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BLD99-1004 Final Mobile Home - BLD Permit / Conditions - 11/6/2000
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 E3 LJ I L.. U3 I N C 11-' E--_ F3 M I T- FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 427-9670 BETWEEN 5pm AND Sam 427--7262 BLO99-1004 PARCEL : 123093490100 PLAT % DIV : BLK : LOT : ,306 ADDRESS t 2790 NE. OLD BEL FA I R HWY E3E=L f A I R OWNER : JASON WELSH 360--277-3671 CONTRACTOR : LEGAL : TO 1/ Of SE SW TO A Of SP #286 CLASS OF WORK . ,NEW BEDR t 2 .BATH t 2 TYPE AMOUNT BY DATE RECEIPT TYPE AMOUNT BY DATE RECEIPT! TYPE OF USE . . . . :MH STORIES . . . . . . . t 1 OCCUP . GROUP . . . :7 BLDG . HE I GHT . . : O .Oft NNSf 1 175.## KW 111#4199 1689 TYPE:. OF CONST . . t? FIREPLACES . . . . : 0 EHCP 3 rB.Of PIS 11117199 52117 OCCUP . LOAD . . . . 0 WOODSTOVES . . . . : 0 P►RS 11 38.00 PNS 11111199 52177 DWELL .UNITS . . . . : O PARKING SPACES t O MHBL 1 175.00 PIS 11117199 52177 I INSPECTION AREA t 2 SHORELINE? . . . . :N STFE t 4.59 PIS 11117/99 52177 1OTALt 442.50 VALULATIONt 110011 SETBACKS--------.------- -- TOILETS . . . . . . . . . . : O FUEL TYPES--- -_.-.- _ -_. BOILERS/COMP---- MOBILE HOME-- - FRONT . . .W 80 .Oft BATH BASINS . . . . . . : 0 s 0--3 HP . t O REAR . . . .E 95 .Oft BATH TUBS . . . . . . . . : 0 3._15 HP . : O MODEL sREX 5 i DE ( 1 ) .N 8 .Oft SHOWERS , . . . . . . . . . : 0 TURN < 100K BTU t O 15-30 HP . t O — SIDE (2 ) .S 20 .0ft WATER HEATERS . . . . : O TURN a=100K BTU : 0 30--50 HP . t 0 SHRLINE .N O .Oft CLOTHES WASHERS . . : 0 FURN FLOOR . . . .- O 50.4 HP . t 0 --YEAR-- ---- AREA ----- --- --- -- KITCHEN SINKS . . . . : O HEAT PUMP . . . . . . : 0 83 LOT SIZE . . : FLOOR DRAINS . . . . . , 0 VENT SYSTEMS . . . , O EVAP COOLERSc O LENGTHt52 BUILDING . . . : Osf DRINKING FOUNT . . . : O VENT FANS . . . . . . : 0 HOODS . . , . . . . : 0 W1DTH . :24 BASEMENT . . . , Ost LAUNDRY TRAYS . . . . : 0 DOMES . INCINtO ._SERIAL#---- DECK.S . . . . . . t Osf DISHWASHERS . . . . . . : O AIR HANDLING UNITS__L COMML . INCIN :O GAR/CARP :7 Osf GARB DISPOSALS . . . . O 10000 afm . t O RELOC/REPA I R t 0 AT/DT . :? URINALS . . . . . . . . . . : O - 10000 cfm . : O OTHER UNITS . t 0 MISC PLM FIXTURL�St O GAS OUTLETS . : 0 PROJECT DESCRIP11011:N081►E HONE PROJECI LOCATION:APPROX 3 TILES NORTH ON 010 BELFAIR NWY, 1 MILE BEFORE BEAR CREEK DENATIO RD ON LEFT HAND S10E, THIS PERMIT BECOMES 191l AND VOID If WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT CONNtNCED WITHIN I$0 DAYS, OR If CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD (if III DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. EVIDENCE OF CONTINUATION Of WORK IS A PROGRESS INSPECTION WITHIN THE 186 DAY PERIOD, FILIAL INSPECTION MUST RE 16. !RoVED BEFORE BUILDING CAN BE O,cCUPIED. OWIIERROR AGENT c � ,'z. �''L�r DATE PUT 2.4 4.1 _ rr,��pt 1 n.Ibir4t~ s n �t Cai`l �1 rnMn 4 T,nUP , 2 ncn+t„atr.f% CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons i date by Gas Piping date d cn b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date .�`� ���� by � — FRAMING date by FIRE DEPT. y Walls datb by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D W WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by tic all 8/16/00 Activities for Case #: BLD99-01004 a 2:34:06 F'M W-e j 5 b Assigned Hold Updated Activity Description Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 To Done By Disp. Level By Updated Notes BLDA010 Application received 10/28/99 11/4/99 KW DONE KW 11/4/99 BLDB134 RLC Review 11/17/99 AHB N/A PMS 11/17/99 BLDB110 Building Plan Review 11/4/99 11/17/99 TLG DONE TLG 11/17/99 BLDB130 Planning Review 11/8/99 11/17/99 AHB DONE PMS 11/17/99 SITE VISIT MADE TO DETERMINE SETBACKS AND DISTANCE TO THE NEARBY POND.AHB BLDB138 Planning Pre-Review 11/5/99 11/8/99 MMS DONE MMS 11/8/99 BLDB200 Environmental Health Review 11/4/99 11/8/99 CEB DONE CEB 11/8/99 PLOT MAPS AND BEDROOMS MATCH SWG95-0643 INSTALLED 10/13/97 SEE CONDITION BLDB210 Water Adequacy 11/5199 11/5/99 CEB DONE CEB 11/5/99 replacement BLDB135 Addressing 11/4/99 11/5/99 GMM DONE GMM 11/5/99 BLDA915 Existing Records-See Case Mgr. KW 11/4/99 BLDA100 Approved For Issuance 11/17/99 TLG MS 11/17/99 BLDA500 (F)Issue building permit 11/18/99 TLG PMS 1/17/99 BLDC110 Footing inspection 1119/00 1/19/00 TR FAIL 1 9/00 1. REMOVE ALL STUMPS AND ORGANIC FROM W/IN FORMS AND FROM UNDER UNIT,2.ALLOW TO THAW AND REMOVE ALL MUCK, 3. INSTALL ALL MISSING BAR BEND BAR AT STEPS AND LAP BAR RS. BLDC110 Footing inspection 3/1/00 3/1/00 TR COND /1/0 BLDC200 MH Setup inspection 3/27/00 3/29/ TR FAIL KW 3/ (00 1. INSTALLWATEIR LINE AND INSULAE,2. IWJKLL DRAIN, WASTE AND AND / SUPPORT AT 4'O.C.MIN, 3. REPLACE LOWER 16"X 16" BLOCK UNDER JACK STAND LOCATED ON RIGHT UNIT FIRST NEXT TO MIDDLE,4. REPLACE ALL MISSING INSULATION,5. REPAIR ALL RIPS IN BELLY WRAP. BL 11 Fou atio Wall Ins tion 8/11 00 8/11/0 TR PASS o old L T WALL P S !