HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2008-01318 DEMO SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 11/19/2008 Inspection Line(360)427-7262 MASON COUNTY DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Phone: (360)427-9670,ext.352 ti Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, WA 98584 to RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT BLD2008-01318 OWNER: LARRY MCCALLUM RECEIVED: 10/23/2008 CONTRACTOR: HILL CUSTOM HOMES 253-853-1414 LICENSE: HILLDC1054Q9 EXP: 5/23/2009 ISSUED: 11/19/2008 SITE ADDRESS: 4 E ROUTE 302 BELFAIR EXPIRES: 5/19/2009 _ PARCEL NUMB LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEACH BILK: 1 LOT: 7 TR 7 &TAX 129D-4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: DEMO EXISTING SFR, BUILD NEW Hwy 302 E. to 4650 E SR 302 General Information Construction &Occupancy Information Square Footage Information No. of Bedrooms: 3 Type of Constr.: VB Type of Use: SF Insp.Area: No. of Bathrooms: 3 Occ. Group: R-3U Lot Size: Deck: Type of Work: NEW Fire Dist.: 2 No. of Stories: 2 Occ. Load: Building:3,616 Garage-Attached 1,042 Valuation: Building Height: Occ. Status: Primary Basement: cov orch 436 Manufactured Home Information Setback Information Shoreline&Planning Information Make: Length: Ft. Front: E 28.0 Ft. Shoreline: 35.0 Ft. Water Body: NORTH BAY Rear: W 35.0 Ft. Slope: Ft. SEPA?: Unkn Model: Width: Ft. Shoreline Desig.: bNthlian Side 1: IN 5.0 Ft. Year: Serial No.: Side 2: S 5.0 Ft. Comp. Plan Desig.: Rural Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Fixtures FEES Type Qty. Type Qty. Type By Date Amount Receipt Dishwasher 1 Exhaust Hood 1 Plan Check Fee KS 10/23/200 $1,395.78 S12008000 Hosebibs 4 Furnace<100K 1 Planning Review Fee KS 10/23/200 $190.00 S12008000 Laundry Tray 1 Gas Outlets 3 EH Plan Review KS 10/23/200 $40.00 S12008000 Lavatories 5 Propane Tank 1 ADJUST--Plan Check Fee ARC 10/28/200 $32.76 S22bb8bbb Showers 1 Ventilation Fan 5 Building State Fee ARC 10/28/200 $4.50 s bbabbb Kitchen Sink, w/disposal 1 Heat Pump 1 Building Permit Fee ARC 10/28/200 $2,197.75 szzbbi bbb Water Closets (Toilets) 3 Propane Stove 1 Mechanical Fee ARC 10/28/200 $238.60 S22bbi bbb Water Heaters 1 Dryer Vent 1 Mechanical Base Fee ARC 10/28/200 $26.60 S22bbsbbb Bath Tubs 2 Plumbing Fee ARC 10/28/200 $136.21 S22008000 Clothes Washer 1 Plumbing Base Fee ARC 10/28/200 $23.10 S22008000 EH Plan Review CEW 11/17/200 $60.00 S22008000 Water Adequacy Plan Review CEW 11/17/200 $40.00 S22008000 Total $4,385.30 BLD2008-01318 Please referto the following pages for conditions of this permit. 1 of 5 4 CASE NOTES FOR E D20 0 0-01 3118 N m W ^+ o a- ep C©NQITIONS FOR Bt-132011"1316 Muse sign, dat.;, initial all conditions and mail batik to M e. 1) Washington State Energy Code Compliance has been approved using the following, T11ANK Y@I1 Heat Type: Oeclric or other fuels, Compliance Method; Prescriptive option IV, Window(Max U-Factor):D.35,Skylight(Max U-Factor):0.58, Doors (Typefflax U-Factor).020 or less,Wall insulation R-21, Floor insulation R-30, Ceiling Insulation R 36,Vault Insulation R-38 (see exception), Slab Insulation R40. w Ex on: R-3 in lation may be installed,up to SOD sq.tt., in single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where the distance of the top of the ceiling and the `D rte derma t r e thing is less than 12-inches and there is 1-inch rented airspace above the insulation. o - 2) AM on County stormwater Management.Woiks4eet was completed and signed as part of this building permit application. Design, sizing, placement, U H insp 'on and maintenance of stormwater management systems shall be the responsibility of the owner/agent ai the developed parcel. ft is the J -own er/agenticontractoes responsibility to ensure that Mason County Department of Public Works has approved the stormwater site plan for this pant w pffor to the conlmencernent at any development activities.