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2024/08/12 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR THE WEEK OF August 12, 2024 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CoU���� . 1854 Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ and public comment is accepted via email msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail to Commissioners Office, 411 N 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or phone at (360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners’ office no later than 4 :00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office at Shelton (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Briefing Agendas are subject to change, please contact the Commissioners’ office for the most recent version. Last printed 08/07/24 at 3:42 PM BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of August 12, 2024 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly *This is being noticed as a Special Commission meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020 - Special Meetings. Monday, August 12, 2024 Zoom link available on the Mason County website Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Executive Session – RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Potential Litigation 9:30 A.M. Closed Session – RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion 10:00 A.M. Treasurer – Lisa Frazier 10:05 A.M. Indigent Defense – Peter Jones 10:10 A.M. Community Development – Kell Rowen 10:15 A.M. Public Health – David Windom 10:20 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson Utilities & Waste Management 10:30 A.M. Support Services – Mark Neary 11:00 A.M. Review of Department 2024/2025 Projects and Priorities – Support Services 11:45 A.M. Executive Session – RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) Potential Acquisition of Real Estate Commissioner Discussion – as needed C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Lisa Frazier 484 Department: Treasurer's Office Briefing: ❑x Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12, 2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled ❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: S&P Global—Bond Rating Upgrade for Mason County Background/Executive Summary: On September 15,2020,Mason County received a bond rating from S&P Global of A+with a stable outcome. Generally,every 4 years S&P Global reviews the bond ratings for agencies that have solicited bond ratings from S&P in the past. S&P Global reached out to the County Treasurer in late May 2024 to set up its review. Lisa Frazier, Treasurer;Mark Neary,County Administrator;Jen Beierle,Budget Manager and Leo Kim,CFO;working together provided S&P with the requested information. On July 15,2024,Lisa Frazier and Mark Neary met via Teams with S&P's review team to answer any questions they had. On July 30,2024,Mason County received S&P's report. I am happy to report that Mason County has received an upgrade to its bond rating from an A+with a stable outlook to AA-with a stable outlook. The upgrade reflects the county's consistent positive financial performance,which has resulted in the growth and maintenance of very strong reserves and in underlying economic metrics comparable to those of higher- rated peers. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): None at this time—may impact future project fundings Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): None at this time Requested Action: Informational only. Attachments: S&P Letter&Report S&p' L'ilobal Ratings R tl �s Dir r!t Summary. Mason County, Washington,• General Obli*gation Primary Credit Analyst: Caroline Baird,Dallas+12144683496;caroline.baird@spglobal.com Secondary Contact: Chris Morgan,San Francisco+ 1 (415)371 5032;chris.morgan@spglobal.com Table Of Contents ............................................................................................................. Credit Highlights Outlook Related Research WWW.STANDARDANDPOOBS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JULY 305 2024 1 t. y r 0 n Mason County, General Obligation Credit . - M n;aso .inty ltdaax GO bnds taxable(Qualified Energy Conservation Bnds-Direct Payment) er 2013B dtd 12/10/2013 due 12/01/2020 2033 Zon, Term at AA-/Stable U raded g pg Ma s.o. n.::. n BA ty GO( ;M) Un'enha c' R 't n - n ed a r g AA(SPUR)/Stable Current Many issues are enhanced by bond insurance. Credit Highlights • S&P Global Ratings raised its long-term rating to'AA-'from'A+' on Mason County,Wash.'s outstanding limited-tax general obligation(GO)bonds. • The outlook is stable. • The upgrade reflects the county's consistent positive.financial performance,which has resulted in the growth and maintenance of very strong reserves and in underlying economic metrics comparable with those of higher-rated peers. Security The outstanding bonds are secured by the county's full faith and credit,including the obligation to levy ad valorem taxes, subject to statutory limitations on annual property tax revenue growth without a voter override and on a maximum levy rate per$1,000 of assessed value. Credit overview The county has generated consistently positive operations over the last seven fiscal years due to conservative budget assumptions and consistent year-over-year growth of sales tax revenue,its largest revenue source at 31% of general fund revenues in fiscal 2023. The 2024 budget projects the county ending with a deficit of around 15%of expenditures; management indicates this was a conservative projection and that it anticipates positive year-end results as a result of sales tax revenues outperforming projections;we believe this will happen given the county's track record of positive operations and conservative forecasting. Its trend of positive operations has allowed the county to maintain what we consider to be strong reserves on a cash basis,well above its formal fund balance policy,which requires at least 15% to 20%of the prior year's operating expenditures and an additional$1 million contingency reserve (equivalent to about 2.3%of FY23 expenditures). Based on our conversation with management,we anticipate the county will maintain reserves well above its policy level for the foreseeable future. Mason County is located southwest of the Puget Sound in northwestern Washington, about 20 miles from Olympia and 82 miles from Seattle.The Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park are located in the northwest of the county.The local economy has historically been concentrated in the timber industry;however,it has continued to WWW.STANDABDANDPOOBS.COM/BATINGSDIBECT JULY 305 2024 2 Summary:Mason County,Washington;General Obligation diversify,with a growing presence in the aquaculture and tourism industries.Assessed value (AV)has shown consistent annual growth over the last decade, and management expects continued growth given continued residential development and rising property values. Given the county's growing tax base, consistently positive operations, and healthy available reserve position,we do not expect a deterioration in its overall credit quality for the foreseeable future. The rating further reflects our view of the county's: • Growing tax base supported by continued residential development and rising property values,with extremely strong wealth metrics and income indicators we consider good; • Trend of positive operations that have supported the maintenance of very strong available reserves well above its formal reserve policy, and very strong liquidity; • Financial policies and practices that we consider good and that include realistic budget assumptions, budget-to-actual reports provided to the council monthly, a rolling six-year capital improvement plan, a formal investment policy and updates on investment holdings and performance provided to the council quarterly, a formal debt management policy,a formal fund balance policy that requires 10%to 20%of expenditures and an additional $1 million contingency reserve, and a good institutional framework score; and • Manageable debt burden with minimal debt service costs and no current plans for issuance of tax-secured debt.We consider the county's pension liability to be manageable,with a well-funded ratio at 80%in fiscal 2022. Environmental, social, and governance We view the county's environmental risks as somewhat elevated given the region's exposure to wildfires and seismic activity.We believe these risks are partially mitigated by a county hazard mitigation plan,which addresses existing risks.We view the county's social and governance factors neutral in our analysis. Outlook The stable outlook reflects our expectation that the county will continue to show tax base growth for the foreseeable future.We further anticipate the county will show strong financial performance,maintenance of strong cash reserves, and very strong liquidity that we do not expect to materially weaken during the next two years. Downside scenario We could lower the rating if the county's financial operations were to materially weaken,leading to a decline in available reserves below its policy level without a clear plan to rapidly restore compliance. Upside scenario All else equal,we could raise the rating if key economic metrics, such as income indicators,were to grow to levels similar to those of higher-rated peers. WWW.STANDABDANDPOOBS.COM/BATINGSDIBECT JULY 30, 2024 3 Summary:Mason County,Washington;General Obligation Mason County,Washiington_-Ke'y credlit metrICS Most recent Historical information 2023 2022 2021 Strong economy Projected per capita EBI%of US. 95 Market value per capita 216,479 Population 67,726 69,155 County unemployment rate(%) 6.3 Market value($000) 14,606,910 12,677,275 10,977,776 Ten largest taxpayers%of taxable value 1.6 Weak budgetary performance Operating fund result%of expenditures 1.9 12.5 13.5 Total governmental fund result%of expenditures 5.1 21.7 18.7 Strong budgetary flexibility Available reserves%of operating expenditures 53.8 62.2 53.0 Total available reserves($000) 24,207 25,354 20,376 Very strong liquidity Total government cash%of governmental fund expenditures 52 52 44 Total government cash%of governmental fund debt service 2,945 2,715 2,234 Strong management Financial Management Assessment Good Very strong debt&long-term liabilities Debt service%of governmental fund expenditures 1.8 1.9 2.0 Net direct debt%of governmental fund revenue 21 Overall net debt%of market value 1.4 Direct debt 10-year amortization 85 Required pension contribution%of governmental fund expenditures 0.0 OPEB actual contribution%of governmental fund expenditures 0.1 Adequate institutional framework EBI--Effective buying income. OPEB--Other postemployment benefits. Data points and ratios may reflect analytical adjustments. Related Research Through The ESG Lens 3.0: The Intersection Of ESG Credit Factors And U.S. Public Finance Credit Factors, March 2, 2022 How S&P Global Ratings Assesses Information Sufficiency And Timeliness For Washington Local Governments, Feb. 5, 2024 WWW.STANDARDANDPOOBS.COM/BATINGSDIBECT JULY 305 2024 4 Summary: Mason County,Washington;General Obligation Certain terms used in this report,particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors,have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria,and should therefore be read in conjunction with such criteria.Please see Ratings Criteria at www.spglobal.com/ratings for further information.Complete ratings information is available to RatingsDirect subscribers at www.capitaliq.com.All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on S&P Global Ratings'public website at www.spglobal.com/ratings. WWW.STANDARDANDPOOBS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JULY 30, 2024 5 Copyright©2024 by Standard&Poor's Financial Services LLC.All rights reserved. No content(including ratings,credit-related analyses and data,valuations,model,software or other application or output therefrom)or any part thereof(Content)may be modified,reverse engineered,reproduced or distributed in any form by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system,without the prior written permission of Standard&Poor's Financial Services LLC or its affiliates(collectively,S&P).The Content shall not be used for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes.S&P and any third-party providers,as well as their directors,officers,shareholders,employees or agents(collectively S&P Parties)do not guarantee the accuracy,completeness,timeliness or availability of the Content.S&P Parties are not responsible for any errors or omissions(negligent or otherwise),regardless of the cause,for the results obtained from the use of the Content,or for the security or maintenance of any data input by the user.The Content is provided on an"as is"basis.S&P PARTIES DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE,FREEDOM FROM BUGS,SOFTWARE ERRORS OR DEFECTS,THAT THE CONTENT'S FUNCTIONING WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR THAT THE CONTENT WILL OPERATE WITH ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CONFIGURATION.In no event shall S&P Parties be liable to any party for any direct,indirect,incidental,exemplary,compensatory,punitive, special or consequential damages,costs,expenses,legal fees,or losses(including,without limitation,lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs or losses caused by negligence)in connection with any use of the Content even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Credit-related and other analyses,including ratings,and statements in the Content are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact. S&P's opinions,analyses and rating acknowledgment decisions(described below)are not recommendations to purchase,hold,or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions,and do not address the suitability of any security.S&P assumes no obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format.The Content should not be relied on and is not a substitute for the skill,judgment and experience of the user,its management,employees,advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions.S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such.While S&P has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable,S&P does not perform an audit and undertakes no duty of due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives.Rating- related publications may be published for a variety of reasons that are not necessarily dependent on action by rating committees,including,but not limited to,the publication of a periodic update on a credit rating and related analyses. To the extent that regulatory authorities allow a rating agency to acknowledge in one jurisdiction a rating issued in another jurisdiction for certain regulatory purposes,S&P reserves the right to assign,withdraw or suspend such acknowledgment at any time and in its sole discretion.S&P Parties disclaim any duty whatsoever arising out of the assignment,withdrawal or suspension of an acknowledgment as well as any liability for any damage alleged to have been suffered on account thereof. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities.As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is not available to other S&P business units.S&P has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. S&P may receive compensation for its ratings and certain analyses,normally from issuers or underwriters of securities or from obligors.S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions and analyses.S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites,www.spglobal.com/ratings(free of charge),and www.ratingsdirect.com (subscription),and may be distributed through other means,including via S&P publications and third-party redistributors.Additional information about our ratings fees is available at www.spglobal.com/usratingsfees. STANDARD&POOR'S,S&P and RATINGSDIRECT are registered trademarks of Standard&Poor's Financial Services LLC. WWW.STANDABDANDPOOBS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JULY 30, 2024 6 a .. One California Street,31 st Floor lobalS&P :U San Francisco,CA 941 1 1-5432 tel 415 371-5000 reference no.:40537226 Rali s July 3 0,2024 Mason County 411 N 5th Street Building 1 Shelton,WA 98584 Attention: Lisa Frazier,Treasurer Re:Mason County General Obligation, Washington Dear Lisa Frazier S&P Global Ratings has reviewed the rating on the above-listed obligations.Based on our review,we have raised our credit rating from"A+"to "AA-"while affirming the stable outlook.A copy of the rationale supporting the rating and outlook is enclosed. This letter constitutes S&P Global Ratings'permission for you to disseminate the above-assigned ratings to interested parties in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. However,permission for such dissemination (other than to professional advisors bound by appropriate confidentiality arrangements or to allow the Issuer to comply with its regulatory obligations)will become effective only after we have released the ratings on standardandpoors.coim.Any dissemination on any Website by you or your agents shall include the full analysis for the rating, including any updates,where applicable.Any such dissemination shall not be done in a manner that would serve as a substitute for any products and services containing S&P Global Ratings'intellectual property for which a fee is charged. To maintain the rating, S&P Global Ratings must receive all relevant financial and other information,including notice of material changes to financial and other information provided to us and in relevant documents,as soon as such information is available.Relevant financial and other information includes,but is not limited to,information about direct bank loans and debt and debt-like instruments issued to,or entered into with, financial institutions, insurance companies and/or other entities,whether or not disclosure of such information would be required under S.E.C.Rule 15c2-12.You understand that S&P Global Ratings relies on you and your agents and advisors for the accuracy,timeliness and completeness of the information submitted in connection with the rating and the continued flow of material information as part of the surveillance process.Please send all information via electronic delivery to pubfin statelocalg_ovt(a�sp global.com.If SEC rule 17g-5 is applicable,you may post such information on the appropriate website.For any information not available in electronic format or posted on the applicable website, Please send hard copies to: S&P Global Ratings Public Finance Department 55 Water Street New York,NY 10041-0003 The rating is subject to the Terms and Conditions,if any, attached to the Engagement Letter applicable to the rating. In the absence of such Engagement Letter and Terms and Conditions,the rating is subject to the attached Terms and Conditions.The applicable Terms and Conditions are incorporated herein by reference. S&P Global Ratings is pleased to have the opportunity to provide its rating opinion.For more information please visit our website at www.standardandpoors.com.If you have any questions,please contact us. Thank you for choosing S&P Global Ratings. Sincerely yours, S&P Global Ratings a division of Standard&Poor's Financial Services LLC jm enclosure ZM F G to Ratings S&P Global Ratings Terms and Conditions Applicable To Public Finance Credit Ratings General. The credit ratings and other views of S&P Global Ratings are statements of opinion and not statements of fact. Credit ratings and other views of S&P Global Ratings are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities and do not comment on market price, marketability, investor preference or suitability of any security. While S&P Global Ratings bases its credit ratings and other views on information provided by issuers and their agents and advisors, and other information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P Global Ratings does not perform an audit,and undertakes no duty of due diligence or independent verification, of any information it receives. Such information and S&P Global Ratings' opinions should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. S&P Global Ratings does not act as a"fiduciary" or an investment advisor. S&P Global Ratings neither recommends nor will recommend how an issuer can or should achieve a particular credit rating outcome nor provides or will provide consulting, advisory, financial or structuring advice. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "issuer" means both the issuer and the obligor if the obligor is not the issuer. All Credit Rating Actions in S&P Global Ratings' Sole Discretion. S&P Global Ratings may assign, raise, lower, suspend,place on CreditWatch, or withdraw a credit rating, and assign or revise an Outlook, at any time, in S&P Global Ratings' sole discretion. S&P Global Ratings may take any of the foregoing actions notwithstanding any request for a confidential or private credit rating or a withdrawal of a credit rating, or termination of a credit rating engagement. S&P Global Ratings will not convert a public credit rating to a confidential or private credit rating, or a private credit rating to a confidential credit rating. Publication. S&P Global Ratings reserves the right to use,publish, disseminate, or license others to use, publish or disseminate a credit rating and any related analytical reports, including the rationale for the credit rating, unless the issuer specifically requests in connection with the initial credit rating that the credit rating be assigned and maintained on a confidential or private basis. If, however, a confidential or private credit rating or the existence of a confidential or private credit rating subsequently becomes public through disclosure other than by an act of S&P Global Ratings or its affiliates, S&P Global Ratings reserves the right to treat the credit rating as a public credit rating, including, without limitation, publishing the credit rating and any related analytical reports. Any analytical reports published by S&P Global Ratings are not issued by or on behalf of the issuer or at the issuer's request. S&P Global Ratings reserves the right to use, publish, disseminate or license others to use, publish or disseminate analytical reports with respect to public credit ratings that have been withdrawn, regardless of the reason for such withdrawal. S&P Global Ratings may publish explanations of S&P Global Ratings' credit ratings criteria from time to time and S&P Global Ratings may modify or refine its credit ratings criteria at any time as S&P Global Ratings deems appropriate. Reliance on Information. S&P Global Ratings relies on issuers and their agents and advisors for the accuracy and completeness of the information submitted in connection with credit ratings and the surveillance of credit ratings including, without limitation, information on material changes to information previously provided by issuers, their agents or advisors. Credit ratings, and the maintenance of credit ratings, may be affected by S&P Global Ratings' opinion of the information received from issuers,their agents or advisors. Confidential Information. S&P Global Ratings has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received from issuers,their agents or advisors. For these purposes, "Confidential Information" shall mean verbal or written information that the issuer or its agents or advisors have provided to S&P Global Ratings and, in a specific and particularized manner,have marked or otherwise indicated in writing(either prior to or promptly following such disclosure)that such information is "Confidential." S&P Global Ratings Not an Expert, Underwriter or Seller under Securities Laws. S&P Global Ratings has not consented to and will not consent to being named an "expert" or any similar designation under any applicable securities laws or other regulatory guidance, rules or recommendations,including without limitation, Section 7 of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. S&P Global Ratings has not performed and will not perform the role or tasks associated with an"underwriter"or"seller"under the United States federal securities laws or other regulatory guidance,rules or recommendations in connection with a credit rating engagement. Disclaimer of Liability S&P Global Ratings does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information relied on in connection with a credit rating or the results obtained from the use of such information. S&P GLOBAL RATINGS GIVES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. S&P Global Ratings, its affiliates or third party providers, or any of their officers, directors, shareholders,employees or agents shall not be liable to any person for any inaccuracies, errors,or omissions,in each case regardless of cause, actions, damages (consequential, special, indirect, incidental, punitive, compensatory, exemplary or otherwise), claims, liabilities, costs, expenses, legal fees or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs) in any way arising out of or relating to a credit rating or the related analytic services even if advised of the possibility of such damages or other amounts. No'Third Party Beneticiaries. Nothing in any credit rating engagement, or a credit rating when issued,is intended or should be construed as creating any rights on behalf of any third parties, including, without limitation, any recipient of a credit rating. No person is intended as a third party beneficiary of any credit rating engagement or of a credit rating when issued. PEON COU��� Mason County Agenda Request Form 1854 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Peter Jones Ext. 598 Department: Indigent Defense Briefing: FXI Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: August 27,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Lexis Nexis Contract Renewal Background/Executive Summary: Renews Indigent Defense's access to Lexis Nexis online legal research. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Activation— 12/31/2024 $744 l/l/2025— 12/31/2025 $999 l/l/2026— 12/31/2026 $1,049 l/l/2027— 12/31/2027 $1,101 Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): None Requested Action: Approval to renew the contract with Lexis Nexis for online legal research for the estimated amount of $3,893 through December 31,2027. Attachments Contract AMENDMENT LexisNexis LEXIS°/LEXIS°+/LEXIS°+AI FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (EXISTING SUBSCRIBER VERSION -TERM) "Subscriber" Name: Mason County,WA Public Defender Account Number: 4252LH996 "LN": LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. 1. Amendment This Amendment("Amendment")amends and supplements the terms of the Lexis Subscription Agreement previously entered into between LexisNexis,a division of RELX Inc.("LN")and Subscriber(the"Subscription Agreement"). This Amendment shall serve as Subscriber's acceptance of the General Terms & Conditions for Use of the Online Services in effect as of the date of this Amendment and displayed at: https://www.lexisnexis.com/en- us/terms/GovtAcademic/terms.page. 2. Certification 2.1. Subscriber certifies that the number of government professionals in Subscriber's organization is as set forth below. A"Government Professional User"is defined as an attorney,judge, librarian, researcher, investigator or analyst who is employed by the Subscriber. Number of Government Professional Users: 7 2.2. A"Support Staff User" is defined as a person who supports the Government Professional User, including, but not limited to: paralegals, interns, legal secretaries or other administrative support members. 1 ID's will be issued to support staff for each Government Professional User accounted for above. Support Staff Users will receive access at no additional charge. 2.3. Each LN ID must be issued for individual use by the Government Professional User or Support Staff User. 2.4. If Subscriber,at the time of signing this Amendment has 11 or more Government Professional Users,then Subscriber is required to notify LN if the number of Government Professional Users falls below 11. Subscriber shall,within 30 days of the staffing change, notify LN in writing. 2.5. Subscriber acknowledges that the pricing and menus provided to Subscriber in this Amendment depend in part on the number of Government Professional Users in Subscriber's organization. Subscriber certifies that as of the date Subscriber signs this Amendment there are the number of Government Professional Users in Subscriber's organization(the"Reference Number")as Subscriber has specified above. (a) At LN's request from time to time, Subscriber will certify in writing the then-current Reference Number. (b) If there is a change in the Reference Number during the Term, LN may,in its sole discretion on at least 30 days prior written notice to Subscriber, increase or decrease the Monthly Commitment by an amount that does not exceed,on a percentage basis,the change in the Reference Number. 3. Lexis+Product and Charges 3.1. This Section 3 amends the Subscription Agreement with respect to the Lexis+product offering described below.The term of Subscriber's commitment for the Lexis+ product offering will begin upon the date Subscriber's billing account ("Account Number")is activated ("Activation")and will continue for the last period set forth in Section 3.3 below(the "Committed Term"). Subscriber may not terminate this Amendment for convenience under the General Terms during the Committed Term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Subscriber may terminate this Amendment during the Committed Term for a material breach by LN that remains uncured for more than 30 days after LN receives written notice from Subscriber identifying a specific breach. If Subscriber terminates this Amendment pursuant to this Section,then Subscriber will pay all charges incurred up to the date of termination. Lexis+Content&Features Product SKU Number Number of Users WA National Government Package 1537064 7 Lexis+ Practical Guidance-State& Local Government 1534660 7 Public Defender Premium Library 1534945 7 All Legislative Bill Histories 1509667 7 LNUS Amendment(SLG)1 4889-2121-3580 202310 v1 Page 1 of 4 AMENDMENT LexisNexis LEXIS°/LEXIS°+/LEXIS°+AI FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (EXISTING SUBSCRIBER VERSION -TERM) Core Public Records with Smartlinx Person, Business and Location Reports 1004801 7 Lexis for Microsot Office with Document Tools 1000761 7 3.2. In exchange for access to the Content, Feature and/or Service set forth above in Section 3.1, Subscriber will pay to LN the following amount(the"Monthly Commitment")during the periods set forth below. Committed Term Monthly Commitment Activation - 12/31/2024 $744 1/1/2025- 12/31/2025 $999 1/1/2026- 12/31/2026 $1049 1/1/2027- 12/31/2027 $1101 3.3. During the Term, LN may make content and features available to Subscriber that are not included in the Lexis+ Content described above at an additional charge ("Out of Plan Materials").Authorized Users trying to access Out of Plan Materials will be notified of the additional charges before the materials are displayed. If an Authorized User accesses the Out of Plan Materials,Subscriber will pay the transactional charge(s)displayed at the time of access. If Subscriber does not initial below, Out of Plan Materials will be excluded from Authorized User's search. To have Out of Plan Materials available for your Authorized Users, initial here (Initial) 3.4. Use of Lexis+ under this Amendment is available to Subscriber and its Authorized Users (defined in the General Terms). 3.5. LN may temporarily suspend access to Lexis+until all unpaid amounts are paid in full. No claims directly or indirectly related to this Amendment with respect to amounts billed or payments made under this Amendment may be initiated by Subscriber more than 6 months after such amounts were first billed to Subscriber. 4. Closed Offer The prices and other terms are subject to change if Subscriber has not submitted a signed original or copy on or before 9/30/2024. 5. Confidential Information Subject to any state open records or freedom of information statutes, this Amendment contains confidential pricing information of LN. Subscriber understands that disclosure of the pricing information contained herein could cause competitive harm to LN and will receive and maintain this Amendment in trust and confidence and take reasonable precautions against such disclosure to any third person. This Section 5 will survive the termination or expiration of this Amendment. 6. Support and Training During the Term, Subscriber,with the support of LN,agrees to encourage the effective use of Lexis+through: (a) Meaningful participation in additional ongoing programs presented by LN to update and train Authorized Users; (b) Authorize the periodic distribution of memos or other communications by LN and/or Subscriber to Authorized Users; and (c) The periodic review with LN of Subscriber's Authorized User's use of materials and training under this Amendment. LNUS Amendment(SLG)1 4889-2121-3580 202310 v1 Page 2 of 4 . AMENDMENT LexisNexis LEXIS°/LEXIS°+/LEXIS°+AI FOR STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT (EXISTING SUBSCRIBER VERSION -TERM) 7. Miscellaneous This Amendment does not bind either party until it has been accepted by both parties. Subscriber may accept this Amendment by signing below. LN will accept this Amendment by providing Subscriber with access to Lexis+or by signing below. LEXISNEXIS WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY CHANGES, CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THIS AMENDMENT UNLESS SUCH CHANGES ARE EXPRESSLYACCEPTED BY LN IN WRITING. SUCH CHANGES WILL HAVE NO LEGAL EFFECT. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: Subscriber: Mason County,WA Public Defender [MUST BE COMPLETED BY SUBSCRIBER] Authorized Subscriber Signature: Printed Name: Job Title: Date: LexisNexis,a division of RELX Inc. 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This Lexis For Microsoft Office Addendum (the "Addendum") between LN and Subscriber is intended to revise the LN subscription agreement for the Lexis® or Lexis+TM online research services (the "Agreement") previously or simultaneously executed between the parties by adding to the Agreement the terms and conditions listed below. It is expressly understood by Subscriber that the Lexis for Microsoft Office services cannot be accessed unless the Subscriber has an existing subscription to Lexis or Lexis+. This Addendum therefore serves to supplement and is hereby appended to the Agreement to provide Lexis for Microsoft Office features and content. LN and Subscriber agree to supplement the Agreement as follows: 1. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Lexis for Microsoft Office is proprietary software developed by LN to integrate LN content directly within the Microsoft Corporation software applications Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word. 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Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Microsoft Word documents and Microsoft Outlook emails ("Subscriber's Work") that it selects to be analyzed by Lexis for Microsoft Office will momentarily leave its environment and will be sent to LN to be marked/tagged/indexed. LN represents and warrants that all such processing of Subscriber's Work will happen machine-to-machine, without human intervention (similar to a Lexis search)and LN will not store, review,or retain Subscriber's Work beyond the time required for processing (i.e., LN will not store Subscriber's Work in any back up logs,server logs,etc.).There are no installation charges for this option and no separate integration services agreement. 4. MISCELLANEOUS Except as expressly revised in this Addendum, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. If there are any conflicts or inconsistencies between this Addendum and the Agreement, this Addendum will control. LN's acceptance of this Addendum may be evidence by LN's fulfillment of this Addendum and the Agreement to which this Addendum supplements. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: Subscriber: Mason County,WA Public Defender [MUST BE COMPLETED BY SUBSCRIBER] Authorized Subscriber Signature: Name: Job Title: Date: LNUS Addendum(SLG)1 4866-6589-3889 202110 v1 Page 1 of 1 9. soN co�� Mason County Community Development Briefing August 12, 2024 Briefing Items Building 8 update—Kell Rowen coU�a� Mason County Agenda Request Form 1854 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen Ext. 286 Department: Community Development Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Community Development Building 8 Update Background/Executive Summary: The Department of Community Development(Building,Fire Marshal,Permit Center,Planning)is housed in the upstairs portion of Building 8, located at 615 W Alder. DCD,with assistance from Facilities,plans to refresh the upstairs building(carpet,paint, lighting,etc.)and reconfigure staffing to include swapping the Building and Planning department locations. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): No budget amendment will be required.All expenditures will come out of the existing DCD 2024 budget. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Discussion only. Attachments None. MASON COUNTY iT} Public Health & Human Services Briefing August 12, 2024 Briefing Items Olympic Health & Recovery Services presentation—Melissa Casey C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Melissa Casey Ext.404 Department: Public Health Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Olympic Health&Recovery Services Presentation—LEAD& Co-Responder Program Background/Executive Summary: Olympic Health&Recovery Services(OHRS)is a licensed behavioral health agency contracted with Mason County as the service provider for the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion(LEAD)Program and the Law Enforcement Co-Responder Program. OHRS has been invited to present these programs to the BOCC. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Information only. Attachments N/A MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER BRIEFING August 12, 2024 �N C� Action Items• Discussion Items: SR 108 Fish barrier removal project Commissioner Follow-Up Items: SR 106/Union Crosswalk Request Dead animal removal services Rasor Road RID Outreach status Upcoming Items: Aug. 12th-26th Satsop Cloquallum Road closure for Comfort Creek culvert replacement project at MP 5.20. August 13th @ 9:15am Shetland Road public hearing to propose formation of a Road Improvement District No. 2024-01 improving and integrating into county road system. Aug. 19th- 30th Bear Creek Dewatto Road closure for twin culvert replacement project on the Tahuya River at MP 5.29. ASpN coU�� August 27, 2024 Steve Roark, WSDOT Olympic Region Administrator 1854 WSDOT Olympic Region PO Box 47440 Tumwater,WA 98504-7440 MASON COUNTY steve.roarkkwsdot.wa.gov BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RE: SR 106 Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Union 1ST District Dear Steve, RANDY NEATHERLIN Community members from Union are requesting assistance from the Olympic 2°d District KEVIN SHUTTY Region Planning Office to improve pedestrian safety along and across SR 106. 3'District This letter is to communicate our full support and offer to participate in SHARON TRASK community engagement efforts. Continued growth and pedestrian traffic within the community of Union warrants a look at safety improvement options and the installation of low-cost safety solutions. Suggested solutions from the community include: improved signage, a pedestrian actuated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Mason County Building 1 Beacon, and speed read-out signs. 411 North Fifth Street We appreciate the Olympic Region's past partnerships on similar issues in Hoodsport, Belfair and most recently SR 106 at Twanoh State Park and look Shelton,WA 98584-3400 forward to engaging in Union. (360)427-9670 ext.419 Fax(360)427-8437 Sincerely, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner Cc: Olympic Region Planning Office Loretta Swanson,Public Works Director Mike Collins, County Engineer �r�ON CO& Mason County Administrator 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Mason County Commissioner Briefing Items from County Administrator August 12, 2024 Specific Items for Review Across-the-board wage increase for non-represented 2025—Mary Ransier Addition of IT Manager and Parks& Trails Manager positions—Mary Ransier Purchase of AEDs—Nichole Wilston Economic Development Council .09 funds application—Jennifer Beierle Central Services,Emergency Management,Facilities, Information Technology, and Parks and Trails 2024- 2025 priorities update—Mark Neary Administrator Updates Commissioner Discussion C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: August 27,2024 Internal Review: ❑X Finance ❑X Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑X Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Approval of a 2.0% general wage increase for non-represented employees effective January 1, 2025. Background/Executive Summary: Human Resources recommends a 2.0% general wage increase for non-represented employees effective January 1, 2025. This increase will maintain parity with increases for members of current Collective Bargaining Agreements within the County. This wage increase will also help to address ongoing market issues. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Total approximate 2025 budget impact is: General Fund Salaries: $105,490 FICA: $8,070 State Retirement: $10,055 WA Paid FMLA: $780 Total Estimated General Fund Budget Impact $124,395 Special Fund Salaries: $53,460 FICA: $4,090 State Retirement: $5,095 WA Paid FMLA: $395 Total Estimated Special Fund Budget Impact: $63,040 Grand Total Estimated 2025 ATB Budget Impact: $187,435 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A cqi Mason County Agenda Request Form Requested Action: Approval of a 2.0% general wage increase for non-represented employees effective January 1, 2025. Attachments: Proposed Non-Rep Salary Schedule effective l/l/2025 Resolution Resolution No. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 2024mOO7 WHEREAS, RCW 36,16.070 states... The Board shall fix the compensation of all employees; WHEREAS,there is a need to: 1. Apply a 2% across the board wage increase to the non-represented salary scale effective January 1, 2025; 2. Add the approved Information Technology(IT) Manager position to Range 38; 3. Add the approved Parks & Trails Manager position to Range 38; 4. Convert the current DEM and Parks&Trails Manager position to DEM Manager remaining at Range 3 8. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County hereby revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment approving the attached 2024 Non-Represented Salary Schedule to be effective upon signing and the 2025 Non- Represented Salary schedule to be effective January 1, 2025. DATED this day of , 20249 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask,Commissioner Tim Whitek_,niei"u'"ewmputy Prosecuting Attorney Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment 2025 (final 2024 + 2% ATB) RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 52 County Administrator 3601 Annual $154,685.45 $ 158,552.55 $ 162,516.11 $ 166,579.30 $ 170,743.84 $ 175,012.17 $ 179,387.24 $ 183,872.22 $ 188,469.07 $ 193,180.74 Monthly $ 12,890.45 $ 13,212.71 $ 13,543.01 $ 13,881.61 $ 14,228.65 $ 14,584.35 $ 14,948.94 $ 15,322.68 $ 15,705.76 $ 16,098.39 Semi-Monthly $ 6,445.23 $ 6,606.36 $ 6,771.50 $ 6,940.80 $ 7,114.33 $ 7,292.17 $ 7,474.47 $ 7,661.34 $ 7,852.88 $ 8,049.20 51 Community Development Director 2070 Annual $127,349.12 $ 130,615.24 $ 133,964.11 $ 137,398.41 $ 140,922.30 $ 144,534.82 $ 148,147.82 $ 151,851.89 $ 155,648.25 $ 159,539.34 Human Resources Director 2900 Monthly $ 10,612.43 $ 10,884.60 $ 11,163.68 $ 11,449.87 $ 11,743.53 $ 12,044.57 $ 12,345.65 $ 12,654.32 $ 12,970.69 $ 13,294.95 Public Health&Human Services Director 2170 Semi-Monthly $ 5,306.21 $ 5,442.30 $ 5,581.84 $ 5,724.93 $ 5,871.76 $ 6,022.28 $ 6,172.83 $ 6,327.16 $ 6,485.34 $ 6,647.47 Public Works&Utilities Director 4005 Undersheriff 3000 50 Chief Public Defender 1160 Annual $117,353.81 $ 120,287.65 $ 123,294.85 $ 126,377.22 $ 129,536.65 $ 132,775.06 $ 136,094.44 $ 139,496.80 $ 142,984.22 $ 146,558.83 Monthly $ 9,779.48 $ 10,023.97 $ 10,274.57 $ 10,531.43 $ 10,794.72 $ 11,064.59 $ 11,341.20 $ 11,624.73 $ 11,915.35 $ 12,213.24 Semi-Monthly $ 4,889.74 $ 5,011.99 $ 5,137.291 $ 5,265.72 $ 5,397.36 $ 5,532.29 $ 5,670.60 $ 5,812.37 $ 5,957.68 $ 6,106.62 49 Annual $114,491.52 $ 117,353.81 $ 120,287.65 $ 123,294.85 $ 126,377.22 $ 129,536.65 $ 132,775.06 $ 136,094.44 $ 139,496.80 $ 142,984.22 Monthly $ 9,540.96 $ 9,779.48 $ 10,023.97 $ 10,274.57 $ 10,531.43 $ 10,794.72 $ 11,064.59 $ 11,341.20 $ 11,624.73 $ 11,915.35 Semi-Monthly $ 4,770.48 $ 4,889.74 $ 5,011.99 $ 5,137.29 $ 5,265.72 $ 5,397.36 $ 5,532.29 $ 5,670.60 $ 5,812.37 $ 5,957.68 48 Annual $111,699.05 $ 114,491.52 $ 117,353.81 $ 120,287.65 $ 123,294.85 $ 126,377.22 $ 129,536.65 $ 132,775.06 $ 136,094.44 $ 139,496.80 Monthly $ 9,308.25 $ 9,540.96 $ 9,779.48 $ 10,023.97 $ 10,274.57 $ 10,531.43 $ 10,794.72 $ 11,064.59 $ 11,341.20 $ 11,624.73 Semi-Monthly $ 4,654.13 $ 4,770.48 $ 4,889.74 $ 5,011.99 $ 5,137.29 $ 5,265.72 $ 5,397.36 $ 5,532.29 $ 5,670.60 $ 5,812.37 47 County Engineer 4008 Annual $108,974.68 $ 111,698.81 $ 114,406.06 $ 117,266.30 $ 120,222.50 $ 123,146.64 $ 126,231.85 $ 129,364.56 $ 132,598.61 $ 135,913.45 Monthly $ 9,081.22 $ 9,308.23 $ 9,533.84 $ 9,772.19 $ 10,018.54 $ 10,262.22 $ 10,519.32 $ 10,780.38 $ 11,049.88 $ 11,326.12 Semi-Monthly $ 4,540.61 $ 4,654.12 $ 4,766.92 $ 4,886.10 $ 5,009.27 $ 5,131.11 $ 5,259.66 $ 5,390.19 $ 5,524.94 $ 5,663.06 46 Annual $106,316.64 $ 108,974.68 $ 111,615.58 $ 114,406.06 $ 117,040.59 $ 120,142.94 $ 123,152.76 $ 126,209.09 $ 129,364.56 $ 132,598.61 Monthly $ 8,859.72 $ 9,081.22 $ 9,301.30 $ 9,533.84 $ 9,753.38 $ 10,011.91 $ 10,262.73 $ 10,517.42 $ 10,780.38 $ 11,049.88 Semi-Monthly $ 4,429.86 $ 4,540.61 $ 4,650.65 $ 4,766.92 $ 4,876.69 $ 5,005.96 $ 5,131.37 $ 5,258.71 $ 5,390.19 $ 5,524.94 45 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Annual $103,723.47 $ 106,316.64 $ 108,893.40 $ 111,615.58 $ 114,353.18 $ 117,212.69 $ 120,149.31 $ 123,130.73 $ 126,209.09 $ 129,364.56 Monthly $ 8,643.62 $ 8,859.72 $ 9,074.45 $ 9,301.30 $ 9,529.43 $ 9,767.72 $ 10,012.44 $ 10,260.89 $ 10,517.42 $ 10,780.38 Semi-Monthly $ 4,321.81 $ 4,429.86 $ 4,537.23 $ 4,650.65 $ 4,764.72 $ 4,883.86 $ 5,006.22 $ 5,130.45 $ 5,258.71 $ 5,390.19 44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities&Wast 4010 Annual $101,230.43 $ 103,761.17 $ 106,307.83 $ 108,965.62 $ 111,630.27 $ 114,413.64 $ 117,273.64 $ 120,210.26 $ 123,215.43 $ 126,295.75 Central Services Manager 1153 Monthly $ 8,435.87 $ 8,646.76 $ 8,858.99 $ 9,080.47 $ 9,302.52 $ 9,534.47 $ 9,772.80 $ 10,017.52 $ 10,267.95 $ 10,524.65 Semi-Monthly_ $ 4,217.93 $ 4,323.38 $ 4,429.49 $ 4,540.23 $ 4,651.26 $ 4,767.24 $ 4,886.40 $ 5,008.76 $ 5,133.98 $ 5,262.32 43 Chief Jail 3003 Annual $ 98,752.81 $ 101,221.62 $ 103,693.36 $ 106,285.55 $ 108,877.25 $ 111,615.34 $ 114,383.29 $ 117,258.47 $ 120,189.95 $ 123,194.87 Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650 Monthly $ 8,229.40 $ 8,435.13 $ 8,641.11 $ 8,857.13 $ 9,073.10 $ 9,301.28 $ 9,531.94 $ 9,771.54 $ 10,015.83 $ 10,266.24 Budget&Finance Manager 1155 Semi-Monthly $ 4,114.70 $ 4,217.57 $ 4,320.56 $ 4,428.56 $ 4,536.55 $ 4,650.64 $ 4,765.97 $ 4,885.77 $ 5,007.91 $ 5,133.12 Chief Finance Officer 2000 Chief Civil De ut 3001 42 Annual $ 96,443.12 $ 98,854.16 $ 101,261.52 $ 103,793.00 $ 106,307.83 $ 108,984.47 $ 111,706.65 $ 114,490.02 $ 117,352.47 $ 120,286.40 Monthly $ 8,036.93 $ 8,237.85 $ 8,438.46 $ 8,649.42 $ 8,858.99 $ 9,082.04 $ 9,308.89 $ 9,540.84 $ 9,779.37 $ 10,023.87 Semi-Monthly $ 4,018.46 $ 4,118.92 $ 4,219.23 $ 4,324.71 $ 4,429.49 $ 4,541.02 $ 4,654.44 $ 4,770.42 $ 4,889.69 $ 5,011.93 41 Chief District Court Administrator 1180 Annual $ 94,057.55 $ 96,408.85 $ 98,752.81 $ 101,221.62 $ 103,707.81 $ 106,292.89 $ 108,954.12 $ 111,676.29 $ 114,468.24 $ 117,329.95 Jail Lieutenant 3005 Monthly $ 7,838.13 $ 8,034.07 $ 8,229.40 $ 8,435.13 $ 8,642.32 $ 8,857.74 $ 9,079.51 $ 9,306.36 $ 9,539.02 $ 9,777.50 Patrol Lieutenant 3006 Semi-Monthly $ 3,919.06 $ 4,017.04 $ 4,114.70 $ 4,217.57 $ 4,321.16 $ 4,428.87 $ 4,539.75 $ 4,653.18 $ 4,769.51 $ 4,888.75 40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Annual $ 91,839.90 $ 94,135.88 $ 96,443.12 $ 98,854.16 $ 101,245.85 $ 103,785.16 $ 106,384.94 $ 109,045.67 $ 111,772.01 $ 114,566.16 Monthly $ 7,653.33 $ 7,844.66 $ 8,036.93 $ 8,237.85 $ 8,437.15 $ 8,648.76 $ 8,865.41 $ 9,087.14 $ 9,314.33 $ 9,547.18 Semi-Monthly $ 3,826.66 $ 3,922.33 $ 4,018.46 $ 4,118.92 $ 4,218.58 $ 4,324.38 $ 4,432.71 $ 4,543.57 $ 4,657.17 $ 4,773.59 39 Annual $ 89,591.90 $ 91,831.58 $ 94,088.64 $ 96,441.16 $ 98,783.65 $ 101,245.85 $ 103,785.16 $ 106,384.94 $ 109,044.45 $ 111,770.78 Monthly $ 7,465.99 $ 7,652.63 $ 7,840.72 $ 8,036.76 $ 8,231.97 $ 8,437.15 $ 8,648.76 $ 8,865.41 $ 9,087.04 $ 9,314.23 Semi-Monthly $ 3,733.00 $ 3,826.32 $ 3,920.36 $ 4,018.38 $ 4,115.99 $ 4,218.58 $ 4,324.38 $ 4,432.71 $ 4,543.52 $ 4,657.12 38 County Surveyor 4058 Annual $ 87,451.13 $ 89,637.19 $ 91,824.72 $ 94,120.46 $ 96,412.77 $ 98,844.61 $ 101,275.96 $ 103,830.45 $ 106,426.07 $ 109,086.80 DEM Manager 2059 Monthly $ 7,287.59 $ 7,469.77 $ 7,652.06 $ 7,843.37 $ 8,034.40 $ 8,237.05 $ 8,439.66 $ 8,652.54 $ 8,868.84 $ 9,090.57 Facilities Manager 2058 Semi-Monthly $ 3,643.80 $ 3,734.88 $ 3,826.03 $ 3,921.69 $ 4,017.20 $ 4,118.53 $ 4,219.83 $ 4,326.27 $ 4,434.42 $ 4,545.28 Information Technology Manager TBD Parks and Trails Manager TBD Water&Wastewater Manager 4015 Building Official 3203 Road Operations&Maintenance Manager 4231 37 Community Health Manager 2171 Annual $ 85,309.62 $ 87,442.56 $ 89,576.48 $ 91,815.67 $ 94,072.97 $ 96,412.03 $ 98,829.43 $ 101,291.39 $ 103,823.60 $ 106,419.21 Environmental Health Manager 2169 Monthly $ 7,109.13 $ 7,286.88 $ 7,464.71 $ 7,651.31 $ 7,839.41 $ 8,034.34 $ 8,235.79 $ 8,440.95 $ 8,651.97 $ 8,868.27 Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Semi-Monthly $ 3,554.57 $ 3,643.44 $ 3,732.35 $ 3,825.65 $ 3,919.71 $ 4,017.17 $ 4,117.89 $ 4,220.47 $ 4,325.98 $ 4,434.13 36 Engineer III 4033 Annual $ 83,275.33 $ 85,357.35 $ 87,451.13 $ 89,637.19 $ 91,824.72 $ 94,133.92 $ 96,490.12 $ 98,905.56 $ 101,378.29 $ 103,912.70 Monthly $ 6,939.61 $ 7,113.11 $ 7,287.59 $ 7,469.77 $ 7,652.06 $ 7,844.49 $ 8,040.84 $ 8,242.13 $ 8,448.19 $ 8,659.39 Semi-Monthly $ 3,469.81 $ 3,556.56 $ 3,643.80 $ 3,734.88 $ 3,826.03 $ 3,922.25 $ 4,020.42 $ 4,121.07 $ 4,224.10 $ 4,329.70 35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052 Annual $ 81,272.13 $ 83,303.73 $ 85,339.97 $ 87,473.40 $ 89,607.08 $ 91,839.90 $ 94,148.86 $ 96,505.06 $ 98,917.80 $ 101,390.53 Monthly $ 6,772.68 $ 6,941.98 $ 7,111.66 $ 7,289.45 $ 7,467.26 $ 7,653.33 $ 7,845.74 $ 8,042.09 $ 8,243.15 $ 8,449.21 RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 Semi-Monthly $ 3,386.34 $ 3,470.99 $ 3,555.83 $ 3,644.73 $ 3,733.63 $ 3,826.66 $ 3,922.87 $ 4,021.04 $ 4,121.58 $ 4,224.61 34 Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager 2149 Annual $ 79,344.58 $ 81,328.44 $ 83,291.00 $ 85,373.51 $ 87,466.31 $ 89,652.86 $ 91,900.86 $ 94,195.61 $ 96,550.34 $ 98,964.32 Monthly $ 6,612.05 $ 6,777.37 $ 6,940.92 $ 7,114.46 $ 7,288.86 $ 7,471.07 $ 7,658.40 $ 7,849.63 $ 8,045.86 $ 8,247.03 Semi-Monthly $ 3,306.02 $ 3,388.68 $ 3,470.46 $ 3,557.23 $ 3,644.43 $ 3,735.54 $ 3,829.20 $ 3,924.82 $ 4,022.93 $ 4,123.51 33 Juvenile Detention Manager 3800 Annual $ 77,402.33 $ 79,337.48 $ 81,272.13 $ 83,303.73 $ 85,339.97 $ 87,466.31 $ 89,652.86 $ 91,827.42 $ 94,198.31 $ 96,553.53 Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Monthly $ 6,450.19 $ 6,611.46 $ 6,772.68 $ 6,941.98 $ 7,111.66 $ 7,288.86 $ 7,471.07 $ 7,652.28 $ 7,849.86 $ 8,046.13 Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139 Semi-Monthly $ 3,225.10 $ 3,305.73 $ 3,386.34 $ 3,470.99 $ 3,555.83 $ 3,644.43 $ 3,735.54 $ 3,826.14 $ 3,924.93 $ 4,023.06 Environmental Health Supervisor 32 Project Support Services Manager 4201 Annual $ 75,582.73 $ 77,472.10 $ 79,360.00 $ 81,343.86 $ 83,306.17 $ 85,385.51 $ 87,527.02 $ 89,714.55 $ 91,957.41 $ 94,256.32 Monthly $ 6,298.56 $ 6,456.01 $ 6,613.33 $ 6,778.65 $ 6,942.18 $ 7,115.46 $ 7,293.92 $ 7,476.21 $ 7,663.12 $ 7,854.69 Semi-Monthly $ 3,149.28 $ 3,228.00 $ 3,306.67 $ 3,389.33 $ 3,471.09 $ 3,557.73 $ 3,646.96 $ 3,738.11 $ 3,831.56 $ 3,927.35 31 Chief Deputy Clerk 1108 Annual $ 73,686.51 $ 75,528.63 $ 77,387.40 $ 79,322.30 $ 81,256.71 $ 83,275.33 $ 85,370.08 $ 87,511.59 $ 89,699.62 $ 91,941.98 Monthly $ 6,140.54 $ 6,294.05 $ 6,448.95 $ 6,610.19 $ 6,771.39 $ 6,939.61 $ 7,114.17 $ 7,292.63 $ 7,474.97 $ 7,661.83 Semi-Monthly $ 3,070.27 $ 3,147.03 $ 3,224.48 $ 3,305.10 $ 3,385.70 $ 3,469.81 $ 3,557.09 $ 3,646.32 $ 3,737.48 $ 3,830.92 30 Engineering&Construction Assistant Manag 4029 Annual $ 71,972.67 $ 73,771.95 $ 75,567.31 $ 77,456.19 $ 79,344.58 $ 81,332.84 $ 83,336.28 $ 85,431.53 $ 87,567.41 $ 89,756.41 Risk Manager 1057 Monthly $ 5,997.72 $ 6,147.66 $ 6,297.28 $ 6,454.68 $ 6,612.05 $ 6,777.74 $ 6,944.69 $ 7,119.29 $ 7,297.28 $ 7,479.70 Grant Writer 1159 Semi-Monthly $ 2,998.86 $ 3,073.83 $ 3,148.64 $ 3,227.34 $ 3,306.02 $ 3,388.87 $ 3,472.35 $ 3,559.65 $ 3,648.64 $ 3,739.85 29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Annual $ 70,229.69 $ 71,985.64 $ 73,716.87 $ 75,559.72 $ 77,402.33 $ 79,360.00 $ 81,332.84 $ 83,367.37 $ 85,451.36 $ 87,587.97 Finance Manager-MCSO 2010 Monthly $ 5,852.47 $ 5,998.80 $ 6,143.07 $ 6,296.64 $ 6,450.19 $ 6,613.33 $ 6,777.74 $ 6,947.28 $ 7,120.95 $ 7,299.00 Road Operations&Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Semi-Monthly $ 2,926.24 $ 2,999.40 $ 3,071.54 $ 3,148.32 $ 3,225.10 $ 3,306.67 $ 3,388.87 $ 3,473.64 $ 3,560.47 $ 3,649.50 Finance Manager-Health Services 3410 Elections Superintendent 1080 Solid Waste Manager 2200 Public Works Office Administrator 2045 Human Resources Analyst 1157 Clerk of the Board 1056 28 Engineer II 4032 Annual $ 68,546.94 $ 70,260.78 $ 71,972.67 $ 73,771.95 $ 75,567.31 $ 77,448.11 $ 79,405.78 $ 81,394.04 $ 83,429.06 $ 85,515.00 Senior Epidemiologist 3416 Monthly $ 5,712.24 $ 5,855.07 $ 5,997.72 $ 6,147.66 $ 6,297.28 $ 6,454.01 $ 6,617.15 $ 6,782.84 $ 6,952.42 $ 7,126.25 Office Manager 2040 Semi-Monthly $ 2,856.12 $ 2,927.53 $ 2,998.86 $ 3,073.83 $ 3,148.64 $ 3,227.00 $ 3,308.57 $ 3,391.42 $ 3,476.21 $ 3,563.13 27 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 Annual $ 66,880.34 $ 68,552.32 $ 70,214.52 $ 71,969.98 $ 73,701.45 $ 75,567.31 $ 77,448.11 $ 79,375.67 $ 81,360.26 $ 83,394.30 Monthly $ 5,573.36 $ 5,712.69 $ 5,851.21 $ 5,997.50 $ 6,141.79 $ 6,297.28 $ 6,454.01 $ 6,614.64 $ 6,780.02 $ 6,949.53 Semi-Monthly $ 2,786.68 $ 2,856.35 $ 2,925.60 $ 2,998.75 $ 3,070.89 $ 3,148.64 $ 3,227.00 $ 3,307.32 $ 3,390.01 $ 3,474.76 26 Engineer 1 4031 Annual $ 65,289.87 $ 66,921.96 $ 68,546.94 $ 70,260.78 $ 71,972.67 $ 73,747.22 $ 75,612.84 $ 77,509.56 $ 79,447.39 $ 81,433.70 Public Records Coordinator 3602 Monthly $ 5,440.82 $ 5,576.83 $ 5,712.24 $ 5,855.07 $ 5,997.72 $ 6,145.60 $ 6,301.07 $ 6,459.13 $ 6,620.62 $ 6,786.14 Lead Judicial Assistant-Superior Court 4653 Semi-Monthly $ 2,720.41 $ 2,788.41 $ 2,856.12 $ 2,927.53 $ 2,998.86 $ 3,072.80 $ 3,150.54 $ 3,229.56 $ 3,310.31 $ 3,393.07 E idemiolo ist 3415 25 Financial Analyst- Superior Court 4652 Annual $ 63,683.99 $ 65,275.92 $ 66,864.67 $ 68,536.41 $ 70,199.83 $ 71,957.74 $ 73,732.29 $ 75,597.67 $ 77,487.77 $ 79,424.87 Financial Analyst-Central Operations 1158 Monthly $ 5,307.00 $ 5,439.66 $ 5,572.06 $ 5,711.37 $ 5,849.99 $ 5,996.48 $ 6,144.36 $ 6,299.81 $ 6,457.31 $ 6,618.74 Temp Financial Analyst-Central Operations 3603 Semi-Monthly $ 2,653.50 $ 2,719.83 $ 2,786.03 $ 2,855.68 $ 2,924.99 $ 2,998.24 $ 3,072.18 $ 3,149.90 $ 3,228.66 $ 3,309.37 24 Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 Annual $ 62,185.32 $ 63,739.80 $ 65,289.87 $ 66,921.96 $ 68,546.94 $ 70,260.54 $ 72,003.76 $ 73,824.09 $ 75,669.64 $ 77,561.45 Judicial Assistant/Family Law Facilitator 1192 Monthly $ 5,182.11 $ 5,311.65 $ 5,440.82 $ 5,576.83 $ 5,712.24 $ 5,855.04 $ 6,000.31 $ 6,152.01 $ 6,305.80 $ 6,463.45 Judicial Assistant/Official Court Recorder 1193 Semi-Monthly $ 2,591.06 $ 2,655.83 $ 2,720.41 $ 2,788.41 $ 2,856.12 $ 2,927.52 $ 3,000.16 $ 3,076.00 $ 3,152.90 $ 3,231.73 Executive Assistant-Central Services 3605 Executive Assistant-MCSO 4400 23 Annual $ 60,655.08 $ 62,171.61 $ 63,683.99 $ 65,275.92 $ 66,864.67 $ 68,546.94 $ 70,260.54 $ 72,003.76 $ 73,804.02 $ 75,649.08 Monthly $ 5,054.59 $ 5,180.97 $ 5,307.00 $ 5,439.66 $ 5,572.06 $ 5,712.24 $ 5,856.04 $ 6,000.31 $ 6,150.33 $ 6,304.09 Semi-Monthly $ 2,527.29 $ 2,590.48 $ 2,653.50 $ 2,719.83 $ 2,786.03 $ 2,856.12 $ 2,927.52 $ 3,000.16 $ 3,075.17 $ 3,152.04 22 Annual $ 59,218.34 $ 60,698.89 $ 62,185.32 $ 63,739.80 $ 65,305.30 $ 66,926.12 $ 686,052.00 $ 70,306.07 $ 72,063.73 $ 73,865.22 Monthly $ 4,934.86 $ 5,058.24 $ 5,182.11 $ 5,311.65 $ 5,442.11 $ 5,577.18 $ 57,171.00 $ 5,858.84 $ 6,005.31 $ 6,155.43 Semi-Monthly $ 2,467.43 $ 2,529.12 $ 2,591.06 $ 2,655.83 $ 2,721.05 $ 2,788.59 $ 28,585.50 $ 2,929.42 $ 3,002.66 $ 3,077.72 21 WIC Coordinator/Certifier 3402 Annual $ 57,764.97 $ 59,208.80 $ 60,655.08 $ 62,171.61 $ 63,699.41 $ 65,289.87 $ 66,910.94 $ 68,578.03 $ 70,292.36 $ 72,049.78 Monthly $ 4,813.75 $ 4,934.07 $ 5,054.59 $ 5,180.97 $ 5,308.28 $ 5,440.82 $ 5,575.91 $ 5,714.84 $ 5,857.70 $ 6,004.15 Semi-Monthly $ 2,406.87 $ 2,467.03 $ 2,527.29 $ 2,590.48 $ 2,654.14 $ 2,720.41 $ 2,787.96 $ 2,857.42 $ 2,928.85 $ 3,002.07 20 Annual $ 56,373.28 $ 57,782.59 $ 59,202.92 $ 60,682.98 $ 62,169.90 $ 63,714.34 $ 65,320.23 $ 66,941.54 $ 68,614.99 $ 70,330.31 Monthly $ 4,697.77 $ 4,815.22 $ 4,933.58 $ 5,056.92 $ 5,180.82 $ 5,309.53 $ 5,443.35 $ 5,578.46 $ 5,717.92 $ 5,860.86 Semi-Monthly $ 2,348.89 $ 2,407.61 $ 2,466.79 $ 2,528.46 $ 2,590.41 $ 2,654.76 $ 2,721.68 $ 2,789.23 $ 2,858.96 $ 2,930.43 19 Administrative Clerk 1055 Annual $ 55,011.70 $ 56,386.99 $ 57,764.97 $ 59,208.80 $ 60,655.08 $ 62,185.32 $ 63,729.76 $ 65,335.65 $ 66,969.20 $ 68,643.39 Deputy Coroner 3071 Monthly $ 4,584.31 $ 4,698.92 $ 4,813.75 $ 4,934.07 $ 5,054.59 $ 5,182.11 $ 5,310.81 $ 5,444.64 $ 5,580.77 $ 5,720.28 Semi-Monthly $ 2,292.15 $ 2,349.46 $ 2,406.87 $ 2,467.03 $ 2,527.29 $ 2,591.06 $ 2,655.41 $ 2,722.32 $ 2,790.38 $ 2,860.14 18 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Annual $ 53,712.30 $ 55,055.03 $ 56,388.70 $ 57,798.50 $ 59,218.34 $ 60,686.16 $ 62,215.68 $ 63,760.61 $ 65,354.75 $ 66,988.54 Temp-Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 4685 Monthly $ 4,476.03 $ 4,587.92 $ 4,699.06 $ 4,816.54 $ 4,934.86 $ 5,057.18 $ 5,184.64 $ 5,313.38 $ 5,446.23 $ 5,582.38 Semi-Monthly $ 2,238.01 $ 2,293.96 $ 2,349.53 $ 2,408.27 $ 2,467.43 $ 2,528.59 $ 2,592.32 $ 2,656.69 $ 2,723.11 $ 2,791.19 17 Annual $ 52,396.99 $ 53,706.92 $ 55,027.12 $ 56,402.90 $ 57,780.63 $ 59,233.77 $ 60,701.34 $ 62,231.10 $ 63,786.80 $ 65,381.67 Monthly $ 4,366.42 $ 4,475.58 $ 4,585.59 $ 4,700.24 $ 4,815.05 $ 4,936.15 $ 5,058.45 $ 5,185.92 $ 5,315.57 $ 5,448.47 Semi-Monthly $ 2,183.21 $ 2,237.79 $ 2,292.80 $ 2,350.12 $ 2,407.53 $ 2,468.07 $ 2,529.22 $ 2,592.96 $ 2,657.78 $ 2,724.24 RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 16 Administrative Assistant II-Human Resources Annual $ 51,142.64 $ 52,421.47 $ 53,712.30 $ 55,055.03 $ 56,388.70 $ 57,811.48 $ 59,249.19 $ 60,716.28 $ 62,234.28 $ 63,789.98 Monthly $ 4,261.89 $ 4,368.46 $ 4,476.03 $ 4,587.92 $ 4,699.06 $ 4,817.62 $ 4,937.43 $ 5,059.69 $ 5,186.19 $ 5,315.83 Semi-Monthly $ 2,130.94 $ 2,184.23 $ 2,238.01 $ 2,293.96 $ 2,349.53 $ 2,408.81 $ 2,468.72 $ 2,529.84 $ 2,593.10 $ 2,657.92 15 Annual $ 49,903.70 $ 51,151.45 $ 52,412.17 $ 53,722.34 $ 55,011.70 $ 56,373.28 $ 57,764.97 $ 59,218.34 $ 60,698.89 $ 62,216.16 Monthly $ 4,158.64 $ 4,262.62 $ 4,367.68 $ 4,476.86 $ 4,584.31 $ 4,697.77 $ 4,813.75 $ 4,934.86 $ 5,058.24 $ 5,184.68 Semi-Monthly $ 2,079.32 $ 2,131.31 $ 2,183.84 $ 2,238.43 $ 2,292.15 $ 2,348.89 $ 2,406.87 $ 2,467.43 $ 2,529.12 $ 2,592.34 14 Annual $ 48,696.35 $ 49,913.74 $ 51,127.70 $ 52,406.05 $ 53,681.95 $ 55,027.12 $ 56,403.88 $ 57,826.66 $ 59,272.44 $ 60,753.97 Monthly $ 4,058.03 $ 4,159.48 $ 4,260.64 $ 4,367.17 $ 4,473.50 $ 4,585.59 $ 4,700.32 $ 4,818.89 $ 4,939.37 $ 5,062.83 Semi-Monthly $ 2,029.01 $ 2,079.74 $ 2,130.32 $ 2,183.59 $ 2,236.75 $ 2,292.80 $ 2,350.16 $ 2,409.44 $ 2,469.69 $ 2,531.42 13 Administrative Assistant I-Commissioners 3604 Annual $ 47,518.13 $ 48,706.14 $ 49,888.77 $ 51,136.03 $ 52,396.99 $ 53,697.12 $ 55,042.55 $ 56,419.30 $ 57,829.84 $ 59,275.63 Monthly $ 3,959.84 $ 4,058.85 $ 4,157.40 $ 4,261.34 $ 4,366.42 $ 4,474.76 $ 4,586.88 $ 4,701.61 $ 4,819.15 $ 4,939.64 Semi-Monthly $ 1,979.92 $ 2,029.42 $ 2,078.70 $ 2,130.67 $ 2,183.21 $ 2,237.38 $ 2,293.44 $ 2,350.80 $ 2,409.58 $ 2,469.82 12 Annual $ 46,371.24 $ 47,530.61 $ 48,696.35 $ 49,913.74 $ 51,127.70 $ 52,412.17 $ 53,727.72 $ 55,057.72 $ 56,434.23 $ 57,845.02 Monthly $ 3,864.27 $ 3,960.88 $ 4,058.03 $ 4,159.48 $ 4,260.64 $ 4,367.68 $ 4,477.31 $ 4,588.14 $ 4,702.85 $ 4,820.42 Semi-Monthly $ 1,932.14 $ 1,980.44 $ 2,029.01 $ 2,079.74 $ 2,130.32 $ 2,183.84 $ 2,238.66 $ 2,294.07 $ 2,351.43 $ 2,410.21 11 Annual $ 45,255.20 $ 46,386.42 $ 47,518.13 $ 48,706.14 $ 49,888.77 $ 51,142.64 $ 52,427.59 $ 53,727.72 $ 55,070.94 $ 56,447.70 Monthly $ 3,771.27 $ 3,865.53 $ 3,959.84 $ 4,058.85 $ 4,157.40 $ 4,261.89 $ 4,368.97 $ 4,477.31 $ 4,589.25 $ 4,703.97 Semi-Monthly $ 1,885.63 $ 1,932.77 $ 1,979.92 $ 2,029.42 $ 2,078.70 $ 2,130.94 $ 2,184.48 $ 2,238.66 $ 2,294.62 $ 2,351.99 10 Customer Service Specialist 2041 Annual $ 44,183.95 $ 45,288.73 $ 46,371.24 $ 47,530.61 $ 48,696.35 $ 49,903.70 $ 51,158.30 $ 52,443.01 $ 53,754.16 $ 55,097.87 Monthly $ 3,682.00 $ 3,774.06 $ 3,864.27 $ 3,960.88 $ 4,058.03 $ 4,158.64 $ 4,263.19 $ 4,370.25 $ 4,479.51 $ 4,591.49 Semi-Monthly $ 1,841.00 $ 1,887.03 $ 1,932.14 $ 1,980.44 $ 2,029.01 $ 2,079.32 $ 2,131.60 $ 2,185.13 $ 2,239.76 $ 2,295.74 9 Annual $ 43,098.51 $ 44,175.63 $ 45,255.20 $ 46,386.42 $ 47,518.13 $ 48,696.35 $ 49,919.13 $ 51,158.30 $ 52,437.14 $ 53,748.04 Monthly $ 3,591.54 $ 3,681.30 $ 3,771.27 $ 3,865.53 $ 3,959.84 $ 4,058.03 $ 4,159.93 $ 4,263.19 $ 4,369.76 $ 4,479.00 Semi-Monthly $ 1,795.77 $ 1,840.65 $ 1,885.63 $ 1,932.77 $ 1,979.92 $ 2,029.01 $ 2,079.96 $ 2,131.60 $ 2,184.88 $ 2,239.50 8 Annual $ 42,073.53 $ 43,125.19 $ 44,153.35 $ 45,257.16 $ 46,371.24 $ 47,533.31 $ 48,711.28 $ 49,935.04 $ 51,183.52 $ 52,462.84 Monthly $ 3,506.13 $ 3,593.77 $ 3,679.45 $ 3,771.43 $ 3,864.27 $ 3,961.11 $ 4,059.27 $ 4,161.25 $ 4,265.29 $ 4,371.90 Semi-Monthly $ 1,753.06 $ 1,796.88 $ 1,839.72 $ 1,885.71 $ 1,932.14 $ 1,980.55 $ 2,029.64 $ 2,080.63 $ 2,132.65 $ 2,185.95 7 Annual $ 41,033.38 $ 42,059.09 $ 43,098.51 $ 44,175.63 $ 45,255.20 $ 46,371.24 $ 47,533.31 $ 48,742.13 $ 49,960.99 $ 51,209.96 Monthly $ 3,419.45 $ 3,504.92 $ 3,591.54 $ 3,681.30 $ 3,771.27 $ 3,864.27 $ 3,961.11 $ 4,061.84 $ 4,163.42 $ 4,267.50 Semi-Monthly $ 1,709.72 $ 1,752.46 $ 1,795.77 $ 1,840.65 $ 1,885.63 $ 1,932.14 $ 1,980.55 $ 2,030.92 $ 2,081.71 $ 2,133.75 6 Annual $ 40,070.58 $ 41,072.05 $ 42,088.95 $ 43,141.59 $ 44,183.95 $ 45,285.31 $ 46,417.02 $ 47,579.57 $ 48,769.06 $ 49,988.40 Monthly $ 3,339.21 $ 3,422.67 $ 3,507.41 $ 3,595.13 $ 3,682.00 $ 3,773.78 $ 3,868.08 $ 3,964.96 $ 4,064.09 $ 4,165.70 Semi-Monthly $ 1,669.61 $ 1,711.34 $ 1,753.71 $ 1,797.57 $ 1,841.00 $ 1,886.89 $ 1,934.04 $ 1,982.48 $ 2,032.04 $ 2,082.85 5 Annual $ 39,091.38 $ 40,068.62 $ 41,033.38 $ 42,059.09 $ 43,098.51 $ 44,183.95 $ 45,285.31 $ 46,417.02 $ 47,577.61 $ 48,766.85 Monthly $ 3,257.61 $ 3,339.05 $ 3,419.45 $ 3,504.92 $ 3,591.54 $ 3,682.00 $ 3,773.78 $ 3,868.08 $ 3,964.80 $ 4,063.90 Semi-Monthly $ 1,628.81 $ 1,669.53 $ 1,709.72 $ 1,752.46 $ 1,795.77 $ 1,841.00 $ 1,886.89 $ 1,934.04 $ 1,982.40 $ 2,031.95 4 Annual $ 38,173.87 $ 39,128.10 $ 40,070.58 $ 41,072.05 $ 42,088.95 $ 43,145.27 $ 44,230.22 $ 45,316.40 $ 46,449.33 $ 47,610.42 Monthly $ 3,181.16 $ 3,260.67 $ 3,339.21 $ 3,422.67 $ 3,507.41 $ 3,595.44 $ 3,685.85 $ 3,776.37 $ 3,870.78 $ 3,967.53 Semi-Monthly $ 1,590.58 $ 1,630.34 $ 1,669.61 $ 1,711.34 $ 1,753.71 $ 1,797.72 $ 1,842.93 $ 1,888.18 $ 1,935.39 $ 1,983.77 3 Annual $ 37,240.69 $ 38,171.42 $ 39,106.56 $ 40,084.29 $ 41,048.80 $ 42,088.95 $ 43,145.27 $ 44,230.22 $ 45,335.74 $ 46,469.40 Monthly $ 3,103.39 $ 3,180.95 $ 3,258.88 $ 3,340.36 $ 3,420.73 $ 3,507.41 $ 3,595.44 $ 3,685.85 $ 3,777.98 $ 3,872.45 Semi-Monthly $ 1,551.70 $ 1,590.48 $ 1,629.44 $ 1,670.18 $ 1,710.37 $ 1,753.71 $ 1,797.72 $ 1,842.93 $ 1,888.99 $ 1,936.23 2 Annual $ 36,338.60 $ 37,247.05 $ 38,158.20 $ 39,112.43 $ 40,070.58 $ 41,063.73 $ 42,104.13 $ 43,145.27 $ 44,223.85 $ 45,329.62 Monthly $ 3,028.22 $ 3,103.92 $ 3,179.85 $ 3,259.37 $ 3,339.21 $ 3,421.98 $ 3,508.68 $ 3,595.44 $ 3,685.32 $ 3,777.47 Semi-Monthly $ 1,514.11 $ 1,551.96 $ 1,589.93 $ 1,629.68 $ 1,669.61 $ 1,710.99 $ 1,754.34 $ 1,797.72 $ 1,842.66 $ 1,888.73 1 Central Shop Assistant 4099 Annual $ 35,481.80 $ 36,368.71 $ 37,240.69 $ 38,171.42 $ 39,091.38 $ 40,070.58 $ 41,063.73 $ 42,104.13 $ 43,157.02 $ 44,235.85 Monthly $ 2,956.82 $ 3,030.73 $ 3,103.39 $ 3,180.95 $ 3,257.61 $ 3,339.21 $ 3,421.98 $ 3,508.68 $ 3,596.42 $ 3,686.32 Semi-Monthly $ 1,478.41 $ 1,515.36 $ 1,551.70 $ 1,590.48 $ 1,628.81 $ 1,669.61 $ 1,710.99 $ 1,754.34 $ 1,798.21 $ 1,843.16 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: August 27,2024 Internal Review: ❑X Finance ❑X Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑X Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Create an Information Technology Manager position and Parks&Trails Manager position. Convert the current DEM and Parks & Trails Manager to DEM Manager. Background/Executive Summary: The Central Services Manager position will expire at the end of 2024. The BOCC has been analyzing a re-organization of Central Services. The final identified steps are to create Information Technology Manager and Parks&Trails Manager positions. The current DEM and Parks&Trails Manager position will be converted to a DEM Manager. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): IT Manager $ 134,069 Range 38 Step 5 Parks&Trails Manager $ 134,069 Range 38 Step 5 Tota 1 $ 268,138 Lead Pay in DEM $ 3,456 Lead Pay in Parks &Trails $ 4,252 Lead Pay in IT $ 9,895 CS Mgr w/6% longevity $ 131,248 Tota 1 $ 148,851 Total Cost $ 119,287 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Post positions Requested Action: Move to action agenda and approve the Information Technology and Parks&Trails Manager positions, placed at Range 38 on the non-rep salary schedule and approve the updated Non-Rep Salary Schedule as presented. Attachments Information Technology Manager position description Parks&Trails Manager position description DEM Manager position description 2025 Non-Rep Salary Schedule =!rti jam \c POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Information Technology Manager Department: Information Technology Affiliation: Non-Represented Reports to: County Administrator FLSA Exempt: X Regular Driver: N Supervises/Directs: IT Staff FLSA Non-Exempt: Job Class: TBD Risk Class: 5306-07 Salary Range: According to the current Non-Rep salary scale DESCRIPTION: Oversee the day-to-day operations of Information Technology (IT) operations. Provide planning, leadership, direction and develop short- and long-range plans, goals, and objectives assistance to the County Administrator. Assist and guide the County Administrator, Elected Officials, Department Heads, in concert with the County's mission, vision, business goals and operational objectives. Serve as a staff resource to advisory boards and committees. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: (Any one position may not include all the duties listed nor do the listed examples include all tasks, which may be found in positions of this class.) Coordinate the immediate office activities of IT and provide staff assistance in operations, administration, and organization input to the County Administrator. Develop and oversee the IT strategic plan. Manage the planning and implementation of technology projects. Provide planning leadership and direction and establishes short- and long-range plans for department operations, coordinate department activities with other County departments, outside governmental agencies, and the public. Work with departments to determine cost/benefit effectiveness recommendations and prioritization of department requests. Accountable for the safeguarding of information system assets, identify and solve potential and actual security controls. Communicate system status and keep users informed. Provide technical assistance to users, as needed. Responsible for selecting, assigning, training, supervising, and evaluating the work performance of assigned staff. Recommend policies, procedures, and office systems to ensure effective office and program operations in compliance with legal requirements and department goals and objectives. Prepare input to the County Administrator about department budget based on staffing and resource requirements, cost estimates, departmental objectives, and goals. Monitor budget to ensure compliance within approved budget levels and standards. Provide detailed and other technical information and assistance to County Administrator, officials, organizations and the public regarding department/program operations and policies. Coordinate and manage contractors and providers of information services. Coordinate with Grant Writer to identify grant funding sources and the preparation of applications for grants. Negotiate contract commitments on all grant applications. Coordinate the bid preparation process by writing and/or participating in the writing of specifications, preparing advertising, reviewing proposals, and formulating recommendations for bid selection to ensure the process followed is consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. Est 8.6.24 Supervise the resolution of inquiries, problems or complaints affecting the availability or quality of services. Respond to sensitive, technical, or complex inquiries or service complaints. Represent the County before various committees and special interest groups. Develop and present information, provide technical advice and assistance to stakeholders. Lead the IT Steering Committee. Regular, reliable, and punctual attendance. Other duties as assigned. Knowledge of: • County/department policies, procedures, and legal requirements applicable to areas of assignment. • Concepts, principles, and practices of IT strategic planning. • Technology solutions appropriate to County government. • Fiscal management, including budget preparation, expenditure control and record keeping. • Project Management principles and techniques. • Network administration, access and security guidelines, troubleshooting techniques, and internet technical knowledgebase services. • IT equipment, configuration, operating systems, PCs, area networks, connectivity methods, data management, and security. • Open Public Meetings Act. • Public Records Act. Skill in: • Planning, organization, and oversight of assigned programs. • Analyzing IT issues, evaluate and recommend logical alternatives. • Developing program goals and objectives. • MS Suite. • Customer Service. Ability to: • Monitor budgets and funding, work schedules and progress reviews. • Analyze and evaluate operations, develop, and implement corrective actions. • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with stakeholders. • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with individuals and groups. • Maintain the confidentiality of sensitive and confidential information. • Problem solve. OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: • May be required to obtain additional education as required to conduct business functions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: (Any equivalent combination of education and experience which provides the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job may be considered.) • Bachelor's degree in IT, Computer Science, Information Systems or related field. • Five (5)years progressively responsible experience in IT. • Two (2) years supervisory or lead experience. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Master's degree in related field. • Project Management experience or certification. Est 8.6.24 • Previous experience with Mason County IT. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Valid Washington State driver's license. WORKING CONDITIONS: (The physical demands described are representative of those that must be met by the employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Mason County provides reasonable accommodation to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.) Work is mostly indoors in a clean, climate-controlled workspace. Requires occasional travel and work at other locations. However, installation and troubleshooting may involve crawling or climbing in utility areas. Required to sit, talk, and hear; frequently required to feel or handle writing utensils, computers and office supplies which require repetitive arm, wrist and hand movement. Occasionally required to stand and reach with arms and hands, climb, balance, stoop, kneel, crouch, bend or crawl. Specific vision abilities include close, distant, color, and peripheral vision, depth perception and to adjust focus. The employee is occasionally required to lift or move up to forty (40) pounds. Position requires mental acuity to ensure thorough analysis of situations in a fast-paced environment. Employees are trusted with unlimited network and communications system access and are required to maintain confidentiality of information. The employee may be required to deal with irate, disgruntled and sometimes hostile individuals requiring the use of conflict management skills. Employees are frequently required to perform work in confidence and under pressure for deadlines, and are required to maintain professional composure and tact, patience and courtesy always. Human Resources Director or Designee Signature of Approval: Date: County Official Signature of Approval: Date: have read and understand the above position description: Name: Date: Signature: Est 8.6.24 Vi.1 POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Parks & Trails Manager Department: Parks & Trails Affiliation: Non-Represented Reports to: County Administrator FLSA Exempt: X Regular Driver: Y Supervises/Directs: Parks & Trails Staff, Park FLSA Non-Exempt: Hosts Job Class: TBD Risk Class: 5306-07 Salary Range: According to current Non-Rep salary scale DESCRIPTION: Oversee the day-to-day operations of the Parks & Trails Department operations. Provide planning, leadership, direction and develop short- and long-range plans, goals, and objectives assistance to the County Administrator. Assist and guide the County Administrator, Elected Officials, Department Heads, in concert with the County's mission, vision, business goals and operational objectives. Serve as a staff resource to advisory boards and committees. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: (Any one position may not include all the duties listed nor do the listed examples include all tasks which may be found in positions of this class.) Coordinate the immediate activities of Parks & Trails and provide staff assistance in operations, administration, organization, and budget input to the County Administrator. Develop and oversee the Parks & Trails strategic plan. Manage the planning and implementation of projects. Provide planning leadership and direction and establishes short- and long-range plans for department operations, coordinate department activities with other County departments, outside governmental agencies, and the public. Responsible for selecting, assigning, training, supervising, and evaluating the work performance of assigned staff. May supervise, evaluate, and train assorted volunteers. Recommend policies, procedures, and office systems to ensure effective office and program operations in compliance with legal requirements and department goals and objectives. Prepare input to the County Administrator about department budget based on staffing and resource requirements, cost estimates, departmental objectives, and goals. Monitor budget to ensure compliance within approved budget levels and standards. Coordinate with Grant Writer to identify grant funding sources and the preparation of applications for grants. Negotiate contract commitments on all grant applications. Coordinate the bid preparation process by writing and/or participating in the writing of specifications, preparing advertising, reviewing proposals, and formulating recommendations for bid selection to ensure the process followed is consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. Supervise the resolution of inquiries, complaints, problems, or emergencies affecting the availability or quality of services. Responds to the most sensitive or complex inquiries of service complaints. Manage a variety of maintenance and remodeling projects. Propose, coordinate, and implement the Parks and Trails Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, Asset Management Plans, and Business Plans. Ensure stakeholder involvement. Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 Prepare and distribute information regarding Mason County parks, trails, and recreation. Represent the County before various committees and special interest groups. Develop and present information, provide technical advice and assistance to stakeholders. Ensure all mechanical specifications and operational manuals are current and applicable. to County- owned equipment. Oversee and coordinate a preventive maintenance and repair program for all park facilities and grounds-keeping equipment. Analyze and recommend improvements to existing park facilities, equipment, and operating systems of the Parks & Trails Department. Establish and maintain partnerships which enable the County to meet or exceed all statutory and regulatory requirements. Regular, reliable, and punctual attendance. Other duties as assigned. Knowledge of: • Practices, principles, materials and procedures in operating park facilities, construction, repair, and maintenance. • Management and supervision principles and practices. • Interpretation and applications of safety and legal requirements, regulations, and laws applicable to area of assignment. • Legal requirements, regulations, and laws applicable to the area of assignment. • Fiscal management, including budget preparation, expenditure control and record keeping. • Principles and practices of contract and grant administration. • Project management principles and techniques. • Common trade skills, such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical and mechanical, and related safety equipment standards. • Open Public Meetings Act. • Public Records Act. Skill in: • Planning, organization, and oversight of assigned programs. • Developing program goals and objectives. • MS Suite. • Customer Service. Ability to: • Monitor budgets and funding, work schedules, and progress reviews. • Read and understand blueprints, schematics and specifications, and maintenance and repair manuals. • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with stakeholders. • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with individuals and groups. • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive and confidential information. OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: • May be required to obtain additional education as required to conduct business functions. Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: (Any equivalent combination of education and experience which provides the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job may be considered.) • Bachelor's degree in Parks and Recreation, Facility Management, or related field. • Five (5) years progressively responsible project management experience in Parks and Recreation. • Two (2) years supervisory or lead experience. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Certified Parks and Recreation Professional. • Project Management experience or certification. • Capital Improvement Plan management experience. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Valid Washington State Driver's License WORKING CONDITIONS: Duties are performed in an office environment while sitting at a desk, utilizing a computer terminal and office equipment, or walking around County facilities and grounds. Requires occasional travel and work at other locations. May work outside of normal business hours. Work is performed in varying weather conditions and uneven terrain when working on construction and maintenance projects. Physical exertion may be required to climb ladders, stairs, and move around construction projects. Moving supplies and equipment up to one hundred (100) pounds in weight may be required. Position requires mental acuity to ensure thorough analysis of situations in a fast-paced environment. The employee may be required to deal with irate, disgruntled and sometimes hostile individuals requiring the use of conflict management skills. Employees are frequently required to perform work in confidence and under pressure for deadlines, and are required to maintain professional composure and tact, patience and courtesy always. Human Resources Director or Designee Signature of Approval: Date: County Official Signature of Approval: Date: I have read and understand the above position description: Name: Date: Signature: Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 POSITION DESCRIPTION Title: Department of Emergency Department: Department of Emergency Management Management (DEM) Manager Affiliation: Non-Represented Reports to: County Administrator FLSA Exempt: X Regular Driver: Y Supervises/Directs: DEM Staff FLSA Non-Exempt: Job Class: TDB Risk Class: 5306-07 Salary Range: According to current Non-Represented salary scale DESCRIPTION: Oversee the day-to-day operations of the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) operations. Provide planning, leadership, direction and develop short- and long-range plans, goals, and objectives assistance to the County Administrator. Assist and guide the County Administrator, Elected Officials, Department Heads, in concert with the County's mission, vision, business goals and operational objectives. Serve as a staff resource to advisory boards and committees. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: (Any one position may not include all the duties listed nor do the listed examples include all tasks which may be found in positions of this class.) Coordinate the immediate activities of DEM and provide staff assistance in operations, administration, organization, and budget input to the County Administrator. Develop and oversee the DEM strategic plan. Manage the planning and implementation of projects. Provide planning leadership and direction and establishes short- and long-range plans for department operations, coordinate department activities with other County departments, outside governmental agencies, and the public. Responsible for selecting, assigning, training, supervising, and evaluating the work performance of assigned staff. Supervise, evaluate, and train assorted emergency volunteers. Recommend policies, procedures, and office systems to ensure effective office and program operations in compliance with legal requirements and department goals and objectives. Prepare input to the County Administrator about department budget based on staffing and resource requirements, cost estimates, departmental objectives, and goals. Monitor budget to ensure compliance within approved budget levels and standards. Coordinate with Grant Writer to identify grant funding sources and the preparation of applications for grants. Negotiate contract commitments on all grant applications. Coordinate the bid preparation process by writing and/or participating in the writing of specifications, preparing advertising, reviewing proposals, and formulating recommendations for bid selection to ensure the process followed is consistent with local, state, and federal regulations. Supervise the resolution of inquiries, problems or complaints affecting the availability or quality of services. Respond to sensitive, technical, or complex inquiries or service complaints. Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 Responsible for the preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery of hazards that might impact Mason County. Plan and organize the emergency management plan (CEMP) and support functions for the protection of public and property within the County and coordinates emergency response. Develop and coordinate a variety of systems including communications, shelters, and disaster analysis. Operate and staff the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during periods of disaster or emergencies. Maintain emergency communications systems including warning, recording, and reporting at the Emergency Operations Center and Communications Unit (CommU) mobile communications vehicles. Coordinate the acquisition, documentation, and use of manpower, equipment, and supplies for program support and special events. Prepare and distribute information regarding preparedness, natural disasters, hazardous materials, and safety including earthquakes, windstorms, floods, wildfires, acts of terrorism, and man- made/technological hazards. Represent the County before various committees and special interest groups. Develop and present information, provide technical advice and assistance to stakeholders. Prepare continuity of government operation plans (COG), department operating procedures, and contingency documents (COOP). Organize and/or perform emergency exercises and outreach education programs. Establish and maintain partnerships which enable the County to meet or exceed all statutory and regulatory requirements. In collaboration with Risk Management, develop, update, and maintain County safety policies & procedures. Develop, implement, coordinate and/or conduct employee training and safety training programs as needed and/or required by statute and/or safety policies and procedures. Coordinate with Human Resources personnel to maintain safety training records. Provide oversight of County safety committees to ensure they comply with OSHA and WISHA regulations. Investigate and follow up on suggestions/inspections of safety committees as needed. Regular, reliable, and punctual attendance. Other duties as assigned. Knowledge of: • Management and supervision principles and practices. • Interpretation and application of safety and legal requirements, regulations, and laws applicable to area of assignment. • Legal requirements, regulations, and laws applicable to the area of assignment. • Fiscal management, including budget preparation, expenditure control and record keeping. • Project management principles and techniques. • Principles and practices of contract and grant administration. • Open Public Meetings Act. • Public Records Act. Skill in: • Planning, organization, and oversight of assigned programs. • Developing program goals and objectives. • MS Suite. • Customer Service. Ability to: • Monitor budgets and funding, work schedules, and progress reviews. Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 • Analyze and evaluate operations, develop, and implement corrective actions. • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with stakeholders. • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with individuals and groups. • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive and confidential information. OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS: • May be required to obtain additional education as required to conduct business functions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: (Any equivalent combination of education and experience which provides the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job may be considered.) • Bachelor's degree in emergency management or related field. • Five (5) years of progressively responsible emergency management experience. • Two (2) years supervisory or lead experience. • Successfully complete Incident Command System (ICS) IS-100, IS-200, IS-300, IS-400, IS-700, and IS-907 within six (6) months of employment. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Master's degree in related field. • Project Management experience or certification. • Incident Command System (ICS) IS-100, IS-200, IS-300, IS-400, IS-700, and IS-907 courses. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Valid Washington State driver's license. WORKING CONDITIONS: (The physical demands described are representative of those that must be met by the employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Mason County provides reasonable accommodation to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.) Duties are mostly performed in an office environment while sitting at a desk, utilizing a computer terminal and office equipment, or walking around County facilities and grounds. Requires occasional travel and work at other locations. May work outside of normal business hours. Position requires mental acuity to ensure thorough analysis of situations in a fast-paced environment. The employee may be required to deal with irate, disgruntled and sometimes hostile individuals requiring the use of conflict management skills. Employees are frequently required to perform work in confidence and under pressure for deadlines, and are required to maintain professional composure and tact, patience and courtesy always. May occasionally be required to perform work in varying weather conditions and on uneven terrain. Occasionally required to move up to fifty (50) pounds. Human Resources Director or Designee Signature of Approval: Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 Date: County Official Signature of Approval: Date: have read and understand the above position description: Name: Date: Signature: Est. 7.29.2017/Rev 1-6.30.2021/Rev 2-1.19.2022(formatting)/Rev 3-10.xx.2023/Rev 4-6.2024 Resolution No. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 2024mOO7 WHEREAS, RCW 36,16.070 states... The Board shall fix the compensation of all employees; WHEREAS,there is a need to: 1. Apply a 2% across the board wage increase to the non-represented salary scale effective January 1, 2025; 2. Add the approved Information Technology(IT) Manager position to Range 38; 3. Add the approved Parks & Trails Manager position to Range 38; 4. Convert the current DEM and Parks&Trails Manager position to DEM Manager remaining at Range 3 8. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County hereby revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment approving the attached 2024 Non-Represented Salary Schedule to be effective upon signing and the 2025 Non- Represented Salary schedule to be effective January 1, 2025. DATED this day of , 20249 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sharon Trask,Commissioner Tim Whitek_,niei"u'"ewmputy Prosecuting Attorney Kevin Shutty,Commissioner C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From:Nichole Wilston Ext. 643 Department: Risk Management Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 8/12/2024 Agenda Date: 8/27/2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ® Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Requesting authorization to enter into a lease agreement program with Cintas to replace current AEDs and add additional AEDs to make available in all county buildings for a total of thirty(36)Zoll 3 AEDs. Background/Executive Summary: Currently,Mason County is equipped with fifteen(15)AEDs,but not all county buildings have these life-saving devices. Moreover,the AEDs we do have require replacement based on manufacturer's recommendations. To address these issues,Risk Management is proposing to lease the AEDs. Leasing the AEDs will offer several benefits: Comprehensive Coverage: Ensures that all county buildings are equipped with AEDs. Maintenance and Reliability: The leasing agreement includes this maintenance program with monthly service checks,and the replacement of pads and batteries as needed, ensuring that the AEDs are always in optimal working condition,which also complies with state statute. Cost Efficiency: Leasing is a cost-effective solution, as it spreads out the financial burden and includes maintenance,reducing unexpected expenses related to equipment failure. By adopting this leasing strategy,we can enhance the safety of our facilities and ensure that our AEDs are ready to save lives when needed. Budget Impact: $54,432 annually-$4,536 monthly. Twenty-seven(27)AEDs would be funded by current expense,four(4) funded by Public Works and five(5) funded by Utilities&Waste. Requested Action: Requesting authorization to move to action to enter into a lease agreement program with Cintas to replace current AEDs and add additional AEDs to make available in all county buildings. Attachments: List of proposed locations for the AEDs, Cintas AED Service Program details,draft OMNIA FAS Acceptance Agreement, draft Cintas Combination First Aid& Safety Service Agreement Proposed AED Locations Location Address Zoll 3 AEDs Bldg 1-1st Floor Assessor,Treasurer,Auditor 411 N 5th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 1-2nd Floor BOCC,Auditor- Elections, Finance 411 N 5th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 2-Public Defense 410 N 4th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 3- 1st Floor Juvenile Admin Services 426 W Cedar St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 3-2nd Floor Juvenile Courts 426 W Cedar St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 4-WSU Extension 303 N 4th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 5-IT 521 W Alder St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 6-Therapeutic Court(Modular) 414 N 5th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 7-Prosecutor 521 N 4th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 8-Lower Level Evnironmental Health 415 N 6th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 8-Upper Level Comm. Development 615 W Alder St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 9-HR 423 N 5th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 10- District Court 414 W Franklin St.,Shelton,WA 98584 2 Bldg 11- Evidence 2201 W Dayton Airport Rd.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Bldg 12-Coroner/Facilities 126 E Kneeland St.,Shelton,WA 98584 2 Bldg 13- Public Health 2300 Kati Ct.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Courthouse 419 N 4th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 2 Juvenile Detention Center 317 N 5th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 MCSO-Jail 411 N 4th St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 MCSO- North Precinct 460 NE Old Belfair Hwy, Belfair,WA 98528 1 MCSO- Main 322 N 3rd St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Memorial Hall 210 W Franklin St.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Public Works Admin 100 W Public Works Dr.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Public Works Shop 100 W Public Works Dr.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Public Works Sign Shop 100 W Public Works Dr.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 Public Works Belfair 600 NE Beck Rd., Belfair,WA 98528 1 Eells Hill Transfer(open 7 days/wk 8a-5p) 501 W Eells Hill Rd.,Shelton,WA 98584 2 Belfair Drop Box(open Tue-Sun 9a-3p) 1611 NE Sandhill Rd., Belfair,WA 98528 1 Hoodsport Drop Box(open Fri-Sun 9a-4p) 260 N Hoodsport Park Rd., Hoodsport,WA 1 Union Drop Box(open Sat-Mon 9am-4pm) 1391 E Mcreavy Rd., Union,WA 1 Belfair(WWTP) 25200 NE State Route 3, Belfair,WA NA Rustlewood-water and sewer(WWTP) E 110 Rustle Way,Grapeview,WA NA North Bay Case Inlet(WWTP) 1001 E Reclamation Ridge Rd.,Allyn,WA NA Sand Hill Park 1000 NE Sand Hill Rd.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 MCRA 2100 E Johns Prairie Rd.,Shelton,WA 98584 1 AED Service Program ❖ Fixed monthly price,NO upfront cost,NO installation fee. ❖ Free replacement of pads +batteries,prep &response kit, and loaner AED if needed. ❖ Free deluxe AED cabinet w/ alarm +AED V-sign. ❖ Free management service— Cintas is responsible for the physician prescription, registration with local EMS, medical direction, monthly inspection, and written program —as required by WA state*** ❖ Free LifeReady360 Online portal § Internal audits of unit § Checks for recalls § Notifies 1,t,hen pads/batteries are expiring § Includes information on the registration with local EMS, medical direction, prescription and ivritten program. d• Cintas is FULLY responsible for the management of the program (No applicable service fees) Cintas offers an AED trade-in program for our current AEDs CINTAS. AED TRADE- IN PROGRAM READY FOR THE WORKDAY ® ® - G t 6 ® AED A ® ^ AED TRADE VALUES CARDIAC SCIENCE %- I Name to Appear on Check (Please Print):_—__—__—_—__—_—__—__—_—_ Company:_------------------------------------- ❑$100 Powerheart G3* ❑$375 Powerheart G5 Address:___—_— imCity: State:—__Zip Code:___ ❑$100 Lifeline Phone: ( ) - Email:_—__—__—_—__—__—_—__—_ ❑$175 Lifeline VIEW Select trade-in AED from list and provide SN:HEARTSINE SN: SN: SN: ❑$300 samaritan PAD 450 SN: SN: SN: ------------ ------------ --------------- ❑$200 samaritan PAD 350/360 SN: SN: SN: ❑$150 Heartstart FRx Send COMPLETED Coupon with Your Trade-In AED to: ❑$150 Heartstart 0nsite AED REBATE ❑S50 LIFEPAK CR Plus 416 Mary Lindsay Polk Dr, Suite 505 Franklin, TN 31061 ❑$400 LIFEPAK 1000 ❑$500 LIFEPAK CR2 *Cardiac Science G3 model number has to end in"-401"or higher to qualify for rebate.All models ending in a number lower than"-401"are considered"End Of Life-- ***End of Life AEDs such as: Cardiac Science Powerheart (model 92XXX), Cardiac Science FirstSave (Model ❑$300 AID Plus 91XXX), Philips ForeRunner or FR-2, Physio-Control LIFEPAK 500, WELCH ALLYN AED 10 or 20, HeartSine Samaritan 300 may be returned for free disposal ❑$500 AID Pro NOTE:To qualify,AED must be currently supported,pass a self-test,should not be on any recall lists and should ❑$575 AED 3 not be physically damaged. Offer good through June 30, 2024. Pricing and details are subject to change. Please include completed coupon with your trade-in AED and ship to the address above to receive your rebate check.A rebate coupon must be filled out for each AED.Rebates with 20 units or more must be pre-approved by the Cintas AED GAM in your territory.This rebate coupon is offered only to the End User of the AED,not intended for wholesale and/or Dealers. For questions, please contact distributor support at rebates@coromed.us or 800-695-1209. 'ILK POLK OR STE 505 FRANKLIN TN 37067 1 SUPPORT@COROMED.USI 800-695-1209 Get READY TM with The AED 3' With today's heightened focus on being prepared, now is the ideal time to make sure you feel ready to respond in an emergency. For less than $5 a day,you can equip your business with an Automated External Defibrillator(AED)from Cintas and feel better prepared to act quickly in the event of sudden cardiac arrest(SCA)—the number one killer in the workplace. FOR A LOW MONTHLY COST,YOU RECEIVE: • Monthly service inspections • Free software updates • Barcoded record-keeping • LifeREADY 360TI,powered by RescueStat • Free Pad and Battery replacement ONLY 13O A MONTH TOUCH SCREEN DISPLAY • Provides full-color rescue images,text and real-time CPR feedback /I l — ZO��� ENHANCED • Visual prompts lJ REAL CPR HELP® walk the lay responder through - Proven Real CPR pad application and Help® technology CPR,step-by-step has a full color display • One-of-a-kind CPR with vivid rescue touch screen 1,22 images,a CPR cycle capabilities that timer,and a large allow quick access 11 color bar gauge that shows CPR to AED information u compression depth • A calm voice prompts WIFI CONNECTED ' ' you with "Push Harder" • Cloud connectivity or"Good Compressions," can enable automatic and will tell you to reporting of device pause while it completes status,giving you a heart analysis confidence your AED is ready in _ ` an emergency INTEGRATED �� ��\� • Wi-Fi also allows you �� �� � 'r` PEDIATRIC RESCUE 1 r r r I I The universal design to quickly transmit \��`_ � of the CPR Uni- adzTM data to medical � _ � P professionals _ electrodes gives rescuers a single solution for AE adults and children SMART BATTERY experiencing SCA • The AED 30 incorporates a smart battery that can report its power level status on the device's LCD screen.Once installed, the battery lasts up to five years DISCLAIMER:The"AED Program"includes ONLYthe sale or service agreement of AEDs and periodic inspection of the AEDs to determine whether the batteries and/or pads for the AED have expired.If expressly and separately purchased by Customer, Cintas may also provide AED and CPR Training,and access to LifeREADY 360-website. "AED Program"expressly excludes any risk or hazard analysis of any kind or type, including(but not limited to)recommendations regarding the type,number,or placement of AEDs at Customer's facility.Customer is solely responsible for choosing the type and number of AEDs needed and the placement of those AEDs within its facility(ies)and for notifying Cintas of any faults,alarms,or indications that the AED is not functioning properly in between Cintas's periodic service visits. cintas.com 1 877.973.2811 ciNrAs® UNIFORMS I FACILITY SERVICES I FIRST AID&SAFETY I FIRE PROTECTION READY FOR THE WORKDAY® JANUARY 2021 F C O safety.rescuestat.com/CustomerPortal/EquipmentOverview Q C? * O ID LifeREADY 360TM (833)507-6877 REPORTIEVENT My Account> XYZ Co.-LR360_1D 6800 Cintas Blvd,Mason,Ohio 45040 ©Renew:8/1/2023 Customer Home LoCotiomt INSPECTIONS EQUIPMENT TRAINING REMOTE MONITORING d ® Key: Current Attention ©Expired e� Overview Documents Equipment AED Laws Show 10 . entries IDResources AED Image 1 AED Make Model Serial Number Placement Description Type Expires Status loll Medical AID 3 Demo400034567 Break Room General Battery 1211/2026 Q contact Us a� Adult Pod 1211/2026 Q Settings AEDs have to be ready to respond at all times so you need visibility and insight of your program. The LifeReady 360TM portal empowers you to monitor your AEDs with tools and resources that provide up-to-date information. You can view status on inspections and equipment, update your training records and watch tutorials on AED maintenance. YOU'LL ALSO HAVE ACCESS TO: 19 • . - RTww &.4 VIEW YOUR CURRENT AED STATE AED EVENT LOCATIONS REPORTS LAWS SUPPORT LifeReady 360"' is included in every AED Service Agreement. Customer must obtain a prescription for the AED Device(s)and the AED Device(s)must be subject to medical oversight.Cintas is not a health-care provider and does not issue the prescription,provide medical oversight,or provide other related healthcare or medical services.Rather,when executing a Service Agreement,Customer receives access to a third- party at no additional cost to Customer,who provides a prescription for the AED Device(s),provides medical oversight,registers the AED Device(s)with local EMS,and provides Customer access to the third-party's online software portal.Cintas's provision of services pursuant to an AED Service Agreement expressly excludes any risk or hazard analysis of any kind or type,including(but not limited to)recommendations regarding the type,number or placement of AEDs at Customer's facility.Customer is solely responsible for choosing the type and number of AEDs needed and the placement of those AEDs within its facility(ies)and for notifying Cintas of any faults,alarms or indications that the AED is not functioning properly in between Cintas's periodic service visits. cintas.com 1 877.973.2811 dNrAs. UNIFORMS I FACILITY SERVICES I FIRST AID &SAFETY I FIRE PROTECTION READY FOR THE WORKDAY' First Aid & Safety CINrAs® Cooperative Acceptance Agreement READY FOR THE WORKDAY' Location#: Contract#: Customer#: Main Corporate/ZNAT Code:-Omnia Nebraska GPO ZNAT#9200002758 Date: Customer/Participating Public Agency: ("Customer") Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: APPLY- El FIRST AID Service Frequency: Bundle Sold: ❑YES ❑ NO Bundle Type: PPE Required: ❑ Safety Glasses ❑ Ear Plugs ❑ Steel Toed Shoes ❑ Hard Hat ❑ Hi-Viz Vest ❑ No PPE Required ❑ Other: DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY MATERIAL • Your Estimated Total: Space for additional entries provided on page 5 ❑ AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DEVICE CASE #OF UNITS PRICE PER UNIT MONTHLY PRICE ZOLL®AED Plus® ❑Cabinet ❑Grab N' Run /unit /month ZOLL11 AED 3 ❑s Cabinet ❑Grab N'Run 36 $126 /unit $4536 /month LifeLine VIEW AED ❑Cabinet ❑Grab N'Run /unit /month LifeLine AED ❑Cabinet ❑Grab N'Run /unit /month Totals: MEDICAL DIRECTION: ❑ LifeREADY 360T" ❑ LifeREADY" TRAINING: AHA HeartsaverTm FA/CPR/AED Course $ /Seat or Key $ /Class ❑ PLUMBED EYEWASH TOTALANNUAL . TOTALSTATION TYPE #OF UNITS SERVICE ANNUAL SERVICE •. COST COST • COST Plumbed Eyewash Station /unit ❑weeklV monthlV uarterl Plumbed Emergency Shower /unit ❑weekly ❑ monthly ❑ quarterly Plumbed Combination Unit /unit ❑weekIv monthl ❑ uarterl ❑ THE SAFETY DIRECTOR° EMERGENCY EYEWASH STATION PRODUCT - The Safety Director®Station /unit /month One-time Wall Mount Installation /unit Fee(618333) TRAINING: Safety Management Suite(SMS)with SDS Chemical Management $ ❑ WATERBREAK® COOLER UNITS COOLER Freestanding /unit /month Countertop /unit /month Total monthly service fee /month One-Time Installation Fees Cintas Cooler Installation#604907 Third Party Installation#604908 Cintas Representative Initials: Customer Initials: Page 1 of Rev.1.8.24 PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY. BY SIGNING THIS ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, AND THAT YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY, THESE TERMS. OMNIA PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCIES TERMS 1. Participating Public Agencies:Cintas Corporation No.2("Cintas")agrees to extend the same terms,conditions,and covenants agreed to under the OMNIA Vendor Agreement executed between Cintas and University of Nebraska(the"Master Agreement")to other government agencies("Participating Public Agencies")that,in their discretion,desire to access the Master Agreement in accordance with all terms and conditions contained herein or attached hereto.Each Participating Public Agency will be exclusively responsible and deal directly with Cintas on matters relating to length of agreement,ordering,delivery,inspection,acceptance,invoicing, and payment for products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement.By executing this Acceptance Agreement,the Customer identified on Page 1 herein agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in the Master Agreement as a Participating Public Agency and the terms and conditions set forth in this Acceptance Agreement.Master Agreement available at https://www.omniapartners.com/publicsector. 2. Dispute Resolution—Arbitration and Class Waiver:This provision shall take precedence over and supersede any contrary or conflicting provision in the Master Agreement. a. Arbitration Notice:Customer agrees to the maximum extent permitted by law that any dispute,controversy,or claim arising out of or relating to this Acceptance Agreement(including its enforcement,performance,breach,arbitrability,or interpretation)or to the products or services provided hereunder will be submitted to and resolved by final and binding individual arbitration.ARBITRATION MEANS THAT AN ARBITRATOR,AND NOT A JUDGE OR A JURY,WILL DECIDE THE DISPUTE,CONTROVERSY,OR CLAIM.BY ACCEPTING THESE TERMS,YOU AND CINTAS ARE EACH EXPRESSLY WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY AND TO PURSUE OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY CLASS ACTION,COLLECTIVE ACTION,OR REPRESENTATIVE CLAIMS OR PROCEEDINGS EITHER IN ARBITRATION OR IN ANY COURT.To the extent a class or collective action or representative claim or proceeding may not be waived,you agree to stay any such actions,claims, and proceedings until after all actions,claims,and proceedings subject to arbitration are fully resolved. b. Arbitration Procedures:Any arbitration between Customer and Cintas will be governed by the Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes(collectively,"AAA Rules")of the American Arbitration Association("AAA"),as modified by this Acceptance Agreement,and will be administered by the AAA.The AAA Rules and filing forms are available online at www.adr.org,by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879,or by contacting Cintas. Any arbitration hearings will take place in the state in which Customer is located;provided,however,that if the claim is for$10,000 or less, Customer may choose for the arbitration instead to conducted:(i)solely on the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator;or(ii)through a telephonic hearing. The arbitrator must issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings and conclusions on which the decision and award,if any,are based. c. Fees:Arbitration fees will be assessed consistent with the AAA Rules. d. No Class Actions in Arbitration or in Any Court,No Jury Trial:CUSTOMER AND CINTAS AGREE THAT,TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING,WHETHER IN ARBITRATION OR IN ANY COURT.FURTHER,UNLESS BOTH CUSTOMER AND CINTAS AGREE OTHERWISE,AN ARBITRATOR OR JUDGE MAY NOT CONSOLIDATE MORE THAN ONE PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY'S CLAIMS AND MAY NOT OTHERWISE PRESIDE OVER ANY FORM OF A REPRESENTATIVE OR CLASS PROCEEDING. FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT,CUSTOMER AND CINTAS AGREE TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTE ON AN INDIVIDUAL,NON-REPRESENTATIVE,NON-CLASS BASIS IN ARBITRATION,BUT IF FOR ANY REASON SUCH DISPUTE PROCEEDS IN COURT,CUSTOMER AND CINTAS AGREE TO WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO HAVE THE DISPUTE PROCEED AS A CLASS ACTION OR IN ANY REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY WHATSOEVER. IF THE DISPUTE PROCEEDS IN COURT,CUSTOMER AND CINTAS AGREE TO WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY. e. Enforceability:If the requirement to submit any and all disputes,controversies,and claims to binding arbitration is found to be unenforceable or contrary to applicable law,the dispute,controversy or claim will be resolved in accordance with,and governed by,the laws of the State in which the Participating Public Agency exists. f. Severability:If any section or provision of this 12,Dispute Resolution—Arbitration and Class Waiver,is found to be unenforceable or invalid,the parties will substitute an enforceable provision that,to the maximum extent possible under applicable law,preserves the original intentions of the parties,and the remainder will be given full force and effect. 