HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire/Safety Drills - FIR Letters / Memos - 10/27/2021 Central Mason Fire and EMS
{p} ' Fire Marshal's Office
Chad Collins
North Mason High School Principal
150 E North Mason School Rd
Belfair, WA 98528
Dear Principal Collins,
This letter is to inform you that you are in violation of the following RCW and Fire Codes:
• RCW 28A.320.125—Schools Shall conduct at least one safety-related drill per month, including
summer months when school is in session with students.
• International Fire Code 2018 Section 403.5.1 —The first emergency drill of each school year shall
be conducted within 10 days of the beginning of classes.
• International Fire Code 2018 Section 405.2—Group E Occupancies shall have a emergency
evacuation drill Monthly with all occupants.
You were notified of these and other requirements on 9/27/21 via a letter sent by e-mail as well.
You will have 7 business days from the date of this letter to have a fire drill, or Washington State
Fire Marshals office and Washington Office of Superintended of Public Instruction will be
notified for further action. Please contact me by phone or e-mail to schedule your fire drill.
Keith Reitz
Deputy Fire Marshal
Central Mason Fire and EMS
Direct- 360-462-5020
Cell - 360-490-9060
CC: Dana Rosenbach, Superintendent; Mike Six, Mason County Fire Marshal
"The protection of life, health, property and the environment."
PO BOX 1910 360-275-2889 www.cmfe.org
SHELTON WA 98584 360-426-5533 360-427-9438 Fax
announcement shall be made not more than 10 minutes ings containing both a Group E occupancy and an atrium.
prior to the start of each program to notify the occupants Group E occupancies shall comply with Sections 403.5.1 k
of the location of the exits to be used in the event of a fire through 403.5.3.
or other emergency. 403.5.1 First emergency evacuation drill. The first
Exception: In motion picture theaters, the announce- emergency evacuation drill of each school year shall be
ment is allowed to be projected on the screen in a man- conducted within 10 days of the beginning of classes.
ner approved by the fire code official. 403.5.2 Time of day. Emergency evacuation drills shall
403.2.3 Fire watch personnel.Fire watch personnel shall be conducted at different hours of the day or evening,
be provided where required by Section 403.12.1. during the changing of classes, when the school is at
403.2.4 Crowd managers.Crowd managers shall be pro- assembly, during the recess or gymnastic periods, or
vided where required by Section 403.12.3. during other times to avoid distinction between drills and
actual fires.
403.3 Ambulatory care facilities.Ambulatory care facilities
shall comply with the requirements of Sections 401,403.3.1 403.5.3 Assembly points. Outdoor assembly areas shall
through 403.3.4 and 404 through 406. be designated and shall be located a safe distance from the
403.3.1 Fire evacuation plan.The fire safety and evacua- building being evacuated so as to avoid interference with
p y fire department operations. The assembly areas shall be
tion plan required by Section 404 shall include a descrip- arranged to keep each class separate to provide account-
tion of special staff actions. This shall include procedures ability of all individuals.
for stabilizing patients in a defend-in-place response,
staged evacuation, or full evacuation in conjunction with 403.6 Group F occupancies. An approved fire safety and
the entire building if part of a multitenant facility. evacuation plan in accordance with Section 404 shall be pre-
pared and maintained for buildings containing a Group F
403.3.2 Fire safety plan. A copy of the plan shall be occupancy where any of the following conditions apply:
maintained at the facility at all times. The plan shall
include all of the following in addition to the requirements 1. The Group F occupancy has an occupant load of 500 or
of Section 404: more persons.
1. Locations of patients who are rendered incapable of 2. The Group F occupancy has an occupant load of more
self-preservation. than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit
2. Maximum number of patients rendered incapable of discharge.
self-preservation. 3. Group F pallet manufacturing and recycling facilities as
required by Section 2810.
3. Area and extent of each ambulatory care facility. 403.7 Group H occupancies. An approved fire safety and
4. Location of adjacent smoke compartments or refuge evacuation plan in accordance with Section 404 shall be pre-
areas,where required. pared and maintained for Group H occupancies.
5. Path of travel to adjacent smoke compartments. 403.7.1 Group H-5 occupancies.Group H-5 occupancies
6. Location of any special locking, delayed egress or shall comply with Sections 403.7.1.1 through 403.7.1.4.
access control arrangements. 403.7.1.1 Plans and diagrams. In addition to the
403.3.3 Staff training. Employees shall be periodically requirements of Section 404 and Section 407.6, plans
instructed and kept informed of their duties and responsi- and diagrams shall be maintained in approved locations
bilities under the plan. Records of instruction shall be indicating the approximate plan for each area, the
maintained.Such instruction shall be reviewed by the staff amount and type of HPM stored, handled and used,
not less than every two months.A copy of the plan shall be locations of shutoff valves for HPM supply piping,
readily available at all times within the facility. emergency telephone locations and locations of exits.
403.3.4 Emergency evacuation drills.Emergency evacu- 403.7.1.2 Plan updating. The plans and diagrams
ation drills shall comply with Section 405. required by Sections 404, 403.7.1.1 and 407.6 shall be
Exception: The movement of patients to safe areas or maintained up to date and the fire code official and fire
to the exterior of the building is not required. department shall be informed of major changes.
