HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD96-0320 Carport - BLD Permit / Conditions - 10/7/1996 ,. MASON COUNTY PERMIT Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar Nft & YOID BY EXPIRATIO P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 DAT ' `� sY u BETWEEN 5pm AND 6Fam 427-7262 RI-096-0 20 PARCEL a4200F342..900'30 PLAT t D 1 V : BLI4 : LOT t JOB ADDRESSt W 3672 DAYTON AfRPORF RD SHIELTON OWNER : W I LL I AM SME TZLER 42.7--5580 CONTRACTOR : LEGAL s TN 3 OF 1112 SE 13677 DAVTON-AINPOII 10 CLASS OF WORK . . ,NEW c3TGR : 0 .BATH : 0 TYPE ANOUNT IV BATE BECETPT TYPE ANOINT 8Y OATE RFCFIFI TYPE OF USE . . . . :ACC STORIES . . . . . . . t0 OCCUP . GROUP . . . :? BLDG . HEIGHT . . : 0 .0f It PLC 1 42.01 CPO 11110703 431T9 TYPE: OF CONST . . a? FIREPLACES . . . . 1 0 PANT 1 209,59 CPR 10/U1146 43119 OCCUP . LOAD . . . . : 0 WOODSTOVES . . . . : 0 1LCK S 83.80 CPR 1/1/7196 43179 DWELL .UNITS . . . . t 0 PARKING SPACES t 0 Sift 1 4.50 CPO 11197196 43119 INSPECTION AREA t 2 SHORELINE? . . :N ENCP 1 26. A/ CPH 1#167196 43179 TOTAL: 366.81 VALULAT 100t 74410 SETBACKS- - - -- -- __ --.- To I LET'S . . . . . . . . . . : 0 FUEL. TYPES-._-------- BOILERS/COMP- MOBILE: HOME— FROPIT . . . 0 .Oft RA t'H BASINS . . . . . , .. 0 0--3 HP . t 0 REAR . . . . 0 .Oft BATH TUBS . . . . > . . . ; 0 3-15 HP . : 0 MODEL : SiDE( 1 ) .W N .Oft SHOWERS . . . , . . . . . t 0 FURN - 100K BTUs 0 15--30 HP . t 0 MAKE-- •----- S I DE (2 ) . 0 .01t WATER HEATERS . . . . t 0 FURN >=100M 8TU : 0 30-50 HP . ; 0 SHRL I NE . A .Oft CLOTHES WASHERS . . : 0 FURN - FLOOR . . . t 0 50+ HP . t 0 AREA - -- - - -- - - _-- K i TCHEN SINKS . . . . : 0 HEAT PUMP : . . . . . , 0 LOT SIZE— i FLOOR DRAINS . .. . . . . 0 VENT SYSTE:MS . . . : 0 FVAP COOLERS ; 0 LCNGTHt 0 BUILDING . . . ; Osf DRINKING FOUNT . . . : 0 VENT FANS . . . . . . , 0 HOODS . . . , . . . : 0 WIDTH . : 0 BASEMENT . . . : Osf LAUNDRY TRAYS . . . . 0 COMES . INCIN :0 -SERIALOE---- DECKS . . . . . . t ftf DISHWASHERS _ . . . . . 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS- COMML . I NC I N :0 GAR/CARPr? 0of GARB DISPOSALS . . . t 0 <- 10000 c^fm v 0 RE'LOCIREPA1Rt 0 AT/DT . t? URINALS . . . . . . . . . . a 0 > 10000 otm . : 0 OTHER UNITS . t 0 MISC PLM FIXTURES : 0 CAS OUTLETS . t 0 PROJECT 0r3C1I?T1O1iCA1?O111 OVER NOBIIF. PROJECI LOCATION!ONE NIL[ PIST CORRECTION CENTER ROAD ACROSS IRON IANCV STUCCO NAIIBOX THIS PE81111 3ECONES NULL AND VOID IF WORK 01 CONSTRICTION AUTHOPIZEO Is NOT CONNENCED WITHIN ISO DAIS, Of IF CONSTRICTION OR HONK 13 SU PENOEO FOw A PERIOO OF 181 DAYS 1T ANt TINE AfTiR WORK IS CONNENCED. EVIDENCE Of CONTINUATION Of WORK IS A 1`11066ESS INSIECTION MITHIN iNf I91 DAY PE8149. INA1 If~1PECTION MUST APPROVES REFOOE 89116116 CAN 6T OCCUPIFO. C N N E R ON A f,E N T: ._, -- .. _.._.. 0 A T f� OLD PANT, PRY; 93131 191 COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date FRAMING by date by date by Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 Case No . : OLD96-032k Fort WILL LAM SMETZi.,EH Page : I 1 ) The :j�7.e, handling and stora e of hazardous materials or, flainmat; le and combust ihle liquids In excess or 10 galyons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal . X 2) Proposed structure or any portion 'thereof greater than 30" In height from grade line, must, maintain a minimum of S ' setback from all property lines , easements and right 1f Way#1 X 3 ) All upland areas disturbed or, n#,wly created by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated or given some other oquivalent type of protection against Arosion . Please contoot Mason County Planning department prior to revegetation . X, 4 ) Proper disposal of construction debris must be on uplands , in �-,,uoh a manner that debrIf, oanppt enter wet lands or cause