HomeMy WebLinkAboutMEP2008-00004 - MEP Application - 1/10/2008 MASON COUNTY Shelton (360) 427-9670 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Belfair (360) 275-4467 Planning Mason County Bldg. 1 411 N.5th Elma (360) 482-5269 P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 � f To: Whom It May Concern ,a I — OwD From: Michael MacSems, Mason County Planning Dept Date: February 13, 2008 0 D c, Re: Mason Environmental Permit w/Habitat Management Plan for Jeff&Pam m Werdall n mm Comment Period: r -q Per section 17.01.110.E of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, a copy of the Werdall —n z Mason Environmental Permit (MEP) is being made available to all stipulated parties. r= Mason County officials have until February 27th, to respond and outside agencies need to M 2 respond by March 5th. In the event that no comments are received from a particular M department or agency, within the comment window, the Planning Department will assume that there are not any concerns. Written comments should be sent to the address listed above. Project Background: The Werdalls recently purchased a 4-acre parcel on SR 302,with the intention of building a single-family residence on it. The property contains two old snags that show evidence of Pileated Woodpecker forage. The purpose of this MEP and HMP is to remove these two snags from the homesite area and to create two new snags within ravine setback area towards the southeast corner of the property. The Wetland Corps (TWC)has written a Habitat Management Plan(HMP) for this proposal and the engineer who wrote geo-technical report for the ravine has approved the tree-snag conversion with in the steep slope setback area. If you have any questions, please call me at ext 571 or e-mail at mms@co.mason.wa.us. Thank you. Contact List: Mason County Department of Community Development Director Mason County Public Works Director Mason County Department of Environmental Health Director Mason County Fire Marshal Mason County Building Official Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Squaxin Tribe Wash Dept of Fish&Wildlife oa ► b$ v zfz�,ti 6-;'U-j3 9w4e IAA /Al -t- d a-'-4 46- i u . I 1�D wL 'Po�1)jj Vle- Pao�, 1 PERMIT NO.: 410 Ux r o V v0q DATE RECEIVED: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE ORDINANCE (Chapter 17.01 MCC) 411 N. 5TH Street/ P.O. Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION [JAN' 10 2008 MASON ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITX CONDITIONAL USE [BELFAIR OFFICE The purpose of the Resource Ordinance is to protect Mason County's natural resource lands and critical areas and is under the authority of Chapters 36.32, 36.70A, 39.34, 58.17, 76.09, 84.33, 84.34 and 90.58 RCW. PLEASE PRINT Owner Mailing Address: \ Owner: Site,A City: ��-1�ddres I 1z State: p:A Zi gLr]_6 ca"�� City:pi �l� StateVAA _ZiCp),J_- _,%ien/Title HoldSAMM , fQ Phone: Daytime(��) 47)� �"I�� 1 Address: Fire District#: S 31b- a'7s - a S City: State: Zip: Signature: QA- U " AJ - 2. Parcel Number:l �.�1 �y Legal description: �� Sualow 1611- Parcel Size: kwk—_ L UA.S w-mj N mkav WNI{�-,17�L AS�t�S�� OF T-IAL Ii; y l��J- L4cS5 V£--L))j 3. D.irections to site: I)` KL.