A 61 O M �] (D Cn W W --1 W N �P CD W 0- N W 00 �] W J+ a- 00 W a M W l0 CD ro ro (D P. a 0 10 C IDS 00000000000000000000000000000OO0000000000 rt 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 �+ N• 00 00 00 OD OD 00 OD 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OD OD oO 00 03 00 00 OD OD OD OD 00 00 00 00 CO 00 O0 OD 00 OD 00 CO 00 W iq rt Cn Cn Cn (n Cn Cn cn Cn cn Cn cn Cn Cn Cn cn (n Cn Ul Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn (n cn cn Cn cn Cn cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn cn cn (n Cn cn Cn a w rt w (D a P. rt a P. 100 year 0 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Year Predeveloped Developed 1956 0.061 0.000 1957 0.004 0.000 1958 0.013 0.000 1959 0.008 0.000 1960 0.003 0.000 1961 0.011 0.000 1962 0.001 0.000 1963 0.005 0.000 1964 0.003 0.000 1965 0.001 0.000 1966 0.019 0.000 1967 0.008 0.000 1968 0.007 0.000 1969 0.002 0.000 1970 0.004 0.000 1971 0.013 0.000 1972 0.012 0.000 1973 0.007 0.000 1974 0.009 0.000 1975 0.007 0.000 1976 0.014 0.000 1977 0.001 0.000 1978 0.002 0.000 1979 0.002 0.000 1980 0.010 0.000 1981 0.004 0.000 1982 0.000 0.000 1983 0.008 0.000 1984 0.000 0.000 1985 0.000 0.000 1986 0.004 0.000 1987 0.009 0.000 1988 0.000 0.000 1989 0.002 0.000 1990 0.000 0.000 1991 0.007 0.000 1992 0.003 0.000 1993 0.001 0.000 1994 0.008 0.000 1995 0.008 0.000 1996 0.005 0.000 1997 0.001 0.000 1998 0.008 0.000 1999 0.014 0.000 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Rank Predeveloped Developed 1 0.0194 0.0000 2 0.0140 0.0000 3 0.0135 0.0000 4 0.0134 0.0000 5 0.0132 0.0000 6 0.0116 0.0000 7 0.0113 0.0000 8 0.0103 0.0000 9 0.0088 0.0000 10 0.0086 0.0000 11 0.0082 0.0000 12 0.0082 0.0000 13 0.0081 0.0000 14 0.0080 0.0000 15 0.0078 0.0000 16 0.0077 0.0000 17 0.0073 0.0000 18 0.0072 0.0000 19 0.0071 0.0000 20 0.0065 0.0000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M Fr . . . N N N • . . . . . . . . . . . Fl \ WNI-- oWoo --1M n � WNI-- oWoD --Jc) Lna, WNI--'. . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N F-' I--' F- F-' F' F-' N F-' H F' IMF- H F' F- 0000000000000000000000000000000 F, W W W W NNNN F-' F' F� -, OOOWWWWmmmm --1 J J J m m m m Cn Cn Cn Cn It- 1�1 aPa W W W W NNN.. N OCn WO J Cn NO �l UtN O �] Cn N W �I 4A N W --] J� N w --j4 F- wm0. F- Wm lA t- mm WF-' Nm W F-' mm w0 M 0 M o000000000000OOO000OOoo W .nCn 6101m mm m JWWW " H F-' F-' 1--' F-' 1--' F' F-' NNNN W W W IN Cn Cn Cn m m �1 -_l m F' F' ONN W W W W (TIW INm -_j0 W -] N0mWJ0 -] W -_jm0N W �IOW m h 00000000000000000000000 N N Cn Cn dP S O W (G 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (], 00000000NF-' "- , NNNW W W W W Cn 0 to 000wJP m W 0 W -iWF' (n0 wm --jm W W0 Q O 0000000000OOOOO000OOOOOOO0000000000000OOOOOOCDONOp� a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ro 000000000000000000000000000000000O000000000000A N 00000000000000000000000 a o0000000000000000000000 iq o0000000000000000000000 (p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000000000 to of ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro rd to ro ro ro b ro ro ro rdru m to ro ro ro ro 0 a a a a w a w w w w w w a a w w w a w w a w w w a a w w w a w w w a a a w w w w w w w w w a to a P. 0.0140 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0143 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0145 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0148 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0150 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0153 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0156 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0158 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0161 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0163 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0166 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0168 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0171 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0173 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0176 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0178 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0181 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0184 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0186 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0189 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0191 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0194 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0196 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0199 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0201 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0204 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0206 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0209 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0212 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0214 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0217 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0219 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0222 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0224 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0227 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0229 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0232 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0234 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0237 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0240 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0242 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0245 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0247 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0250 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0252 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0255 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0257 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0260 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0263 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0265 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0268 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0270 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0273 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0275 1 0 .0 Pass Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. program and accompanying documentation as provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. YEAR FLOW WS) 1Q0 100 .0396 III k%kkkkkXXk%k}���44 04000400�kkkkkkkkkkkk 50 I M67 III ' 26 .M € V 1-0 10 .0248 m m o Predeveloped 5 .0174 ( t 10E4 x Developed Mitigated U N 10 ' I I !! 