*NOTE if Storrnwater Management option"A was selected on the Small Parcel Stormwater Management Applicatior/Worksheet the document en ' d'Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots,The Small Parcel Stormwaater Site Plan'constitutes U an approved plan based on the criteria listed on the plicationi'worksheet. if the development has,or vAll have, a septic/drainfield system you are o resporrsible_fc�rr contacting Mason County ion of nvironmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system vvill not adversely affect the septic system v, of this,-or any other, parcel. You may a o wi to c sult ilh the septic design professional involved with th e project. By calling for a final inspection of the binding permit the owner/agenU tracto i w1 that all components of the stormwater management system have been installed as approved on the stormwater site plan.(X 3) The pprove site plan is required to be n site(or inspection purposes. If an inspection is requested and the"approved" site plan is not on site,then pr al will n be ranted. In addition, a Inspection fee(refer to current fee schedule,minimum i hour)will be charged and shall be collected by the ,r Build Cie a me rior to-any further inspeGions being performed a approvals granted - v ti coo 4) Per 03 IRC- E TION 1609 -WIND LOADS-1609.1 Applications. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the n mi rn vrind ad prescribed herein. Decreases in wind load shall not be rrrade Nrthe effectof shielding by other structures. Per FIGURE4809 AS WiN (3-SECOND GUST)the wind speed for Mason County is 85 MPK- c� w m =° 5) r ar ECT ii 'iv F3" i- rcEQUiR&F,Ei.T S FOR R<00F CaVEHINGS- R905-1 Roof covering application. Roof coverings shalt be applied in a r an w a abi provisions o1 this section and the manufacturer's installation instructions, o, m X CD o 0 CDN t3) Retaini walls needed to support sur uch s structures,roads, or to support slopes, shall require a separate building permit and approval Klor a to cons coon of the retain irtg wa . X -'� ELD20080131B ( Pleasermierta the falloWrgpagr�foacondi6ansoithispem�it 2 of 5 7) Gontractor r is ation laws are governed under RCW 10.27 and enforDed by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. T e are p en al risks and monetary liabilities to the horneovmer for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained aI m -647- 2 he person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent fa hec r a registered contractor according to WA state law. w � X L � � - 8) Ail ape ty tines shall be clearly identified at the time:of foundation inspection.X 9) Pr re treated o manufactured after January 1, 2004 may contain high conce rations of copper v ch could quickly corrode metal fasteners, onne to and ash? Install metal connectors approver/for contact with the neI types cf pressure treated material. 10) AN - oved pl s a required to be on-site for inspection purposes- If an inspection is called for and plans are not available on site, then approval will n ranted. n a ition, a re-inspection fee:(refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and must be collected by the Building epart a pri to further inspections being performed or approvals granted, co w `o = 11) The n review c list and corrections are part of the approved pfaos and must remain tliereto. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make the o x corn fans inaFc ed the plans. Once thapians are marked"APPROVED",they shall not be changed or altered without authorization from the Building LOff' ial, The per d ho or is responsable to retala the complete approved set of plans on site for the duration of tte project. Failure to comply and/or re ova to pr ed uments WIl result in failure of required building inspections. J X J H W 12) All Pits ex it 18 days after permit issuance or 180 days alterthe last inspection ad vi ty is performed. 