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JARPA - SHX Application - 3/30/2010
------------------------------------- AGENCY USE ONLY 2010 3 ; Date received: US Army Corps WASHINGTON STATE o* "glneert. Joint Aquatic Resources Permit ; Agency reference #: Application (JARPA) Form' Tax Parcel#(s): USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO ENTER ANSWERS IN WHITE SPACES BELOW. :----------------------------------- Part 1—Project Identification 1. Project Name (A name for your project that you create. Examples: Smith's Dock or Seabrook Lane Development) [help] 2 Potlatch Transmission Lines— North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project Part 2—Applicant The person or organization responsible for the project. h[ em 2a. Name (Last, First, Middle)and Organization (if applicable) Leach, Pat—City of Tacoma, Tacoma Public Utilities 2b. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) 3628 South 351h Street 2c. City, State, Zip Tacoma, Washington 98409-3192 2d. Phone(1) 2e. Phone(cell) 2f. Fax 2 . E-mail (253) 502-8122 (253) 307-2454 (253) 396-3085 pleach@cityoftacoma.org Part 3—Authorized Agent or Contact Person authorized to represent the applicant about the project. (Note: Authorized agent(s) must sign 11 b. of this application.) hel 3a. Name (Last, First, Middle) and Organization (if applicable) Swarts, Scott, Alan — David Evans and Associates, Inc. 3b. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) 415— 118th Avenue SE `Additional forms may be required for the following permits: • If your project may qualify for Department of the Army authorization through a Regional General Permit(RGP),contact the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers for application information(206)764-3495. • If your project might affect species listed under the Endangered Species Act,you will need to fill out a Specific Project Information Form(SPIF)or prepare a Biological Evaluation. Forms can be found at http://www.nws.usace.army.mil/PublicMenu/Menu.cfm?sitename=REG&pagename=mainpage_ESA • If you are applying for an Aquatic Resources Use Authorization you will need to fill out and submit an Application for Authorization to Use State- Owned Aquatic Lands form to DNR,which can be found at http://vvww.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/agr_use_auth_app.doc • Not all cities and counties accept the JARPA for their local Shoreline permits.If you think you will need a Shoreline permit,contact the appropriate city or county government to make sure they will accept the JARPA. ZTo access an online JARPA form with[help]screens,go to http://www.epermitting.wa.gov/site/alias resourcecenter/jarpa_jarpa_form/9984/jarpa_form.aspx. For other help,contact the Governor's Office of Regulatory Assistance at 1-800-917-0043 or help@ora.wa.gov. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 1 of 19 3c. City, State, Zip Bellevue, WA 98005-3518 3d. Phone(1) 3e. Phone(front desk) 3f. Fax 3 . E-mail (425) 519-6593 (425) 519-6500 (425) 519-5361 sasw@deainc.com Part 4—Property Owner(s) Contact information for people or organizations owning the property(ies) where the project will occur. of m ® Same as applicant. (Skip to Part 5.) ® Repair or maintenance activities on existing rights-of-way or easements. (Skip to Part 5.) ❑ There are multiple property owners. Complete the section below and fill out JARPA Attachment A for each additional property owner. 4a. Name (Last, First, Middle)and Organization (if applicable) 4b. Mailing Address (street or PO Box) 4c. City, State, Zip 4d. Phone(1) 4e. Phone(2) 4f. Fax 4 . E-mail Part 5—Project Location(s) Identifying information about the property or properties where the project will occur. hel ❑ There are multiple project locations (e.g., linear projects). Complete the section below and use JARPA Attachment B for each additional project location. 5a. Indicate the type of ownership of the property. (Check all that apply.) of elpl ® State Owned Aquatic Land (If yes or maybe, contact the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)at(360)902-1100) ❑ Federal ® Other publicly owned (state, county, city, special districts like schools, ports, etc.) ❑ Tribal ❑ Private 5b. Street Address (Cannot be a PO Box. If there is no address, provide other location information in 5p.) h[ elPl One mile of existing transmission line corridor where it crosses North Bay— northern tip of Case Inlet. 5c. City, State, Zip(If the project is not in a city or town, provide the name of the nearest city or town.) [help] Near: Allyn, Washington, 98524 (see Figures 1 and 2) 5d. County [help] Mason JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 2 of 19 5e. Provide the section, township, and range for the project location. h[ elpl '/e Section Section Township Range 16 and 17 22 North 01 West 5f. Provide the latitude and longitude of the project location. [help] • Example:47.03922 N lat./-122.89142 W long. (NAD 83) Center of line in middle of North Bay: 47.39016 N lat. /-122.81862 W long (NAD 83) 5g. List the tax parcel number(s) for the project location. hel • The local county assessor's office can provide this information. All parcels within existing transmission line easement/corridor. 122163280310 = existing marine towers. 122162222222 = proposed marine tower. • 122167590033 = east side of bay proposed upland towers. • 122174360010 = west side of bay proposed upland towers and stringing site. • 122167500020 = east side of bay within easement. 122167500010 = east side of bay within easement—stringing site. 5h. Contact information for all adjoining property owners. (If you need more space, use JARPA Attachment C.) [help] Name Mailing Address Tax Parcel # (if known) Please see Attachment C. 5i. List all wetlands on or adjacent to the project location. h[ elpl North Bay is defined as an estuarine wetland, and a palustrine wetland (Wetland A) occurs on the east side of the bay between State Route 302 and North Bay. 5j. List all waterbodies (other than wetlands) on or adjacent to the project location. nel North Bay 5k. Is any part of the project area within a 100-year flood plain? [help] ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Don't know JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 3 of 19 51. Briefly describe the vegetation and habitat conditions on the property. heM The predominance of the transmission line corridor is maintained in that trees are precluded from becoming established. Vegetation and habitat conditions are variable and can be segmented into three general categories: uplands, Wetland A, and marine/estuarine. Site photographs are contained in Figure 5. Uplands: The upland vegetation under the transmission line is maintained and for the most part void of trees and shrubs. Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) is prevalent on the east side of North Bay, while various grasses and weeds dominate the west side of North Bay. Outside of the transmission line corridor, Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesi/), red alder, and big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) are the most prevalent species, but some madrone (Arbutus menziesi/), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), and non-native/ornamental trees are also present. Other upland species present adjacent to the transmission line include Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta), oceanspray(Holodiscus discolor), salal (Gaultheria shallon), red huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum), sword fern (Polystichum munitum), and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum). Wetland A: Wetland A consists of palustrine emergent, palustrine forest, and emergent classes. The vegetation in Wetland A is variable due to different levels of disturbance. Trees are not permitted under the transmission lines, so they are periodically cleared. The overall dominant species in Wetland A is slough sedge (Carex obnupta). The dominant tree outside the transmission line corridor is red alder(Alnus rubra). Shrubs such as red osier dogwood (Corpus stolonifera), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), and rose (Rosa nutkana) are present, but generally sparse. Other species noted include cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), poplar, giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), soft rush (Juncus effusus), small-fruited bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus), lady fern (Athyrium Mix-femina), and sword fern (Polystichum munitum). Several non-native species are also present, including Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea). Vegetation on the fill material associated with the structures to be removed consists of reed canarygrass, soft rush, Himalayan blackberry, cleavers bedstraw (Galium aparine), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), moss, and other unidentified grasses and weeds. Marine/Estuarine: Tidelands in the project vicinity are used extensively for commercial shellfish operations along the western shoreline and recreational harvest along the eastern shoreline. The substrate along the upper shoreline is dominated by cobble and gravel where sloped, but once the topography becomes flatter, the substrate is dominated by sand and silt. Aquatic vegetation along the upper tide line consists primarily of pickleweed (Salicornia virginica), Lyngbye's sedge (Carex lyngbye►), and rockweed (Fucus gardnen). There are commercial oyster beds along the west side of the bay, and the surface is scattered with Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and the shells of cockles (Clinocardium nuttalli/), butter clams (Saxidomus giganteus), manila clams (Tapes philippinarum), snails, horse clams (Tresus capax), bent-nose clams (Macoma nasuta), blue mussels (Mytilus edulus), and a few sand dollars (Dendraster excentricus) and moon snail (Polinices lewisi/) egg cases. Acorn barnacles (Balanus glandula) encrust most of the rocks and shells. Aquatic vegetation is generally sparse, but sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrate) is the dominant species, with smaller amounts of both brown and green filamentous algae, and laminaria (Laminaria saccharina) that probably washed up on the mud flats from deeper waters. The presence of sea lettuce is likely seasonal and it may become very abundant during the summer months. No eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds were observed during the site visits. The shells of a few Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister), as well as a couple of live sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus), were observed. 