00000000 E 2 2 .0061 1 10 20 30 40��0 70 30 90 99 Wb Cumulativebabifity Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart YEAR FLOW(df) 100 .1404 II 0.04 G'ed sloped x Developed wi0j Facility 50 .1264 25 .113110 Ml f 0.03 I to w u 0.02 k7,�;�� I I I I I I I I 0.01 I li 2 Ml A NU0.00 I ! . ' 10E-5 3 10E-4 10E-3 10E-2 10E-1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph YEAR FLOW(ch) r l I sea .0000 Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Oly Fed Belfair Site Address: 24081 State Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date 12/22/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 3 Flows To Point of Compliance Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0.11 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 3 Flows To Trench 1 Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.013 IMPERVIOUS: 0.097 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Trench 1 Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 4.8ft. Bottom Length: 66ft. Bottom Width 37ft. Side slope 1: 0 To 1 Side slope 2: 0 To 1 Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.011 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0.2 ft. Riser Diameter: 8 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 8 in. Elevation: 0.2 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) yolume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(cfs) _ 92.20 0.056 0.000 0.000 0.000 92.30 0.056 0.006 0.000 0.085 92.40 0.056 0.011 0.000 0.085 92.50 0.056 0.017 0.737 0.085 92.60 0.056 0.022 1.332 0.085 92.70 0.056 0.028 1.988 0.085 92.80 0.056 0.034 2.706 0.085 Qq Qn n nsti n n,�Q 'I AAA n_ nR5 93.00 0.056 0.045 4.320 0.085 93.10 0.056 0.050 5.209 0.085 93.20 0.056 0.056 6.149 0.085 93.30 0.056 0.062 7.138 0.085 93.40 0.056 0.067 8.174 0.085 93.50 0.056 0.073 9.253 0.085 93. 60 0.056 0.078 10.38 0.085 93.70 0.056 0.084 11.54 0.085 93.80 0.056 0.090 12.74 0.085 93. 90 0.056 0.095 13.99 0.085 94.00 0.056 0.101 15.27 0.085 94.10 0.056 0.107 16.58 0.085 94.20 0.056 0.112 17.93 0.085 94.30 0.056 0.118 19.32 0.085 94.40 0.056 0.123 20.74 0.085 94.50 0.056 0.129 22.19 0.085 94.60 0.056 0.135 23.68 0.085 94.70 0.056 0.140 25.20 0.085 94.80 0.056 0.146 26.74 0.085 94. 90 0.056 0.151 28.32 0.085 95.00 0.056 0.157 29.93 0.085 95.10 0.056 0.163 31.57 0.085 95.20 0.056 0.168 33.23 0.085 95.30 0.056 0.174 34.93 0.085 95.40 0.056 0.179 36.65 0.085 95.50 0.056 0.185 38.40 0.085 95. 60 0.056 0.191 40.17 0.085 95.70 0.056 0.196 41.98 0.085 95.80 0.056 0.202 43.80 0.085 95. 90 0.056 0.207 45.66 0.085 96.00 0.056 0.213 47.54 0.085 96.10 0.056 0.219 49.44 0.085 96.20 0.056 0.224 51.37 0.085 96.30 0.056 0.230 53.33 0.085 96.40 0.056 0.235 55.30 0.085 96.50 0.056 0.241 57.30 0.085 96.60 0.056 0.247 59.33 0.085 96.70 0.056 0.252 61.38 0.085 96.80 0.056 0.258 63.45 0.085 96.90 0.056 0.263 65.54 0.085 97.00 0.056 0.269 67.66 0.085 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.004227 5 year 0.011934 10 year 0.017067 25 year 0.022324 50 year 0.02523 100 year 0.027396 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Unmitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.052905 5 year 0.065667 10 year 0.074571 25 year 0.086358 50 year 0.09554 100 year 0.105077 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Mitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 5 year 0 10 year 0 25 year 0 50 year 0 vt rrNrrrr� rr �ow --jM nawN rrNr-+ rNrr-- FHH HrrNrrrF rHF- H " HF- rrr' N rNHrrrr� rrHrr ►ik r Z) w00 Jm Ci7 a, W Ili F" O pl PI l0 lD l0 l0 w lO w w lO w l0 l0 lD w lO lD lO W w lO w w w w w w l0 w w w w w w w w w lD w w lO w wlO lD (D (D O w w l0 w W w w w w oo w oo 00 co 000000 w w �1 -_] -1J �1 �1 �1 --1 �lJ rn rn rn rn rn rnrn m rnrnIn In In In a s O W00 �10') Ln A W N Fl O lD 00 --1611n 4P W NF-' 0W 00J MIn �P W NF' O W 00 J01 Ln iA W NF-' OlD 00J0) F1 Q' a k � H 000000000000000000 (D0 Z) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IryD N 000000o000000E-' F' I-- " F-' " H p,�C 9) 0) d1 O) -'j �] J J J JJ OO W OO NN N N -i 0010) J F- IAln (!t Cn OD llt W mI-- W A w W C ro 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 F-� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q O F- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F, 0 0 0 F� FJ 0 0 0 0 I-- 0 0 0 01-- O O N O In Ip ro (p N �tF� ln0o --jHW -ION000Wa0 --] 0dNWN) N) HW < ODMHN) W " --J 1J WHWlnh' C) WM li as o 11 (y C fD ro ao a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a IDO 00000000000000000000Cl� o00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p. 0000000000000000aCDQC) d 000000000000000000000000000000aaOO0000000000P 00000000000000000CDC) (DO fp O t m a N a a ,Ori d (D (D rt m a a m fr a N- w a fr a a 21 0.0046 0.0000 22 0.0045 0.0000 23 0.0039 0.0000 24 0.0035 0.0000 25 0.0034 0.0000 26 0.0033 0.0000 27 0.0030 0.0000 28 0.0029 0.0000 29 0.0023 0.0000 30 0.0023 0.0000 31 0.0019 0.0000 32 0.0017 0.0000 33 0.0016 