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2024/08/13 - Regular Packet
♦* cM� Board of Mason County Commissioners Draft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5t' St, Shelton, WA 98584 AW August 13, 2024 9:00 a.m. Commission meetings are live streamed at hqp://www.masonwebtv.com/ Regular Commission business meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide comment and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in-person,via e-mail at msmithgg,masoncountywa.gov;mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 5t'St,Shelton,WA 98584;or call(360)427- 9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advisory Panel(TIP-CAP)Membership Opening News Release by Loretta Swanson 4.3 Solid Waste Advisory Committee(SWAG)Membership Opening News Release by Loretta Swanson 4.4 Certificate of Appreciation for Neil Jones by Mark Neary 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Please see above options to provide public comment;3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after `Item 10.Public Hearings"may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes—July 1,July 8,July 15,July 22,July 29, and August 5,2024 Briefing Minutes; July 2 and July 16,2024 Regular Minutes; and July 8,2024 Special Meeting Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under `Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8106545-8106724 $1,331,945.91 Direct Deposit Fund $ - Salary Clearing Fund $ - Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 408,234.06 8.2 Approval for the County Engineer to execute supplemental agreement no.2 increasing the on-call structural engineering agreement with Sargent Engineers by an additional$50,000. 8.3 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the quote through Enterprise for a Ford Explorer for Juvenile Probation for the estimated cost of$41,830. 8.4 Approval of the cross jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)regarding alert,warning,and notifications sent through Federal Emergency Management Agency's(FEMA)integrated public alert and warning system between Thurston County Emergency Management and Mason County Emergency Management. 8.5 Approval to appoint Stacie Vaughan to the Pacific Mountain(PacMtn)Workforce Development Board of Directors for a three-year term expiring June 30,2027. 8.6 Approval of the Shelton Family Center Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG)contract amendment for an additional$110,000. 8.7 Approval for Public Works to advertise, set bid opening dates and times,award contracts,and approval for the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the call for bids for routine paint line, asphalt emulsion, and manufacturing and stockpiling of chip seal aggregate for the 2025 calendar year. 8.8 Approval for the County Engineer to procure and finalize all agreements for cultural resources, structural engineering,geotechnical,and materials testing services as necessary for the 2025-2026 calendar years with an option for the County Engineer to extend the agreements for an additional year from the County MRSC Consultant Roster;the maximum expenditure for each service agreement shall not exceed$200,000 per calendar year. 8.9 Approval of the county road closure on Little Egypt Road from Monday, September 9 to Wednesday,October 16,2024 at approximately milepost 0.33 for the North Fork Goldsborough Bridge rehabilitation project. 8.10 Approval of the letter designating the Applicant Agent and Alternate Applicant Agent for Disaster 4775-DR- WA Severe Winter Storms. 8.11 Approval to rescind approval of the following 2023 Open Space application pursuant to the recommendations of the County Assessor and Community Development: Douglas and Kelly Palmer,parcel no. 12220-34-90340. 8.12 Approval of the letters to the Mason Conservation District and United States Army Corps of Engineers regarding the Skokomish River Ecosystem Restoration and the intent to cease most property acquisitions. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. 10.1 Public Hearing to consider approval of a Resolution declaring tax parcel no. 32005-31-60070 as surplus and approval of its sale. Staff. Mike Collins 10.2 Public Hearing to consider approval of an Ordinance amending the Department of Community Development's fees for building permits and adopting the revised fee schedule. Staff: Todd Cunningham 10.3 Approval of the Resolution finding the formation and construction feasible for the Shetland Road Improvement District(RID)no.2024-01 and hereby approve ordering the improvements and integrating this section of Shetland Road into the County road system contingent upon the Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS)being issued on Thursday,August 15,2024. 11. Board's Calendar and Reports 12. Adj ournment MASON COUNTY TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Reviewed FROM: Kayla Milam Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: August 13, 2024 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Liquor and Cannabis Board sent notice of off-site tasting room for Flywheel- Hardware Distillery Co. 4.1.2 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs sent a notice of contiguous land-into-trust application for the property"Port Blakley Property" consisting of 884.21 acres, located in Mason County Washington. 4.1.3 The Office of Mason County Treasurer sent a report to the citizens for fiscal year 2024. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Licensing and Regulation Washington State PO Box 43098 Olympia WA 98504-3098 Liquor a _ nnabis Poard Phone- (360) 664-1600 Q j t Fax-(360) 753-2710 July 25, 2024 jE'rj{ BY ommiSsioner Randy Neatherlin, THE HARDWARE DISTILLERY CO. ?haron Trask, Kevin Shutty. Mark PO BOX 129 Jeary and McKenzie Smith HOODSPORT, WA 98548-0129 -iquor Board Re: FLYWHEEL 24180 N US HIGHWAY 101 STE C HOODSPORT, WA 98548-9482 LICENSE #436849 - 6A U B 1603-138-820-001-0002 Your Non-retail license has been approved for the following: OFF-SITE SPIRITS TASTING ROOM This license is valid through August 31, 2024. Starting summer of 2023, Department of Revenue/Business License Services (DOR/BLS) will be sending business licenses and renewal notices to the email address you have on file with your Secure Access Washington (SAW) account. You can view or update your business locations email address at My DOR Upon renewal, the expiration date of the license may subsequently be prorated as necessary in accordance with chapter 19.02 RCW (Business Licensing). For questions regarding the issuance of your liquor license, please contact our customer service unit at (360) 664-1600. For questions regarding the renewal process, please contact Business Licensing at (360) 705-6741. This approval is based on your meeting all requirements of federal, state, county, and city laws and ordinances relating to sanitation, zoning, fire, safety, and building codes to include the laws relating to public accommodations for physically disabled persons (RCW 70.92). An agent's license is needed for any licensee or their employees that contact (by email, phone, or mail) Washington retailers to solicit sales. Your request for the outdoor or extended service area is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. You must have legal authority to use the alcohol service area including, but not limited to: ownership, leasehold rights, and/or a permit from your local jurisdiction for any service area on public property. In-State Non-Retail non-labels 9/4114 DECISIONS I Page 2 License No.-436849 2. An employee must be dedicated to the area when patrons are present. 3. If the interior access is from an area classified by the Board as off limits to any person under the age of 21, people under the age of 21 are prohibited in the alcohol service area and minor restriction signs must be posted. 4. Any food service requirements for the license type apply to both indoor and outdoor service areas. 5. The alcohol service area must be enclosed with a barrier a minimum of 42 inches in height. Openings into and out of the alcohol service area cannot exceed 10 feet. If there is more than one opening along one side, the total combined openings may not exceed 10 feet. 6. Alcoholic beverages must be prepared in the areas of the premises authorized by the Board. 7. Lighting in the alcohol service area must comply with WAC 314-11-055. 8. The Board may withdraw this approval if problems arise. This license is for an additional location, separate from the production /manufacturing site, where the licensee may serve samples with or without charge, and sell at retail for on or off- premises consumption, spirits of its own production, spirits of another Washington distiller's production, sparkling wine, and vermouth. There is a limit of two additional locations per licensed production/manufacturing facility. Each sample must be one-half ounce or less, with a maximum of two ounces per customer per day. Samples may be altered with ice, water, alcoholic or non-alcoholic mixers only. Any person selling or serving wine at an additional location must obtain a Class 12 alcohol server (MAST) permit. Please visit our website to view Laws and Rules related to your business: http://www.liq.wa.gov/laws/laws-and-rules If you do not receive your Master License with liquor endorsements in ten days, contact Business Licensing Service/Specialty Licenses (Department of Revenue) at 1-360-705- 6744. Your liquor license can now be renewed on-line through Business License Service. Information will be included on your renewal application when your liquor license is due to be renewed. AaxwBQ_AfiZo '►i/smo Liquor Licensing Specialist 360-664-1665 cc: Enforcement Office Mason County Commissioners File + if 1, LM 3+'1eS Commissioner Randy Neatherlin, 4LiSo- + Xel� �ota°N1. Sharon Trask, Kevin Shutty. Mark Neary and McKenzie Smith -- p.M United States Department of the Interior p"P ym BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 3 $ Northwest Regional Office 911 Northeast 11 m Avenue Portland,Oregon 97232 IN REPLY REFER TO: Division of Realty July 17, 2024 CERTIFIED MAIL—RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Kristopher Peters Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation Ten Southeast Squaxin Lane Shelton,Washington 98S84-9200 Dear Chairman Peters: This is the decision of the Bureau of Indian Affairs("BIA"), Northwest Regional Director,on the Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation's("Squaxin Island Tribe" or"Tribe")contiguous land-into- trust application for the property more fully identified below, known as the"Port Blakely Property" ("Property"or"Land")consisting of 884.21 acres,located in Mason County,Washington.The proposed/current purposes of the acquisition are recreational (picnic area,campground and trails), community celebration, and forestry. The property is not for gaming purposes. For the reasons set forth below, it is my decision to approve the Squaxin Island Tribe's request to acquire the Port Blakely Property into trust. The Tribe requested by Resolution Number 22-33 dated May 12,2022 and Fee-to-Trust Application dated June 23,2023,that the United States acquire the Property into trust for the Tribe. The Tribe acquired the Property from Port Blakely Tree Farms,a Washington limited partnership, by Statutory Warranty Deed dated July 21,2021 and recorded the purchase on July 27, 2021 in Mason County,Washington under document number 2162960. Land Location/Legal Description Address: 1821 SE Kamilche Point Road,Shelton, Mason County,Washington. The Property is contiguous to the Squaxin Island Reservation. Please see Exhibit A for the legal description,which is enclosed. A Land Description Examination and Validation ("LDEV") Request was submitted on October 17,2023 and approved by BIA OTS Liaison,Trisha Johnson on November 5, 2023.The LDEV received a concur, low risk and stated that: 1—Notice of Decision The land description for the Pt. Blakely property consists of Government Lots and aliquot parts that includes and exception for Kamilche Rd.and excepts some tidelands. The descriptions are all tied to the PLSS and bound by BLM surveyed lines. The description closes by nature and is deemed acceptable. The GIS acreage was calculated to be within 5%of the 884.21 TAAMS acres and is deemed acceptable. Based on the most recent available NAIP satellite imagery there do not appear to be any unauthorized encroachments or encumbrances. I find the applicant has fulfilled the requirements of 25 CFR§ 151.9 governing requests for approval of acquisitions because the Resolution No. 22-33 and Fee-to-Trust Application,sets out the identity of the parties, a description of the land to be acquired,and other information showing the acquisition comes within 25 CFR Part 151, namely by showing the property owned by the Tribe,as provided in 25 CFR§ 151.3(a)(2). Regulatory Requirements, 25 CFR Part 151 This application was pending prior to the Bureau of Indian Affairs issuance of revised 25 CFR Part 151 regulations for fee-to-trust acquisitions, effective on January 11,2024("2024 Regulations").Tribes with pending applications on the effective date of the 2024 Regulations have the option to either proceed under the 25 CFR Part 151 regulations revised as of April 1,2023 ("2023 Regulations")or to affirmatively request in writing to proceed under the 2024 Regulations.25 CFR§ 151.17(a).Since the Tribe has not requested in writing that BIA proceed under the 2024 Regulations,the BIA processed this acquisition under the 2023 Regulations.See 25 CFR§151.17(2024). This decision of the Northwest Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs is discretionary. In evaluating the Tribe's request to have the on-reservation land taken into trust,the BIA must consider the criteria set out in 25 CFR§151.10(a)-(c)and (e)-(h). Proof that the Northwest Regional Director considered the facts set forth in 25 CFR§ 151.10 must appear in the administrative record; however,there is no requirement that the BIA reach a particular conclusion concerning each factor. Nor must the factors be weighted or balanced or exhaustedly analyzed in a particular way. Thurston County, Nebraska v. Great Plans Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 56 IBIA 296,300,301 (2013) § 151.3—Land Acquisition Policy Section 151.3(a)of Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations set forth the Department's Land acquisition policy. I find that this acquisition is consistent with the policy because. 1. The property is contiguous to the Squaxin Island Reservation. 2. The Tribe already owns the property as evidenced by the Statutory Warranty Deed and the title evidence. The Office of the Solicitor, Pacific Northwest Region, reviewed the title evidence and provided a Preliminary Title Opinion BIA-00080562 dated May 30, 2024,and found title to be vested in the United States of America. 2—Notice of Decision 3. The proposed/current purposes of the acquisition are recreational(picnic area, campground and trails),community celebration, and forestry. The Tribe will be increasing its land base,which provides greater options for flexibility for future actions to fulfill its determination goals. I find that the land is necessary to facilitate self- determination. 25 CFR§ 151.3(a) (1)-(3). 151.10(a) —Statutory authority The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) has statutory authority to acquire land in trust for"Indians" pursuant to Section 5 of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934("IRA"), 25 U.S.C. §5101 et seq., including all persons of Indian descent who are members of any recognized Indian tribe that was under federal jurisdiction when the IRA was enacted in 1934.Carcieri v.Salazar,555 U.S.379,395(2009).One piece of conclusive evidence demonstrating federal jurisdiction over a recognized tribe in 1934 was if that tribe held a Section 18 election to accept or reject the IRA(irrespective of whether the vote resulted in adoption or rejection)as evidenced by the tribe's inclusion on the Haas Report.Op.Sol. Interior M- 37029, at 20-21(Mar. 12,2014) (citing Theodore H. Haas,Ten Years of Tribal Government Under I.R.A. (1947) ("Haas Report")).Additionally,counting a tribe's members on Indian Census rolls between 1884 and 1934,including the 1934 Indian Population Report,further demonstrates that a tribe and its members were under federal jurisdiction in 1934. For purposes of the"under federal jurisdiction"analysis,the evidence demonstrates that the Squaxin Island Tribe was under federal jurisdiction and supervision of the United States in 1934,and that the adult residents of the Squaxin Island Reservation met the IRA's definition of"Indian." On April 6, 1935, the adult residents of the Squaxin Island Reservation voted to accept the IRA by a vote of 10 to 6. Haas Report page 22. Additionally,the 1934 Indian Population Report indicates that the Squaxin Island Reservation had a total Indian population of 39,with 29 residing at the jurisdiction where enrolled. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at 151(1934). Therefore,the Secretary has authority under Section 5 of the IRA to take land in trust for the Tribe. § 151.30(b)—Need of the Tribe for additional land Placing the land into trust is important to the Tribe because it will give the Tribe rights to govern the land. It is important for the Tribe to have the inherent right to govern its own lands and is one of the most essential powers of any sovereign tribal government. The Tribe would be able to determine its own course in addressing the needs of its government and its members. The overall purpose of the Tribe's application is to provide increased long-term socio-economic security for the Tribe through land acquisition to benefit the Tribe's efforts to enhance self-determination. Once the land is placed in trust status, it will put the Tribe in a better position to bid for grants or to qualify for additional funding from the federal agencies and other agencies who distribute funding based on total tribal acreage,roads,and other reasons. Taking the land in trust will also allow the Tribe to consolidate and protect the unique Indian land status and ensure its integration back onto the Tribe's land base. This will further enhance self-determination by ensuring that the land is not used in a manner contrary to the Tribe's governmental,historical, and cultural interests. Taking the land in trust would provide 3—Notice of Decision greater control over land use matters by transferring jurisdiction over land use decisions from the County to the Tribe and the federal government. By placing the land in trust status, it will further tribal self-determination by allowing the Tribe to exercise its jurisdiction as a sovereign tribal government to maintain and protect the land for future generations. Based on the above facts, I find that the Tribe needs this additional land for self-determination purposes,and to increase its land base to better sustain the Tribe. § 151.10(c)—Purpose for which the land will be used. The current/proposed purposes for which the land is being used are for recreational (picnic area, campground,and trails),community celebration, and forestry. There is no change of land use for the BIA to consider. §151.30(d)—Land acquired for an individual Indian,the amount of trust or restricted land already owned by or for that individual and the decree to which he needs assistance in handling his affairs. The applicant is not an individual Indian. Therefore,this regulation is not applicable to this decision. § 151.30(e)—Impact on the State and local governments'tax base A Notice of Application was sent to the State of Washington,Governor's Office of Indian Affairs("State") and Mason County, Board of Mason County Commissioners on February 23,2024. The State received its Notice on March 11,2024 and the County received its Notice on February 29, 2024. Both the State and County did not respond to the Notice of Application. On September 2, 2022,the Tribe received a Property Tax Exemption Determination from the State of Washington,Department of Revenue;therefore,the Property is tax-exempt and if the property is acquired into trust it will not have any impact on the County. § 151.10(f)—Jurisdictional problems and potential land use conflicts Jurisdictional Problems The acquisition of this subject property into trust status should not create jurisdictional problems. Before acquisition by the Tribe,this property is subject to the State's jurisdiction. After acquisition by the United States intrust for the Tribe,the Tribe will have regulatory jurisdiction over the land. It will also have civil and criminal jurisdiction to the full extent of federal law. The State and County did not respond to the Notice of Application;therefore,they did not raise any issues regarding jurisdictional problems. 4—Notice of Decision The proposed and current uses are less likely to produce/cause jurisdictional problems. Based upon what the BIA knows now,there is no basis to conclude that jurisdictional problems will arise as a result of the land's acquisition in trust status. Potential Land Use Conflicts The acquisition of the subject property into trust status should not create any potential land use conflicts especially since the Tribe does not plan on developing or changing the land use. As stated above,the State and County did not respond to the Notice of Application;therefore,they did not raise any potential land use conflicts. The proposed and current uses are less likely to produce potential land use conflicts. Based on BIA's current understanding no basis exists to conclude that jurisdictional problems or land use conflicts will arise as a result of the land's acquisition in trust status. I find that my consideration of the criterion in 25 CFR§ 151.10(f)weighs in favor of the acquisition of the subject property. §151.30(g)—Whether the BIA is equipped to discharge additional responsibilities The Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs approved the Squaxin Island Tribe's Business Lease Ordinance on August 20,2015, under the HEARTH Act. In their Ordinance,it states that Business Leases include: (1) leases for residential purposes; (2)leases for religious,educational,cultural,or other public purpose; and(3)commercial or industrial leases for hotel, retail, office, manufacturing,storage, biomass,wind and/or solar energy facilities,waste-to-energy,or other business purposes. The approval of the Business Lease Ordinance allows these types of leases without BIA approval. The programs at the Puget Sound Agency and Northwest Regional Office are capable of handling the additional responsibilities brought about by acquiring the land into trust. The principal programs affected will be Real Estate Services, Environmental Services,and Lands Titles and Records'Office. I find that the BIA is equipped to fulfill any responsibilities resulting from the acquisition of this property in trust status. §151.10(h)—Environmental compliance The Secretary shall comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA), applicable Council on Environmental Quality regulations, Department of Interior regulations and guidance,and 602 DM 2, Land Acquisitions: Hazardous Substances Determinations. An Exception Checklist for BIA Categorical Exclusions dated October 20,2023, indicates that an Environmental Assessment is not required because the applicant indicated that no development,physical alteration,or change of land use after acquisition is planned or known. Therefore, I find that approval of this acquisition falls under 516 DM 10.5(1)and is categorically excluded. Should future development occur, compliance with NEPA will be required if federal funding or a federal decision is involved. 5—Notice of Decision Historic/Endangered Species Compliance Since the applicant has no plans for further development of this property, I anticipate no impact to any historic or archaeological resources or to any threatened or endangered species that may exist on the property. Should future development occur,compliance with laws governing historic properties and species, if applicable,will be endangered sp pp required. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment(ESA)dated June 16, 2023,was performed by Kevin Quillan, LEG and John Gillaspy,LEG of ELEMENT Solutions,who found no known or suspected Recognized Environmental Conditions(RECs), historical RECs,controlled RECs, Business Environmental Risks (BERs), or other evidence of environmental liability at this property. The Phase I ESA report was received and reviewed by the Northwest Regional Environmental Scientist on October 18, 2023, and he stated that: "The report fulfills the requirements of NEPA,40 CFR§312, and the current ASTM E 1527 Standard Practice,and the property is suitable for acquisition under the U.S. Department of the Interior Manual 602 DM 2.13 A." The Phase I ESA report components was 180-days old on December 13,2023 and the Phase I ESA report expired on June 16, 2024; 12 months from date of issue. Please note: Step 13/Acceptance of Conveyance cannot be approved until the Phase I ESA has been reviewed/approved. §151.13—Title Examination A Request for a Preliminary Title Opinion was submitted to the Office of the Solicitor, Pacific Northwest Region, and a Preliminary Title Opinion was issued on May 30, 2024,which stated that all taxes and other assessments must be paid through the date of closing and this includes payment of any and all taxes applicable to"classified forest land" noted in Special Exceptions 10-18. BIA also noted that Special Exceptions 2-4,9,and 19-21 will be satisfied or removed from the title commitment before final acceptance and the final title policy is issued. The Tribe should provide affirmation that the remaining Special Exceptions(1,and 5-8)will not interfere with the Tribe's proposed use of the property. By Resolution No. 24-45 dated June 27,2024,the Tribe affirms that any remaining Special Exceptions will not interfere with the Tribe's proposed use of the property. Also,the Tribe asserts that the forest land tax classification does not trigger a tax obligation. Decision The proposed uses/purposes of the property is non-gaming and not illegal. In view of the foregoing,all applicable legal requirements have been satisfied,and I hereby approve the Tribe's fee-to-trust application for the Point Blakely Property. 6—Notice of Decision Appeal Rights This decision may be appealed by any person or entity who is adversely affected by the decision of the Regional Director.Appeals must be submitted to the Interior Board of Indian Appeals(IBIA)at the following address: Interior Board of Indian Appeals, Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Department of the Interior,801 North Quincy Street,Suite 300,Arlington,Virginia 22203.The appeals process begins when you file with the reviewing official a notice of appeal, complying with the provisions of 25 CFR§§ 2.205-2.207. Deadline for Appeal. Your notice of appeal must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of 25 CFR§2.214 within 30 days of the date you receive notice of this decision pursuant to 25 CFR§2.203. If you do not file a timely appeal,you will have failed to exhaust administrative remedies as required by 25 CFR part 2. If no appeal is timely filed,this decision will become effective at the expiration of the appeal period. Not extension of time may be granted for filing a notice of appeal. Appeal Contents and Packaging. Your notice of appeal must comply with the requirements in 25 CFR§ 2.214. It must clearly identify the decision being appealed. If possible,attach a copy of this decision letter.The notice and the envelope in which it is mailed should be clearly labeled, "Notice of Appeal." Your notice of appeal must list the names and addresses of the interested parties known to you and certify that you have sent them and this office copies of the notice by any of the mechanisms permitted for transmitting the Notice of Appeal to the BIA. Where to Send Copies of your Appeal. If the reviewing official is the IBIA, you must also send a copy of your appeal to the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs and to the Associate Solicitor, Division of Indian Affairs. If the reviewing official is the IBIA,your appeal will be governed by the IBIA's regulations,at 43 CFR part 4. Assistance. If you can establish that you are an enrolled member of a federally recognized Tribe and you are not represented by an attorney,you may,within 10 days of receipt of this decision, request assistance from this office in the preparation of your appeal.Our assistance is limited to serving your filings on the interested parties and allowing limited access to government records and other documents in the possession of this office.We cannot obtain an attorney for you or act as your attorney on the merits of the appeal. Sincerely, Digitally signed by BRYAN MERCIER Date:Date:2074.07.171433:35 -0T00' Bryan K. Mercier Northwest Regional Director Enclosure(Exhibit A) 7—Notice of Decision Distribution List of Notice of Decision State of Washington Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 1110 Capital Way South Suite 225 Olympia,Washington 98501 Certified Mail Mason County Board of Mason County Commissioners 411 North 51'Street Shelton,Washington 98584 Certified Mail 8—Notice of Decision 1 S Office o Ythe Mason County Treasurer NCp`�� A Report to the Citizens Fiscal Year 2023 Q n, Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier, Mason County Treasurer Special Points of Interest: Mission Statement: • Full Time Employees 8 To efficiently and effectively collect, report and manage all • Parcel Count 55,712 monies and debt for the County and all other junior and special purpose districts. To provide responsive, courteous • Operating Budget $913,511.00 and knowledgeable service to all our customers. Commissioner Randy Neatherlin, • Cash Et Investments 12/31 $264,761,495 Sharon Trask, Kevin Shutty. Mark Neary and McKenzie Smith About The Treasurer ' s UTTtce What do we do? • The County Treasurer acts as the "bank" for the county, school districts, fire districts, water districts, and other enti- ties of local government. • The Treasurer's office receipts, disperses, invests and accounts for the funds of these entities. • The Treasurer is also charged with the collection of various taxes that benefit a wide range of governmental entities. • The Treasurer's office makes tax adjustments authorized by the Assessor's Office or courts and issues refunds to the appropriate taxpayers. • The Treasurer's office processes, collects and distributes the real estate excise tax associated with the sale of or trans- fer of real estate. • Excess monies not currently being used by the county or various other entities of local government are invested with the emphasis of ensuring public monies are safe and secure, available when needed, and achieve the best rate of return after meeting the first two objectives. • The Treasurer's office is responsible for ensuring the debt payments of the county and other entities of local govern- ment. Why do we exist? • The Treasurer is a constitutional officer elected by the people for a four year term. This position is elected to provide independence from the legislative branch of the county (Board of Commissioners) and independence from all other vari- ous entities of local governments that have the ability to levy taxes and assessments. This provides separation of duties from the branch of government responsible for levying taxes to the branch charged with collecting tax revenue. How do we operate? • The Treasurer's Office is organized in such a manner as to property segregate duties for effective internal controls. • Tax Collection: Staff in this area are responsible for the collection of taxes, processing real estate excise tax on the sale of land, and receipting funds from various county department and entities of local government, processing adjust- ments to the tax rolls, and if required property tax refunds. • Accounting: Staff in this area are responsible for the banking, daily account reconciliation, receipt auditing and post- ing, investments, redemption of warrants (checks), transfers, remittances and monthly reporting to the county and vari- ous entities of local government. 2023 Looking Back On March 20, 2023, Columbia Bank merged with Umpqua Bank. The Treasurer's banking contract was assumed in the merger by Umpqua Bank. While there were a few glitches in the conversion process went smoothly. p 2024 Looking Forward The County starting working on an update to the chart of accounts in our financial system in 2023, with the hope that we would implement on January 1, 2024. The project continues to be a work in progress, and the Treasurer's Office will continue to work with the Auditor's Financial Department and the County Budget and Finance Depart- ment to make this process be as seamless as possible. The implementation date is tentatively January 1, 2025. OUR CUSTOMER'S Mason County Taxpayers Mason County Government Offices 33 State of Washington Multiple Agencies Cemetery Districts 1 City of Shelton 1 Metropolitan Park Districts 1 Macecom 1 Fire Districts 11 Hospital Districts 2 Library Districts 1 Port Districts 6 School Districts 9 Water Districts 5 Lake Management Districts 3 3 Your Money The county's deposits and certificates of deposit are covered by federal depository insurance (FDIC) or by col- lateral held in a multiple financial institution collateral pool administered by the Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission (PDPC). All investments are insured, registered or held by the county or its agent in the government's name. It is the county's policy to invest all temporary cash surpluses. The interest on these investments is not pro- rated. The interest or other earnings of income from funds of any municipal corporation of which the govern- ing body has not taken any action pertaining to the investment of funds and that have been invested in ac- cordance with state statues, shall be deposited in the current expense fund of the county and may be used for general county purposes. The county takes responsibility to carefully review the statutory language governing a particular revenue source to determine restrictions related to interest and other investment income. Inter- est income derived from the investment of all temporary cash surpluses and allocated into the county general fund as of December 31, 2023 was $2,358,752. The interest or other earnings of income from funds of any municipal corporation invested as directed pursu- ant to the Revised Code of Washington are prorated to the various funds. The investments are managed by the Treasurer's Office, which reports investment activity to the County Fi- nance Committee quarterly. Additionally, the County Treasurer investment activity is subject to an annual investment policy review, compliance oversight, quarterly financial review, and annual reporting. Investments are reported at original cost. Investments by type at December 31, 2023 are as follows: Type of Deposit or n- ounty s Own Deposits an nvestments e y otal. vestment deposits and in- Mason County as custodian for other vestments local governments, individuals, or private organizations Bank eposits . Certificates of DeFo—s—It Local, Government n vestment Pool US Government ecun- ties t er ota RCW 36.48.070, County Finance Committee Mason County Finance The county treasurer, the county auditor and the chair of the county Committee legislative authority, ex officio, shall constitute the county finance committee. The county treasurer shall act as the chair of the com- mittee and the county auditor as the secretary thereof. The commit- tee shall keep a full and complete record of all its proceedings, and Treasurer all records shall be kept in the office of the auditor and be open for public inspection. The committee shall approve the county invest- •Steven Duenkel, ment policy and a debt policy and shall make appropriate rules and Auditor regulations for carrying out the provisions of RCW 36.48.010 - 36.48.060, not inconsistent with law...... • Randy Neatherlin, County Commissioner • The Finance Committee meets at a minimum quarterly, or as need- ed to review county finance or debt related issues. Y Your Money TRANSACTIONS BY TYPE # OF TRANSACTIONS # OF TRANSACTIONS #OF TRANSACTIONS - IN 2021 _ IN ZOZ - ,,, .., ,_. ..IN$,OZ3 REAL PROPERTY TAX PAYMENTS 87,500 86,528 86,569 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX PAYMENTS 2,664 2,582 2,571 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX PAYMENTS 5,124 4,156 3,464 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE RECEIPTS 9,480 9,126 8,779 PROPERTY TAX ROLL CORRECTIONS 1,369 1,177 1,211 PROPERTY TAX REFUNDS 251 221 233 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT PLANS 54 43 34 CURRENT YEAR PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT PLANS 32 34 28 AUTOMATIC PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT PARCELS 1,047 1,069 1,140 Mason County Sales Tax Collected (Current Expense Fund Only) Year Budgeted Collected 2023 $8,400,000 $9,528,288 2022 $7,200,000 $9,393,874 2021 $6,250,000 $8,400,127 2020 $6,000,000 $6,883,694 2019 $5,125,000 $6,062,688 Mason County Current Expense Sales Tax Collections $12,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $810OQ000.00 ■Budgeted $6,000,000.00 ■Collected $4,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Mason County Voter Approved Sales Tax Collections Juvenile Detention 1/1Oth of 1% 2023 $1,264,028 Mental Health 1/1Oth of 1% 2023 $1,263,909 5 Your Money PROPERTY TAX CALENDAR JANUARY 1ST All taxable property is valued for taxes due. 15TH County Assessor delivers tax roll to county treasurer. FEBRUARY/MARCH Property taxes can be paid once the Treasurer has provided notification that the tax roll is complete. Property tax statements mailed by March 15th. APRIL 30TH Property Taxes are due. For payments over $50 a half payment may be made at this time. MAY 1ST Unpaid 1ST 1/2 or FULL YEAR property taxes are delinquent, interest is charged pursuant to RCW 84.56.020. JUNE 1ST 3% Penalty is charged pursuant to RCW 84.56.020 on unpaid property taxes OCTOBER 31ST 2ND 1/2 property tax payments are due. NOVEMBER 1ST Unpaid 2ND 1/2 property taxes are delinquent, interest is charged pursuant to RCW 84.56.020 DECEMBER 1ST 8% Penalty is charged pursuant to RCW 84.56.020 on unpaid property taxes. RCW 84.56.020 (5) Delinquent Tax payments: Interest, penalties................ Until December 31, 2022, the interest rate is 12 percent per annum for all nonresidential real property, resi- dential real property and personal property. Penalties on delinquent taxes under this section may not be as- sessed beginning January 1, 2022 and through December 31, 2022. Beginning January 1, 2023, the interest rates are as follows: Nine (9) percent per annum for all residential real property with four or fewer units per taxable parcel, includ- ing manufactured/mobile homes ......................for taxes levied in 2023 and after. Twelve (12) percent per annum for all other property. Beginning January 1, 2023 , the penalties are as follows: Delinquent taxes are subject to penalties on nonresidential real property, residential real property with great- er than four units per taxable parcel and personal property. A penalty of three (3) percent of the amount of tax delinquent is assessed on the delinquent tax amount on June 1 st of the year in which the tax is due. An additional penalty of eight (8) percent is assessed on the delinquent tax amount on December 1st of the year in which the tax is due. Penalties may not be assessed on residential real property with four or fewer units per taxable parcel, includ- ing manufactured/mobile homes......... 6 Your Money Mason County Property Tax Collections For Taxes Levied In 2023 Mason County Property Tax Collections by Levy Year 2023 Year $108,117,566 2022 Year $105,766,482 2021 Year $ 98,206,959 2020 Year $ 98,433,430 2019 Year $ 84,449,212 2018 Year $ 91,164,197 Taxes in Dollars Collected by Levy Year S 1zo,000,000_oo $100,000,000_00 $80.000,000.00 $60,000,000_00 W Taxes Billed m Taxes Collected $40,000 000.00 $20,000,000.00 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2023 Property Tax Collections Grouped b f Fund PERCENTAGE OF FUND TYPE IN DOLLARS TOTAL TAXES COLLECTED State of Washington $ 31,360,893.74 29.01% Local School Districts $ 25,183,325.81 23.29% Mason County Current Expense $ 10,214,776.84 9.45% Mason County Road District $ 11,222,290.90 10.38% Mental Health Fund $ 219,048.37 0.20% Veteran's Relief Fund $ 139,312.61 0.13% Masan County Fire Districts $ 18,348,914.77 16.97% Mason County Hospital Districts $ 2,796,522.62 2.59% Timberland Regional Library $ 2,923,599.10 2.70% City of Shelton $ 3,315,778.74 3.07% Mason County Port Districts $ 1,404,492.39 1.30% Mason County Cemetery District 1 $ 23,712.64 0.02% Miscellaneous Assessments $ 964,927.15 .89% 2023 Property Tax Collections $108,117,565.68 100% 2023 Property Taxes Billed $110,706,107.94 97.66% 7 Your Money 2023 Property Tax Collections GroJe 5 ld Port Districts Ceme District#1 City of Shelton Regional Library Hospital District#1, Veterans Assistance�r Fund County Mental Local Schools Health rent Mason County Delinquent Tax Collections _l Delinquent Property Taxes Collected by Year In 2023 $2,500.000.00 --------------- ---- -- $2,000,000.00 -- ------------------- --------_ -- $1,500,0oo.00 ---------_..-------- ---- $ -- ------------------------------------- $500,00o.00 --- ------- ------------------- i s 2019 &Prior 2022 2021 2020 Years 10 Delinquent Taxes Outstanding 1/1 $2,236,506.22 $B01,952.31 $374,937.40 $288,642.88 ■Taxes Collected as of 12/31 $1,294,256.84 $379,246.50 $310,028.97 $25,940.13 ■ Balance Outstanding 12/31 $896,835.33 $354,057.91 $24,220.35 $259,882.93 8 WAC 458-61A-100 Real estate excise tax— Your Money (1) Introduction.Chapter 8245 RCW imposes an excise tax on every sale of real estate in the state of Washington.All sales of real property in this state are subject to the real es- tate excise tax unless specifically exempted by chapter 8245 RCW and these rules. Mason County Real Estate Excise Tax Collections Mason County Real Estate Excise Tax Transactions 2023 $ 11,264,689 2023 3464 2022 $ 13,902,311 2022 4156 2021 $ 16,459,738 2021 5108 2020 $ 11,161,145 2020 5220 2019 $ 9,457,153 2019 4489 Real Estate Excise Tax Collections By $20,000,000.00 Year - - - - $15,000,000.00 i---- $10,000,000.00 ---- — - $5,000,000.00 ---- 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2023 Excise Collections by Type Fund In Dollars Percentage of Total Collected State of Washington $ 7,805,279.03 69.29% City of Shelton (.25%) $ 155,870.58 1.38% City of Shelton (.25%) $ 155,870.58 1.38% Mason County REET 1 (.25%) $ 1,491,709.35 13.24% Mason County REET 2 (25%) $ 1,491,709.35 13.24% Treasurer's Administration Fee $ 136,092.26 1.21% Treasurer's REET Collection Fee $ 7,335.70 .07% State Technology Fee $ 8,597.50 .08% Local Technology Fee $ 8,597.50 .08% Delinquent Interest Collections $ 3,627.29 .03% 2023 Real Estate Excise Tax Collected $ 11,264,689.14 100% 9 Your Money Are there Property Tax Exemptions Available? If you are a senior citizen or if you are disabled, Washington State has a program that may help you to pay your property taxes and/or special assessments. To qualify you must meet the following criteria: At least 61 years of age and/or be unable to work because of a disability or a disabled veteran with a service con- nected evaluation of at least 80%or receiving compensation from the United States Department of Veteran Affairs at the 100% rate for a service connected disability. You must own your home in Washington State by the year before the taxes are to be exempted are due. This must be your principal residence for more than nine months in a calendar year. Your annual household disposable income may not exceed the Income Level Threshold 3. For threshold levels go to dor.wa.gov/incomethresholds For more information go to http://www.dor.wa.gov/docs/pubs/prop tax/seniorexempt.pdf or contact the Mason County Assessor's Office at 360-427-9670, Ext.491 2023 Mason County Income Level $30,000 or Less $30,001 - $35,000 $35,001 - $40,000 Total Number of Participants 1,825 343 308 2,476 Tax Savings of Participants $1,625,359 $342,138 $290,954 $2,258,450 Who Determines the amount of my property tax bill? Two things determine the amount of a Property tax bill: the property's assessed value and the tax rates of the tax- ing jurisdictions in which the property is located. The tax rate is determined by the amount of tax levy to be raised from all, or part, of a taxing district and the district's taxable assessed value. The assessment is determined by the assessor and is based on the market value of the property less any applicable property tax exemptions. Each year after the total assessed value is set, the assessor calculates tax rates based on taxing districts budget requests which are regulated by statutory limits. Each taxing district in the county sends its approved budget to the assessor. The assessor uses the budget request and the total value of all taxable properties in the district to calcu- late a tax rate. The rate is expressed in dollars per each thousand dollars of property value. The tax rate of each district is com- bined with the rates of other districts to get the total rate. From this the treasurer can easily determine the total tax you owe for support of schools, special service districts, and local governments. What If I disagree with my taxes? The assessor's office values thousands of properties each year. A Change of Value Notice is sent to you when the assessed value of your property changes. Taking into account that those values are the basis for a tax, it is not un- common for questions to arise. If you disagree with the county assessor's valuation of your property, you have the right to appeal. Contact the assessor's office and speak with an appraiser to review the valuation of your property at any time. Property owners can often settle disagreements at this level without filing a formal appeal. You can contact the Mason County Assessor's Office at 360-427-9670, Ext 491. If you are still not satisfied, you may file a written appeal with the Mason County Board of Equalization. The Board of Equalization (BOE) is a separate entity, independent of the assessor's office. For more information on appealing your taxes go to http://www.co.mason.wa.us/equalization/useful-form- instructions.php or contact the Mason County Board of Equalization at 360-427-9670, Ext. 397. 10 We Value Your Feedback/Contact Us Did you find this report informative? , Would you like to see other information included in this report? Please let us know by contacting the Mason County Treasurer's Office: Mason County Treasurer's Office 411 N 5th St, Building 1 PO Box 429 Treasurer's Office Business Shelton, WA 98584-0429 Hours Shelton 360-427-9670, 475 Monday—Friday Belfair 360-275-4467, 475 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Drive Up Property Tax Payment Drop Box located in the alley adjacent to Mason County Building 1 I Did you know you can look up property taxes and parcel information and pay your property taxes on line? "payments made on line are subject to a convenience fee" " Visit us on the web at: s �a`�5011 COS https://www.paydici.com/mason-co-treasurer-wa/search/ rya Qy tij,, landing 2 O v f Or W E www.masoncountywa.gov/Treasurer K ya m� 'CA o On Line Services Pay Property Taxes Online s or Property/Parcel Information 50N coU� NEWS RELEASE AUGUST 13, 2024 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE _ 411 N 5TH ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON,WA 98584 1854 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advisory Panel Membership Openings Mason County is looking for volunteers to join the Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advisory Panel (TIP-CAP). This panel will assess the county's transportation needs and propose an improvement plan to the Board of Mason County Commissioners. The role involves a two-year commitment with one evening meeting per month, each lasting about two hours. The Board will use the TIP-CAP's plan to guide road construction and other transportation projects over the next six years. All interested citizens are encouraged to apply to help create a diverse team representing the broad population of Mason County For more details, contact the Public Works Department 427-9670, ext. 450. To apply, reach out to the Mason County Commissioners office at 427-9670, ext. 419 or visit www.masoncountywa.gov. Applications are accepted until positions are filled. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Chair Vice Chair Commissioner 50N coU� NEWS RELEASE AUGUST 13, 2024 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE _ 411 N 5TH ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON,WA 98584 1854 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Membership Openings Mason County is looking for volunteers to join the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). This committee reviews and advises on solid waste and special waste management, including disposal rates, options, waste reduction, recycling, hazardous waste, and composting. SWAC consist of at least nine members representing various interests, such as citizens, public groups,businesses, the solid waste industry, and local officials. Currently, representatives are needed for Commissioner Districts 1 and 2. Members serve a 3-year term, with monthly meetings. For more details, contact Richard Dickinson at 427-9670, ext. 652. To apply, reach out to the Mason County Commissioners office at 427-9670, ext. 419 or visit www.masoncountywa.gov. Applications are accepted until positions are filled. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Chair Vice Chair Commissioner 4w CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION AWARDED TO Neil Jones In appreciation and in special recognition for volunteering your time to keep Mason County's Union Park presentable and safe for the benefit of the community. Given this 13th Day of August, 2024 Under the hand and official seal of the Board of Mason County Commissioners Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask Commissioner- District 1 Commissioner- District 2 Commissioner- District 3 �, BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of July 1,2024 Monday,July 1,2024 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in executive session for potential litigation via Zoom from 9:00 a.m.to 9:20 a.m. Michael Dorcy,Tim Whitehead,and Nichole Wilston else were also in attendance. 9:30 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation via Zoom from 10:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston, Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:30 A.M. Sheriff's Office—Chief Kevin Hanson Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Chief Hanson shared the Summit Food Services contract renewal for a 5.2%increase for inmate food services. Approved to move forward. • Chief Hanson discussed the Overwatch medical monitoring device that will monitor critical health functions for inmates who need close health monitoring. Risk Pool offered to pay the initial investment of$15,813.72. Annual subscription fees are$8,250 and may be covered by Risk Pool's risk reduction program if funds are available. Approved to move forward. 10:35 A.M. Public Health—David Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • David shared the Public Health Infrastructure Grant(PHIG)in the amount of$200,000. Public Health negotiated its use for improvements to the building and employee workspaces as well as the addition of an additional help Clerical position. Approved to move forward. • David shared that the intent to apply for jail reentry was approved and the County can anticipate about$2.25 million coming for that program. • Melissa Casey discussed the Olympic Health&Recovery Services(OHRS)Treatment Sales Tax contract amendments for co-responder services for an additional$65,100 and to extend the contract to December 31,2024 and for jail peer services for an additional$19,000 and to extend the contract to December 31,2024. Approved to move forward. • Melissa shared the OHRS Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion(LEAD)Program expansion in the amount of$497,814 and to extend the contract to June 30,2025. Approved to move forward. 10:40 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Richard Dickinson discussed the contract with Bear Creek Asphalting Paving,LLC for the removal and replacement of the Eells Hill Transfer Station tipping floor in the amount of $38,236.67. Approved to move forward. • Richard requested the purchase of a new skid steer and necessary implements for the Solid Waste Department from Pape Machinery off of NJPA(Sourcewell)joint cooperative purchasing contract in the amount of$137,206.43. Approved to move forward. • Richard shared the Commerce Grant award for regional water and sewer utility upgrades;the net grant award will be$242,500. The scope of work for this grant includes allocating Page I 1 $192,500 to the North Bay Facility Plan and$50,000 to the Beard's Cove water system improvements. Approved to move forward. • Richard also shared the Commerce Grant award for the water valve-pipeline,intersection replacement project;the net grant award will be$99,910. This will be used for the intersection of Larson Lake Road and Larson Boulevard which has experienced recurring pipeline and valve failures,significantly impacting both the water distribution system and necessitating road repairs. Approved to move forward. 10:50 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • John Taylor requested to extend the Foothills Park&Friends of Foothills Dog Park Agreement an additional two(2)years and support their updated title. Approved to move forward. • Diane Zoren requested to add the Revize website redesign contract to the next day's agenda. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr. Shutty requested a proclamation to recognize CJ Allen's remarkable achievements and his participation in the 2024 Olympic Games. Approved to move forward. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 12 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of July 8,2024 Monday,July 8,2024 9:15 A.M. State Auditor's Office Entrance—Tammy Lane Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Tammy,Audit Lead,and Miranda Shales,Audit Supervisor,provided an overview and PowerPoint presentation regarding the upcoming State Auditor's audit. 9:30 A.M. Community Action Council of Lewis,Mason&Thurston—Justin DeFour Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Justin,Chief Executive Officer,introduced himself and shared his plans for Community Action Council(CAC). Cmmr.Trask voiced concerns about the current mission statement and bylaws of CAC. 9:45 A.M. Sheriff's Office—Chief Hanson Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Chief Hansen provided an overview of the new inmate phone system and grievance tracker. 10:00 A.M. Community Development—Kell Rowen Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Todd Cunningham requested to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,August 13,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to consider the proposal to amend the Mason County Building Permit Fee schedule, which has not been restructured since 2018. Fees are mandated and adopted by the State. Cmmr.Trask requested information on fees from Greys Harbor. Approved to move forward. • Kell gave a quarterly update on SmartGov permitting software, appointment system(for permit submittals),average permit turn-around times,and the scanning project. • Kell stated that a Code Enforcement position will be posted this week. 10:15 A.M. Public Health—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Dave discussed the Reentry Demonstration Initiative(Reentry Initiative),which is a new Apple Health(Medicaid)initiative under the Medicaid Transformation Project(MTP),that provides essential,pre-release services for individuals leaving incarceration. Approved to move forward. • Dave shared that Mason County has the opportunity to apply to participate in the Kroger Opioid Settlement. Approved to move forward. • Dave shared the list of opioid remediation uses. Mark added that the City of Shelton combined its funding with the County. • Dave requested to purchase a mobile outreach unit for the estimated cost of up to$300,000. Approved to move forward. • Melissa Casey shared the amendment to the Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG)and subcontracts with$484,480 awarded to Crossroads Housing, $7,131 awarded to Quixote Communities and$458,035 awarded to Shelton Family Center to allocate additional funds to maintain current levels of homeless subsidies and services. Approved to move forward. • Dave shared that he will be on vacation the week of July 15 and Melissa has signature authority during that time. • Dave explained that work on the new public health building is moving forward,and they will be able to occupy the building soon. They are currently researching electronic health record programs,and when decided this will be taken to the IT Steering Committee for approval. Page I 1 10:30 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Loretta discussed an additional Road Improvement District RID)on E Rasor Road and Alderwood Road. Mike Collins will have additional information for the Commissioners by the end of this week. • Mike provided an update on road patching throughout the County. • Loretta recently met with partners regarding the Skokomish Restoration Project. Mason Conservation District has a grant to complete this work. She has drafted a letter for the Commissioners to review and she will provide that after this meeting. • Loretta provided a status report for the Commerce grant with the City of Bremerton to evaluate the possibility of expanding the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility and for Bremerton to connect. Another meeting is scheduled for Wednesday to discuss the scope of work. 10:45 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • John Taylor shared the Reallocated Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG) contract E25-042 for the performance period of January 1,2024 through September 30,2024, increasing the 2024 budget revenue for Emergency Management for the grant amount of $51,120,which has been reallocated to fund to the CERT program and fund equipment to support the MCSO Mobile Incident Command Post communications project. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr.Trask provided a letter from Sierra Pacific Industries recommending Cmmr. Shutty serve on the PacMtn Workforce Development Council Board. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr. Shutty and Cmmr.Neatherlin shared that they may attend the Mason County Fire Commission meeting. Respectfully submitted, Cami Olson, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 12 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of July 15,2024 Monday,July 15,2024 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in executive session for potential litigation from 9:00 a.m.to 9:15 a.m. Mark Neary,Tim Whitehead,and Nichole Wilston were also in attendance. 9:15 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:15 a.m.to 10:15 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:15 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)Performance of a Public Employee Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in executive session for performance of a public employee from 10:15 a.m.to 10:45 a.m. Mark Neary was also in attendance. 10:45 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Loretta Swanson stated that the Transportation Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Panel (TIP-CAP)met at North Mason voice and there were approximately 30 attendees. • Loretta provided an update on the Commerce Grant for the Bremerton-Mason County Sewer Expansion Project. An outline of tasks and timelines were shared. Commerce needs all agreements executed by year end. 10:50 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Jennifer Beierle shared the American Rescue Plan Act contract amendment with North Mason Fire District.Approved to move forward. • Jennifer Beierle presented the June 2024 Financial Report. Current Expense revenues $23,936,238 at 54%;Treasurer receipts$16,828,420 at 58%;and Current Expense expenditures$22,787,445 at 43%. Six-year specific revenue streams: Community Development$1,610,349;Detention and Correction$8,114;Current Expense property tax $6,098,619;Road Diversion property tax$627,821;County Road property tax$6,122,091; Current Expense sales tax$4,552,191;Criminal Justice tax$994,241;Rural Sales and Use $552,409;Homelessness prevention filings$272,244;Lodging tax$455,332;and Real Estate Excise Tax(REET) 1 and 2$745,574 each. Total collected revenue$4,552,190.98;revenue budgeted$9.2 million;and projected end of year revenue$9,668,437.98. Current Expense cash$29,027,897. Special Fund cash$66,241,602. Motor Pool expenditure$746,744 at 38.58%. Special and Other Funds revenue$32,630,057 at 51%and Special and Other Funds expenditure$23,712,884 at 32%. Total County debt at end of May$15,699,425. Remaining County debt capacity as of May 27,2024$203,161,663. • Jennifer presented the sub-recipient amendment with Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties to extend the Public Services Washington State Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)contract for an additional year to June 30,2025,for a total award of$103,000,for a total not to exceed$308,000. Approved to move forward. Tuesday,July 16,2024 Page I 1 10:00 A.M. Commissioner's Office Reorganization Workshop Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance. • Mary Ransier presented a synopsis of the feedback received from Commissioners and staff. MACECOM would not be a viable option for the Department of Emergency Management (DEM),the Sheriff s Office may be another option. IT needs a manager and additional staff. Facilities could use an administrative position. The County Administrator needs an Executive Assistant position. Cmmr.Neatherlin suggested a working manager for Parks and Trails and IT as well as an additional staff person. Cmmr. Shutty shared concerns around the Union if DEM is moved and suggested housing DEM under the County Administrator until more discussion can be had with MACECOM. Cmmr.Trask suggested converting the Central Services Manager position to an Administrative Services Manager. The Budget Manager should report directly to the County Administrator. Diane added that Parks and Trails needs an additional staff person,and the extra help budget could remain at$30,000. Mark shared the benefits of an Executive Assistant position. Cmmr. Shutty suggested a combined Facilities and Parks and Trails manager. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 12 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of July 22,2024 Monday,July 22,2024 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:00 a.m.to 10:30 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:30 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Mike Collins shared the Private Line Occupancy(PLO)permit application from Jeffrey Sweeny for a proposed waterline underneath North Shore Road. Approved to move forward. • Mike shared the PLO permit application from Ken and Tina Slater for a proposed residential septic transport and waterline underneath Island Lake Drive. Approved to move forward. • Mike shared the PLO permit application from Robert Flath c/o Prime Location and Situations, LLC for a proposed residential underground water line to cross E Mason Lake Road to provide water distribution to a two-party well on two separate parcels. Approved to move forward. • Mike shared the Franchise Agreement application for Pleasant Cove Water Association for Public Works to construct,operate,and maintain the water system along North Shore Road and Elfendahl Pass Road. A Public Hearing would be set for Tuesday,August 27, 2024 at 9:15 a.m. Approved to move forward. • Mike shared the application for reappointment to the Transportation Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Panel(TIP-CAP)from Philip Wolff. Approved to move forward. • Loretta discussed the temporary closure of the Eells Hill Transfer Station for the tipping floor project from July 26—28,2024. 10:45 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • McKenzie Smith shared the 2025 MasonWebTV contract for continued streaming services. The recommended budget is$20,000. Approved to move forward. • John Taylor requested a Certificate of Appreciation be presented to Neil Jones who volunteers to help upkeep Union Park. Approved to move forward. • John discussed the replacement and repair of the existing float system at Latimer's Landing and to replace the asphalt for the area surrounding the boat ramp and parking lot. The estimate to replace floats is$220,000. Approved to move forward. • Jennifer Beierle shared American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)updates for remaining projects: Beards Cove AC mainline replacement,Belfair sewer Log Yard Road and Romance Hill extension design,Sheriff's Office command vehicle upfit,and Community Development records archival imaging. • Mary Ransier provided labor status updates. Two contracts were successfully done early. There is one remaining contract to negotiate in 2024 for Woodworkers Corrections. • Mary shared the NEOGOV Learn module that will allow for additional staff training and track certifications for a total cost of$95,310. Approved to move forward. • Mary requested to create an Executive Assistant position in Central Services to be assigned to the County Administrator. Approved to move forward. • Mark provided updates on Building 10—District Court and requested to go out to bid for the Phase 2 remodel. Page I 1 Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 12 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of July 29,2024 Monday,July 29,2024 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in executive session for labor negotiation from 10:00 a.m.to 10:30 a.m. Mark Neary,Michael Dorcy,and Tim Whitehead were also in attendance. 10:30 A.M. Auditor's Office—Steve Duenkel Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Steve shared additional information regarding the Fiscal Year 2025 Information Security Fund application to the Office of the Secretary of State. 10:35 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Mike Collins shared the supplemental agreement with Sargent Engineers for on-call structural engineering for the additional amount of$50,000. Approved to move forward. • Mike discussed the E Rasor Road and E Alderwood preliminary Road Improvement District (RID)boundaries. Two options were discussed,Commissioners shared their preference for Option 1. • Loretta shared the excessive water consumption warning letter for individuals that have had a significant increase in water consumption. • Cmmr.Neatherlin shared a reminder that the Public Hearing for Road Improvement District no.2024-01 for Shetland Road is Tuesday,August 13,2024 at 9:15 a.m. 10:50 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Jennifer Beierle reviewed the 2025 preliminary budget for Commissioners department fund no.080. • Jennifer shared the revised 2025 Motor Pool Rates and requested to order a Ford Explorer for Juvenile Probation. Approved to move forward. • John Taylor shared the cross jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)with Thurston County Emergency Management regarding alerts,warnings,and notifications sent through Federal Emergency Management Agency's(FEMA)Integrated Public Alert and Warning System(IPAWS). Approved to move forward. • Mark discussed the MOU with the Engineer's Guild to create a Senior Systems Administrator position in IT. Approved to move forward. • Cmmr.Trask shared the nomination letter from Satsop Business Park recommending Stacie Vaughan to serve on Pacific Mountain(PacMtn)Workforce Development Council(WDC). PacMtn recommends the endorsement. Approved to move forward. • Mark discussed the Department of Agriculture Emergency Food Response Network Grant for just over$27k that would allow for pass through funds to food banks for food resources. Page I 1 Dave Windom added that this would allow the County to purchase or contract with another entity to purchase food. Approved to move forward. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 12 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of August 5,2024 Monday,August 5,2024 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Christopher Pinkston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:00 A.M. Public Health—David Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Ian Tracy shared that the Board of Health approved the reappointment of Keith Fuller to the On-Site Sewage Advisory Committee(OSAC)to serve an additional three years at the July 23,2024 meeting. • Ian discussed the new online permit type for residential septic systems through SmartGov. • Ian shared the new food establishment type for street vending. Street Vending Food Establishments(SVFE)will receive a minimum of two inspections per year. This permit type will allow a low-cost path to starting a food business. • Melissa Casey discussed the Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG)amendment of$110,000 awarded to Shelton Family Center. Approved to move forward. • David shared that he attended Representative Kilmer's symposium in Shelton which looked at homelessness and solutions. Dave will assist with writing language for the RCW defining what constitutes a vulnerable adult. This will be submitted to the House of Representatives in early fall to get on the legislative agenda for early November. • David provided updates around Public Health moving into the new building. 10:15 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Mike Collins requested to advertise,set bid opening dates and times,and award contracts for paint line,asphalt emulsion,and manufacturing and stockpiling of chip seal aggregate for 2025. Approved to move forward. • Mike discussed on-call consultant services for cultural resources,structural engineering, geotechnical,and materials testing services for the 2025-2026 calendar years. The maximum expenditure for each service agreement shall not exceed$200,000 in a calendar year. Approved to move forward. • Mark shared County Road Closure for Little Egypt Road for the North Fork Goldsborough pile cap replacement project at milepost 0.33. Approved to move forward. • Loretta discussed the news releases for Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advisory Panel(TIP-CAP)and Solid Waste Advisory Committee membership openings. Approved to move forward. • Loretta shared the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) disaster 4775-DR-WA Severe Winter Storms designation for primary and alternate applicant agents. Approved to move forward. • Loretta shared the letter to the Department of Ecology and United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)regarding Mason County,the Skokomish Tribe,and Mason Conservation District's notice of intent to cease most property right acquisitions under the Floodplains by Design grant award. • Mike provided updates for the Road Improvement District(RID)no.2024-01 for Shetland Road Public Hearing set for Tuesday,August 13,2024 at 9:15 a.m. The following topics Page I 1 were discussed: district formation;cost estimates,assessment method,and funding sources; public input;compliance with statutes and legal review;project timeline schedule;and community impact and environmental considerations. 10:35 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • McKenzie Smith requested to rescind the approval of Douglas and Kelly Palmer's 2023 Open Space Application. This application was originally approved during a Public Hearing on Tuesday,July 16,2024. However,the application fee was not paid and Mr.and Mrs.Palmer decided to rescind their application. Approved to move forward. • McKenzie provided an update on Public Records Requests(PRRs)for the first half of 2024. 