� 09 To.z A '70 ,(may 1 0 Cr 0,40AsIc -4 �( Page 1 of 1 L Building Permit # `' G MASON COUNTY BUILDING 111 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location 2 i This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordiees-I f d:n Items Listed below must be corrected to gain code mpliann ''✓.S�I"7�c �i!/ �= �/,-1/�Q� �l f� r '1/S`CJ�_�//�� �{����C..' F�/T=,y l'��.���./ C, G _ /�7 f r �S`?J I)% S� ©C O �c a You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK XCall for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to ❑ This is not a complete inspection Department Date Inspector moo * . JOT MOOV THI - T ' kow i Building Permit # � MASON COUNTY BUILDING 111426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items Listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK X Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to ❑ This is not a complete inspection Department Date ` r�l Inspector ■ o« s : nT Mk *V THI - T ' Lom, MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 PE:- RMI -r Case No . : BLD99- 1004 For : JASON WELSH Page : Ir. 1 ) Approved per dimensions and setbacks on submitted site plan . X 2 ) All upland areas disturbed or newly created by construction actA'vities shall be seeded, ve e t I ted or given an equivalent type of erosion protection ( silt Tenoing or straw matt ng)� Tree stu0mused e bris shall be removed from the nearby pond at the rear and property disposed $ outside of the area of the pond . X — 3 ) Proposed structure or ortions., thereof with an projection over 30" in height from grade line , must maintain a gr Sep t on distance between adjacent structures and that -furthest projection . X 4 ) Proposed structure or any portion thereof greater than 30" In height. from grade line, must mainta-in a minimum of 5 ' setback from all property lines , easements and 10 ' from ail Countyrd State Road right of ways . X 5 ) This Mason apCpounty ,,licatbordi.. n . isnance subject to036Buffer and Landscapinq requirements as established under i 1 .03 . . X 6 ) The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids In excess of 10 gallons Is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Mars.fia I X 7 ) Provisions for surface/subsurface drainage control must be Implemented with new construction or development on site and MUST NOT adversely impact adjacent parcels . Under the requirements of Mason County Stormwater Ordinance, either- private ditches and drains will meet requirements of the stormwater ordinance or prior approval will be granted to use an existing utility and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose . For further information regarding this ordinance and the REQUIREMENT to obtain an ACCESS PERMIT for the installation/construction of a driveway or access tAl -ONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P,O, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 connecting from a Mason County Road, Contact the Mason County Public Works Department prior to construction at Ext 4L50 . For any construction which is proposed to be located within 25 ' of a Mason County road right of ray , it is sug ested to contact that office to review future planned work which may of f�r'ot your pro j ec? . X. 8 ) Owner / huAlder assumes all responsibility If drainfieid/reserve area is encumbsrf ed . 9) PURSUANT TO 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ALL. SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCIi A POSITION As TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A REINSPECTION FEE , BASED ON RATES AS ADOPTED BY THE JURISDICTION AND THE 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNER/CONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECT NS 10)' THE FOUNDAIION SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED ON UNDISTURBED, NATIVE SOIL . X.