3. Dispute Resolution—Timing of invoice challenges:Requests for an invoice adjustment or challenges to invoice amounts must be received by Cintas within 60 days of Customer's receipt of the contested invoice,or any billing dispute is waived. Notification to Cintas of a request for an invoice adjustment must be made in writing and must include the invoice number,disputed amount,and the reason for the disputed charge. 4. In the event of any conflict between this Acceptance Agreement and the Master Agreement,the Master Agreement shall prevail,except to the extent this Acceptance Agreement specifically provides that it is superseding a provision in the Master Agreement. SECTIONCINTAS GENERAL SERVICE TERMS 1. Products and Services;Prices:Cintas agrees to provide to Customer the products and services selected above in accordance with the Master Agreement and this Acceptance Agreement.The pricing and rates from the Master Agreement will flow down to this Acceptance Agreement,including annual price adjustments.An amendment to this Acceptance Agreement is not required when pricing in the Master Agreement is updated and adjusted. 2. Term;Additional Customer Locations: a. Subject to Section 2.1o,the initial term of this Acceptance Agreement is 36 months("Initial Term").This Acceptance Agreement shall renew automatically for succeeding terms of 12 months(each a"Renewal Term"and together with the Initial Term,the"Term")unless Customer gives to Cintas written notice of the Customer's intention not to renew at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the then-current Term.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein but subject to Section 2.b,there will be a minimum Term equal to the greater of thirty-six(36)months or the remainder of the term for any individual Customer location added after the date of this Acceptance Agreement. b. To the extent Customer is solely purchasing First Aid products and services under this Acceptance Agreement(as selected on page 1),then Section 2.a shall not apply and this Acceptance Agreement shall not have a minimum term. 3. AED Terms and Conditions.(Applicable only if AEDs are provided): a. Cintas will provide for use by Customer the Automatic External Defibrillator(s)selected by Customer in this Acceptance Agreement(the"AED Devices)").With each AED Device,Cintas will also provide for use:one battery,one set of pads,one Prep and Response Kit,and either one AED wall cabinet or one Grab N'Run Kit.Additional batteries,sets of pads,data recording cards,and other accessories are not included and may be purchased separately from Cintas. b. Cintas will deliver AED software updates when available and provide periodic service visits(at a minimum,once every six months)to check expiration dates of the battery and set of pads,to replace them if expired,and to confirm the status of the AED Device(s)through a visual inspection of the AED status indicator ("AED Services").If Customer performs its own inspection and/or Customer identifies an expired battery or an expired set of pads,notes a fault of the AED status indicator,or identifies any other concern,Customer shall contact Cintas during normal business hours and Cintas will respond to Customer by the first business day following receipt of notice.Customer acknowledges that the scope of AED Services expressly excludes:performance of a risk or hazard analysis of any kind or type,providing regulatory guidance,or providing recommendations regarding the type,number,and placement or location of AED Device(s)at Customer's facility.Customer further agrees that Cintas has no responsibility to monitor the condition of the AED Device(s)between Cintas's periodic service visits.Customer bears sole responsibility for notifying Cintas of faults,alarms,or indications that an AED Device is not functioning properly in between Cintas's periodic service visits.Should Customer so notify Cintas,Cintas will respond to Customer by the first business day following receipt of notice and will perform a service visit within a reasonable time thereafter to provide a visual inspection of the AED status indicator and/or provide a replacement AED Device. c. Customer may terminate this Acceptance Agreement solely with respect to AED Devices and AED Services at any time with a 30-day advance written notification. If termination is made during the Initial Term,Customer shall pay all remaining monthly service charges owed through the end of the Initial Term and either shall return all AED Devices subject to this Acceptance Agreement or purchase each AED Device for a cost of$399 per AED Device.If cancellation is made during a Renewal Term,Customer shall pay a cancellation fee of$150 each per AED Device and either shall return all AED Devices subject to this Acceptance Agreement or purchase each AED Device for a cost of$399 per AED Device;the$150 cancellation fee(s),however,may be applied to the purchase price of the AED Device(s). At the end of this Acceptance Agreement,Customer shall return the AED Products to Cintas in good working and physical condition,reasonable wear and tear expected,within 5 business days of the cancellation of this Agreement. Cintas Representative Initials: Customer Initials: Page 2of6 Rev.1.8.24 SECTIONCINTAS GENERAL SERVICE TERMS 4. WaterBreak®Cooler Units Terms and Conditions.(Applicable only if WaterBreak®Cooler Units are provided): a. Customer acknowledges it is responsible for designating the location of the WaterBreak®Cooler Units(the"Waterbreak Unit(s)")at the Customer's facility(ies) and ensuring that the appropriate electrical and plumbing access is available prior to installation.Cintas may choose not to install Waterbreak Unit(s)if electrical and plumbing access is not reasonably available,technical issues are encountered(such as overcoming physical or technical barriers),or requirements are unusual or extensive,as determined by Cintas in its sole discretion.Customer acknowledges that,as part of any installation,Cintas may drill,cut,and otherwise alter improvements on the property(including walls,flooring,cabinetry,and other surfaces).If Cintas must drill or cut in order to complete the installation,Cintas is not responsible for repairing the altered surface,including but not limited to,patching,covering,painting,or texturing work. b. Customer shall not move or relocate Waterbreak Unit(s)or associated water lines after they are installed.If a Customer wishes to relocate Waterbreak Unit(s) or associated water lines,Customer must contact Cintas and Cintas shall perform the relocation.Cintas will charge a$150 fee for moving or relocating each Waterbreak Unit and/or associated water lines.In the event a boil advisory or similar notice is issued regarding the Customer's water source,Customer must take appropriate actions to ensure Waterbreak Unit(s)are not used during the advisory.Customer shall further ensure that the Waterbreak Unit(s)are not used after the advisory is lifted until such time that the Waterbreak Unit is serviced and the filter in the Waterbreak Unit is replaced.Customer shall be solely responsible for notifying Cintas of the advisory and that service is needed.Once the advisory is lifted,Customer shall contact Cintas to request a service of Waterbreak Unit(s); Cintas will charge a$100 fee for servicing and replacing the filter in each Waterbreak Unit. 5. Ownership of Rental Products:Cintas maintains all right,title,and ownership of all rental products provided under this Acceptance Agreement including the AED Device(s)and Waterbreak Unit(s)(collectively,the"Rental Products").Customer agrees it will not alter,repair,or otherwise make changes to the Rental Products. Customer agrees to protect Rental Products from mishap and misuse.If a Rental Product requires repair due to ordinary wear and tear,Cintas shall,at its sole discretion,either provide Customer with a replacement Rental Product or repair the Rental Product at no charge to Customer.If Cintas,in its sole discretion, determines a Rental Product must be repaired due to mishap or misuse that occurred while in Customer's possession,Cintas may charge Customer for the time, materials,and shipping involved in the repair of the Rental Product.In the event a Rental Product is lost,stolen,or damaged beyond repair,Customer agrees to pay a replacement cost set forth in the table below("Replacement Cost").If replacement is necessary and the Rental Product is still subject to the Term,the payment of the Replacement Cost does not release Customer of its obligations under the terms and conditions of this Acceptance Agreement.If a Rental Product must be replaced or repaired,Cintas,at its sole discretion,may elect to ship to Customer a replacement Rental Product and have Customer ship back to Cintas the Rental Product requiring repair or replacement(rather than Cintas physically delivering a replacement Rental Product).Upon receipt of a replacement Rental Product,Customer shall return to Cintas the original Rental Product,postage prepaid by Cintas,with the Customer taking reasonable care to protect the Rental Product during transit.At the end of the service,all Rental Products shall be returned to Cintas in the same condition as it was(they were)originally delivered,ordinary wear and tear excepted. Rental Product Replacement Cost AED Device $1,995 The Safety Director®Emergency Eyewash Station $750 Waterbreak Unit $1,000 6. TRAINING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.(Applicable only if Training Courses are provided):CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES ALL TRAINING COURSES ARE PROVIDED BY CINTAS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON AS LEGAL ADVICE.THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN ANY COURSE MAY NOT REFLECT THE MOST CURRENT LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS AND CINTAS DOES NOT PURPORT TO IMPLY OR GUARANTEE FULL COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL,STATE OR FEDERAL REGULATIONS.AN ATTORNEY SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR ADVICE ON SPECIFIC LEGAL ISSUES.CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES IT BEARS THE SOLE RISK OF LOSS FOR ANY LOSS,INJURY OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR RELATED IN ANY WAY TO CUSTOMER OR PARTICIPANT'S COMPLIANCE OR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS OR REGULATIONS.CINTAS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON RELATING TO OR RESULTING FROM TRAINING SERVICES OR INFORMATION PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH TRAINING SERVICES OR ANY DECISIONS MADE BY CUSTOMER AS A RESULT OF THE TRAINING PROVIDED. 7. No Federal Contractor:As a material condition of this Agreement,Customer represents and warrants that:(a)this Agreement is not federally funded;(b)this Agreement does not constitute,and is not entered into to support a federal government contract,subcontract or third party contract;(c)Cintas does not hereby become a subrecipient,subgrantee,project participant,or third party contractor or subcontractor in relation to any contract with the federal government;and(d)by entering this Agreement,Cintas does not become obligated to comply with federal regulations or federal laws(including specifically the Service Contact Act),whether by virtue of such obligation flowing down from a contract between Customer and any third party,by virtue of federal funding being used in relation to this project,or otherwise. In the event that any of the foregoing is or becomes untrue,Cintas shall have the option to unilaterally terminate this Agreement. 8. Prevailing Wage/Living Wage:Customer represents and warrants that this agreement is not subject to laws pertaining to prevailing wages,living wages,or other wage and/or benefit requirements established by law("Wage Statutes").Customer agrees and acknowledges that it will not attempt to enforce any Wage Statutes in relation to this agreement and Customer hereby waives and releases Cintas from any and all fines,penalties,interest,or other costs,expenses,or charges of any type imposed by any federal,state,or local authority in relation to Cintas's failure to satisfy any such Wage Statute in relation to agreement. 9. Customer Type:Customer must select the appropriate response below: Is Customer a United States federal government agency or instrumentality? ❑Yes El No (If Yes,Customer must provide any applicable U.S.government flowdown terms and conditions,which will only be binding on Cintas if attached hereto and agreed to by Cintas prior to execution of this Acceptance Agreement). 10. Customer Funding Source:Customer must select the appropriate response below: Will Customer pay for the goods and services ordered under this Acceptance Agreement with any United States government funds? ❑Yes ❑ No (If Yes,Customer must provide any applicable U.S.government flowdown terms and conditions,which will only be binding on Cintas if attached hereto and agreed to by Cintas prior to execution of this Acceptance Agreement). 11. Additional Terms:Customer must select the appropriate response below: Does Customer require any additional terms and conditions to be incorporated into this Acceptance Agreement,or is Customer accepting the Agreement without additional terms? ❑Yes,additional terms required (If Yes,Customer must provide any applicable additional terms and conditions,which will only be binding on ❑ No additional terms needed Cintas if attached hereto and agreed to by Cintas prior to execution of this Acceptance Agreement). 12. 1 authorize Cintas to verify my credit on Credit.net and/or by contacting the parties provided.I am authorized to sign on behalf of this company.In addition,I authorize Cintas to open a new account on behalf of the company and deliver the products or services listed above at the agreed upon pricing and delivery terms. Cintas Location#: Customer Signature: By: Print Name: Title: Print Title: Accepted-GM: Email: Cintas Enterprise Account: ❑Yes ❑ No Customer Contact: Cintas Enterprise Partner Name: Customer Contact Email: Cintas Representative Initials: Page 3 of 6 Rev.1.8.24 Accounts Payable Contact • aNrAs. Billing Information READY FOR THE WORKDAY" How should the Business Name read on the invoice? Do you have other sites/locations within your company that are set up for billing with Cintas? ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ UNSURE Are you Tax Exempt? ❑ YES ❑ NO If Yes,where can I get a copy of your tax-exempt form? PAYER INFORMATION:This section covers the address where the person who pays the bills is and their contact information. Account Payable Contact Name: Account Payable Contact Phone#: Account Payable Email: Payer Street Address: City: ST/PROV: ZIP/PC: We will use the Payer address above as the address that is used for credit reference/credit check if it is different from service address. BILL-TO INFORMATION:This section covers where the bill will be mailed/sent to. ❑ Same as Payer OR ❑ Same as Sold-To Bill-To Street Address: City: ST/PROV: ZIP/PC: WE CAN CUSTOMIZE HOW YOU RECEIVE YOUR BILL FOR PAYMENT PROCESSING Invoice Delivery(choose one): ❑ Leave at Site and Email ❑ Email Only ❑ Physically Mail ❑ Leave at site after service Do invoices require a purchase order? ❑YES ❑ NO If yes, please provide PO# Will the same PO need to appear on each invoice? ❑YES ❑ NO Is there an expiration date? PAYMENT TERMS: Net 30 Standard PAYMENT OPTIONS ❑ Check ❑ ACH/EFT-We will have our ACH/EFT team contact the AP contact above with ACH/EFT payment details ❑ Credit Card -We will have our Payment Center contact the AP Contact above for credit card details Unless noted below,your AP contact above will be automatically registered to manage your Cintas account online with myCintas Billing. myCintas allows you to conveniently access your account anytime using your computer,tablet, or mobile device! Do not send information about Online Bill Pay(US Only) Cintas Representative Initials: Customer Initials: Page 4of6 Rev.1.8.24 FIRST AID (cont.): Continued from page 1 • ON UNIT PRICE TOTAL Your Estimated Total: Cintas Representative Initials: Customer Initials: Page 5of6 Rev.1.8.24 LOCATION LISTING Cintas Representative Initials: Customer Initials: Page 6of6 Rev.1.8.24 EL2 s Co2ibination First Aid and Safety Service Agreement CUSTOMER INFORMATION Company Name ("Customer"):MASON COUNTY FACILITIES Phone: Email: Nwilston@masoncountywa.gov Customer#: Physical Address: MLA SEE SITE LIST ATTATCHED ❑ THE SAFETY DIRECTOR° EMERGENCY EYEWASH STATION PRODUCT PRICE/UNIT #OF UNITS MONTHLY PRICE THE SAFETY DIRECTOR®EYEWASH BUNDLE $ /unit $ 0.00 /month THE SAFETY DIRECTOR®EYEWASH UPGRADE $ /unit $ 0.00 /month ONE-TIME WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION FEE(618333) $ /unit low is ❑ AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS AED DEVICE CASE PRICE PER UNIT #OF UNITS MONTHLY PRICE ❑ LIFELINE ❑ LIFELINE VIEW ❑Cabinet ❑Grab N'Run $ /unit $ 0.00 /month ❑ ZOLL®AED PLUS® IF ZOLL®AED 3 IF Cabinet ❑Grab N'Run $ 126.00 /unit 36 $ 4,536.00 /month MEDICAL DIRECTION ❑LifeREADY 360TM ❑LifeREADY- TRAINING AHA HEARTSAVERM FA/CPR/AED COURSE $ /CLASS ❑ By checking this box and initialing, Customer affirmatively opts out of the AED Services as defined in the AED Delivery Confirmation Initials ❑ WATERBREAK° COOLER UNIT DESCRIPTION MONTHLY FEE/UNIT #OF UNITS TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT FREESTANDING $ /unit $ 0.00 /month COUNTERTOP $ /unit $ 0.00 /month BY SIGNING BELOW,CUSTOMER CERTIFIES THAT CUSTOMER HAS READ AND AGREED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT,INCLUDING THOSE PRINTED ON PAGES 2.CUSTOMER FURTHER AGREES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, CUSTOMER AGREES TO EXECUTE A DELIVERY CONFIRMATION FOR EACH SERVICE REQUESTED BY CUSTOMER,BEFORE CINTAS INSTALLS THE PRODUCT(S)REQUESTED HEREUNDER.SUCH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION WILL INCLUDE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS,WHICH ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREED TO BY CUSTOMER.THE PERSON SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT HE OR SHE HAS ALL AUTHORITY NECESSARY TO BIND CUSTOMER TO ITS TERMS. Authorized Signature: Date: Printed Name: Title: dNrAs® Page 1 of 2 READY FOR THE WORKDAY" UNIVERSALAND • • Cintas Corporation No.2 d/b/a Cintas First Aid&Safety("Cintas")will provide Customer the Automatic External Defibrillator(s)("Devices"),The Safety Director®Emergency Eyewash Station(s)("Eyewash Stations")and the WaterBreak®Cooler Units("Units"and collectively with the Devices,Eyewash Stations,related products,and services outlined herein,"Products"and individually a"Product")as selected by Customer,in accordance with the terms and conditions of this("Agreement").Customer shall select the Products desired by Customer on the pricing tables(each a"Pricing Table")shown on the first page of the Agreement.These Universal Terms and Conditions apply to all Products selected by Customer. 1. Parties and Acknowledament.This Agreement is between Cintas and Customer(individually,"Party";together,the"Parties").Any terms not specifically agreed upon by Cintas,in writing,are not binding on Cintas.The Parties agree and acknowledge that Cintas will be Customer's exclusive provider of first aid and safety goods and services for every Customer location that lies within Cintas's normal operating service areas.By signing this Agreement,Customer agrees and acknowledges that Customer will execute a Delivery Confirmation("Delivery Confirmation")for each service requested by Customer,before Cintas installs the Product(s)requested hereunder.Such Delivery Confirmation will include additional terms and conditions,which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement and agreed to by Customer. 