388 requests have been submitted and staff has spent an estimated total of 328 hours fulfilling these requests. Tuesday,August 6,2024 9:00 A.M. Commissioner's Office Reorganization Workshop Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty,and Trask were in attendance. • Mary shared a recommended organizational chart that shows the conversion of Department of Emergency Management(DEM)Manager and addition of a Parks and Trails Manager,IT Manager,and Executive Assistant positions;the 2025 budget impact;and Full-Time Employee(FTE)count for 2018 through the proposed 2025 budget. The management positions will be high level,strategic positions. Mark shared examples of staff working on day-to-day operations versus high level operations and projects allowing the County Administrator to work at a higher level. The 2025 budget impact for the three additional positions would be$369,991;the removal of the lead pay positions and Central Services Manager position would save$148,851;for a total cost of$221,140. Mark added that more planning needs to be done for the future,management positions would allow for this. The Commissioners shared their support for adding the Parks and Trails Manager,IT Manager, and the conversion of the DEM Manager. Cmmr. Shutty included that Central Services serves and supports the entire County. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 12 Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 51h St, Shelton, WA 98584 July 2, 2024 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance—Kelly Frazier led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call—Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 —Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2—Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Sharon Trask. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: special occasion liquor license for the Port of Allyn Waterfront Park, liquor license approval for Spencer Lake Grocery,discontinued liquor license for Westside Pizza in Belfair,and notice of cannabis license application for Royal Kingdom Garden,LLC. 4.1.2 Randy Lewis sent in an application for the Planning Advisory Commission(PAC). 4.1.3 Department of Energy sent in notice for individuals interested in the Shelton-Fairmount transmission line rebuild and fiber optic system replacement project. 4.1.4 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent in notice regarding the Cushman Hydroelectric Project recreational use monitoring report. 4.1.5 Central Mason Fire&EMS sent in an announcement of the merger of Mason County Fire District no. 3 into Central Mason Fire&EMS. 4.1.6 Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency sent in notice of contribution for the calendar year 2025. 4.1.7 United States Bankruptcy Court District of New Jersey sent in notice of additional closing stores for Rite Aid Corporation. 4.1.8 Department of Natural Resources sent holdover notification for aquatic lands lease no.20- 010218. 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Colleen Carmichael,Homeless Taskforce Provider representative,commented on the 2022 FCS Group Housing Needs Assessment. One recommendation from the FCS Group was to follow Bremerton Housing Authority's method to formally appeal the current Housing and Urban Development(HUD)calculated income limits for determining housing voucher eligibility levels. The Taskforce requested American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)funds to pay for a study for this,the request was denied. Cmmr.Neatherlin recently made a public statement about a voluntary exile diversion program. There is research that demonstrates that providing affordable housing and voluntary services is more cost effective than outdated approaches including criminalization. Evidence-based practices and solutions should be offered. Maria Agave, Shelton,shared her disappointment in the cancellation of the Shetland Road,Road Improvement District public hearing. The County Road system needs to be improved to a paved road for numerous safety reasons. Loretta Swanson,Public Works Director,clarified that the public hearing was noticed incorrectly. Individual mailings were not sent out. Sally Sheetz, Shelton,also shared her disappointment in Public Works failing to follow the proper procedure. Cmmr. Shutty shared that the County is fully at fault for not sending out the proper notices. The Commissioners are in support of this Road Improvement District. 6. Adoption of Agenda Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published with the removal of item 10.1 and amend the agenda to include public comment before approval of minutes. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the April 22,May 13,and May 20,2024 Briefing Minutes;April 23,2024 Regular Minutes; and May 16,2024 Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 8. Approval of Action Agenda 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8105686-8105978 $1,730,088.72 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 107429-107845 $ 911,585.31 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008208-7008235 $ 617,178.44 8.2 Approval of the Washington State Department of Corrections(DOC)Inmate Housing contract amendment to allow for the billing of the first and last day of incarceration. 8.3 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,July 30,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to consider revisions to the 2017 Planning Program fee schedule. 8.4 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,July 30,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to consider increasing the height limit in the Airport Industrial Zone within the Shelton Urban Growth Area(UGA). 8.5 Approval of the Clean Water District(CWD)advisory committee by-laws. 8.6 Approval to accept the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and grant the vacation of the right-of-way as petitioned, subject to the conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law,and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner for Road Vacation no. 417. 8.7 Approval to accept the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and grant the vacation of the right-of-way as petitioned, subject to the conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law,and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner for Road Vacation no. 418. 8.8 Approval of the Environmental Health Supervisor position placed at Range 33 on the Non- Represented Salary Schedule. 8.9 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the work order with TKE to replace the power unit,rupture valve,and shutoff valve for the Jail elevator in the amount of$58,287.64. 8.10 Approval to appoint Cheryl Williams to the Board of Equalization(BOE)as a regular member to fill a three-year term expiring May 31,2027. 8.11 Approval to appoint Randy Lewis to the Planning Advisory Commission(PAC)for a four-year term expiring July 2,2028. 8.12 Approval of the contract with Revize for the County website redesign project in the amount of $89,400 with an ongoing yearly cost of$12,700. 8.13 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,August 13, 2024 at 9:15 a.m. to consider the surplus of tax parcel no. 32005-31-660070. 8.14 Approval to extend the Phillips Lake County Park agreement with Jean Ennis for an additional year commencing on August 1, 2024. Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.14 with the removal of 8.8 for separate discussion and vote. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T- aye. 21July 2 , 2024 Commission Minutes Item 8.8 died for lack of motion. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) Steve Duenkel,Auditor, shared he is working with Leo Kim,Chief Financial Officer,to send out notice for 2025 preliminary budget requests. Randy Collins,Fire Marshal,advised,in accordance with the policy adopted in 2022 to follow the National Fire Danger Rating System,to implement burn restrictions effective July 4,2024 at 12:01 a.m. The fire danger level would go from low to moderate. Any land clearing,burning, residential burning will no longer be permitted. 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 10.1 Public Hearing to consider the proposed formation of a Road Improvement District(RID)no. 2024-01 to improve Shetland Road and become part of the County Road System. Staff.Mike Collins The Public Hearing was removed. 11. Board's Calendar and Reports—The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:34 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty,Vice-Chair Sharon Trask, Commissioner 31July 2 , 2024 Commission Minutes Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 51h St, Shelton, WA 98584 July 16, 2024 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance—Kell Rowen led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call—Present: Commissioner District 1 —Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2— Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Sharon Trask. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 United State Bankruptcy Court sent in notice that Rite Aid entered an amended final order authorizing and approving the conduct of store sales,with such sales to be free and clear of liens,claims,and encumbrances. 4.1.2 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: special occasion application for White Barn Home&Garden,Harstine Island Women's Club, South of the Sound Community Farm Land Trust,and Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group; and cannabis discontinuation notice for Brand Management,Inc. 4.1.3 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent in notice for Cushman Hydroelectric Project extension of time request to file documentation of public access to Dry Creek Trail and a revised recreation plan. 4.1.4 United State Bankruptcy Court sent in notice for Rite Aid to approve store closing sales, with such sales to be free and clear of all liens,claims,and encumbrances. 4.1.5 Astound Broadband sent notice of rate adjustments. 4.1.6 Century Link sent notice for the Mason County Department of Emergency Management's account regarding the plan to grandfather intrastate private line DS-1 and DS-3 services. 4.1.7 Economic Development Council of Mason County sent in the 2024 Quarter 2 report. 4.2 Cmmr.Neatherlin read the CJ Allen Day proclamation. 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input No citizen input. 6. Adoption of Agenda Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the May 21 and June 4,2024 Regular Meeting Minutes;June 17,2024 Special Meeting Minutes; and June 3 and June 10,2024 Briefing Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 8. Approval of Action Agenda 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#8105282-8105685 $2,968,225.61 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 107013-107428 $ 923,560.06 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008172-7008207 $1,216,248.76 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 465,434.78 8.2 Approval of the Summit Food Services amendment no. 4 for inmate food services for an increased rate of 5.2%and to extend the contract to February 1,2025. 8.3 Approval of funding for the Overwatch Medical Monitoring Device annual subscription fees. 8.4 Approval of the Olympic Health&Recovery Services(OHRS)Treatment Sales Tax contract amendments for co-responder services for an additional$65,100 and to extend the contract to December 31,2024 and for jail peer services for an additional$19,000 and to extend the contract to December 31,2024. 8.5 Approval of the Olympic Health&Recovery Services Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)contract expansion in the amount of$497,814 and to extend the contract to June 30, 2025. 8.6 Approval for Public Works to enter into contract with Bear Creek Asphalting Paving,LLC for the removal and replacement of the Eells Hill Transfer Station tipping floor in the amount of $38,236.67. 8.7 Approval to purchase a new skid steer and necessary implements for the Solid Waste Department from Pap6 Machinery off of the National Joint Powers Alliance(NJPA) (Sourcewell)joint cooperative purchasing contract. 8.8 Approval for the Chair and/or Public Works Director to execute all related documents for the Commerce Grant award for regional water and sewer upgrades allocating$192,500 to the North Bay Facility Plan and$50,000 to the Beard's Cove water system improvements. 8.9 Approval for the Chair and/or Public Works Director to execute all related documents for the Commerce Grant award for water valve-pipeline,intersection replacement project allocating $99,910 to the Beard's Cove intersection improvement at Larsen and Larsen Lake Boulevard. 8.10 Approval to extend the Foothills Park&Friends of Foothills Dog Park Agreement an additional two(2)years and support their updated title. 8.11 Approval of the Environmental Health Supervisor position at Range 33 on the Non-Represented Salary Schedule. 8.12 Approval to nominate Kevin Shutty to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors for a 3-year term expiring July 16,2027. 8.13 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,August 13,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to consider amendments to the Mason County Code relating to current building permit fee schedules. 8.14 Approval of the Washington State Healthcare Authority interagency agreement for the Reentry Demonstration Initiative Project for the maximum amount of$2.25 million expiring July 31, 2028. 8.15 Approval for the Commission point of contact,Commissioner Shutty,to sign the Kroger Opioid Settlement. 8.16 Approval of the Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG)contract amendments with Crossroads Housing for$484,480; Shelton Family Center for$458,035; and Quixote Communities for $7,131. 8.17 Approval of the Washington State Military Department FY22 Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG)no. E25-042 for$51,120 expiring September 30,2024. Cmmr. Shutty asked to remove item 8.12 for a separate vote. Cmmr.Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.17 with the removal of item 8.12 for separate vote. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. Item 8.12 Cmmr.Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to nominate Kevin Shutty as a private citizen to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors for a 3-year term expiring 21July 16 , 2024 Commission Minutes July 16,2027. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-abstained; T-aye. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) Jennifer Beierle introduced Jamie Kuryllo,Grant Writer. Jamie provided a brief introduction about her experience as a grant writer and is pleased to work in Mason County. Mark added that Jennifer and Jamie will be meeting with all the department heads to discuss grant needs in the near future. Loretta Swanson,Public Works,provided a public service reminder that road crews are working on projects throughout the County,and asked the public to be mindful of construction crews and maintaining safety in work zones. 10. 9:25 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting restrictions are in place. 10.1 Public Hearing to consider the ten(10)2023 Open Space applications as recommended by the County Assessor and Community Development. Staff. Diane Zoren Diane explained that the Open Space Taxation Act,enacted in 1970,allows property owners to apply to have their open space,farm and agricultural,and timberlands valued at their current use rather than their highest or best use. Ten applications were received for 2023 and have been coordinated with the Assessor's Office and Community Development. These applications are now before the Commissioners for consideration of approval for reduced tax rates beginning in 2025. Cmmr.Neatherlin opened the hearing up for public comment. Tom Nelson,resident of Lacey,WA,explained that he owns property in the Skookum Creek Drainage Area in Mason County,and through the assistance of Ciara Stiles,Assessor's Office, he was able to apply for open space designation. Mr.Nelson explained that they own 11 acres, which was purchased 20 years ago,and is used by family and friends for recreational purposes and to enjoy nature. This has been a very valuable property educationally for middle school students as well as University of Washington Master's Degree students during the salmon spawning season in mid-November. Mr.Nelson noted that the creek that runs through his property has about 95%of the chum salmon spawning grounds,and it is a marvel to watch this every year. There are also old growth cedar and fir trees in this area, and he hopes to keep this property in its current pristine condition. Sometimes events are hosted on the property to allow the public to view salmon spawning as well. Mr.Nelson stated that his children and grandchildren agree that they would like to keep this property as Open Space and hopes that the Commissioners will consider approving his application. Tris Ciliberti stated that she is one of the property owners in the Skokomish Farms area that is asking that her property be designated as Open Space. She explained that she has been working with Public Works and the Tribes on agreeing to a lease so this property can be part of the Salmon Spawning Restoration Project that is currently being developed to assist with flooding in the area. Ms. Ciliberti stated that the restoration project,however,has diminished her property value by about 50%,and is asking for tax relief. Cmmr.Neatherlin explained that the approval of her Open Space application will put her in a lower tax bracket for this property. Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve the following 2023 Open Space applications pursuant to the recommendations of the County Assessor and Community 3 July 16 , 2024 Commission Minutes Development:Douglas and Kelly Palmer,parcel no. 12220-34-90340;David Whisnant, parcel no.22018-33-00000; Tracy and Sharon Nelson,parcel no.22122-42-00000;Philip VanZee parcels no.22317-75-90062 and 22317-75-90063; Casey and Molly Cerrentani, parcel no.31930-23-90040; Claudiarose Martin,parcel no.32235-75-00020; Thomas and Lorraine Nelson,parcel no.41932-12-00020; and Ciliberti Property Skokomish,LLC parcel no.52112-41-50150. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye. 11. Board's Calendar and Reports—The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:43 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Cami Olson, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty,Vice-Chair Sharon Trask, Commissioner 41July 16 , 2024 Commission Minutes Board of Mason County Commissioners Proceedings Commission Chambers 411 N 51h St, Shelton, WA 98584 July 8, 2024 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the special meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. 2. Cmmr. Trask led the pledge of allegiance. 3. Roll Call—Present: Commissioner District 1 —Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2—Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Sharon Trask. 4. Public Comment No public comment. 5. Public Hearing to consider approving Road Improvement District(RID)No. 2024-01 Shetland Road. Cmmr.Neatherlin read the requested action into the record. Tina Schaefer,Public Works,requested the Commissioner approve the Shetland Road Improvement District 2024-01 as presented before them. 1. Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved to determine the district to be sufficiently developed and the petition to be sufficient for the Road Improvement District(RID)project of Shetland Road, affirming that the properties within the proposed district meet statutory development requirements. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye. 2. Cmmr.Trask/Shutty moved to adopt a resolution of intention setting a hearing for August 13,2024, at 9:15 a.m.to consider public comment on the proposed formation of a Road Improvement District No.2024-01 to improve Shetland Road and integrate it into the County Road system. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye. 6. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:07 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Cami Olson, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty,Vice-Chair Sharon Trask, Commissioner C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kayla Milam Ext. 380 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑ Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Approval of Warrants& Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# $ 1,331,945.91 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# $ - Salary Clearing Fund Warrant# $ - Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 408,234.06 Macecom 07.02.2024 $ 157,276.57 Mental Health 07.10.2024 $ 2,234.98 Dispute Resolution Surcharge 07.31.2024 $ 1,075.00 Current Expense 07.31.2024 $ 51.34 Road Div-Current Expense 07.31.2024 $ 5.07 Veterans Assistance 07.31.2024 $ 0.69 County Road 07.31.2024 $ 49.49 Mental Health 07.31.2024 $ 1.12 ARPA 07.11.2024 $ 46,617.30 DCD 07.11.2014 $ 46,617.30 Mason County Landfill 07.22.2024 $ 1,327.20 Mental Health Transfer Out 07.19.2024 $ 15,097.44 Prosecutor 07.19.2024 $ 15,097.44 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! Mental Health Transfer Out 07.19.2024 $ 14,160.21 Juvenile Probation 07.19.2024 $ 14,160.21 Mental Health Transfer Out 7.19.2024 $ 47,231.35 Sheriff/Jail 07.19.2024 $ 47,231.35 Background/Executive Summary: The Board approved Resolution no. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a)requires that the Board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD total $ 52,458,327.87 Direct Deposit YTD total $ - Salary Clearing YTD total $ - Treasurer Remittance YTD total $ 9,695,145.06 Requested Action: Approval of the aforementioned Claims Clearing Fund,Direct Deposit Fund, Salary Clearing Fund, and Treasurer Electronic Remittance warrants. Attachments Originals on file with the Auditor/Financial Services; copies on file with the Clerk of the Board C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,P.E.,Deputy Director/County Ext.450 Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 29,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Supplemental#2 for On-Call Structural Engineering Agreement Background/Executive Summary: Public Works maintains an on-call structural engineering agreement with Sargent Engineers established in 2021,with a maximum payable amount of$200,000. Supplemental#1 involved a time extension request. Public Works now seeks approval from the board for Supplemental#2,which will allocate an additional $50,000 to the contract. This increase is necessary to support ongoing bridge load rating services for the rest of the 2024 calendar year. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Currently budgeted amount: $200,000 Requested additional allocation: $ 50,000 New Maximum Agreement Amount: $250,000-Funding Source: County Road Fund Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Recommend the Board authorize the County Engineer to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 increasing the on-call structural engineering agreement with Sargent Engineers by an additional$50,000. Attachments:1. Supplemental Agreement#2 Washington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 2 Sargent Engineers, Original Agreement Number 320 Ronlee Ln NW Olympia,WA 98502 21-02 Phone: Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 8/13/2024 12/31/2024 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable On-Call Structural Engineering Description of Work On-call Structural Engineering Services. The Local Agency of Mason County Public Works desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with Sargent Engineers and executed on 8/13/2024 and identified as Agreement No. 21-02 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: Additional $50,000 to agreement with no change in scope of work. 11 Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: 12/31/2024 III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: The maximum payable amount has increased by $50,000 for a new maximum payable of$250,000. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: By: Mike Collins, County Engineer Consultant Signature Approving Authority Signature Date DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit "A" Summary of Payments Basic Supplement#2 Total Agreement Direct Salary Cost Overhead (Including Payroll Additives) Direct Non-Salary Costs Fixed Fee Total $200,000 $50,000 $250,000 DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 29,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: 0 Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology 0 Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)Motor Pool Team Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Revised 2025 Motor Pool Rates and permission to order a Ford Explorer for Juvenile Probation instead of a Ford Escape as in the original plan. Background/Executive Summary: The 2025 Motor Pool rates were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 18,2024. Estimates were used for replacement vehicles where actual quotes were not yet available. Quotes have been received for six of the vehicles and all but one fit within the budgeted rates. When the original rates were put together, a Ford Escape was put in as a replacement vehicle for Juvenile Probation. Upon further review of department needs,Motor Pool is asking for permission to change the order of the Juvenile Probation vehicle from a Ford Escape to a Ford Explorer. The estimated annual difference in cost is an increase of$2560. The quote for this vehicle is attached. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Revised 2025 Motor Pool Rates for this vehicle are estimated at$11,488, an increase of$2,557 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Request the Board review the quote for a Ford Explorer for Juvenile Probation and permission for County Administrator,Mark Neary,to sign for the quote through Enterprise. Attachments 2025 Revised Motor Pool Rates Ford Explorer Vehicle Quote 2025 Motor Pool Vehicle Rates-General Fund and Public Health White Fleet Vehicles(WFVs) Total Monthly Sold Base Depr&Mnt Outside Annual order Veh LII.hi'.I(. Flnlshed Owned Delivery Lease End Vehicle Lease Rental Vehicle Capital on Flnlshed Mnt& Capital Motor Pool No Type Leases Vehicle Status Date Date Department Make Model Year Term Rate Credit Lease Leases Maint Fee Insurance Supplies Upfit Fees WEX Fuel Rate 5 WFV 1 Owned DEM 79 481 500 333 1,393 39 WFV 1 Owned 79 481 500 333 1,393 46 WFV 1 Owned DCD-Building FM 79 481 500 333 1,393 50 WFV 1 Owned Facilities-MP 79 481 500 333 1,393 54 WFV 1 Owned DEM 79 481 500 333 1,393 70 WFV 1 Owned Facilities 79 481 500 2,000 3,060 102 WFV 1 Owned DEM 79 481 500 334 1,394 128 WFV 1 Owned Facilities-MP 79 481 10,500 334 11,394 147 WFV 1 Owned Parks 79 481 150 3,000 3,710 150 WFV 1 Owned WSU 79 481 150 1,500 2,210 202 WFV 1 Owned Facilities 79 481 500 2,000 3,060 241 WFV 1 Owned Parks 79 481 150 3,000 3,710 2021 323 WFV 1 In-Service 6/30/2026 Parks Ford F350 XL Reg Cab Chassis 4x4 2022 48 468 5,621 709 481 150 3,000 9,962 2021 328 WFV 1 In-Service 10/31/2026 P Ford F350 XL Reg Cab Chassis 4x4 2022 48 717 8,610 840 481 150 3,000 13,081 2021 329 WFV 1 In-Service 9/30/2026 Parks Ford F350 XL 4x4 Super Crew 8ft bed 2022 48 615 7,385 840 481 150 3,000 11,857 2020 267 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Facilities Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 316 3,289 551 481 150 2,000 6,471 2020 268 WFV 1 In-Service 8/31/2024 Facilities Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 481 5,020 551 481 150 2,000 8,202 2020 273 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 491 5,237 540 481 150 1,500 7,908 2020 274 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 DCD-Planning Ford Escape 2020 48 472 5,060 540 481 150 1,750 7,981 2020 275 WFV 1 In-Service 8/31/2024 Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 450 4,831 540 481 150 11500 7,502 2020 276 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Facilities-MP Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 451 4,813 540 481 150 300 6,284 2020 277 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Health-Enviro Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 451 4,820 540 481 150 1,500 7,491 2020 278 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 467 4,988 568 481 150 1,750 7,938 2020 279 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 11500 7,629 2020 280 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 1,500 7,629 2020 281 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 1,750 7,879 2020 282 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 724 481 150 1,750 8,063 2020 283 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Probation Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 724 481 150 400 6,713 2020 284 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 724 481 150 11500 7,813 2020 286 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 11500 7,629 2020 287 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 1,500 7,629 2020 289 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 11500 7,629 2020 291 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 DCD-Planning Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 1,750 7,879 2020 293 WFV 1 In-Service 7/31/2024 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 464 4,958 540 481 150 1,750 7,879 2020 310 WFV 1 In-Service 1/31/2025 Coroner Ford Transit-150 Cargo Van 2020 48 711 711 7,177 763 481 150 3,250 12,533 2022 WFV 1 AIAME Vendor _-Coroner Ford Transit-150 Cargo Van 2023 48 1179 (2,500) 14,148 600 481 150 22,331 3,250 38,461 Al Dealer,Not 2022 WFV 1 Ready Facilities Ford Ranger Supemab w/6 ft bed 4x4 2023 48 724 (2,500) 8,688 600 481 150 2,000 2,000 11,419 2023 WFV 1 Facilities Ford F1504 Door 2024 48 900 (2,500) 10,800 600 481 150 2,000 2,000 13,531 Scheduled for 2023 WFV 1 Production Probation Ford Explorer 2024 48 871 (2,500) 10,452 504 481 150 2,000 400 11,488 2024 WFV 1 Health-Enviro Nissan Frontier 2024 48 700 (10,000) 8,404 401 481 150 2,000 300 1,736 2024 WFV 1 DCD-Buildin Ford Escape 2024 48 700 (10,000) 8,404 401 481 150 2,000 300 1,736 2024 WFV 1 Ford Escape 2024 48 700 (10,000) 8,400 600 481 150 2,000 300 1.931 2024 WFV 1 Grant purchase Ford Escape 2024 1 50 600 600 481 150 28,000 300 30,131 [,1,1:.2I Motor Pool Le 11 20 12 (40,000) 92,222 99,775 19,287 20,702 19,600 62,331 83,833 337,523 Some of the vehicles ordered in 2024 for 2025 may go into service in 2024.This may create a need for a budget amendment in 2024. of 2 2025 Motor Pool Vehicle Rates -General Fund and Public Health White Fleet Vehicles (WFVs) Total Sold Base Depr&Mnt Outside Annual Leased Finished Owned Vehicle Capital on Finished Mnt& Capital Motor Pool Vehicle Leases Vehicle Department Credit Lease Leases Maint Fee Insurance Supplies Upfit Fees WEX Fuel Rate 1 WSU - - - 79 481 150 - 1,500 2,210 2025 Motor 1 3 (10,000) 8,400 14,874 2,403 1,926 600 2,000 4,800 3 DEM - - - 236 1,444 1,500 - 1,000= 4,180 Pool Rates 2 2 2 Facilities (5,000) 19,488 8,309 2,458 2,889 1,600 4,000 12,000 45,744 LL,, 1 2 Facilities-MP - - 4,813 697 1,444 11,150 - 967L42,320 ,071 by 1 4 1 DCD-Building (10,000) 8,404 19,863 2,851 2,889 1,250 2,000 7,633 ,889 Department 2 DCD-Planning = - 10,018 1,080 963 300 - 3,500 ,860 p 3 2 Parks 21,616 2,547 2,407 750 15,000 1 1 Probation (2,500) 10,452 4,958 1,228 963 300 2,000 800 ,201 1 - - - 79 481 500 - 3332 Coroner (2,500) 14,859 7,177 1,363 963 300 22,331 6,500 ,993 1 5 Health-Enviro (10,000) 8,404 24,931 3,100 2,889 900 2,000 7,800 40,024 2 Health-Personal 600 4,831 1,140 963 300 28,000 1,800 L 37,634 11 20 12 (40,000) 92,222 99,775 19,261 20,702 19,600 62,331 63,633 337,523 Object Codes: 545777 545777 545777 548777 546777 548778 564778 532777 Total Sold Base Depr&Mnt Outside Annual Leased Finished Owned Vehicle Capital on Finished Mnt& Capital Motor Pool Vehicle Leases Vehicle Department Credit Lease Leases Maint Fee Insurance Supplies Upfit Fees WEX Fuel Rate 1 WSU 80 408 150 1,500 2,138 2024 Motor 4 14,411 1 7,251 2,156 1 1,632 600 6,150 2 4 320 1,632 600 500 3,052 Pool Rates 2 3 Facilities 26,322 2,665 1,339 2,040 750 2,000 10,000 45,116 LL,, 1 1 Facilities-MP 1,757 619 816 10,300 1,610 15,102 by 5 1 DCD-Building 24,182 7,251 2,602 2,448 900 91800 47,183 Department 2 DCD-Planning 7,265 3,668 1,078 816 300 2,555 15,682 p 3 2 Parks 25,527 160 2,040 750 14,915 43,392 2 Probation 11,403 1,813 539 816 300 2,000 700 17,571 1 0 4,004 1,422 539 408 150 605 ,128 2 Coroner 23,511 816 300 20,301 6,050 50,978 5 Health-Enviro 18,050 9,173 2,723 2,040 750 7,115 39,851 1 Health-Personal 3,515 1,760 539 408 150 6,372 28 0 12 158,190 36,760 12,694 16,320 16,000 24,301 61,500 325,765 Total Motor Pool Increase 4Decrease>in Rates from 2024 to 2025 1 (40,000) (65,968) 63,015 6,567 4,382 3,600 38,030 2,133 11,758 2of2 _ I FLEET Open-End (Equity) Lease Proposal MANAGEMENT p q Y) p Date: 07/17/2024 Prepared For: Mason County-Juvi Probation (602020) Proposal Summary Proposal#: P1735240 Prepared For: Neary, Mark Quantity: 1 river Informa on Base Lease Payment Initial Charges Billed •. �• / Amount Total Monthly License, Expected (Delivered Full Payment Inc. Registration, T!al 91nItIal Use Tax Annual Price per Lease Depr Depr Monthly Maint Additional Tax and Addl Book Value at Initial Certain Other Quote . Delivery 2025 Ford Explorer Active 4dr 4x4-US Oxford White/Dark Gray/Onyx w/Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs 8155545 Juvenile Probation WA 1 8.9000% 5,500 $42,040.00 48 1.3500% $567.54 $42.04 $191.60 $71.31 $40.12 $912.61 $14,798.08 $0.00 $453.40 $463.40 Total Monthly Payment for 1 vehicles: $912.61 Total Initial Charges for 1 vehicles: $453.40 Monthly Lease Charge will be adjusted to reflect the interest rate on the delivery date(subject to a floor) 2See the following pages for details of Full Maintenance Service 3Additional Services may include Commercial Automotive Liability Enrollment or Physical Damage Management 4Excludes License,Registration,Certain Charges,and Tax Current market and vehicle conditions may also affect value of vehicles. Proposal is subject to Customer's Credit Approval. Enterprise FM Trust will be the owner of the vehicles covered by this Proposal.Enterprise FM Trust(not Enterprise Fleet Management)will be the Lessor of such vehicles under the Master Open-End(Equity)Lease Agreement and shall have all rights and obligations of the Lessor under the Master Open-End(Equity)Lease Agreement with respect to such vehicles. Lessee hereby authorizes this vehicle order,and agrees to lease the vehicle on the terms set forth herein and in the Master Equity Lease Agreement and agrees that Lessor shall have the right to collect damages in the event Lessee fails or refuses to accept delivery of the ordered vehicle,Lessee agrees that Lessor shall have the right to collect damages,including,but not limited to,a$500 disposal fee,interest incurred,and loss of value. Lessee:Mason County-Juvi Probation Signature Title Date Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 1 of 8 FLEET Open-End (Equity) Lease Proposal MANAGEMENT Date: 07/17/2024 Prepared For: Mason County-Juvi Probation (602020) Capitalized Amount Calculations Proposal#: P1735240 Prepared For: Neary, Mark Quantity: 1 certain Initial as Capitalized certain License& Capitalized Certain Other Applied Mia very I Capitalized Prices/ Manufacturer Incentives Price i Other Registration Price Charges on from Prior on Tax on 11 Aftermarket Dealer Delivery Other Quote �i Billed on Delivery Invoice Price &Rebates Adjustment of Vehicle i Charges Fee Reduction CPR Unit GOP Incentives Equipment 1, Prop Fee Charge Costs Total 2025 Ford Explorer Active 4dr 4x4-US Oxford White/Dark Gray/Onyx w/Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs Capitalized Price $41,830.00 ($600.00) $0.00 $41,230.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $150.00 $60.00 $42,040.00 8155545 Billed on Delivery $0.00 $400.00 $0.01) $0.00 $0.00 $53.