water quality degradation of adjacent waters . X 5 ) Temporary erasion control meafivres mast be Implemented to prevent water qua I I ty degrodation of adjacent water:, or wetlands . X 6) Owner acknowled es 'that under, Chater 17 .01 070 requird structure setback from wet e lands is 66 Yet . Existing mobile home 4nd ; e ,*4 ttached carport area as Identified on site plan Is "onconfor,min and chall not be expanded . Normal mRioterianc- is alinwed . Carport root repair shall not encroach further Into wetland setback . x 7 ) As required under Mason County Interim Resource Ordinance Chapter 17 .01 .070, setbai-,k's from wetland boundary -qhall be as follows , 1 . Veyetation area setback shall be 50 feet , vegetation shall be maintained In a natural condition ; 2 . Structure setback shall he 65 CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 + ­rt I ilia.t boundat fp""' Within the area �nai I b+ i • .-r wi ici �ifo maTrttine , �,. .., t..��tc,i:t: i i t:. t rt..t G,. '.a'.�', .., ....PC runr'►rT into the wetland . x 8 ) Runoff froree gat Aera and downspouts shaI I be dIrooted away from wet I and . x 9) Sub ect to conditions of Resourue Lands and Cr i t 1 oa i Ae eqz; (RLC ► Checklist not i f i oat i on I et or . x 10) All approved p l ens area re�4u i red to be on--site for inspection purposes It I nspeot i on Is Called for and piano are not on site Approval WILL NOT be granted . In addition, a Re- Inspection fee In the amount of $32 .06 per, hoeer (minimum 1 hour ) will be charged and must: be collected by this department prior to any further inspections being performed or approval granted . X 11 ) PURSUANT TO 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. SECTI01I 305(C) AND SECTION 513 ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PRr`JV I DFD IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO Eat PLAINLY V I S i BLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MASON COONTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A REiNSPECTION FEE BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A. OF THE 1994 UNIFORM PUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNEIt2/CONTRACTnR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS . X 12 ) The cor rent i on list , along with the Energy Comp i i ance Work sheet (when app l i ca0 e) Is part of the plans and must rerrain attached thereto . It Is the responslbiIItyy of the app i i cant to make corrections indicated on they p l ans from the correction i i sts . Once t e plans are marked APPROVED they may not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official . `the permit holder is reponsible to retain the completes appr•rsved set of plans on site for the duration of the project . Failure to comply will result In failure of required building inspeot: ions , Every ermit 9hai l expire, by limitation and become null and void If the building or worn authorized by such permits Is not oommenced within 180 day:, from the ..;ate of issuance. or if the building or work CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 1 Pr the work I F, 13 ) THIS -Sitiut- tURE I ,ui�i,-, IDERED IJNHFATFD SPACE (N01 TO EXCE ED I VYATT/SQUARE FOOT OR 3 .4 BTU/HR;SQUARE: FOOT) . AT SUCH TIME THIS CONDITION CHANGES, A CHANGE OF LjSr- PF$M: T AND A MECHANICAL PERMIT SHALL BE APPLIED FOR AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE . X 14 ) No Ocoupancy . This structure Is limited to U-1 use OnlY , Any other use will be In violation of the Uniform building Code and Mason County Regulations unless a "Change of Use" permit ! s approved . X 15) ALL, CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL LOCAL CODEIS' AND UBC REQUIREMENTS . X 16) REQUIREU INSPECTIONS (Footing Inspeotion--prlor to pour , Set-up Inspection-prior to skirting, Final Inspection-prior to occupancy) . I have received a copy of the General Information and GuPidellnes-Mohiie/Manufactured Housing Installations Flandout for. detailed descriptions of all required itispeotions on my mob ile-/manufactured home inatallation . I hereby at�sume all responsibility for the soheduling of these required In$ ectlors . 