HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2024-00726 Retaining Wall - BLD Application - 6/20/2024 Permit No: MASON COUNTY R E C E I V I~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING Permit Assistance Center,Building,Planning MN 20 2024 BUILDING PERMIT API?J-1%AVyoJk1der PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME:JH Rigger Enterprises-Scott Studerus NAME:Mark Schirmer Construction MAILING ADDRESS:PO Box 985 MAILING ADDRESS:8011 SE Cammer Rd CITY:Belfair STATE:WA ZIP:9828 CITY:Port Orchard STATE:WA ZIP:98366 PHONE#I:S80-8.5P93o0 PHONE:36G-551-7805 CELL: PHONE#2: EMAIL:ischi39821 @aol.com EMAIL:swsdds19999gmail.com L&I REG#MARKSSC859ON EXP.-!L/- 25 PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNER❑ CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER NAME shmea Bowman-Borman Pe nft Cormmxi EMAIL bowmanpermds@outiook.com MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 3422 CITY Bewair STATE WA ZIP 98528 PHONE lm4 CELL PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number)12332-50-OW21 ZONING UGA-Mixed Use LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated)SAM B THELER'S HOME&GAR TRS FIRE DISTRICTS SITE ADDRESS 23240 E State Route 3 CITy Belfair DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS From the North side of Beffair,continue on State Route 3 until 23240 on the East/left side of the highway. IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YESD NO❑ SNOW LOAD:_psf IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Checkall that apply): SALTWATER❑ LAKE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW p ADDITION❑ ALTERATION❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Co.,,al Bldg,Etc.).Retaining Wall IS USE: PRIMARY❑ SEASONAL❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS NUMBER OF BATHROOMS HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(whoieB/dg)❑ YES(Pa.r[s]ofBldg)❑ NO❑ DESCRIBE WORK Proposing to build 10' high by 135' long retaining wall behind proposed SFR SQUARE FOOTAGE:(p apwo I ST FLOOR sq.ft. 2ND FLOOR sq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq.& BASEMENT sq.ft. DECK sq.ft. COVERED DECK sq.ft. STORAGE sq.ft. OTHER sq.ft. GARAGE sq.1L Attached❑ Detached❑ CARPORT sq.ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC❑ SEWER❑ / NEW❑ EXISTING❑ PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES 0 NO❑ Ifyes,attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERIMETERNOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES❑ NOD EXISTING SQ.FT. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOMS TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.1 have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permil/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) x 06/ 10/2024 Signature of OWNER(Must be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDTTIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH Doc ID:4d5e44bcb378776b315435fcd266140d68fc3c9c 07/01 /2024 Zoning- "MU" Mixed use district Digitally This structure is not approved for any +" No Setbacks required, Subject to Scott R edy signed by Scott commercial use. To be used as a ' Building Codes. Ruedy Residential Detached Dwelling only. APPROVED MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING SCOTT RuEay,aleP �i IJ/,14l4 .«� 'r•.• - of"V Iltlr 4�11fK,� rtl ' nlft lA'rlf k1'aftt Y.Fa'ITTf INtF � MIIfYMA)n�.fl C �l 1 '.Rffti 11 AWI YICLNIITV MAP r SANR.TllillRl lFMlA.4N11R51k.W IKa F.rlw �• !/ /1 ! •' I . Via^ M +Ni rU' Mna /� 1 � Ff I51 �fiSh .I is a =.M STATS 1"7C1 nWAS%"LF470R W_] MCCW I`3Ti w, _ ••I L'IRL tiRANGbTF'I'.I UAEA — ' Il4x .wAl( MTIDl:IWSu« I ' Ifl: 471aL1Y S,.M­tiRiNtlglf TRH Of fa11R41'4M9[YLWTII•CL�1Q ISfY f i - LEGEND r 't C- E»IITQ«Kri.OM - Retaining walls needed to support a surcharge • `° such as structures, roads, or to support slopes, all, shall require a separate building permit and ------' '�^LM EH APPROVED _ 7°'"�`""'""" Rhonda Thompson o�iosi2oza approval prior to construction of the retaining 7 Ah.A4':.> wall. SEE BLD2024-00726 — SRTrTA" — veRersTlllll wnrol Public sewer and water NARNG11511^s R IIRMLl4'IJIRNTKIM • aL 1.1TNM1 R TIC HYPRWf ESMI.-M OF OLIANTMES I MPI R"JOUS AREA The approval of this project is subject to the recommendations 1_0 U.. and specifications outlined in the attached geotechnical report.All "��� applicable recommendations and specifications shall be applied to the development on this site. Any deviation requires stamped written approval from the registered design professional """'� "K] .'W /tLF VftW YiI.VR 0.'NIIM.8ffl1 W>W SILI.VR N'A«IFY.TyI a.•. responsible for the report and may require special inspection by Tf.kvGiA«.11fb ,f.A�la: .y same. Structures and/or land modifications(grading,cuts,fills, etc.)required in the geotechnical report, may require a separate permit.The geotechnical report shall remain attached to the approved building plans. BUILDING Dare Received: MASON COUNTY RECEIVED COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT t BUILDING•PLANNING•FIRE MARSHAL J U N 20 2024 _ — Mason County Bldg.8,615 W.Alder St 615 W. Alder Street u . Shelton,WA 98584 www.co.mason.wa.us 360-427-9670 wd 352 nn Permit#: U Property Owner's Authorization Letter Scott Studerus I (we): (Print Property Owners Name/Firm/Organization) Shanea Bowman - Bowman Permit Consulting Hereby Authorize: (Applicant-Name of Person to Sign Permit) Scott Studerus Representative of' (Applicant Company Name/Organization) To apply for,sign, and pick-up building permits for the following proposed work: Proposing to build a SFR residence and retaining wall. (Brief Description of Work to be Done) 23240 E State Route 3 Belfair 98528 Job Location: (Property Site Address) As property owner(s),I(we)hereby grant permission to the applicant referenced above to apply for,sign,and pick- up the building permit for the work as indicated above.All work performed must meet all provisions of the Building Codes and the Laws of Mason County and the State of Washington,as applicable,whether specified or not.Residential Contractors are required to have a current State of Washington Contractors License(RCW 18.27). 06/ 11 /2024 (Property Owner Signature) (Date) Rev.03/1012016 jlbn Doc ID: e7c0587988942a005e7a566d52effdc74f8701fa