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BLD2001-00185 - BLD Permit / Conditions - 4/30/2001
MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit Processing/Inspections/Addressing Mason County Bldg.III 426 W.Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton,WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Belfair (360) 275-4467 Elma (360) 482-5269 Seattle (206) 464-6968 April 30, 2001 Allyn True Value ' P. O. Box 904 Allyn, Washington 98524 Regarding Gordon Zeugner Refund Request After investigating the possibility of a refund on the Zeugner building permit. I have found that all of the work was performed as far as plan review and review from Healthand Planning Departments. I have spoken with Larry and find that both him and Terry have been on the site. If site inspections had been requested they would have been $47.00 each. So really all of the funds for this permit have been expended. I am sending you all of the paperwork back, as a refund is not possible. You could have saved money if you had had a site inspection before applying for the permit. This would have determined what Larry found and you would not have paid State, Health or Planning fee. Also there would not have been a plan review done in the office. This might be something to consider if you find a similar situation. Sorry for the outcome, but I think I did prepare you for it when you discussed it with me. Sincerely, Betty Cochran Bookkeeper Enclosures 4/30/01 Information Summary for Case #: BLD2001-00185 10:14:37 AM Activity Hold Updated Activity Description Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 Disp. Level By Updated BLDA010 Application Received 3/1/01 3/7/01 DONE No Hold KLW 3/7/01 BLDB110 Building Plan Review 317/01 3/19/01 DONE No Hold DLC 3/19/01 proposing to close off one end of garage with oh door.Existing garage is on the propert line. Discuss with BO regarding setback issue.-do BLDB130 Planning Review 3/14/01 3/15/01 DONE No Hold SAL 3/15/01 BLDB135 Addressing 3/7/01 3/8/01 DONE No Hold GMM 3/8/01 BLDB138 Planning Pre-Review 3/8/01 3/14/01 DONE No Hold KLF 3/14/01 BLDB200 Environmental Health Review 3/7/01 3/19/01 DONE No Hold CEW 3/19/01 see condition, need plot map showing df primary/reserve area.3/19/01 garage enclosure only BLDB201 EH More Info Letter 3/8/01 DONE No Hold CEW 3/8/01 1 need a plot map showing your drainfield primary and reserve area and all buildings to scale. If you will be hooking up to the North Bay Sewer,please send my a copy of your right of entry form from the sewer district. I will not need the plot map if you will be hooking up to the sewer. BLDA007 To Belfair When Ready To Iss No Hold DLC 3/19/01 BLDA100 Approved for Issuance 3/22/01 3/22/01 DONE No Hold KS 3/22/01 BLDA500 Issue Building Permit 3/22/01 DONE No Hold KS 3/22/01 BLDA650 Sent to Belfair 3/22/01 DONE No Hold KS 3/22/01 BLDC100 Inspection 4/2/01 4/2/01 DONE No Hold KLW 4/3/01 at right side V in 6"thick,at center 3"thick. BLDC050 Pre-Site Inpection 4/16/01 4/16/01 DONE No Hold LW 4/17/01 INSPECTION REPORT: 1.THE ROOF SYSTEM IS FAILING,THE RAFTERS ARE DEFLECTED TO A POINT IT CAN BE SEEN VISUALLY.ALSO THE ROOF COVERING NEEDS TO BE REPLACED. 2,THERE APPEARS TO BE SOME ROT IN THE STUDS DO TO BUG DAMAGE. 3.THE STUD WALLS ARE NOT FRAMED PER STANDARD FRAMING PRACTICE.THE STUD ONLY EXTEND UP 1/2 OR LESS THE HIEGHT OF THE WALL.THE REST OF THE WALL AREIS DOUBLED UP 2X8'S STACKED 2 AND 3. HIGH WITH JUST STRIPS OF PLYWOOD HOLDING THEM TOGETHER. 