11 these required Inspections are not requested, Inspected and s Igned otf (approved) by the In-Spector In the presoribed order , I understand that uelnepeotion fees and an hourly invests ation fee pursuant to the 1991 UBC, Table 3A will be assessed in addition to my originey permit fees to renolve any questionable praotlpees or problems that have been discovered . I further understand that this Investigation will be soheduled as time allows . Until resolution of any/all problem4i no occupancy (Final Inspection) will be granted for the residence . OWNER !CONTRACTOR( indicrate wh1ch ) C.-itinature 17) All mobile/matiufactured hoone landings or det�ks must be freestanding ( r>elf supporting) . The largest landing or deck permitted without drawings or a building permit Is 36" x 36" . Any landlnq or deck that Is 30" or morn In height from walking surface to finish rade requires a guardrail . Any landin or deck that has 4 or more risers requires a andrall . Any landing or deck larger ?han 36" x 36" must be permitted which requires structural drawings and a ballding permit app! ication . This Installation Permit dogs NOT Include any landing or deck larger than the 36" x 36" size . X 18 ) Changes to approved building plans that effect oomplianos to the 1991 Washington State Energy Code, 1991 Ventilation and Indoor Aft, Quality CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by • m MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 Code, thy, n P;1 a be apat, tA) ALL. 'CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET OR EXCEED LOCAL CODES . it ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CAUJJ THIS OFFICE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION . X—. 20) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED .A$ REQUIRED PFR MAFON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE .x __ _ 21 ) 0wrier /bui Ider assumes all responsibi 1 ity It drainfiehl area is encumbered , CONCgETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by L' CPermit No. MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 'LEASE PRINT —�- 1 caner -��11�11C;��.J. Phone# (--t 0Site Address W j�, 0c'.VZG.,' Nti\ C�Y'r� - Fire District# City S St W, Zip Directions to Job Site Ch r-- V- Owner Mailing Address S.'F- : o l re.X <&'u r Ave- City . S�&e M y\' W K Lien/Title Holders Address Clty St Zip E2 Contractor Name Ul; YeeV ��t`j 1 er Contractor Reg# Address Expiration Date City St Zip Phone# 0 If septic is located on 7ct site, include records. Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) � � C� ( .,Qp Pam- 4 Parcel No. ,�.' - - coo, mb�D Legal Description rV /e. n'JA -Ai-g 5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st FI / 2nd FI / _3rd FI / )orD ft / Basement / Dec{ "!�_ �' bedrooms #bathrooms / Garage / Carport 8VO X Circle:Attachhe Other 1 '�-Ei( � sq.ft.mv6d�6 Use f building V' 1!� C-(\Y CD escrO work flivisno V C R m=.r(L w,c w% e 1 v'e R 2 6 1996 7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair OtTi r� 3 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED,.HOME INFORMOION Model Year 6 Make '` model Dc 1 e w C� Length Width ' 'erial No. — # Bedrooms #.aBathrooms �_Type of Heat Purchase Price $ 3 Indicate by circling the applicable 5gumQif any water is on or djacen to subject property: n River Pond Creek Stre Wetland ' ke Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY A pproved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: r- 02,4, ��/ c Environmental Health: Building Plan Review aoUEoG 'ice d �L 442,-,v Of Occupancy Group: • Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit /5 3oo. co Plan Check 2 (� 6vo oa Plumbing Fee Mechanical Fee Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor Violation Fee Site Inspection Building State Fee Other D4 Other Ek Building Valuation: 0�2 ���. TOTAL FEE Plumbing Fixtures ($3 each) Efg Mechanical Fixtures ($6 each) N Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, Bath Basins Heatpump, Other th Tubs Sho rs — FUrn BTU —Hot Wat Htr _ He4umps _Laundry Wa"er — Vent S\wems _Sinks — Spot Ve4fans Floor Drains f I. No. Boilers/Combressors fr —Laundry Bp--Iins _ /P —Dishes her _ NQ Air Handling its —Di osal _ — cfm# --7zt)rinals Ng,. Fire Protection Systems rn Other Auto. )Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 Fix " Fire Supp. Sys 0.00 Permit Basic Fee 15.00 — A6to Fire Sprink Sys 2eAO TOTAL PLUMBING $ No, /Qther f' Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 15.00 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH.NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPAR MENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNE titi�a X BY 4 ,1 DATE Fes. 'J}` DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY:Acce ted b Ala : C Date " ', � p .....:�` i Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW -1�Ja It CO 16 U ,,- �'z APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW e BUILDING PERMIT # �7 Cl) DATE —!/Z Planner Area � WO - Z goo� CHECKLIST FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Yes No A l t ) Within 200 FT of designated shoreline, wetland, or associated wetland Where? [ ] ( ] Proposed construction on/over/in wetland [ ) [ l Proposed construction within fioodplain [ Eagle nest State road access needed [ ) [ ] Commercial Development (parking standards, sign ordinance, public works review, other applicable agencies) [ 3 [ ] Mobile Home or Rv Park [ 3 t ] Exempt from building permit application [ 3 [ ] Exempt from SEPA process (MAC 197-11-305, WAC 197-11-800) [ ) [ l Meets all requirements (which section(s) of SMP does proposed construction pertain to?) ( ) 13 variance or Conditional Use Permit required [ l [ ] Exempt from Shoreline Substantial Development Permit process (Wac 173 -14-040) I ] I ] Exempt from Substantial Development, but within Army Corp_ jurisdiction (WAC 173 -14-115) I ) [ ] Address needed Directio!,,:: rl.--ded / r APPLICANT NAME: �.�✓ " ,.I ti, ''"" �" DATE: BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST [V SITE ADDRESS * `:t - F If site address is not listed, customer needs to be given a site address form. FIRE DISTRICTS Please make sure the fire district is included in the application information. Refer to map loca a� DIRECTIONS TO JOB SITE Needs to be as complete as possible (i.e. maior roads, is house on left or right side of road, etc.). ure to read for clarity (Landmarks, signage, owners name on mailbox, etc.?). LIEN/TITLE HOLDER Who holds the mortgage (Bank or name of private owner holding contract)? CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION #. AND EX_PIRA110N DATE This information needs to be provided. The Building Department may be able to research expiration information if customer does not know it. We must have a signature in 1 of the 2 boxes, either the applicant or the contractor. ❑ SEPTIC RECORDS A g WATER COMMUNITY P E SEPTIC EXISTING DESIGN APP. DEV REMODEL NEW STATUS IS THIS A REPLACEMENT UNIT? YES NO IF SO: MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI TION SECTION #5, BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE, MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY. AND: SECTION #6 MUST CLEARLY STATE, "REPLACEMENT UNIT" PARCEL # Parcel # must