�t�"t" RIO NUt�11 O I" L `��v I� 0s 'F E� )__ZtO l T bF LAM Link T ST.RT ,;b_D_ State what sections require a permit: In-Holding Lands, Chapter 17.01.062 0 4 Wetlands, Chapter 17.01.070 ❑ Long-Term Commercial Forest,Chapter 17.10.060 ❑ Mineral Resource Lands, Chapter 17.01.066 ❑ Frequently Flooded Areas, Chapter 17.01.090 0 Aquifer Recharge Areas, Chapter 17.01.080 ❑ Landslide Hazard Areas, Chapter 17.01.100 ❑ Erosion Hazard Areas, Chapter 17,01.104 ❑ Seisinic Hazard Areas, Chapter 17.01.102 0 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas, Chapter 17.01.1 10 A 5. , Identify current use of property with existing improvements:Nh W- 6. Identify and describe the proposed project,including the type of materials to be used,construction methods,principle dimensions and o her pertinent info matigAtt h a tonal sheets if needed): �]��' WrnW 917 7. Will there be an alteration of a wetland and/or wetland vegetation area? Yes ❑ No�ij g. Any water on or adjacent to property: Saltwater ❑ Lake ❑ River ❑ Pond 0 Wetland ❑ Seasonal Runoff ❑ Other TYPF -1I0r� b 1?I11W_ �S CO 9, If septic is located on project site, include records. 1 V R Connect to septic? ❑ Community Septic? ❑ Public Water Supply? ❑ Well? ❑ 10. Type of Job: New ❑ Add ❑ Alt 0 Repair 0 Demolition ❑ Other 'IY1 L -W � I 1 1 This permit is granted pursuant to the Resource Ordinance (Chapter 17.01 MCC)and nothing in this permit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations applicable to this project, but not inconsistent with the Resource Ordinance. The permit may be rescinded pursuant to the event the permittee fails to comply with the conditions of this ordinance. MASON ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT: $560.00/$335.00(with another permit) MASON CONDITIONAL USE ENVIR.PERMIT: $1,350.00 HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN: $395.00 1:\PLANNING\C&R\ENV IRON MENTAL REVISED 01-)6-07 Show the following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Water Lines Driveways Drainage Plans Shorelines Indicate Directional by(N,S,E,W,etc.) Septic System Topography In relation to plot plan Proposed Improvements Easements Name if Flanking Street APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW: sa- APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY BELOW: r MASON COUNTY RESOURCE ORDINANCE July 2003 Publication cost is the responsibility of the applicant. Final permit processing will not occur until advertising fees have been paid to the newspaper by the applicant. The Shelton-Mason County Journal will bill the applicant directly. I /WE understand that I / WE must sign and date the attached acknowledgment indicating and that I / WE understand that is MY/ OUR responsibility. I / WE must submit the signed page as part of application in order for it to be considered as complete. I- t0 -ate DATE OWNER 1 VAff\ ICIrmu_ (_Wu�w APPLICANT APPROXIMATE LOCATION 200 OF TOE CIF SL ` \ SCALE. f INCH-100 FEET 390 FT t APPROXIMATE LOCATION x x x x OF TOP OF SLOPE \x x x X \x x x� * \\ x x x IN \ x x x \ x x 'x \ x x \ x x x \ OFT x x x x x x x x x \x x x x 160 �x`W/x \x x x x \ � f \x x x x \x x �i 4+ x x a PROPOSED 2-STORY � x x SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 140 e \ x x � \ x x * x f- \ 120 — TP2 PROPOSED SHOP " � DWELLING PROPOSED GR VE APPROXIMATE SEPTIC SURFACED VEWA / `/ DRAINFIELD PROPCI8ED S SEPTIC 100 PROPERTY LINE / LIMITS OF WATER 80 EXISTING OLD INFILTRATION LOGGING ROAD SILT FENCE OR l APPROVED TEMPORARY 1 EROSION CONTROL TP3 60 EXISTING CPP CULVERT 40 LEGEND AP" Lw NO PRO.IECT/ OWNER/ LOCATIOO VEGETATION _ WERDALL SAL Q __-- ^EXISTING PAVED Rona GEOTECHNICAL REPORT x x INTERMEDIATE TE (E STATE ROUTE 302) JEFF AND PAM WERDALL HARVESTpG PARCEL NO IM-62-IMI SELECTIVE NOTES, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON HARVESTING "` L EROSION CONTROL IS REQUIRED F13R THIS SITE. GENERAL LOCATIONS, AND ALTERNATIVES TO SILT FENCES MAY BE ENGINEER, SILT FENCE UTILIZED AS EXPLAINED IN THE GEGTECHNICAL REPORT. ENVIROTECH ENGINEERING SL13PE 2. CONTOIM ARE NOT PRECISE, AND ONLY DEPICT GENERAL 774 NE �VASD 13AD N 98528 DIRECTION TDPOGRAPm CONDITIONS. FIELD MEASUREMENTS CONFIRMED -ao EXISTING CONTOUR SLOPE WAS AND VERTICAL RELIEFS, 360-275-9374 TPI TEST PIT IN APPENDIX DDAND� ARE DY THE BODY PROVIDED THIS REPORT, SITE PLAN