HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAT2020-00183 - WAT Application - 6/1/2020 (2) WAT ?D20 - MMWN UNi�'rY SERVICES RECENED uas.rh JUL 415 N as Street,lisp e,Straorr WA985M. Sh~:(aeo)427-WO ext 400 a aeltelr M 215-4467 Wd 400 a Elne:(M)4112-8 82 �.Atrial Sf/Bat FAX(080)427-7787 Application for Determination of Water Adequacy Instructione r yr Part 1: Applicant/Parcel Identification Name on Appikarlt �or_o+- Izts.SWss-' Date: G Zd 11C. Piro r0jrYj8�/D-383o Parcel Number. /Z-ZZ 0150000/7 Type of Water System n for Application b1irM,dnmunity water System(2 or more Idtrrg pemr5 oonnectlmp IT Division of tend: ❑ IndivWual water source(one mnnactlon), e Of Pam"? SPL ❑ Well ❑ Boundary fine W)ustment ❑ Springlsudace water ❑ Other(exptek) ❑ Other(**lain) ❑ Replacrnara or Remodel(please kdioa%name Myou have more Man one reelrlence connected of water syves below If applicable-no to this asp. check Me PubkCarmnWMly Wafer sipnshaa required) System box. Part 2: Water Connection Information Complete the satbon appropriate for dre type of WSW connection being evaluated: Public Water System Name of water System: Water Facility Inventory(WFq Number. (wr9e'nona'fortwo-parry) S[ 1 em Ile manager of w+Yrrystan.TM watereyMim been _ There are presently _ connect oMa)is wa.'IR*11�be the ❑ I am the memiew of this system.This oonnectim wilpla Ipprado or etwgtlM uteri connection on this system(La.:rouaetlo el to full tYhe}. IrMkate on tlW IofidNYp of this change: This water system is able and willkW to WGIVI(le WMart ; live se)con nadlort(a)gtlrat '.: the limits of water sysWn a arty I' try aYb basal reputation. ' Signature of Water System MWNQW Date �tlaad PrM ,t1. n ountyy D et.r.c �pYin Individual WoUr Well ❑ water wall report(attached to application). Depth e. Cl Well capacity Teel(attached to appllatim) wm apd. The wen drOw often performs well capacity tests at the fte Me wen Is mnetruclM. Raautte tram Mores tab are noted on the water well report Results tram thou beet will be aooapb . if the water well report cannot be located by Ma sppilciart or if the water well report doll not have a capacity teat, a well capedly test,which provides stabniration of draw-down and recovery dab,must be padomred by a licensed oenbeslor. - - ❑ Satietedory bacteriological test(attach to application). Water Resource lr visinto Area ) Development within which V4M hco'//aia co mason.wa.uermtannlna Water use or imitation recorded................................... N/A_Yes_ Well Drilled ............................................................... Dab Individual SprinplSurface Water ❑ WDOE permit(attach to application) ❑ Method of disinfection ❑ 1 he"reason to believe that this water source an provide at bat 800 ganons per dry:andlor provides water at a rate of 2 gellons per minute based on the fdbwhV obesrvadorm. Author of Statement Data Relafionship to Applicant Part 3: Mason ftnty Community Servkea Evaluation(staff use on n • 77, u `•jai: 'Yap t� rR 8= #.4�� '�1or2 Print Iri , od :: rn MB y 'U1"•r"