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BLD2022-00219 Retaining WAlll 65'x12' - BLD Inspections - 8/8/2024
MASON COUNTY 615 W.Alder St.Bldg 8,SHELTON,WA 98584 SHELTON: 360-427-9670, EXT 352 COMMUNITY SERVICES BELFAIR: 360-275-4467, EXT 352 Building Planning,Environmental lleelth,Cornmunityllealth ELMA: 360-482-5269, EXT 352 www.co.mason.%".us INSPECTION CARD AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY** To schedule an inspection call or visit http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/bid-inspection.pb Permit Number BLD2022-00219 Date Issued 05/04/2022 Issued y Project 65'L X 12'H RETAINING WALL Site Address 700 N Lakeshore PI Applicant BLACKMON KEVIN Contractor Contractor Phone Primary Code UPC IBC, IRC,IFC, IEC,IMC,& Type Permit Type RETAINING WALL, DECK- Occupancy RESIDENTIAL -APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ONSITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. -DO NOT PROCEED BEYOND EACH STAGE OR COVER WORK UNTIL APPROVAL IS GRANTED. -THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, FRONT OF THE PREMISES IS BEST FOR MAKING ENTRY. -ALL PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER THE PERMIT IS ISSUED OR 180 DAYS AFTER DATE OF LAST INSPECTION. -OWNER/AGENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REQUESTING ALL INSPECTIONS THROUGH FINAL INSPECTION. **THIS STRUCTURE MAY NOT BE USED OR OCCUPIED UNTIL ALL APPROVALS ARE GRANTED.** PRIOR TO CALLING FOR FINAL INSPECTION,ALL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT MUST BE MET Public Works Access/Driveway Other Health Septic Well Deptartment Planning Site Inspection Department Fire Marshall Fire Apparatus Access Fire Sprinkler Auto Fire Alarm Hood and Duct Other Final Building Department Building Official: Community Services Designee Concrete Setbacks $r$l2�{ Slab Footing Perimeter Point load Footing Footing Interior Footing Decks/Porches Foundation Stem Walls Other ., cyet/yt 4--+(oou b'(rr,4s 64 �4 Rough-In Groundwork Plumbing Framing ' Groundwork Mechanical Plumbing Groundwork Gas Pipe Mechanical Gas Piping Shear Wall Nailing Underfloor Other Insulation Slab Ceiling Floor Vaulted Ceiling Walls Vapor Barrier Other Wallboard Interior Wall Brace Panels Fire Walls Nailing Other Final Building ftA,( Manufactured Setbacks Setup Home Concrete Foot/Runners Final Other 4<- S� &-4- � fz�*h'l %l - V1 12,11,3 �Na tot ,.,( ;A UAA- 6p4kr, -o Goa,,, Mason County I rt'n. Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Bldg.8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us BLD2022-00219 RETAINING WALL, DECK- RESIDENTIAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 65' L X 12' H RETAINING WALL ISSUED: 05/04/2022 SITE ADDR ESS: 700 N LAKESHORE PL HOODSPORT EXPIRES: 10/31/2022 PARCEL: 423294490031 APPLICANT: BLACKMON KEVIN OWNER: BLACKMON KEVIN 1401 MARVIN RD NE STE 307 1401 MARVIN RD NE STE 307 OLYMPIA, WA98516 OLYMPIA, WA98516 360-490-8888 VALUATIONS: FEES: Paid Due Retaining Walls 780.00 $17,940.00 State Fee-Residential $6.50 $0.00 Technology Surcharge $10.14 $0.00 Building Permit Fee $307.17 $0.00 Planning Review Fee $240.00 $0.00 Plan Check Fee $199.66 $0.00 Total: $17,940.00 Totals : $763.47 $0.00 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footing Inspection BLD-Final Inspection CONDITIONS The plan review check list and corrections are part of the approved plans and must remain attached. It is the responsibility of the applicant, owner or contractor to make the required corrections indicated on the plans. Once the plans are marked "APPROVED", they