0.0000 34 0.0012 0.0000 35 0.0009 0.0000 36 0.0008 0.0000 37 0.0007 0.0000 38 0.0006 0.0000 39 0.0004 0.0000 40 0.0003 0.0000 41 0.0000 0.0000 42 0.0000 0.0000 43 0.0000 0.0000 1/2 2 year to 50 year Flow(CFS) Predev Final Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0021 263 0 .0 Pass 0.0023 230 0 .0 Pass 0.0026 204 0 .0 Pass 0.0028 174 0 .0 Pass 0.0030 145 0 .0 Pass 0.0033 135 0 .0 Pass 0.0035 122 0 .0 Pass 0.0037 102 0 .0 Pass 0.0040 86 0 .0 Pass 0.0042 77 0 .0 Pass 0.0044 73 0 .0 Pass 0.0047 67 0 .0 Pass 0.0049 64 0 .0 Pass 0.0051 59 0 .0 Pass 0.0054 56 0 .0 Pass 0.0056 50 0 .0 Pass 0.0058 42 0 .0 Pass 0.0061 37 0 .0 Pass 0.0063 33 0 .0 Pass 0.0066 30 0 .0 Pass 0.0068 27 0 .0 Pass 0.0070 26 0 .0 Pass 0.0073 24 0 .0 Pass 0.0075 22 0 .0 Pass 0.0077 19 0 .0 Pass 0.0080 15 0 .0 Pass 0.0082 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0084 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0087 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0089 13 0 .0 Pass 0.0091 12 0 .0 Pass 0.0094 12 0 .0 Pass 0.0096 10 0 .0 Pass 0.0098 9 0 .0 Pass 0.0101 9 0 .0 Pass 0.0103 9 0 .0 Pass 0.0105 7 0 .0 Pass 0.0108 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0110 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0112 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0115 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0117 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0119 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0122 5 0 .0 Pass 0.0124 4 0 .0 Pass 0.0126 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0129 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0131 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0133 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0136 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0138 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0140 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0143 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0145 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0147 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0150 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0152 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0154 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0157 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0159 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0161 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0164 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0166 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0168 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0171 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0173 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0175 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0178 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0180 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0182 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0185 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0187 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0189 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0192 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0194 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0196 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0199 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0201 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0203 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0206 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0208 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0210 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0213 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0215 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0217 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0220 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0222 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0224 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0227 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0229 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0231 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0234 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0236 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0238 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0241 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0243 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0245 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0248 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0250 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0252 1 0 .0 Pass Water Quality BlIP Flow and Volume. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. program and accompanying documentation as provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. PEAR FLOW 100 ma I I I 100 kkkkkkkkkXX�kXkkXXkkkkkk 50 '25 .0367 E II II U 1.0 10 Q CD L. o Predeveloped 5 2174 I (I I I{ (� N 10E4 x Developed Mitigated Wi IOE-2 0 00 2 .0061 4 1 10 20 30 40.,W60 70 30 90 99 Cumulative_#66babili Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart YEAR FLOW A"ds0.04 ed 50 .1264 x Developed vuM Facilk,0.03 25 .1131 ^ EE N 10 [.0963 U 0.02 5 .007 4 m 2 0.01 I II U th 0.00 10E-5 10E-4 10E-3 10E-2 10E-1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph YEAR FLOW(cfs) c 360 .0000 ____________________ Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Oly Fed Belfair Site Address: 24081 State Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date 12/22/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 5 & 6 Flows To Point of Compliance Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0.184 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 5 & 6 Flows To Trench 3 Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.048 IMPERVIOUS: 0.136 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Trench 3 Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 5.45ft. Bottom Length: 43.5ft. Bottom Width 27ft. Side slope 1: 0 To 1 Side slope 2: 0 To 1 Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.049 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 1.8 ft. Riser Diameter: 8 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 8 in. Elevation: 1.8 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(cfs) _ 88.55 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.000 88. 