403.4 Group B occupancies. An approved fire safety and 403.7.1.3 Emergency response team. Responsible
evacuation plan in accordance with Section 404 shall be pre- persons shall be designated as an on-site emergency
pared and maintained for buildings containing a Group B response team and trained to be liaison personnel for
occupancy where the Group B occupancy has an occupant the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire
load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above department in preplanning emergency responses, iden-
or below the lowest level of exit discharge and for buildings tifying locations where HPM is stored, handled and
having an ambulatory care facility. used, and be familiar with the chemical nature of such
material. An adequate number of personnel for each I
403.5 Group E occupancies. An approved fire safety and work shift shall be designated.
evacuation plan in accordance with Section 404 shall be pre- 403.7.1.4 Emergency drills. Emergency drills of the
pared and maintained for Group E occupancies and for build- on-site emergency response team shall be conducted on
Randy Collins l aaa8-go' -Uowo
From: Randy Collins
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2022 12:34 PM
To: 'Hull, Dannette'
Subject: RE: Scheduled Drills for the Year
I greatly appreciate you sharing this email with me as well as your Emergency Plans and other documents you provided
in your previous emails. Please also extend to Principal Collins and the rest of the staff who were in the meeting, my
thanks for taking the time to meet with me today.
Respectfully, ��G�!✓��.yG C���S ����� emu//
Randy Collins, �Gii����+uPti/ c%scS T�/w S�u✓� jf'¢��`'�^� �
Fire Marshal CG ��� y �S- ��✓ /�oh1�cG
From: Hull, Dannette<d hull @northmasonschools.org> ' ] �L "r ` 'r 7V &e^trsl
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2022 10:08 AM
To: Randy Collins<RCollins@masoncountywa.gov> �`'� �'�� `"/�� ZZ•
Subject: Fw: Scheduled Drills for the Year
Caution: External Email Warning!This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is
safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO
SO! Instead, report the incident.
This year drills
Dannette Hull
NMHS, Office Coordinator
150 E North Mason School Rd
Belfair, WA. 98528
360.277.2322 Fax
From: Hull, Dannette
Sent: Friday,August 26, 2022 12:39 PM
To: Keenom, Nichole<nkeenom@northmasonschools.org>;Young,Jackie<jyoung@ north masonschools.org>;
Rosenbach, Dana<d rose nbach@northmasonschools.org>; Hadfield, Alexia<ahadfield@northmasonschools.org>
Cc: Keith Reitz<KReitz@cmfe.org>
Subject:Scheduled Drills for the Year
Below are the Drills that we have scheduled for the year:
9/22 @ 2:00 Fire/Evacuation
10/20 @ 9:30 Earthquake (The Great American Shakeout)
11121 @ 9:45 Shelter in Place
12/7 @ 12:45 Lockdown
1/24 @ 2:00 Fire/Evacuation
2/10 @ 8:30 Earthquake
3/9 @ 9:45 Lockdown
4/18 @ 12:45 Shelter in Place
5/30 @ 8:30 Fire/Evacuation
6/8 @ 12:25 Lockdown
Dannette Hull
NMHS, Office Coordinator
150 E North Mason School Rd
Belfair, WA. 98528
360.277.2322 Fax
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Drills (Required)
Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1216 (2019-20) Session Law(link is
external) changed the configuration of required emergency drills, which all
schools are required n 2 HB 2 1 -2 recognizes h t to conduct. S 1216 ( 0 9 0) ecog es that, due o
geographic location, schools have unique safety challenges. It is the
responsibility of school principals and administrators to assess the threats and
p Y P P
hazards most likely to impact their school.
Schools are required to have at least one drill per month, including summer
sessions with students. Drills must practice four basic functional threat or
hazard responses:
1 . Shelter-in-Place—To limit the exposure of students and staff to hazardous
materials, such as chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants,
released into the environment by isolating the inside environment from
the outside
2. Lockdown—To isolate students and staff from threats of violence, such as
suspicious trespassers or armed intruders, that may occur in a school or
in the vicinity of a school
o Substitute House Bill (SHB) 1941 (21-2022) Session Law(link is
external) adds the following language: "Lockdown drills may not
include live simulations of or reenactments of active shooter
scenarios that are not trauma-informed and age and
developmentally appropriate."
3. Evacuation—To move students and staff away from threats, such as fires,
oil train spills, or tsunamis
o In addition, a pedestrian evacuation drill must be included for
schools in either a mapped tsunami or lahar hazard zone
4. Earthquake—To practice the "drop, cover, and hold" protocol
o The annual October Great Washington ShakeOut(link is
external) provides an excellent opportunity to practice drop, cover
and hold on
To ensure that schools practice at least one drill per month, and to allow for
response to locally identified threats and hazards, schools may practice basic
selected drills more than once.
At a minimum, schools shall document the date, time, and type (shelter-in-place,
lockdown, evacuation, or earthquake) of each required drill, and shall maintain
the documentation in the school office. Districts and schools may also
determine additional documentation sites and methods.
Schools must document each drill. Adapt this Sample Drill Reporting Form as
needed for local use. Coordination with local fire and emergency responders is
strongly encouraged.
Defining Emergency Terms for Schools(link is external) is a 5-minute video
tutorial (YouTube) for Washington schools to assist them in their preparedness