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $453.40 ALL TAX AND LICENSE FEES TO BE BILLED TO LESSEE AS THEY OCCUR. Capitalized price of vehicles may be adjusted to reflect final manufacturer's Invoice.Lessee hereby assigns to Lessor any manufacturer rebates and/or manufacturer Incentives Intended for the Lessee,which rebates and/or Incentives have been used by Lessor to reduce the capitalized price of the vehicles. All language and acknowledgments contained in the signed proposal apply to all vehicles listed on the'Equity Lease Proposal Summary'page of this document.In addition,you may Incur additional fees required to register and operate these vehicles In accordance with various state, county,and city titling,registration,and tax laws. Initials Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 2 of 8 FLEET Open-End (Equity) Lease ProposalMANAGEMENT Date: 07/17/2024 Prepared For: Mason County-Juvi Probation (602020) Additional Services Details Proposal #: P1735240 Prepared For: Neary, Mark Quantity: 1 AutomobileCommercial Driver information LiabilityDamage Management Full Maintenance Program' Total Contract Overmileage Quote Driver Liability Limit Comprehensive Deductible Charge Brake Sets Tires 2025 Ford Explorer Active 4dr 4x4-US Oxford White/Dark Gray/Onyx w/Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs 8155545 Juvenile Probation $5,000.00 $5,000.00 tThe inclusion herein of references to maintenance fees/services are solely for the administrative convenience of the Lessee.Notwithstanding the inclusion of such references in this Invoice/Schedule/Quote,all such maintenance services are to be performed by Enterprise Fleet Management,Inc.,and all such maintenance fees are payable by Lessee solely for the account of Enterprise Fleet Management,Inc.,pursuant to that certain separate Maintenance Agreement entered into by and between Lessee and Enterprise Fleet Management,Inc.,provided that such maintenance fees are being billed by Enterprise FM Trust,and are payable at the direction of Enterprise FM Trust,solely as an authorized agent for collection on behalf of Enterprise Fleet Management,Inc. Initials Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 3 of 8 _ ( FLEET Open-End (Equity) Lease Proposal Date: 07/17/2024 MANAGEMENT Prepared For: Mason County-Juvi Probation(602020) Aftermarket & Other Costs Proposal#: P1735240 Prepared For: Neary, Mark Quantity: 1 Other Costs - _ DescriptionI Billed Price Driver 2025 Ford Explorer Active 4dr 4x4-US Oxford White/Dark Gray/Onyx w/Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs 8155545 Juvenile Probation Initial Administration Fee $60.00 Total Other Costs $60.00 $0.00 Initials Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 4 of 8 zZlill _ _ I FLEET MANAGEMENT quantity: VEHICLE INFORMATION: 2025 Ford Explorer Active 4dr 4x4-US Series ID:K8D Pricing Summary: INVOICE MSRP Base Vehicle $40,085.00 $41,755.00 Total Options $150.00 $160.00 Destination Charge $1,595.00 $1,595.00 Total Price $41,830.00 $43,510.00 SELECTED COLOR: Exterior: YZ-Oxford White Interior: 8H-Dark Gray/Onyx w/Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs SELECTED OPTIONS: CODE DESCRIPTION INVOICE MSRP 119WB 119.1"Wheelbase STD STD 153 Front License Plate Bracket NC NC 16A Front&2nd Rows Floor Liners w/o Carpet Floor Mats $150.00 $160.00 200A Equipment Group 200A Standard Package NC NC 425 50 State Emissions System STD STD 44T Transmission:10-Speed Automatic Included Included 8 Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs Included Included 8H_02 Dark Gray/Onyx w/Unique Heated Cloth Captain's Chairs NC NC 99H Engine:2.3L EcoBoost 1-4 Included Included PAINT Monotone Paint Application STD STD STDAX 3.58 Non-Limited Slip Rear Axle Included Included STDRD Radio:AM/FM Stereo Included Included STDTR Tires:P255/65R18 AS BSW Included Included STDWL Wheels:18"Sparkle Silver-Painted Aluminum Included Included YZ 02 Oxford White NC NC Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 5 of 8 CONFIGURED FEATURES: Body Exterior Features: Number Of Doors 4 Driver And Passenger Mirror: power remote heated manual folding side-view door mirrors Spoiler rear lip spoiler Door Handles: body-coloured Front And Rear Bumpers: body-coloured front and rear bumpers Front Bumper Insert: metal-look front bumper insert Front License Plate Bracket: front license plate bracket Body Material: galvanized steel/aluminum body material Roof Rack: rails only : class III trailering with harness,hitch Body Side Cladding: black bodyside cladding Grille: black w/chrome accents grille Convenience Features: Air Conditioning automatic dual-zone front air conditioning Air Filter. air filter Rear Air Conditioning: rear air conditioning with separate controls Voice Activated A/C: voice activated air conditioning Cruise Control: cruise control with steering wheel controls,adaptive Trunk/Hatch/Door Remote Release: power cargo access remote release Power Windows: power windows with driver and passenger 1-touch down 1/4 Vent Rear Windows: power rearmost windows Remote Keyless Entry: keyfob(all doors)remote keyless entry Illuminated Entry: illuminated entry Integrated Key Remote: integrated key/remote Auto Locking: auto-locking doors Passive Entry: Intelligent Access proximity key Trunk FOB Controls: keyfob trunk/hatch/door release Remote Engine Start: remote start-smart device only(subscription required) Steering Wheel: steering wheel with manual tilting,manual telescoping Day-Night Rearview Mirror: day-night rearview mirror Driver and Passenger Vanity Mirror: illuminated auxiliary driver and passenger-side visor mirrors Emergency SOS: 911 Assist emergency communication system Front Cupholder: front and rear cupholders Floor Console: full floor console with covered box Overhead Console: mini overhead console with storage Glove Box: locking glove box Driver Door Bin: driver and passenger door bins Rear Door Bins: rear door bins Seatback Storage Pockets: 2 seatback storage pockets Driver Footrest: driver's footrest Retained Accessory Power: retained accessory power Power Accessory Outlet: 4 12V DC power outlets Entertainment Features: radio SidusXM AM/FM/Satellite with seek-scan Voice Activated Radio: voice activated radio Speed Sensitive Volume: speed-sensitive volume Steering Wheel Radio Controls: steering-wheel mounted audio controls Speakers: 6 speakers Internet Access: FordPass Connect 5G intentet access 1st Row LCD: 2 1st row LCD monitor Wireless Connectivity: wireless phone connectivity Antenna: integrated roof antenna Lighting,Visibility and Instrumentation Features: Headlamp Type delay-off reflector LED low/high beam headlamps Auto-Dimming Headlights: Auto High Beam auto high-beam headlights Front Wipers: variable intermittent speed-sensitive wipers wipers Rear Window wiper: fixed interval rear window wiper with heating wiper park Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 6 of 8 Rear Window Defroster: rear window defroster Tinted Windows: deep-tinted windows Dome Light: dome light with fade Front Reading Lights: front and rear reading lights Ignition Switch: ignition switch light Variable IP Lighting: variable instrument panel lighting Display Type: digital/analog appearance Tachometer: tachometer Compass: compass Exterior Temp: outside-temperature display Low Tire Pressure Warning: tire specific low-tire-pressure warning Park Distance Control: Reverse Sensing System rear parking sensors Trip Computer: trip computer Trip Odometer: trip odometer Lane Departure Warning: lane departure Blind Spot Sensor: blind spot Front Pedestrian Braking: front pedestrian detection Following Distance Indicator: following distance alert Forward Collision Alert: forward collision Water Temp Gauge: water temp.gauge Oil Level Gauge: oil level gauge Clock: in-radio display clock Systems Monitor: driver information centre Check Control: redundant digital speedometer Rear Vision Camera: rear vision camera Oil Pressure Warning: oil-pressure warning Water Temp Warning: water-temp.waming Battery Warning: battery warning Lights On Warning: lights-on warning Key in Ignition Warning: key-in-ignition warning Low Fuel Warning: low-fuel warning Low Washer Fluid Warning: low-washer-fluid warning Bulb Failure Warning: bulb-failure warning Door Ajar Warning: door-ajar warning Trunk Ajar Warning: trunk-ajar waming Brake Fluid Warning: brake-fluid warning Transmission Fluid Temperature Warning: transmission-fluid-temperature warning Safety And Security: ABS four-wheel ABS brakes Number of ABS Channels: 4 ABS channels Brake Assistance: brake assist Brake Type: four-wheel disc brakes Vented Disc Brakes: front and rear ventilated disc brakes Daytime Running Lights: daytime running lights Spare Tire Type: compact spare tire Spare Tire Mount: spare tire mounted inside under cargo Driver Front Impact Airbag: driver and passenger front-impact airbags Driver Side Airbag: seat-mounted driver and passenger side-impact airbags Overhead Airbag: Safety Canopy System curtain 1st,2nd and 3rd row overhead airbag Knee Airbag: knee airbag Occupancy Sensor: front passenger airbag occupancy sensor Height Adjustable Seatbelts: height adjustable front seatbelts Seatbelt Pretensioners: front seatbelt pre-tensioners Side Impact Bars: side-impact bars Perimeter Under Vehicle Lights: remote activated w/puddle lights perimeter/approach lights Tailgate/Rear Door Lock Type: tailgate/rear door lock included with power door locks Rear Child Safety Locks: rear child safety locks Ignition Disable: SecuriLock immobilizer Security System: security system Panic Alarm: panic alarm Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 7 of 8 Electronic Stability: AdvanceTrac w/Roll Stability Control electronic stability stability control with anti-rollover Traction Control: ABS and driveline traction control Front and Rear Headrests: manual adjustable front head restraints Rear Headrest Control: 3 rear head restraints 3rd Row Headrests: 2 manual adjustable third row head restraints Seats And Trim: Seating Capacity max.seating capacity of 7 Front Bucket Seats: front bucket seats Front Heated Cushion: driver and passenger heated-cushions Front Heated Seatback: driver and passenger heated-seatbacks Number of Driver Seat Adjustments: 8-way driver and passenger seat adjustments Reclining Driver Seat: power reclining driver and manual reclining passenger seats Driver Lumbar: power 2-way driver and passenger lumbar support Driver Height Adjustment: power height-adjustable driver and passenger seats Driver Fore/Aft: power driver and passenger fore/aft adjustment Driver Cushion Tilt: power driver and passenger cushion tilt Front Centre Armrest Storage: front centre armrest Rear Seat Type: rear manual reclining 35-30-35 split-bench seat Rear Seat Fore/Aft: manual rear seat fore/aft adjustment Rear Folding Position: rear seat fold-forward seatback 3rd Row Seat Type: fixed third row 50-50 bench seat 3rd Row Electric Control: fold into floor third row seat Leather Upholstery: cloth front and rear seat upholstery Door Trim Insert: cloth door panel trim Headliner Material: full cloth headliner Floor Covering: full carpet floor covering Dashboard Console Insert,Door Panel Insert Combination: piano black/metal-look instrument panel insert,door panel insert,console insert LeatherSteeringWheel: leather steering wheel Floor Mats: rubber front and rear floor mats Interior Accents: chrome/metal-look interior accents Cargo Space Trim: carpet cargo space Trunk Lid: plastic trunk lid/rear cargo door Cargo Tie Downs: cargo tie-downs Cargo Light: cargo light Concealed Cargo Storage: concealed cargo storage Standard Engine: Engine 300-hp,2.3-liter 1-4(premium) Standard Transmission: Transmission 10-speed automatic w/OD Printed On 07/17/2024 04:29:05 PM Page 8 of 8 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Tammi Wright for John Taylor Ext. 806 Department: Emergency Management Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 29,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Cross-Jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)Regarding Alert,Warning, and Notifications Sent Through FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System(IPAWS) for Thurston County EM and Mason County EM Background/Executive Summary: The Alerting Authorities(AA),Thurston County EM and Mason County EM,recognize the need for interagency cooperation to enhance public alerting capabilities. This MOU allows AAs to establish a backup AA to issue alert,warnings,and notifications (AWN)on their behalf,to their respective communities in the unlikely event the original AA is not able to perform that function.Per the request of the State Alerting Official,this MOU formalizes this function that Thurston and Mason County EMs have already been doing. The MOU has been reviewed by legal. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): No budget impact Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): NA Requested Action: Approve the signing of the MOU by the County Administrator Attachments Thurston-Mason County Memorandum of Understanding for IPAWS Cross-Jurisdictional Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Alert, Warning, and Notifications Sent Through FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Thurston County EM and Mason County EM Purpose The above-mentioned Alerting Authorities (AA) recognize the need for interagency cooperation to enhance public alerting capabilities. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) allows AAs to establish a backup AA to issue alert, warnings, and notifications (AWN) on their behalf, to their respective communities in the unlikely event the original AA is not able to perform that function. Scope This MOU is effective as of June 12, 2024 and will continue until revoked by one or all parties following the procedures listed in Section 7, Changes to the MOU. The MOU provides permission for the backup AA, established in this MOU, to issue AWN on behalf of the requesting AA only when express permission is granted by the requesting AA. Parties to the MOU: Party A Party B Jurisdiction: Thurston County EM Jurisdiction: Mason County EM POC: Sonya Kroese POC: Tammi Wright Address: 9521 Tilley Rd. SW Address: 100 Public Works Dr. City, State, Zip: Olympia, WA 98512 City, State, Zip: Shelton, WA 98584 Email:sonya.kroese@co.thurston.wa.us Email: tammiw@masoncountywa.gov Office Phone: 360-867-2817 Office Phone: 360-427-9670 After hours phone: 360-280-3993 After hours phone: 360-490-6607 Approval to use the following: Approval to use the following: o Wireless Emergency Alerts o Wireless Emergency Alerts o Emergency Alert System o Emergency Alert System o National Weather System Alerts o National Weather System Alerts Policy All parties agree that in the event of an emergency incident requiring the activation of AWN, the AA requesting alerting on behalf shall provide the following information: Page 1 of 3 • The message content to be used in the WEA, EAS, and/or NWEN. o The message content should address the following: • Identify the Sender. ■ Identify the Hazard. ■ Affected Area. ■ Action to take. ■ A URL to obtain more information. • The Activation Area. • The Duration of the Alert. • A Point of Contact to Maintain Communication During the Incident. For purposed of situational awareness, involved jurisdictions will inform each other as soon as possible of the need for alerting assistance. The State Alerting Official must approve any MOU between alerting authorities establishing cross jurisdictional support prior to the MOU becoming valid. This MOU will be reviewed by all parties every two years [or designated]. If changes are requested to the MOU, the requesting jurisdictions will submit the respective changes to all other parties. Each party will review and provide acceptance, modification or rejection to the requesting jurisdiction for consideration. Should all parties agree to change(s), a new version of the MOU will be prepared for signature by all parties. If a jurisdiction elects to revoke the MOU, the respective jurisdiction will notify all other parties of the MOU in writing with a 30-day notice. The State Alerting Official (Signatory) needs to be notified of the ratification or any changes to the MOU including changes of participants. A completed copy of the MOU will be forwarded to the State Alerting Official, the FEMA IPAWS Program Management Office, and uploaded to the IPAWS Users Portal. The State Alerting Official has the right to immediately suspend or terminate any MOU between Alerting Authorities within their jurisdiction. Procedures The Jurisdiction providing alerting on behalf will use the following procedures: 1 . Receive alerting request from the impacted jurisdiction(s). 2. Compose an IPAWS message with message content coming from the impacted jurisdiction(s). 3. Send the IPAWS message. 4. Verify message sent; notify the proper POC(s) from the impacted jurisdiction(s). 5. Coordinate further alerts with impacted jurisdiction(s), if necessary. The impacted jurisdiction(s) will use the following procedures: 1 . Request assistance from adjoining jurisdiction detailed in this MOU. 2. Provide message content to be used in the AWN. 3. Monitor alert receipt from adjoining jurisdiction. Page 2 of 3 4. Coordinate with jurisdiction providing alerting on behalf for any ongoing alerts, updates, and/or cancellations. Alerting Authority Signatures NAME & DATE: NAME & DATE: TITLE: TITLE: Organization: Organization: State Alerting Official Signature NAME & DATE: TITLE: Organization: Electronically approved to form: DPA Rick Peters 6/14/24 Page 3 of 3 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: McKenzie Smith Ext. 589 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 29,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors Nomination Background/Executive Summary: The Pacific Mountain(PacMtn)Workforce Development Council (WDC)includes Grays Harbor,Lewis, Mason, Pacific,and Thurston Counties. The WDC has 15 seats total, and the Board of Commissioners recommends three business representatives from Mason County. The Satsop Business Park sent a letter to the PacMtn WDC recommending Stacie Vaughan to serve on the council board due to her contributions, skills, and expertise. PacMtn WDC recommends Stacie Vaughan's endorsement. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to appoint Stacie Vaughan to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Board of Directors for a 3-year term expiring June 30, 2027. Attachments: Letters w► Satsop Business Park 150 Technoiogy Way,Suite 100 Elma,Washington 98541 Tet 1360.482.1600 July 12, 2024 Fax 1360.482,1555 Pacific Mountain Workforce Consortium www-,awp.com Cho PacMtn Workforce Development www.PortofGraysHaTbor.com 201 Sth Ave SW Suite 401 Olympia, WA 98501 Re:WDC Board of Directors, Endorsement of Stacie Vaughan Dear Commissioners, It is with great pleasure and confidence that the Port of Grays Harbor recommend Stacie Vaughan to serve on the PacMtn Workforce Development Council Board. Stacie has a proven track record in workforce development.She is a business and community leader who has made significant contributions toward enhancing opportunities in our region. Her skills and expertise would be well-suited to the Workforce Development Board. I believe Stacie Vaughan will be an invaluable addition to the Board and wholeheartedly recommend she be approved to serve. Please contact me with any questions concerning this recommendation. Sincerely, Q Commissioners Stan Pinnlck 34�V Phil Papac AlissVaS h a General Manager TomQuIgg Satsop Business Park Business Development Manager Abu&shay A Facility of the Port of Grays Harbor PACIFIC MOUNTAIN A* WORKFORCE PAC MTN DEVELOPMENT building community prosperity Grays Harbor County Commissioners 100 West Broadway Ste. #1 Montesano, WA 98563 Re: WDC Board Member Terms Dear Grays Harbor County Commissioners, This letter is to inform you that Stacie Vaughan has been endorsed by Alissa Shay, General Manager of the Satsop Business Park as a candidate to the PacMtn Board. Pursuant to PacMtn By-Laws Article V, Section 3: "Initial appointments to PacMtn WDC Shall be staggered proportionally for two, three and four years as determined by the Consortium upon appointment. Subsequent appointments for a maximum of terms will be for three years. Directors shall remain seated until a new appointment is made to fill the seat."Section 4 states: A//regular terms shall begin on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June." We are delighted to have her expertise on the Board and the Bylaws allow three consecutive terms. We would support any individual you choose to nominate, but would endorse you nominating her. Should you choose such a nomination she would serve until June 30, 2027. We hope you will make your wishes known to us by August, 30, 2024. All Member nominations would be taken to the Elected Official Consortium at our Fall Retreat in September. If you have any questions about the term assignment, nominations or other related Board governance items, please let me know. Thank you for your thoughtful attention to Board Membership. Sincerely, William Westmoreland Chief Executive Officer Cc: Alissa Shay, Port of Grays Harbor. PacMtn's mission is to lead dynamic regional workforce through collaboration and investment that enhances economic success. 201 51"Ave Suite 401,Olympia,WA 98501 1 www.pacmtn.org C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Melissa Casey Ext.404 Department: Public Health Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 5/20/24,6/3/24,&8/5/24 Agenda Date: August 16,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Shelton Family Center Consolidated Homeless Grant Contract Amendment Background/Executive Summary: The Department of Commerce Contract#24-46108-20 Amendment C, adding SFY25 CHG Standard and Local Document Report Fee Support funds,was approved by the Board on the 6/4/24 action agenda. An RFP was released for a total of$512,085;the purpose of these funds is to further develop and expand programs in the Homeless Response System. Four proposals were received;the Housing&Behavioral Health Advisory Board has made the following initial funding recommendation: $110,000 to Shelton Family Center's Eviction Prevention Program. Funding recommendations for the remaining funds will be made at a later date. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Funding Source: Consolidated Homeless Grant. $110,000 awarded to Shelton Family Center Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Followed the Request for Proposal Process with news releases and email blasts; Housing&Behavioral Health Advisory Board reviewed applications and made funding recommendations Requested Action: Approval of the Shelton Family Center Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG)contract amendment for an additional$110,000. Attachments Shelton Family Center FY24-25 CHG.2163 Amendment#4 Contract Between Mason County and Shelton Family Center Professional Services Contract #SFCY24-25.CHG.2163 (MC Contract #23-039) Amendment # 4 IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as follows: 1. PURPOSE: Provide additional funding to support the CHG Eviction Prevention Program. 2. FUND SOURCE: Consolidated Homeless Grant 3. AMENDMENT TERM: July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025 4. TOTAL ADDITIONAL AWARD: $110,000 New CHG Category Starting Amended Total New Budget Amount Budget Local DRF Support 2025 0 $110,000 $110,000 Budget Breakdown: LDR DRF Support for EP Admin $10,000 LDR DRF Support for EP Rent $80,000 LDR DRF Support for EP Operations $20,000 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on the day of , 2024. CONTRACTOR MASON COUNTY Susan Kirchoff Randy Neatherlin, Chair Executive Director Mason County Board of County Commissioners 1 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,County Engineer Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 5,2025 Agenda Date: August 13,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: 2025 Call for Bids for Paint Line,Asphalt Emulsion and Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate Background/Executive Summary: Mason County Public Works annually calls for bids for Paint Line, Asphalt Emulsion and Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate for summer road maintenance projects. The purpose of the call for bids is to solicit bids for the procurement of road maintenance materials and services necessary for the 2025 maintenance programs. The annual purchase of these materials and services is expected to exceed $50,000; therefore, formal competitive bidding is required for each. Budget Impact(amount, funding source, budget amendment): These materials and services are budgeted items and purchased out of the Road Fund. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): The call for bids will be published in the Shelton Journal, Daily Journal of Commerce and on Builders Exchange. Requested Action: Requesting the Board authorize Public Works to advertise, set bid opening dates/times, award contracts and allow the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for call for bids for routine Paint Line, Asphalt Emulsion and Manufacturing and Stockpiling of Chip Seal Aggregate for the 2025 calendar year. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /AtJ To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins, County Engineer Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 5,2025 Agenda Date: August 13,2025 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled ❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: On-Call Consultant Services Background/Executive Summary: Public Works is now seeking new on-call consultant services and would like authorization to utilize the County MRSC Consultant Roster to enter into multiple two-year agreements for these services, as needed throughout the 2025-2026 calendar year. Looking ahead, we anticipate the need for Cultural Resources, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical, and Materials Testing services at various locations throughout the county. These services will primarily support county road projects and other Public Works activities, including emergency situations. Accordingly,Public Works is seeking authorization to utilize the County MRSC Consultant Roster to select and contract for these services. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): These services are budgeted items and purchased out of the Road Fund. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): The Mason County MRSC Consultant Roster will be utilized to select consultants for interviews in accordance with the required procurement procedures. Requested Action: Requesting the Board authorize the County Engineer to procure and finalize agreements for Cultural Resources, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical, and Materials Testing services as necessary for the 2025-2026 calendar years,with an option for the County Engineer to extend an additional year, from the County MRSC Consultant Roster. The maximum expenditure for each service agreement should not exceed$200,000.calendar year. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE, County Engineer Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 5,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: County Road Closure—Little Egypt Road for the North Fork Goldsborough pile cap replacement project at Milepost 0.33 Background/Executive Summary: In 2021 it was discovered that the west timber cap on the North Fork Goldsborough bridge was deteriorated and needed to be replaced. Funding was secured through a federal rehabilitation program and plans, specs and estimate were completed. Budget Impact• The Project is funded by BROS (Bridge Replacement Off System Program) Quigg Bros., Inc. out of Aberdeen,WA is the contractor for this project at$172,365.00. Public Outreach: 1. Notice of closures will be published in the Shelton Journal. 2. Closure information will be posted on County Facebook page,TV Channel 3 and County webpage under"Road Closures,Restrictions and Conditions". 3. Reader boards will alert drivers at least 3 days prior to closure. 4. Three(3)road closure notices will be posted near site. 5. Informational mailers will be sent to property owners in the Little Egypt area. 6. Public Works Road Closure email list,which includes transportation organizations, schools, emergency service providers, local agencies/businesses,media outlets, and others who have requested to be on the list. Requested Action: Requesting the Board approve the county road closure on Little Egypt Road from September 9,2024,to October 16,2024, at approximate M.P. 0.33 for the North Fork Goldsborough Bridge rehabilitation project. Attachments: 1. Detour Map 2. Road Closure Notice CRP 2044 North Fork Goldsborough on Little Egypt Road Detour Map o a °�P � W DAYTON W DAYTON Py TRAILS DR TRAILS DR SON �O GD 1303 RD _ W oP'( Ro W o Py�ORO P`RP OR1 P�RPOR co 130'Ro oPy0�o co o P�PO V �s f W K°K� W SMITH LN WS W SHELTON W SHELTON M4TC0 ON Q� EST MATLOCK RD MATLOCK RD CK RD cc o^ j j v OOP � Gam° QZQ W S GP O a MAl Oc./V W SHEIT �1 o9 \aa m MARD TLOCKON C.)w Ot r o Road Closure on Little °o Qo o m Egypt Road at MP 0.33 No access through N\ ,zyP 4 The work Zone. All k \4�4P Traffic must use alternate o5° Q f routes. rn rz yQ� G _ Q'G O 4Z00 � RO z GO 0�0 v_ 42 O o Z Go 00 Ro Go ati Z 0 N o � o � o 0 c� V`rso 0 C Q oQO GD 45SO No 0 �°oVIP �o Go Go co v o °Ro EsA4 M1 l�J��.GS9PE WA State Parks IS, Esri,To T i,Gazrnin, Go a5A afeGra Ge nologies, Inc, METI/NASA,USGS,Bur oa. ennV1.FP�, 1WS Census Bureau, USQA,LgF D �C9 ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT LITTLE EGYPT ROAD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to RCW 47.48.010, the Little Egypt Road shall be closed to all traffic at approximate milepost 0.33 for pile cap replacement on the North Fork Goldsborough Bridge. The road closure is scheduled to begin at approximately 7:00am on Monday, September 9, 2024, and reopen at approximately 4:00pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Detour signs will be in place to guide local residence and emergency vehicles around on the closure. For more information, contact Public Works at(360) 427-9670, Ext. 450. Dated this day of 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board cc: Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ. It.: 8/22/24 (Bill Road Dept.) POST: At Least three (3) dqys prior to closure. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Loretta Swanson,Director Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 5,2025 Agenda Date: August 13,2025 Internal Review: ❑X Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: FEMA Contract D24-391 Designating Primary and Alternate Applicant Agent Backi!round/Executive Summary: Disaster 4775-DR-WA Severe Winter Storms was declared April 28, 2024. Public Works has identified approximately $85,000 in eligible costs to be recovered and is working with FEMA to do so. The costs are associated with debris removal from county roads and freeze damage to the Belfair wastewater treatment plant. A letter from the Board is needed designating authorized representatives to obtain federal and/or State Emergency or Major Disaster Assistance funds. The representatives are authorized to execute all contracts, certify completion of projects, request payments, and prepare all required documentation for funding requirements. Budget Impact: Public Works has identified$80,310.79 Category A eligible costs. An additional $5,000 for Belfair treatment plant repairs not covered by insurance is also eligible. Public Outreach: N/A. Requested Action: Request the Board approve and execute the Applicant Agent and Alternate authorized representatives for Disaster: 4775-DR-WA Severe Winter Storms. Attachment: 1. Designation Letter and Signature Authorization Form �SoN COU August 13,2024 Gerard Urbas Washington Military Department 1854 Public Assistance Program MS:TA-20 Building 20-B Camp Murray,WA 98430 MASON COUNTY BOARD OF Re: Designated Applicant Agent COMMISSIONERS Dear Mr.Urbas, 1ST District The purpose of this letter is to designate the Applicant Agent and Alternate authorized RANDY NEATHERLIN representatives for: Disaster:4775-DR-WA Severe Winter Storms 2°d District Applicant:Mason County KEVIN SHUTTY Applicant Agent:Loretta Swanson Alternate Applicant Agent: Stephanie Buhrman 3'District SHARON TRASK The purpose of this designation as the authorized representatives is to obtain federal and/or State Emergency or Major Disaster Assistance funds. These representatives are authorized to execute all contracts,certify completion of projects,request Mason County Building 1 payments,and prepare all required documentation for funding requirements. 411 North Fifth Street Sincerely, Shelton,WA 98584-3400 (360)427-9670 ext.419 Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner Fax(360)427-8437 PEON COU��� Mason County Agenda Request Form 1854 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: McKenzie Smith Ext. 589 Department: Support Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 5,2024 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Rescind Approval of Douglas and Kelly Palmer's 2023 Open Space Application Background/Executive Summary: The Open Space Taxation Act,enacted in 1970,allows property owners to have their open space, farm and agricultural,and timberlands valued at their current use rather than their highest and best use. RCW 84.34 governs this Act. Douglas and Kelly Palmer submitted an Open Space application for their parcel no. 12220-34-90340 which was approved during a Public Hearing set on Tuesday,July 16,2024. However,the application fee was not paid. Mr. and Mrs.Palmer have since decided to rescind their application. Staff has consulted with Tim Whitehead and the recommended action is to rescind the prior approval in a regular Commissioner meeting. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to rescind approval of the following 2023 Open Space application pursuant to the recommendations of the County Assessor and Community Development: Douglas and Kelly Palmer,parcel no. 12220-34-90340. Attachments Contract Department of Revenue(l- Woshington State Open Space Taxation Agreement Form 64 0022 Chapter 84.34 RCW (To be used for "Open Space" and "Timber Land" Classification or Reclassification Only) &Reset form When recorded, return to: Mason County Commissioners 411 North 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 Property owner: Douglas and Kelly Palmer Property address: 91 E Lakeland Way,Allyn, WA 98524 Legal description: Lot: 2 of SP#128 AF#298517 PTN G.I. 4&5 1/2 SW Assessor's property tax parcel or account number: 12220-34-90340 Reference numbers of documents assigned or released: This agreement between: Douglas and Kelly Palmer To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format for the visually impaired, please call 360-705-6705.Teletype (TTY) users may use the WA Relay Service by calling 711. REV 64 0022 (11/15/22) Page 1 of 5 Open Space Taxation Agreement Department of� Revenue V Washington State hereinafter called the "Owner", and: Mason County Commissioners hereinafter called the "Granting Authority". Whereas, the owner of the above described real property having made application for classification of that property under the provisions of Chapter 84.34 RCW. And whereas, both the owner and granting authority agree to limit the use of said property, recognizing that such land has substantial public value as open space and that the preservation of such land constitutes an important physical, social, aesthetic, and economic asset to the public, and both parties agree that the classification of the property during the life of this agreement shall be for: Open Space Land — RCW 84.34.020(1)(a) or (b). ❑ Farm and Agricultural Conservation Land (a sub classification of open space land)-RCW 84.34.020(1)(c). ❑Timber Land — RCW 84.34.020(3). Now, therefore, the parties, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, do agree as follows: 1. During the term of this agreement, the land shall be used only in accordance with its classified use. 2. No structures shall be built upon such land except those directly related to, and compatible with, the classified use of the land. 3. This agreement shall be effective commencing on the date the legislative body receives the signed agreement from the property owner and shall remain in effect until the property is withdrawn or removed from classification. 4. This agreement shall apply to the parcels of land described herein and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assignees of the parties hereto. 5. A request may be filed with the assessor to withdraw from the program after the land has been classified for 10 or more years. No 20% penalty will be imposed. The applicable taxes and interest shall be imposed as provided in RCW 84.34.070. 