65 0.027 0.003 0.000 0.041 88.75 0.027 0.005 0.000 0.041 88.85 0.027 0.008 0.000 0.041 88. 95 0.027 0.011 0.000 0.041 89.05 0.027 0.013 0.000 0.041 89.15 0.027 0.016 0.000 0.041 89.25 0.027 0.019 0.000 0.041 N F- 0 N N N N ')d N F- (n N ►-• N N W N ww (oww (ofoww (0www (ofowww (oww (ofowww (ow (nw (oww (o (oww (ow (0wwwOmmm W 00 L" O m FJ O O UI O m H W W W W W W W W W W NNNNNNNNNNI- 1-1F FBI-- F-- F F� F� I 00000000 (D0WCOIOIOWW W �i l< 4C I'C m m Icy 0i .4 % 'i m pm► 0 Fi 1000J61Ui �P WNF-' OlOOOJQIUt �A WNI--' O1000J '(7) WNI--' Ol0 . :-J U'� .A W NJ -' OD 000J61UtP W Ki IkD a a m ►0 0 p tii N m a m H H " h] Cn Cn cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn cn Cn (n Cn cn Cn (n Cn cn cn Cn (n (n Cn Cn cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn (n Cn Cn (n Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn (n cn ,q� „ H H H ►tl 1HD „ H H H Fd IHD C M � h m r r• m 0 0 � 00 000000000000000000000000000000000000OO000000000 o0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ct ft G P (D � 0000000000O00000CD00000o0O0o00o00000000000000000 ►1 00000oO H o000000 H OooOOOOOOOO00000000OOOOO0000O r• • • E r. • • 8 r ►C �P a. o. W W W NNNNH F F' OOOOWWWMNMMJ J J JM MM Cn0 n (na, aA I- m. W W W W NNN O F F F (D- 0 000000.. 0 U] MW000 (nNW -iaAF- W M W I-, 00 (nNOJ W M r-, F- mLn WOJCnNIpJ &AF- wM WaWLnNOJ0AN Q. M Cn W F-- O 00 p 11 A .P W N H O 0 p. H W w w J J N F- M to A F- Ol J w 0> M to W Cn O W W .p N (A 00 N Cn w (n 110 to M F-- 00 J w w a> M W 00 W N N F v M 0 Cn Ln 0FJ (oJ 0 F, a) w00J 0 H H H rn �P �PPIt, 1PwwW W W NNNNNN) N) HF� h-' HF--' I--' F� h- WCO --J0) (n P W N 000000000000 (7 d b J Cn W FA CD 00 Ql 4P W H W OO a) Cn W N CD W J aI Cn W t\) CD • m m H H N N w J (o w J o 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 C m rA Cn O1 00 l0 F� *aP O) (0 N Cn (0 W J N d) F- J W l0 (n N to J Cn W Cn J W a O N 00 O 00 W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m 11 010N JO Cn W wJ WN 000 lO NNW OD J lOa 00 W JA MW lOO P M W N J O 0000000000 ro ° m a a ,0 Cp3 a 000000oo0ooOOOOOOOOOOOOOo00OOo00oO0000OOOoo000O rt H o0000oo0o0Ooo00ooO0oo00000000o0o0olL) Llo0000000 P. r' Pit, a�- 0. 4P a lA J�. P0P .P Aa M. IN IA A .PX. aP0PM. .P ,A It, � 0� ,N .P .P �N 0P .P iA 0. a 102. 0. a, 'P XP la M. .0 as 0. 0. W r1 F' H F-' F F F-' H F� F HHF F' H I--' HF F-� h-' H F, F-' F- h- F� F� F- HF� H " H F-1 H F-AF- F� HHH F� F ' F F F I I a r• rr W m a a r+ m a Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 5 year 0 10 year 0 25 year 0 50 year 0 100 year 0 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Year Predeveloped Developed 1956 0.091 0.000 1957 0.005 0.000 1958 0.020 0.000 1959 0.012 0.000 1960 0.004 0.000 1961 0.017 0.000 1962 0.001 0.000 1963 0.007 0.000 1964 0.005 0.000 1965 0.002 0.000 1966 0.029 0.000 1967 0.012 0.000 1968 0.011 0.000 1969 0.004 0.000 1970 0.006 0.000 1971 0.020 0.000 1972 0.017 0.000 1973 0.010 0.000 1974 0.013 0.000 1975 0.011 0.000 1976 0.021 0.000 1977 0.001 0.000 1978 0.003 0.000 1979 0.003 0.000 1980 0.015 0.000 1981 0.006 0.000 1982 0.000 0.000 1983 0.012 0.000 1984 0.000 0.000 1985 0.000 0.000 1986 0.006 0.000 1987 0.013 0.000 1988 0.001 0.000 1989 0.003 0.000 1990 0.000 0.000 1991 0.011 0.000 1992 0.005 0.000 1993 0.001 0.000 1994 0.012 0.000 1995 0.012 0.000 1996 0.007 0.000 1997 0.001 0.000 1998 0.012 0.000 1999 0.020 0.000 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Rank Predeveloped Developed 1 0.0292 0.0000 2 0.0211 0.0000 3 0.0203 0.0000 4 0.0201 0.0000 5 0.0199 0.0000 6 0.0173 0.0000 7 0.0169 0.0000 8 0.0155 0.0000 9 0.0133 0.0000 10 0.0128 0.0000 11 0.0123 0.0000 12 0.0123 0.0000 13 0.0122 0.0000 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N H 0. � J�- W W W W W W W W W W N N N N N N N N N N 1-- F, F-, F- I--' • Fr \ W NF-' Ol0OD -] MCnaP W NF-' 0l00D --l0) Ul a.,. W NF-' 0l0ODJ0) Cn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N I--` F- , -,' F' -' F-' F, -, H -, -, P,- --' F' F-' F' FJI--' F- f--' F- Fl000 (DOOOOOOOOOOOOO4 Mw J JMMM Cn Cn J� 4�- X� W W WNN F� F' F' 0 O 0 l0 W M W M --1 J M M M Cn Cn Cn 0. .P W W N JP oM N) OJ� F' J W lO Cn NW �P OM N l0 Cn N -1 W O M N MBA O --1 W W CnN M 0. 0 M N W Ln (� IX]1C � 0 v a M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 01mm -j w w l0 F- NNNNW W W Un Cn Cnm m J J NI--' N F' F-' F-' NNNro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O N N W W W W C n l O N 0 P O l �l O W -1 N O O l 110 �P J W �1 m O N W 1 P �1 0 W 6) h j (t O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N Cn Cn JP 10. O W (D 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O F' F' H F' F' CL 00000F, - F,i , F" NN W W W ,AJ�- Cn (nCnM -,jW00E- -, , (D Ln 00I-' Cn �7ON W Ul W M MO -' --JMMW ,�- M J CnM --JM0d> J C o oO0000oo000000000000OOOOOOOO000OOOOOOOOONM wa � h a N ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 0 .000OOo . .000000 .00 .00OoO .o .o .0000000 .00000 . .0000 .o0H n 00O000000000O00O0O00000000000 o0000000000000000OOooOO000000 Fq OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000OO cD OOOOOOOOOOO000O0000OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO00000OOOOOOOOOOOO ro