2. Term:Renewal:Charges.The initial term of this Agreement is 36 months,commencing on the delivery date of the first Product to the Customer,which shall be reflected in the first invoice from Cintas to Customer ("Initial Term").This Agreement will renew automatically for succeeding terms of 12 months(each a"Renewal Term")unless Customer gives Cintas written notice of the Customer's intention not to renew at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the then-current term.Cintas shall charge Customer the monthly price for use of the Products as shown in each Pricing Table("Monthly Service Charge").Customer acknowledges, however,that Cintas's costs may increase and Cintas reserves the right to increase prices.If Cintas increases a price,Customer has the right to object in writing within 10 days of notice of the increase,which may be in the form of an invoice.If Customer objects to the increase,Cintas has the right to terminate the Agreement.If Customer does not object,Customer is bound by the new prices. 3. Payment Terms:Credit.Invoices shall be due within thirty(30)days of invoice date unless otherwise stated.If,in Cintas's opinion,Customer's credit becomes unsatisfactory,Cintas may:(1)suspend the delivery of Products pending receipt of cash or satisfactory security from Customer;or(2)repossess the Products.If Customer fails to pay amounts due to Cintas,Customer agrees to pay all reasonable costs of collection incurred by Cintas,including reasonable attorneys'fees. 4. Quality of Services.Cintas will deliver quality service at all times.Any complaints about the quality of Cintas's service not resolved in the normal course of business must be sent by registered letter to Cintas's General Manager at Cintas's nearest First Aid and Safety service office.If Cintas then fails to resolve any material complaint in a reasonable period of time,Customer may terminate this Agreement provided all Products are returned in good working order or Purchased at the Product's Replacement Cost(as defined below). 5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT CINTAS DOES NOT MANUFACTURE THE DEVICES,EYEWASH STATIONS,OR UNITS AND THEREFORE ALL PRODUCTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE WARRANTY PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OF THE PRODUCTS AND NOT CINTAS.CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT CINTAS MAKES NO WARRANTY,REPRESENTATION,COVENANT OR GUARANTEE,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCTS PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT.NO MODIFICATION,WAIVER,OR AMENDMENT OF THIS DISCLAIMER SHALL BE DEEMED EFFECTIVE UNLESS MADE IN A WRITING DRAFTED BY CINTAS FOR THIS EXPRESS PURPOSE THAT IS(1)SIGNED BY CINTAS,(II)EXPLICITLY USES THE TERM"WARRANTY"IN ITS TITLE, (III)SPECIFICALLY REFERENCES THIS AGREEMENT;AND(IV)EXPLICITLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY DESCRIBES WHAT ADDITIONAL WARRANTY(IES)ARE BEING OFFERED TO CUSTOMER PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT.CUSTOMER FURTHER AGREES THAT THIS EXPLICITYLY EXCLUDES ANY OF CINTAS'S SALES MATERIALS,CIRCULARS,WEBSITES,AND OTHER ADVERTISING MATERIALS OF ANY TYPE FROM CREATING ANY WARRANTIES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT,AND CUSTOMER REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT IT IS NOT RELYING UPON ANY SUCH MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE. 6. LIMITATION OF CINTAS'S LIABILITY.Customer acknowledges that Cintas's service fees/purchase prices are based on the value of services or goods provided and the limited liability provided under this Agreement and not on the value of the Customer's premises or its contents,or the likelihood or potential extent or severity of injury(including death)to Customer or others.Customer further acknowledges and agrees that Cintas cannot predict the potential amount,extent,or severity of any damages or injuries that Customer or others may incur due to the failure of the goods or services to work as intended.IF CINTAS OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES ARE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY REASON FOR ANY LOSS,INJURY,OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND THAT ARISES OUT OF,RESULTS FROM,OR IS RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT(INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,LOSSES,INJURIES OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CINTAS'S SOLE OR PARTIAL NEGLIGENCE,WHETHER ACTIVE OR PASSIVE), CUSTOMER AGREES AND WARRANTS THAT CINTAS'S AND ITS REPRESENTATIVE'S COLLECTIVE LIABILITY TO CUSTOMER,ITS AGENTS,OFFICERS,DIRECTORS,EMPLOYEES,INVITEES, AND ANY THIRD PARTY SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO$1,000.If Customer wishes to increase the limitation of liability,Cintas and Customer may negotiate a supplemental written agreement to increase the limit of Cintas's liability,but no such agreed upon increase to the limit of Cintas's liability shall be interpreted to find Cintas or its subcontractors or representatives to be insurers.CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THE LIMITS ON THE LIABILITY OF CINTAS AND THE WAIVERS AND INDEMNITIES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE A FAIR ALLOCATION OF RISKS AND LIABILITIES BETWEEN CINTAS,CUSTOMER,AND ANY OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES.CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT WERE CINTAS TO HAVE LIABILITY GREATER THAN THAT STATED ABOVE,IT WOULD NOT PROVIDE THE GOODS OR SERVICES.Neither party shall be liable to the other or any other person for any incidental,punitive,speculative,or consequential damages of any type, including,but not limited to,loss of profits or business opportunity. 7. Governing Law:Disputes.This Agreement shall be governed by,and all disputes arising hereunder resolved in accordance with,the laws of the State of Ohio.Any dispute relating to this Agreement,other than an action for collection of fees owed to Cintas,shall be resolved by binding and final arbitration.EACH PARTY,ON BEHALF OF ITSELF AND ALL OF ITS INSURER(S),WAIVES TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND/OR INSURER AND CINTAS,AND CUSTOMER IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CLASS REPRESENTATIVE CLAIMS(WHETHER AS A CLASS MEMBER OR CLASS REPRESENTATIVE)AND ANY RIGHT TO HAVE SUCH DISPUTE CONSOLIDATED OR CONSIDERED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY OR AS A PART OF ANY OTHER PROCEEDING.The exclusive jurisdiction and forum for resolution of any dispute shall be Warren County,Ohio. 8. Cintas not an Insurer.Customer acknowledges and agrees that neither Cintas nor its representatives are insurers and that no insurance coverage is provided by this Agreement.Customer understands and agrees that it is Customer's sole responsibility to obtain and maintain insurance coverage for costs,expenses,losses and damages,including related to the Products.Customer releases and waives all rights of recovery against Cintas by way of subrogation. 9. RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION OF CINTAS BY CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER RELEASES AND AGREES TO DEFEND,INDEMNIFY,AND HOLD HARMLESS CINTAS AND ANY/ALL OF ITS SUBCONTRACTORS,AGENTS,OFFICERS,EMPLOYEES,OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVES OF ANY TYPE FROM LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL LOSS,DAMAGE,OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND OR TYPE,UNDER ANY LEGAL,EQUITABLE OR OTHER THEORY,THAT MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO,CONTEMPORANEOUSLY WITH,OR AFTER THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT RELATED IN ANY WAY TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT OR PERFORMANCE UNDER THE AGREEMENT,INCLUDING(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)THE IMPROPER OPERATION OR NON- OPERATION OF THE PRODUCT(S)OR SERVICE(S).THIS OBLIGATION INCLUDES(BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO)ANY CLAIM,DEMAND,SUIT,LIABILITY,DAMAGE,JUDGMENT,LOSS,EXPENSES, ATTORNEYS'FEES,AND COSTS,THAT MAY BE ASSERTED AGAINST OR INCURRED BY CINTAS OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS,AGENTS,OFFICERS,EMPLOYEES,OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVES BY CUSTOMER OR ANY PERSON OR ENTITY NOT A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT(INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,CUSTOMER'S INSURANCE COMPANY,ADMINISTRATIVE BODY OR AUTHORITY,OR CUSTOMER'S EMPLOYEES)FOR ANY EXPENSE,LOSS,OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO IN ANY WAY,OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO IN ANY WAY,BY ANY ACT,OMISSION,OR FAULT OF CINTAS OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS,AGENTS,OFFICERS,EMPLOYEES,OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVES.THIS OBLIGATION EXTENDS TO, WITHOUT LIMITATION,STATUTORY CIVIL DAMAGES,ECONOMIC DAMAGES,PERSONAL INJURY,DEATH,OR PROPERTY DAMAGE(REAL AND PERSONAL)ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT,INCLUDING(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)ANY CLAIMS BASED UPON BREACH OF THE AGREEMENT,STRICT LIABILITY,REQUESTS FOR OR RIGHTS OF SUBROGATION OR CONTRIBUTION,INDEMNIFICATION,WRONGFUL DEATH,AND NEGLIGENCE(WHETHER ACTIVE OR PASSIVE,AND INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED UPON CINTAS'S SOLE,PARTIAL,OR JOINT AND SEVERAL NEGLIGENCE OF ANY TYPE OR DEGREE),AND ANY OTHER CLAIM,WHETHER BASED UPON OR ARISING UNDER CONTRACT,TORT,LAW,OR EQUITY.CUSTOMER FURTHER RELEASES AND WAIVES ANY RIGHT OF SUBROGATION THAT IT,ANY INSURER,OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY MAY HAVE DUE TO OR FOR ANY SUCH CLAIM,LOSS,OR DAMAGE.Cintas reserves the right to select counsel to represent it in any such action. 10.LIMITATION OF ACTION.ANY ACTION BY CUSTOMER AGAINST CINTAS OR ANY SUBCONTRACTOR MUST BE COMMENCED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE ACCRUAL OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION OR THE ACTION SHALL BE BARRED,REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER STATUTE OF LIMITATION OR REPOSE THAT MAY APPLY TO THE CLAIM UNDER STATE OR FEDERAL LAW. 11.Force Maieure.Cintas shall not be responsible or liable for failure to perform attributable to any cause or contingency beyond its reasonable control including,without limitation,act of God;act or omission of civil or military authority;fire;flood;tempest;epidemic;earthquake;volcanic activity,quarantine restriction;labor dispute(e.g.lockout,strike,work stoppage or slowdown);embargo;war;riot;unusually severe weather;accidents;political strife;act of terrorism;delay in transportation;compliance with any regulation or directive of any national,state,or local government,or any department or agency thereof;or any other cause which by the exercise of reasonable diligence Cintas is unable to overcome. 12.Authority to Execute Agreement,Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that(i)the execution,delivery,and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary entity action(s),and(ii)this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.The person signing this Agreement on behalf of Customer expressly represents and warrants that he or she has all authority necessary to bind Customer to its terms. 13.Assignment.This Agreement cannot be assigned by the Customer without Cintas's written consent,which will not be unreasonably withheld.Cintas has the right to assign this Agreement.The Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 14.Entire Aareement:Amendments:Waiver:Severability.This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior negotiations,agreements,and understandings with respect thereto,and any terms and conditions set forth in subsequent purchase orders or other documents issued by Customer.No amendment of this Agreement is effective unless it is signed by Customer and Cintas.A waiver by either party of a breach of this Agreement will not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of this Agreement.The invalidity or unenforceability of any portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion. 15.Replacement Cost.In the event any Product is lost,stolen,or damaged beyond repair,Customer will reimburse Cintas for Cintas's actual cost to replace such Product,which shall include the cost of the replacement Product,all necessary labor to install the replacement Product or remove the existing Product,and all other cost actually incurred by Cintas to replace such Product("Replacement Cost").The payment of the Replacement Cost does not release Customer of its obligations under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.Customer agrees to make the Products available to Cintas for maintenance during the then-current term. 16.Cancellatiow Return of Product(s).Customer may cancel the Agreement at any time with a 30-day advance written notification.If Customer terminates the Agreement prior to the end of the then-current term for any reason other than a material breach by Cintas or if Cintas terminates this Agreement for a material breach by Customer,Customer shall pay all remaining Monthly Service Charges owed through the end of the then-current term.Upon any such cancellation,or at the expiration of this Agreement,Cintas shall regain possession of the Product(s)in the same condition as originally delivered,ordinary wear and tear excepted,provided however that Customer shall have the option to purchase any Devices or Eyewash Stations for$399 at the time of such cancellation or expiration.Customer acknowledges Cintas shall be entitled to repossess the Product(s)following cancellation or expiration of the Agreement and customer shall grant Cintas access to the Product(s)for such purpose. 17.Scope and Limitations of AED Service.In the event that Customer requests AED Product(s)/AED Services,the scope of Cintas's responsibilities under this Agreement is limited to delivering AED Product(s), performing AED Services as defined in the AED Delivery Confirmation,(unless Customer opted-out of the AED Services,in which case Cintas will not provide the AED Services)and providing access to third-party Medical Direction,as outlined in the AED Delivery Confirmation.Customer acknowledges that the scope of services expressly excludes:performance of a risk or hazard analysis of any kind or type,providing regulatory guidance,or providing recommendations regarding the type,number,and placement or location of AED Product(s)at Customer's facility.Customer further agrees that Cintas has no responsibility to monitor the condition of the AED Product(s)between Cintas's periodic service visits.Customer bears sole responsibility for notifying Cintas of faults,alarms,or indications that an AED Product is not functioning properly in between Cintas's periodic service visits.Should Customer so notify Cintas,Cintas will respond to Customer within a reasonable period of time following receipt of notice and will perform a service visit within a reasonable time thereafter to provide a visual inspection of the AED status indicator and/or provide a replacement Device.If Customer opted-out of the AED Services,Cintas has no liability of any kind in relation to,and Customer agrees to defend,indemnify,and hold Cintas harmless against,all liabilities and claims of any kind including losses or damages to person or property (including death)caused in connection with or arising from the AED Product(s). 18.Scope and Limitations of Eyewash Service.In the event that Customer requests Eyewash Product(s)/Eyewash Service,the scope of Cintas's responsibilities under this Agreement is limited to delivering the Eyewash Product(s)and performing Eyewash Service as defined in the Eyewash Delivery Confirmation.Customer acknowledges that the scope of services expressly excludes:performance of a risk or hazard analysis of any kind or type;determining whether the Eyewash Station(s)exists on the same level as a hazard or is accessible within 10 seconds of any given hazard;monitoring the water temperature; providing regulatory guidance;or providing recommendations regarding the type,number,and placement or location of Eyewash Product(s)at Customer's facility.Customer further agrees that Cintas has no responsibility to monitor the condition of the Eyewash Product(s)between Cintas's periodic Eyewash Service visits.Customer further acknowledges that it bears sole responsibility for ensuring that Eyewash Product(s)and other equipment at its facility satisfy ANSI,OSHA and all other applicable requirements.Customer expressly acknowledges that the status of the Eyewash Product(s)can change at any time subsequent to a service visit by Cintas and that Cintas is not responsible or liable for any such change in status,including but not limited to any change in signage. 19.Installation.Customer acknowledges it is responsible for designating the location that the Products will be installed in Customer's property and ensuring all necessary access,including electrical and plumbing,is available.Cintas may choose not to install Products if technical issues are encountered or requirements are unusual or extensive,as determined by Cintas in its sole discretion.Customer acknowledges that,as part of any installation,Cintas may drill,cut,and otherwise alter improvements on the property(including walls and other surfaces).If Cintas must drill or cut in order to complete the installation,Cintas is not responsible for repairing the altered surface(s),including but not limited to,patching,covering,painting or texturing work.Further,at the end of the Agreement,Cintas shall not be responsible for any repairs necessitated by the removal of the Products,including but not limited to,patching,covering,painting or texturing work. For full terms and conditions including delivery terms and conditions please go to https://www.cintas.com/firstaidsafety/fas-universal-agreement/ CMOs. Page 2 of READY FOR THE WORKDAY" C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): August 12,2024 Agenda Date: September 24,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Request to award funding from the .09 Rural County Sales&Use Tax Fund No.103 Background/Executive Summary: An application has been received for 2025 funding from the County's .09 Sales&Use Tax fund from the Economic Development Council for the amount of$115,000. From RCW 82.14.370 -"Moneys collected under this section may only be used to finance public facilities* serving economic development purposes in rural counties and finance personnel in economic development offices**. The public facility must be listed as an item in the officially adopted county overall economic development plan***, or the economic development section of the county's comprehensive plan..." *"Public facilities"means bridges,roads, domestic and industrial water facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, earth stabilization, storm sewer facilities,railroads, electrical facilities,natural gas facilities,research, testing,training, and incubation facilities in innovation partnership zones designated under RCW 43.330.270,buildings, structures,telecommunications infrastructure,transportation infrastructure, or commercial infrastructure, and port facilities in the state of Washington. **"Economic development office" means an office of a county,port districts, or an associate development organization as defined in RCW 43.330.010,which promotes economic development purposes within the county. (Mason County Economic Development Office) ***Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Project List(CEDS)that is adopted by resolution by the Commissioners. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $115,000 funding from.09 Fund No. 103 for the year 2025. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /AtJ Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): The County is required to circulate for comment. RCW 82.14.370(3)(b) states"...the county must consult with cities,towns,and port districts located within the county and the associate development organization serving the county to ensure that the expenditure meets the goals of chapter 130,Laws of 2004 and the requirements of(a) of this subsection" Requested Action: Request the Board review the application and place the award to EDC on the September 24,2024 Action Agenda,once letters have been circulated to the City and Ports. Attachments EDC Funding Request LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION Contact Name(s) Kevin Shutty Economic Development Council of Mason County Address 628 W Alder Street City, State, Zip Shelton, WA 98584 Fax & e-mail kevin@choosemason.com Signature and position of person authorizing submittal of application q/�or Executive Director _8/1/2024_ Si Position Date Project Title: Mason County Economic Development Total Project Cost $ 479,000 Amount raised to date $ Is your request intended to fill a gap in funding (gap financing)? [X] Yes [ ] No Is this a phased project [ ] Yes [x] No, If yes number of phases number of years Requested loan amount $0 Requested grant amount $115,000 1. Briefly describe the project, project start date, jurisdictions or private entities involved and their phases and timing, and which phases(s) of the project would be funded by loan or grant? The Economic Development Council of Mason County (FDC) is Masan County's Associate Development Organization (ADO), partnering with the County, Ports, the City of Shelton, utility districts, and private sector partners to spur economic growth in our community. The EDC is a 501c6 non-profit organization promoting economic opportunity and quality of life in Mason County by actively recruiting new employers and by retaining and supporting the growth of existing employers. By supporting infrastructure and workforce development initiatives that facilitate growth, we help support growing the local tax base, which is necessary to fund critical services like public safety. Mason County's annual award is used support this vital work at the EDC. 2. Explain how the project satisfies economic development and priorities. The EDC's mission is to promote the economic vitality and growth of Mason County. We support our primary mission of business recruitment and development with efforts to ensure an attractive business environment, prepared workforce, and the necessary infrastructure to support a thriving economy. We also generate and analyze economic data required by the County, the Department of Commerce, and other stakeholders. Our work starts by retaining and expanding existing businesses to ensure a strong economic foundation. We continue to build our business retention and expansion program to provide not only support for local entrepreneurs but also to learn more about the current state of the economy. The work involves (1) building relationships with employers in the community, (2) collecting data on both individual companies and their industry sectors, (3) analyzing and tracking data, (4) assisting the company in solving problems that may cause them to move or close, (5) looking for opportunities to grow businesses in the community. We have a proven record of success in this work that has led directly to a low business closure rate. It is especially critical to continue this work in support of businesses facing workforce shortages and supply chain disruptions. The EDC also serves as the first point of contact for businesses seeking to move into our area as part of our proactive recruitment efforts. This work requires research to target companies that would fit well in our community and support our economic vision. We are engaged in recruitment with multiple projects across the County. Our recruitment efforts also include working with landowners and public entities on site readiness, marketing, and stakeholder engagement. A key component to all our work is communication. Effective economic development marketing is critical to advancing Mason County's economic goals. Through effective marketing, Mason County has positioned itself strategically for growth, with both current and local businesses. Of equal importance, our marketing and communications initiatives will continue to help educate and engage our community regarding the organization's mission and will increase awareness of ours and our many partners' efforts to expand business opportunities and bring living-wage jobs to our community. Finally, the EDC is focused on Mason County's capacity-building needs to better develop a strategic and targeted approach for securing funding for local and regional projects. The EDC is uniquely situated to convene project sponsors, develop funding strategies, and align priorities in the community. The most obvious way this is achieved is through the development of the local and regional CEDS process, however we also advance this work by supporting partner organizations apply for funding and by building the coalitions necessary to secure funds. 3. Will this project be a public facility which is listed in economic development plan officially adopted by the county? [ ] Yes [x] No 4. List engineering reports, permits, feasibility studies and environmental studies which have been completed and/or need to be completed. N/A 5. Has other funding been secured? [x] Yes [ ] No. If yes, list source(s) of funding. The EDC continues to diversify the funds used to support its mission. To that end, the EDC maintains contracts with several state and local jurisdictions, including the Washington Department of Commerce, City of Shelton, Ports of Shelton and Allyn, PUD 1 and PUD 3, as well as some of our County's largest private employers. 6. Please list other funding sources, which have been pursued or currently pursued. The EDC is committed to securing other funding sources to support economic development work in our community, such as state, federal, and private grants. We are anticipating applying for Commerce funds to support grant writing services at the EDC and in our community (awarded $30,000 in FY 23-24) and have received an additional $55,000 Commerce grant to conduct community outreach for in support of the comprehensive plan update. 7. Please indicate the number of full-time, permanent jobs this project will create. Create in 1-3 years - 75 Create in 4-5 years 150 Create in 6-10 years 275 Number of jobs retained - 250 8. Please indicate number of businesses that will directly benefit from the public facility. Our business retention and expansion program will serve a minimum of 125 businesses directly this year. Additionally, the EDC is committed to serving all businesses in Mason County as well as assisting entrepreneurs and startups. 9. Please list other significant factors about the project that should be considered. Thanks to a generous contribution of American Rescue Plan funds by the Board of County Commissioners, the EDC is engaged in an update of our regional industry clusters strategy. Along with updating the County and City comprehensive plans, this study will help inform our work to bring jobs, housing, and economic opportunity to the community. We will continue to find outside money to leverage the County's .09 funding. In our quarterly reports, we will provide regular updates to the County regarding additional funding secured for both the EDC and partner organizations. 10. List, in detail, how the money requested would be spent on the proposed project. Funding will be used to support business development programs and initiatives to assist entrepreneurs in starting and growing their business, support local employers, and promote the area for future investment. These activities include but are not limited to: Actively recruiting new employers Supporting hotel development in Mason County Support the development of housing across the affordability spectrum Outreach to existing Mason County employers Site selection services including facilitation with permitting processes Economic and demographic data, research and comparative analysis, tax research and incentives Prioritize infrastructure projects and coordinate funding efforts Workforce and job training information Entrepreneurship training Business plan assistance and access to financing Building a coalition to secure funding for infrastructure and workforce development initiatives, and Opportunities for community engagement and education Budget Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes 1 ARPA funding-obligated and spent 12/31/2024 $ 6,500,000.00 Yes Federal grant money-2nd round of ARPA funding has been obligated.We are on track for most projects to be complete by 12/31/24 $14k pd in 2021;will allow us to implement other Munis modules&help make us more efficient;Original timeline of 7/1/22 was too 2 Chart of Accounts revision/crosswalk 1/1/2024 $ 28,000.00 Yes optimistic.New goal is 1/1/25 to implement this huge project.This may be too optimistic,as well.We have ran into some snags w/junior taxing district numbering Work w/grant writer to find county funding&retain temporary NewMaximize the County's grant funding opportunities;meetings have been scheduled w/most offices and departments to look at current 3 12/31/2024 funding financial analyst to help w/grant management added grants&available funding sources Financial Analyst to permanent position to help w/the county's 4 12/31/2024 N/A Compliance w/grant funding requirements;departments may be willing to apply for more grant funding if there is help to manage grant management S Cross training for succession planning Ongoing N/A Having two Cross trained Financial Analysts w/provide many efficiencies for the county;Temp FA is cross training w/the permanent FA position 6 Clerk the Lodging Tax Meetings&advise on process 12/31/2024 N/A Budget Office function currently done by Diane's position;Done previously by COB&fits more as a budget office function 7 Position Control 3/1/2025 N/A No more manual tracking of positions;need COA revision done before Position Control implementation 8 Motor Pool Written Policy&Procedures 6/30/2025 N/A Documented process&procedures;this has been started.Group Effort.Need to revisit. 9 Executime purchase&implement 7/1/2026 $ 125,000.00 No Will take the place of paper timesheets&help departments transition fully to Munis;Need to purchase the module,implement Position Control,&Fund&BARS Crosswalk before implementation can begin 10 Transition PW&PH to Munis modules 2025&2026 $ 200,000.00 No Helpful to have all departments on the same Financial System;This is a HUGE undertaking&will require PWs buy-in 11 Help Financial Services implement EFT for vendor payments 1/1/2025 N/A More efficient process;We are very close to being able to do this.COA has taken priority 12 Delete Trial Court Improvement Fund&create lines w/in CE- 2025 No Less funds is less complicated;Trial Court Improvement is not a true Special Revenue Fund per Governmental Accounting Standards (District Court?) 13 Archive&digitize records Ongoing N/A More efficient process w/less paper;Most of our budget processes are now paperless Central Services Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes Cross train all support staff Ongoing N/A Crosstrain all staff to be able to fill in at a surface level,book memorial hall,Veteran check pickup,incoming docs Provide support to Administrator Ongoing N/A Posted Executive Assistant position August 1,2024 Create training/meeting space in modular courtroom $ 25,000.00 No REET 1 funding Prepare for Diane's retirement Jan 1,2025 12/20/2024 N/A Diane's last day in office is December 20,2024 Streamline internal processes 12/31/2024 Agendas,contracts,etc. Emergency Management Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes Increase Duty Officer Pool In Progress Yes Added Dept.Manager to the Roster;Lt.Severence being added;working with MCSD to incorporate volunteers Projected Closeout EMPG-R-20 Closed Yes CERT Trailers completed and deployed EOC Operations Manual In Progress Yes Work In progress/based on McEwen Fire AAR MC Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Closed $ 85,000.00 Yes Closeout submitted,final payment received,awaiting WAEMD closeout letter. EOC Upgrades Completed TBD Yes Initial phase completed.Continuing to upgrade as needed. SHSP Grant Equipment Inventory Updated Updated to date,next update occurs November 2024,to be completed by December 2024. Tier II Reporting-Hazardous materials 4th Qtr. DEM Staff reports to WA State SAR Commo Project-Zoleo Completed TBD Yes Purchased and fielded. Hazard Materials Emergency Response Plan 4th Qtr. Reviewed/update in-progress IPAWs Revisions-Warning System Completed Incorporated into Code Red Continued N IMS Training Quaterly Yes ICS-191/300/400/402 IMT Specific Tng./Additional training scheduled for MC Staff ICS Implementation Plan 4th Qtr. Update in-progess based on activations. City of Shelton Coordination In Progress City of Shelton identified staff,they attend monthly planning meeting. County Animal Response Team(CART) In Progress Unknown No Group identified,their leadership moving toward acipting NIMS/ICS. Search&Rescue Continuous Unknown Yes Communications shortcoming addressed,activation process implemented,in progess documentation. Code Red Alert Notification System Grant Cycle $ 16,800.00 Yes Currently paid for out of SHSP,but qualifies for EMPG funding/MC Partner Asset Community Emergency Response Team(CERT) Expansion Unknown No CERT program continues to expand.Added three new communities including Matlock. MC Disaster Air Response Team(DART) In Progress I N/A TBD Program development using local Sanderson Field Pilots(becoming NIMS compliant) Oysterfest Completed Unknown TBD Assisted with the Incident Action Plan,activated to oversee the event,not incidents noted. CWDP Grant(Wildfire Plan) In-Progress 1 $ 79,590.00 No Incorporating the MCCWPP into our existing Mitigation Plan. Facilities Bldg# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes 1 HVAC 2025 $ 30,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 1 Parking lot seal 2025 $ 15,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 1 Random improvements 2025 $ 5,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 2 New A/C 2025 $ 30,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 3 Remodel basement Completed 3 Ceiling tile 2025 $ 7,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 3 Heat pump 2025 $ 25,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 3 New roof 2025 $ 75,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 4 Heat pump 2025 $ 25,000.00 Yes 29 years old;Funding source-REET 4 New roof 2024 $ 30,000.00 Yes Requested quote;Funding source-ARPA 4 Random improvements 2025 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 5 Random improvements 2025 $ 10,000.00 No Funding source-REET 5 Fix ramps 2024 $ 2,500.00 Yes Completed in June 2024;Funding source-ARPA 6 Remodel for training rooms 2025 $ 25,000.00 Yes When Therapeutic Court is out;Funding source-REET 6 Fix ramps 7/1/2024 $ 2,500.00 Yes Funding source-ARPA 7 Random improvements 2025 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 8 Upgrade space 2024 $ 5,000.00 Yes As soon as scanning is done and PH relocates;Funding source-REET 8 Replace windows 2025 $ 40,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 8 Insulate roof 2025 $ 15,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 9 Random improvements 2025 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 10 Finish phase 2 2024/2025 $ 2,000,000.00 Yes Facilities is ready to begin;Funding source-REET 11 Remove the rest of the Bentonite 10/1/2024 $ 20,000.00 Yes Funding source-ARPA 11 New gutters 2025 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 12 Roof 2025 $ 50,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 12 Garage doors 2025 $ 7,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 13 Remodel for Public Health 2024 Courthouse Remodel 2025 $ 1,000,000.00 Yes As soon as bldg 10 is done;Funding source-REET Sheriff's HVAC 2025 $ 80,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET Newwindows 2025 $ 30,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET New roof 2024 $ 50,000.00 Yes Getting quote;Funding source-ARPA M-H Refinish floors 2024 $ 7,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET Remodel restrooms 2024 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET Remodel kitchen 2024 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET Juvy Random improvements 2025 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET Redo ramps 2024 $ 7,000.00 Yes ARPA money will be completed by July 1,2024;Funding source-REET Jail Paint interior 2025 $ 50,000.00 Yes Waiting on Jail study;Funding source-REET Outside fence 2025 $ 15,000.00 Yes Waiting on Jail study;Funding source-REET B Sheriff's Random improvements 2025 $ 25,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET Information Technology Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes 2024 Computer Upgrades(78 Computers) 9/1/2024 Yes First batch of 40 completed Improve internal communications with departments Ongoing Tech tips and development of intranet Migration server room from Bldg 3 to Bldg 10 Ongoing Minimal Cost,Operational-slowly moving systems as time allows Continue Developing IT Policies Ongoing Document Current Procedures-in progress Computer Management System optimization Ongoing The system has been proven useful,the more we customize it the better it gets Building 10 District Court Move Waiting on buildout;Funding source-REET Public Health buildings Relocating Public Health to Bid 13(Kati Court)and reconfigure space in Bid 8-basic IT items ordered network change over/Belfair treatment plant Once upgrades are completed the network will be tied into the main county network Cybersecurity Ongoing Albert Sensor,KnowBe4(Risk Pool pays for 1/2),MFA,SonicWall,WAZUH software Website upgrade 2024/2025 $ 87,000.00 Yes Migration will take a lot of time in logistics and communication;approval on 7/2/24 agenda Migrate to cloud exchange/email We will be migrating all users email to the cloud Migrate computers to cloud domain 2025 We will be overhauling how our computer system functions to take advantage of Microsoft 365 Audit/Plan Network Switch Replacement 2024/2025 Yes 9 switches upgraded this year,next year will be another 9 Parks&Trails Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes RV Cover for Park Host-Mason Lake $ 17,500.00 Yes Needs excavation work to enlarge area;complete when caretaker position is vacant;Funding source-REET 2 Foothills Dog Park Completed $ 20,000.00 Yes Completed;installed 2 dog fountains in 2024;Funding source-REET 2 and donations Foothills New Gate Winter 2024 $ 2,500.00 Funding source-REET 2 MCRA Shop Lean To Fall 2024 $ 10,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 2 MCRA Paint Batting Cages Spring 2025 $ 3,000.00 Funding source-REET 2 MCRA New Doors at Storage Building Fall 2024 $ 2,500.00 Funding source-REET 2 MCRA Replace Walkway to Fields 1,2,3 Fall 2024 $ 15,000.00 Funding source-REET 2 Play Toy Bark Completed $ 4,500.00 Yes Funding source-REET 2 Playground Equipment-Sandhill Completed $ 75,000.00 Yes Completed in 2024;Funding source-REET 2 Gang Mower Completed $ 30,000.00 Yes Purchased in 2024;Funding source-REET 2 Painting restroom interiors at various parks Winter 2024 Yes Funding source-REET 2 Latimer's Landing new asphalt parking lot 2024 $ 25,000.00 Yes Scheduling with Public Works to complete in September 2024-Funding source-REET 2 Latimer's Float Repair 2024 $ 10,000.00 Yes Scheduled to complete repair in October 2024-Marine Floats;Funding source-REET 2 Wood Chipper Completed $ 25,000.00 Purchased June 2024;Funding source-ARPA Mason Lake New Roof 2025 $ 15,000.00 Funding source-REET 2 Paint/Repairs to Union Park Restrooms Completed $ 1,000.00 Yes Funding source-REET 2 Walker Park Move Fence Back From Bank 2024 $ 2,000.00 Walker Park Shelter Remodel/Replacement 2025 $10,000- Funding source-REET 2 60,000 Truman Glick Paint Cook Shelter 2025 $ 2,500.00 Funding source-REET 2 Community Development Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes Monthly Reports More accurate and graphed to show trends and patterns Scanning Project approximately 5 tons(10,OOOlbs)paper alone removed in 1.5 years.Plus weight of filing cabinets,metal(staples and paperclips). Long Range Planning 2025-45 Comprehensive Plan in progress.Capital Facilities Plan approved Short-Term Rentals Held two workshops w/BOCC,PAC held workshop in June with draft regulations 2021 IBC Code Implemented,adjusting to new Energy Code requirements.No lingering impacts to Manufactured housing.Held meeting with OMB and Builders First Source to discuss new code changes and processes Land Division Planner Luke Viscusi took over for Michael MacSems.Trained with Michael for several months prior to his departure Garages are live on portal for online applications.Have developed process for all online review and are currently testing it with garages. SmartGov Working with some contractors and members of the public to be guinea pigs and help us find improvements.Several other permits are ready to go live once the process is well established.Inspectors have tablets to enter corrections in the field in real time Human Resources Priority# Item Timeline Cost Budgeted Notes Complete 2024 contracts before expiration In Progress One contract open Research total compensation packages New Advertising relocation/moving expenses and tuition assistance;Compensation is within+/-of comparable agencies Work with hiring managers to implement total compensation New practices when possible Conduct 2024 Non-Rep Class/Comp study 9/1/2024 2024 Non-Rep Class/Comp study position reviews Utilize NEOGov for statistical updates and key performance indicators(KPIs) Ongoing Time to fill continuous postings:29 days;Time to fill non-continuous postings:32 days;Average of 10-14 applicants per recruitment; New hire onboarding process New Increase recruitment presence in the community and at regional In Progress Attended 6 recruitment events;Conducted Application workshop in partnership with Worksource events Increase recruitment presence on social media and identify new New talent pipelines Implement Legal and Effective Interviewing training for In Progress recruitment panels Identify ways to decrease barriers throughout the recruitment In Progress Working with Sheriff's Office to potentially move PST to NEOGOV process Implement leadership development curriculum In Progress 17 courses offered;74%attendance vs.registration rate Improve new employee orientation;add a new New supervisor/manager orientation Implement a Learning Management System(LMS)and expand In Progress Implemented an in-house Learning Management System(LMS);Added 15 additional training courses;In-house LMS does not have the training offerings functionality needed Learn Munis functionality to streamline HR processes In Progress Upon completion of Chart of Accounts,utilize Munis to implement New Waiting on Chart of Accounts position control Conduct employee engagement survey and complete Completed organizational analysis Benefits Fair and training opportunities for employees In Progress Increased engagement with County leadership—Employee Ongoing 1 employee townhall conducted;1 employee townhall scheduled for 3rd quarter Townhalls All staff have development plans,with classes and on-the-job training opportunities(SHRM,LRI,WCIF&BF training,WAPELRA, Completed 100%of HR staff have development/training plans etc.) Staff will identify opportunities for cross-training as well as Ongoing developing skills in major functional areas within HR,as applicable Staff will job shadow employees to understand their work duties Ongoing HR in the field over 30 hours with Corrections,Patrol,Appraisers,Public Works(Roads and Transfer Station),Courthouse;HR in the field and environment over 10 hours with Public Works Evaluate organizational risk more comprehensively In Progress 6 major risks found/mitigated Reasonable Suspicion training and policy In Progress Personnel Policies update Ongoing 1 Policy updated/adopted(Volunteer Policy) Update Risk and Safety Policies In Progress