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SPI2004-00277 - SPI Inspections - 1/16/2009
7 oN.srgr& MASON COUNTY o P� A o N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F o N Z Planning Division 7 N y P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection January 16, 2009 BRYN PRESCOTT B P.O.AIIR WA 98528 TO BE KEPT IN THE Case No.: SP12004-00277 , 22 q- / � \ PARCEL FILE Parcel No.: 123094400010 P`& © - Lf ` ce6 V Project Description: Site review for possible development. Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI)was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at (360)427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, 4V4 Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 1/16/2009 Page 1 of 5 SP12004-00277 Site Inspection 1/16/2009 Case No.: SP12004-00277 Comments: Pre-inspection for Bryn Prescott on Oct. 13, 2004: The pre-inspection was made to evaluate construction of a single family residence on a small parcel located on the north side of the Union River at the Bear Creek confluence. The 0.60-acre parcel has a few evergreen or deciduous trees, but much of the property is subject to erosion during high river flows when the channel may change alignment. The parcel has remaining vertical bank unprotected. The proposed new residence would be located at the proper setbacks based upon this inspection. These findings state regulations in effect at inspection time, unless noted otherwise. Development Regulations standards: _Y_ The site is in Rural Residential 5 zone. Standard building setbacks are 25-foot front yard setback, and 20-foot side property line and rear yard setbacks. These setbacks are measured from structures above grade such as roof overhangs, stairs, balconies, decks, heat pumps, storage buildings, and fuel tanks. _Y_ An administrative variance may be requested to reduce these setback distances from property lines, to as low as 5 feet (side yard), if the size, shape, or features of the property constrain development from the proper setbacks. This process requires application and review at the time of the building permit submittal. Resource Ordinance Standards: _N_ Wetland critical area: Planning staff confirmed that the parcel does not contain certain wetlands, which are regulated under Mason County's Wetlands chapter 17.01.070 of the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The applicant will not need a wetlands special report during development review. _Y_ Slope or Landslide hazards: Slopes greater than 15 percent adjacent to or within 300 feet of a proposed project, that are the result of stream erosion and undercutting, were observed along the shoreline area of the property. When proposing development, the applicant shall have a qualified geologist or engineering geologist visit the subject parcel and prepare a site analysis to determine whether a geologic special report is needed during development review. _Y_ Slope or Landslide hazards: If the geologist confirms the need for a special report when slopes are between 15 and 40 percent, a Geologic Assessment would be needed to address 1/16/2009 Page 2 of 5 SP12004-00277 Site Inspection 1/16/2009 Case No.: SP12004-00277 slope stability, site conditions, and the other requirements of the enclosed landslide hazard chapter 17.01.100 section E. 4. as required by the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The report must include all Resource Ordinance requirements and a submittal checklist noting where these requirements are found in the study document. _Y_ Slope or Landslide hazards: The prepared special report shall be specific to proposed site development on the subject parcel by addressing clearing, grading, driveway and building location, retaining and stabilization walls, and stormwater control. This study shall address the presence of the septic system on site stability conditions. This special report would be submitted and evaluated at the time of building permit submittal. _Y_ Shoreline setbacks: The shoreline designation for the Union River is Urban Environment per the Mason County Shoreline Master Program and development setbacks would be determined by the Mason County Resource Ordinance. Along the Union River shoreline, the determined shoreline setback from the river is exceeded by the stream critical area noted below. _Y_ Stream setbacks: The setbacks from the Union River would be determined by the Mason County Resource Ordinance. The stream setback for a type S stream is composed of a 150-foot vegetation buffer plus a 15-foot building setback closest to the roof projection of a proposed structure. Any portion of the new structure, including decks, balconies, and rooflines, must be behind this setback line. The 15 feet toward the stream is an area that may be used for lawns patios or landscaping (development Y , p p 9 � P at grade level). From that point toward the stream is considered to be a required vegetated buffer and is regulated by the Mason County Resource Ordinance Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter. Within this chapter are those activities listed that can be done both with and without a Mason Environmental Permit. A proposed erosion protection rockery along all or part of the shoreline or a proposed dock repair will need a building permit, environmental checklist, and shoreline exemption, as well as a Mason Environmental Permit, and habitat management plan for the new bulkhead. Revegetation of the buffer area forward towards the river, altered by past vegetation removal, is encouraged during proposed development of the lot. Replanting with the use of native plants such as huckleberry, salal, ocean spray, rhododendron, and sword ferns is preferred in the effort to replace plants removed in the buffer area. A path to the stream, 1/16/2009 Page 3 of 5 SP12004-00277 Site Inspection 1/16/2009 Case No.: SP12004-00277 not more than 3 feet wide, is allowed in the buffer area. Based on this field review, the presence of the Resource Ordinance Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas, and the proposed layout of development, no area exists on the subject parcel that would be unencumbered by the critical area buffer and building setback. The applicant can choose to reduce the footprint of proposed development on the property to meet the proper setbacks, or pursue