rororororobrororororororo 'vrorororo 'vb 'vbrorororororororororo 'vrorororobrorouai w w a w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 0 a F'• F✓ 0.0187 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0191 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0195 6 0 .0 Pass 0.0199 5 0 .0 Pass 0.0203 4 0 .0 Pass 0.0207 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0210 3 0 .0 Pass 0.0214 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0218 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0222 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0226 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0229 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0233 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0237 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0241 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0245 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0249 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0252 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0256 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0260 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0264 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0268 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0271 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0275 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0279 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0283 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0287 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0291 2 0 .0 Pass 0.0294 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0298 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0302 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0306 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0310 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0314 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0317 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0321 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0325 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0329 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0333 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0336 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0340 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0344 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0348 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0352 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0356 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0359 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0363 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0367 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0371 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0375 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0378 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0382 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0386 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0390 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0394 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0398 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0401 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0405 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0409 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0413 1 0 .0 Pass Water Quality BMP Flow and Vol,,-. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 of a. program and accompanying documentation as provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. in no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. TEgR FLOW 7001 A22 '' 10-0 kkkkkkkkkkk�000D00�100044ti�kkkkkkkkkkkT 50 '.0757 I I I 25 .0670 V 1.0 10 .0512 I d o Predeveloped 5 .0358 ' I t 10E-1 x Developed Mitigated I t ( Q 000000 tt I I �yx,yy�poo00 Z 0127 I I, I 10E-2 1 10 20 .*-40 50 60 70 30 90 99 Cumulative Probability Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart YEAR FLOW{cfs 100 .3074 0.08 50 2789 DevelopeduuB facilih 25 .2516 I I I 0.06 10 1 .2166 N I I i c�.� 0.04 5 _1902 I 0.02 1 2 1525 L I V 10E5 8 10E4 10E3 10E2 10E1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph YEAR FLOW(cfs) i t i E i i Igo .0000 I . I..9SO Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Oly Fed Belfair Site Address: 24081 State Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date 12/17/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 1, 3,4 Flows To Point of Compliance GroundWater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0.331 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 1,3,4 Flows To Trench 1 GroundWater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.053 IMPERVIOUS: 0.278 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Trench 1 Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 4.65ft. Bottom Length: 66ft. Bottom Width 37ft. Side slope 1: 0 To 1 Side slope 2: 0 To 1 Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.087 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 1.55 ft. Riser Diameter: 8 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 8 in. Elevation: 1.55 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(cfs) 92.20 0.056 0.000 0.000 0.000 92.25 0.056 0.003 0.000 0.085 92.31 0.056 0.006 0.000 0.085 92.36 0.056 0.009 0.000 0.085 92.41 0.056 0.012 0.000 0.085 92.47 0.056 0.015 0.000 0.085 92.52 0.056 0.018 0.000 0.085 92.57 0.056 0.021 0.000 0.085 d> 41O10101O1O1MM Cn (nCn (n (nUl (n (n (nCnCn (n (n (nUIN (n (nCnJP PXPaaaOPAPJ 0- L+ J� -r aV P AIAiA 'A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NNNNNNN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFL O O (01D 00 QO J JJ OI UI Un �P �P WNNF-` I--' 001O (0 OO 00 �1J6161 U1 �, :A W WNNF-' F-' 00 (O (O OO 