shall not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building Official. The permit holder is responsible to retain the complete approved set of plans on site for the duration of the project. Failure to comply and/or removal of approved documents will result in failure of required building inspections. The stamped approved site plan is required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is requested and the approved site plan is not on site, approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and shall be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/04/2022 08:36 AM Page 1 of 3 Mason County x Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Bldg.8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us RETAINING WALL, DECK- RESIDENTIAL BLD2022-00219 • The foundation/footing must be placed on undisturbed, firm-native soil. • All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may grant a one time extention of 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request prior to permit expiration. Letter must indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holder preventing action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason County ordinances and building regulations. All changes to "approved" building plans that effect compliance with the international codes as amended and adopted, or any other Mason County ordinance or regulation, must be reviewed and approved by Mason County prior to construction. All surface water and potential runoff must be controlled on site and shall not adversely affect any adjacent properties nor increase the velocity flow entering or abutting to any state or county culverting/ditching system or road way. Retaining walls needed to support a surcharge such as structures, roads, or to support slopes, shall require a separate building permit and approval prior to construction of the retaining wall. Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-647-0982. The person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED BUILDING CODE. The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the international codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Building Inspector shall be made prior to requesting additional inspections. All construction must meet or exceed all local and state ordinances in addition to the International Codes requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Occupancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in permit revocation. Owner/Agent is responsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.28 and 14.17. * All RED stamped approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is called for and plans are not available on site, then approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour) will be charged and must be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. OWNER/ BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null & void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/04/2022 08:36 AM Page 2 of 3 Mason County Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Bldg.8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us RETAINING WALL, DECK- RESIDENTIAL BLD2022-00219 The approval of this project is subject to the recommendations and specifications outlined in the attached geotechnical report or assessment. All applicable recommendations and specifications shall be applied to the development on this site. Any deviation requires stamped written approval from the registered design professional responsible for the report/assessment, and may require