6. After the effective date of this agreement, any change in use of the land, except through compliance with items (5), (7), (9), or (10), shall be considered a breach of this agreement, and shall be subject to removal of classification and liable for additional tax, interest, and penalty as provided in RCW 84.34.080 and RCW 84.34.108. 7. A breach of agreement shall not have occurred and the additional tax shall not be imposed if removal of classification resulted solely from one of the following: a. Transfer to a governmental entity in exchange for other land located within the State of Washington. b. A taking through the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or sale or transfer to an entity having the power in anticipation of the exercise of such REV 64 0022 (11/15/22) Page 2 of 5 Department of Open Space Taxation Agreement Revenue C Washington State power and having manifested its intent in writing or by other official action. c. A natural disaster such as a flood, windstorm, earthquake, wildfire or other such calamity rather than by virtue of the act of the landowner changing the use of such property. d. Official action by an agency of the State of Washington or by the county or city where the land is located disallowing the present use of such land. e. Transfer of land to a church when such land would qualify for exemption pursuant to RCW 84.36.020. f. Acquisition of property interests by state agencies or agencies or organizations qualified under RCW 84.34.210 and 64.04.130 for the purposes enumerated in those sections (see RCW 84.34.108(6)(f)). g. Removal of land classified as farm and agricultural land under RCW 84.34.020(2)(f). h. Removal of land from classification after enactment of a statutory exemption that qualifies the land for exemption and receipt of notice from the owner to remove the land from classification. i. The creation, sale, or transfer of forestry riparian easements under RCW 76.13.120. j. The creation, sale, or transfer of a fee interest or a conservation easement of private forest lands within unconfined channel migration zones or containing critical habitat for threatened or endangered species under RCW 76.09.040. k. The sale or transfer of land within two years after the death of the owner of at least a fifty percent interest in the land if the land has been assessed and valued as forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW, or under chapter 84.34 RCW continuously since 1993. The date of death shown on the death certificate is the date used. I. The discovery that the land was classified in error through no fault of the owner. 8. The county assessor may require an owner to submit data relevant to continuing the eligibility of any parcel of land described in this agreement. 9. The owner may apply for reclassification of the land if reclassification is permissible under RCW 84.34.070. 10. Changes to the conditions of this agreement could result in the re-rating of the parcel by the granting authority, subject to a public hearing, and may result in a change in assessed value. If the granting authority approves the changes in conditions, a revised agreement may be required. REV 64 0022 (11/15/22) Page 3 of 5 Departm % ent of Open Space Taxation Agreement Revenue - Washington State The parcel(s) of land described in this agreement is subject to the following conditions: NO CLEARING OF LAND AND NO STRUCTURES TO BE ERECTED ON OPEN SPACE LAND=75 FRONT FEET OF ABUTTING AND ADJACENT UPLANDS; HOMESITE AREA= 275 FRONT FEET OF ABUTTING AND ADJACENT UPLANDS The parcel(s) of land described in this agreement may be used in the following manner: The parcel(s) of land described in this agreement may be removed if the land is used in the following manner: PER OWNER'S REQUEST OR DETERMINATION BY MASON COUNTY IF CONDITIONS ARE NOT SUSTAINED. It is declared that this agreement specifies the classification and conditions as provided for in Chapter 84.34 RCW and the conditions imposed by this Granting Authority. This agreement to tax according to the use of the property is not a contract and can be annulled or canceled at any time by the Legislature (RCW 84.34.070). Dated: Signature(s) of County and/or City Legislative Authority: Title: Mike Collins,County Engineer Dated: Signature(s) of County and/or City Legislative Authority: Title: Commissioner Kevin Shutty REV 64 0022 (11/15/22) Page 4 of 5 Departm % ent of Open Space Taxation Agreement Revenue - Washington State Dated: Signature(s) of County and/or City Legislative Authority: Title: Commissioner Sharon Trask As owner(s) of the herein-described land I/we indicated by my/our signature(s) that I am/we are aware of the potential tax liability and hereby accept the classification and conditions of this agreement. Dated: Owner(s): (Must be signed by all owners) Date signed agreement received by Legislative Authority: Make three copies with one copy to each of the following: Owner, Granting Authority, and County Assessor REV 64 0022 (11/15/22) Page 5 of 5 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Loretta Swanson,Director Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 5,2025 Agenda Date: August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Skokomish River Ecosystem Restoration Project—Letters to Project Partners Back2round/Executive Summary: Mason County and the Skokomish Tribe signed a partnership agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to undertake a$22.1 million restoration project on the Skokomish River. The agreement was signed September 17, 2019. Mason Conservation District applied for and received grant funding to acquire the necessary real estate and construct the project. Mason County is responsible for real estate acquisition which has been a long and challenging undertaking, despite a great deal of support on many fronts. Earlier this year the USACE team and local sponsors decided on a course of action to phase construction. However, even this phased approach schedule is not achievable under the current grant. Budizet Impact: This decision will likely result in the loss of Federal funding under the current Water Resources and Recovery Act authorization. The Federal share is projected to be $14,357,200. Public Outreach: Mason County will plan for a community meeting this fall along with other communications regarding continued restoration and flood protection efforts in the valley. Requested Action: Request the Board sign letters to Mason Conservation District and Seattle District USACE. Attachments: Letters ASpN coU�� August 13, 2024 Jason Ragan, Chair, Board of Supervisors 1854 Mason Conservation District 450 W Business Park Road Shelton, WA 98584 MASON COUNTY BOARD Re: Skokomish River Ecosystem Restoration OF COMMISSIONERS To our Mason Conservation District and Department of Ecology partners in ecosystem restoration, 1ST District RANDY NEATHERLIN Mason County is providing notice of our intent to cease most property right acquisitions under the Floodplains by Design grant awarded to Mason 2°d District Conservation District, and to terminate real estate work under our Partnership KEVIN SHUTTY Agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. This difficult 3'District decision was made in consultation with our non-federal sponsor partner,the SHARON TRASK Skokomish Tribe, and project funding partner, Mason Conservation District. The grant providing funding for real estate acquisition expires June 2025 and despite overcoming many hurdles with USACE and others' support, acquisition Mason County Building 1 continues to be a challenge even with some landowners who are fully supportive of the project. We understand this action will likely mean the loss of authorized 411 North Fifth Street construction funding and termination of the partnership agreement. Shelton,WA 98584-3400 We are deeply appreciative of all parties' efforts to assist in innumerable ways and (360)427-9670 ext.419 look forward to continued efforts to carry out this important restoration work. We remain committed to restoring critical habit in the Skokomish River Valley and Fax(360)427-8437 providing flood relief for its residents. We will continue working on alternative pathways to fund and construct these important projects and build the necessary community support to be successful. Sincerely, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner Cc: Evan Bauder,Executive Director,Mason County Conservation District Mary Huff,Floodplain Management Supervisor,WA Dept of Ecology ASoN coU August 13, 2024 Ginny Dierich, Deputy District Engineer 1854 Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4735 E. Marginal Way S Bldg. 1202 Seattle WA 98134-2388 MASON COUNTY BOARD Re: Skokomish River Ecosystem Restoration OF COMMISSIONERS To our USACE partners in ecosystem restoration, 1ST District Mason County is providing notice of our intent to cease most property right RANDY NEATHERLIN acquisitions under the Floodplains by Design grant awarded to Mason Conservation District, and to terminate real estate work under our Partnership 2°d District Agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. This difficult KEVIN SHUTTY decision was made in consultation with our non-federal sponsor partner, the 3'District Skokomish Tribe, and project funding partner, Mason Conservation District. SHARON TRASK The grant providing funding for real estate acquisition expires June 2025 and despite overcoming many hurdles with USACE and others' support, acquisition continues to be a challenge even with some landowners who are fully supportive Mason County Building 1 of the project. We understand this action will likely mean the loss of authorized construction funding and termination of the partnership agreement. 411 North Fifth Street Shelton,WA 98584-3400 We are deeply appreciative of all parties' efforts to assist in innumerable ways and look forward to continued efforts to carry out this important restoration work. We (360)427-9670 ext.419 remain committed to restoring critical habit in the Skokomish River Valley and providing flood relief for its residents. We will continue working on alternative Fax(360)427-8437 pathways to fund and construct these important projects and build the necessary community support to be successful. Sincerely, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner Cc: Guy Miller, Chairman, Skokomish Tribal Council Joseph Pavel,Director,Natural Resources Department Evan Bauder,Executive Director,Mason County Conservation District Mary Huff,Floodplain Management Supervisor,WA Dept of Ecology C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins, PE, PLS, Ext. 452 Deputy Director/County Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑x Action Agenda: x❑ Public Hearing: ❑x Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 17, 2024 Agenda Date: July 2&August 13, 2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Public Works Real Property Surplus— Set Hearing Background/Executive Summary: Mason County Public Works acquired an uneconomical remnant from County Road Project# 1010, as recorded July 9, 1986,under Auditor's File#454652. This remnant stems from the realignment of the curve of John Prairie Road at its intersection with Johns Creek Drive, which was previously owned by the parcel owner south of the curve. In early October 2023, the new owner of parcel 32005-31-00070 contacted Public Works regarding the disposition of parcel 32005-31-60070, located at the connection of Johns Prairie Road and Johns Creek Drive. It was clarified that the corner is owned by Mason County in fee simple. Subsequently, in April 2024, the new property owner began excavating, clearing, and fencing in parcel#32005-31-60070. A notice of trespassing was issued to the owner of parcel#32005-31-00070 and another parcel owner has reached out as to the disposition of parcel#32005-31-60070. It's proposed to utilize MCC 3.40.320 (1), allowing sale to the public by sealed bid following notice of the sale as prescribed in Section 3.40.300, & 310. Additionally, MCC 3.40.330 (a) mandates that all sales of county property must be made to the highest responsible bidder at public sale. Budget Impact(amount, funding source, budget amendment): If the surplus property is sold,proceeds would be allocated to the Road Fund. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): A Notice of the Sale of surplus property will be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Mason County Journal, with the final publication at least five days before the sale date. Signage will also be posted on the real property. Requested Action: Recommend the Board of County Commissioners to authorize the following: 1. Execution of a resolution to announce the intent to schedule a hearing for August 13, 2024, at 9:15am to allow public comment on the surplus of tax parcel 32005-31-60070. 2. Public Hearing to consider execution of a resolution to declare tax parcel 32005-31- 60070 as surplus and approval its sale. Attachments: 1. Resolution Notice of Intent (Setting Hearing) 2. Exhibit A 3. Assess Value 4. Resolution Declaration of Surplus Property and Approval to Sale (Hearing) 5. Map RESOLUTION NO. NOTICE OF INTENT TO DECLARE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID DECLARATION OF SALE WHEREAS,Mason County Public Works owns real property purchased as an uneconomical remnant as a result of CRP # 1010 realignment of Johns Prairie Road. The real property is parcel # 32005-31-60070, as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto;and, WHEREAS,the property was acquired for County Road Project(CRP) 1010,County Road Number 91720 Johns Prairie Road,completed in 1986;and, WHEREAS,there are a couple adjacent property owners who have expressed an interest to acquire the fee simple real property;and, WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners has determined that the property is surplus and in the best interest to the County,as authorized by Mason County Code 3.40,shall be sold by sale to the public by sealed bid following the notice of the sale as prescribed in Section 3.40.310,and 320.Recommended assessment of County Assessor's and final selling price are to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that a public hearing is set for Tuesday,August 13,2024,at 9:15 a.m.Public testimony will be available in-person or via Zoom. The URL is available on the County website https://www.masoncoLi t a.gov/to sign into the meeting. Please use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmith(c-r�,masoncountywa.gov or mail to the Commissioners' Office,411 N 5t' St, Shelton,WA 98584; or call(360)427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners'office, (360)427-9670 ext. 419. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Property Manager is directed to issue public notice regarding the proposed declaration of surplus of real property for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within Mason County and post signage on the property. Dated this day of 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Sharon Trask, Commissioner cc: Assessor Auditor Property Manager JOURNAL: Publ.4t: 7/11/24,7/18/24,7/25/24&8/1/24 EXHIBIT A Mason County uneconomical remnant from CRP 1010 Parcel # 32005-31-60070 A portion of the Northeast quarter, of the Southwest quarter of Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: All that portion of an uneconomical remnant shown as Tract B on Attachment A of the Warranty Deed between Michael D. Denoyer and Mason County, recorded July 9, 1986, under Auditors file No. 454652, records of Mason County, Washington, and lying Westerly of Tract A, said Tract A now known as East Johns Creek Drive, and Northerly of the new centerline for Johns Prairie Road, County Road No. 91720, as shown on the official Map of County Road Project No. 1010 on file in the Office of the Mason County Engineer. EXCEPTING therefrom all that portion lying within public roads, if any. The total amount of property conveyed is 0.09 acres more or less. ••�' `�MASON COUNTY ' •'°`''"' WASHINGTON TAXSIFTER SIMPLE SEARCH SALES SEARCH REETSIFTER COUNTY HOME PAGE CONTACT DISCLAIMER PAYMENT CART(0) 3zs Patti McLean Mason County Assessor 411 N 5TH ST Shelton,WA 98584 Assessor Treasurer Appraisal MapSifter Parcel Parcel#: 32005-31-60070 Owner Name: MASON COUNTY DOR Code: 67 - Services - Governmental Addressl: MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE Situs: Address2: 411 N 5TH ST Map Number: City, State: SHELTON WA Status: EXEMPT FULL YEAR Zip: 985843400 Description: PCL B N OF JOHNS PRAIRIE COUNTY R/W S 39/155 Comment: 2024 Market Value 2024 Taxable Value 2024 Assessment Data Land: $5,935 Land: $0 District: 0129 -Tax District 0129 Improvements: $0 Improvements: $0 Current Use/DFL: No Permanent Crop: $0 Permanent Crop: $0 Total $5,935 Total $0 Total Acres: 0.09000 Ownership Owner's Name Ownership % Owner Type MASON COUNTY 100% Owner Sales History No Sales History Building Permits No Building Permits Available Historical Valuation Info Year Billed Owner Land Impr. PermCrop Value Total Exempt Taxable 2024 MASON COUNTY 1 $5,935 $0 $0 $5,9351 $5,935 $0 View Taxes Parcel Comments No Comments Available Property Images No images found. RESOLUTION NO. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY AND APPROVAL OF SALE WHEREAS,Mason County Public Works owns real property purchased as an uneconomical remnant as a result of CRP # 1010 realignment of Johns Prairie Road. The real property is parcel # 32005-3 1-60070, as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto;and, WHEREAS,the property was acquired for County Road Project(CRP) 1010,County Road Number 91720 Johns Prairie Road;and WHEREAS,there are a couple adjacent property owners who have expressed an interest to acquire the fee simple real property;and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners determined that it was in the best interest to the County, as authorized by Mason County Code 3.40, shall be sold by sale to the public by sealed bid following the notice of the sale as prescribed in Section 3.40.320;and, WHEREAS,Mason County issued a public notice regarding the declaration of this property as surplus and its intent to sell by sale to the public by sealed bid following the notice of the sale and posted signage on the property as prescribed in Section 3.40.310,and 320. WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of Commissioners, on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, held a public hearing, during which members of the public were able to testify before the Mason County Board of Commissioners regarding the property,the proposed declaration of surplus and proposed manner of sale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of Commissioners that the real property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, is declared surplus property and the Property Manager is authorized to offer all of said property for sale, by sealed bid following the notice of the sale. Offering prices are to be those listed in Exhibit A, which prices were established by appraisal,tax assessment or as otherwise recommended by the Assessor's Office, and final selling prices are to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Dated this day of 12024. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Sharon Trask, Commissioner cc: Assessor Auditor Treasurer Property Manager PEON COU��� Mason County Agenda Request Form 1854 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Todd Cunningham,Building Official Ext. 359 Department: Community Development Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 8,2024 Agenda Date: July 16&August 13,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Adoption of Revised Building Permit Fees Background/Executive Summary: Maon County Community Development Staff is proposing an amendment to the Mason County building permit fee schedule. Building permit fees have not been restructured since 2018. The fees are intended to support the needs of the County to ensure continued fiscal stability and to reflect cost recovery for business of the County related to building permits. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Fees are amended for the purpose of maintaining cost recovery in line with actual costs for service; no negative impact to the budget is anticipated. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Outreach has included contact with stakeholders and field staff,review by the Olympia Master Builders board of directors and their membership. This BOCC briefing was advertised on the home page of the Mason County website and on the home page under the corresponding agenda and the public hearing notice published in the Mason Shelton Journal on July 25 and August 1,2024. Requested Action: Approval to adopt the Ordinance amending the Department of Community Development fees for building permits and adopting the revised fee schedule. Attachments Ordinance,Fee Schedule ORDINANCE 2024- AN ORDINANCE BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS REPEALING THE EXISTING FEES SCHEDULE AND ADOPTING THE REVISED FEE SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the State of Washington requires counties and cities to enact building codes and regulations and provide for administration, enforcement, fee structures and amendments; and WHEREAS, the regulations of building and building construction by Mason County (the "County") is necessary to protect the public health and welfare; and WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of the County desires to protect the safety and welfare of the citizens of the County through regulation of construction activities and fee structures regulating county business costs in the County; and WHEREAS, the County has previously adopted fee schedules related to these codes; and WHEREAS, County staff has undertaken a review of the currently adopted fee schedule; and WHEREAS, County Staff recommends restructuring of the current permit fee schedule in order to support continued fiscal stability; and WHEREAS, County Staff presented a briefing of the amended fee structure to the County BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; and WHEREAS, the Mason County BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS conducted a public hearing regarding amendments to the Building Department's fee schedule on August 13, 2024; and WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS provides for approval of the new fee schedule through adoption of the new fee schedule set forth herein at the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS meeting on August 13, 2024. BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED, the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS amendment to the Mason County Code as shown on ATTACHMENT A. DATED this day of 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE NC VALUATION BASED FEES: Building and Fire Code Construction Permits are to be based upon the building valuation or the improvement value of the improvement/s unless otherwise specified. Mason County will utilize the August published International Code Council's(ICC)"Building Valuation Data"as published by the ICC or the value of the improvements. For improvements not covered by the ICC published tables; applicants may be asked to provide valuation data related to the project. If valuation is not provided or supported by the documents provided with the permit application, the Department may determine valuation based on actual cost for construction as determined in the IRS Means or Saylor Construction cost publications. The square footage valuations from the ICC tables will be implemented on the first day of September following publication and remain in force though August of the following year(updated annually). The permit fee is based on Table 1 (as shown below) and the plan review fee is calculated at 65% of the building permit fee unless otherwise specified herein. The plan check fee will be collected when the building plans and applications are submitted. In addition, all other review fees and addressing fee, if applicable, will be collected at submittal. The building permit fee, and other associated fees, will be collected when the permit is issued. ➢ For plumbing and mechanical fees, please refer to the attached tables 1-B and 1-C. ➢ For Grading Permit fees see table 1-D ➢ Planning fees are per"Planning Program Permit Fees" documents ➢ Technology fee per Mason County Ordinance 84.17. ➢ State Building Fee collected per RCW 19.27.085. ➢ For additional fee information please contact the Permit Assistance Center at(360)427-9670 ext. 352. Table 1 —Building Permit Fees Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to$500.00 $156.00 minimum* $501.00 to$2,000.00 $156.00 minimum* $2,001.00 to$25,000.00 $156.00 minimum* or$76.17 for the first $2,000.00 plus$15.40 for each additional $1,000.00,or fraction thereof,to and including $25,000.00. Whichever is greater $25,001.00 to$50,000.00 $430.37 for the first$25,000.00 plus$11.11 for each additional$1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00. $50,001.00 to$100,000.00 $708.12 for the first$50,000.00 plus$7.70 for each additional$1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00. $100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $1,093.12 for the first$100,000.00 plus$6.16 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including$500,000.00. $500,001.00 to$1,000,000.00 $3,557.12 for the first$500,000.00 plus$5.22 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including$1,000,000.00. $1,000,000.00 and up $6,166.35 for the first$1,000,000.00 plus$3.46 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof *Permit fees shall be as set forth in Table 1. A minimum fee of$156.00 will be assessed or adjusted fee(based upon departmental cost considerations)assigned at the discretion of the Building Official and/or Community Services Director. PERMIT FEES AND VALUATIONS (Plan review fees may apply where applicable) RESIDENTIAL(AND ACCESSORY) BUILDING VALUATIONS New construction, and remodels greater than 50%, of"R" occupancies sq ft (including finished basements and additions) are valued per the most current August version of the (ICC) International Code Council's Building Valuation Data for the specified occupancy. Private garages, storage buildings, green houses and similar structures shall be valued as Utility, Miscellaneous unless otherwise specified Remodels less than 50% shall be valued at 50% of the table value from the ICC Building Valuation Data for the occupancy specified. NOTE:all footnotes of Building Valuation Data as published by ICC shall apply. MISCELLANEOUS VALUATIONS Covered deck/Carports Per sq ft$24.00 Fences Per sq ft$14.00 Decks Per sq ft$17.00 Retaining Walls Per sq ft$25.00 MISCELLANEOUS VALUATIONS (Shoreline related) The following projects per WAC 173-27-040 (2) (a) the valuation for these projects must be at cost, or fair market value, whichever is higher. A written contractor's bid or engineer's estimate of cost must be submitted with application. Bulkheads Boat Ramps Docks, Piers, Floats Stairs and Landings Pilings RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEES (Plan review fees may apply where applicable) MANUFACTURED HOUSING Manufactured Homes: (see below if perimeter"concrete"foundation system) Flat fee$550.00 Modular Home or(Manufactured Home with perimeter concrete foundation) Flat fee$720.00 MH Title Elimination Flat fee$97.00 MH Runners/Tiedowns Flat fee$170.00 MISCELLANEOUS Foundation Only: Fees based 20% of total valuation of project Min. $156.00 (based on value) Window replacement In existing openings (SEE POLICY FOR IMPORTANT DETAILS) Flat fee $131.00 2 Roofing Only (Residential) Flat fee $131.00 Demolition Fee Flat fee $131.00 Below ground tank removal/abandonment (Residential) Flat fee $97.00 Site Inspection/Investigation: Per trip $97.00 Final Inspection/Expired permit Per trip $97.00 Plan Review Revisions Per hr. $97.00 Re-inspect Fee Per trip $97.00 Geotechnical/Stormwater Review (for related building structural issues) Per hr. $97.00 Addressing Fee Flat fee $185.00 Bldg. Inspections/Adj. Counties Base Plus Miles (base) (Actual Cost) Appeals of Administrative Decisions Flat fee $660.00 Large scale copies (plans) Per Page $4.50 Land Use Prosecutor/Deputy Prosecutor Research and/or Consultation fee: Per Hr. actual cost to dept. Structures or work requiring permits for which no fee is specifically indicated: Min permit fee of signs, pools, etc., will be valued utilizing submitted written contractor's bid or $156.00 engineer's cost information, or closest related item for which a fee is determined. Plan review fees for compliance with the Washington State Energy Code shall 5% of the building be established at the rate of 5% of the building permit fee. permit fee *Fees may be adjusted at the discretion of the Building Official and/or Community Development Director PERMIT FEES PLAN/PLAN REVIEW Permit fees shall be as set forth in Table 1. A minimum permit fee of$156.00 will be assessed, or adjusted fee assigned at the discretion of the Building Official and/or Community Development Director unless otherwise specified herein. Plan review fees, where not otherwise provided for or indicated, shall be established at 65% of the building permit fee or a rate of$97.00 per hour with a one-hour minimum charge. VIOLATIONS/STOP WORK ORDER PENALTIES AND FINES Shall be assessed pursuant to Title 14, Title 15, and Codes adopted at time of submittal. STOCK PLAN FEES A full plan review fee based upon square footage, occupancy, and use of the building will be collected when the initial stock plan is submitted along with a 1-hour charge for the initial stock plan set-up. The plan review fee for the subsequent submittals is the greater of 20% of the building permit fee, or 1 hour charged at the current rate. The reduced plan check fee will cover review of site-specific conditions and is intended to cover processing costs. If additional reviews are needed because of a geo-technical report or similar issues, hourly fees will be assessed based upon the current adopted fee schedule in effect at the time the building permit application was received. Stock plan use, and limitations will be per current Mason County stock plan policy at time of submittal. 3 COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS, PERMIT AND PLAN REVIEW FEES VALUATION DETERMINATION New construction, and remodels greater than 50% of all occupancies are valued per the most current August version of the International Code Council's Building Valuation Data for the specified occupancy. Remodels less than 50% sq ft, permit and plan review fees shall be based upon 50% of the valuation for the occupancy group listed in the Building Valuation Data as published by the ICC or as determined by the Building Official or Director of Community Development Written Contractor's Bid or Engineer's Estimate of cost if not specified in the published Building Valuation Data. PERMIT FEE/PLAN REVIEW (Permit fees shall be as set forth in Table-1) A minimum fee of$156.00 will be assessed, or adjusted fee assigned at the discretion of the Building Official and/or Community Development Director. Plan review fees, where not otherwise provided for or indicated, shall be established at 65% of the building permit fee or a rate of$97.00 per hour with a one-hour minimum charge. Plan review fees for compliance with the Washington State Energy Code shall be established at the rate of$97.00 per-hour or 5% of the building permit fee whichever is greater, with a 1-hour minimum and shall be paid at the time the permit is issued. Each Commercial Tank installation, or removal, permit fees will be valued per written contractor's bid or Engineer's estimate, or will be a minimum fee base of$190.00, whichever is greater in addition to any applicable IFC and IBC plan check fees that may apply. Re-roof permit fees for commercial structures will be based upon the above criteria or will be a minimum fee base of$190.00, whichever is greater in addition to any applicable IFC and IBC plan check fees that may apply. Change in Tenant Applications $156.00 in addition to any applicable IFC and IBC plan check fees that may apply. Commercial Coach $550.00. A separate plan review fee and building permit fee will be charged for additional structures, such as landings, ramps, etc. Modular structure placed on permanent foundation systems $720.00.A separate plan review fee and building permit fee will be charged for additional structures, such as landings, ramps, etc. 4 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE/ASSOCIATED FEES Plan review fees for fire code compliance of building 50% of the IBC plan review fee or a rate of plan reviews. $97.00 per hour with a one hour minimum Fire related reviews and site visits for large lot short Based on the hourly rate of$97.00 per hour plat/subdivisions. with a one-hour minimum charge. Fire related plan review and inspection fees where not A rate of$97.00 per hour with a one-hour otherwise provided for, or indicated. minimum charge. AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARMS Fees to be assessed based upon submitted The permit fee will be a minimum fee base of contractor bid and the adopted fee schedule as $190.00. Plan review fees will be calculated at depicted in Table 1. 65% of permit fee. Fixed Fire Suppression: The permit fee will be a minimum fee base of Fees to be assessed based upon submitted $190.00. Plan review fees will be calculated at contractor bid and the adopted fee schedule as 65% of permit fee. depicted in Table 1. Automatic Sprinkler: The permit fee will be a minimum fee base of Fees to be assessed per Building Standards $190.00. Plan review fees will be calculated at valuation data or upon submitted contractor bid at 65% of permit fee. the discretion of Mason County. MISCELLANEOUS REVIEW Fire Apparatus Road ==Per hr. min fee $97.00 Burn Permit Per Site $175.00 FIREWORKS RELATED FEES-LOCAL PERMIT AND LICENSE FEES (LIMITS PURSUANT TO RCW 70.77.555) Retail Fireworks Stand Permit: $100.00 for one retail sales permit for one selling season in a year. Cost includes processing, permit, and inspections. Public Fireworks Display Permit: $250.00 minimum permit fee and min. '/2 hr. plan review fee or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved and include administrative costs 5 TABLE 1-B PLUMBING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE (Commercial Permits Use Unit Fee Schedule) PERMIT ISSUANCE Base fee for issuing each permit Flat fee $30.00 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING FEES (flat fee schedule) New SFR Plumbing system up to 1499 sq ft, includes one kitchen/two Flat fee $182.00 restrooms (min fee) 1500 sq ft up to 3000 sq ft (if additional plumbing fixtures beyond one kitchen $182.00 flat fee and two restrooms) plus an additional $50.00 3001 sq ft to 6000 sq ft $232.00 flat fee plus an additional $75.00 Over 6000 sq ft. $307.00 flat fee plus an additional $100.00 SWIMMING POOLS (May require fencing or other protection per state statute) Fencing or other protection inspection as required per state statute Flat fee $48.50 For each above ground swimming pool over 5000 gallons Flat fee $62.50 For each in-ground swimming pool or built-in spa in addition to plan review fees Min fee $156.00 as applicable. UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap $10.00 (including water, drainage piping and associated backflow protection. For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture $10.00 For each gas piping system of one to five outlets $9.00 For each additional gas piping system outlet, per outlet $3.00 For each building sewer and each trailer park individual sewer line. $21.00 Rainwater system/s-per drain (inside building) $21.00 For each private sewage disposal system lateral line to structure. $48.50 Note:Addition permit is required to be issued for all private sewer system. (Contact County Environmental Health Dept.) For each water heater and or vent associated with a gas fired water heater $10.00 For each waste water pretreatment interceptor or grease trap including vent up to $10.00 200 gallons. For each waste water pretreatment interceptor or grease trap including vent over $60.00 200 gallons. 