00 !1 'a) Ul Cn �P �P W W NJ FJ -' 001O 00 OO J :_j O1 CFI--' OI F� UI O (n IO JP w W OD --I N —I F-' 61 I--' (n O UI W ID. w W OD W -_iN —F F-' al F� Ul 0 Cn W0 . w W OD W -_I N -_I F-, m F- UI O Ln Wa,. w W 00 W -_l N —I F- 01 F� W CD LnlO JP W00 W O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (n Ul Ul Ul Ul (n Ul Ul Ul Cn Cn Ul (Il Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Cn Ul Ul (n Ul Ul Ul Ul Cn Ul (I7 Ul Cn U1 (n Ul Ln Ul Ul Ul (n Ul Ul Ul U1 Ul Ul Cn Cn Ul (n Ul Ul Ul (n Ul OF Ul Ul U1 Cn Ul (n U1 U7 Ul Ul Ul (n (n (n (n (n O l 01 61 O l d l O l O l 01 O l 61 d> O l 01 O l O l d> O l Ol d l d> 61 61 61 61 61 O l 61 d> O 1 d> 01 O l O l 61 O l d l O l d> d> 01 01 41 61 O l O l O l 61 d> O l d> O l d> O l O l O l a l C71 d l 61 61 O l 61 61 a> O l d> 61 61 d> d> d> 01 61 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NNNNNNNNNNNNN) �, �, -' ,� , F,` - AFC F� FlFlF-' F� - - F,� , F,' - FBI--' I--' ,- , F ' F-' F-' F--� I--' I--' I--' F- ) 0000000000000000000000000 W W W W NNN H 0000 W W W 00 OD 00 J --] --] ­J Q1M M Ul Cn Ln A JP aA JP W W W NNNN 00 (DW I0 (0 W 00 00 CO -1 -] -] 0) a) a) 0) Ln Ln UI a, P aP W W W W NN (Om wO --I It, I-' OD 0 N (O m w O -_I P I--' 00 U1 N (Om W0 -1 P 00 Ul (,j (0 --F is 00 Ul N (0M W0 --F 0. FA N LnN) W OIWO --I j�. 00 Ul N W M W 0 -j iP F� M Ln N (O OI W O �] �P. W W W NNNN Eli NNNNNNN) H FBI-' Fah-' - F- F- F- - F-, F, FJF-' (0ODN O1 (n (n 'I�b 'p. W W NN 000000000000000000000000 r O O (O Ol Cn (n �, W N F� F, O (O 00 OD J Ol (n Cn � , W W N r r O O a a0N 1--' O) l-, O1 F-, Naoa wl �P0000000000000000000000 OD ONW U1 O1000 N 9� is 000 W (n 000 W 01 (0 N (n OO N UI (0 N 010 W Ul OD F--' —1 W F- F- F- 0. J N) w OD OD 01A (D 0) U1 a 0000000000000000000000 o. MW W W W W0I J�b W W oP U7001--, Q1 F-' J 0. W N) CQ OI O aA 00) XA W OO N 0 (0 N OD J CD 000611O --1 N o. W 0 U100 O1 OD 0000000000000000000000 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 OD OD OD CO CO 00 00 00 OD OD W 00 00 OD 00 00 00 00 00 OD OD OD co N N W co 00 OD OD OD 00 00 OD 00 00 00 00 co OD 00 00 CO 00 00 O0 00 00 W W 00 O0 00 N 00 OD 00 00 00 N 00 00 CO CO 00 00 CO OD O0 OD OD OD (n (n (n Cn (n (n Ul (n Cn Ul (n (n Cn (n (n Ul Cn Cn (n Ul U7 Cn Cn Cn Cn (n Cn Cn Cn (n (n Cn Cn (n Cn (n (n Ul (n 0 0 (n (n Ul (n (n Cn Cn Cn (n (n Ul Ul (n (n Cn Cn Cn Ul 0 Ul (,Ti Ul 0 (n (n Ul Cn Cn Ul Cn (n Cn 96.52 0.056 0.242 32.73 0.085 96.57 0.056 0.245 33.63 0.085 96. 63 0.056 0.248 34.53 0.085 96. 68 0.056 0.251 35.44 0.085 96.73 0.056 0.254 36.36 0.085 96.79 0.056 0.257 37.29 0.085 96.84 0.056 0.260 38.22 0.085 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.012681 5 year 0.035802 10 year 0.051203 25 year 0.066971 50 year 0.075691 100 year 0.08219 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Unmitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.152543 5 year 0.190209 10 year 0.216584 25 year 0.251599 50 year 0.278947 100 year 0.307412 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Mitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0 5 year 0 10 year 0 25 year 0 50 year 0 100 year 0 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Year Predeveloped Developed 1956 0. 167 0.000 1957 0.010 0.000 1958 0.036 0.000 1959 0.022 0.000 1960 0.007 0.000 1961 0.031 0.000 1962 0.002 0.000 1963 0.014 0.000 1964 0.009 0.000 1965 0. 003 0.000 1966 0.053 0.000 1967 0.022 0.000 1968 0.020 0.000 1969 0.007 0.000 1970 0. 010 0.000 1971 0. 037 0.000 1972 0.032 0.000 1973 0.018 0.000 1974 0.024 0.000 1975 0.020 0.000 1976 0. 039 0.000 1977 0.002 0.000 1978 0.005 0.000 1979 0.005 0.000 1980 0. 028 0.000 1981 0.012 0.000 1982 0.001 0.000 1983 0. 022 0.000 14Qn n nnn n nnn 1985 0. 000 0.000 1986 0.010 0.000 1987 0.024 0.000 1988 0.001 0.000 1989 0.006 0.000 1990 0.000 0.000 1991 0.020 0.000 1992 0.009 0.000 1993 0.003 0.000 1994 0.021 0.000 1995 0.023 0.000 1996 0.014 0.000 1997 0.002 0.000 1998 0.021 0.000 1999 0.037 0.000 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Developed-Mitigated Rank Predeveloped Developed 1 0.0535 0.0000 2 0.0386 0.0000 3 0.0372 0.0000 4 0.0369 0.0000 5 0.0364 0.0000 6 0.0318 0.0000 7 0.0310 0.0000 8 0.0284 0.0000 9 0.0243 0.0000 10 0.0235 0.0000 11 0.0226 0.0000 12 0.0225 0.0000 13 0.0224 0.0000 14 0.0221 0.0000 15 0.0214 0.0000 16 0.0213 0.0000 17 0.0201 0.0000 18 0.0199 0.0000 19 0.0197 0.0000 20 0.0179 0.0000 21 0.0137 0.0000 22 0.0136 0.0000 23 0.0118 0.0000 24 0.0104 0.0000 25 0.0103 0.0000 26 0.0100 0.0000 27 0.0090 0.0000 28 0.0087 0.0000 29 0.0070 0.0000 30 0.0069 0.0000 31 0.0057 0.0000 32 0.0051 0.0000 33 0.0048 0.0000 34 0.0035 0.0000 35 0.0027 0.0000 36 0.0024 0.0000 37 0.0022 0.0000 38 0.0018 0.0000 39 0.0012 0.0000 40 0.0008 0.0000 41 0.0001 0.0000 42 0.0001 0.0000 43 0.0000 0.0000 1/2 2 year to 50 year Flow(CFS) Predev Final Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0063 263 0 .0 Pass 0.0070 230 0 .0 Pass 0.0077 204 0 .0 Pass 0.0084 174 0 .0 Pass 0.0091 145 0 .0 Pass 0.0098 135 0 .0 Pass n ninr, 11)1) n n 1)... ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro a a4 a a a as a, al a, a, a al a a a a a a aJ aJ a a a aJ a s a, a s a, a a a a, a a a a a, a s a, a a a a a a a a a a a a a aJ a a a a a a, a, al a a a a a a a a a 0oOo0000000000oo00000000oO00000O00000oOo0O0000000000000O00000Q0000aoO0000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O000OOoOOOOOoOOO000000OOOOOOo000OOoOoOOooOoOO0000OOooO000000OO00000O0000O N O ID I- (`') [- -W 0) ID O N I- (n O (- ID -1:p N M u) (Y) (n M (r) N N O r-I 00 (- r- w lD Ln Ln Ln qr (n (n ('") N N N N .-� r-I r-1 H H H rq H rl Ol Ol m I` lD lD l0 lD l0 lD Ln w ('7 (Y) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ri r-I r1 ri ri ri r-I .-I 'A .