� 11 ) The approved plot plan is required to be on-site for inspection ppurpposes . If inspection Is called for and plot plan is not on site, Approval WIL NOT be granted . In addition, a Re- inspection fee in the amount of $42 .00 per hour (minimum 1 hour ) will be charge4,.�;and must be collected by this department prior- to any further inspections being perforA,6d or approval granted X 12 ) REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ( Footing inspection-prior to pour , Set-up Inspoction-prior to skirting , Final Inspection-prior to occupancy ) . I hereby assume all responsibility for the sc eduling of my required Inspections . 1f the required inspections are not requested inspected and slgned off ( approved) by the inspector in the prescribed order , I understand that reinspec ion fees and an hourly Investigation fee pursuant to the f 1997 UBC, and will be assessed in addition to my original permit fees to resolve any questionable practices or problems that have been disoovered . I further understand I CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING f date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg, III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 that this investigation will be scheduled as time allows . Until resolution of any/all problems no occupancy ( Final Inspection ) will be anted for the residence . f OWNED/CONTRACTOR ( indicate which ) signature X 13 ) All mobiletmanufactured home landings or decks must be freestanding ( self supporting ) . T e largest landingg or deck Qermitted without drawings or a building permit Is 111W-sq ft AND MUST be under 30 in height from surrounding grade . NO :second story necks , or decks above 30" can be built without a permit . Any landing or deck that is 30 . or more In h:, t' from walking surface to finish grade requires a Permit . Any landing or deck th �f-7 s 4 or more risers requires a handrail . X ��/ 14 )- Placement of structure must comply with standards setfor er 1997 UBC Chapter 18 . regarding descending and/or ascending slopes . X 15 ) -ALL. CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODES AND UBC REQUIREMENTS AND OCCUPANCY lu LIM D TO THE PERMITTED AND APPROVED CLASSIFICATION . ANY CHANCE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY WOULD ESULT IN PERMIT REVOCATION . CHANGE OF USE MOST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO CHANCE . x 16l It was recommended to the owner that a site inspection be done prier to Issuance of the permit to verify site conditions includin the unprotected excavated wail The owner Is conf ent that the site conditions will not be an issue and has requested the waiver of the n site inspection . Initial inspection will determine If placement meets UBC and M Q, G -nty standards . C - Case No . r,- BLD9g- 1004 I r;ONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME 'Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by PROJECT: M A i I T E V I C E 1 PAT COMPUTED BY: DATE: pDii/Av er SHT. OF Z SUBJECT: LAND CLEARING 672ADi1J6 CHECKED BY: PART FILL 2/0, qB� OP& l `v P 4 psi \�\\ m, Z G0G i ( �Z � q i�W N P2 / � 231 'IV 671 c b- Stuw�� p397 r.----- LECv CIA D N \ P= P _OT67, a� a 2Ff 2-29, 1,3�Ac FLAN VIEW �13, 5G o SCA L E )"=G0' NPD FORM 7(REVISED)JUNE 86 10 GRID x � Z JA50v) welsh I �x 2 Oo ble 1�l d e. 5 ��, ; 'tt I M , 1--1 . O I d Q e l Fc1%k P l oo r P I o� Yl Sir, c l SC 45cb5A — & 5QU�42G r-cma9e 12� (3�l rati fZ wA 9' 25 3,o -Z.-7 7 -�� I cA' &rti #Z W4�1K � l 1 b 16 Z� J� 47N1 T r VS� i q,l 8D� PERMIT NO.: BLD MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W.Cedar/P.O.Box 186,Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton 360 427-9670 Belfair 360 275-4467 Elma 360 482-5269 Seattle 206 464-6968 APPLICANT NFORMATION IS� CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Owner Z1 Contractor Name Mailin&/E:Q,lz ddress 1 r :R Mailing Address CityState W4 Zip Code 9a57,1 City State Zip Code Phone(,3/,,--? Z7-7-3671 Other Ph.( 6u )'797--3z7S Ph,( -Other Ph.( ) Lien/Title Holder P1 v Contractor Reg. # Address Expiration SEPTIC/WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION-Connect to New Septic Existing Septic Connect"to Sewer System Name of Sewer System. . Well Water System )< Npme of Water System L OL4 h 7"r1. 64I ,m I n ti kA14 Ter PARCEL INFORMATION-12 digit Tax Parcel No. 1 Z-309 1 ' L f / g01O Z- Fire District, Legal Description T I-tA r-- 5 5W TIZ A -IQ 5: N1= 0(d AV 1 MW Site Add ress(Plea i t number and city) U c( /-/4, ¢ 1 F Directions to site U -:S bv, 1'e "or h O 1-1 U Id i3e sae or Grve a ©6'1 L 10 ley- I, ," e , Will timber be cut and sold in parcel preparation? (Yes/No) kJo Is your property within 200' of the following: Body of Water (Name) Saltwater Lake River/Creek Pond Wetland Seasonal Runoff Stream Slopes or Bluffs TYPE OF JOB New Add Alt Repair Other Use of Building e . cra, Describe Work �E,u,bT, w ;�—iMyblP Zk `SZ No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms SQUARE FOOTAGE-1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Loft Basement Deck Other sq. ft. Garage Attached Detached Carport Attached Detached I MOBILE HOME INFORMATION-M�14e eK Model .4r ti6/e Model Year 19 S 3 Length 52 Width Z, Seria NoSG45S5A No. of Bedrooms Z No. of Bathrooms Type of Heat f-ore-&-14;n /t a,-7Purcha e Price $ / ),O00 Replacement Unit ?(Yes/No) Installer Name 05T n/ Yt>/er Certification No. NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL 8.VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF l CONSTRUCTION WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER THE WORK IS COMMENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. The owner or agent on owner's behalf,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structures for review and inspection of this project. Acknowledgment of such is by signature below: OWNER AFFIDAVIT-I certify that 1 am exempt from the requirements of the CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT-1 certify that I am currently registered as a Contractor Registration Law RCW 18.27 and am aware of the ordinance contractor in the State of Washington and that I am aware of the ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work will be done in requirements regulating the work for which this permit is issued and all work conformance therewith. No changes shall be made without first obtaining shall be done in conformance therewith. No changes shall be made without approval. /J first obtaining approval. �i X Date 10-4 -401 X Date i FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYOND THIS POINT 6� Accepted by Date t° 11 Submittal Amount Due 175 ," Receipt No. (o� 1 DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW 4PAROVED PNIED< CONDITION CODES Building Department Occ Group Type Constr. Planning Department i Environmental Health Department Public Works Department I Fire Marshal r Valuation $ FEES , Building Permit Fee Site Inspection Plan Review Fee , UFC Plan Revieyy,,Fee Plumbing & Base Fee Public Works Review Fee Mechanical & Base Fee Other Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee JU Other Pre-Paid at Submittal TALFEE TO S ...... ... .-.--,--•-^•i•Fr^--,.-^o..,n.--�+w++-.;..-.,.,-..-.-m-......,..-.,....c-r-...�..,..r-^.""4--:-n--vs.-..a..o;.-t--,.•'o-. -�^..-*.c,.+-M:.'r_ a,?a✓'°R.;.._. ,,.R . _. � .__. _. MASON COUNTY PROJECT SITE INFORMATION Case No. Na e F' PARCEL NUMBER I .L -I C401ODate SHOW THE FOLLOWING ON SITE PLAN Show Direction by indicationg N, S, E, W in relation to the site plan Lot Dimensions Fences Existing Structures Driveways Structure Setbacks Shorelines Water Lines Topography ' Well Location (including adjacent) Drainage Plan Names of Streets Easements Names of Fronting Streets Septic System DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW Include adjacent properties if on shoreline or within 100 feet of adjacent property line. adjacent property lined Fadjacent property line I V I I I I I I I I 1 I � I I adjacent property line- I ' Fadjacent property line SAMPLE SITE PLAN adjar�nt property lined 3io- _ _ adjacent property line D 30' rR�SCRv& 30:41 CREEK \ I fi MOM b i .Gaaau �I HOu.s G. I j PrioPasen s¢pt:e 1 1 — I I VAGn,T I C AMAC.6 P0.oPo�cD R I \\ T na.RscLL�runAL Sv — I I 1'--4p'�1 I 1 I I B o'—�11 I , I f � I •\ I I I � c..-.ALL I I 1 I � /DO• I adjacent property lined i Ate. c \; Fadjacent properfy line TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE(Show a side view of property. Show slopes, cuts and fills. If possible include height and the degree of slopes. See sample topography profile.) SAMPLE TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE :#itst�ncm +o dL '� �3,, rttLtla.Yt Signature Date