special inspection by same. Structures and /or land modifications (grading, cuts, fills, etc.) required in the geotechnical report/assessment, may require a separate permit. The geotechnical report/assessment shall remain attached to the approved building plans. * Prior to final approval, all upland areas disturbed or newly created by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated or given an equivalent type of erosion protection (silt fencing or straw matting). hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of Laws and Ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein not. he grantingof ermit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions ny o er state egulating construction or the performance of construction. Issued Contractor or Authorized Agent: � Date: Z Printed by:Amber Selby on:05/04/2022 08:36 AM Page 3 of 3 BUILDING Rry/f Unacriptitm Datc TAMA ENIG ERING, INC. SM PLAN 1. Ecology Blk WAY Addefm V09 Alan Tahja,P.E. KcWn Blackmon Blackmon PO Box 235 7736 58th Avc. NE Hoodspom WA 98548 Olympia, WA 98516 1 of5 M&wn Co.Prcl No.: 42 32 9-44-9003 1 (360)877-9512 (360)490-8888 Oft FES Z PE I M; PLA MU TOR aOVED r MASON-"B LDING INSPEC r- CHANGE UBIECT TO APPB AL .r .ATE ose f � tseo AL ` _r oo& ZIP r co IANS��. MASO TY DING<DE_ EN� CHANGES SUB�Mil'CHAI��_�F Qf��PPROVAL PRIOR TO PERFTJRMING WORK Rev �� _t�'h__ TAHJA ENGINEEGRING, INC. SIT.PLAN /. EcoJvgyB&Wa11A"&� 4�& _ Alen Tahja,P.E. Kevin Blackmon Blackmon PO Box 235 7736 58th Ave. NE Hoodb;port, WA 98548 Olympia, WA 99516 3 or5 Mawr 0%Ad No.. 42329-44-90031 (360)977-9512 (360)490-8888 u \ ) v o p 410 } J 0 r�l 0 c� REVIEW ,r OR CODE CO P IAN E MASON/0 NTY f BUILDING RTM T y ��,-'�CHANG-ES fi 1 k�T,C.HANGES-Pl RA P-� L �___ K Rey# Dmi4)tion Date TAHM ENGINEERING,INC.: SITE PLAN Alan Iahja,P.E. Kevin Blaekmon Blackmon PO Boa 235 7736 58th Ave. NE IloodspoM WA 98548 Olympia, WA 98516 Meson Co Hs/lr'o. 4232E 44 90031 (360)877-9512 (360)490-8888 4 of 5 8 00 — — _- - 820 - ---- - 810 C800 X f 780 �f e, T70 _ 800 f ;'REWEWE.D FOR / CODE COMPLIANC-E - f ;MA QINGN COUNTY 1 'BUILD DEPARTMENT © . a w r� CHANGES 1' l ,SUBMIT CHANGES FOR A f?OUP,L e !PRIOR TO PERFOR1Ir lK` r - REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHANGES IRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK 3 f W.4. 2' Ado^ R 3pj8•�,o w� 3'x2'r5' UK 2'x2'x6'Concrete(Ecology)) . fCtyKER a �SSIOVAL ENS` Blocks. o facilitate the 1 ia. riveway culvert and Hem-Fir at the northbend of the till. ' 16' ----- -—--— p n Miraft 18ON Nonwoven Fabric; �o Anchor between Ecology Blocks p f^ _ and extend tails— Q N -" rn s� z �4 I rain to a riprap rock dispersion mattress I'thick. roughly 3'wide and slope to match bottom slope. U r� a.: VAIIJA ENGINEFRING, Inc, N) 11m 235, 1 loodsporl, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Blackmon Prel 42329-4.4-90031 X-Section A-A Static Stability Analysis T_ aw VA. a7d 0 Al, REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE MASON COUNTY"' LhApfe Stahlity Analywj f BUILDING DE PARTM ENT— LesWrs Aca to ftl&�-kinm Orw Rq)a 1 4 2022 CHANGIES Stair S)UB%fif CHANGES FOR APP r,rL A _y"I'p- 111C. TO PEF ��$I�'rneering L [tt. 1'i. LAI dt-kruori 1)r vw Repair 2022 F� i c: and s,,itt.ing.,V_7wncr\1-1y Docwrncjit_s\-1'�,i 1—I:I i-i 1 1 1 0,-Vwy yIt .gw I .)2: 0 DATA: Aii-_tiy:;i:� I Stat ic Material Properties 13 materials) ------------------- Mat.tirrial: I Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Weathered Surface Soilr cohesi")tl Phi Or)i L'eje_i o h t Ru I Of).(;0 34.0 123.00 1 . 