7te Building Official may extend the time for act' f Tape i no exceeding 180 days, upon the recdpt of a wrilten extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the c ontrol of the permit o h Tier h me on from being taken. No more than one extension maybe granted. X T 13) Con used r sement walls,foundation walls, exterior walls, porches,carport slabs, ste xposed to the weather, garage floor slabs and other v 'c concret w exposed to the weather shall have a minimum compressive strength o "si (l Table R402.2). un co 14) THE UNDATION SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED ON UNDISTURBED, NATIVE SOIL. Ln CD p 15) Provisions for surface/subsurface drainage c wtroi must be implemented with new construct? or development on site and MUST NOT adversely impact Ln adjacent parcels_ Under the requirements of Mason County Stornrwater Ordinance, either private ditches and drains will rneet requirements of the stormwater ord?nance or prior a pp rovaf wilt be granted to use an existing utiiit_y_and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose. For further infnrm�finn r`n�M'-,rr Ik;, .1;...,....r...�J.i_ nri-si,�nr►.r►,+� ww�,�.. :ct..�.r�.•+[:li[`C_iJICf`i 1 [V�iJ4drll al I liL4CJj I`Cf-iMi[I 11U1 the 1nS[aiiatiiQWCJonstfucl,❑n of a dnveW3ybr aoce-ss m connecting from a Mas Go�4 ty Road, Gontact the Mason County Public Works Department prior to construction at Ext450. For any constriction whicai is Nl�,Scu t- rJa tvwte wiini LZ)'❑rra fviasorr County roan ugnt 01 way, it is suggested to contact that office to review future planned work which may affectyour oJecOD ` m o m o (V N Cn O BL02008-01318 Plaasarefarla the folluaing pages for condilionsof Cis perrnd. 3 of 5 i6) ngs anmust meet the same setback COndltlons as any permitted structure; and, must be Shawn or your site plan. Please check your v� Sihi !o ensure these structures are shown and meet the sslback conditions listed. m - LIJ o i7) Th ' ternatio l,code requires a fire apparatus access road for every facility, building, or portion of a building that is more than 150'from an approved c s roadAAD . o ids are required to meet the minimum Mason County Fire Marshal standards for Fire Apparatus Piss Roads up to the point where uch road n th a countymainhained ublic road or to another fire P apparatus access road whim connects to a county maintained public road. 18) AEI ing per it shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration. The failure to u st a fin fin coon or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal propnrty records on fife with Amason County as Ming non-compliant with Al sor) omin es and building regulations. X 1g) CON UCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER IUTASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED w BUIL NG OODE. The construct' n f the perrnilted project is suhject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department, All construction must be in conformaruce o the inter do al codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Vuiiding ns tarsh b o priorto requesting addititmal inspections. X H20) changes in proposed construction shall be reviewed by We engineer or architect of record and submitted in waiting to the Amason County Building _ De rnent pric to nstruction. All engl�iesring andlor architectural documents are a part of the approved set of plans and shalt remain attached t ret . If docu en are removed,approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-Inspectlon fee(refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 #)our)wiII be o arg sh I b ected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. rA 0 21) A c ges to"a pro�ed"building plans that effect compliance with the international codes as amended and adopted,or any other Mason County rdin �or reg lat' st be reviewed and approved by IVason County prior to construction. rn 0� 22) All c truclion us meet or exceed all local ordinances and the international-codes requirements as-adopted and amended by Masan County-and the St e Washi tan, Occupancy-is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non approved change of use or occupancy would result in ca - -- - rmiti - - -- ---- N co Cr) a 23) 1 Age t is r onsibte to post the assigned address andl or purchase and past private road signs in accordance with Mason County Tale 14.28. x m 1A) A— s11 �. - -J r-i.r as, 1 ri Uzi, u: 11UUV : shalt rut bt hdr rued irf v7e snvranne buren 10 u1stufu rile vegeiatea buffer, a Mason Environmental Hermit is r r - i CO oo CDo 0 c m', n 25) Prio to final approval, all upland areas disturb or wl construction activities shall be seeded,vegetated or given an