HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2016-00096 - SPI Inspections - 10/14/2016 t ' oN-STATE MASON COUNTY 4P5 � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT oc S N Planning Division N T 615 W Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 �0 (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection October 14, 2016 PETER AUSTIN 5511 E ST RT 302 BELFAIR WA Case No.: SP12016-00096 Parcel No.: 122335000032 Project Description: looking to construct a 1000 sf adu approx 200 ft upland of the existing residence for short term vacation rental Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI) was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, Kell McAbov Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 10/14/2016 Page 1 of 2 SP12016-00096 Site Inspection 10/14/2016 Case No. SP12016-00096 Comments: Pre-inspection for AUSTIN-TALLEY for the purpose of determining placing an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Zoning: The zoning designation for the site is Rural Residential 5 (RR5). Standard setbacks for this zone are a 25-foot front yard setback and a 20-foot setback for side and back yards. The front yard refers to the lot line adjacent to the property access, including access easements. The setbacks are measured from structures above grade such as roof overhangs (roof gutters), and other structures/appurtenances, including heat pumps etc. When the lot width is less than 100 feet, setbacks would equal 10% of the lot width. An administrative variance can be applied for to get a reduction in the required setbacks (minimum of 5 feet for sides, minimum of 10 feet for front and rear) if the lot meets certain criteria. Height limit per Mason County Development Regulations is 35 feet. 17.03.029 Accessory Dwelling Unit Requirement: In Rural Lands, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) must meet the following requirements. A. The ADU shall be subject to a special use permit, unless in the shoreline jurisdiction it is subject to a shoreline permit. B. The owner of the ADU must reside on the lot in either the principal residence or ADU. C. The ADU shall be located within 150 feet of the principal residence or shall be a conversion of an existing detached structure (i.e. garage). D. The ADU shall not exceed 80% of the square footage of the habitable area of the primary residence or 1000 feet, whichever is smaller. E. All setback requirements must be met by the ADU. F. All applicable health district standards for water and sewer must be met by the ADU. G. No recreational vehicles shall be allowed as ADU. H. Only one ADU is allowed on any property. I. An additional off-street parking space must be provided for the ADU. Specific development standards contained in County Codes may be found at the County web address HERE. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. 10/14/2016 Page 2 of 2 SP12016-00096 RECEIVED OCT - 3 2016 MASON COUNTY g VVvv PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPL�ti Aft Str@et PLEASE PRINT $255.00 Fee Rcqfired 1. Owner: Peter Austin&Jacquel;yn Talley Applicant: Same Site Address: 5511 E State Route 302 Bel fair WA Applicant Address: Owner Address: Same City: St Zip City: St Zip Phone:(_, day Phone: 239 398-9960 day Phone;(j60 ) 552-2036 evening Planner: t4tiu��- Email Address: jacquelynsmail @gmail.com SMPU rh3+� Comp.Plan r KS Type of Use Water Body_ ���� 1'� i.P ,~- 2. Parcel No. 12233 50 00032 Parcel No. 12233 - 59 00033 — Legal Description: Please see attached 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection: Assessment of slope for suitability of proposed ADU Applicants seek approval to construct a 1000SF ADU approximately 200ft up an 4. Use of building: of the existing residence for short term vacation rental S. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope(X) saltwater( ) lake( ) river( ) pond( ) wetland( � seasonal runoff( other( ) stream( ) seasonal creek( ) Directions to Site: 5511 E State Route 302 approximately 7 miles rom Belfair Center If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection tts 'n v lid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspectio , e la s egula g development of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signature: Date: 10/3/2016 If you would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: Return application to: Mason County Community Services,Planning Division 615 W.Alder Street Shelton,WA 98584 (360)427-9670 ext.353 Please include a$255.00 check or mone payab a/toMon County Treasurer When completed,this form becomes part of the 1 file. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY:Accepted by: Date: O! 1:\C—unity Develo n=en PLANNING\PAC 2016-Permit Assistance Center Revised: 9/29/2016 Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas(slopes,streams,lakes,wetlands,etc.) existing improvements,as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT ADEQUATE ILUSTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. Please see attached New Septic Design Plan being prepared by Apex Septic Design Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: V�D r I EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH 150.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 330.00 FEET OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SECTION 28,TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, W.M., IN MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WHICH LIES EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14-B AND WEST OF THE EAST 660 FEET OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 4. (SAID LAND BEING ALSO KNOWN AND DESCRIBED AS ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH 150 FEET OFTRACT 16 OF THE UNRECORDED PLAT OF OLYMPIC SHORE LYING EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO, 14-B.) PARCEL 2: THE NORTH 48 FEET OF THE SOUTH 330 FEET OF THAT PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH,-RANGE 1 WEST, W.M., IN MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING WESTERLY OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14-B. 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