10 I F!r ij 1 Cu increases with deptit) I:; C,:A),>sion Fri i ul I!ri i LWt-,i gh I Ru ZoO.00 1.c 0 125.00 0.00 Material: 3 k Molt r-C,-?u lomb Isotropir) - F.rology Block Rctairiir.-j Wall Coh-2s i on Phi Un i tWe i qht Ru 1000.00 80.0 190.00 (1.100 Watar Fropeyt.ion ---- Unit weight Of water: 62.400 (I-tit wi.r;qht of water/mi-dium. above ground: 62.400 Material Protilos ( i profiless) --- --------------- 11rof I le: 1 (2 points" Material h•�neath: I Weathered Sjrta-_e Soils _100.00 850.00 200.00 R 5 0.0 Protile; 2 (5 point.61 Material within: 3 Ecology Block 1?.,2taininq Wall Pik. I o 1'4 2/22/2022 ENGINEERING,TAIIJA Inc. PO Box 235, 1loodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 35.50 788.00 37.50 781.70 39.50 799.50 31.50 800.20 35.50 788.00 Profile: 3 (9 points) Mdterial beneath: 2. - Consolidated Subgradt� Soils -100.00 726.00 0.00 167.00 14.50 717.00 24.S0 780.00 32.30 '1138.00 58.00 795.00 78.00 828.00 108.00 a 00 1`i0.00 1341.00 Slope Surface (il points) --------••---•- -100.00 '130.00 14.50 '174.00 24.50 780.00 .32.30 789.00 36.50 789.00 18.';0 '181.fla 40.00 141).01) 60.50 800.00 00 830.00 108.00 840.00 ISO .I10 85t1.0O I 'Ir.eat i<- :; 1r :Jac: (:? paints) -- -- -100.00 860.0 :1r0.0U 86().Cr' I i 1': rr fa; --------------- i i. i1 ircular z::urface for critical search dalin+-d by: X1 ,XR,R XI': 13.50 YI.: 777.58 XR: 100.00 Y1t: 8137. 33 Centre: XC: 35.02. YC: 838.92 Radius: R: 6.;.00 ::;i rrnl For(.es (2 forc-r::'.)--------------- r� Force X-Po 'n AriglC REVIEWED FOR l 3800.0 55.00 270.0 2 3600.0 44.')0 210.0 CODE COMPLIANCE vdriable hest Taints ------------------- MASON COUNTY Paramot.nr dencripror: X1. XR [' BUILDING DEPARTMENT Rarjge of variation: 97.50 7ij.00 3�.50 T Trial pr:iit!on:, within rangn: 12 IZ 1 , ------------------- RESIJI,TS: Analysis 1 - Static Ri Sill,,u .1im[i! iti"d ` e.thod of Ana!yais - C )real.-1r F:3ilur-,: 51)1-ta•70 - Critical Failuro Circle Search usinq Multiple Cirk.-I,, GNneration I -hnique.s Fact.r;r of t'itc-t.y tc,e- initial failure circle approximation: 10.25 CHANGES There w�°r'_: u,!c-essful analyss--A from a total of 1'U.9 1 r i:r 1 i r� 1 SUBMIT CHANGES FOR APPROVAL torminat.nd due to unacceptable qc • r; (mi PRIOR TO PERF 9MING WORK l'ri1.i�d1 rrrn3<<m) l•'a+.tur of Safety: 4 87 Ciralo and Summary (Lowest c) Factor of Satcty Circles? -- Circle X-CNn_rµ Y-Centsµ X-I.er�_ Y-Lei1 X-Right. Y-Rigtl R<7!11 U;'3 Fri i 1 12.50 842.49 62..25 803.00 11 . 36 111 13.C2 (,3.52 4.B66 2 9.92 844.00 62.>`r 80.3.01 11 .:3f; 1118.6 ' 66.4q `;.014 a 7. 34 84h.50 r;'.2'> 80.3.0.) 71. it; 81P.62 69.43 4 4.77 4-17.00 62.".3 803.0,0 71 .3[; 818.Q i'. 39 r A90 2.20 r3413.50 6.2.2`) H03.o-0 71. 36 818.62 i. 34 5.698 6 -0.37 f150.00 62.2S 803.1)0 '1. 3f, 818.62 i8. 30 5.907 91 W31 .50 62.25 8o3.G) 71.36 81R.62 81.25 6.114 8 53.44 8-14.03 44.5r 739.2_' 122.27 813.40 IS.:3-0 1.034 4 55.24 879.76 44 .h2 J19• :• 12A.fii 1144.91 Q1 .25 7.040 File ('J'rulcrrc!Bl.tcknruif'.SruhilrrvJhxlel N'ull,lfutltsLs 2 of 2/22/2022 TAIIJA ENGINEERING, [tic. PO Box 235, 1looclsporl, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 Blackman Prel 4232944-90031 X-Section A-A Dynamic Stability Analysis GALENA ----- r----- , .-------- T- REVIEWED FOR CIDDE COMPLIANCE ASON COUNT - -- =-- - BI�II DING DEPARTIV ENT i c.v CHANGES Is, NEMITCHANGES FOR APPROVAL PSI DR TO PERFORMING!WORK An SrN. r.:Lw �m Rowrfs F.kv..d 3. q S Y xo �Ypipeo Blackmon Drvw R"Ir 2022 �� 4' warns rw wMingnKlvravMY Wn m+mnv a1 w n Ff.WA.aWr 6WU r yn rv.-,III L" i-Y Tahja Engineering,Inc. t'eit 'i.Dr'_ !holy: i--; Ronult.s L1CC+rl.`.i = 1'ah,ja Fr'rdil�I�arLn7, Inc. Froject: Nric. :mrm Drvw Rcpair 202:, M i 1<::: C':\De;curlenC:, anti S=t t. ing:,\pwner1My Uu.-ulue:_nt.s\G:�lena Files\M_�d�l ;\Hla:~1:n,an I3rvhy I II Jyn.glr.f 21 Feb 2022 15:03:0'1 i>ATA: An:'j t ys i s 1 -- oynam,i t.: Material PrQpertles (3 materials) ------------------- Material : 1 (Mohr-Coulomb isnt.ropic) .. weat.hNr�d Surface, soils C'ohesIoil phi UnItWeiylht pit 10Q.0:) 34.0 123.00 1.10 I,ltl ,ri_lI . (Mohr-C'oulrmb Cu increases with depth) - Consolid.at€J ';Ilbgradt: Soi1s h sion Phi Pl' (In itWei.ght Ru ,110.00 14.0 0 12.t1.00 0.00 Fi�te:rial: 3 (Mohr-Coulomb lsotrvpi-C) - Fcnlorly H14-)cD; Retaining Wall Cohesion. Phi Lin itWeidht Ru 1000.00 80.0 11:00.00 0.00 water Propet-ties ---------------- Unit weight of w.attat : 62.40 Unit weright of water/rnFciiunt above: ground: 62.4U ?lateria.l Profiles (3 profiles) ------- -- -------- Prr,ti Lei: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: 1 - Weathered Surfac€+ SoiLs -100.00 8!JO.00 200.00 85C.00 Profile: 2 ( paints) Material •wit.h_n: -i - Rc.:<>logy rilork Retaining Wa1L Filer: 3 of 21122/202-1 TAHJA ENGINGE.RING, Inc. PO Box 235, Huodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 35.50 788.00 37.50 787.10 39.50 799.59 37.50 800.20 35.50 188.00 t'tofile: 3 19 prints) Material beneath: 2 - Consolidated Subgrade Soils -100.00 726.0f1 0.00 767,00 14.50 777.00 24.50 780.00 32.30 188.Ou 59.00 795.00 78.00 82F.00 108.00 835.00 1°r0.00 847.00 Slope Surface (11 points) --------..----- -100.00 730.00 14.50 778.00 24.50 780.f10 32.30 789.00 36.50 789.00 38.50 71i7.On 40.00 199.00 60.50 1300 G0 78.00 830.00 109.00 840.00 150.00 850.00 11I11e4at is Sur face (2 point-.:) -------- -100.00 860.00 Failure_ Surface ------------•--- In:tial circular surface for Grit i-c.aI 9aarclr cfe:fino(i by: Xi.,XR,R Intersects: XL: 13.50 yl.: 777.58 XR: 100.00 YP..: cr nt r fi: XC: 35.02 yr': 838.92 Rad i u.-, `,.Oft Earthquake Force -_---__---_".---- Pseudo-static earthquake (s-ismi, ) ;".O,Af 0. 15 REVIEWED FOR External Forc•-s (2 forcer)X-P0.3'r1 Ar, Fo CODE COMPLIANCE r•c.e FCrr:`f3 •:1 1 E 1 3800.0 5�.Itf) 7n.0 MASON COUNTY 2 3800.0 44.',n ").0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Variable R.-:straint<, Parar-.ter des<,r fpt-or: X1. Xk R Range of variation: +-.`,i) 70.t10 32.50 'Trial position] within ran,je: 12 12 12 RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Uyndni ^u A' Bishop Simplitiod Mf_thod of :'�.r ,l;�;i;. - Cir.c-,-rldr Failure Surface ----------A.►-m-AU- GES Critical Fdilt,r Circle Soil i ,:.<iv,1 '-hIt 1;)(., firth! roneration T--s,ngOgWT CHANGES FOR APPROVAL 1 ,r.tor of .1-11ot.y for ini t i it I i s if I approximation: 7.3s3 PRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK It I ,. -r e: f1',',.`i r ,.cr';:t I ,I t r V,u , t ut.11 of 1729 tC111 i': r:'1c_: _n,i:, ,t. t due t u unacceptable geomet I.y �'I I i •••,I (miuimuml Fetter (it •:t y: .3.96 l'l rc le and Kesul t`-4 S --- .--- -- --- .��trnntary (1r,w :�..t ti"8 , cv;t1}r of h ,f• I ircles) _ r IICle X-gent-re Y-Corttr:c- y-I.ljtI- X-Right Y-Right Radius F'oS 1 12.5n 842.49 62.213 803.00 71. 36 816.62 63.52 3.955 2 9.92 a4.4.00 62.25 803.00 11.36 818,62 66..18 4. 1.32 3 7.34 84S..50 62..25 3n3.110 "11 .3n 81i+.6 ' 69.43 4. 309 4 4.77 847.0.3 62.25 8n3.n0 71.3E 818.6 72. 39 4.486 `i 60.51 8713.68 44.52 199.22 135.00 1346.43 81.25 4.531 6 6r1.29 ii` 41 44.52 799.22 135.00 846.43 1;3.30 4 .608 7 61 .25 t380.52 53.39 799.65 135.00 R46.43 81.25 4.629 8 64 . 12 871.97 41.52 799.22 135.00 846.4 3 -15.34 4.646 Pile:('STrojearsrlflacArnontSlcrhilih thKhl'IPcrll:lnultsre 4 of 2/22/2022