5m. Describe how the property is currently used. h[ eM The property is an existing transmission line corridor that has been used to transmit electricity from Cushman Dam to the City of Tacoma since 1926. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 4 of 19 L 5n. Describe how the adjacent properties are currently used. [heipi The predominance of adjacent properties consists of forested parcels intermixed with single-family residences. Planned developments become more prevalent on the west side of North Bay in the vicinity of Allyn and the Lakeland Village Golf Course. A public Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) beach access site is located on the east side of the bay immediately north of the transmission line corridor. 5o. Describe the structures (above and below ground) on the property, including their purpose(s). b[ elP Structures are generally limited to transmission towers, which consist of lattice steel and wooden H-frame structures. 5p. Provide driving directions from the closest highway to the project location, and attach a map. [help] From Interstate-5 in Tacoma, merge onto State Route (SR) 16 toward Gig Harbor/Bremerton (13.7 miles). Just past Gig Harbor, merge onto Purdy Drive NW/SR 16 West toward Purdy/Key Center (1.3 miles). Turn left onto SR 302/Gig Harbor-Longbranch Highway (5.2 miles). Take a slight right onto SR 302/Elgin Clifton Road N (5.6 miles). SR 302 becomes East SR 302. You are now traveling north along the east side of Case Inlet/North Bay and should see the overhead transmission lines and two towers along the left/west sides of the road when crossing under the wires. Parking is available at a WDFW beach access parking lot immediately north of the towers. To reach the project area on the west side of North Bay near Allyn, continue north on East SR 302, which will circle around the northern edge of North Bay. Once you have gone around the northern tip of North Bay you will be traveling south toward Allyn. The road changes to E. North Bay Road. Again, you should see the overhead wires. Continue south towards Allyn, but where E. North Bay Road intersects with SR 3, turn right/north. You will again see the overhead wires. Pull off the road at the existing side road on the right to review the existing structures to be removed, or continue up the road a hundred feet to a pull-off on the left to visit the area where the new structures are proposed. Part 6-Project Description 6a. Summarize the overall project. You can provide more detail in 6d. [be The project involves installing one new, approximately 170-foot-tall tubular steel tower at mid-bay to carry both circuits on davit arms. The two existing pairs of structures (four towers total) in the bay will be removed and replaced with this new taller, but narrower tower. This will reduce the in-water footprint by approximately 75 percent. A pair of tangent structures on each side of the bay will also be replaced with new structures. In summary, four towers in North Bay will be removed and replaced by a taller, single tower. The two existing upland towers on each side of the bay will also be removed, and replaced with new towers further up or further away from North Bay. All new upland towers will be constructed farther than 200 feet from the shoreline and, therefore, out of shoreline jurisdiction. No critical areas exist where the new upland structures are proposed to be constructed. Figure 6 includes design drawings. 6b. Indicate the project category. (check all that apply) [help] ❑ Commercial ❑ Residential ❑ Institutional ❑ Transportation ❑ Recreational ® Maintenance ❑ Environmental Enhancement JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 5 of 19 6c. Indicate the major elements of your project. (Check all that apply) [help] ❑ Aquaculture ❑ Culvert ❑ Float ❑ Road ❑ Bank Stabilization ❑ Dam/Weir ❑ Geotechnical Survey ❑ Scientific ❑ Boat House ❑ Dike / Levee /Jetty ® Land Clearing Measurement Device ❑ Boat Launch ❑ Ditch ❑ Marina / Moorage ❑ Stairs ❑ Boat Lift ❑ Dock/ Pier ❑ Mining ❑ Stormwater facility ❑ Bridge ❑ Dredging ❑ Outfall Structure ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Bulkhead ❑ Fence ® Piling ® Utility Line ❑ Buoy ❑ Ferry Terminal ❑ Retaining Wall ❑ Channel Modification ❑ Fishway (upland) ® Other: Demolition of existing towers and construction of new towers. 6d. Describe how you plan to construct each project element checked in 6c. Include specific construction methods and equipment to be used. [help] • Identify where each element will occur in relation to the nearest waterbody. • Indicate which activities are within the 100-year flood plain. The project includes three primary construction tasks, including: 1) construction of new structures, 2) string transmission conductor onto new towers, and 3) removal of old structures (see Figures 3 and 5). Because at least one circuit must remain energized at all times, construction tasks will be phased to replace one circuit at a time. Construction phasing will consist of the following primary sequences: • Site development and construction of upland foundations and structures (both sides) • Construction of aquatic foundation and temporary structures • Removal of first existing circuit and towers • Erection of new mid-bay tower • Installation of new first circuit conductors • Removal of second existing circuit and towers • Installation of new second circuit conductors • Removal of temporary structures and old foundations The general location of the existing and proposed structures, and the stringing sites, is depicted in Figures 3 and 4. The three primary construction tasks are described below. Construction of New Structures Construction of new structures consists of two distinct elements, including upland structures and aquatic structures. The process involved with constructing upland versus aquatic structures is very different and will be described separately below. Upland Structures The project includes the construction of four new upland structures, two on the east side and two on the west side of North Bay. The structures will be anchored and guyed to resist conductor dead-end loading. Buried anchors will be installed approximately 70 feet upland from the structure foundations. Guy wires will be installed between the top of the tower and the anchors. Equipment staging for the upland structures will occur in the immediate vicinity of each new structure. Construction of the new upland structures includes site preparation, foundation and anchor installation, and tower assembly and erection. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 6 of 19 L Prior to foundation installation, a working pad will be constructed. This involves clearing existing vegetation and debris, grading the ground, and then laying down an approximately 8-inch-thick layer of quarry spalls that will form the construction working pad. Each structure requires an approximately 100- by 100-foot working pad, which is used to maneuver equipment and materials and for general parking; and temporary storage of construction equipment, structure components, and general supplies. The working pads (one on each side of the bay) will be within the existing right-of-way. Each upland structure on the west side will be supported by three concrete drilled shaft foundations approximately 5 to 6 feet in diameter and approximately 20 feet deep. Each upland structure on the east side will be supported by one concrete foundation approximately of the same dimensions. Each shaft will require approximately 20 cubic yards of excavation and a similar amount of concrete fill. After the foundations are installed and cured, a crane will be used to position each approximately 70-to 100-foot-tall steel tower in place. It will take approximately three weeks to develop the site and construct the upland foundations and anchors on each side of the bay. It will take approximately four days to assemble and erect each tower. The overall project area footprint for upland construction is approximately 1.6 acres. Equipment: • Bull dozer • Equipment trailers • Down-hole auger • Dump trucks • Concrete trucks • Crane • Bucket trucks Aquatic Structures Construction of the new structure in North Bay will be performed from an approximately 175-foot-long barge. The barge will include a crane; deck space for storage; and assembly of structure components, generators, and miscellaneous project equipment. The typical dimension of a barge is 175 feet by 35 feet by 11 feet. This is the largest potential size of barge to be used for construction and the actual barge used may be smaller. The size of barge to be used will be based on the contractor. By design, barges are shallow-draft vessels. The new tower will be supported by four steel piles filled with concrete. Each pile will be 30 inches in diameter and will extend 20 to 25 feet above the mud line. Each pile will be installed with a D-80 or D-100 impact hammer. The piles will have approximately eight cubic yards of sediment removed from within each pile. Once the four piles are installed and filled with concrete, a tower pad is attached to the top of the piles. The lower edge of the tower pad will be at an elevation of 18 feet (NAVD88 datum), so it is 4 feet above the mean higher high water elevation. The concrete tower pad will be cast in place. Temporary aquatic structures are also anticipated to hold the existing conductors out of the way during construction of the new bay structures and for purposes of a temporary platform. The poles used to hold the existing conductors out of the way could consist of up to six approximately 24-inch diameter by 90-foot-long wood or steel poles driven approximately 15 feet below the mud line and reinforced with down guys attached to two large concrete blocks set on the bay bottom. The temporary platform would likely be held stationary by four steel piles up to 30 inches in diameter. The maximum number of piles proposed for marine construction is 16. This includes four permanent piles for the new structure, and up to 12 temporary piles. All piles will be installed with an impact hammer and will utilize a bubble curtain and pile cushion. For purposes of planning it is assumed the contractor will be able to install a minimum of one pile per day. It only takes approximately two hours to actually drive the pile, but several hours are required for set-up. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 7 of 19 Equipment: • Barge with crane or derrick • A temporary platform or jack-up barge may be used • Tug boat • Equipment/Supply barges • Skiffs String New Transmission Conductor Wire setups will be required on each side of the bay, a few hundred feet upland from the new upland structures. One side will include a wire tensioner and reel stands, while the other side will include a wire puller and reel winder. Each site will require approximately a 100- by 100-foot clearing to set up for both circuits. Clearings already exist under the transmission line corridor. The existing conductor will be cut and allowed to drop into the bay and then reeled up onto spools for disposal. A pilot wire will then be strung by boat or helicopter between the new towers. The pilot wire will be used to pull in the new conductor. The wires and conductors will be pulled through sheaves installed at each tower. Once the new conductor is strung across the bay, it will be dead-ended to the upland tower on one side, pulled up to meet the required sag and tension, and then dead-ended to the upland tower on the other side. The conductor will then be clipped in (permanently attached) to the mid-bay tower. For each circuit, it will take approximately ten days to establish wire setups, remove the old conductors and sag, and dead-end and clip the new conductors. Equipment: • Flat-bed trucks • Equipment trailers • Bucket trucks Removal of Old Structures Removal of the old upland towers will be accomplished by a crane and excavator. The excavator will have a demolition boom installed with a hydraulic shear cutter at the end. The existing tower leg members will be sheared such that the crane can lower the lattice tower sections to the ground. The lattice sections will then be further demolished on the ground or hauled in large sections to a salvage yard. Existing concrete pedestals will be removed to below grade. It will take approximately one week to remove each upland structure. Existing aquatic towers will be disassembled in a similar manner as the upland towers, except the crane and excavator will be mounted on barges. Existing aquatic foundations consist of three wood piles per leg (12 per tower) tied together with concrete caps and a concrete frame. The concrete will be cut and removed in sections; the wood piles will be withdrawn from the bay subsurface using similar equipment required to drive the piles for the new aquatic structure. The existing wooden piles are not treated with creosote, but are what are called "barkies" (limbed trees with intact bark driven into substrate as-is). It will take approximately one week to remove each aquatic tower and two weeks to remove each aquatic foundation. All removed tower and foundation materials will be disposed of offsite. Proper care will be taken in handling and disposing of the lead-based painted towers. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 8 of 19 6e. What are the start and end dates for project construction? (month/year) hel • If the project will be constructed in phases or stages, use JARPA Attachment D to list the start and end dates of each phase or stage. Start date: June 2013 End date: March 2014 ❑ See JARPA Attachment D Proposed Construction Schedule Task Start Date End Date Duration Site Development 6/13/13 7/9/13 20 days Land Foundations&Anchors 7/10/13 8/8/13 22 days Erect Line 1 (Northern Circuit)Land Structures 8/28/13 9/5/13 7 days Erect Line 2(Southern Circuit)Land Structures 9/6/13 9/16/13 7 days Install Temporary Bay Structures 1/3/14 1/10/14 6 days Tag Off Line 1 (1 day outage) 1/16/14 1/17/14 2 days Tag Off Line 2(1 day outage) 1/20/14 1/21/14 2 days Marine Foundations 1/21/14 3/14/14 39 days De-Energize Line 2 5/27/14 5/28/14 2 days Move Line 2 from Temporary Structure to New Foundation 5/28/14 5/29/14 2 days Erect Pre-Assembled Bay Tower 6/2/14 6/6/14 5 days Remove Line 2 Conductors 6/9/14 6/13/14 5 days Demolish Upland and Marine Line 2 Towers(4 Total) 6/16/14 6/20/14 5 days String/Sag Line 2 Conductors 6/23/14 6/30/14 6 days Energize Line 2 7/1/14 7/2/14 2 days De-Energize Line 1 Conductors 7/7/14 7/8/14 2 days Remove Line 1 Conductors 7/8/14 7/14/14 5 days Demolish Upland and Marine Line 1 Towers(4 Total) 7/15/14 7/22/14 6 days String/Sag Line 1 Conductors 7/23/14 7/30/14 6 days Energize Line 1 7/31/14 8/1/14 2 days Demolish Old Marine Foundations and Temporary 8/4/14 8/29/14 20 days Structures 6f. Describe the purpose of the project and why you want or need to perform it. [ham] Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) is proposing to rebuild a segment of the Potlatch Transmission Line where it crosses North Bay. At least one of the four existing 120-foot-tall steel lattice towers in North Bay is leaning, and all four are deteriorating and in need of seismic upgrade. The double circuit, 110kV Potlatch Transmission Line was originally constructed in 1925 to transmit electricity generated at Cushman Dam to the City of Tacoma. Cushman Dam No. 1 is a hydroelectric dam on the North Fork of the Skokomish River in Mason County that forms Lake Cushman. It was built from 1924 to 1926. Two 21,600-kilowatt generators provide 127 million kilowatt-hours annually to the Tacoma Power system. The transmission of electricity to Tacoma, over lines crossing North Bay, Henderson Bay, and the Tacoma Narrows, was activated on March 23, 1926. A second, smaller dam, Cushman Dam No. 2, was completed in December 1930. 6g. Fair market value of the project, including materials, labor, machine rentals, etc. h� elgl 4.5 million. 6h. Will any portion of the project receive federal funding? [help] • If yes, list each agency providing funds. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Don't know JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 9 of 19 Part 7—Wetlands: Impacts and Mitigation ® Check here if there are wetlands or wetland buffers on or adjacent to the project area. (If there are none, skip to Part 8.)[help] 7a. Describe how the project has been designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to wetlands. [help] ❑ Not applicable A primary factor in the proposed layout of the new structures was reducing the structure footprint in North Bay and moving existing upland towers further upland and outside of shoreline jurisdiction. Project biologists and engineers conducted multiple site visits of the project area to first identify wetlands in the project area and then delineate Wetland A and the ordinary high water mark of North Bay on the east side of the bay. 7b. Will the project impact wetlands? h[ eM ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Don't know 7c. Will the project impact wetland buffers? [help] ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Don't know 7d. Has a wetland delineation report been prepared? [help] • If yes, submit the report, including data sheets,with the JARPA package. ® Yes ❑ No 7e. Have the wetlands been rated using the Western Washington or Eastern Washington Wetland Rating System? [help] • if yes, submit the wetland rating forms and figures with the JARPA package. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Don't know 7f. Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for any adverse impacts to wetlands? [helps • if yes, submit the plan with the JARPA package and answer 7g. • If No,or Not applicable,explain below why a mitigation plan should not be required. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not applicable 7g. Summarize what the mitigation plan is meant to accomplish, and describe how a watershed approach was used to design the plan. [hel The mitigation plan will increase native plant density and diversity by installing red osier dogwood and Nootka rose in the area temporarily disturbed when demolishing the towers on the east side of North Bay. The area to be disturbed around the existing towers is dominated by non-native species. Therefore, the mitigation plan will result in an overall improvement of wildlife habitat function. Since the towers are immediately adjacent to SR 302, adding a shrub component will also help buffer the remainder of the wetland from traffic-related disturbance associated with SR 302. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 10 of 19 7h. Use the table below to list the type and rating of each wetland impacted; the extent and duration of the impact; and the type and amount of mitigation proposed. Or if you are submitting a mitigation plan with a similar table, you can state (below) where we can find this information in the plan. [help] Activity (fill, Wetland Wetland Impact Duration Proposed Wetland drain, excavate, Name' type and area (sq. of impact3 mitigation mitigation area flood, etc.) rating ft. or type' (sq. ft. or category2 Acres) acres) Excavation of A Cat. III 1,367 SF < 1 week E 1,367 SF tower pads and PEM/PFO grading spoils for tower removal Excavation and fill A Cat. 111 1,188 SF < 1 week E 1,188 SF for crane pad PEM/PFO Total 2,555 SF 2,555 SF If no official name for the wetland exists,create a unique name(such as"Wetland 1"). The name should be consistent with other project documents,such as a wetland delineation report. z Ecology wetland category based on current Western Washington or Eastern Washington Wetland Rating System.Provide the wetland rating forms with the JARPA package. 'Indicate the days,months or years the wetland will be measurably impacted by the activity.Enter"permanent'if applicable. "Creation(C),Re-establishment/Rehabilitation(R),Enhancement(E),Preservation(P), Mitigation Bank/In-lieu fee(B) Page number(s) for similar information in the mitigation plan, if available: 7i. For all filling activities identified in 7h., describe the source and nature of the fill material, the amount in cubic yards that will be used, and how and where it will be placed into the wetland. [IjeIP] Excavation of tower pads will consist of removing eight 18-inch diameter concrete tower pads (4 per tower). Concrete will be removed from the site and disposed of by the contractor. Spoils generated during excavation of the tower pads and disturbed top soils will be graded level. Disturbed soils are historic fill material. The area excavated for the crane pad will be filled with 12 inches of crushed surfacing base course per WSDOT standard specification 9-03.9(1), which will be underlain with geotextile fabric. Once the towers are removed, this fill material will be excavated and backfilled with a mixture of 50 percent native soil and 50 percent coarse compost mulch, and scarified prior to installation of native vegetation. Please refer to the mitigation drawings for additional details (see Figure 6 —Sheets 11 and 14). 