-A r-I r-I C14mwM0r- -CZP H ODLONmr- IV r- 00LnNdIIOMO [- ,THooLn (NO) wcy) o - ;:rHoOuoNOIIOMOI- -�Tr-INLn " mwry) or- vr-IODln (Na) lOMOl- v1r-INtn (14O w (Y,) a - r-ir-iN ('') -v vLn lD lD h 0000D> Or-iriN (Y) M -41 Ln lD lD [- N 00 dlO O r-1 (N (1) m d' In u) wr- r- co 41OOr-I NNMd' -wLn w I` I` 0001mOr-I -i N M -w d, Ln lD lD r- op ODm O r-Ir-I r- H r-I r-q r-A r-I H H r-i rl r-A r-i (N CN CN " N " C14 C14 C14 (N N CN cq " m m co m (Y') (y) (Y) m m (y) M (') (Y) m r V - -wd -w -v vw tT CW rd w V (nLnLnLnLnLn (nLnLnLnLnLnlnulwww O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. C. . . . C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. . . . . . . C. . . . . . . . . . . C. C. . . . . . . C. . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0624 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0631 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0638 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0645 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0652 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0659 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0666 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0673 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0680 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0687 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0694 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0701 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0708 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0715 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0722 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0729 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0736 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0743 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0750 1 0 .0 Pass 0.0757 1 0 .0 Pass Water Quality ffiMP Flow and Volume. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. program and accompanying documentation as provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. YEAR FLOW(c1s 10-0 100 .1719 0 .1583 I I ^ _5 .1400 1.0 10 .1071 I I I f Q1 xX � �xxk�xXx;:xxxx 5 � I I I xxxxxxxxxxx o Predeveloped 10E-1 x Developed iditigated V o00000 M11. N 0000 00 ICE2 .0265 1 10 ti 'c 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99 CuDwlative Probability Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Chart TEAR FLOW(c(s 100 .6069 III i dyed 0.16 50 .5469 x De .peal will Facility 0.12 25 1.4896 III ^ N 10 .4169 I I U 0.09 �. 5 3627 d 0.05 2 263 U N 0.01 10E-5 10E-4 10E-3 10E-2 10E•1 1 10 Percent Exceeding Yearly Peaks for developed W/O Pond Duration Graph TEAR FLOW(dsl 100 t.6069 III III 50 J.5469 25 .4896 10 .4169 I i 5 .3627 i II 2 20 1 I'� Yearly Peaks for Developed W/Pond WESTERN WASHINGTON HYDROLOGY MODEL V2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Oly Fed belfair Site Address: 24081 State Rte 3 City Belfair Report Date : 12/23/2009 Gage Quilcene Data Start 1955 Data End 1999 Precip Scale: 1.22 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 1-7 Flows To Point of Compliance Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH FOREST: 0. 692 DEVELOPED LAND USE Basin Basin 1-7 Flows To Temp Sed. Trap Groundwater: No Land Use Acres OUTWASH GRASS: 0.21 IMPERVIOUS: 0.482 RCHRES (POND) INFORMATION Pond Name: Temp Sed. Trap Pond Type: Trapezoidal Pond Pond Flows to : Point of Compliance Pond Rain / Evap is not activated. Dimensions Depth: 4.5ft. Bottom Length: 21ft. Bottom Width 7.14ft. Side slope 1: 2 To 1 Side slope 2: 2 To 1 Side slope 3: 2 To 1 Side slope 4: 2 To 1 Volume at Riser Head: 0.033 acre-ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height: 3.5 ft. Riser Diameter: 12 in. Orifice 1 Diameter: 1.16138 in. Elevation: 0 ft. Pond Hydraulic Table stage(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Infilt(efs) 89.50 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 89.60 0.004 0.000 0.011 0.000 89.70 0.004 0.001 0.016 0.000 89.80 0.004 0.001 0.019 0.000 89. 90 0.005 0.002 0.022 0.000 90.00 0.005 0.002 0.025 0.000 90.10 0.005 0.003 0.027 0.000 an 1)n n nn� n nn1:Z n non n_nnn 90.30 0.006 0.004 0.032 0.000 90.40 0.006 0.004 0.034 0.000 90.50 0.006 0.005 0.035 0.000 90. 60 0.007 0.006 0.037 0.000 90.70 0.007 0.006 0.039 0.000 90.80 0.007 0.007 0.040 0.000 90. 90 0.008 0.008 0.042 0.000 91.00 0.008 0.008 0.043 0.000 91. 10 0.009 0.009 0.045 0.000 91.20 0.009 0.010 0.046 0.000 91.30 0.009 0.011 0.048 0.000 91.40 0.010 0.012 0.049 0.000 91.50 0.010 0.013 0.050 0.000 91. 60 0.010 0.014 0.051 0.000 91.70 0.011 0.015 0.053 0.000 91.80 0.011 0.016 0.054 0.000 91. 90 0.012 0.017 0.055 0.000 92.00 0.012 0.019 0.056 0.000 92.10 0.013 0.020 0.057 0.000 92.20 0.013 0.021 0.058 0.000 92.30 0.014 0.022 0.059 0.000 92.40 0.014 0.024 0.060 0.000 92.50 0.015 0.025 0.061 0.000 92. 60 0.015 0.027 0.062 0.000 92.70 0.015 0.028 0.063 0.000 92.80 0.016 0.030 0.064 0.000 92. 90 0.016 0.031 0.065 0.000 93.00 0.017 0.033 0.066 0.000 93. 10 0.018 0.035 0.375 0.000 93.20 0.018 0.037 0.939 0.000 93.30 0.019 0.038 1. 669 0.000 93.40 0.019 0.040 2.534 0.000 93.50 0.020 0.042 3.514 0.000 93. 60 0.020 0.044 4.598 0.000 93.70 0.021 0.046 5.776 0.000 93.80 0.021 0.048 7.042 0.000 93. 90 0.022 0.051 8.390 0.000 94. 