equivalent type of o � erosion protection(silt fencing or strawmattitt X � 'ter BLD2003-0131 a PkV refer to the falloviring pages for crindW nsofthrs perml_ 4 of 5 26) Temporary erosion control measures must be implemented to prevenl wat qu tY egr da rt of adjacent waters or wellands. Silt fencing must be installed and maintained until upland vegetation fias become established X m �7 The following must be completed during building and prior to tarnporary/final upanoy, ,: o a- I-Protect the under um canlrol panel and conveyance line from damage durin demolition cf the e4stin residence and during construction&the 9 � pump, P Y 9 9 9 9 new home. This will require that ttie purnp be removed from the tank and the tank and lid be protected from damage. Hirt and debris mustnot be allowed to enterthe tank, of any of the transmission lines.The control panel must be removed from the side of the existing house and saved for future use or a new panel trust be"chased. 2-Our records indicate the septic:tank was left as a pump vvarflow tank. This is no longer allowed and the tank must be decommissioned.This will require that it be pumped if necessary and either filled or demolished. 341 a new pressurized discharge line is to be installed it shall be new 1.5"HDPE with no spliced all the way to the existing street mnriection.4-tie advised that any damaged equipment shall be replaced at the owners expense, All work must remain uncovered until tested and inspected by Dept, of Mites staff. call 360-427-9670 ext. M or 652 for inspection. CO w 0 `o U P Thispermitbemmesnuil sod voidif work orconstructimn authorized is not oarnrrmncedwihirr180 days,orifcomtrucGmorworkisswpended for apedodof180daysat any iirneafterworkis J a cum unoed. Eviden 1oOrIInu csfwofkisaprogressinspeCtionwlthintha180daypenod- RnaliwspedianmuslbeapprovedbefoTeblflding can becomplod.Proof ofcminuationof W work is by ra ans of pr gress in ec .The owns ror the agent on the owners behal f,represents tfrat the 0 fosnali on provided is accurale and grants ern&Vves of Mason County access to = a' the abmecfescr pro ri and ruc For review anti in Pe nCDP GM ER a R AG T- 0l. [DATE: I Jot 0 rj Ln LE) m m o uO N n Cri m C� lD .-i CO m o m N N r-1 .�� BLH2008-o1318 Pfzasa referto ft faftving pao5a for ontxiitimsofthis permk. 5 of 5 Ftings NCRETE MECHANICAL MANUFACTURED HOME n o 72 I Setbacks Gas Piping Date /'� By / - Ribbons D rror Date By interior-Date 0 - -0`7 By / Date ay r t"' Ex ter Date/Z-rV-cV B Exterior- Date B Set- C O0 INSULATION � 9 Point Load I Isolated Footings Date By r Date By Date SLAB INSULATION By FIRE DEPARTMENT > Foundation Walls Floors Date By X - Date f _ �?- B Data By DECKS L FRAMING walls Date By Date By j Data By PROPANE TANKS PLUMBING Vault Data _ 8. Date By OTH Groundwork Attic �( 1 Type- Date By Date By Date DMV DRYWALL Type- Int Brace Wall Date `( W Date By� Date By FINAL INSPECTION C w Water Line Fire Seperationcl N Date By Date By Date`�:3�� _ �� By, p m � Pass or Request Inspect. 0 Type of Insp. Fail Date Date Done By Comments w N IA J co AV Tip? N ,J N141&ZZN n tyr/ Sri Cn 21 Err Ul �s L3� z� ;f�+'�' (S�= ol/ 79 /9/1/11 Q fAl/_ 0 4 y� i9 4� F/ /,'✓fit.. " S cf' L�/�C/ `� 11=,c.� �l"/� ti Ii �1 O =vt s r 4 l--a , � /-7 N /3v L/-r l� q' 3O-q a r 1. A. W" Tt'd r Vj t ev(,K p L - L �� - iiN A - RECEIVED DEC 0 3 2009 426 W. CEDAR ST 11/25/2009 Mason County Building Dept. 426 W Cedar St. Shelton,WA. 98584 Re: Parcel # 122285001007 Building Permit#2008-01318 To Whom it May Concern, We've had our home built over the past year by,Hill Custom Homes. The final inspection was done on September 30,2009,however,we have not signed off as being complete yet with the builder. Since early November with the rain,we are finding water along the back wall of our garage and the south end of the home. It seems the walkways along the sides of the home were poured equal to the height of the foundation wall and in some places higher. In a number of places the sheathing is sitting directly on top of the concrete with only the belly band 1/4" to 3/8" above the flat surfaces allowing water to wick up the OSB. The garage man door on the south side