7j. For all excavating activities identified in 7h., describe the excavation method, type and amount of material in cubic yards you will remove, and where the material will be disposed. [[IeIp) Excavation will be accomplished with an excavator. Approximately 44 cubic yards of material will be excavated from Wetland A for construction of the crane pad. Crane pad fill will be removed after construction and disposed of by contractor. The location of disposal is unknown at present. Part 8—Waterbodies (other than wetlands): Impacts and Mitigation In Part 8, "waterbodies" refers to non-wetland waterbodies. (See Part 7 for information related to wetlands.) n[ eM ® Check here if there are waterbodies on or adjacent to the project area. (If there are none, skip to Part 9.) 8a. Describe how the project is designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to the aquatic environment. [help] ❑ Not applicable JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 11 of 19 There are currently four marine towers in North Bay. One of the project goals was to reduce the number of towers in North Bay. This was accomplished by consolidating all six wires from the double circuit onto one tower in the middle of the bay. This action would result in an approximate 75 percent reduction in overwater footprint of marine towers in North Bay. In order to reduce and contain sediment suspended during the removal of existing marine structures and installation of the new structure, and to reduce potential impacts to fish, wildlife, or their habitats, the following impact minimization measures will be implemented: 1: An aquatic silt curtain will be installed around each structure during construction. 2: All in-water work must comply with the appropriate work windows as agreed upon by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and WDFW. 3: A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan and Stormwater Site Plan will be developed and implemented. The Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the plans will be used to control sediments generated from all vegetation removal or ground-disturbing activities. 4: No contractor staging areas will be allowed within 200 feet of any potential wetland, stream, river, or drainage as identified by a qualified biologist unless a site-specific review completed by the project biologist indicates that no impacts to the sensitive resource areas will occur due to topography or other factors. 5: A Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan will be developed to ensure that all pollutants and products will be controlled and contained. 6: Fully stocked spill kits will be present on the barge. 7: A containment basin will be used on the barge for temporary storage of piles extracted or removed during the demolition process. 8: All debris accumulated on the deck of the barge during construction will be contained and restricted from entering marine waters. 9: Lead paint on the existing towers will not be allowed to enter marine waters. 10: Existing piles/legs will be cut at least two feet below the mud line. 11: Hydraulic water jets will not be used to clear mud from around the existing piles/legs. 12: Temporary marine piles/structures will not be treated with creosote or pentachlorophenol. 13: A wood or micarta hammer cushion (or equivalent) will be placed on top of each pile to reduce sound attenuation during installation. 14: A contained air bubble curtain will be used during installation of all aquatic piles to reduce underwater sound attenuation during installation. Additional impact minimization measures will be stipulated by the regulatory agencies. TPU will assign an inspector to assure all conservation measures (CMs) outlined above, and those stipulated by the regulatory authorities, are implemented. 8b. Will your project impact a waterbody or the area around a waterbody? heI ® Yes ❑ No 8c. Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for the project's adverse impacts to non-wetland waterbodies? [help] • If yes, submit the plan with the JARPA package and answer 8d. • If No,or Not applicable,explain below why a mitigation plan should not be required. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Not applicable All impacts to North Bay will be temporary and localized. The project will result in a long-term improvement by reducing the number of towers. 8d. Summarize what the mitigation plan is meant to accomplish. Describe how a watershed approach was used to design the plan. • If you already completed 7g., you do not need to restate your answer here. hl elpl No mitigation is proposed for actions in North Bay since the project reduces permanent impacts. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 12 of 19 8e. Summarize impact(s) to each waterbody in the table below. [heipi Activity (clear, Waterbody Impact Duration of Amount of Area (sq. ft. or dredge, fill, pile name' location impact3 material to be linear ft.) of drive, etc.) placed in or waterbody removed from directly affected waterbody Install four 30-inch North Bay North Bay Four days to Four 30-inch Displaces 2.2 piles for new tower. install diameter piles yards2 of substrate (-1 per day)- Permanent Install up to 12 North Bay North Bay 12 days (- 1 per Maximum 12 piles Displaces a temporary piles. day) to install but maximum 26.4 would remain for yards2 up to 8 months Remove 16 tower North Bay North Bay Three months Makes available 12.6 2,500 square feet. legs (4 per yards2 of substrate Assumes an area foundation/tower). of 625 square feet Each leg is or 25- x 25-foot composed of 3 area of temporary piles, for a total of disturbance per 48 piles removed. foundation If no official name for the waterbody exists,create a unique name(such as"Stream 1")The name should be consistent with other documents provided. Z Indicate whether the impact will occur in or adjacent to the waterbody. If adjacent,provide the distance between the impact and the waterbody and indicate whether the impact will occur within the 100-year flood plain. 3 Indicate the days,months or years the waterbody will be measurably impacted by the work. Enter"permanent"if applicable. 8f. For all activities identified in 8e., describe the source and nature of the fill material, amount (in cubic yards) you will use, and how and where it will be placed into the waterbody. L,.e1p] No excavation or fill is required. The new marine tower will be supported by four 30-inch-diameter steel piles. After the piles are driven into the substrate, the material from within each pile will be removed. Each pile will then be filled with concrete and rebar. Up to a maximum of 12 temporary piles will also be installed during construction as needed to spread the existing wires apart and keep the barge stationary. The use of spuds and anchors is not practicable due to the substrate being loose and generally considered unsuitable to keep the barge stationary. Since the barge will be transported to and removed from the project site on a daily basis based on tide levels (to avoid grounding), the temporary piles will negate the need to use spuds and/or anchors on a daily basis. All temporary piles will be removed after the new towers are installed. The exact size and type of material used for the temporary piles is unknown at present. Existing aquatic foundations consist of three wood piles per leg (12 per tower) tied together with concrete caps and a concrete frame. The concrete will be cut and removed in sections; the wood piles will be withdrawn from the bay subsurface using similar equipment required to drive the piles for the new aquatic structure. The existing wooden piles are not treated with creosote, but are what are called "barkies" (limbed trees with intact bark driven into substrate as-is). It will take approximately one week to remove each aquatic tower and two weeks to remove each aquatic foundation. 8g. For all excavating or dredging activities identified in 8e., describe the method for excavating or dredging, type and amount of material you will remove, and where the material will be disposed. hLelp] The concrete associated with each leg of the existing foundations/towers will be cut and removed in sections by a barge-mounted excavator and crane. The wood piles will be withdrawn from the bay subsurface by use of a pile driver and crane. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 13 of 19 Part 9—Additional Information Any additional information you can provide helps the reviewer(s) understand your project. Complete as much of this section as you can. It is ok if you cannot answer a question. 9a. If you have already worked with any government agencies on this project, list them below. [help] Agency Name Contact Name Phone Most Recent Date of Contact Mason County Allan Borden (360) 427-9670 ext. 365 4/11/12 WDFW Margie Schirato (360) 427-2179 2/28/12 Corps Darren Habel (206) 764-6883 December 2011 91b. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies identified in Part 7 or Part 8 on the Washington Department of Ecology's 303(d) List? hel • If yes, list the parameter(s) below. • If you don't know, use Washington Department of Ecology's Water Quality Assessment tools at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/303d/ ® Yes ❑ No The 2008 303(d)-5 list for North Bay in WRIA 14 and 15 (excluding Case Inlet) includes seven sites that exceed water quality criteria for fecal coliform. 9c. What U.S. Geological Survey Hydrological Unit Code (HUC) is the project in? help] • Go to http://cfpub,epa.goy/surf/locate/index.cfm to help identify the HUC. The project is located in the U.S. Geological Survey Hydrological Unit Code (HUC) 17110019 (Puget Sound Watershed). The project area is a one-mile-long section of the Potlatch transmission line that includes crossing 0.6 miles of North Bay. 9d. What Water Resource Inventory Area Number (WRIA#) is the project in? [help] • Go to http://www,ecy.wa.gov/services/gis/maps/wria/wria.htm to find the WRIA#. The borderline between WRIA 14 and 15 runs north/south through the middle of North Bay. 9e. Will the in-water construction work comply with the State of Washington water quality standards for turbidity? hl elp] • Go to http//www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/swqs/criteria.html for the standards. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not applicable 9f. If the project is within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act, what is the local shoreline environment designation? heel ] • If you don't know, contact the local planning department. • For more information,go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sma/laws rules/173-26/211 designations html ❑ Rural ® Urban (existing towers in Wetland A) ❑ Natural ❑ Aquatic ® Conservancy (new marine tower) ❑ Other 9g. What is the Washington Department of Natural Resources Water Type? hem • Go to http//www dnr wa qov/Business Permits[Topics/ForestPracticesApplications/Pages/fp watertyping aspx for the Forest Practices Water Typing System. ® Shoreline ❑ Fish ❑ Non-Fish Perennial ❑ Non-Fish Seasonal JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 14 of 19 I 9h. Will this project be designed to meet the Washington Department of Ecology's most current stormwater manual? [heipl • If no, provide the name of the manual your project is designed to meet. ® Yes ❑ No Name of manual: 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. 9i. If you know what the property was used for in the past, describe below. [help] The project area is within an existing electrical transmission line that has been in operation since approximately 1926. 9j. Has a cultural resource (archaeological) survey been performed on the project area? [helpi • If yes, attach it to your JARPA package. ® Yes ❑ No 9k. Name each species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act that occurs in the vicinity of the project area or might be affected by the proposed work. [heipj Determination Summary Common Name Scientific Name Determination Bull trout Salvelinus conFluentus No effect Bull trout critical habitat NA No effect Marbled murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus May affect but not likely to adversely affect Marbled murrelet critical habitat NA No effect Northern spotted owl Strix occidentalis caurina No effect Northern spotted owl critical habitat NA No effect Puget Sound Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha May affect but not likely to adversely affect Chinook salmon critical habitat NA May affect but not likely to adversely affect Puget Sound Steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss May affect but not likely to adversely affect Steelhead trout critical habitat NA Provisional:May affect but not likely to adversely affect Southern Resident killer whale Orcinus orca May affect but not likely to adversely affect Killer whale critical habitat NA No effect Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae No effect Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus No effect Steller sea lion critical habitat NA No effect Bocaccio rockfish Sebastes paucispinis No effect Canary rockfish Sebastes pinniger No effect Yelloweye rockfish Sebastes ruberrimus No effect EFH Pacific Salmon NA No adverse affect EFH Federally-Managed Groundfish NA No adverse affect JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 15 of 19 91. Name each species or habitat on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species List that might be affected by the proposed work. [help] The project area includes marine waters, forested uplands, wetlands, open areas, and developed areas. Field observations included the documentation of approximately 13 great blue heron (Ardea herodias) nests on the western water-based towers (EX-2 on Figure 4). An active osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nest is on one of the eastern water-based towers (EX-3 on Figure 4). Species of Importance that may occur in Mason County Documented Habitat in Potentially in Project Project Impacted by Common Name Area Area Project Comment Bull Trout No No No No suitable habitat in North Bay or tributaries. Puget Sound Chinook Yes Yes Yes Not present when pile driving proposed. Hood Canal Summer Chum No No No Not associated with North Bay or Case Inlet. Dolly Varden No No No No suitable habitat in North Bay or tributaries. Western Pond Turtle No No No Reported at Lake Koeneman in 1995,which is approximately 1.7 miles northeast of project area.No lakes in immediate project area. Cascade Frog No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Van Dk e's Salamander No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Tailed Frog No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Olympic Torrent Salamander No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Newcomb's Littorine Snail No No No No suitable habitat in North Bay(it's a coastal species). Marbled Murrelet Yes Yes Yes Habitat present is marine waters.One to two animals observed near Rocky Bay during July 1992 through 1999 aerial surveys.Rocky Bay is approximately two miles south of project area. Bald Eagle Yes Yes Yes Nest located 0.55 miles north of project area on east side of bay.Shoreline immediately north of line on east side of bay is a high-use area. Northern Spotted Owl No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Northern Goshawk No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Peregrine Falcon No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Pileated Woodpecker No Yes Yes Potentially present in project area. Common Loon Yes Yes Yes Common loons have been reported during winter surveys in North Bay and in Devereaux Lake. Harlequin Duck No Yes Yes They have been documented in Case Inlet but not North Bay. Brandt's Cormorant No Yes Yes Data not species specific;likely. Olive-sided Flycatcher No Yes Yes Based on presence of core habitat. Golden Eagle No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Great Blue Heron Yes Yes Yes Nesting on west marine tower and project area. Merlin No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Purple Martin No Yes No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Western Bluebird No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Vaux's Swift No Yes No Gray Wolf No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Pacific Fisher No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Townsend's Big-eared Bat No Yes No Shelton Pocket Gopher No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Merriam's Shrew No No No Roosevelt Elk No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. Pygmy Shrew No No No No suitable habitat in project vicinity. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 16 of 19 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Areas that may occur in Mason County Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area Project Influence Commercial and recreational shellfish areas. Commercial and recreational shellfish beds are located in the immediate project vicinity.However,they are located above or higher along the shoreline.No impact to these areas will occur since the structures are in deeper water,below the tide level used by both commercial and recreational shellfish harvesters,and because of implementation of conservation measures.Geoducks are not mapped on the PHS maps as occurring in the project area. Kelp and eelgrass beds. No kelp or eelgrass beds occur in the immediate project vicinity. No impact to either kelp or eelgrass beds is anticipated due to absence from project area and implementation of conservation measures. Sand lance and smelt spawning areas. No direct impact to sand lance or smelt spawning areas will occur since the marine structures are below the tidal elevation used by these species.Individual adults or juveniles could be impacted if present during pile driving.However,use of a bubble curtain and hammer cushion would reduce potential impacts to these species if present. Pacific sand lance spawn from November through February,while surf smelt have been documented to spawn year-round in some areas,but generally either during the summer months or fall-winter period(WDFW 1998). Naturally occurring lakes and ponds under twenty No impact to these habitats will occur since they do not occur in the acres and their submerged aquatic beds that provide project vicinity. fish or wildlife habitat. Saltwater shorelines,and lakes 20 acres and larger. No impact to these habitats will occur since they do not occur in the project vicinity. Lakes,ponds,streams,and rivers planted with game No impact to these habitats will occur since they do not occur in the fish by a government or tribal entity. project vicinity. State Department of Natural Resource natural area No impact to these areas will occur since they do not occur in the preserves and natural resource conservation areas. project area. Area with which federal or state endangered, Additional information specific to federally-listed species is documented threatened,and sensitive species of fish and wildlife in the Biological Evaluation(DEA 2012)prepared for this project to have a primary association.Those species known to address the requirements of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. be found in Mason County are listed in Table 1 (MCC 17.01.110).Protection of species habitat is determined by the State or Federal listing,and their actual presence near the site is subject to review. Other areas that contain habitats and species of local Juvenile salmonid migrate through the project area during the spring importance(which include juvenile salmonid migration (April—June).In-water work is prohibited during this time period.Pile areas)as listed in Table 1 (MCC 17.01.110).Species driving will not occur when juvenile salmonids are present.The project of local importance may include,but are not limited to, will reduce the number of structures in North Bay,thereby improving State Candidate and Monitor habitat conditions.Implementation of conservation measures will Species. reduce potential impacts to prey and habitat. Part 10—SEPA Compliance and Permits Use the resources and checklist below to identify the permits you are applying for. • Online Project Questionnaire at http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/opas/. • Governor's Office of Regulatory Assistance at (800) 917-0043 or help(a-)-ora.wa.gov. • For a list of agency addresses to send your application, click on the "where to send your completed JARPA" at http://www.epermitting.wa.gov. JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 17 of 19 10a. Compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). (Check all that apply.) [help] • For more information about SEPA, go to wwvv.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-review.html. ❑ A copy of the SEPA determination or letter of exemption is included with this application. ® A SEPA determination is pending with Tacoma Public Utilities (lead agency). The expected decision date is June or July 2012. ❑ 1 am applying for a Fish Habitat Enhancement Exemption. (Check the box below in 1 ob.)