00 0.023 0.053 9.814 0.000 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.026514 5 year 0.074858 10 year 0.10706 25 year 0.140031 50 year 0.158264 100 year 0.171851 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Unmitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.286318 5 year 0.362745 10 year 0.416934 25 year 0.489604 50 year 0.546881 100 year 0.606928 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Developed Mitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.258818 5 year 0.320038 10 year 0.344341 25 year 0.363781 50 year 0.373005 100 year 0.379342 Z8EZ'0 £8Z0'0 ZZ SOVZ'O L8Z0'0 TZ E6bZ'O SLEO'0 OZ LSbZ'O TTVO'0 6T 06PZ'0 ST60'0 8T 9ZSZ'0 OZPO'0 LT SLSZ'0 96b0'0 9T L9LZ'O LP50'0 ST 98LZ'0 E9V0'0 PT Z98Z'0 89b0'0 ET 9L8Z'0 OLb0'0 ZT 988Z'0 ZLPO'0 TT OZ6Z'0 Z6b0'0 OT bL6Z'O 8090'0 6 19TE'0 £690'0 8 99TE'0 6�90'0 L 6E£E'0 9990'0 9 Z8b£'0 Z9L0'0 S bs9E'0 TLLO'0 b L89E'0 8LLO'O E E8LE'0 L080'0 Z 988£'0 8TTT'0 T pedoTanaQ padoTanapaad Nueg pa�ebr�rK-p9dOTanaQ pue padoTanapasd =03 sxead AT=eax Pexuleu TWO 8L0'0 666T 98Z'0 9b0'0 866T 6bZ'0 900'0 L66T OEZ'0 6Z0'0 966T ZZZ'O LV0 '0 966T 69£'0 S60'0 P66T ZTZ'0 900'0 E66T LTZ'0 6T0'0 Z66T 8K,O Zb0'0 T66T 60Z'0 000'0 066T SZT'O ZTO '0 686T EEZ'O £00'0 886T 8EZ'0 6b0'0 L86T ESZ'0 TZO'0 986T LTZ'O 000'0 986T 60T'0 000'0 b86T 68E'0 9b0'0 E86T 98T'0 Z00'0 Z86T OTZ'O SZO'0 186T 8EZ'0 690'0 086T OfiZ'0 TTO'0 6L6T Z6T'O OTO'0 8L6T TLT'O b00'0 LL6T LT£'0 T80'0 9L6T Z6Z'0 Tb0'0 SL6T bEE'0 TSO'0 TL6T 6PZ'0 8£0'0 £L6T 6LZ'0 990'0 ZL6T 8LE'0 LLO'0 TL6T 9bz'0 ZZ0'0 OL6T 8LT'0 �TO'0 696T 68Z'0 Z�0'0 896T 88Z'0 L60'0 L96T ZEZ'O ZTT'0 996T T90'0 L00'O 996T bOZ'0 8TO'O b96T LLZ'0 8Z0'0 E96T L6Z'O S00'0 Z96T 66T'O 990'0 T96T EOZ'0 STO'O 096T 9TE'0 L60'0 696T LSZ'0 9L0'0 896T �£Z'0 TZO'O L96T 99E'0 6bE'0 996T pedo-UsAaa p oTanapa=d xeex pa'4ebr'4rK-padoTanaQ pue pedoTanapead XOJ sxead AT=eeA 24 0.0217 0.2345 25 0.0215 0.2330 26 0.0209 0.2316 27 0.0187 0.2295 28 0.0183 0.2222 29 0.0146 0.2173 30 0.0143 0.2165 31 0.0120 0.2124 32 0.0107 0.2100 33 0.0100 0.2042 34 0.0073 0.2036 35 0.0057 0.2026 36 0.0051 0.1993 37 0.0047 0.1924 38 0.0038 0.1850 39 0.0025 0.1778 40 0.0017 0.1712 41 0.0002 0.1250 42 0.0001 0.1092 43 0.0001 0.0615 1/2 2 year to 50 year Flow(CFS) Predev Final Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0133 263 37058 14090.0 Fail 0.0147 230 34906 15176.0 Fail 0.0162 204 32935 16144.0 Fail 0.0177 174 31254 17962.0 Fail 0.0191 145 29630 20434.0 Fail 0.0206 135 28210 20896.0 Fail 0.0220 122 26695 21881.0 Fail 0.0235 102 25283 24787 .0 Fail 0.0250 86 23844 27725.0 Fail 0.0264 77 22406 29098.0 Fail 0.0279 73 20847 28557.0 Fail 0.0294 67 19547 29174.0 Fail 0.0308 64 18205 28445.0 Fail 0.0323 59 16894 28633.0 Fail 0.0338 56 15663 27969.0 Fail 0.0352 50 14398 28796.0 Fail 0.0367 42 13129 31259.0 Fail 0.0382 37 11860 32054 .0 Fail 0.0396 33 10584 32072.0 Fail 0.0411 30 9284 30946.0 Fail 0.0426 27 7996 29614 .0 Fail 0.0440 26 6800 26153.0 Fail 0.0455 24 5604 23350.0 Fail 0.0469 22 4401 20004 .0 Fail 0. 0484 19 3204 16863.0 Fail 0.0499 15 2930 19533.0 Fail 0.0513 13 2880 22153.0 Fail 0.0528 13 2831 21776.0 Fail 0.0543 13 2775 21346.0 Fail 0.0557 13 2705 20807.0 Fail 0.0572 12 2660 22166.0 Fail 0. 0587 12 2614 21783.0 Fail 0.0601 10 2532 25320.0 Fail 0. 0616 9 2474 27488.0 Fail 0. 0631 9 2406 26733.0 Fail 0. 0645 9 2358 26200.0 Fail 0. 0660 7 2311 33014.0 Fail 0. 0675 6 2272 37866.0 Fail 0. 0689 6 2235 37250.0 Fail 0. 0704 6 2194 36566.0 Fail 0.0718 6 2168 36133.0 Fail 0.0733 6 2131 35516.0 Fail 0.0748 6 2098 34966.0 Fail 0.0762 5 2064 41280.0 Fail 0. 0777 4 2034 50850.0 Fail 0.0792 3 1984 66133.0 Fail 0. 0806 3 1942 64733.0 Fail 0. 0821 2 1900 95000.0 Fail n nRAti 1RSR ggqnn_n Fa; I 0.0850 2 1810 90500.0 Fail 0.0865 2 1775 88750.0 Fail 0.0880 2 1725 86250.0 Fail 0.0894 2 1674 83700.0 Fail 0.0909 2 1646 82300.0 Fail 0.0924 2 1619 80950.0 Fail 0.0938 2 1582 79100.0 Fail 0.0953 2 1540 77000.0 Fail 0.0967 2 1505 75250.0 Fail 0.0982 2 1464 73200.0 Fail 0.0997 2 1432 71600.0 Fail 0.1011 2 1411 70550.0 Fail 0.1026 2 1388 69400.0 Fail 0.1041 2 1359 67950.0 Fail 0.1055 2 1322 66100.0 Fail 0.1070 2 1299 64950.0 Fail 0.1085 2 1277 63850.0 Fail 0.1099 2 1255 62750.0 Fail 0.1114 2 1232 61600.0 Fail 0.1129 1 1215 121500.0 Fail 0.1143 1 1197 119700.0 Fail 0.1158 1 1184 118400.0 Fail 0. 1173 1 1166 116600.0 Fail 0.1187 1 1144 114400.0 Fail 0.1202 1 1120 112000.0 Fail 0.1216 1 1092 109200.0 Fail 0. 1231 1 1056 105600.0 Fail 0.1246 1 1035 103500.0 Fail 0.1260 1 991 99100.0 Fail 0.1275 1 944 94400.0 Fail 0. 1290 1 907 90700.0 Fail 0.1304 1 872 87200.0 Fail 0.1319 1 843 84300.0 Fail 0.1334 1 808 80800.0 Fail 0.1348 1 782 78200.0 Fail 0.1363 1 759 75900.0 Fail 0. 1378 1 740 74000.0 Fail 0.1392 1 723 72300.0 Fail 0.1407 1 708 70800.0 Fail 0.1422 1 696 69600.0 Fail 0. 1436 1 679 67900.0 Fail 0. 1451 1 661 66100.0 Fail 0.1465 1 643 64300.0 Fail 0.1480 1 634 63400.0 Fail 0.1495 1 620 62000.0 Fail 0. 1509 1 603 60300.0 Fail 0. 1524 1 579 57900.0 Fail 0. 1539 1 563 56300.0 Fail 0.1553 1 551 55100.0 Fail 0. 1568 1 539 53900.0 Fail 0. 1583 1 528 52800.0 Fail The development has an increase in flow durations from 1/2 predeveloped 2 year flow to the 2 year flow or more than a 10% increase from the 2 year to the 50 year flow. The Development Has an increase in flow durations for more than 50$ of the flows from the 2 year to the 50 year flow. Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume. On-line facility volume: 0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfa. Off-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfa. program and accompanying documentation as'provided 'as-is� without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by the user. AQUA TERRA Consultants and the Washington State Department of Ecology disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall AQUA TERRA Consultants and/or the Washington State Department of Ecology be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the user of, or inability to use this program even if AQUA TERRA Consultants or the Washington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such damages. -)ly Fed Belfair .;BF pipe conveyance 'ewer Pipes CIVIL TOOLS PRO iglish Units >_-23-2009 13:13:01 esu its Flow(cfs) Diameter(in) Manning's N Slope Velocity(fps) 1.80 8.00 0.012 1.90 5.17 1.85 8.00 0.012 2.00 5.30 2.62 8.00 0.012 4.00 7.50 1.10 8.00 0.012 0.70 3.14 1/1