is not sealed nor is the threshold letting worms come into the garage. We have a few other concerns with the workmanship and quality of the work,including but not limited to Master bath Jacuzzi tub installed with an extension cord,no electrical face plate cover,other face plates broken or missing. The roof swells during hot weather,etc. Most of our other concerns are not code related,but we would like to point them out and ask questions. Is it possible to have someone come out and inspect the water that we have coming into our garage? Sincerely, Larry McCallum 4650 E State Route 302 Belfair, WA. 98528 206-799-3123 Cell Phone Page 1 of 1 Hill Custom Homes 6869 Kimball Drive Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Tel: (253) 853-1414 1 Fax: (253) 853-1415 Email: jeff(abhillcustomhomes.com Monday,November 30, 2009 AOL: LMccallum 12/03/2009 Mason County Building Dept. Larry, Items we are concerned about, Water in garage Sidewalks to high against house South Man Door not sealed Cellar door is not secured to wall Extension cord master bath tub Face plates for broken or missing sockets Roof swelling during hot days If there are any other items I showed you. Thank You, Larry McCallum Because we aren't living out there can you use our Renton address for mailing or our PO Box out there Larry McCallum 15122 SE 141 st PI Renton, WA. 98059 OR PO Box 1916 Belfair, WA. 98528 Page 1 of 1 �s r t Lai /3/ems 0 VV U-4 v �S Tuesday,November 24, 2009 AOL: LMccallum Page IofI f NA - . Aim; Monday November 23,200 9AOL: LMccallum Page 1 of 1 s 5,. r�t� Tuesday,November 24, 2009 AOL: LarrynBev Page 1 of 1 717 fs y Tuesday,November 24,2009 AOL: LMccallum �\ �I � - � - � �' Page 1 of 1 V= 'cw als- y. ro R Monday,November 23,2009 AOL: LMccallum Page 1 of 1 naq 4 f , Monday,November 23,2009 AOL: LMccallum z: 5 ��t��i •[`,�3 Y� ��w �tL. Fr. Spp f f f ® `d 7 y t. c S r+' a At z r, r �i r f Page 1 of 6 Larry Waters - Items From: <LMccallum@aol.com> To: <Law@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 12/3/2009 9:53 AM Subject: Items Larry, Items we are concerned about, Water in garage Sidewalks to high against house South Man Door not sealed Wine cellar door not secured to wall extension cord master bath tub face plates for broken or missing sockets roof swelling during hot days If there are any other items I showed you. Below are pictures of the rocks they raked in to build up the area to pour the slab for the back porch, it wasn't undisturbed soil. You can also see the crack that developed. Thank You, Larry McCallum Because we aren't living out there can you use our Renton address for mailing. Larry McCallum 15122 SE 141st PI Renton, WA. 98059 From: LMccallum To: contractadmin@hillcustomhomes.com Sent: 2/8/2009 11:21:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: Back Porch Jill, Has Jeff said anything to you about having someone come back and redo any of the back porch? Looks like they didn't float any of it.. or rake the rocks back from at least the edges. I wish Jeff had his old flat work guy... he spoke highly of him. Larry file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\law\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B 178... 12/4/2009 Page 2 of`6 4 s � y 3 �4 *A ,VN file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\law\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B 178... 12/4/2009 Page 3 of 6 " o_ e w Fes, ' stiff .�.w b r� .t'° .ate..°" �,�,.�x'� �` ,�" .,� �-.y• ,r� �„,�y � file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\law\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B 178... 12/4/2009 Page 4 of 6 ut ,01 �. `I s 49 ZVI A , y_ v° w „ file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\law\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B 178... 12/4/2009 Page 5 of 6 46 4 � ZI w » s �. 14 •� AL, ka file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\law\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B 178... 12/4/2009 Page 6 of 6 ' e F. r a 1 a .0 o l a 4 F X 4m bs T <' n a A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\law\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4B 178... 12/4/2009