be included or researched through Gateway. BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE Verify that boxes are filled in. If there is a garage, verify whether it is attached or detached. Include square footage information for mobile homes (you can multiply length X width to aetaMine number). USE OF BUILDING � t� (�,,; R M Is it a residence, garage, greenhouse, etc. . .? ��� r � DESCRIBE WORK MAR 2 6 1996 (i.e, mobile home addition, addition to a house, etc. . .) TYPE OF JOB ®C41 `W Verify appropriate boxes are marked. "Fe ❑ MOBILE HOME INFO ATIO i Verify appropriate boxes marked. If factory order, please put factory order #in mobile home serial #. If unit was assembled prior to Jur 1 6, refer to procedures handout for "Obtaining Installation Permits for Mobiles Assembled Prior to June 15, 1976." 1 SHORELII4ES If any water'is on or adjacent to property within 200 feet, #9 must be complete. Once permit is entered into Tidemark, it will be routed to the Planning Department. If property is not on water, then put "none" or "n/a". SITE PLAN DRAWING Must have setbacks from all property lines, easement lines and structures. Drainfields septic tank location, outbuildings, etc. . . TOPOGRA Y DRAWING If property is write "flat on the topography section. If house or structure is near a slope or hill, drawing must reflect thi fv [] PLUMBING/MECHANICAL This form must be completed for any structure with plumbing and mechanical excluding mobiles/modulars. nkl OWNER OR CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT Owner or contractor must sign affidavit statement and date it. ACCEPTED BY Whoever is accepting permit information must sign your initials and date form on the bottom of page 3 or use date stamp and initial on back of permit. EVI PRINTS Need two sets of prints unless it is a stock plan. For stock plans, we only require one copy. WATER ADEWACY For new resideg6es.,and mobiles. PRIVATE WELLS MUST HAVE WELL LOGS OR CAPACITY TEST AND BACTERIAL TEST. If they are on a public water system, verify the water system is in compliance with State requirements. WSEC & V`&_IAQ CODE Required for all residential, additions and commercial buildings. Energy Code compliance form needs to be COMPLETED. ,Verify heat source (no wood or pellet stoves are permitted as primary system). Window schedule must be filled out and reflect what appears on submitted building plans. If applicant has decided to go with the PUD in a Long Term Super Good Cents program, we require a copy of the signed agreement with the utility. ❑ ROAD ACCESS PERMIT If you will be acces ing your driveway from a County road, contact the Public Works Department in Mason County Building I, 427-'P6 0 extension 450. Access from State Highways requires Department of Transportation approval. Contact of9,cd(206)895-4753 (Port Orchard). ACCEPTED BY: #* DO NOT ACCEPT PERMIT APPLICAT WITHOUT PRINTS AND REQUIRED DETAILED INFORMATION (SETBACKS, ADDRESSES, PARCEL ## AND WATER). cneckist.bla -3/20/93 V Page No. 1 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: BLD96-0320 WILLIAM SMETZLER W3672 DAYTON AIRPORT RD SHELTON 09/24/96 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date By ------- ----------`-_----------------- -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---- - -------- BLDA010 Application received / / / / 03/27/96 03/27/96 KW BLDB110 Structural Plan Review 04/09/96 / / 09/23/96 see planning conditions; nonconforming DONE GDR 09/24/96 GDR structure setback etc. called owner requesting additional information. problems with spans and sizes of lumber. 