[help] ❑ This project is exempt (choose type of exemption below). ❑ Categorical Exemption. Under what section of the SEPA administrative code (WAC) is it exempt? ❑ Other: ❑ SEPA is pre-empted by federal law. 10b. Indicate the permits you are applying for. (Check all that apply.) Ebelpj LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local Government Shoreline permits: ❑ Substantial Development ❑ Conditional Use ® Variance ❑ Shoreline Exemption Type (explain): Other city/county permits: ❑ Floodplain Development Permit ® Critical Areas Ordinance STATE GOVERNMENT Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: ® Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) ❑ Fish Habitat Enhancement Exemption htt ://www.nws.usace.arm .mil/PLibIicMeilLI/Menu.cfnl?sitenaine=REG& a ename=Home Page Washington Department of Ecology: ® Section 401 Water Quality Certification it Washington Department of Natural Resources: ® Aquatic Resources Use Authorization FEDERAL GOVERNMENT United States Department of the Army permits (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers): ® Section 404 (discharges into waters of the U.S.) ❑ Section 10 (work in navigable waters) United States Coast Guard permits: ❑ General Bridge Act Permit ❑ Private Aids to Navigation (for non-bridge projects) JARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 18 of 19 Part 11—Authorizing Signatures Signatures are required before submitting the JARPA package. The JARPA package includes the JARPA form, project plans, photos, etc. (heir,] 11a. Applicant Signature (required) viool I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true, complete, and accurate. I also certify that I have the authority to carry out the proposed activities, and I agree to start work only after I have received all necessary permits. I hereby authori 9th gent named in Part 3 of this application to act on my behalf in matters related to this application. K (initial) By initialing here, I state that I have the authority to grant access to the property. I also give my consent to the permitting agencies ente the property where the project is located to inspect the project site or any work related to the project. (initial) ! c?�U"t, 4, /� , L-CtC(CGt — Applicant Printed Name Applicant Signature Dat 11 b. Authorized Agent Signature [i , ] I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true, complete, and accurate. I also certify that I have the authority to carry out the proposed activities and I agree to start work only after all necessary permits have been issued. / .Z— Authorized Agent Printed Name Authorized Agent Signature Date 11c. Property Owner Signature (if not applicant). het,] Not required if project is on existing rights-of-way or easements. I consent to the permitting agencies entering the property where the project is located to inspect the project site or any work. These inspections shall occur at reasonable times and, if practical, with prior notice to the landowner. Property Owner Printed Name Property Owner Signature Date 18 U.S.0§1001 provides that:Whoever,in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly falsifies,conceals,or covers up by any trick,scheme,or device a material fact or makes any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statement or entry,shall be fined not more than$10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both. If you require this document in another format, contact The Governor's Office of Regulatory Assistance(ORA). People with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. People with a speech disability can call(877)833-6341. ORA publication number: ENV-019-09 DARPA 2010 v1 3/30/2010 Page 119 of 19 This page intentionally left blank. ---------------------------------------, 2 O 1 O AGENCY USE ONLY ��Vr�3✓�J' • I US Army Corps °'E�'^°° Date received: WASHINGTON STATE Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) Form [r�elpl Agency reference#: Tax Parcel#(s): JARPA Attachment C: Contact information for adjoining TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT h[ elal � property owners. [her Project Name: , Location Name(if applicable): Use this attachment only if you have more than four adjoining ; property owners. Use black or blue ink to enter answers in whites aces below. 5h. Contact information for all adjoining property owners. [helps Name Mailing Address Tax Parcel #(if known) Anderson & Sons, Inc. PO Box 108 122174300000 ..... .. _.......... Allyn, WA 98524 (west side of bay north of line) Walter, L. Berg 16550 Agate Pass RD NE 122174400050 .....................—........ ..._.......................... -_......_.._. Bainbridge Island,WA 98110 (west side of bay north of line) State of Washington PO Box 47440 122170060000 . Dept of Transportation Olympia, WA 98504 E. State Route 3 State Lands Division Walter, L. Berg 16550 Agate Pass RD NE 122174400040 .............._....._............... --- ...- _................... Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (west side of bay north of line) State of Washington PO Box 47440 122170060000 _. ------............. ...._....._- Dept of Transportation Olympia,WA 98504 East North Bay Road State Lands Division Harold Carey PO Box 330 122174390030 Tahuya, WA 98588 (west side of bay south of line) Lakeland Village Water Company PO Box 108 122174390040 _.- -........_--- -- ...—........_ _.. ........—......-- -- - Robert Anderson Allyn, WA 98524 (west side of bay south of line) Michael Pozzi 70 NE Rainbow Place N. 122174400030 - ---------------—... — --... —---- — — —.._ . Belfair,WA 98528 (west side of bay south of line) Jack Johnson PO Box1119 122174400021 Belfair,WA 98528 (west side of bay south of line) JARPA Attachment C v1 04/07/2010 Pagel of] Unknown—No Info. 12217888888 --------------------- --------------------------- Assume State of Washington-WDNR marine Taylor United Inc. 130 SE Lynch Rd. 122174480320 Shelton, WA 98584 marine Unknown—No Info. Proposed location of new marine tower in middle of 122162222222 North Bay .._.._.._.._-.._.._..._._..........._._........----- - Assume State of Washington-WDNR marine City of Tacoma PO Box 11007 122164360030 - --.._._.._..--------_....... .._..........._........-..__....._ -------—.._.._............ - - Transportation-Utilities Tacoma,WA 98411 (east side of bay) State of Washington PO Box 47440 122160060000 Dept. of Transportation Olympia,WA 98504 East State Route 302 State Lands Division State of Washington 600 Capitol Way N. 122167590043 Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Olympia,WA 98501 Jay Yanamura 29708 2261h Ave SE 122167590044 Black Diamond,WA 98010 Steve Case PO Box 812 122167590034 Hillsboro, OR 97123 Midwest Funding & Financial 28015 Smyth DR 122167590032 _..........._......... _.. — Valencia, CA 91355 122167590031 TSP Investments, LLC 2001 Center ST. 122211200000 Tacoma,WA 98409 (east side of bay south side) Viola Smith 3241 E. State Route 302 122164300050 Belfair,WA 98528 (east side of bay north side) If you require this document in another format, contact The Governor's Office of Regulatory Assistance(ORA). People with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. People with a speech disability can call(877)833-6341. ORA publication number: ENV-022-09 JARPA Attachment C v1 04/07/2010 Page 2 of 1 Id �� ► . . JE AREA OEM 719 FA 1 W' Source:TOPO!National Geographic Potlatch Transmission Lines- North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project .1 0Scale in Miles -- -- . / Figure MM �;•. ! ti �— � O �� EVERE �• \b/�•EU Mcn l� l M,7.o 8e Val° i'lNCge. 'Poff•s M P ILl� •.—..L c�. '` a'. 1. �-(I �.,.Mnd {w�_ :� was` /°'. Z '1Z Nk y .MySc tr o th — t 0 L Y AI P L C t .. y �. / '� N sna p,f"Kyy'' I-�T/ a.• I '�� /. o/ ich w r • �t` � '� r by ac rl ! I 1 N Iach aoa � O ,N .' i g Mt AMarwu I_r,y - N A,I-# N A L .Mt i E, 'a / 2 s -'IK � 11�r I v ( •ts � i�� � •'r.�• an a i° t ' moon C a s i DaY t o R E 4� I ,. I•_ Dinka �h Rot ` X rs •s F ,:< VstIi11( a I owa nfna a am tr 5 Tj SH era N :. • CJ tiC t fro I �' I r / cw +�•� 'EV MI St.. + •'�' { ! Dat fl� ,_ to I na Ifitf•P La w4l .. REMER i t' r/ �.o s;� anc6estn��-' 8St � [,eon NavY Y a ut _ uss — Qr3 aw ' f.e f s, n PROJECT AREA i w,TOW rzr4. kw r'M _ �L it...,uP �/ e•,,)rf =3 N napn• SKahurst( U'r I yl an VR anon 4 f' `�,✓ •D Mt • �. t� II n� T1,0N IL F0AESF ls,ab"nd 4/\, ��s.;1� f sd� �1tnY N• s .Sawn/. I'�- Yston T . , •v/ o Ivy: C4 Y'fPp .�, Flr iF • ' On __ �1 1�r` y QM�Wra � • ` t , ,�° Ik � •a I �v� } r a � , cMdnn rfx W R I ' tjrtm` VF - - . r " {• foully �,e ��rL r t Mau afr nc fVAt .nan. 1 sx Pa.nor L � Elms • ,!S 4 e,.. •�r ..6 t• .N. ° sat • N .MWA n � Mow"• -r G 1„ . Of fullf,t' st E Ma J loin 1 i f j� a•la Mh �/ aavinf ,_1v` -�• ,. /Crarbrd Mtn• vfi '4 N,iy,�,r.. I _.�i Gr _ "5���71C0°s to •itpMyn: I `� L� i, — s^ —r—�^{\�l Ill lisit�ro(i Source:TOPO!National Geographic Vicinity Map N Potlatch Transmission Lines- North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project o5�'e' 0 5 10 EPSY00000002 `��� Figure 1 DAVID EVANS .v:. ... Scale in Miles February 2012 ASSOCIATES ry N rv° o 10 ae }, D O r o � 1 t, 'OD G f wo - o � 0 n N y -Yf L ti ,N ..Stringing Site t E) NW-2 a � Stringing Site 2 p N o, O N. or O M oor 9a ; d o Zg _ p Q O ry Z)N E C, aN �U z N Z o � ® Remove Structures Slope NWIWetlands Slopes and NWI Wetlands Map o • Set New Structure 0 to 5% =Estuarine and Marine Deepwater 5 to 15% Estuarine and Marine Welland Potlatch Transmission Lines- o Stringing Location o 15 to 30% North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project E m o E White o 3 m 7ii= Line Contour(10 ft interval) EPSY0000-0002 Z(n Q �AVt��VAN 0 250 500 750 1,0000 ..AAVFD8ATE: -. Feet Figure o February 2012 This map was created by David Evans and Assock las,Inc.