4.THE GARAGE HAS NO FOOTING,THE STEM WALL IS SET ON TOP OF THE SLAB. THE BUILDING NEEDS TO BE COMPLETELY FIXED OR TAKEN DOWN. BLDA900 Telephone Call 4/17/01 DONE No Hold LW 4/17/01 1 SPOKE TO TIM CROCKER THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR THE JOB AND LET HIM KNOW ABOUT THE REQUIREMENT TO FIX OR REMOVE THE STRUCTURE. HE STATED THAT HE WOULD CONTACT THE OWNER. BLDA900 Telephone Call 4/17/01 DONE No Hold LW 4/17/01 1 SPOKE TO THE OWNER ABOUT THE GARAGE.I LET HIM KNOW THAT IT NEEDED TO BE REPAIRED OR REMOVED. I ALSO LET HIM KNOW WHAT NEEDED TO BE REPAIRED. I ALSO WENT OVER WITH HIM THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A PERMIT. THAT IF HE DID NOT DO ANY ADDITIONAL FRAMING THAT IF HE JUST FILLED THE EXISITNG HOLE WITH A DOOR THAT NO PERMIT WOULD BE REQUIRED. (219-464-7968) BLDA920 Miscellaneous Action DONE No Hold BLC 4/30/01 Refund was requested, but since two inspectors had been on site for site inspections,which would have been$47.00 each and the applicant only paid$57.05 in permit fees,there will not be any refund. Other fees in schedule are related to other activities,such as Health,Planning,and Reviews. BLDA920 Miscellaneous Action No Hold BLC 4/30/01 4/30/01 Information Summary for Case #: BLD2001-00185 10:14:37 AM Condition Cond. Stat. Changed Updated Code Title Hold Status Changed By Tag Updated By 3020 Owner Responsible 0 Not Met 3/8/01 CEW Owner/builder assumes all responsibility if drainfield/reserve area is encumbered.X 0046 Buffer+Landscaping Requirements 0 Not Met 3/14/01 KLF This application is subject to Buffer and Landscaping requirements as established under Mason County Ordinance 1.03.036.X 4999 Flammable+Combustible Liquids 0 Not Met 3/14/01 KLF The use, handling and storage of hazardous materials or flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons is not allowed without the approval of the Mason County Fire Marshal.X 5019 MCPW Development Requirements 0 Not Met 3/14/01 KLF Provisions for surface/subsurface drainage control must be implemented with new construction or development on site and MUST NOT adversely impact adjacent parcels. Under the requirements of Mason County Stormwater Ordinance,either private ditches and drains will meet requirements of the stormwater ordinance or prior approval will be granted to use an existing utility and drainage easement dedicated for that specific purpose. For further information regarding this ordinance and the REQUIREMENT to obtain an ACCESS PERMIT for the installation/construction of a driveway or access connecting from a Mason County Road, Contact the Mason County Public Works Department prior to construction at Ext 450. For any construction which is proposed to be located within 25'of a Mason County road right of way, it is suggested to contact that office to review future planned work which may affect your project. X 5025 Sideyard Setback 0 Not Met 3114/01 KLF Proposed structure or any portion thereof greater than 30"in height from grade line, must maintain a minimum of 5' setback from all property lines,easements and 10'from all County and State Road right of ways. X 0200 Site Plan 0 Not Met 3/15/01 SAL Approved per dimensions and setbacks on submitted site plan.X 0060 Erosion Protection 0 Not Met 3/15/01 SAL All upland areas disturbed or newly created by construction activities shall be seeded,vegetated or given an equivalent type of erosion protection(silt fencing or straw matting).X 1001 PLANS REQUIRED ON SITE 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC All approved plans are required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is called for and plans are not available on site,then approval will not be granted. In addition,a re-inspection fee in the amount of$47.00 per hour (minimum 1 hour)will be charged and must be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. X 1002 POST ADDRESS 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC In accordance with the Uniform Building Code,all sites shall have approved numbers or addresses located in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property.Mason County Building Department requires that this be completed prior to calling for any site inspections. A re-inspection fee based on rates as adopted by the jurisdiction and the Uniform Building Code will be assessed if the owner and/or contractor fail to post the address on site prior to requesting inspections. X 1005 UNHEATED STRUCTURE 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC This structure is approved as un-heated space. If at any time this building is to be used for anything other than what it is approved for,a change of use permit shall be applied for, reviewed and approved prior to the change. X 5000 U-1 USE ONLY 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC This structure is limited to U-1 use only(private garages,carports,sheds,and agricultural buildings.) Any other use will be in violation of the Uniform Building Code and Mason County Regulations unless a"Change of Use"permit is applied for, reviewed and approved. X 5003 ALL CONSTRUCTION 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC All construction must meet or exceed all local ordinances and the 1997 Uniform Building Code requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Occupancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in permit revocation. X 5030 CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC All changes to"approved"building plans that effect compliance with the Uniform Codes as amended and adopted,or any other Mason County ordinance or regulation,must be reviewed and approved by Mason County prior to construction. X 5045 FIELD CORRECT 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the Uniform Codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Building Inspector shall be made prior to requesting additional inspections. X 5510 Property Lines Not Met 3/19/01 DLC All property lines shall be clearly identified at the time of foundation inspection. X 4/30/01 Information Summary for Case #: BLD2001-00185 10:14:37 AM Condition Cond. Stat. Changed Updated Code Title Hold Status Changed By Tag Updated By 5600 FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by the Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration.The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason County ordinances and building regulations. X 5610 PERMIT EXPIRATION 0 Not Met 3/19/01 DLC All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance,or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may extend the time for action for a period not exceeding 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holder have prevented action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. X Fees Fee Trans. Create Created Type Description Code Revenue Account No. Date By Amt.Due PLCK Plan Check Fee 345.83 3/7/01 KLW $72.31 PLRV Planning Review Fee 369.00 3/15/01 SAL $38.00 EHPR EH Plan Review 346.50.00 3/19/01 CEW $25.00 ADJ Adjust Plan Check Fee 345.83 3/19/01 DLC ($35.23) STFE Building State Fee 386.00.05 3/19/01 DLC $4.50 PRMT Building Permit Fee 322.10 3/19/01 DLC $57.05 Case People Listing Role Type Name/Address Company Name Hold Primary APL GORDON ZEUGNER Y 1805 CHEYENNE CIRCLE VALPARAISO IN 46383 CON ALLYN TRUE VALUE HARDWARE N P.O.BOX 904 ALLYN WA 98524 Tim Crocker at True Value:275-2240 Valuation Multiplier: 1.00 Item Code Grade Code Rate Amount Rate Description Mult. Item Amt Item Val. GARW AV $18.92 Private Garage 83 $1,570.36 Total: $1,570.36 File Edit Options Window Help o0 New Opt To Do QBE FLE Cla�c Edit Proicct GraupAdd Clonc.. Porcct '.'Activity. Pcaplc Fcc.^ Valuation Cordirions CascNotr_c Building Permit -- 1_ 1 I 11 ❑ F Name: GORDON ZEUGNER Updated: 3/19/01 DLC �-er7eral N Address: 4484 E STATE ROUTE 302 BELFAIR Description: Master# BLD2001-00185 Project: Constr. GARAGE Area a € Mobile X Directions to,Site: Plumbing HWY 302 TOWARDS `a'ICTOR Type of Use: ISingle Farnil",11 tdlechanicaJ Type of Work: 14ccessory Shoreline& ' Inspection Area: Setbacks Finaled_ Issued_ /22/01 Fire District: E cpiration: 10I2,01 Received: ,�r(Q1 Total Valuation: $1 ,570.35 Printing Case Summary Report for BLD2001-00185 Start PERMIT-PLAN %. Copyright©1997-1999 Tidemark Computer Systems Inc. 4/30/01 All Rights Reserved. _File Edit 'Ootions Window Help Exit New open To Do _ UBE EEE1T�.:. Clasc Edit Project Group Add Cront Parcci: Activity, Praplc Frto Valuatior, Condition~ Caac Notas" Name: GORDON'ZEUGNER Updated: 3/19/01 DLC General Address: 4484 E STATE ROUTE 302 BELFAIR Deescriptirn: Master# BLD2001-00185 Project: GARAGE Area& Mobile Construction Information Occupancy Information Plumbing No. of Bedrooms: Type of Construction: '"n Mechanics} No, of Bathrooms: � Occupancy Group. u1 No. of Stories: 11 Occupancy Load: shoreline& Setbacks Building Height: 110 Occupancy;Status: jUnknovvn Printing Case Summary Report for BL=01-B131$5 -� tactji&PE4f�IN Copyright©1997-1999 Tidemark Computer Systems Inc. 4/30101 All Rights Reserved. File Edit Options Window Help _ oo Exit Opt- To Do QBE _ EEE ttD close Edit Project Graop Add clone Parcel Activity Peaple Fc<.- Valuation Conditions Case Notcs WBuilldiingPewmit 1 I I 1 1 Bolin Name` GORDON ZEUGMER Updated: 3/19t01 DLC General Address: 4484 E STATE ROUTE 302 BELFAIR Master#IBLD2001-00185 Project: Constr.& Description: occ. GARAGE Area& Mobile Area Information Mobile Horne Info Plumbing Lot Size. SF Make: Mechanical Building: F_ SF Model: Basement: F_ SF Year: Shoreline r Deck: �r SF Length: Setbacks Garage/Carport: SF Width: Other: rernod gar ®SF Serial Number: j Prinking Case Summary Report for BLD2001-00185 A Start Copyright©1997-1999 Tidemark Computer Systems Inc. 4130101 All Rights Reserved. File Edit Options Window Help UBE ToDo (f� EEE ,may �— Clog Edit ProjecS Group Add Clc Parcel Actiyity Ipcoplc Fees 'daluatior, Conditions Case Notem BLD2001-00185 Status ISS MW X Name: GORDON ZEUGNER Updated: 3/19/01 DLC General Address: 4484 E STATE ROUTE 302 BELFAIR Master# BLD2001-00185 Project: Constr.Occ Description: � Occ. GARAGE - Area& Mobile Plumbing Plumbing Fixture Type Quantity Notes Mechanical Shoreline& Setbacks 4 ► Printing Case Summary Report for BLD2001-00185 iMart jI a ''PERMIT PLAN Copyright©1997-1999 Tidemark Computer Systems Inc. 4/30101 All Rights Reserved. File Edit Options 'Window Help EEE �8 ® $ Clow Edit Project Group Add Clonc Parcel Activity Peoplc Fees Valuation C.Dditions Caae Notes Building Permit 1 1I 11 ❑ X Name: GORDON ZEUGNER Updated: 3/19/01 DLG General Address: 4484 E STATE ROUTE 302 BELFAIR Description. Master#JBLD2001-00185 Project_ I Constr.& JGAPAGE Area� Mobile Plumbing Mechanical Fixture Type ( (quantity I Motes tvterharICal Shoreline& Setbacks i Printing Case Summary Report for'BLD2001-00185 ;Start �_� • �] PERMIT PLAN Copyright 0 1997-1999 Tidemark Computer Systems Inc. 4130/01 All Rights Reserved. File Edit Options Window Help oo- - EEL ! I �$ ® $ Closes_. Edit. Project Group Add Clone Poreel Activity People Fern Voluation Conditions Caec Notes 1 1 1 I I ❑ X Name: GORDON ZEUGNER Updated: 3119/01 DLG General Address: 4484 E STATE ROUTE 302 BELFAIR Description: Master# BLD2001.00185 Project: Con�r. p occ. Area& Mobile Plumbing Setback Dir. Feet Shoreline and Planning Info Front: rd"T". — Shoreline Desig.: _• Mechanical Rear: SE T7 Water Body. SEPA?: -trrNne c Side 1; NE 17.r Side 2: FT 5 Comp. Plan Desig.: F:ural � Shoreline Setback: r® Slope Setback: Printing Case Summary Report for BLD2001-00185 ;Start PERMIT-PLAN . Copyright©1997-1999 Tidemark Computer Systems Inc. 4/30/01 All Rights Reserved.