4 x 8's overspanned max spacing for posts for size 5' o.c. Additional post shall be supported by 12" x 8" pier blocks that are fully insected into soils for bearing. New posts shall be provided with a positive connection to beams. (Gussetts metal or wood) 2 x 6's overspanned max O.C.12" for 14' spans. or 2 x 6's can or maybe doubled. Doubled 2 x 6's shall be min Hem/Fir No. 2 or BTR., bearing on beams at either end of rafters, nailed solid with 2 16d nails 12" o.c. This fix must be done to each rafter throughout project mobile cover, carport and cover deck. 2 x 6 collar ties spanning 20 ft. overspanned min 2 x 12's 48" O.C. These collar ties shall also be doulbed and nailed as above. TALK TO OWNER IN OFFICE ABOUT ABOVE STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS. OWNER WILL BE GETTING ADDITIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING OF STRUCTURE AS IS. THIS PERMIT IS IN THE HOLD BIN. 06/27/96. 09-23-96 OWNER AGREES TO COMPLY WITH THE PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1994 U.B.C. AS STATED ABOVE AND CLOSE ON SITE CORRECTIONS AND CONTINUED SITE INSPECTIONS FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. BLDB130 Planning Review 03/27/96 / / 04/08/96 Construction has begun, framing complete DONE PBC 04/08/96 PBC as of site visit 4/5/96. photos being developed. pbc ELDB134 RLC Checklist Review / / / / 04/08/96 DONE PBC 04/09/96 BHO BLDB135 Addressing / / / / 04/01/96 DONE GMM 04/01/96 GM BLDB200 Environmental Health Review 09/23/96 / / / / 09/24/96 GDR Page No. 2 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: BLD96-0320 WILLIAM SMETZLER W3672 DAYTON AIRPORT RD SHELTON 09/24/96 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date By BLDC050 Pre-site Inspection 09/16/96 / / 09/18/96 PER OWNER REQUEST STOP BY SITE TO DONE GDR 09/19/96 GDR EXPLAINED THAT HE STILL HAS TWO CHOSES ENGINEERING OR PERSCRIPTIVE PATH PER THE 1994 U.B.C. HE WOULD LIKE TO GO THE PERSCRIPTIVE PATH PER THE U.B.C. Page No. 1 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: BLD96-0320 WILLIAM SMETZLER W3672 DAYTON AIRPORT RD SHELTON 09/19/96 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date By ----- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- --- BLDA010 Application received / / / / 03/27/96 03/27/96 KW BLDB110 Structural Plan Review 04/09/96 / / / / see planning conditions; nonconforming HOLD GDR 06/27/96 GDR structure setback etc. called owner requesting additional information. problems with spans and sizes of lumber. 4 x 8's overspanned max spacing for posts for size 5' o.c. 2 x 6's overspanned max O.C.12" for 14' spans 2 x 6 collar ties spanning 20 ft. overspanned min 2 x 12's 48" O.C. TALK TO OWNER IN OFFICE ABOUT ABOVE STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS. OWNER WILL BE GETTING ADDITIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING OF STRUCTURE AS IS. THIS PERMIT IS IN THE HOLD BIN. 06/27/96, BLDB130 Planning Review 03/27/96 / / 04/08/96 Construction has begun, framing complete DONE PBC 04/08/96 PBC as of site visit 4/5/96. photos being developed. pbc BLDB134 RLC Checklist Review / / / / 04/08/96 DONE PBC 04/09/96 BHO BLDB135 Addressing / / / / 04/01/96 DONE GMM 04/01/96 GMM BLDB200 Environmental Health Review / / / / / / 03/27/96 KW BLDC050 Pre-site Inspection 09/16/96 / / 09/18/96 PER OWNER REQUEST STOP BY SITE TO DONE GDR 09/19/96 GDR EXPLAINED THAT HE STILL HAS TWO CHOSES ENGINEERING OR PERSCRIPTIVE PATH PER THE 1994 U.B.C. HE WOULD LIKE TO GO THE PERSCRIPTIVE PATH PER THE U.B.C. Page No. 1 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO. : BLD96-0320 WILLIAM SMETZLER W3672 DAYTON AIRPORT RD SHELTON O5/08/96 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date By ------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- --- BLDA010 Application received / / / / 03/27/96 03/27/96 KW BLDB110 Structural Plan Review 04/09/96 / / / / see planning conditions; nonconforming HOLD GDR 05/08/96 GDR structure setback etc. called owner requesting additional information. problems with spans and sizes of lumber. 