(DEA)for Electrical Power Systems Inc.Accuracy and currency depend upon the source data at the time it a acquired.I)EA makes no representation a warranty as to the conectness of the information depicted on In Is map.It is intended for limited planning purposes as agreed to between DEA and is client and a not suitable for design,survey,construction,or other uses or for other projects It is strictly forbidden to modify,sell,distribute or reproduce this map for any reason without the written consent of DEA. _`1* �tk a. Z•, ' ' to:s•+ •yam+":: _ j t,.. � y •'4 row ~ ~ �-{~. r 3 I : Stringing Site 1 ' EX-1 41 EX-2 NW-2 EX-3 NW-3- J Wetland A Stringing Site 2 N t �• .J, Pr .y ` o re I i U ,. .. oa } r U $d n> m o BDepth Contour(meters) ® Remove Structure Site Layout M a p • Sounding(meters) Set New Structure 0 ryN a m Coast Line Stringing Location Potlatch Transmission Lines- 8 Ere Wetland A North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project ME v o_ c all In EPSY0000-0002 € aim VANS 0 250 eoo 750 ,,000 e Figure 4 ASSOC ATES— Feet February 2012 This map w eated by David Evers and Associates,Inc(IDEA)for El—al Power Systems Inc.Accuracy and currency depend upon the source data at the time it is acquired.IDEA makes no representation or warranty as m the correctness of the information depicted on this map.It Is Intended for limited planning purposes as agreed to between DEA and its client and Is not suitable for design,survey,construction,or other uses or for other projects.It is strictly forbidden to modify,sell,distribute or reproduce the map for any reason without the wntten consent of DEA. z .>Y s. • 4 • I i r' t ti x � ` r yip • y Overview of project area looking west across Site Photographs 1) s North Bay. Potlatch Transmission Lines- North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project o� EPSY00000002 O Figure 5 DAVID EVANS February 2012 ASSOCIATES— Osprey Nest • Heron Nests • a� }y xa OF • • .,Alfa ONorth Bay crossing during Phase 1 - Site Photographs Geotechnical Boring. Potlatch Transmission Lines- ® Close-up of Photo 2. North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project (c EPSY00000002 IO Figure 5 DAVID EVANS February 2012 ASSOCIATES—, P H O T O 4 _ 3 . P H O T O .v-ter•!���Y i ONorthg low tide. • •• .• Potlatch Transmission Lines- FigureClose-up of Heron nests on west structures in North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project t t+'�___. • r .. -r ems+ I tlt,•y - -°• ._ r e+�ff. - - ."J►< .,� ��." �a,LA�.�Y, a�' .��Y �:..' ak �4 .1+ram 't-�;k.T� �r< �ia�' 'k t` +l• a�--A F'' • .. f pll r14 46 ,i4j! ,•} �, ��ydrj!'b'= ii*a`�t A ti l o.- © Substrate near structures. site Photographs Potlatch Transmission Lines- O Wetland A. North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project G e EPSY00000002 0 Figure 5 DAVID EVANS February 2012 +...o ASSOCIATES— �b s Ak �r r tit ,�`�. �. ra4 fb`.•Ib "`C.�{ ,4.��;t. 40 `}hr• 'lJ -«c PM ��'(((jjj �+{h'� \`��. - `+,�• r, 'ice rim.- 5,►` ! br�� q'3 ' Afiyr , N,A*Cc ' - •S. .w< -•fir ��� �. , V `.4 i ® wetland a at DP 2. Site Photographs Potlatch Transmission Lines- OClose-up of DP 2. North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project EPSY00000002 Figure 5 °AVb° February 2012 ...r r,ssocLATEb�res�.�. • A� 11 10 , Irk E� �+ O1 Edge of Wetland A and structures along SR 302. Site Photographs Potlatch Transmission Lines- 11 View of Wetland A and structures from North Bay. North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project EPSY00000002 Figure 5 DAVID EVANS February2012 ,ti�,A550CIATEATE .N1 C .0 r' .frl• may#, SR 3, c�f rsj I 74 r � • 46 01 PL r..,_ s � � j f f? ��•R1� 1 2 View looking east from west side of North Bay. Site Photographs Structures in background to be removed. Potlatch Transmission Lines- 13 View looking west from west side of North Bay. North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project Existing structures in background to remain. New EPSY00000002 upland structures to be constructed in this area. F19Ur8 5 .•..ASSOCIATES.... DAV 1D EVANS February 2012 1 l I i, r4• f M / f 4 p 14 Structures to be removed on west side of Site Photographs North Bay. 1� tPotlatch Transmission Lines- Structures to be removed on west side of North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project o��o North Bay. 0 EPSY00000002 11 Figure 5 DAVIO EVANS February 2012 .."ASSOCIATES mc. • o s i 1 r r hr t phkk 17 n View looking west from east side of North Bay. Site Photographs Potlatch Transmission Lines- 17 General area of new structures on east side of North Bay Crossing Rebuild Project North Bay. O EPSY00000002 Figure 5 DAVID EVANS February2012 , „ASSOCIATES PORTION OF SE 1/4 OF SEC 17, SW 1/4 OF SEC 16, SE 1/4 OF SEC 16 TWP. 22 N RGE. 1 WEST W.M. LAKE KOENEMAN 3 302 $ KITSAP COUNTY LAKE y6 o N PIERCE COUNTY DEVEREAUX 5cn ALLYN U GA - - w MITIGATION 4 LIMITS FPROJECT SITE SITE I � SAKOMA POWER R.O.W. VICTOR 144TH �PGOMP p�WE (LAKE coRD � f7 MI TO PURDY I LNDERSON ZIP>- ELGIN CIIFTON RD kP -1 0 00 my 302 —— QI) ui 3 0. I 0 0 cn VA\Uj gpY 41 TREASURE ISLAND VICINITY MAP �j 0 1/2 MI 1 MI 2 MI CONVERGENCE ANGLE= —16'37' AT THE CENTER OF PROJECT CHANGING BY 0'10' A YEAR REFERENCE PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG• TACOMA PUBLIC NE A , WA UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23� 24" N N NORTH BAY DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08" W EAR/AT: "DASSOCIATES ime. DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 COUNTY: MASON te-NIhAr...eE VERT: NAVD 88 STATE: WA la gems-�1° SHEET 1 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 SHEET TITLE: VICINITY MAP PORTION OF SE 1/4 OF SEC 17, SW 1/4 OF SEC 16, SE 1/4 OF SEC 16 TWP. 22 N, RGE. 1 WEST W.M. NEW 3—POLE STRUCTURES ACCESS ROAD N RTy A �%SR3 Y SEE SITE ACCESS PLAN—WEST. Rp - OLD TOWERS ORDINARY HIGH TO BE WATER LINE DEMOLISHED SEE MARINE 010 SEE PLAN AND FOUNDATION PROFILE SHEETS. PLANS. -IVORThl gAY 00 OLD TOWERS TO BE SEE PLAN AND DEMOLISHED PROFILE SHEETS. SEE SITE MITIGATION SITE ACCESS PLAN—EAST. ORDINARY TRU f S HIGH WATER LINE 02 O' DECLINATION:-16'37' ACCESS ROAD CHANGING BY 0'10' A YEAR NOTE: OVERHEAD NEW SINGLE—POLE POWER LINES OMITTED 0 300 600 1200 STRUCTURES FOR CLARITY. REFERENCE #: PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES ----------------- NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG: IN: NORTH BAY War TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" N NEAR/AT: ALLYN. WA DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08" W COUNTY: MASON A.o ASSOCIATES ia . DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 4e_tenAr.0BE VERT: NAVE) 88 .STATE: WA A' w.wGln 9eoos-3= SHEET 2 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 Pha 426.=65D0 SHEET TITLE: PROJECT PLAN VIEW I / / It TAX PARCEL ID: 18' GRAVEL /122167590041 ACCESS ROAD A. TAX PARCEL ID:122167590031 I+ O / = SDO I � I / R.O.W gl — — TAX PARCEL LIMITS OF TACOMA I ID:122167590042 — PUBLIC WETL ND I /—' DISTURBANCE UTILITIES R/IMP --L " TAX PARCEL ESMT. RE TORA ON y 1 , �° �� =°� ID:122167590032 A EA t J TAX PARCEL ;ID-122167590043 t TAX PARCEL ID: o d I TACOMA PUBLIC " If 122164360030 STAGING AREA UTILITIES ESMT. TAX PARCELII I ID:122167590033r i r SINGLE POLEE)� ` N �} 1 ' r` ,' STRUCTURE (TYP) 7 1 RS I .� l 1 , 4 J 105 �� h -- —rl :REM D /24i.Lr 1 l 71 ORDINARY f <`� HIGH TAX PARCEL 6 r — WATER �o �� — o I I ID:122167590044 1\0nl LINE 1 /ry )�! r -TAX PARCEL ID:122167590034 — r � LIMITS OF ;°" __-%' _" f ' j I / / 1 DISTURBANCE TA�OIJIA1 PUbL�'5 8 ' I S 1 r UT>LITES ESMT. .`' ,�' ;���,�° 200' SHORELINE �y r BUFFER CONVERGENCE ANGLE= —16'37' AT THE CENTER OF PROJECT / CHANGING BY 0'10' A YEAR / / NOTE: OVERHEAD POWER LINES OMITTED 0 60 120 240 FOR CLARITY. REFERENCE PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES ----------------- NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG: IN: TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" N NE NORTH BAY LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08" IN COUNTY.' ALLYN, WA DAVID EVANS COUNTY: MASON ANDASSOCIATES 1No. DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 �s-tin A.wMw ae VER T: NAVD 88 STATE: WA SIP 3 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 SIIZET TITLE: SITE ACCESS PLAN-EAST \ \ TAX PARCEL ID: \TAX PARCEL 122174400040 ID:122174400050\ TACOMA PUBLIC LIMITS OF ASPHALT ` UTILITIES ESMT. DISTURBANCE ROAD ti R.O.W. APPROACHIt /TAX PARCEL — — ) IIt ID:122174360010 200 SHORELINE It 18' GRAVEL GATE - - � BUFFER ' 1 TAX PARCEL ACCESS,. d =TAX PARCEL ID: ID:122174400000 ROAD LA 12217006000 f — ,. LIMITS OF Jj l,�t j I� J i DISTURBANCE /� �IEXISTING '!�0 t�li �� �%v rl g f f f \\ TOWERS0 BE !/ � r 1. - / / REMOVED , �f(,J/l i (Z� l �Ss; � J1 1 a Al ST ING' � ri 00' / 1 ! \ h �'r J/J/ / 11 (� AREA- c"po 3 POLE STRUCTURE (TYP) — �' o `� / / 1 11 r ( t < k , I /� r ( ORDINARY HIGH TAX PARCEL ID WATER 122174390040 0 TAX PARCEL I ` f_ — N h o% h LINE Q AX PARCEL ID:e 1 AX205021001 122174400030/ / TACOMA PUBLIC �QN WSDOT TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES R.O.W. I UTILITIES ESMT. ESMT. ' TAX PARCEL o N ID:122174400020 �P�( o ORS CONVERGENCE ItR.O.W. ANGLE= -16*37' / AT THE CENTER OF PROJECT CHANGING BY / / / 0'10' A YEAR NO-E&: VERHEAD _ 7 POWER U MITTED 0 60 120 240 ./-� I / FOR CLARITY. REFERENCE #: PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES ----------------- NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG: " IN:NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" N NEAR/AT: ALLYN, WA DAVID KVANi LONGITUDE 122' 49 08 W COUNTY: MASON .ASSOCIATE s iMo. DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 a6_WMAMMee: VERT: NAVD 88 STATE: WA - of 2 005-m SHEET 4 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 nM.eoxe�eeoo SHEET TITLE: SITE ACCESS PLAN—WEST 940+00'- `e NEW -POLE DEAD LEFT AND 1 ST 3 STA.xIS-n POLES 175 I .•17 945+00 BAY -LEFT A RIGHT 9944+ NEW W / 3-POLE DEADEND 950+ _ • 17 - rn 955+00 I iSTING AND RIGHT 960+00 00 _ 0 rn L NEW DOUBLE o m 0 SION 40 079 N X o ? n co o n o 965+ Ln 0 o 0 o IXISTING POLES LEFT AND 9 cn n RIGHT80 DOUBLE NEW m STA. 968+00 1 CIRCUIT m 970+00 - J II II 0 co 0 •.180 0 0 975+00; _ \ c ins Irma 980+ D1 NEW SIN .. - ROAD -- 985+ 1 II NEW SINGLE 911" POLE DEADEND 995+00 ._... 