6 For each installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water $10.00 treatment equip each. For each state compliant gray water system. $60.00 (see state statutes for design restrictions) For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including associated backflow $10.00 devices. For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in lawn systems: 1 to 5 $7.00 Over 5, each $2.00 For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers: 2-inch diameter and smaller $10.00 Over 2-inch diameter $22.00 For installation and testing of a reclaimed water system. Based on value and Table-1 fees For each medical gas piping system serving one to five inlets/outlets for a specific $80.00 gas For each additional medical gas inlet/outlet. $7.00 For each annual cross-connection Inspection testing of a reclaimed water system. $80.00 OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES (Plumbing) Inspections outside of normal business hours* (Minimum charge two hours) $145.00 Reinspection fee, minimum fee for one hour $97.00 Over one hour is an additional charge per hour of $97.00 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated* $97.00 Additional plan review for changes, additions or revisions to approved plans $97.00 (1/2-hour minimum)* *Per hour based on hours worked or cost to the jurisdiction,whichever is greater.This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of all the employees involved as determined by the County. 7 TABLE 1-C MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE PERMIT ISSUANCE For the issuance of each mechanical permit $30.00 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL FEES (flat fee schedule) New SFR Mechanical system up to 1499 sq ft, Flat fee$136.00 1500 sq ft up to 3000 sq ft $136.00 flat fee plus an additional $75.00 3001 sq ft to 6000 sq ft $211.00 flat fee plus an additional $125.00 Over 6000 sq ft. $336.00 flat fee plus an additional $150.00 UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or $19.00 gravity-type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to and including 100 Btu/h. For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type furnace $23.00 or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, over 100 Btu/h For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, $19.00 recessed wall heater or floor-mounted unit heater. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent. $19.00 APPLIANCE VENTS For the installation, relocation or replacement of each appliance vent installed and $10.00 not included in another permit. REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, $17.00 refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit or each heating, cooling absorption or evaporative cooling system, including installation of controls regulated by the Mechanical Code. s BOILERS, COMPRESSORS AND ABSORPTION SYSTEMS (INCL. HEAT PUMP) For each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h(29.3kW) $19.00 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over $35.00 three horsepower(10.6kW)to and including 15 horsepower(52.7kW), or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h (29.3 kW)to and including 500,000 Btu/h (146.6kW). For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor $46.00 over 30 horsepower(52.7 kW)to and Including 30 horsepower(105.5 kW), or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h (146.6 kW)to and Including 1,000,000 Btu/h (293.1 kW) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over $70.00 30 horsepower(105.5 kW)to and Including 50 horsepower(176 kW), or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h (293.1 kW)to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h (512.9 kW) For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over $115.00 50 horsepower(176 kW)or each absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h (512.9 kW) AIR HANDLERS For each air-handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (4719L/s), including attached ducts. Note: This fee does not apply to an air-handling unit, which is a portion of a $14.00 factory-assembled appliance, cooling unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere in the Mechanical Code. Factory-assembled appliance, cooling unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit $23.00 for which a permit is required elsewhere in the Mechanical Code. For each air-handling unit over 10,000 cfm (4719L/s) $14.00 VENTILATION AND EXHAUST For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct $10.00 For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any other permitted $14.00 heating or air-conditioning system. For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, $14.00 including the ducts for each hood. MISCELLANEOUS For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by the Mechanical Code but $14.00 not classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed. 9 OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEE Inspections outside of normal business hours, per hour $145.00 (minimum charge two hours) Reinspection fee, minimum fee for one hour $97.00 Over one hour is an additional charge per hour of: $97.00 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated, per hour(minimum charge $97.00 one-half hour) Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans or to $97.00 plans for which an initial review has been completed (minimum charge-one-half hour) Liquid propane tank, above ground tank, below ground tank(Residential $97.00 Only) Solid Fuel Burning Equipment: Wood, Pellet, LP and fireplace, barbeque $97.00 appliances. 10 TABLE 1-D GRADING PERMIT FEES PERMIT ISSUANCE Unless otherwise exempt per Mason County Municipal Code (MCC) no person shall perform any grading without first having obtained a grading permit from the County.A grading permit shall be required for a project involving excavation or fill that total: • Two hundred or more cubic yards of grading material for lots exceeding one-acre and which do not impact neighboring properties or which are not otherwise exempted. • Grading activities not requiring a grading permit shall comply with the standards listed in Sections 14.44.170 through 14.44.210 of the Mason County Municipal Code. • Lots less than one-acre are subject to permits when excavation or fill exceeds fifty cubic yards unless specifically exempted by Section 14.44.050, subsection (b) of the MCC. GRADING PLAN REVIEW FEES (cu yards) 50 cubic yards or less No fee 51 to 100 cubic yards $97.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards $194.00 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $291.00 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $291.00 for the first 10,000 yards plus $22.00 for each additional 10,000 yards up to 100,000 yards. 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards $489.00 for the first 100,000 yards plus$11.00 for each additional 10,000 yards up to 200,000 yards. Over 200,000 yards $599.00 for the first 200,000 yards plus$7.00 for each additional 10,000 yards. GRADING PERMIT FEES (cu yards) 50 cubic yards or less No fee 51 to 100 cubic yards $97.00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards $291.00 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards $291.00 for the first 1,000 yards plus $27.00 for each additional 1,000 yards or fraction thereof up to 10,000 yards. 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards $534.00 for the first 10,000 yards plus$90.00 for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof up to 100,000 yards 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards $1344.00 for the first 100,000 yards plus $60.00 for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof up to 200,000 yards. Over 200,000 yards $1944.00 for the first 200,000 yards plus $30.00 for each additional 10,000 yards or fraction thereof. 11 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y �1 t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE, County Engineer Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: N Public Hearing: N Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. July 1 ,2024 May 21,2024(setting hearing) August 5,2024 July 2,2024(hearing canceled) July 8,2024(Special Mtg/setting new hearing date) August 13,2024(Hearing) Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Road Improvement District(RID)No. 2024-01 for Shetland Road Background/Executive Summary: On July 1, 2024, the Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to schedule a public hearing for the creation of a new Road Improvement District(RID). This hearing is designed to provide the Board with a detailed overview of the essential elements required for decision-making, as outlined in RCW 36.88.060. The following points summarize the key components to be reviewed and addressed to ensure transparency, compliance, and effective decision-making: • District Formation: Proposed boundaries and rationale for establishment. • Cost Estimates/Assessment Method & Funding Sources: Financial details and funding strategies. • Public Input: Notice of hearing and summary of public comments. • Compliance with Statutes & Legal Review: Verification of adherence to legal requirements. • Project Timeline Schedule: Key milestones and deadlines. • Community Impact& Environmental Considerations: Analysis of the project's effects on the community and environment. Budget Impact: Project will be financed through a loan for the RID. The property owners within the RID will be billed special assessments and these assessments will be used to pay the debt that will include 6% interest over a ten(10)year period(interest rate and loan term is an estimate, actual rate and term to be determined). cqi Mason County Agenda Request Form Public Outreach: 1. The Resolution of Intent was published in the Shelton-Mason County Journal on July 1 lth and 18th, in accordance with RCW 36.88.050. 2. Notification, along with the Resolution of Intent, was sent by certified mail to property owners or reputed owners listed on the county treasurer's tax rolls at least 15 days and/or 30 days before this hearing and posted on-site. Property owners have the option to add or withdraw their names from the petition up until 5:00 p.m. on the day before the August 13, 2024, hearing. 3. The SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance was published in the Shelton Journal on August lst and 8th and posted on-site. This includes a 15-day notice period for the public. Requested Action: Request the board adopt a resolution finding the formation and construction feasible for the Shetland Road Improvement District(RID)No.2024-01 and hereby approves the ordering of the improvements and integrate this section of Shetland Road into the county road system contingent upon the Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS)being issued on August 15, 2024. Attachments: 1. Proposed District boundary Map 2. Engineers Estimate & Estimate Parcel Expense for Shetland Road RID 2023 3. Mailing—Notice of Intent/Hearing 4. Property Owner Petition Status 5. Environmental Impact 6. Flow Chart-RID procedures for initiation by petition 7. Draft Resolution Feasibility& Creating RID SHETLAND RD RID MARCH 25 2024 TATE OF WASHINGTO LANDMAN STATE OF WASHINGTON 32116-75-00140 32116-75-00330 32116-76-00560 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:NR RIDER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00130 TATE OF WASHINGTO 32116-31-90171 32116-75-00150 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:no STATE OF WASHINGTON BROWN Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00160 32116-76-00550 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00540 32116-75-90181 32116-76-00570 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90322 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON E SUNNY WOODS DR 32116-75-90321 It Petition Status:NR E SPIRIT CT WEST] E SPIRIT CT EAST ACKERMAN FFERNICK ET UX STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116-75-90182 32116-76-00580 32116-76-00520 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32116-75-90323 Petition Status:NR STRICKLAND HOLM 32116-75-00120 Z BAILEY 32116-75-90324 Petition Status:NR rJ 32116-75-00210 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes KASPER 32116 76-0530 X >— BREWER ET VIR 32116-76-00590 2116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes J Petition Status:NR etition Status:y STATE OF WASHINGTON D 32116-75-00190 cr Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116 75 Z GUTIERREZ 32116-75-00200 Petition Status:NR LONG Petition Status:yes I` S FFERNICK ET X LANZ 5- UX Y TYLER 321on St 005y 116-76-0048 32116 6-00460 32116-75-00110 H SE ERNICK ET X LA BER Petition Status:no W 32116-75-00220 Q etition Status: Petition Status:yes �(/ 32 6-76-00500 AGEEV 1999 FAMILY TRUST Pe'' Status:ye etition Status: es Petitio Status:yes Q 32116-76-00600 UST 08068 LAUBER 116-76-0047 116-76-004 STATE OF WASHINGTON Qy Petition Status:yes etition Status: s P tition Status: s STEGGELL 32116-75-00290 KASPER PHILLIPS 32116 75 90103 3211HILLI Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes LANZ ET UX PLUNKETT BOE 32116-75-00230 STATE OF WASHINGTON J?� CHANDLER 32116-75-90104 32116-75-90102 Petition Status:yes 32116-75-00280 y 32116-76-00610 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status: Petition Status:yes CHESLEDON es Y PINKERTON 32116-34-90251 TYLER TYLER 32116-75-00240 Petition Status:yes HERMAN 32116-76-00490 32116-76-00500 Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00270 E SUNN Petition Status:yes etition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Y WOOD KING ET AL SMITH DR 32116-75-90092 32116-75-90091 CHESLEDON TYLER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:no 32116-34-90254 32116-76-00490 Petition Sta s:: es LATHROP LATHROP m Petition Status:yes 32116-43-90361 32116-43-90362 TRIMBLE Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00370 z E SUNNY WOODS RD WEST REESE Petition Status:yes TRIMBLE • 32116-76-00370 MCBRIDE MYERS 2116-75-90023 etition Status:ye !y Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 GLEASON NOWACKI 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye petition Status:N REESE e 32116-76-00440 32116-33-90081 CHIN 32116-75-90022 'RI SIZEMORE etition Status:ye etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90021 etition Status:ye 32116-76-90381 Petition Status:yes GREER 0 Petition Status:no 32116-76-00350 CHAVEZ ET UX �, Petition Status: 32116-76-90382 MARQUIN Status:yes AMANN ET VI MATH M&M LIVING TRUST Y Petition Status:NR 2116-76-00 0 32116-75-00070 32116-75-00060 32116-75-00050 FRIZZELL CADLE etition Statu yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00030 32116-76-00390 AC URATE DEVELOPMENT NC Petition Status:yes Petition Status:ye MITCHELL NOWACKI 32116-75-00040 32116-75-90011 32116-33-90082 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR CADLE Petition Status:NR PETERS 32116-76-00390 MCBRIDE MYERS GLEASON Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 32116-76-00340 32116-76-00440 FOSS Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye etition Status:N etition Status:ye 32116-75-90012 etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR MARQUIN 32116-76-00400 United States of America Petition Status:yes 32121-20-00010 Petition Status:NR Z J H W 2 CO W Eagle 32121-22-00010 Heckert Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:yes 32121-21-00010 32121-12-00010 Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32121-11-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments,LLC Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-23-00010 32121-24-00010 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Hicks JLCG LLC,an Ohio limited liability company 32121-13-90120 32121-14-00000 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Hicks 32121-13-90110 Petition Status:yes Cascade Natural Gas Corp Legend 00010 32tion St tus:yeSylvan Investments, LLC Petition Status:yes 32121-32-00010 Petition Status:yes WADNR Petition Status Cranberry Lake Foundation 32121-41-00020 noresponse Petition Status:yes no Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-34-00010 Petition Status:yes yes E. Cranberry Lake Foundation BALMORAL WAY 32121-43-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments, LLC 32121-33-00010 Petition Status:yes ' �eq<tiIO Lake Le P2chaun R a E Pq�S�FY CO W SAP Sylvan Investments,LLC 'V w v 32121-34-00020 � Q' Petition Status:yes O� W F SyFT qNo RD �� LE SHETLAND- RD 2 _ Q�. 0 0 . 125 0 .25 0.5 Miles berry Cr ck Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), NGCC,(c) ��_ EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00130 WASHINGTON 13 W SPIRIT CT $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00140 WASHINGTON $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00150 WASHINGTON $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00160 WASHINGTON $704.74 32116-31-90171 WILLIAM G & LINDA L RIDER 151 E SPIRIT CT E $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90181 WASHINGTON $704.74 32116-75-00330 MARTIN L&EILEEN D LANDMAN $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-76-00560 WASHINGTON 360 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-76-00550 WASHINGTON $704.74 32116-76-00540 JEFFREY EARL&JENNIE DIANE BROWN 541 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-75-90322 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-76-00570 WASHINGTON $704.74 WILLIAM J SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL 32116-76-00520 RICHARDS 330 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90321 WASHINGTON 301 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90182 WASHINGTON $704.74 32116-76-00580 BRANDON RICK&JENNIFER A ACKERMAN 260 E SUNNYWOODS RD E $704.74 WILLIAM J SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL 32116-76-00530 RICHARDS 330 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD WILLIAM J SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL 32116-76-00480 RICHARDS $704.74 TIMOTHY COLNAR TRUSTEE C/O THERESA 32116-76-00470 SWENSON TRUST 080680 530 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-76-00460 TERRY D&VICTORIA Y LAUBER $704.74 32116-76-00450 TERRANCE D&VICTORIA LAUBER 550 EAST SUNNYWOODS DR $704.74 32116-76-00510 DENNIS&SHEILA KASPER 290 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-75-00120 HELEN C STRICKLAND 191 E TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-75-00210 CECIL H BAILEY JR 40 E SPIRIT CT E $704.74 32116-75-00200 REMY& ERIN BUTIERREZ 120 E SPIRIT CT $704.74 WILLIAM J SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL 32116-76-00520 RICHARDS 330 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 SAMANTHA P BREWER ET VI & RENZ 32116-76-00590 BOLIGAO 240 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $704.74 32116-76-00500 MERILYN LEE TYLER 250 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00190 WASHINGTON $704.74 32116-76-00510 1 DENNIS&SHEILA KASPER 1290 E SUNNY WOODS DR 1 $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00290 WASHINGTON $704.74 NICK VICTOROVICH AGEEV& MARIA AGEEV 32116-76-00600 TRUSTEES AGEE 1999 120 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00280 WASHINGTON $704.74 32116-76-00610 JAMES J CHANDLER 41 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-76-00490 MERILYN LEE TYLER 200 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-75-00270 ROY A&STEFANIE HERMAN 70 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $704.74 32116-75-90103 WAYNE & DARLA STEGGELL 87 TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-75-90101 GARY L& RHONDA L PHILLIPS 83 E TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-75-00230 SAM LANZ ET UX&JAMIE BUTLER 150 E TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-75-00240 SEAN PINKERTON 300 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $704.74 EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD 32116-34-90254 TROY R CHESLEDON 200 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $704.74 32116-76-00500 MERILYN LEE TYLER 250 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-75-90104 MICHAEL H PLUNKETT 85 E TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-75-90102 GARY E BOE 81 E TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-75-90092 CYNTHIA L KING ET AL& MARY E BINGHAM 360 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $704.74 32116-75-90091 SHARON M &JAMIE A SMITH 51 E TRANQUILITY LN $704.74 32116-76-00490 MERILYN LEE TYLER 200 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-43-90362 PATRICK J &SUSAN JUNG LATHROP $704.74 32116-76-00410 DOUGLAS B&TERI L WALKER 271 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 32116-76-00370 JASON E TRIMBLE 154 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-76-00420 JOSEPH F&JANE G MCBRIDE 311 E SANDY LK RD $704.74 32116-76-00430 JACQUELINE A MYERS 341 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 32116-76-00370 JASON E TRIMBLE 154 E SUNNY WOODS DR $704.74 32116-76-00440 CHRISTOPHER P&THERESA F GLEASON 390 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32116-75-90023 JOHN E REESE 1521 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT 32116-75-90022 JOHN E REESE 1501 E SHETLAND RD $704.74 32116-33-90082 JANE CAROL NOWACKI $704.74 32116-75-90021 JOHN M & NALEE S CHIN 91 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $704.74 32116-75-00060 SARY MATH ROFIAS EL 311 E SUNNY WOODS DR W $704.74 32116-75-00040 SALLY A SHEETZ 211 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32116-76-00350 DOUGLAS L& BRANDI A GREER 1520 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT LINDSAY KALI JEAN CHAVETEZ ET UX& NELKI 32116-76-90382 0 CHAVEZ LORA 40 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 32116-76-90381 VIRGINIA SIZEMORE 31 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 32116-76-00390 ROBERT SAM CADLE 191 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD 32116-76-00400 JOSE W&VICKIE L MARQUINA 221 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 32116-76-00420 JOSEPH F&JANE G MCBRIDE 311 E SANDY LK RD $704.74 32116-76-00430 JACQUELINE A MYERS 341 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 32116-76-00440 CHRISTOPHER P&THERESA F GLEASON 390 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32116-75-90011 KATHERINE K MITCHELL 1491 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT 32116-76-00410 DOUGLAS B&TERI L WALKER 271 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32116-76-00340 JOSEPH R PETERS 1490 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT 32116-76-00390 ROBERT SAM CADLE 191 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32116-75-90012 PATRICIA FOSS 1471 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT 32121-14-00000 JLCG L.L.C. Exempt- No Assessment- Forestland FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32116-43-90361 PATRICK J &SUSAN JUNG LATHROP NO ASSESSMENT 32116-33-90081 JANE CAROL NOWACKI $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90323 WASHINGTON 221 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $704.74 32116-75-90324 JULIE L HOLM 221 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $704.74 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00300 WASHINGTON $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-34-00020 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC NO ASSESSMENT 32121-33-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC Exempt- No Assessment- Forestland FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-34-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC NO ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-32-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC NO ASSESSMENT 32121-23-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC Exempt- No Assessment-Forestland EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD 32121-20-00010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $704.74 32121-22-00010 AMANDA&ANDREW EAGLE 1203 E SHETLAND RD Exempt- No Assessment- Forestland KERNAN LIVING TRUST-KATHLEEN MARY 32121-11-00010 KERNAN -TRSEE 1150 E SHETLAND RD Exempt- No Assessment-Forestland 32116-75-00070 JORDAN AMANN ET VI 321 E SUNNY WOODS RD $704.74 32116-75-00030 DAN & LINDA FRIZZELL 181 E SUNNYWOODS RD W $704.74 32116-76-00400 JOSE W&VICKIE L MARQUINA 221 E SANDY LAKE RD $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-21-00010 TODD L HECKERT 1203 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT KERNAN LIVING TRUST-KATHLEEN MARY FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-12-00010 KERNAN -TRSEE NO ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-24-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC NO ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-41-00010 CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORP NO ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-43-00010 CRANBERRY LAKE FOUNDATION NO ASSESSMENT 32116-75-00110 JEFFREY H & PRISCILLA N LONG $704.74 32116-34-90251 TROY R& DESTINY A CHESLEDON 200 E SUNNY WOODS RD $704.74 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-13-90120 CHARLES T& MIRIAH L HICKS 920 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW 32121-13-90110 JILL&ADAM JOHNSON 920 E SHETLAND RD NO ASSESSMENT MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Project: Shetland Road RID 1.3 miles CRP No. Working Days: RAP Project No: Road No. Made By: mwc Date:1 10/23/23 1 Checked By: Date: MP 1.30 Item No. Std.Item Description Total Qty. Units Unit Cost Total Cost No. Per Item MOBILIZATION 1 Mobilization 1.00 L.F. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing 1.00 1 L.S. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 DRAINAGE 3 Replace 3 culverts place 18"x50 each 150.00 L.F. $60.00 $9,000.00 GRADING 4 rental dozer for 1 week 1 L.S. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 2 1/2"crushed rock 550 TON $50.00 $27,500.00 CSTC 6 4"of CSTC 4345 TON $50.00 $217,250.00 $0.00 DOUBLE SHOT CHIP SEAL 7 1.3 miles of double shot chip seal 1 Each $74,000.00 $74,000.00 ENGINEERING AND SURVEY CREWS 8 Engineering and survey Crews 80 Hours $50.00 $4,000.00 SIGNS 9 New signs speed and warinng signs 12 Each $200.00 $2,400.00 10 Striping 20592 LF $0.35 1$7,207.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bid Item Total = $363,857.20 TOTAL=$363,857.20 Mailed the attached documents to the following via certified mail on 7/9/2024 with the exception of DNR, which was mailed on 7/8/24. KATY TAYLOR WA STATE DNR WILLIAM G &LINDA L RIDER MARTIN L&EILEEN D LANDMAN JEFFREY EARL&JENNIE DIANE BROWN SEFFERNICK ET UX,WILLIAM J &CAROL RICHARDS BRANDON RICK&JENNIFER ACKERMAN TIMOTHY COLNAR TRUSTEE C/O THERESA SWENSON TERRANCE D &VICTORIA LAUBER DENNIS&SHEILA KASPER HELEN STRICKLAND CECIL H 1R BAILEY REMY&ERIN GUTIERREZ RENZ BOLIGAO BREWER ET VIR,SAMANTHA MERILYN LEE TYLER JAM IE BUTLER& LANZ ET UX, SAM NICK&MARIAAGEEV 1999 FAMILY JAMES CHANDLER ROY&STEFANIE HERMAN WAYNE& DARLA STEGGELL GARY&RHONDA PHILLIPS SEAN PINKERTON TROY R CHESLEDON MICHAEL PLUNKETT GARY BOE MARY E BINGHAM &KING ETAL, CYNTHIA SHARON &JAMIE SMITH PATRICK&SUSAN JUNG LATHROP DOUGLAS&TERI WALKER JASON TRIMBLE JOSEPH &JANE MCBRIDE JACQUELINE MYERS CHRISTOPHER&THERESA GLEASON JOHN REESE JANE CAROL NOWACKI JOHN & NALEE CHIN SARY MATH &ROFIAS EL THE M &M LIVING TRUST SALLY SHEETZ DOUGLAS&BRANDI GREER LINDSAY KALI JEAN CHAVEZ ET UX&NELKI O CHAVEZ LORA VIRGINIA SIZEMORE ROBERTSAM CAD LE JOSE &VICKIE MARQUINA KATHERINE MITCHELL JOSEPH PETERS PATRICIA FOSS JLCG L.L.C. JULIE HOLM SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC CRANBERRY LAKE FOUNDATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AMANDA&ANDREW EAGLE KATHLEEN MARY KERNAN -TRSEE KERNAN LIVING TRUST BRADY T BECKER AMANN ET VIR,JORDAN DAN & LINDA FRIZZELL TODD HECKERT CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORP JILL&ADAM JOHNSON JEFFREY& PRISCILLA LONG TROY& DESTINY CHESLEDON CHARLES&MIRIAH HICKS z��►�7�IGia��r�-�•�17/A Department of Public Works US POSTAGE 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton, Washington 98584 $First-Class05.28 9589 0710 5270 1430 9886 13 Mailed From 98584 07'09l2024 _ 032A 0061844327 SEAN PINKERTON 980 FE 1 0967j13.124 S ATTFM� TF- n _ mn+ iirInSJfi - 11NAiS iz Its PtiKViA - .�iL. h'Fax i4 :'�..-+"i.s.#t WY'k- Department of Public Works a US POSTAGE 100 W Public Works Drive Sheln, Wa hington 98584 $ 05.28 111111111111111111111111111 Firs Mailed From 9589 0710 5270 1430 9884 77 07/091202a9858a t-Class 032A 0061844327 TIMOTHY COLNAR TRUSTEE C/O THERESA SWENSON FiETURN _- __P R EF:USE 4 ner L�. r `_n n_4 in _ Y+ tee^ic _n_nnr r_ n_n_ pa b 97Sn°' IIIJ i::l:r 111Jllfl(l:�a�ill,aiiil�:r} � I MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 Phone(360)427-9670 ext. 450 Far(360)427-7783 � a Notice of Adoption of a Resolution of Intention to Create a Road Improvement District (RID) And Notice of Public Hearing MASON COUNTY MISSION The Board of County Commissioners adopted.Resolution No.2024-040, a copy of which The is included with this notice, on July 8, 2024. The resolution declares Mason County's County Govern entMasis intention to create a Road Improvement District to be known as RID No. 2024-01— County Government is to p provide essential& Shetland Road. A public hearing has been scheduled in order for the Board to ascertain mandated services benefit the eswhich will preserve&b the feasibility of the proposed RID,to determine whether the benefits to be derived health,safety&welfare of therefrom exceed the costs and expense,to select the method of assessment,and to the general public in consider all other matters pertaining to the improvement. professional and courteous manner through the effective and equitable management As a property owner within this improvement district,you may withdraw your name of available public resources. from the petition and/or add your name thereto no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday August 12, 2024. Mason County recognizes that its employees& Public testimony is invited at the hearing which will be held: volunteers are the foundation upon which these services are provided. Tuesday,August 13, 2024,at 9:15 am Mason County Commissioners Chambers 411 North 5th Street Shelton,Washington Public testimony will be available in-person or via Zoom. The URL is available on the County website https://www.masoncountvwa.gov/to sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmith@masoncountywa.gov or mail to the Commissioners`Office,411 N 5th St,Shelton,WA 98584; or call (360)427-9670 ext. 230. The proposed RID involves the improvement of: • Shetland Road—located in Section 16, and 21,Township 21 North, Range 3 East, W.M., Mason County, Washington,from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. The total estimated cost and expense of this improvement is$365,000 and the proportion of total cost to be borne by assessments is$365,000. This estimated amount includes the nature of the proposed improvement for mobilization, drainage,grading, CSTC, double shot chip seal, engineering and survey crews and new signs and striping; all which by law are required to be included in the expense of the district. The enclosed spreadsheets contain the estimated assessment for your property. Actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property. If you have questions, please call the Mason County Public Works Department at(360) 427-9670, Ext.450. Notice provided by: Mason County Public Works RESOLUTION NO. c - AMENDING RES.2024-032 COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)NO.2024-01 IN THE MATTER OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF SHETLAND ROAD ) RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOCATED IN SECTIONS 16,and 21, ) TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH,RANGE 3 EAST,W.M ) A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, declaring the intention of the Board of Commissioners to improve an existing private road known as Shetland Road located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North, Range 3 East, W.M., Mason County, Washington, from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS, an informal petition, set forth in RCW 36.88.050, has been filed requesting the improvement of the following described tract of land: Shetland Road—located in Section 16,and 21,Township 21 North, Range 3, W.M. Mason County, Washington, from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS,the County Auditor reports that the petition has been signed by the owners of property to an aggregate amount of a majority of the lineal frontage upon the improvement to be made and of a majority of the area within the limits of the proposed assessment district. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, as follows: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the Board of Commissioners of Mason County to adopt Shetland Road as a County Road and order the improvement of said road once the formation of the road improvement district is approved by petition and all conveyances of easement right of ways necessary by donation to Mason County for the intended improvement are recorded. The road construction improvements shall meet the adopted Mason County Road Standards. The dedicated public right-of-way for Shetland Road will be sixty feet(60'). SECTION 2: The estimated cost and expense of said improvement is hereby declared to be declared to be approximately Three hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars($365,000)and that all costs shall be borne by the property owners; and, that the remaining construction cost of said improvements shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district herein proposed to be established. SECTION 3: It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners to establish a RID to be known and designated as RID No. 2024-01 which said district includes all the property lying within the boundaries as described above. SECTION 4: All persons who may desire to speak in favor of or object to the construction of the aforesaid improvement or the formation of the aforesaid improvement district are hereby notified. Public testimony will be available in-person, email,mail and via ZOOM for those in favor of or protest such objections at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to be held on: Page 1 of 3 �zes. �a4-o4o Tuesday,August 13,2024,at 9:15 a.m. in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers located at 411 N. 51' Street, Shelton, WA.,at which time is hereby fixed for hearing matters relating to said proposed improvement, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment of said improvement. SECTION I: The County Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Board,at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing,an assessment map or print showing thereon the lots,tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby together with a preliminary assessment roll showing the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property,and also designating thereon all property which is being donated by easement right of way to the County,if any. The method of assessment to be utilized will be the total estimated construction cost of$365,000.00 with a maximum of 10-year repayment, with an estimate of 6% interest which may vary per lender, and the costs spread out among an estimated 91 parcels. 