HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel Description - PLN General - 9/5/1975 That portion of the Nomhwas t quarter of the Southeast qua-.--ter of Section 90� Tcr mship 23 Woxth, Range 3 West., W..°i., i�a ?ason County, Wazhingt.cn, de3crt ed as follows; - - Coraencing at the South one quarter corner of said Section 39 *thence Nort-h 0024126" SIA-9t, aloag Che 11orth ar4 South center line of said section, 1108.29 feat, rwre or less, to the Nor°:herly hcu-ndarr, 00 the 'Old Navy Yard Highway"; thence Niortheastarly along said Northerly liia of the :road on a curve to the rigi:t a distance of 342.17 faeta thence N*--..h 375,01 feet to the true point of begi.nningj thence +iorth 63,413°35,' East 194.24 200t; thane North 403,50 feat, more or lzss, to tha South bOv-31darY of the county road 3mcw 3 as the Devatto road; thenca Wei ter?1f along said South bVILIdar, to a point v-4hizh liar north of tra,* point of b,0-9innin94 thenco South 377®73 fey, mora or laa3, to the txtza point of begizni.ng) =CB7TING THEREPMM public =ad3 and road rigft�-of��Y� ti clnv. Situate in :won Ccr=t• , tashngn.