11182 EEI REFERENCE : PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/IANG: TACOMA PUBLIC NE UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" N N NORTH BAY LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08� W AR/AT: ALLYN, WA DAVID EVANS COUNTY: MASON AMD ASSOC IATES,.c. DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 415_MIh Awn.BE VERT: NAVD 88 STATE: WA R " � �5 SHEETS OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 SHEET TITLE: C8.0 PLAN AND PROFILE 1160'-0"t Z LJ 0 a TEMPORARY LINE POLE TO z Z J m W m EXISTING EXISTING a SPREAD CONDUCTORS. SEE m z w a TOWER, TYP CONDUCTORS, + S8.0 m o a t TYP 0 -z a < a s NEW MARINE m o ��n z z Q(D (nrn FOUNDATION AND POLE Q c a z 0 o a ~� SEE MF-4 � a' <� a a a a -—— —(n Q) (/l O� ^ L) m 3 U Q a m N pp o - - - - az Uf/] o -- - a G o < 0 rn TEMPORARY LINE POLE TO SPREAD CONDUCTORS. SEE S8.0 o q z 3 zco a NOTE: p z o j9 a n 1 PLAN - WORK AREA TTHOEHNORTHTING IN LIEUCOFTS MAY BE SPREADINGMTHE TO N a N z - SCALE: NTS EXISTING CONDUCTORS AS SHOWN. S N N '�jcy F p �r < z aW �� Um Wo � az � < 0a NEW NEW POLE SEE S1.0 MARINE EXISTING FOUNDATION CONDUCTORS tn I � EXISTING TOWER --' I ~ 0 U I � I m I � a I U < 2 ELEVATION -WORK AREA ' N I a SCALE: NTS < I � � Z..IF NO= °O Wp'A rl CONC PILE CM •P2 �1 RIDQ.ttP • • PDLE,SEE • N. : 11 71t �l tr-•• tr-r scae +«I A PLAN CdC PILE CM STEEL IPE PILE,ttP •P1 •P7 '+tl b u nl IIII 74•-•' 2 • 2 4 " 4cd4 I«1 n PLAN-PILE GE ARRANMENT .w w REFERENCE PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG: TACOMA PUBLIC NE UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" N N NORTH BAY LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08" W NE NORTH ALLYN, WA DAVID EVAN8 COU NTY: MASON ^woA880CIATES iw . DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 ae-MA,• SE VERT: NAVD 88 STATE: WA B.5" w 0.gm*-961° SHOT 7 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 SHEET TITLE:MF-4 MARINE FOUNDATION PLANS POLE I CONC PILE CAP �GROUT T.O.C. O POLE L + T.O.C. O EDGE L +29 EL +18.39 MHHW +14.22 STEEL PIPE PILE. TVP MLLW+0.0 MUDLINE EL -5.0t ELEVATION - Y,AIE 3 -,- 3/8' 2© stole legit REFERENCE : PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES ----------------- NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG: IN: NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" N NEAR/AT: ALLYN, WA DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08" W COUNTY: MASON ^.*ASSOCIATES,.*. DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 STATE: WA 4e-Il01 Ave"BE VERT: NAVD 88 B.'"WmWaionN005-381° SHEET 8 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 ITnr�sss.eeoo $EOM TITLE:MF-5 PILE CAP ELEVATION /B—1 s 6•EW, OPTIONAL CJ CONC PILE CAP TOP k BOT. TOP BAR FOLLOWS SLOPE OF CONC EL +22.}9 3.000 CLR TYP I. . EL +t8.39 el PILE/PILE CAP u CONN, TYP SEE MF1 7 �� PS 11ry TYP(4 EA SIDE) m i MHHW +T4.22 JIB pit STEEL PIPE PILE, TYP,SEE A MLLW+s.s FLU MUDLINE EL -5.0 SCALE: S/B"•,•-0' stoic feet 11„ /8 O 6•EW, POLE TOP k 807. TOP BAR FOLLOWS �GROUT CONC PILE CAP SLOPE OF CONC OPTIONAL CJ T.O.C. O POLE EL +22.59 . - T.O.C. O E.. EL +22.39 EL +18.39 /5 n,�'.TYP(4 EA SIDE) r/B SECTION SCALE:S "lr 0 3/8• 2a2 stole feet REFERENCE : PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED PROJECT: NORTH BAY POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINES NORTH BAY CROSSING REBUILD APPLICANT: LAT/LONG: IN: WE TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES LATITUDE 47' 23' 24" IN UTILITIES BAY DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE 122' 49' 08' W AMoASSOCIATES N,o. DATUM: HORIZ: SOUTH NAD 83/91 COUNTY:Y: A MASON N, WA 46-1sw AN"BE VERT: NAVO 88 STATE: WA aWI WaWgion 9eoo6-WO Fll�425y112pp SHEET 9 OF 14 DATE: 04/18/2012 SHEET TITLE:MF-6 PILE CAP SECTIONS to v) >- I m EXISTING CONC, Iu FOOTINGS FOR , OHWM 1 POWERLINE TOWERS I o oz (TYPICAL) I 1 W1p I I OHWM 2 D1 'ILI _ W2 Z H Ilk, "_ O _.__--WETLAW A - _ c _ -OH r 1 -- --' Wl ' W?1 , 12 OHWM 3 off"�- mad/ u o off N _ _OH � AL � 1 O z -:-- '` �. W10 z OH OH Ls zr 0 ° 01 =�' a _..__.� --.. O H b W 1.6 H OH— W15 I ,B t 11, m u � W14 D roHWM 4 13 o EXISTING z S I z CHAINLINK FENCED AREA _ � I O EXISTING BUILDING LEGEND 0 20 40 80 — — — — WETLAND BOUNDARY SCALE IN FEET WETLAND AREA 1hh = 40' WETLAND DATA PLOT W/# P WETLAND FLAG W/# zs UPLAND AREA OHWM ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OH OVERHEAD WIRES NORTH SHEET TITLE: EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT LOCATION: LAT/LONG: HORIZ: PROPOSED PROJECT: RE NORTH BAY CROSSING DATUM: VERT: NAVD 88 POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINE— LATITUDE: 47' 22' 23" N NORTH BAY CROSSING— DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE: 122' 48' 44" W REBUILD A..ASSOCIATESimc. IN: WETLAND A APPLICANT: 4s-ren nv« SE NEAR/AT: NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES Be10NJ°,wuh*t°"D0005 COUNTY: MASON Rhone 42&5Q.6500 STATE: WA SHEET 100E 14 DATE: 4-18-12 'V OH - - UH 1 PROP ED s cn Or, N— B UFF O� = �o � m REST@RAMON AREA OH '�` > a-''9 cn lop 0 Of PROPOSED : z— U!r 1LVETLAND ,L OH Z / RESTORATION m ARL�`A —_/ zr } / ` POSE / WETLAND A ° % CR N O ` /JH OH u ! I zs OH z <.. . S i � ' J Ls • • I RESTORATION PLANTING SCHEDULE SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ONTY SIZE HT, GAL, SPACING REMARKS SHRUB ® CORNUS SERICEA RED-OSIER DOGWOOD 156 HT,1'-2', 2 GAL, 4' O.C. CONTAINER, WELL BRANCHED ® ROSA NUTKANA NOOTKA ROSE 55 HT,1'-2', 2 GAL. 4' O.C. CONTAINER, WELL BRANCHED GROUNDCOVER ® HYDROSEED MIX 1,517 S.F. ;.0 NOTE: SEE PLANTING NOTES, DETAIL AND HYDROSEED MIX SHEET 4, IMPACT/RESTORATION SUMMARY ® WETLAND IMPACT/RESTORATION AREA = 2,158 S.F. PMO�—MMMMMOMI ® WETLAND BUFFER IMPACT/RESTORATION AREA = 765 S.F. 0 15 30 60 0 TEMP. WETLAND DISTURBANCE/RESTORATION AREA = 397 S.F. *0 SCALE IN FEET TEMP. WETLAND BUFFER DISTURBANCE/RESTORATION AREA = 1,120 S.F. 1" = 30' LEGEND ZS UPLAND AREA — — — — WETLAND BOUNDARY _%liL WETLAND AREA CRANE PAD AREA ROW RIGHT-OF-WAY STRAW WATTLE 100' SLE 100' SOUTHERN LINE EASEMENT 100' NLE 100' SOUTHERN LINE EASEMENT NORTH SHEET TITLE: RESTORATON PLANTING PLAN PROJECT LOCATION: LAT/LONG: HORIZ: PROPOSED PROJECT: RE NORTH BAY CROSSING DATUM: VERT: NAVD 88 POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINE- LATITUDE: 47' 22' 23" N NORTH BAY CROSSING- DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE: 122' 48' 44" W REBUILD AHDASSOCIATES inc. IN: WETLAND A APPLICANT: 46-tIft Av BE NEAR/AT: NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES �°"'°'W"*Vt,90005 COUNTY: MASON Phm 425578.85D0 STATE: WA SHEET 11 OF 14 DATE: 4-18-12 f WOOD STAKE STRAW WATTLE 3/4 X Y44 X 24 INCHES TAKE SPACING 8 TO 10 INCHES 3 TO 7 INCHES (ADJOINING FT MAXIMUM IN DIAMETER HTLY ABUT O WATTLES \ \ i�\�jj� g INCHES MINIMUM PLAN SECTION STRAW WATTLE INSERT NOT TO SCALE SHEET TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT LOCATION: LAT/LONG: HORIZ: PROPOSED PROJECT: O NORTH BAY CROSSING DATUM: VERT: NAVD 88 POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINE— LATITUDE: 47' 22' 23" N NORTH BAY CROSSING— DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE: 122' 48' 44" W REBUILD ANDASSOCIATES iNc. IN: WETLAND A APPLICANT: 415-1MAvenieSE. NEAR/AT: NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES Bekw,Waa*Vton 98005 COUNTY: MASON Phm 425LI9,65oo STATE: WA SHEET 12 OF 14 DATE: 4-18-12 0 0 ROOT CROWN 1"-2" ABOVE 0 PLANTING SOIL GRADE 0 0 0 00 3" BARK MULCH. HOLD BACK 4" FROM MAIN STEM 3" MEDIUM BARK MULCH _ FINISH GRADE Ij I�— PLANTING SOIL — SEE NOTES I_III1111' i111-11111 I =1i' - FERTILIZER EXISTING SUBGRADE MIN. 2 X ROOT BALL SHRUB PLANTING HYDROSEED MIX NOT TO SCALE KIND VARIETY % BY WEIGHT MIN. % GERM PERENNIAL RYE 50% 90% RED FESCUE 30% 80% COLONIAL BENTGRASS 20% 85% APPLICATION RATE: 150 LBS/ACRE ERO—FIBER WOOD FIBER MULCH: 1,500 LBS/ACRE NUTRICULTURE SEED STARTER FERTILIZER (16-45-7): _ 50 LBS/ACRE CANFOR ECO—TAC GUAR TACKIFIER: 60 LBS/ACRE STAY MOIST MOISTURE RETENTION AGENT: 60 LBS/ACRE NOTES: 1. CLEAR AND GRUB ALL PLANTING AREAS, EXCLUDING CRANE PAD RESTORATION AREA, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 11. GRUB TO A DEPTH SUFFICIENT TO REMOVE ALL ROOTS, ROOT CROWNS, AND OTHER VEGETATIVE MATERIAL. ALL VEGETATIVE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SITE. 2. ALL PLANTING AREAS, EXCEPT CRANE PAD RESTORATION AREA, SHALL BE AMENDED WITH 6" TOPSOIL TYPE A. TOPSOIL SHALL BE TILLED INTO THE TOP 12" OF EXISTING SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS. 3. APPLY TIME RELEASE FERTILIZER (BUFFER PLANTS ONLY) OSMOCOTE TM OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT, PER MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. 4. HYDROSEED ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH SPECIFIED HYDROSEED MIX ABOVE. 5. ALL PLANTS IN THE PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE PLANT SCHEDULE (SHEET 11) AND DETAIL (THIS SHEET). 6. ALL PLANT PITS SHALL RECEIVE 3" MEDIUM BARK MULCH RINGS SHEET TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT LOCATION: LAT/LONG: HORIZ: PROPOSED PROJECT: pr NORTH BAY CROSSING DATUM: VERT: NAVD 88 POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINE— LATITUDE: 47' 22' 23" N NORTH BAY CROSSING— DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE: 122' 48, 44" W REBUILD ANDASSOCIATES iNc. 1N: WETLAND A APPLICANT: 415-t MA—SE NEAR/AT: NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES 130v 'Wejllh lmi 98005COUNTY: MASON Phony 425579.8500 STATE: WA SHEET 13 OF 14 DATE: 4-18-12 MATCH NO WORK WEST EXISTING � 18' � GRADE OF STAGING. WETLANDS 12" CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE PER WSDOT EXISTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ASPHALT 9-03.9(1). CONCRETE PAVEMENT II-III III=III III=1 e- I I-III-1 NOTE: GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MIRAFI 14—N J V COMPACTED SUITABLE NATIVE MATERIAL. OR APPROVED EQUAL) SHALL BE UNSUITABLE NATIVE MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED BELOW CRUSHED SURFACING OVEREXCAVATED AND REPLACED WITH BASE COURSE FOR SEPARATION, STRUCTURAL FILL, SUBGRADE SHALL BE WRAP AROUND CSBC. COMPACTED TO 95% MAX. DRY DENSITY. CRANE PAD NOT TO SCALE NOMS- CRANE PAD RESTORA TION GENERAL 1. REMOVE ALL STRUCTURAL FILL, GEOTEXTILE LINER AND CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE MATERIALS FROM DISTURBED WETLAND AND BUFFER AREAS AND DISPOSE OFF—SITE. 2. SCARIFY COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN. 4" DEPTH. 3. BACKFILL DISTURBED WETLAND AND BUFFER AREAS WITH 18" (MIN.) MIX OF 50% NATIVE SOIL AND 50% COARSE COMPOST MULCH. MULCH SHALL COMPLY WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION, 2009, SECTION 8-02.3(11). SIZE RANGE OF MULCH SHALL BE FROM 1/2 INCH TO 1-1/4 INCHES WITH A MAXIMUM OF 100 PERCENT PASSING A 1 INCH SCREEN. 4. HYDROSEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS, WITH HYDROSEED MIX AS SPECIFIED ON SHEET 13. 5. PLANT WETLAND AND BUFFER PLANTING AREAS AS SPECIFIED ON SHEET 11, SHEET TITLE: DETAILS LONG: PROJECT LOCATION: LAT C C / HORIZ: PROPOSED PROJECT: O NORTH BAY CROSSING DATUM: VERT: NAVD 88 POTLATCH TRANSMISSION LINE— LATITUDE:E: 47' 22' 23" N NORTH BAY CROSSING— DAVID EVANS LONGITUDE: 122' 48' 44" W REBUILD ANoASSOCIATES mc. IN: WETLAND A APPLICANT: 415-tee,Avan,s SE NEAR/AT: NORTH BAY TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES e.Ph , 4 5bg.5*Vton 00 COUNTY: MASON Plwna 425S18.e500 STATE: WA SHEET 14OF 14 DATE: 4-18-12