17 of those 91 parcels will deed right-of-way for their equitable contribution. The remaining 74 parcels will pay an estimated $657.13 per tax parcel,per year for a 10-year period. Specifically,this method of assessment is the most practical and equitable under the prevailing conditions and reflects the special benefits derived. SECTION 6:to meet the requirements of RCW 36.88.050 and RCW 79.44.040,the County shall: A. Publish the resolution of intention of said hearing in at least two consecutive issues of the Shelton- Mason County Journal,the date of the first publication to be at least 15/30 days prior to the date fixed by this resolution for hearing before the Board. B. Send the notice of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract or parcel of land or other property within the proposed improvement district by mailing said notice to the owners or reputed owners of the property as shown on the tax rolls of the County Treasurer at the address shown thereon at least 15 days before the date fixed for the public hearing and 30-days for state owned property. The notice shall refer to the Resolution of Intention and designate the proposed improvement district by number. Said notice shall set forth the nature of the proposed improvement,the total estimated cost,the proportion of the total to be borne by assessments,the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by the particular lot,tract or parcel,the date and place of the hearing before the Board and the fact that property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o'clock p.m.of the day before the hearing. The notice given to the public or to the owners of specific lots,tracts,or parcels of land relating to the formation of a County Road Improvement District shall contain a statement that actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property. EFFECTIVE this 8`'day of Jam,2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: Page 2 of 3 )Ca4- 040 MCKENZIE SMUTff, RANt Y ARL , Chair Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice-Chair TIM W ems`=--SHARON TRASK,Commissioner Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Bill: Mason County Dept.of Public Works 100 W Public Works Dr. Shelton,WA 98584 Cc: Commissioners Treasurer Assessor Shelton Journal: Publ.2t:7/11/24&7/18/24 Page 3 of 3 SHETLAND RD RID MARCH 25 2024 TATE OF WASHINGTO LANDMAN STATE OF WASHINGTON 32116-75-00140 32116-75-00330 32116-76-00560 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:NR RIDER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00130 TATE OF WASHINGTO 32116-31-90171 32116-75-00150 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:no STATE OF WASHINGTON BROWN Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00160 32116-76-00550 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00540 32116-75-90181 32116-76-00570 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90322 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON E SUNNY WOODS DR 32116-75-90321 It Petition Status:NR E SPIRIT CT WEST] E SPIRIT CT EAST ACKERMAN FFERNICK ET UX STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116-75-90182 32116-76-00580 32116-76-00520 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32116-75-90323 Petition Status:NR STRICKLAND HOLM 32116-75-00120 Z BAILEY 32116-75-90324 Petition Status:NR rJ 32116-75-00210 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes KASPER 32116 76-0530 X >— BREWER ET VIR 32116-76-00590 2116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes J Petition Status:NR etition Status:y STATE OF WASHINGTON D 32116-75-00190 cr Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116 75 Z GUTIERREZ 32116-75-00200 Petition Status:NR LONG Petition Status:yes I` S FFERNICK ET X LANZ 5- UX Y TYLER 321on St 005y 116-76-0048 32116 6-00460 32116-75-00110 H SE ERNICK ET X LA BER Petition Status:no W 32116-75-00220 Q etition Status: Petition Status:yes �(/ 32 6-76-00500 AGEEV 1999 FAMILY TRUST Pe'' Status:ye etition Status: es Petitio Status:yes Q 32116-76-00600 UST 08068 LAUBER 116-76-0047 116-76-004 STATE OF WASHINGTON Qy Petition Status:yes etition Status: s P tition Status: s STEGGELL 32116-75-00290 KASPER PHILLIPS 32116 75 90103 3211HILLI Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes LANZ ET UX PLUNKETT BOE 32116-75-00230 STATE OF WASHINGTON J?� CHANDLER 32116-75-90104 32116-75-90102 Petition Status:yes 32116-75-00280 y 32116-76-00610 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status: Petition Status:yes CHESLEDON es Y PINKERTON 32116-34-90251 TYLER TYLER 32116-75-00240 Petition Status:yes HERMAN 32116-76-00490 32116-76-00500 Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00270 E SUNN Petition Status:yes etition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Y WOOD KING ET AL SMITH DR 32116-75-90092 32116-75-90091 CHESLEDON TYLER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:no 32116-34-90254 32116-76-00490 Petition Sta s:: es LATHROP LATHROP m Petition Status:yes 32116-43-90361 32116-43-90362 TRIMBLE Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00370 z E SUNNY WOODS RD WEST REESE Petition Status:yes TRIMBLE • 32116-76-00370 MCBRIDE MYERS 2116-75-90023 etition Status:ye !y Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 GLEASON NOWACKI 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye petition Status:N REESE e 32116-76-00440 32116-33-90081 CHIN 32116-75-90022 'RI SIZEMORE etition Status:ye etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90021 etition Status:ye 32116-76-90381 Petition Status:yes GREER 0 Petition Status:no 32116-76-00350 CHAVEZ ET UX �, Petition Status: 32116-76-90382 MARQUIN Status:yes AMANN ET VI MATH M&M LIVING TRUST Y Petition Status:NR 2116-76-00 0 32116-75-00070 32116-75-00060 32116-75-00050 FRIZZELL CADLE etition Statu yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00030 32116-76-00390 AC URATE DEVELOPMENT NC Petition Status:yes Petition Status:ye MITCHELL NOWACKI 32116-75-00040 32116-75-90011 32116-33-90082 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR CADLE Petition Status:NR PETERS 32116-76-00390 MCBRIDE MYERS GLEASON Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 32116-76-00340 32116-76-00440 FOSS Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye etition Status:N etition Status:ye 32116-75-90012 etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR MARQUIN 32116-76-00400 United States of America Petition Status:yes 32121-20-00010 Petition Status:NR Z J H W 2 CO W Eagle 32121-22-00010 Heckert Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:yes 32121-21-00010 32121-12-00010 Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32121-11-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments,LLC Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-23-00010 32121-24-00010 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Hicks JLCG LLC,an Ohio limited liability company 32121-13-90120 32121-14-00000 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Hicks 32121-13-90110 Petition Status:yes Cascade Natural Gas Corp Legend 00010 32tion St tus:yeSylvan Investments, LLC Petition Status:yes 32121-32-00010 Petition Status:yes WADNR Petition Status Cranberry Lake Foundation 32121-41-00020 noresponse Petition Status:yes no Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-34-00010 Petition Status:yes yes E. Cranberry Lake Foundation BALMORAL WAY 32121-43-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments, LLC 32121-33-00010 Petition Status:yes ' �eq<tiIO Lake Le P2chaun R a E Pq�S�FY CO W SAP Sylvan Investments,LLC 'V w v 32121-34-00020 � Q' Petition Status:yes O� W F SyFT qNo RD �� LE SHETLAND- RD 2 _ Q�. 0 0 . 125 0 .25 0.5 Miles berry Cr ck Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), NGCC,(c) ��_ ESTIMATED COST PER TAX PARCEL, PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS PER YEAR FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00130 WASHINGTON 13 W SPIRIT CT $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00140 WASHINGTON $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00150 WASHINGTON $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00160 WASHINGTON $657.13 32116-31-90171 WILLIAM G&LINDA L RIDER 151 E SPIRIT CT E $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90181 WASHINGTON $657.13 32116-75-00330 MARTIN L&EILEEN D LANDMAN $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-76-00560 WASHINGTON 360 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-76-00550 WASHINGTON $657.13 32116-76-00540 JEFFREY EARL&JENNIE DIANE BROWN 541 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-75-90322 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-76-00570 WASHINGTON $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90321 WASHINGTON 301 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90182 WASHINGTON $657.13 32116-76-00580 BRANDON RICK&JENNIFERAACKERMAN 260 E SUNNYWOODS RD E $657.13 32116-76-00530 WILLIAM 1 SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL RICHARDS 330 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-76-00480 WILLIAM J SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL RICHARDS $657.13 TIMOTHY COLNAR TRUSTEE C/O THERESA 32116-76-00470 SWENSON TRUST 080680 530 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-76-00460 TERRY D&VICTORIA Y LAUBER $657.13 ESTIMATED COST PER TAX PARCEL, PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS PER YEAR FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD 32116-76-00450 TERRANCE D&VICTORIA LAUBER 550 EAST SUNNYWOODS DR $657.13 32116-76-00510 DENNIS&SHEILA KASPER 290 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-75-00120 HELEN C STRICKLAND 191 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-75-00210 CECIL H BAILEY JR 40 E SPIRIT CT E $657.13 32116-75-00200 REMY&ERIN BUTIERREZ 120 E SPIRIT CT $657.13 32116-76-00520 WILLIAM J SEFFERNICK ET UX&CAROL RICHARDS 330 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-76-00590 SAMANTHA P BREWER ET VIR&RENZ BOLIGAO 240 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $657.13 32116-76-00500 MERILYN LEE TYLER 250 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00190 WASHINGTON $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00290 WASHINGTON $657.13 NICK VICTOROVICH AGEEV&MARIA AGEEV 32116-76-00600 TRUSTEES AGEE 1999 120 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00280 WASHINGTON $657.13 32116-76-00610 JAMES J CHANDLER 41 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-75-00270 ROY A&STEFANIE HERMAN 70 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $657.13 32116-75-90103 WAYNE&DARLA STEGGELL 87 TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-75-90101 GARY L&RHONDA L PHILLIPS 83 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-75-00230 SAM LANZ ET UX&JAMIE BUTLER 150 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-75-00240 SEAN PINKERTON 300 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $657.13 32116-34-90254 TROY R CHESLEDON 200 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $657.13 32116-75-90104 MICHAEL H PLUNKETT 85 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-75-90102 GARY E BOE 81 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-75-90092 CYNTHIA L KING ET AL&MARY E BINGHAM 360 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $657.13 32116-75-90091 SHARON M &JAMIE A SMITH 51 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 32116-76-00490 MERILYN LEE TYLER 200 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 32116-43-90362 PATRICK 1&SUSAN JUNG LATHROP $657.13 32116-76-00410 DOUGLAS B&TERI L WALKER 271 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 ESTIMATED COST PER TAX PARCEL, PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS PER YEAR FOR A 10-YEAR PERIOD 32116-76-00370 JASON E TRIMBLE 154 E SUNNY WOODS DR $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32116-75-90023 JOHN E REESE 1521 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT 32116-75-90022 JOHN E REESE 1501 E SHETLAND RD $657.13 32116-33-90082 JANE CAROL NOWACKI $657.13 32116-75-90021 JOHN M &NALEE S CHIN 91 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $657.13 32116-75-00060 SARY MATH ROFIAS EL 311 E SUNNY WOODS DR W $657.13 32116-75-00050 The M&M Living Trust $657.13 32116-75-00040 SALLY A SHEETZ 211 E SUNNY WOODS RD W $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32116-76-00350 DOUGLAS L&BRANDI A GREER 1520 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT LINDSAY KALI JEAN CHAVETEZ ET UX&NELKI 0 32116-76-90382 CHAVEZ LORA 40 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 32116-76-90381 VIRGINIA SIZEMORE 31 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 32116-76-00390 ROBERT SAM CADLE 191 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 32116-76-00400 JOSE W&VICKIE L MARQUINA 221 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 32116-76-00420 JOSEPH F&JANE G MCBRIDE 311E SANDY LK RD $657.13 32116-76-00430 JACQUELINE A MYERS 341 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 32116-76-00440 CHRISTOPHER P&THERESA F GLEASON 390 E SANDY LAKE RD $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32116-75-90011 KATHERINE K MITCHELL 1491 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT 32116-75-00220 SAM LANZ ET UX&JAMIE BUTLER 150 E TRANQUILITY LN $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32116-76-00340 JOSEPH R PETERS 1490 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32116-75-90012 PATRICIA FOSS 1471 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT 32121-14-00000 JLCG L.L.C. $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32116-43-90361 PATRICK 1&SUSAN JUNG LATHROP ASSESSMENT EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR FOR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS A 10-YEAR PERIOD 32116-33-90081 JANE CAROL NOWACKI $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-90323 WASHINGTON 221 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $657.13 32116-75-90324 JULIE L HOLM 221 E SUNNY WOODS RD E $657.13 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF 32116-75-00300 WASHINGTON $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-34-00020 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC ASSESSMENT 32121-33-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-34-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-41-00020 CRANBERRY LAKE FOUNDATION ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-32-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC ASSESSMENT 32121-23-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC $657.13 32121-20-00010 UNITED STATES OFAMERICA $657.13 32121-22-00010 AMANDA&ANDREW EAGLE 1203 E SHETLAND RD $657.13 KERNAN LIVING TRUST-KATHLEEN MARY KERNAN - 32121-11-00010 TRSEE 1150 E SHETLAND RD $657.13 32116-75-00070 JORDAN AMANN ET VIR 321 E SUNNY WOODS RD $657.13 32116-75-00030 DAN &LINDA FRIZZELL 181 E SUNNYWOODS RD W $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-21-00010 TODD L HECKERT 1203 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT KERNAN LIVING TRUST-KATHLEEN MARY KERNAN - FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-12-00010 TRSEE ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-24-00010 SYLVAN INVESTMENTS LLC C/O RYAN, LLC ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-41-00010 CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORP ASSESSMENT EST.COST PER TAX PARCEL, PER YEAR FOR PARCEL NO. PARCEL OWNER SITE ADDRESS A 10-YEAR PERIOD FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-43-00010 CRANBERRY LAKE FOUNDATION ASSESSMENT 32116-75-00110 JEFFREY H &PRISCILLA N LONG $657.13 32116-34-90251 TROY R&DESTINY A CHESLEDON 200 E SUNNY WOODS RD $657.13 FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-13-90120 CHARLES T&MIRIAH L HICKS 920 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT FRONTAGE PROPERTY DONATING ROW NO 32121-13-90110 JILL&ADAM JOHNSON 920 E SHETLAND RD ASSESSMENT MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Project: Shetland Road RID 1.3 miles CRP No. Working Days: RAP Project No: Road No. Made By: mwc Date:1 10/23/23 1 Checked By: Date: MP 1.30 Item No. Std.Item Description Total Qty. Units Unit Cost Total Cost No. Per Item MOBILIZATION 1 Mobilization 1.00 L.F. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing 1.00 L.S. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 DRAINAGE 3 Replace 3 culverts place 18"x50 each 150.00 L.F. $60.00 $9,000.00 GRADING 4 rental dozer for 1 week 1 L.S. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 2 1/2"crushed rock 550 TON $50.00 $27,500.00 CSTC 6 4"of CSTC 4345 TON $50.00 $217,250.00 $0.00 DOUBLE SHOT CHIP SEAL 7 1.3 miles of double shot chip seal 1 Each $74,000.00 $74,000.00 ENGINEERING AND SURVEY CREWS 8 Engineering and survey Crews 80 Hours $50.00 $4,000.00 SIGNS 9 New signs speed and warinng signs 12 Each $200.00 $2,400.00 10 Striping 20592 LF $0.35 $7,207.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bid Item Total = $363,857.20 TOTAL= $363,857.20 SHETLAND ROAD RID - Sunnywoods Development Petition Status -yes or no Parcel Number LAST-NAME FIRST_NAME No response= NR 32116-75-00130 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-00140 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-00150 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-00160 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-31-90171 RIDER WILLIAM G&LINDA L no 32116-75-90181 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-00330 LANDMAN MARTIN L&EILEEN D yes 32116-76-00560 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00550 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00540 BROWN JEFFREY EARL&JENNIE DIANE NR 32116-75-90322 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00570 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00520 SEFFERNICK ET UX WILLIAM J yes 32116-75-90321 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-90182 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00580 ACKERMAN BRANDON RICK&JENNIFERA NR 32116-76-00530 SEFFERNICK ET UX WILLIAM J yes 32116-76-00480 SEFFERNICK ET UX WILLIAM J yes 32116-76-00470 TRUST 080680 TIMOTHY COLNAR TRUSTEE yes 32116-76-00460 LAUBER TERRY D&VICTORIA Y yes 32116-76-00450 LAUBER TERRANCE D&VICTORIA yes 32116-76-00510 KASPER DENNIS&SHEILA yes 32116-75-00120 STRICKLAND HELEN C NR 32116-75-00210 BAILEY CECIL H 1R yes 32116-75-00200 GUTIERREZ REMY&ERIN yes 32116-76-00520 SEFFERNICK ET UX WILLIAM J yes 32116-76-00590 BREWER ETVIR SAMANTHA P NR 32116-76-00500 TYLER MERILYN LEE yes 32116-75-00190 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00510 KASPER DENNIS&SHEILA yes 32116-75-00220 LANZ ET UX SAM yes 32116-75-00290 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00600 AGEEV 1999 FAMILYTRUST NICK&MARIA yes 32116-75-00280 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-76-00610 CHANDLER 1AMES 1 yes 32116-76-00490 TYLER MERILYN LEE yes 32116-75-00270 HERMAN ROYA&STEFANIE yes 32116-75-90103 STEGGELL WAYNE&DARLA yes 32116-75-90101 PHILLIPS GARY L&RHONDA L yes 32116-75-00230 LANZ ET UX SAM yes 32116-75-00240 PINKERTON SEAN NR 32116-34-90254 CHESLEDON TROY R yes 32116-76-00500 TYLER MERILYN LEE yes 32116-75-90104 PLUNKETT MICHAEL H yes 32116-75-90102 BOE GARY E yes 32116-75-90092 KING ETAL CYNTHIA L yes 32116-75-90091 SMITH SHARON M&JAMIEA no 32116-76-00490 TYLER MERILYN LEE yes 32116-43-90362 LATHROP PATRICK J&SUSAN JUNG yes 32116-76-00410 WALKER DOUGLAS B&TERI L yes 32116-76-00370 TRIMBLE JASON E yes 32116-76-00420 MCBRIDE JOSEPH F&JANE G yes 32116-76-00430 MYERS JACQUELINEA NR 32116-76-00440 GLEASON CHRISTOPHER P&THERESA F NR 32116-75-90023 REESE JOHN E yes 32116-75-90022 REESE JOHN E yes 32116-33-90082 NOWACKI JANE CAROL NR 32116-75-90021 CHIN JOHN M&NALEE S yes 32116-75-00060 MATH SARY NR 32116-75-00050 M&M LIVING TRUST THE NR 32116-75-00040 ACCURATE DEVELOPMENT INC NR 32116-76-00350 GREER DOUGLAS L&BRANDI A NR 32116-76-90382 CHAVEZ ET UX LINDSAY KALI JEAN NR 32116-76-90381 SIZEMORE VIRGINIA no 32116-76-00390 CADLE ROBERT SAM yes 32116-76-00400 MARQUINA JOSE W&VICKIE L yes 32116-76-00420 MCBRIDE JOSEPH F&JANE G NR 32116-76-00430 MYERS 1ACQUELINEA NR 32116-76-00440 GLEASON CHRISTOPHER P&THERESA F NR 32116-75-90011 MITCHELL KATHERINE K NR 32116-76-00410 WALKER DOUGLAS B&TERI L NR 32116-76-00340 PETERS JOSEPH R yes 32116-76-00390 CADLE ROBERT SAM yes 32116-75-90012 FOSS PATRICIA NR 32116-43-90361 LATHROP PATRICKI&SUSAN JUNG yes 32116-33-90081 NOWACKI JANE CAROL NR 32116-75-90323 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-90324 HOLM JULIE L NR 32116-75-00300 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NR 32116-75-00070 AMANN ETVIR JORDAN NR 32116-75-00030 FRIZZELL DAN &LINDA yes 32116-76-00400 MARQUINA JOSE W&VICKIE L yes 32116-75-00110 LONG JEFFREY H&PRISCILLA N no 32116-34-90251 CHESLEDON TROY R&DESTINYA yes Frontage Lots South of the Development 32121-21-00010 Heckert Todd L NR 32121-11-00010 Kernan Living Trust Kathleen Mary Kernan,Trustee yes 32121-12-00010 Kernan Living Trust Kathleen Mary Kernan,Trustee yes 32121-23-00010 Sylvan Investments, LLC C/O Ryan LLC yes 32121-24-00010 Sylvan Investments, LLC C/O Ryan LLC yes 32121-32-00010 Sylvan Investments, LLC C/O Ryan LLC yes 32121-33-00010 Sylvan Investments, LLC C/O Ryan LLC yes 32121-34-00010 Sylvan Investments, LLC C/O Ryan LLC yes 32121-34-00020 Sylvan Investments, LLC C/O Ryan LLC yes 32121-13-90110 Hicks Charles T&Miriah L yes 32121-13-90120 Hicks Charles T&Miriah L yes 32121-41-00010 Cascade Natural Gas Corp yes 32121-41-00020 Cranberry Lake Foundation yes 32121-43-00010 Cranberry Lake Foundation yes 32121-20-00010 United States of America NR 32121-22-00010 Eagle Andrew&Amanda NR 32121-14-00000 JLCG LLC,an Ohio limited liability company NR MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS too W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 Phone(360)427-9670x450 Fax(360)427-7783 MASON COUNTY Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) MISSION Name of Proposal: Mason County Shetland Road RID—CRP 2053 The mission of Mason County Government is to Description of Proposal: provide essential& mandated services which The proposal would establish a Road Improvement District(RID) will preserve&benefit the for the 1.3-mile-long Shetland Road, dedication of a 60-foot health,safety,&welfare of public right-of-way for the existing, currently private-owned the general public in a road, and improvements to the existing road including professional and courteous manner through the effective resurfacing,shoulder grading, surface water conveyance, and and equitable management signage to meet Mason County Road Standards. of available public resources. Proponent: Mason County Public Works Department Mason County recognizes Location of Proposal: Shetland Road Mile Post(MP)0.306 to MP 1.670, that its employees& Mason County,Washington;T 21N, R 03W,Sec. volunteers are the 16 and 21. foundation upon which these services are provided. Lead Agency: Mason County Public Works Department Comment Deadline: Thursday,August 15,2024 The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency.This information is available to the public on request. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2);the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below.Comments must be submitted by writing to the responsible official: Responsible Official: Mike Collins, P.E. Position/Title: Deputy Director/County Engineer Phone: 360 427-9670 ext.450 Address: 100 W Public Works Drive,Shelton,WA 98584 E-mail: MCollins@masoncountywa.gov Signature: Idl I Dater Mi Colli Thursday,August 1,2024 Shelton Journal: Pub[.2t:8/1/24&8/8/24 SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Purpose of checklist Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization, or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposal. Instructions for applicants This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may use "not applicable" or "does not apply" only when you can explain why it does not apply and not when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision-making process. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Instructions for lead agencies Please adjust the format of this template as needed. Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the existing environment, all interrelated aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts. The checklist is considered the first but not necessarily the only source of information needed to make an adequate threshold determination. Once a threshold determination is made, the lead agency is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting documents. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals For nonproject proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B, plus the Supplemental Sheet for Nonproject Actions (Part p . Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic area," respectively.The lead agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in "Part B: Environmental Elements" that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 1 of 15 A. Background Find help answering background questions 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Mason County Shetland Road RID CRP 2053 2. Name of applicant: Mason County Public Works Department ATTN: Dave Smith, Engineering and Construction Manager 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 100 W. Public Works Dr, Shelton WA 98501 Erik Schwartz, Environmental Coordinator (360) 427-9670 Ext. 635 4. Date checklist prepared: 7/26/24 5. Agency requesting checklist: Mason County Public Works Department 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): 2024-2025. Specific timing is to be determined. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. None other than routine road operation and maintenance according to the County's standard practices. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. None. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. The Road Improvement District (RID) will require adoption by Mason County's Board of County Commissioners. Environmental approvals or permits for road improvements and maintenance are not currently anticipated but will be determined pending further reviews. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 2 of 15 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site.There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) Establish a Road Improvement District (RID) for the 1.3-mile-long Shetland Road, dedication of a 60-foot public right-of-way for the existing, currently private-owned road, and improvements to the existing road including resurfacing, shoulder grading, surface water conveyance, and signage to meet Mason County Road Standards. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan,vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The private road is approximately 1.3 miles long, beginning at the end of County Road, E. Shetland Road, near Mile Post 0.3 west of the intersection with E. Somersby PI. and ending at the intersection with E. Sunnywoods Road West. It is in Township 21 North, Range 03 West, Sections 16 and 21. Location map is attached. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 3 of 15 B. Environmental Elements 1. Earth Find help answering earth questions a. General description of the site: The site is a gravel road running generally north and south through conifer-dominated forested landscape between approximately 260 feet to 300 feet elevations. Circle or highlight one: Fla rolling, illy, steep slopes, mountainous, other: b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 9% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them, and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. Soils are gravelly and very gravelly sandy loams 0% to 15% slope. The proposal will not result in removal of soils associated with agricultural land of long-term commercial significance. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. None known. e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Fill,excavation,and grading would be limited to minor maintenance-level grading of road surface and shoulders and excavation/backfill within the roadway for culvert replacements. Estimated volume<100 c.y.over 1.3 miles; commercially sourced. f. Could erosion occur because of clearing, construction, or use? If so,generally describe. Significant erosion potential would not be anticipated. Limited minor potential is typical with any road use and maintenance such as the proposed activity. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 40% of the 60-foot R/W (site) will be impervious surface. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented according to the Regional Road Maintenance Program guidelines and BMPs to control erosion. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 4 of 15 2. Air Find help answering air questions a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during constructionLoperation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. The proposal would not result in emissions. Road use and traffic are expected to be maintained as existing. Construction would involve equipment typically used for routine maintenance. b.Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. Standard emission controls will be used on vehicles and equipment. 3. Water Find help answering water questions a. Surface Water: Find help answering surface water questions 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds,wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. An unnamed stream (Type F Water), tributary to Cranberry Creek and Lake Limerick, is crossed by the road in two locations. Wetlands are present within approximately 300 feet. 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. The proposal would involve culvert replacements or road maintenance within 200 feet. Work in streams would be according to Washington State Hydraulic Code for water crossing structures and authorized by Hydraulic Project Approval (WDFW) pending completion of designs. Culvert and road maintenance work in or near water would be permitted and performed in compliance with the County's Natural Resource Ordinance, Mason County Code Chapter 8.52, and applicable local, state, and federal regulations. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. No fill, dredging, or work in surface water or wetlands is anticipated or proposed. Surface water and wetlands will be avoided. 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions?Give a general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No, the proposal does not involve surface water withdrawals or diversions. 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No, the project is not within floodplain. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 5 of 15 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No, the project does not involve discharges of waste materials. b. Ground Water: Find help answering ground water questions 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so,give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give a general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No, the proposal does not involve groundwater. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any(domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system,the number of such systems,the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. The proposal does not involve waste material discharge. c. Water Runoff(including stormwater): a) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow?Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. The proposal will maintain stormwater runoff as exists currently. b) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so,generally describe. The proposal will not generate waste. BMPs during construction to contain and remove potential construction waste material will prevent introduction of waste materials into ground or surface waters. c) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. The proposal will maintain drainage patterns as currently exist. d) Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any. Construction BMPs will be implemented according to Mason County standard practice and the Regional Road Maintenance Program. Road design standards will meet runoff and drainage requirements and avoid impacts. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 6 of 15 4. Plants Find help answering plants questions a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site: 0 deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other ❑ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other 0 shrubs 0 grass 0 pasture 0 crop or grain ❑ orchards, vineyards, or other permanent crops. ❑ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other ❑ water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other ❑ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Minor amount of roadside shrubs and grasses encroaching on the road structure may be removed. c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any. The proposal is limited to the existing road and does not impact areas of native vegetation. e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. Unknown. 5. AnimalS Find help answering animal questions a. List any birds and other animals that have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: • Birds awk eron, eagl songbirds, ther: • Mammals: eer bear, elk, beaver, other: bats (WDFW PHS) • Fish: bass, salmon trout erring, shellfish, other: b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No, no migration routes have been identified in the vicinity. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. Standards maintenance construction BMPs will be implemented. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. None known. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 7 of 15 6. Energy and Natural Resources Find help answering energy and natural resource questions 1. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas, oil,wood stove, solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The proposal does not involve energy resources or alter energy needs. 2. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so,generally describe. No, potential use of solar energy will not be affected by the proposal. 3. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any. The proposal does not involve energy or energy impacts. Measures to reduce or control are not applicable. 7. Environmental Health Find help with answering environmental health questions a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur because of this proposal? If so, describe. None. 1. Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. None. 2. Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. None. 3. Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. None. 4. Describe special emergency services that might be required. None. 5. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any. Mason County implements Regional Road Maintenance Program guidelines and standard environmental compliance assurance procedures for maintenance activities. No additional measures are anticipated or proposed. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 8 of 15 b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Existing noise sources would not affect the proposal. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example:traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site)? Construction equipment will generate short-term noise during maintenance activity similar to maintenance activity occurring on public Roads throughout the County. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any. Standard noise attenuation devices will be used on vehicles and machinery. 8. Lana and Shoreline use Find help answering land and shoreline use questions a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. Current use is residential and private managed forest land. b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses because of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or nonforest use? Aerial imagery indicates historical timber harvest (before 1990). No agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses. 1. Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how? The proposal is not expected to affect or be affected surrounding farm or forest land. The proposal will maintain the existing road. c. Describe any structures on the site. The existing gravel road and appurtenant structures (e.g., road prism, ditches, culverts) is the primary structure. There are no buildings involved in the proposal. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No, none. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Parcels along the proposal site are zoned Residential-20 Acres, and Residential-5 Acres. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 9 of 15 Rural Area g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. The proposal is not within Shoreline Jurisdiction. h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. Wetlands and streams (Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas) are classified as critical areas and occur within 300 feet of the proposal. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? None. Not applicable. The project does not involve residences, commercial or industrial structures but is limited to transportation infrastructure. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. Dedication of public right-of-way is limited to "slivers" along the existing road and parcel boundaries. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. Not applicable. None proposed. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. The proposal does not alter overall land use. Establishing the RID involves a public hearing process that is additional to the SEPA process and must be vetted and approved by the Mason County Board of County of County Commissioners. m. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts to agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any. No impacts are anticipated. No additional measures are proposed. 9. Housing Find help answering housing questions a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low- income housing. None. Not applicable to the transportation scope. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. Not applicable to the transportation scope. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any. None. Not applicable to the transportation scope. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 10 of 15 10. Aesthetics Find help answering aesthetics questions a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The road prism will generally match with adjacent ground and the proposal does not involve buildings, poles, or antennas b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? The proposal scope would not significantly alter or obstruct views. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. The public road will be maintained to County Road Standards. Significant impacts to aesthetics are not anticipated because the road is existing. No additional measures are proposed. 11. Light and Glare Find help answering light and glare questions a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce?What time of day would it mainly occur? The proposal will not produce light or glare. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not applicable. the proposal will not produce or alter light or glare. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. None proposed. Not applicable. 12. Recreation Find help answering recreation questions a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Road shoulders may be used for walking or biking. The road provides access (ingress and egress) to off-site recreation for local residents. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No, the project will not alter or displace existing recreational uses. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. The road will maintained. No additional measures are proposed. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 11 of 15 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation Find help answering historic and cultural preservation questions a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers? If so, specifically describe. No, none. b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation?This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. None known. c. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. Mason County used site reconnaissance, aerial imagery, Washington DAHP WISSARD map application. d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. Ground disturbance associated with the proposal will be limited to the existing road and previously disturbed area. If human remains or archaeological artifacts are found during construction, Mason County implements inadvertent discovery procedure. 14. Transportation Find help with answering transportation questions a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. E. Shetland Road is existing public County Road for approximately 0.3 mile and the private road portion would be adopted into the County public road system by the proposal,and connect with existing County Roads at both ends. b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? No the site is currently private road. The proposal will not alter public transit opportunities or needs. c. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle, or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The purpose of the proposal is road improvement and will not require additional transportation improvements. d. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so,generally describe. No. Water, rail, and air transportation facilities are not in the vicinity and will not be used or affected by the proposal. e. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and nonpassenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? None. The proposal will not generate vehicular trips. The proposal would not alter traffic patterns such as peak volumes or type of types of vehicles. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 12 of 15 f. Will the proposal interfere with, affect, or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe. No, the proposal will maintain road use including the movement of products on roads in the area. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. Not applicable. The purpose of the project is road improvement and no additional measures are required or proposed. 15. Public Services Find help answering public service questions a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example:fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No, the project will not alter the need for public services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Not applicable. The proposal will maintain the road for public access including public and emergency services. No additional measures are proposed. 16. Utilities Find help answering utilities questions a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas,water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: Existing utilities will be maintained by the proposal and the proposal will not alter the future need for utilities. Public Works routinely coordinateness with utility owners as necessary for road maintenance b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The proposal does not involve utilities. The proposal would not use or require new utilities. C. Signature Find help about who should sign The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Digitally signed by Erik Schwartz X ��� Date:2024.07.30 14:47:18-07'00' Type name of signee: Erik Schwartz Position and agency/organization: Environmental Coordinator / Mason County Public Works Date submitted: 7/30/24 SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 13 of 15 D. Supplemental sheet for nonproject actions Find help for the nonproject actions worksheet IT IS NOT REQUIRED to use this section for project actions. Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types f activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater inte sity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general ter s. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; e ' sions to air; pro- duction, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or p duction of noise? • Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increas are: 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, a . als, fish, or marine life? • Proposed measures to protect or cons ve plants, animals,fish, or marine life are: 3. How would the proposal be likely to d lete energy or natural resources? • Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: 4. How would the proposal likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or el' able or under study)for governmental protection, such as parks, wilderness,wild and Genic rivers,threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetl ds,floodplains, or prime farmlands? • Pro sed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: 5. How i ould the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it wo d allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? • Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 14 of 15 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? • Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: 7. Identify, if possible,whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or fe eral laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960) January 2023 Page 15 of 15 Location Map Mason County Shetland Road RID CRP 2053 Little 16 Island = Lake E SUNNY WOODS -- '=' E SAN_DY Deepwater- RD WEST LAKE RD .° Lake Qo / Lily Pond w O 20 o CRP 20531 - 2 LU ake E STANDREWS DR NORTH L e Lepr he aun E\N P� r _ RARY TO \PPE �gALLANTRAE'DR be<� LPL Lake O k ,O� P�3' Limerick O� 0 29 CranMOW- berry • w �G �P �� w�G���� �0 CD O� 1:24,000 Miles 0 0.25 0.5 1 N Legend County Road Private Road ! 7 i Stream (NHD) i Unnamed Stream (NHD) - Water (NHD) ,f M a s o n Unnamed Water (NHD) ( °C�8]u n Li §l s Townships CSections MAP EXTENT Mason County Public Works Department 7/30/2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - Mason County Shetland Road RID - CRP 2053 PROPOSAL SUMMARY Location: Shetland Road Mile Post(MP) 0.306 to MP 1.670, Mason County,Washington;T 21 N, R 03W, Sec. 16 and 21. Description of Proposal: Establish a Road Improvement District(RID)for the 1.3-mile-long Shetland Road, dedication of a 60-foot public right-of-way for the existing, currently private-owned road, and improvements to the existing road including resurfacing, shoulder grading, surface water conveyance, and signage to meet Mason County Road Standards. SEPA DETERMINATION SUMMARY Mason County Public Works Department,the lead agency for this proposal, has determined that the proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.An environmental impact statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This determination is based on the following findings and conclusions: The road currently exists and is maintained under private ownership.The proposed dedication of public road right-of-way is the minimum necessary to accept the road into the County public road system and maintain it, and will generally maintain conditions comparable to the existing conditions.The work will maintain the existing structure with no change in use or capacity compared to the existing structure.The project proponent implements standard best management practices including construction field BMPs according to Regional Road Maintenance Program guidelines and will adhere to local, state, and federal regulations and applicable permit requirements and provisions.The scope and scale of the proposal is limited and unlikely to result in significant adverse impacts to sensitive species and natural resources, air and water quality, or the environment. ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Hydraulic Project Approval may be required for planned culvert replacements pending final site assessments and project designs. Critical Areas (Mason County Natural Resource Ordinance) permit or authorization may be required for activities within designated critical areas. Mason County Public Works Department 1 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 CRP 2053 SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 0.00-1 .30 7_ MP 1.67 u, ^AN CRP 2053 ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Existing Private Road Existing County Road M P 0.306 MP 0.0 --- -- � I Z. - i � i ti r i j Sot,.,. .141- l v0 :IEf::'3: 3, opE- ��__-_� rs.::-E''-A, - Ll Figure 1.Location Map including existing public County Road and private road(RID)with approximate milepost locations. Mason County Public Works Department 2 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 Mason County WA GIS Mason County Homepage Disclaimer shetland X Q E UN L Sec Shows arch results for shadnd O E °C R t WO DS t.t � _O� �NKE RD ; Show search results -4 F S N, / � t C. 5 f 1 SOCil011 { ' Secti 20 I 721N-R3 r Y-( N --- i 1� l i o /' WAY C' WAY TO G — No ' Figure 2.Location(highlighted), TRS,and steepest slope estimated 9%based on Mason County topographic contours at red markup location. Soils are gravelly and very gravelly sandy loams 0%to 15%slope (USDA Soil Survey). Soils classified as Prime farmland if irrigated and Farmland of statewide importance are mapped in the vicinity. However,the proposal is to maintain an existing roadway and will not convert farmland agricultural uses to other uses.The proposal will not impact prime or unique farmland. Mason County Public Works Department 3 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 DisclaimerMwonCouirdyWAGIS Mason County Homepage Search by Parcel orAddres CZ o O Section n S Y W r O Tax Parcels tT ES N WO DS RO � m 8 D '4P4 Y P t O Townships and Sections 'I -Q Planning Map Library ,E] DRAFT FEMA Floodplain r Zoning �Q Future Land Use Olympc l%atonal Forest OlympcNat onal Park Long Term Commercial Forest Section Section Indian Owned Lands 20 ral Area Inholding Lends N Agricultural Resource Land D AgricuhuraWGA Overlap O,? i7rlj'. WAY Urban Growth Area O ( Rural Actvity Center P \ L City of Shelton pq _ Hamlet Water i 0�, r O Tribal Boundary F_14 00 Mason CMZ(WDOE-DRAFT) Sectlon Section La 29 28 0.— Geologk Hazard Layers Bureau of Land Management,Esri Canada,Esri, _ Figure 3.Future Land Use map;Rural Area. No indications or history of unstable soils are known. Mason County and DNR Geologic Hazard Area layers indicate low hazard potential and no unstable areas or slides. Significant land clearing is not proposed.Activity is limited to maintenance-level disturbance. Therefore, significant erosion is not expected. Limited minor erosion potential is typical with any road use(operation) and maintenance, repair, or improvements. Mason County implements BMPs according to the Regional Road Maintenance Program as standard practice to avoid and minimize erosion potential and for protection of water quality and aquatic resources. The"site"is assumed to include 1.3 miles of 60-foot-wide County Road right-of-way.The road meeting County road design standards would be 10-foot-wide lanes with 2-foot-wide compacted gravel shoulders equating to 24-foot-wide overall width and 40 percent of the site. Erosion control: Mason County implements Best Management Practices as a standard practice. Maintenance, including construction activities, is performed following Regional Road Maintenance Program (RRMP)guidelines and BMPs.The guidelines, procedures and practices avoid and minimize potential impacts related to erosion control and protects water quality, aquatic resources, species, and habitat to achieve the program's conservation outcomes. Vegetation and soil disturbance will be limited to the minimum necessary to meet design and safety standards. Project planning/design,timing of activity,field BMPs and devices, site stabilization, project-specific permit acquisition and provisions, and program implementation Mason County Public Works Department 4 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW—MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 overall result in avoiding and minimize potential impacts, protection of water quality, and aquatic resources, species and habitat, and public and private property.The proposal will result in no significant impact because the County implements the RRMR 13 Mason CountyWAGIS Mason County Homepage Disclaimer H '12 + Layer List A Search Dy Parcel or Atltlres CL c Seetlon lam NyW oo pain © 17 E•S N W S O E .t o rn P D s❑Zoning qN Y Os❑ Fusure Lend Use s❑Tribal Boundary s❑ Meson CMZ(WDOE-DRAF-f) - �Q Geologk Hazard Leyen; -Q Slope Stebiliry-DOE Doestal Zone Atlas Unstable-recent slide ❑Unstable-old slide Selo Sectlon �Unstable slope 20 ❑Stable slope Modified S C m �Intermedine slope Q. Interior ry�� WAV c -� Landslides-DNR 2070 Fp4 -Q Hezerd Zone-DNR 2007 Medium Sedon= Sactlon E �Vary High 2a 28 JQm'i s❑ Lendforms-DNR 2009 Bureau of Lend Mene ement Esri Canede Esri Figure 4. Geologic Hazard Layers(Low). Streams and Wetlands: The road crosses a mapped unnamed Type F Water in two locations.Wetlands are present within approximately 300 feet. Maintenance construction associated with the proposal is planned to avoid wetlands. In stream work is planned to involve only existing structures within the existing road footprint. Standard practices implemented by Mason County Public Works will avoid significant impacts to water resources. Mason County Public Works Department 5 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW—MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 • E SUNNY E SUNNY WOODS RD\NEST WADS OR SANDY LAKE RD �6 y1 , r' ` r . E BALLYCASTLE ,ANDREWS NORTH O '- =-- Miles 0 0.125 025 0.5 Legend County Road Private Road —� Streams (DNR) Fish Non-fish r LM,asonun Unknown MAP EXTENT Figure 5.Mapped streams;project area shown with red markup. Mason County Public Works Department 6 of 16 July 29,2024 a National Wetlands Inventory ♦GEf DATA BPRINT QFlND LOCATION s surface waters and wetlands ® —Measure MAP Ll a 1•�© kc , (. * •. ✓✓a11 , e: Fe Data Source _ 9 PF01A P331C •� PF01C .. PF01A • I�3 PF01C P331C PSSIc PFOIA PF01C PUB11h L Pssvac "�bb'� PF0114C a _`may. 4 <esri, Mason Countyl GIS MasoncountyHomepa9e Dls<I:nn, + 0" �► 1���%�tlr� Legend A If Um F '� �/II '� !'6 �.:iy IliDirrutt►nmYrr I� �'���/� /� �% ♦ l'rl 6 %i.. =��/F,!`�%�—'Irnuuuuuu I iw��_�! �uonu�u�i!.��ii1!►/lillfl%illllltil����ti 0 �/I s -il.1ll Q764'l1wD ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW—MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 e Searcn ny Parcel or Addres Q :. Mason County Boundary © .( he Pn ra -.,Boundary Shelton City Limits f Lily No F'i lled P.. Tax Penxb Tex P.—I,(Zoom 1 30.000- FEMA FIRM FEMA FIRM Map ■A ®AE. AE,FLOODWAV AO, 0 OPEN WATER ❑VE. S A:•ee�of Lend Meneaement,Esri Canada.Es.;�HERE.Ge.••rl Figure 8.FEMA mapped floodplain;proposal is not in floodplain. Mason County Public Works Department 8 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 WNHP Rare Plant and Ecosystem Locations - CRP 2053 Vicinity F Likle Island LakeA=.-. P ^. i F Ueepwater Lake - — •,i.�•--`^- r Lify POM _• i x x~ 2 20 14 Konnedy C�Oldoborough Z� Mason WAU / ^„y� •x` ......... ,X FT Lake Leprcchaun ivy A - � S Lake Limerick � S Cranberry Lake I� f 7/292024,1:29:47 PM 122,646 Kroar Rare Punts arc Rare a y91.g IN)Ecocyste Stax BW'Wry —Type N.NP,PA i�WAUS 0 0.13 0. 0.5 mi �I 1 ITI r 1. 0 R4re 3na:oregn Ouviry Easys:en County BOlnaares --u.InkrgWn OWRN 8pin0arlea 0 02 0.4 0.8 km 0YR N3IUnrA as Prt "(NAP) 'A3WCPlabe6 iFPI Vda w BOOK(FP) Em.NAiA W lISG3.FBaIL OCpilfrlHlt C<� ( � Pudic L r4%avey.ecuons T)Oe.'. OW FMGMa N FprK[PTYLOK Oaarrarl Mp Suee PdOa 10m7bn%Garrgn. PudkL Ms T"nan" TjpeF WONN IMfP PwA EW[rnMl Map~ KrOn PLANTRO ECOSY5rW LOCATKM:REFLECTINOWNOCCLOMMM L0Q9XM8Ur MAY NOT REFIECTALL OOCLRF04MSOF RAPE PUWTS CR ECOS757EA . Figure 9. WNHP Rare Plant and Ecosystem Location,CRP 2053 Vicinity,•no mapped occurrences. Animals: Various birds, deer, and small mammals are assumed to potentially use or move through areas within or adjacent to the site.WDFW PHS data indicates use of streams crossing the site by resident coastal cutthroat trout(Oncorhynchus c(arki). Other fish species may be present. Salmonid species are not mapped in the stream, likely due to downstream barriers at lake Limerick limited seasonal flow, and limited suitability of habitat for potential use. PHS data indicates presence of big brown bat(Eptesicus fuscus) and Township-level display resolution, indicating potential presence in the broad vicinity at a landscape scale. Mason County reviewed historical PHS bald eagle data. No bald eagle management zones are mapped within 0.5 mile of the site. PHS SpeciestHabitats Overview: O. Resident Coastal Cutthroat NIA WA Pb Freshwater ForestmShnb WA NA No Wetland Bp brown bat Yes Figure 10. WDFW PHS Report Mason County Public Works Shetland Road RIP(CRP 2053)excerpt. Mason County Public Works Department 9 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 USFWS IPaC resource list was reviewed for the proposal vicinity. Potentially occurring species include: • Marbled Murrelet(Brachyramphus marmoratus) • Streaked Horned Lark(Eremophila alpestris strigata) • Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) • Northwestern Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata) • Bull Trout(Salvelinus confluentus) • Monarch Butterfly(Danaus plexippus) Listed species potentially occurring in the vicinity are not mapped or known to be present.The area does not generally provide suitable habitat for those species.The species are unlikely to be present or to use habitat in the area of potential impact within the environment(i.e.,Action Area).A"No Effect"determination would be anticipated considering the limited scope of the proposal, limited potential for species occurrence, limited potential for impacts in the environment, and extremely unlikely potential for impacts to reach a threshold that would constitute"take"of a species.There are no Critical Habitats (USFWS, IPaC). WDFW SWIFD data indicates the presumed presence of cutthroat trout. Other fish species are not mapped in the vicinity of the proposal.The site is unlikely suitable for bull trout or for salmonid generally. Washington Geospatial.,_ Data Portal Statewide Washington Integrated Records:73,258 E SUNNY%YOODSRDt4 Fish Distribution kl ae Private Member 0 ESA~, x Legend WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife Statewide Washington Integrated Fish Distribution Summary O Updated 2024-05.08.Details for this and / historic updates at the end of the Description-Abstract(Sorted most recent to SWIFD LLID STRM NAME: x oldest).SWIFD is the Statewide Washington Integrated Fish Distribution,presented as a q Zoom ro linearfeatureclass based on WA single stream sPECIEs am,roevrrow identifiers(LUD).SWIFD includes anadromous RUNTIME_DESC unknownorna A,,l b!e and resident sal—ids,and various game fish. DISTTYPE_DE SC P.su USEWPE DESC Presence LIFEHIST_DESC Unknown Read More She unaeFnea Shepe.STLengthU 6.713.078 Download EgALGIORq EaALLYCAS!lF A,, Dete15 E GI!!r ® Dstaset Figure 11.Screen capture;Statewide Washington Integrated Fish Distribution(SWIFD);cutthroat trout. Migration routes were not identified on the site.Trout may move through the site in streams if present and flowing. Resident coastal cutthroat trout are presumed present(SWIFD).This was not considered a migration route for the purpose of the SEPA environmental checklist. Mason County Public Works Department 10 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 4 Little Island E Sunny Woods kd'N Lake o09� E S� rn '• d� Lily Pond E F oed`cosa qd � Sandy Lake 0 • Pa f. Goke � �awe Leprechaun i w5o X I r o, l is t a� t 0a '• / � e= Legend Cranberry «••................ Lake M Cleanup Site Status • Awaiting cleanup Lake Llmerlck Country Club • Cleanup started • Monitoring cleanup progress • Cleanup complete .293ft Figure 12.Ecology Toxics Cleanup sites map;circle indicating 0.5-mile radius.No sites in vicinity of proposal(yellow highlight). Land Use: Current and use was assessed by site reconnaissance, aerial imagery, and zoning maps. Land use is rural residential(zoned R5 and R20)and forested. Mason County Public Works Department 11 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW—MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 13Mason County WA GIS Mason Coiunty Homepage Disclaimer ® Search by Parcel or Addres Q- 7[F- Allyn © O \ 7 s❑ BeReir UGA_Zoning s❑ Shelton UGAZoning.lyr s❑ VGA RAC Hamlet Boundaries -Q Development Arees Rural Multi Family ❑Inholding Lends ❑Rural Residential 2.5 Acres l f1 a....I ResidentielSAcres ❑Rural Residential 10 Acres Rural Residential cr ❑Agricultural Resource Lands Long Term Commercial Forest Rural Tourist Rural Tourist-Campground 8 Rural Commercial) Rural Commercial ®Rural Commercial Rural Commercial5 ❑Rural Industrial 0 2, Rural Natural Resource B.;rea�o'Land^.lanacer• nt Es•i Canada Esri.HF Figure 13.Mason County Zoning Map,R-5 and R-20 zoning adjacent to proposal site. Review of historical aerial imagery(Google Earth) indicates timber harvest before 1990 on both sides of the road. Recent imagery indicates general regrowth in the area since the pre-1990 harvest. Figure 14.Aerial imagery comparing 1990(left)and 2020(right)forest cover(Google Earth,various sources). Recreation: Schumacher Creek Natural Area Preserve (NAP) is located to the north of the proposal site, across Sunny Woods Road.The scope and geographic extent of the proposal would not affect the natural area. Informal recreation opportunities would not be affected by the proposal. Mason County Public Works Department 12 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 + Q G CD JURISDICT_LABEL_N Schumacher Creek M NAP ' JURISDICT_NM Schumacher Creek mi NAP d a 372 Jt ? 4 Little Island Loke E Sunny Woods Rd W F a s)"dY fake Rd v m r LA S 1,000 ft n_ Figure 15.Schumacher Creek Natural Area Preserve. Historic and Cultural Preservation: Site reconnaissance and DAHP WISSARD map indicate no buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers. d"T WISAARD Horne Map Search Resources i I Determined Not Eligible Q No Dcurmiwnon Inventories(lines) Determ'�ned EI',glblc �Octcrmined Not Eligible No Determination 4`A D<9>Register Public L ti Luke � -huy#Jro Lim¢ri Register Properties(Points) ek Loke Llmerlck 2 { Register Properties(Lines) Lak. o Lmkrck ` t,,, coemy New measurement Club k¢ XV -123.0649' 239013` 672328672326 7 0 oami \0�¢e l)�ni [onWn2m�/ Figure 16. WISSARD screen capture;no properties within 0.5 miles of proposal. The proposal does not involve or affect public services other than public transportation (roads)that is the purpose of the proposal. Mason County Public Works Department 13 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW—MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 The proposal does not involve utilities.The proposal would not use or require new utilities.The project crosses a utility(gas pipeline)corridor near the southern end. Mason County Public Works Department coordinates with utility owners routinely, standard practice as required for road maintenance work potentially affecting existing or planned utility infrastructure. E SUNNY WOObS ab W�� SgNO E ab y�pK _. .. r m co .,r• r E ME(21ONE7H W aQ- ��p� Cmnbe�, ,�,G Creek -------------------------- —— ------ ----- ---------------------------- ------ 1:15,000 Miles 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 Figure 17.Pipeline(yellow)intersecting with proposal site(orange)(Mason County GIS). Mason County Public Works Department will complete additional coordination and obtain environmental permits or authorizations as applicable to implement the RID and as part of the ongoing planning and construction stages of implementing CRP 2053. Mason County Public Works Department 14 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY (DAHP)Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.Washington Information System for Architectural and Archeological Records Data (WISSARD). https://wisaard.dahp.wa.gov/. (DNR)Washington State Department of Natural Resources.Washington Natural Heritage Program (WNHP) Data Explorer, Rare Plant and Ecosystem Locations. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/l 74566100f2a47bebe56db3fOf78b5d9/page/Rare-Plant- and-Ecosystem-Locations/. DNR. 2024.WDNR Public Managed Lands data layers. https://gis.dnr.wa.gov/site3/rest/services/Public Boundaries/WADNR PUBLIC Managed Lands/M a pSe rve r. DNR. 2024.Washington Lidar Portal, Olympics South Opsw 2019 layer. https://Lidarportal.dnr.wa.gov/. DNR.Washington Hydrography dataset. https://gis.dnr.wa.gov/site2/rest/services/Public_Forest_Practices/WADNR_PUBLIC_FP_Hydro/Ma pServer. Ecology.2024.Toxics Cleanup sites map. https://ecoLogy.wa.gov/spills-cleanup/contamination- cleanup/cleanup-sites. Ecology. 2024.Water Quality Atlas. https://apps.ecology.wa.gov/waterqualityattas/wqa/map. (FEMA) U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency. Flood Insurance Map. Panel53045C0465E. https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home. Mason County. 2017. Mason County Landslide and Erosion Risk map. https://masoncountywa.gov/dem/plan-update/LandsLideErosion_36x48.pdf. Mason County. 2024. Mason County GIS Planning Library data layers. https://gis.masoncountywa.gov/planning/. Mason County. 2024. Comprehensive Plan (https://masoncountywa.gov/community- services/planning/2036-comp-plan-update/index.php) USDA. Custom Soil Resource Report for Mason County,Washington Shetland Road CRP 2053.July 26, 2024. https://websoitsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoiLSurvey.asox. (USFWS) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2024. National Wetlands Inventory. https://fwsprimary.wim.usgs.gov/wetlands/apps/wetlands-mapper/. USFWS. 2024. IPaC Resource List for Shetland Road - Road Improvement District CRP 2053.July 26, 2024. https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/. (WDFW)Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2024. PHS Report-Mason County Public Works Shetland Road RIP(CRP 2053).July 26, 2024. https://geodataservices.wdfw.wa.gov/hp/phs/. Mason County Public Works Department 15 of 16 July 29,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW-MASON COUNTY SHETLAND ROAD ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)CRP 2053 WDFW. 2024.Washington State Fish Passage map. https://geodataservices.wdfw.wa.gov/hp/fishpassage/index.htmL WDFW. 2024 Statewide Integrated Fish Distribution (SWIFD) dataset. https:/Igeo.wa.gov/maps/4edl 382bad264555b018cc8c934fl c01/explore. (WGS)Washington Geological Survey. Lidar Bare Earth Hillshade data. https://gis.dnr.wa.gov/sitel/rest/services/PubLic Geology/Lidar_H illshade/MapServer. Mason County Public Works Department 16 of 16 July 29,2024 Stele Wr Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Property Owners Property Owner County Engineer Petition by Petition Returned Interest Request Petitio Reviews & Prepares Sponsor to County with Petition Majority 0, —19� — —.009 ifth 9 Step 6 Step 7 gin Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Signatures verified FBOCCAclopts Notice of Hearing Last Day for Withdrawal Hearing to Create by County Auditor resolution of Inten Published & Estimates/ or Add to Petition 5 p.m. District by Board o Notices Mailed Day before Hearing County Commissioners Step 11 Step 12 Step 14 Step 15 Finalize Plans& Bid Opening Construction Ant. Determine FFinal Schedule *If applicable not „f r.Qti ... +e 9/2024 (Weather& Construction Cost County Forces *If applicable Easement permitting) Ant. 9-10/2024 bog I Step 16 Step 17 Step 18 Step 19 Step 20 Set Date for Final Cost & Hearing Final Hearing by BOCC ssessment to Treasure Treasurer Notifies of Final Hearing Ant. Notices Mailed -Ant. Costs Equalized for Collection Cost&30-day Grace ozs 10/2024 10-11/2024 Ant. 2025 Ant. 2025 Period Ant. AM Step 21 Begin 10 Year Payo Shetland Road CRP 2053 Ant. 2025 RID Process Steps RESOLUTION NO. 2024- BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF MASON COUNTY ROAD ) IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (RID) NO. 2024-01 ) Resolution declaring the feasibility of PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF SHETLAND ROAD ) proceeding and creating a LOCATED IN SECTION 16 AND 21, TOWNSHIP 21 ) Road Improvement District NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, W.M WHEREAS,Resolution No. 2024-040,which was passed and adopted on July 8,2024. Declared the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington (`the Board') to order the improvement of the following described tract of land: Shetland Road—located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North, Range 3, W.M. Mason County, Washington, from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS,the roadway improvement is located adjacent to and adjoining: • Survey under Auditor's File No. 360682 in Volume 5 of surveys,page 30. • Survey under Auditor's File No. 379385 in Volume 7 of surveys,page 21. • Survey under Auditor's File No. 1967520 in Volume 37 of surveys,pages 94-97. • Short Plat# 992 under Auditor's File No. 388390. • Short Plat# 1418 under Auditor's File No. 430361. • Short Plat#2240 under Auditor's File No. 556384. • Short Plat# 3154 under Auditor's File No. 2187889. WHEREAS,the road improvements will involve an estimated construction cost of$365,000.00, which covers: • Mobilization • Drainage • Grading • CSTC (crushed surfacing top course) • Double shot chip seal • Engineering and survey work • Signage • Other necessary related expenses WHEREAS, following comprehensive evaluation and environmental analysis, it has been determined that the proposed road improvement project within RID No. 2024-01 qualifies for a Determination of Non- Significance (DNS)under SEPA guidelines, and does not necessitate further environmental review due to its non-significant impacts; and, WHEREAS,the Board held a public hearing on August 13,2024 which was advertised in accordance with RCW 36.88.050 and RCW 79.44.040, to assess the feasibility of proceeding with the RID; and, WHEREAS,the County Engineer presented and described the proposed RID project to the Board at the public hearing, pursuant to RCW 36.88.050. Information in the Engineer's RID file,which was available to the Board, included an assessment map or print showing thereon the lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited by the improvement together with a preliminary assessment roll showing the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property, and also designating thereon all property which will deed right-of-way for their equitable contribution; and, WHEREAS, the County Engineer recommended a flat rate method of assessment for the proposed RID to the Board at the public hearing; and, WHEREAS,the Board received public testimony and reviewed petitions regarding the formation of the Road Improvement District(RID) during the hearing, and carefully considered both the testimony and the majority of the petitions; and, WHEREAS, the benefits of the proposed improvements will serve to enhance public safety, accessibility, and overall community welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mason County Board of County Commissioners that: Section 1. The Board has considered written and verbal testimony from property owners and finds the petition represents a majority of the lineal frontage within the proposed boundaries of the Shetland Road Improvement District (RID No. 2024-01). Section 2. The Board further finds the proposed RID to be feasible and hereby approves the formation and construction of the Shetland Road RID No. 2024-01. Section 3. The Board acknowledges and accepts the Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)under SEPA guidelines for the road improvement project within Shetland Road RID No. 2024-01. Section 4. The Board has determined that the method of assessment for the RID will be structured as follows: • The total estimated construction cost is $365,000.00. • Repayment will occur over a maximum period of 10 years,with an estimated interest rate of 6%, subject to variation per lender. • The total cost will be spread among an estimated 91 parcels. Of these, 17 parcels will deed the County right-of-way for their equitable contribution and 5 parcels are classified as timberland/forestland or senior citizen exemption. • The remaining 69 parcels will be assessed at an estimated$704.74 per tax parcel, annually for a 10- year repayment period. • This method of assessment is deemed the most practical and equitable under the prevailing conditions and reflects the special benefits derived. Section 5. All costs associated with the aforementioned roadway improvements, including mobilization, drainage, grading, CSTC, double shot chip seal, engineering and survey crews, signs, and any other related expenses, shall be covered as part of RID No. 2024-01. Section 6. The Board intends to establish an assessment reimbursement agreement for the Roadway Improvement District (RID). This agreement will be applicable to any new divisions of land or access to the improved roadways which occur after certification of the final assessment roll. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective on 2024, following the conclusion of the public comment period for the SEPA Nonsignificance Determination and its final adoption. PASSED this,day of , 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: MCKENZIE SMITH, RANDY NEATHERLIN, Chair Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEVIN SHUTTY, Vice Chair TIM WHITEHEAD, SHARON TRASK, Commissioner Ch. DPA