4 x 8's overspanned max spacing for posts for size 5' o.c. 2 x 6's overspanned max O.C.12" for 14' spans 2 x 6 collar ties spanning 20 ft. overspanned min 2 x 12's 48" O.C. BLDB130 Planning Review 03/27/96 / / 04/08/96 Construction has begun, framing complete DONE PBC 04/08/96 PBC as of site visit 4/5/96. photos being developed. pbc BLDB134 RLC Checklist Review / / / / 04/08/96 DONE PBC 04/09/96 BHO BLDB135 Addressing / / / / 04/01/96 DONE GMM 04/01/96 GMM BLDB200 Environmental Health Review / / / / / / 03/27/96 KW Page No. 1 CONDITIONS/CORRECTIONS FOR CASE NO.: BLD96-0320 WILLIAM SMETZLER W3672 DAYTON AIRPORT RD SHELTON 04/08/96 1) Flammable & Combustible Liquids -- The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal. X 2) Sideyard Setback -- Proposed structure or any portion thereof greater than 30" in height from grade Line, must maintain a minimum of 51 setback from all property lines, easements and right of ways. X 3) Erosion Protection -- All upland areas disturbed or newly created by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated or given some other equivalent type of protection against erosion. Please contact Mason County Planning department prior to revegetation. X 4) Water Quality -- Proper disposal of construction debris must be on uplands, in such a manner that debris cannot enter wetlands or cause water quality degradation of adjacent waters. X 5) Temporary Erosion Control -- Temporary erosion control measures must be implemented to prevent water quality degradation of adjacent waters or wetlands. X 6) Non-conforming Structure -- Owner acknowledges that under Chapter 17.01.070, required structure setback from wetlands is 65 feet. Existing mobile home and attached carport area as identified on site plan is nonconforming, and shall not be expanded. Normal maintenance is allowed. Carport roof repair shall not encroach further into wetland setback. x 7) Wetland Setbacks -- As required under Mason County Interim Resource Ordinance Chapter 17.01.070, setbacks from wetland boundary shall be as follows: 1. Vegetation area setback shall be 50 feet, vegetation shall be maintained in a natural condition; 2. Structure setback shall be 65 feet from wetland boundary; 3. Management area setback shall be 100 feet. Within the management area care shall be taken not to introduce exotic vegetation species; wildlife habitat shall be maintained, and catchments shall be utilized to reduce direct runoff into the wetland. x 8) Gutters and Downspouts -- Runoff from gutters and downspouts shall be directed away from wetland. x A/L� iAPPp.,-07,4iED CHMGES SU%CTTOAPpROVAL IS(-,DS6 Y0 U a � td 7 7� .s1 J ,.w see planning conditions; nonconforming DONE GDR 09/24/96 GDR _ structure setback etc. ac called owner requesting additional 6 information. , ,. problems with spans and sizes of lumber. of<x•e.'s overspanned max spacinq,,,f�r µ `, „posts for size 5' o.c. Additional pest t4ahall be supported by 12• x 8• pier blocks that are fully insected irkto i,eoi.ls for bearing. New posts shall be provided with a positive connection to beams. (Gussetts metal or wood) :Q<x'6's overspanned max O.C.121-for 14' vpans. or 2 x 6's can or maybe;¢oubled. ',Voubled 2 x 6's shall be min Hem/Fir 4o. 2 or BTR., bearing on beams at either end of rafters,"nailed solid*":2 164 ''rd�•�.o.c.s Cbd"Ix-must be,done to eaFNlf:4 _4ferir mahout project mobile coverr0a orpo4 2 x 6 collar ties spanning 20 ft. overspanned min 2 x 12's 48. O.C. +Rtr a dliar-ties strmll..plsa , dpulbe4 moiled as.above. TALK TO OWNER IN OFFICE ABOUT ABOVE STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS. OWNER WILL BE GETTING ADDITIONAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING OF STRUCTURE AS IS. THIS PERMIT IS IN THE HOLD BIN. 06/27/96. 