residential development on this property with the review of a variance from the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas chapter. The application includes the submittal of a Habitat Management Plan (HMP), prepared by a qualified biologist, as part of the variance request to support the proposed development. The HMP addresses impacts to the buffer and offers measures to preserve and protect the buffer or to mitigate impacts of the development proposal. A copy of the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas chapter, including details on the contents of an HMP and the variance public review procedure, is available. The application materials are available in person at the Mason County Permit Assistance Center, 5th and Cedar St. in Shelton or by phone at 427-9670 ext. 281. Application for a variance to these standards does not guarantee approval of the development as proposed. _Y_ Floodplain Areas: The Union River (a type 1 or S water according to DNR stream typing maps) flows through the south portion of the subject properties and makes a bend to the south at Lot 6. The properties (except for about 75 feet from the road) lie completely within the floodplain area of the river, and the central area of this floodplain is a designated floodway, as shown on the enclosed copy of the floodway map panel #530115 0130. Since mid-1991, development within the floodplain is guided by the County's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Staff examined the Floodplain and Floodway maps (Panel # 530115-0070) to note how the Union River area is mapped. Both maps indicate the base flood elevations of around 117 feet along the river. The Floodway map shows that this subject parcel lies within a portion of the river, that is designated a floodway area, where the flows of the 100-year flood must pass without obstructions that may increase the flood elevation more than one foot in height. The development standards in Section 5.4 of this ordinance state that new construction of residences is prohibited and that any fill or encroachment in the floodway must be certified as not increasing flood levels. A building site that is in the floodplain, but not floodway, would have to be sited to be one foot above the base flood elevation and have provisions in the 1/16/2009 Page 4 of 5 SP12004-00277 Site Inspection 1/16/2009 Case No.: SP12004-00277 foundation to permit flood flows to pass through if needed. Variance and reasonable use exception provisions are set forth in this flood ordinance, but these standards limit further development in designated floodways. You would need to confirm with the Environmental Health Department what their septic system standards are to make sure about the adequacy of supplying a septic disposal for the proposed development. General process: Future development must include a site plan, showing all setbacks from property lines, shoreline, road, and existing and proposed improvements; this site plan will be needed for building permit application submittal and review. Specific County Codes standards for future development may be found at the County website address http://www.co.mason.wa.us. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. 1/16/2009 Page 5 of 5 SP12004-00277 a e 1230941300577 123094100040' 123094100140 123094100051 x 123094200030 123094100150 123094200220 '` w �n ti 123094200070 II 123090060000 Z123094100080 ss7 123094190071 t 123094190180 12W4190190 FR RD. 123094100090 123094200161 1 1 R O r a 12301 4 1 410072 ` 123094200170 sz 123094200160 12300410007i 123094200230 � a . 123094200180, 2 0 123094190060 1n 30 *43001507 e,Os, F ' go #, 123097590010 �; 123094-1 0 123094300140 A x ti 40 r O x ti. 230943001.0 1230 0060000 �s123094400020 ' � M 9 » c .� rare',. T23Nl Iw 123094490070 ' WNW 123094300270 12309441U)06() 4 TOM 123097 )M-)( 0 ° AAW 7 123094300142 123094100010 1230J4490050 Awe N71 4o ko 2Oo 123094, 123097590040 123094400140 1230W51i(! 180 1 « 1�'3161160000 N 1 inch =200 feet W E 1 inch = 0.04 miles S ' APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 1000 0 1000 II a ; NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM �I I FIRM �L- FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP R M 109 MASON COUNTY, DETAILED'29 LIMIT WASHINGTON m STUDY (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) R M 108 ZONE C aoA° ' ZONE A2 PANEL 70 OF 300 ZONE A ' (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) l25 R M 105 P LIMIT OF \) w DETAILED 1 STUDY Union R M 104 ^ �, River 0 0 6 w ~110 12 COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER ZONE �o -ZONE A2 O f 0 530115 0070 C U Z I (L M� EFFECTIVE DATE: ol N _ 9� 1 6 MAY 17, 1988 ,.J. dl 1 MASON COUNTY r4 J '� PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT $205.00 Fee Required 1. Owner: e16C Applicant: Site Address: / 1p, -.ESE Applicant Addre s: , Owner Address: Rij , buy 2-036 City: j r- St�_Zip City: } 401yAIeF2 St h Zip �y;lop Phone: ( G4t ) -,Z day Phone:_( Q--4(,) g73-- to22z day Phone: (9-4 t ) - 2. Parcel No. l 2 3 Oq 4y 00.Q I n _ Parcel No. Email Address: /y/A Legal Description: I TR -- SE , Se Planner: GBM RAM DMJ SAL TSC SMP Comp. Plan Type of Use Water Body 3. Purpose of P�e-Inspection : oyl S vh a- e IS 4teafR 4. Use of Building: C ? bi iir 0 r PY-0Per Pcx vec. a�o� 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope ( saltwater ) lake ( ) river pond ( ) wetland ( ) seasonal runoff ) other ( (stream (1J seasonal creek ( � Directions to Site: - hend Udk ni beApwr We ev� _CD e r ' If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection, or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signature: Date: a 7 If you would like to be on site during inspection, please check here: 0) Return application to: Department of Community Develo p ment Plannin g Division RECEIVED P.O. Box 279 cc��ccr nn 1��4 Shelton, WA 98584 `K 3 (360)427-9670 aELFAIR OFFICE Please include a $205.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer When completed, this form becomes part of the parcel file. I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water&property lines: • SRG/W«w+ ro��5«,pre4.,sMabn MORE ON BACK SIDE i� Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to water and property lines: y - ti s Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: cZL l Pevised 12.26-2003 SRG