09-23-96 OWNER AGREES TO COMPLY WITH THE 1PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1994 :U.B-C. AS STATED ABOVE AND CLOSE ON SITE VCORRECTIONS AND CONTINUED SITE 3NSPECTIONS FOR CODE COMPLIANCEt p�EAs� /Vo �it Pup a/"� UENrs � �G. , MAY % st-lAL� EX7'E��b A ao�� A101J door sU 2Fo4CE- - L)eA/Ts All / At 6' 14 80 0 ChIMNEyIS A'f--T 4600e Amy 57ujeF.4CK_- t.,jj 4 /A/ U 0'fib n'I ........... aZ OP Or , O I - I p hxh 3 i 1�+�bds Ql� --- - - — - - ash 9Xz � � _� Z �r� 9 _ - I I' g) x 7) )IOW-60 OaVQPI�l� b-.)J- +Sod {-7 x h C' �J q,� hfi�►c�a r �c,.��s �Sel cn a i d � , 9. rnr1J31vNpJ JrbQ/l��Od {—ID 474 tH i � I 1 - d � b - i._.. 1 0—5 I i P I ' 1 � O I Q o r I r ev, io Permit No.'`S MASON COUNTY S lS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 PLEASE PRINT -�- #1 caner �(�l l]�t/�. 1. ` �tZ`f V/ Phone# �� S Site Address 11J 3�7 OaT� iy��Da��Y'�K Fire District# - City S y. St LV, Zip �- Directions to Job Site C VI% C-C tv' Owner Mailing Address (aX Clrwir AVP, City swPl-Um- Wk . St _Zipc c Lien/Title Holder 'F �� Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name �: �F�r t 91 l(�e Y" Contractor Reg# Address Expiration Date City St Zip Phone# #3 If septic is located on pro ct site, include records. Connect to Septic? Public Water Supply Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System x (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 Parcel No. z� - - Legal Description le-� 0 wo #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1st FI / 2nd FI / _3rd FI / ft / Basement / Dec& bedrooms ;or #bathrooms / Garage / Carport&V0S X Circle:Attachache 'I& Other � sq.ft. /Z-��lU� gr in #6 Use f building Y' Qx� GDescrM work D 2 6 f996 #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION ; Model Year L k _Make el Length `1 Width \c\' Serial No. t 1 # Bedrooms # Bathrooms _Type of Heat W Cx cc!6 N Purchase Price $ �9 Indicate by circling the applicable so a if any water is on orCdjacen to subject property: Sw w-$ River Pond Creek Stre Wetland ake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW Ftv�C f� � R i 3 10 lie 4. sib s ! APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW r DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: ndt� 0 Environmental Health: Building Plan Review 1" f'0644C Of Occupancy Group: Type of Const: " Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit Q /�OFi�epe7E Odl1t / /5.300 Plan Check O CItl (',4&AVWf 9rO• *0 6!/0 oa Plumbing Fee Mechanical Fee Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Radon Monitor Violation Fee Wvez) —. Site Inspection Building State Fee Other DD Other ER Building Valuation: Y ���. TOTAL FEE Plumbing Fixtures ($3 each) f eg Mechanical Fixtures ($6 each) No,,_Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, Bath Basins Heatpump, Other �ath Tubs No.'.,, UnkFees Sho�vprs _ Furn BTU _Hot Water Htr — Heatpumps Laundry Wa�ber — Vent Stems —Sinks — Spot Ventfans —Floor Drains �'* No. Boilers/Com` epr ssors —Laundry Basins — ':.HP No. Air Handling Dishwasher 0 Unit —Disposal _ _ cfm# Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems Other — Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 Fixed Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit Basic Fee 15.00 — Auto Fire Sprink Sys 25.00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ No. sOther Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OFF IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 15.00 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH.NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPART,MENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER� X BY - DATE . s DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY:Accepted by Date: