HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Report - PLN General - 6/30/2016 North Mason School District Stadium Project Stormwater Report Prepared for: North Mason School District No. 403 71 East Campus Drive Belfair, Washington 98528 Contact: Eric Nelson Phone: (253) 380-3947 Cq- Liz_ Prepared by: Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. 4815 Center Street Tacoma, Washington 98409 Contact: Marty Merriott Phone: (253) 474-9449 June 2016 S&H Job Number 16,331 NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. • STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 I hereby state that this Stormwater Report for the North Mason School District—Stadium Project has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets the standard of care and expertise which is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that Mason County does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me. HA�� "oV T4Sj� 30794 �•SIpIt'AL E� v SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Project Overview ...............................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Existing Conditions.....................................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Proposed Conditions .................................................................................................................................................3 2.0 Discussion of Minimum Requirements................................................................................................................4 2.1 Minimum Requirement#1: Preparation of Stormwater Site Plans ..........................................................................8 2.2 Minimum Requirement#2: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP)...................................8 2.3 Minimum Requirement#3: Source Control of Pollution...........................................................................................8 2.4 Minimum Requirement#4: Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls...............................................8 2.5 Minimum Requirement#S: On-site Stormwater Management................................................................................8 2.6 Minimum Requirement#6: Runoff Treatment .........................................................................................................8 2.7 Minimum Requirement#7: Flow Control..................................................................................................................8 2.8 Minimum Requirement#8: Wetlands Protection.....................................................................................................8 2.9 Minimum Requirement#9: Basin/Watershed Planning...........................................................................................9 2.10 Minimum Requirement#10: Operations and Maintenance...................................................................................9 2.11 Optional Guidance#1: Financial Liability................................................................................................................9 2.12 Optional Guidance#2: Off-site Analysis..................................................................................................................9 3.0 Permanent Stormwater Control Plan................................................................................................................12 APPENDIX A—EXISTING PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS EXHIBIT.................................................................................A-1 APPENDIX B—PROPOSED PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS EXHIBITS............................................................................. B-1 APPENDIX C—STORMWATER CALCULATIONS....................................................................................................... C-1 CAConveyance Analysis ..............................................................................................................................................C-2 APPENDIX D Infiltration Calculations....................................................................................................................D-1 DAInfiltration Trench ................................................................................................................................................. D-1 D.1.1 Predeveloped Input.................................................................................................................................... D-1 D.1.2 Developed Input......................................................................................................................................... D-1 D.1.3 WWHM Results—Infiltration Trench......................................................................................................... D-2 APPENDIX E—OPERATIONS& MAINTENANCE MANUAL.........................................................................................E-1 E.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................................................................E-2 E.2 Permanent Facilities Description............................................................................................................................E-2 E.3 Discussion of Maintenance.....................................................................................................................................E-2 EAMaintenance Frequency.........................................................................................................................................E-3 E.5 Annual Cost Estimate..............................................................................................................................................E-3 APPENDIXF—Soils Report....................................................................................................................................F-1 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Scope This report addresses the proposed new stadium and associated stormwater facility improvements. The site address is 300 East Campus Drive, Belfair, WA 98528. The improvements are proposed on parcel number 122082260000. This report has been prepared in accordance with Mason County Standards and the 2005 and 2012 Washington State Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (DOE Manual). The proposed porous and non-porous asphalt pavement, track, field, covered home and visitor grandstands, concessions building, and landscaping will replace the existing grass field as well as other nearby areas that are currently comprised of gravel, asphalt pavement, concrete walkway, and a few small buildings. The project also includes demolition of old kitchen buildings (3 total), two portables, and one Boys & Girls Club building. 1.2 Existing Conditions The project site is located on the east side of SR 3 between East Alta Drive and SR 302. Please see Figure 1 (Vicinity Map). The existing project site' is 9.31 acres. Historically, runon has been documented from adjacent areas within the district's campus, but due to recent and proposed replacement of the North Mason High School, Middle School (Hawkins), and PACE Academy, little to no runoff is tributary to the project site. The site is bounded on the north and west by wooded areas and East North Mason School Road. It is bordered to the east by water towers, wooded areas, and parking and landscaped areas as part of the PACE Academy site, per Phase 2 (submitted separately). It is bordered to the south by the existing administration building and gym/music building. Per the 2005 DOE Manual, "Site" is defined as area within a parcel subject to new development or redevelopment. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Fi ure 1 —Vicinity Ma New Stadium Project Site Location New High School Site r PACE Academy Existing High School / New Existing Hawkins Middle Hawkins Middle School School To Be Demolished ti vv L S 1.3 Proposed Conditions The North Mason School District proposes to construct a new track&field, concessions building, covered home and visitor grandstands, and associated improvements. The proposed project site will contain concrete walkways, porous and non-porous asphalt pavement, gravel surfacing, roof area, and landscaped areas. See the table included in this section for a breakdown of project areas. The project site has been graded to primarily drain to proposed on-site conveyance systems comprised of Type 1 and 2 catch basins, trench drains, French drains, and storm drainage piping that discharge to a proposed on-site infiltration trench. Stormwater runoff generated by the proposed roofs will be conveyed through 6 diameter storm drainage piping. The north perimeter of the project site will continue to drain to the existing roadside ditch, south of East North Mason School Road. The west portion will continue to drain to East Campus Drive. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 3 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Existing Proposed (Acres) (Acres) Pervious Surface 7.40 3.77 Pervious Pavement 0.00 3.41 Impervious Pavement 1.55 1.82 Roof 0.36 0.31 Total 9.31 9.31 The geotechnical investigation, performed by Migizi, indicates the site soils infiltrative capacity is approximately 10" per hour. The geotechnical report has been included with this report as Appendix F. Stormwater discharge will generally be mitigated (by way of full infiltration) in accordance with the 2012 DOE Manual. The aforementioned infiltration facilities will be outfitted with an emergency overflow system, comprised of two catch basins at the northwest and southwest corners of the track that will release runoff during events larger than the 100-year 24-hour storm event (as calculated in WWHM). The proposed cut/fill for the project site is shown in the following table. Of the cut volume, 12,000 CY will be organic enriched fill found beneath the west edge of the site while performing test pits. This material will be overexcavated and hauled off-site to an approved off-site facility. Of the fill volume, 9,700 CY will be imported from the existing stockpile located on the new high school site. Cubic Yards (CY) Cut 23,700 Fill 21,400 Net(Cut) 2,300 2.0 DISCUSSION OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Although the 2005 DOE manual minimum requirements are to be applied to this project, per a telephone conversation with Loretta Swanson on November 12, 2013, the minimum requirements thresholds are those found in the 1992 DOE manual. A discussion of the flow charts in Volume 1 of the 1992 DOE Manual follows. Per Figure 1-2.1 and Figure 1-3.3 of the 1992 DOE Manual, this is a REDEVELOPMENT project because it is not an individual detached SFR or duplex AND there is existing development on site. Per Figure 1-3.5, Minimum requirements 1-11 apply to the entire site because this project is a REDEVELOPMENT project and the existing site is > 1 acre with >50% impervious area. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 4 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT lob Number 16,331 Figure 2—1992 DOE Minimum Requirement Thresholds STORK"TER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN Figure I-3.3 Flowchart Showing Various Development Types START HEM Is this no Individual GO TO FLOW CHART A detached SFR or duplex? IID Is there existing YES GO TO FLOW DIM 0 development an �♦ site? NO Is the prepsed NO 00 TO FLOW CHART A development >So" ft=? YES Is there Vt scro of YES GO TO FLOW CHART C land disturbing activity? no 00 TO FLOW CHART 0 I-3-6 FEBRUARY, 1992 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 5 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Figure 2 - 1992 DOE Minimum Requirement Thresholds contin'd STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN Figure I-3.5 Flowchart Showing Steps for Redevelopment This 1. REDEVELOPMENT. Thera are TNR15MMOS . to apply Yi■I YUY REOUIREIE NTS 1 - It to all or part of the Sit._ At ■ Mlnlmma. NIIIIYUY 11 r111 apply to the portion of the alta being developed. Also. SOURCE CONTROL (YININIM REOUIRENENT Ill will apply to the ENTIRE SITE. Is the •sl.ting site >1 acre with >sox iapervloYs area NO <*>� YIN. REQUIRElEl1TS I-11 o apply to the ENTIRE SITE r TESatMtty practlubl• or tchoilule: [e• Section I-2.4.25 NO Ar• .ddiMnal Begin d—iop.wnt of s t or.s.•te r controls reeuir.d the STORVNATER SITE PLAN Uy a baf n a ra urshed plan. (SS?) for the ENTIRE or the GMAT SITE: [.a Saetlon 1-3.e MO c ont o coatl"o to a.l P•M nos WM I-s-S FEBRUARY, 1992 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 6 TACOMA, WASHINGTON III NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. r STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Figure 2—1992 DOE Minimum Requirement Thresholds contin'd STOR10ATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN NtUtY REOMIN iffS 2-11 As part of the SS►. apply to the deterflno appropriate PORTIOII of the site SOURCE CONTROL NarS to helop developed. apply (See Chapter 1-e) See Section 1-2.4.29 NoNI■ developments Dewlep a UML FARM of the SIONM TER SITE Is the site EROSI011 NEXT YES PLAN (SSP)fer the Iola than I acre CONTROL PLAN (WESC) for PORTION of ton site aolop In al seT all or a partials of the dewlaped: Section 1-I-4 sits. as appropriate. Iq Develop a LARGE PARCEL EROSION AIM►SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (LPISC) for all or a portion of the site. as appropriate. A PERMANENT STOINNOITEN WJ41TT CONTROL PLAN should be dowlapod for of l or a Portion of the a1L. a• approprlate. Select NWa for the PSOC Pleal Chapter I-e Apply any other STORYMTO SITE PLAIT roaelronollte as necessary. Sec. I-3.4 Your STORMIER SITE PLAN .% n— —let*. I-3-9 FEBRUARY, 1992 r SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS INC. 7 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWA TER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Since the minimum requirements found in the 1992 and 2005 editions of the DOE manual differ, and since the thresholds found in the 1992 DOE manual require all minimum requirements, it is the understanding of Sitts and Hill Engineers, Inc. that all of the 2005 DOE Manual minimum requirements are applicable to the portions of the site that are being developed by this project. See Figure 2 at the end of this section for a flowchart of the 2005 DOE requirements. 2.1 Minimum Requirement#1: Preparation of Stormwater Site Plans This report and the accompanying plans satisfy this requirement. Both the plans and report have been prepared in accordance with the 2005 DOE Manual by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2.2 Minimum Requirement#2: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) A Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) has been included with this submittal as a separate document. 2.3 Minimum Requirement#3: Source Control of Pollution Operational and Structural Source Control BMPs will include the maintenance of stormwater drainage systems as described in the Operations and Maintenance Manual, included within this report. Please see Appendix D. 2.4 Minimum Requirement#4: Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls The project does not propose to alter the downstream flow path from the project site. Stormwater generated by the existing project site infiltrates through existing grass or sheetflows to the ditch along East North Mason School Road. Upon completion of the proposed project, stormwater will continue to infiltrate through the native soils via a new infiltration trench with emergency overflow conveyed to the roadside ditch as it is in the existing condition. 2.5 Minimum Requirement#5: On-site Stormwater Management This project proposes to employ stormwater management BMPs to convey and fully infiltrate stormwater on-site. The proposed infiltration trench will prevent disruption of the natural hydrologic characteristics of the project site. 2.6 Minimum Requirement#6: Runoff Treatment Runoff generated by the proposed project site does not require treatment since the proposed improvements do not propose to create 5,000 sf or more of pollution-generating impervious surface. 2.7 Minimum Requirement#7: Flow Control This project proposes to satisfy this requirement through full infiltration in the proposed infiltration trench. Therefore, by inspection the project will not cause a 0.1 cubic feet per second increase in the 100- year flow frequency from a threshold discharge area. 2.8 Minimum Requirement#8: Wetlands Protection Not applicable. There are no wetlands on the project site. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 8 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 2.9 Minimum Requirement#9: Basin/Watershed Planning No basin plans have been found for the project site location. The site is in the Devereaux Lake sub-basin of the Hood Canal Basin. 2.10 Minimum Requirement#10: Operations and Maintenance Stormwater conveyance and infiltration facilities located on the property will be privately owned and maintained. An Operations and Maintenance Manual is included in Appendix D of this report. 2.11 Optional Guidance #1: Financial Liability Since the North Mason School District is a public entity, performance bonding is not required. 2.12 Optional Guidance #2: Off-site Analysis We are not proposing to convey any runoff off-site, therefore, no off-site analysis has been performed. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 9 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Figure 2—Flow chart for Determining Requirements for New Development per the 2005 DOE Manual Start Here Does the site have Yes See Redevelopment 35%or more of Minimum existing impervious Requirements and coverage? Flow Chart Does the project convert (Figure 2.3) No '/, acres or more of native IF vegetation to lawn or Does the project add No landscaped areas, or 5,000 square feet or convert 2.5 acres or more more of new of native vegetation to impervious surfaces`' pasture' Yes Yes No Does the project have All Minimum 2,000 square feet or more of new, replaced, Requirements apply to or new plus replaced the new impervious impervious surfaces? surfaces and converted pervious surfaces. Yes No IF Minimum Does the project have Requirements#1 land-disturbing through #5 apply to activities of 7,000 the new and replaced Yes square feet or more:' impervious surfaces and the land disturbed. No IF See Minimum Requirement#2, Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Figure 2.2—Flow Chart for Determining Requirements for New Development SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 10 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Do the new,replaced,or new plus replaced impervious surfaces total 2,000 square feet or more? OR Does the land disturbing activity total 7,000 square feet or more? Yes No Minimum Requirements#I through#5 Apply Minimum Requirement#2, apply to the new and replaced impervious Construction Stormwatcr Pollution surfaces and the land disturbed. Prevention Next Qnesdon Does the project add 5,000 square feet or more of new impervious surfaces? OR Convert 1/4 acres or more of native vegetation to lawn or landscaped areas? OR Convert 2.5 acres or more of native vegetation to pasture'? Yes No xeatt Minimum Requirements#1 through#10 Question Is this a road- apply to the new impervious surfaces and related project'? the converted pervious surfaces_ Yp xo Docs the project add 5,000 square feet or more of new impervious surfaces? Yes No Do new impervious surfaces add 501116 or Is the total of the new plus replaced more to the existing impervious surfaces impervious surfaces 5,000 square feet or within the project limits? more,AND does the value of the proposed improvements—including No Yes interior improvements—exceed 50%of the assessed value(or replacement value) No additional of the existing site impro ments? Frequirements Ya No No additional Minimum Requirements#I through#10 requirements apply to the new and replaced impervious surfaces. Figure 2.3—Flow Chart for Determining Requirements for Redevelopment 2-10 Volume I—Minimum Technical Requirements February 2005 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 11 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 3.0 PERMANENT STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN The proposed improvements are part of a multiphase project. The proposed project site improvements will consist of new / replaced asphalt and gravel surfaces, concrete walkways, track & field, and landscaped areas. The proposed improvements have been graded so they drain to a proposed infiltration trench. Emergency overflow from the infiltration trench will convey stormwater to the roadside ditch along East North Mason School Road. As documented by the attached geotechnical report, the soils beneath the existing forested areas, porous asphalt track, gravel shotput area, and proposed turf field will infiltrate runoff immediately (> 1in/hr) to the highly permeable native soils. Therefore, these areas have been excluded from the infiltration trench size calculations. Please see Appendix A & B of this report, which provides a breakdown of the existing project site surface areas, proposed project site surface areas, and proposed areas tributary to the proposed infiltration facility. The calculations included in Appendix C indicate that the proposed 6" storm drain piping will adequately convey the 100-year, 24-hour event for any of the proposed roof areas. Appendix D demonstrates that the proposed 3 foot by 5 foot infiltration trench with perforated pipe will have adequate capacity to infiltrate runoff for up to the 100-year, 24-hour event. Appendix C also shows that the two 12" proposed emergency overflow pipes from the infiltration trench will have adequate capacity to convey runoff to the roadside ditch adjacent to East North Mason School Road in the event of a system failure. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. 12 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX A - EXISTING PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS EXHIBIT SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. A-1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sifts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Fi ure 7 — Existing Conditions 1 2 3 4 I.EGM WERYOUS 9MACE n_55 kCKS; L_J PER'AOUS WACE,(7.40 ACRES) Water Towers RonP(o36A ) A PRNECT UY(S(031 ACRES) A Pumphouse I Existing Proposed Tributary to Infiltration j (Acres) (Acres) Trench (Acres) Portables I Pervious Surface 7.40 3.77 1.01 I Pervious Pavement 0.00 3.41 0.00 I I Impervious Pavement 1.55 1.82 1.18 I Shed j Roof 0.36 0.31 0.26 Total 9.31 9.31 2.45 e i - - W < Jz i 0a uJ w- 1 1 H z x'a. 1 (n z a LL, 1 I 1 t 1 1 I ozo� o I "s 1 • Administration Building s { (to remain) I ———— m Uj Uj 1 - i ~� IL FIL 1 I QQ -------------------------- ----------------- --� ------------ ------ �=>ca Teen Center LL x Building Kitchen Building ' EX-1 EXj M COND7M E O-W 0 —- Aa 4 T� NORTH 16331 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. A-2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX B - PROPOSED PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS EXHIBITS SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. B-1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Figure 8—Proposed Conditions 1 2 3 4 LEGEND - U-MOOS WAa(1.87 kOCS) L_J PROM WACE(377 AMS) L_J ROUF(031 AMS) a - H0U5 A OOT(341 ACRES) A Water Towers PERPR0.EC1 LF.(8.31 ACRES) ————————————— ————— PumphOuse j ———————if Existing Proposed Tributary to Infiltration I (Acres) (Acres) Trench (Acres) Pervious Surface 7.40 3.77 1.01 Concessions Building Pervious Pavement 0.00 3.41 0.00 Impervious Pavement 1.55 1.82 1.18 Home Grandstand 1 Roof 0.36 0.31 0.26 —— Total 9.31 9.31 2.45 � I Visitor Grandstand ' r C> ; a s J ?. JZ otf W t Ile ^\ 0Lu sm n- 1 1 ° Z LU 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 _ � 1 1 � 1 1 0 C 1 )0000.111 13 1 u n 1 I 1 I Administration 3 Building a 1 (to remain) 1 --_--------, W a 1�-----------------------------------------------\_ --------- m------ 0— EX-2y``)....o W N ' _ PR01060 COPDMCN3 Br —M0 SCAlf R rs — NOMH 16331 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. B-2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Figure 9 Area Tributary to Infiltration Trench + 2 a 4 LEGM WERUM$WALE(118 ACKS) L_J PJYMUS WACE(1.01 ACRES) L_J ROOT(026 A01n) .M TOTAL TRSUTART 10 RfXTRATI",M 6OCH 12.+5 ACKF,: a A Existing Proposed Tributary to Infiltration 1— ———————————————— I (Acres) (Acres) Trench(Acres) I I I Pervious Surface 7.40 3.77 1.01 Concessions Building I I a I Pervious Pavement 0.00 3.41 0.00 # a Home Grandstand I Impervious Pavement 1.55 1.82 1.18 I Roof 0.36 0.31 0.26 Visitor Grandstand ; i Total 9.31 9.31 2.45 J Z ad NZ `" I 1 1 1 1 1 � I 1 0 C I I ? 3 I n 1 1 < m 1 ¢ �... �-------------I I I 1 I Administration 3 Building a 1 I (to remain) CO 1 I 1 ----------- -I � o 1 I o 1 ^ 1 < 11-----------------------------------------------\,a -------------------� 01, EX-3 AWA TFAWAW TO N:L7MTM TRENW -IT WORTH 16 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. B-3 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX C - STORMWATER CALCULATIONS SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. C-1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 C.1 Conveyance Analysis The SBUH method has been used to determine peak flows for the conveyance calculations in this section. Table C1 from the 2005 DOE manual contains curve numbers used in the SBUH method. Table C1 — Runoff Curve Numbers for SBUH method Table 2.2 Runoff Curve Numbers for Selected Agricultural,Suburban and Urban Areas (Sources:TR 55.1986.and Stormw•ater Management Manual, 1992.See Section 2.1.1 for explanation) CNs for h drolo is soil group Cover type and hydrologic condition. A B C D Curve Numbers for Pre-Development Conditions Pasture,grassland,or range-continuous forage for grazing: Fair condition(ground cover 50%to 75%and not heavily grazed). 49 69 79 84 Good condition ground cover>75%and lightly or onlv occasional) grazed) 39 61 74 80 Woods: Fair(Woods are grazed but not bume(,and some forest litter covers the soil). 36 60 73 79 Good(Woods are protected from grazing,and litter and brush adequately cover the soil). 30 55 70 77 Curve Numbers for Post-Develo meot Conditions Open space(lawns,parks,golf courses,cemeteries,landscaping,etc.) Fair condition(grass cover on 50%-75%of the area). 77 90 92 Good condition(grass cover on>75%of the area) 68 80 86 90 Impervious areas: Open water bodies:lakes,wetlands,ponds etc. 1 o0 I 1 u0 100 Paved parkinglots,roofs',driveways,eta (excluding right-of-wa ) 98 98 98 98 Permeable Pavement(See Appendix C to decide which condition below to use) Landscaped area 77 85 90 92 50%landscaped area+'50%impervious 8? 91 Q4 96 1001%impervious area 98 A 98 98 Paved 98 98 98 98 Gravel(includin right-of-way) 76 89 91 Dirt(including ri ht-of-wav) 72 82 87 89 Pasture.grassland,or range-continuous forage for grazing: Poor condition(ground cover<50%or heavily grazed with no mulch). 68 79 86 89 Fair condition(ground cover 50%to 75%and not heavily grazed). 49 69 79 84 Good condition(ground cover>75%and lightly or only occasionally grazed) 39 61 74 80 Woods: Poor(Forest litter,small trees,and brush are destroyed by heavy grazing or regular burning). 45 66 77 83 Fair(Woods are grazed but not burned,and some forest litter covers the soil). 36 60 73 79 Good(Woods are rotected from grazing,and litter and brush adequately cover the soil). 30 55 70 77 Single family residential': Should only be used for Average Percent Dwelling Uniu'Gross Acre subdivisions>50 acres impervious area 1.0 DU:GA 15 Separate curve number 1 5 DU GA 20 shall be selected for 2.0 DU'6A 25 pervious&impervious 2.5 DUiGA 30 portions of the site or 3.0 DUGA 34 basin 35 DU GA 38 4.0 DU:GA 4' 4.5 DU GA 46 5.0 DU:GA 48 5.5 DU:GA 50 6.0 DU:GA 52 6.5 DU GA 54 70 DU GA 5o 7.5 DU UA 58 PUD's,condos,apartments,commercial %impervious Separate curve numbers shall businesses,industrial areas& must be be selected for pervious and &subdivisions<50 acres computed impenious portions of the site For a more detailed and complete description of land use curve numbers refer to chapter two(2)of the Soil Conservation Service's Technical Release No.55,(210-VI-TR-55,Second Ed.,.tune 1986). 'Composite CN's may be computed for other combinations of open space cover type. 'Where roof runoff and driveway runoff are infiltrated or dispersed according to the requirements in Chapter 3,the average percent impervious area may be adjusted in accordance with the procedure described under-Flow Credit for Roof Downspout Infiltration"(Section 3.1.1),and"Flow Credit for Roof Downspout Dispersion'(Section 3.1.2). `Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. 'All the remaining pervious area(lawn)are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. February 2005 Volume 1!I—Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs 2-15 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. C-2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Isopluvial map for 100-year, 24-hr storm event from the 2005 DOE Stormwater Management Manual Western Washington lsopluvial 100-year, 24 hour 124 123 122 121 49 _ S 4 f FRIDAY HAR R PORT STAN —'— ✓ t� VE T. — Qts � N � 1 T F +_ 48 )TO.�'', E s t a r= fi 40 � '� � e — 5 f TAWKA r l 47 ~ E T = s' 85� � 9 I 46 Q r 100-YEAR 24. OUR PRECIPITATION —3d —ISOPLUYIA S OF 100-YEAR 24-!FOUR a ` PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH 5 �� NUAL 4 5 60 5 X 124 123 122 121 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. C-3 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Roof Conveyance Calculation The following information shows that a 6" pipe will be adequate to convey runoff for any of the proposed roof areas on the project site. The largest roof area (home grandstand roof) was used for this calculation and by inspection, the other roof areas will also be adequately served by a 6" pipe. An isopluvial map from the 2005 DOE Stormwater Management Manual for the 100-year, 24-hr storm event is included in this section (pg. C-3) and shows that 7 inches should be selected for this calculation. Runoff curve numbers from the DOE manual are also included in this section. SBUH Hydrograph Synthesis Pervious Area 0.000 (acres) CN 86.0 S 1.63 Impervious Area 0.120 (acres) CN 98.0 S 0.20 Time of Concentration 6 (min.) P 7.00 (inches) d, 10 (min.) Total Area: 0.12 (acres) w 0.4545 (min.) Results: Peak Flow 0.21 cfs Peak Time 7.67 hours Voiume 2945 cubic feet Mannings Equation- Circular Pipe Pipe Diameter D 6.0- (inches) Manning's "n" n 0.013 Slope S 0.50 (%) Formulas: Flow Depth d 310 (inches) Flow Depth Ratio d/D 0.52 (%) d/D = (d/D) Flow Point Angle 0 183.7 (deg) 0 = 2*COS-'((1-(2*d/D)) Flow Area A 0.102 (ft2) A = 1/8*(RADIANS(OrYSIN(Or))*(D/12)2 Wetted Perimeter WP 0.802 (ft) WP = n*(D/12)*Or/(2*n) Hydraulic Radius R 0.128 (ft) R= A/WP Flow Q 0.210 (cis) Q = (1.49/n)*A*R2i3*SO.5 Velocity V 2.054 (fps) V = Q/A SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. C-4 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT lob Number 16,331 Emergency Overflow Conveyance Calculation The following information shows that two 12" pipes will be adequate to convey runoff from the proposed infiltration trench in the event that it fails to infiltrate. As shown below, WWHM indicates that overflow pipes must convey 1.97 cfs for the 100-year 24-hr storm event. The associated Mannings equation shows that a single 12" pipe can adequately convey 1.97 cfs, therefore, by inspection, two 12" pipes can convey the emergency overflow. "Sz hematic i3,Basin 1 Mitigated SCENARIOS t Subbasin Name:Basin 1 r Designate as Bypass forPOC: Red-eloped Interfluw Groundwater '` ❑ i® ed Flows To: Mitigated Area in Basin r Sho.OrJy Selected ® Available Pervious Acres Available Impervious Acres rr A/B,Forest,Mod —j® ROOFTOPSIFLAT 26 Flow Frequency r✓A/B,Lawn,Flat SIDEWALKS/FL4T 1.18 'Plow(cfs) Predeveloped Mitigated 2 Year = 0.0346 0.9180 r A/B,Lawn,Mod �5 Year = 0.0977 1.2104 110 Year = 0.1565 1.3986 25 Year = 0.2454 1.6316 50 Year = 0.3194 1.8024 100 Year = 0.3978 1 1.9713 Mannings Equation- Circular Pipe Pipe Diameter D 12.0 (inches) Manning's "n" n 0.013 Slope S 0.50 (%) Formulas: Flow Depth d 7.97 (inches) Flow Depth Ratio d/D 0.66 N d/D = (d/D) Flow Point Angle 0 218.4 (deg) 0 = 2*COS-1((1-(2*d/D)) Flow Area A 0.554 (ft2) A = 1/8*(RADIANS(0r)-SIN(0r))*(D/12)2 Wetted Perimeter WP 1.906 (ft) WP = n*(D/12)*0,/(2*n) Hydraulic Radius R 0.291 (ft) R = A/WP Flow Q 1.970 (cfs) Q = (1.49/n)*A*R2i1*So.5 Velocity V 3.557 (fps) V = Q/A SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. C-5 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX D Infiltration Calculations D.1 Infiltration Trench D.1.1 Predeveloped Input n-Basin 1 Predeveloped E3 "Elaim Subbnsin Name:Bash 1 Surface Intmfbw Groudwatm 1 Flows To: Area in Basin r Show Only Selected Available Pervious Acres Available Impervious Acres A/B,Forest,Flat 156 - - (r A/B,Forest,Mod OBS D.1.2 Developed Input Schematic E, ci::37 n,Basin 1 Mitigated £3_ SCENARIOS Subbasin Name:8asb 1 r Designate as Bypass forPOC: Surface Intwilow Groundwater ❑Predeveloped Flows To: GravelTremhBedl Gravel TrenchBedl ❑v Mitigated — Area in Basin r Show O*Selected Scen Available Pervious Acres Available Impervious Acres A/B,Forest,Mod O35 r ROOFTOPS/RAT O26 BesicEbments --- -- r A/B,Lawn,Flat Q12 (J SIDEWALKS/FLAT 1.18 ®PIN®® A 1 r,A/B,Laorn,Mod ft54 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. D-1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 D.1.3 WWHM Results — Infiltration Trench Schematic -s7= H-Gravel Trench Bed 1 Mitigated SCENARIOS o J Facility Name Gra Trench Bed 1 �./ Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Outlet 3 IlMll❑Predeveloped Downstream Connection 0� __. Facility Type .Gravel Trench/Bed ❑Mitigated Facility Applied to Facility Quick Trench Run Scenario Evaporation Applied to Facility Facility Dimension Facility Dimension Diagram Basic Elements - ---- ®®® Facility Dimensions Outlet Structure Data A Trench Length(ft) 711 ®®■® Trench Bottom Width(ftl Riser Height(ft) �J-J Effective Total Depth[ft) Riser Diameter(n) 10 J H®®® Bottom slope(ft/ft) 00001 Riser Type Rat J Left Side Slope(HN) 0 0001 Notch Type 09 Right Side Slope(HN) p.00p1 Pro Elements Material Layers for Trench/Bed Layer 1 Thickness(ft) Orifice Diameter Height Layer l porosity(0-1) 0.4 Number (in) (ft) Layer 2 Thickness(ft) 1 F-—1 F0—J i — Layer 2 porosity(0-1) 0.44 2 fF—J�Fo--- Layer 3 Thickness(ft) 3 lu> lu Layer 3 porosity(0-1) Q4 Trench Volume at Riser H ead(ac-R) 104 Infiltration YES Commercial Toobox Measured Infiltration Rate[in/hr) l0 J Reduction Factor(nfik`factor) Show Trench Open Table J -- - Use Wetted Surface Area(sidewals) NO J Initial Stage(ft) 0 i Move Ebmxrts—1 To alVdumeIn*ated(acft) 345.634 Total Volume ThroughFac y ac t 345.651 A\I Total Voume Through Riser(acft) 0.017 Percent Infiltrated 100 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. D-2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX E - OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 E.1 Purpose The purpose of this Manual is to provide guidelines for maintaining the permanent on-site storm drainage system constructed as a part of the new/replaced driving surfaces,concrete walkways, porous pavement, track&field, and landscaping improvements.These improvements are located on the North Mason School District New Stadium site. The site address is 300 East Campus Drive, Belfair, WA 98528. Storm utility improvements have been proposed as a part of the new/replaced driving surfaces, concrete walkways, and landscaping. Storm utility improvements include: o Type 1 and 2 Catch Basins 0 12" Storm Drain Piping 0 6" Roof Drain Piping o Infiltration Trench Each portion of the system has to be maintained in good working condition for the system to function properly. Operations and Maintenance will be the responsibility of the Owner, North Mason School District. E.2 Permanent Facilities Description The proposed drainage system has been des igne-&V51— filtrate all collected stormwater on-site. Collected stormwater from impervious surfaces will discharge to a proposed infiltration trench. Type 1 and 2 catch basins and storm drainage piping (6" and 12") are used to collect and convey stormwater. An emergency overflow will convey runoff to the roadside ditch along East North Mason School Road. Collected roof runoff will be collected in gutters and downspouts and conveyed to the proposed infiltration trench by 6" roof drain piping. E.3 Discussion of Maintenance Any buildup of sediment, debris, vegetation, or trash that impedes the designed conveyance system may cause problems. As a result, care must be taken to keep drainage structures clean. A "vactor" truck, or other approved means, should be used to clean the on-site catch basins. Deposits on the paved surface should be swept or mechanically removed in order to prevent sediment or debris from entering the drainage system. Sediment removed must be disposed of at an approved site. Per the 2012 DOE Manual BMP T5.15 Permeable Pavements, porous asphalt surfaces should be cleaned using suction, swept with suction or high-pressure wash and suction (sweeping alone is minimally effective). Hand held pressure washers are effective for cleaning void spaces and appropriate for smaller areas such as sidewalks. Small utility cuts can be repaired with conventional asphalt or concrete if small batches of permeable material are not available or are too expensive. DOE Structural Source Control BMPs applicable to the project include the following: Applicable BMPs: BMP S412 Loading and Unloading Areas for Solid Material SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E_2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • BMP S424: Roof/Building Drains at Commercial Buildings B M P T5.15: Permeable Pavements The applicable maintenance checklists and excerpts from the 2012 DOE Manual have been included with the Operations and Maintenance Manual for review during routine maintenance inspections. E.4 Maintenance Frequency Following construction of the project, all facilities shall be inspected and maintained according to their respective maintenance checklists included at the end of this manual. One form should be filled out for each facility on-site. It is recommended that the maintenance checklists be kept in a log book or binder on-site for documentation and review purposes. Facilities will be inspected monthly, annually, or after every significant storm event where the precipitation is greater than or equal to one inch in 24 hours. When deficiencies are noted, the problems are to be corrected as soon as possible. Any spill of hazardous material (e.g. fuel, lubricant, herbicide, etc.) will be cleaned up immediately and will be reported to the Division of Emergency Management (1-800-258-5990). Contaminated material will be disposed of properly. A sample Spill Record Form is included at the end of this manual and may be copied for further use. Any questions about the existence of a problem should be directed to a Professional Engineer. E.5 Annual Cost Estimate Annual maintenance costs for the storm system will include cleaning of the catch basins, French drain, trench drain, porous pavement, and conveyance elements. Approximate annual costs for these tasks are tabulated in the table included in this section. All maintenance activities will be the responsibility of North Mason School District No. 403 upon occupation of the facility. System to Maintain No.of New Facilities/Structures Approximate Annual Cost Catch Basins 12 $2,100 Infiltration trench 1 $1,000 Trench Drain 1 $250 Porous Pavement 1 $1,000 French Drain 1 $250 Total $4,600 See the following pages for plan sheets showing facilities to be maintained. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-3 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 UJI 0 c 7 1 1— — — — — — — — — — — — — -- - 0 ------------- ------------ U 4U ♦ Yj 'Z z wo, 0 ok� V) U1j 711 7* 4 ME r --- -------------------- (_7 tip 0 < Ci U z z < 1E------------—----------------------- L 7 0 z 0 o 0 < .0 0 U v) < C < M > 0 z z 6 0 ALT 0-1 1 ji aiFF --------- L -T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - -- r�,_ jmw v, Call 2 Working Dap Before You Dig prp.mf W21116 GRADINGAND DRAINAGE PLAN GRADING GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN Utilities Underground Location Center SEE SHEET C21 SEE SHEET C2.2 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL -SMCTVRAL-WF.vE)v4G IMF A—.k_."" C2.0 NO " HUR17ONTAL 5CAU I'_40e OMM41 GROM AND DR"GE RANa 40 Be Fvooet Na: K3311 P.,a W: KLK M F 1'=4d SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-4 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 I , b� - • LEGEND A \-,j, +�\ \\,'�\\ \ \\1 \\ ��� I RID■f� Qi sraw GRAN Plot DrmaN ar r►Esx wxc 2af ,L -c��-]Ywf�-_ _- -.D- ROOF pMN IF Ds DOWNSPOUT > S E -'------ �- '1 \ -ID- FOOTING DRAM/EIR1910H DRAIN GS GRADE ELEVATION /Ord S 9 TRENCH DRAW rc TOP Or GRAVEL 11 e GRACE INL11, rP Fro O PAD U s UYrts CE A/Jh, BR BACK O COMA 2 I f `I} - \I •\ \ ` i .r I. �f//r ~•~ \`t` V Krt7ATEO/Iroo:LIVED SAAIE/ IN, TaP OF Otx E su JE \\ d Y' \\\ \ - SURFACEMAY tc TOP of cmO RNNGM1O11 BOTIOW Wt%M OF ONTO _ E '. ■ TYPE 1 CATCH BAsxh7Rm DRAM TA TOP DE ASPkKT \ El \ 1 ItFOP OF 16U U I E 91�\ e M 2 CA10R BA f I I i ff I Gi a h iF l E# } _ Y�jrl /- 1't•'R:; R 1 ROOF DRAIN CEEFMOUT(00) - l '1' �. tNWLL WE W104 EX5-IK EA EXISTING IT I I I 66r 't 2O- E B �1: A FIRE HYDRANT L1J VALVE I ✓ / Tp 210BB r �1 A (aB6iAL NOITES _ ti t R E ` yV'`� / !1 (A•/ I .v`��i� ; 1. 11[BRAISE UMli6 M i1K M"Cr ARE"Do N THEIR MP""'WAT LOCATION"i"*W 0*0 Etl5TM0"A" `I ^`�/�R�p�p�����I (SEE SIEE75 C7-St27 u1UTE5 MAY NW�$IFDRIF ON TI'M PLANS.THE CONTRACTOR 9ULL CONTACT ML UTILITY CpiAlrts Mm HAVE TEEN \ 1111 i ` E i , WIP VPl DAM 0.f1DFNILE FOR STMOM DETAES) LOCATION YARNED ON TK QRaRm PAIDR 70 O]ISDEICTION THE 00IIIRACRN ILL PROTECT,OR IMMEDIATELY IEPAF AIY b 1 TF�s0 D '�'� \ �^ sJ r I sTINcrLRE� 9PEIr E1Ev wlEs o.YAaD unuTr'0500'QED-ON nas wm.Ecr.THNfuT ADDITIONAL cOstt �L j i' I ac `•l- / c_ �• . I 2 MAINTAIN 6 YNFW 1(RTKAL AND 3'L HOWOMIAL QEAtANCE(OUTSIDE SURFACES)�IiEN STONY THAN PF{s /F ?1 I / IE.7Eq(TT TE51 rr�V. E _ A p - �G- 1 0 pl INL9y SOLO LOG1m IEf FRAE GFAX AND O1MER UlEltt PIPES AD OJIOA7S IReF.SS OMERIRSE NOTED, t r'1(�� 1t11 b I / \ - LD If 6" EB IF P' _ E.17E]I(f 0) ME GET&B2 IUA d8-- /i PVC 0� i IN HEIGHTPVT 0 09 3, THE I CATTM MASKS HEIGHT(FIRM M NAfRT)TO HAVE STANDARD D LADOER5 2 CATCH RASNS PER O.ba a N k Ii A 92 If 6"PLC•OL r.le F-277.a by KS) TV[2-W u/Mo t E - - Ch p2 28M E-27T.F7(B'E] F/TEE(2)10 MIS LOWK FORD YF LAIDY_l8F - T;.tex»=1�LF 6"PIK _ C. �I1l� Sa11 COMB,SEE DETAL M/E'L7 a ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES TD BE Ti0.r 000 GRATES SEE ASSOCIATE DETAILS ON SEER C25-Lz6 h� , 1. _ _lU-^I_-- l --_-__-T_TFw:aa.n • , PVC _ 5, AL CATCH BASIN MISTS N OR ADY4NT TO FAMED AREAS SHALL BE YAFM WITH A 779N SiFNG:. SEE DETAIL At/C3S M U 6"PNO.2.OF._- 83'T70 B.iO�- .� - ! E.22E10 SC S) TAPE 1-M/tDOONG SOD RECT. p. IE.27E0i l�E) COMIH.SEE DETAIL B2/C26 E. CONTRACTOR AND/OR SIIPTHEOt 9MLL OALCLLAIE PIPE SLOPES EA BASED T/FE N1QT yDMCELEVATIONS SNORES SIN TIE PEARS cp I E) fRMOt TO a CONSCMk THE C8N1RLCrOt 9AHL IROIFY THE A16]RiFLr/U101E1A 6 A1r OSCIFPAICZS PROP TO nF1D ,1 131f T PK :vA' -t, 13 l STNOIG AD CONS1RlIC1RIN. 1 lx -'r" II I M41-SC [(( p ON / y,I I ( L E-2t7Es(IT I/la(1)TD a B/Lww 1. AL ROOF DRAW(RD)LHS TO IE:5'PK SDR-B AT A MINMM SLOPE OF 1s(WYIN).UNLESS OT EAIH NOTE) -- I �� E^S� RORD�D NEIC SEE MAIL Pit U \ '_. •., YR ICI E - '�� L_- -�-----"-- -- J BI/427 t COMRACIIP TO FIELD MERIT NORO TAL LOCATION Of CATCH BASIN SDDICIIRES MIH FtSPEET TO OMNG/CWEM 0 Y I f0 B,Bi - - PADS PRIOR TO CATCP fYSN DL%M NT STMNC Or PARTIAL Cuf05/PADS AT TALK O CATCH BASIN STAANC CORD BE Q CD>a COd 210.95 E-277.t5 IT FIFE 2-Af HE(ESSAPr N�. 1 wAOC/NG ROM SOD COVER t i Q� iCRA_1D0.90 Lal F ( R�S) 9. (TRADING LIMITS ARE AS SH ONIN.0 Dk C) E 'I't 9 I 1 LM2B0.70 �~ 1F! TYPE I TO THE CONTRACTOR SNM4 SET FRACES AS NECESSARY TO MATCH GLOSS Sam OF THE FINI41 GRADE J E E ' f I II 110 T P10F �l0.10 E-27EN(if(6'Slll) OEfµ B2/CT 11. SEE ARORIEC.1RU PLANS FOR LOCATU6 OF DOWSPOU6 AND COODNAIF FED PPNG d DOMLSPOUT ASSES CC Z O m �t I7BBa Ob p6 2W15 N/SOD LOOPING RELY.tbMR SFE O ("') 1'�, O9.0.L �. ACCODRAlT Q C TC/TA-7EB90i1w2MA2- - 1F2E0.10 SB.SBD. I Tom' 12 iR LANDSCAPE 91E P.AM FOR ACOOIONAL SIC ELFRENIS p, = O - \\. a p7 2d56 E-DIAL'IT NQ r/SOLID L0001IG 1M1 .COVER SEE?tie/ ,%1F2N97 ' EkTIIN(r 58) DETAIL 02/Q.6 13 THE CONTRACTOR SIMIL TEIPORAFILY REPO[Tiff PROTECTION TO Pf16AN GRADING, ` N z 1 ) y U K 80111DAR MID IOPOOtARRC NFOHIAIEN SNCrI ON 71E 91F ME AS 9ATRAI OI A iffOOtAA1C SURREY(XMW:TED BY CLEAN ryr p�y.py. ism gem C2`r-G2.7 SIFTS AYIL ONOf]LS(.ION NO IS,773}SEE THE ASSSOO.VTID TCAOGRAPN[PLANS ON CG.I-00.2(PREPARED BY SITS AND Z - 'Tt Mi�OUT�L�ME FOR STADAD DETAILS) ,EL EMfiF➢6J ETR IIDIIUTAL 9NMr IFOEIATILN.APPIf1" TOPOGRAPHIC NFOONTTON ALONG THE NORTHEAST V CODE a TINE SF 6 FEW THE PHASE 2 PAGE AGWM PROECT MAD SOUTHEAST EDGE or THE SITE 6 FROM PHASE 3 Q ❑ E 1� 1�I 'Px /J'f A i . .•'a I 00 pI 291.50 E-28DA0(6') �C� MAMO S ALUMS SCHOOLPROJECT(PREPARED BY SITTS A FILL0021C t5 I11C)/OE51G N PLANS(Iqr AS BJET). Q = O CO fI OMpETE COLA. 15 AL STORM ORAN PPE TO BE OE➢.UNLESS OROFW NOTED INSTALL REAL DETAIL 02/tI3 A DI/:'15. -I /// �• 002 251.50 E-2L10(E') ❑ Z O III COKKIE W1At, 16 COORDINATE TRIM SIMATIIG RAINS SEE UTILITY PI/MS FOR ALL S7WI/UWTl CROSSINGS. Z O U 0o N szm E-200 R7 SEE DETFa A2A23 Q vl In _ CO NAA 2" [.LE76(R') SEE OCTAI A2/43 CT 17, ALL F➢ NM GRAMS MUST HE TICKTI FD ALTO A CATCH BASIN.DO NOT,COI ECF TO ROOF DRAIN LINES Q ! \ z 5 N 1fl ALL FOORAG GRAN(TO)IlES TO IF i PERFORATED PVC SOR-S AROUND BUYDIID PFkdfflEll.fO17NG DRAIN IUNTIRIES Z ` p4 I I TR-X.9c� �I L` ' 1 W201.40 �N(, / CD 05 21M E•210.7E(E') SEE:WDL AM= 'RCM A CATCH BASIN TO THE NRAG SHALL BE SOLD WALL PVC S R-35 ALL FRENCH DBMS(M$'rFD)LINES TO A 6 __.-__ k__ HE SOLD WALL PK SOR-n ___________RIOT _-------,---_ __I CO P E TEAL E' 8 PYRE A2/C1,5 19 n�E WIIRACTID SWIl FULLY IESRN' c�n(N.iRC11C1 OtM1 7M]InNQ F7Nd A CATCH BASIN 70 THE FitO/ChDRAU ❑ PK SOR-R RUM FFUOI GRAIN 9'L CD P6 SEE MIAL Q 1 ! FI- -- L k (.) ALNIN"AIHNG+AIL STONY SYS1aR5(EXISTING AND PROP95U)THROD71 O ng ALL PHASES OF CO69FNCION AND THROUGH RD.ECT COMPLETION TI(CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A 5� AND POROUS � o l A T +I 1 PAYDIEN'RAN FOR 7IMPORAR1 MEASURES BETIM PHASE PR SrFONNG FOR ENGINEER FEYFP Z Z / I�27s.6P t 2 ;,-V�\\ �11 I - - I MY NDM y P HA DNA W ' O RNIERM DRAIN,, DESK 05/M5 ` A7 OVERFLOW OUM PPE MsrAu OE■16 LAWf L' .{ 281 PER LIAAAL G RP RIP RA RMAID AID RAP PAD.SEE PLAN y(" >� Tf-2B090 - FOR LE D PAD YREWI OR[1G9GN5 E } �'� � 1r �A.2BO70- r..,crr. L_•,�i S-15 orawNc IAAw SC 03m/id Call 2 Working Days Before You DID D312P/16 2 C6171!16 - �- -_ - - - �' _ - 1-800-424-5555 -zir - _ ' - _= Utilities Underground Location Center 1T= =T= SIT ENGINEERS,INC. ----� ? - z _ TN i \ + Y,-A __-_ #A•/r¢ --s++F-7/ r -�\•: - J ` GALL •STFNCTURAL.SUR4£1TNG G t �//ry7H1 �EA,h �[ A.�/ / RyYpnA .n!rEFIRR stRtET TMriAw,.A mwR - ..___ \ • b.N1�I(y4 IB 6�_ / `4 a '! I A�yt / / \A\It lE_ / \•.\I'rri�' sl rPLR M hHONE(2SI)al.-PUP i /�p��yE/�++d�/���p��Ry/S\�pI�� \ ?S7" E 3` drt -e A ,.>LOEJC• t�.n _ k NOI3MTA SCALE:1'z30' Vl1'LARRA!tiO D WMtIG ELM 70 G 30 60 Prow MF: 163N pO1Mt Yp.: Y.LKIN ' SCALE f.]U P*End- NX Pn/Palls LMY SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-5 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 - � Z , -- ae-N^. ah Yxb 3�` ` -ID- SIGN awl PIPE < 13DTST ra>Q.a 5C � s 94 t DEFCIION a FINISH alcE SLOPE > €3 11"W710 - l ` -RO- ROO WAIN A4 S � as DOWSPDur 8€ 4 TAF pII.20 .I -� ♦41 E I \X I rD rooRms aHM/TIEIACH«RAM GS (MADE ELEVATION O c E rr.r�u. e t,� � Y ra+OF mAvrE. Y! ` � 1 h ------ JM A TOP Of U a GRACE ORE ,j pp B W75 OF ROPY BR BACc OF PALM )// 4 • $ Li N ae�m KAFEDR RDa LKL SNYL, TN P Or o N Z SURF11 ' V j�+ --• --- � -' -- ---� --- /-'�•r. ---� /-- ---' -- yTFT .i®,. TC ,OPV NRB O I 1 F R/IKXR71 BDTiUY Do BDR011 Or fiRB N _ `;\\ m.n No, �� I --» � , o` I� 719E I GiiN 9A91/rAio DRAIN TA TOP OF ASPWII INC \'''�j, �j'y,�(/ I _a. \ • TYRE uIa M9N U / M,^ \ \`.� O / ,MIL LOP OF.41 A�k�1 4 1�]aSOa Oa/ �(./ \, Y� R °RAIN aFNlart(m) WE MICH CASTING E1 EKING w 3f"` - A• iF306.N r p `s' \ r• FIRE NMRW7 �pN��� vulc k k` IF70SM -- ' /Q `✓G' flY ` �S} ' \\\�\'d/' i/ I GENERAL NOTES S. -f ,` f✓`i es xk k^ �I EAR• �i `\ / / e ' I. THE BARED UTILITIES ON IMrs PR6ECT I%SHOWN N THER APPRa91A&LOCATION THERE MOON.OTHER OEM eDl� \�[ .< I � 3 yf` tg �t Cr R� YYYY 6( 1 \\\/// i E UT1uTES NAY NOT CE SNONM ON YK%PLANS TIE CONTRACTOR 4MLL COATKI kL uIU,Y COMPANIES No M1f IIER �Y`ax= pa YYY % / Y DM4EC DI 'DWO*PEC'oN PROLOCATION WAND 04 THE GHA.NC PRIER 10 JECT TIMW o0`ITRA-TOR TIRE PROTECT OR IROATav gDAR ANY Pe� / \B\ v EF3aau IE .M +yy.i to aYPtsB E COSTS !Il I IL 1E1TFFS2NfL ' aiE Esk�q- •. IR 2 MAIWAINNNWN`S i AND S wul 10WIS Q F(OUTSIDE SURFACES)BE1EfM SRN DRAIN PIPES15 AND OTHER U Ltt PIPES OOGR i UNIM OTHERWISE NOTED.H /��(n\\ allll 1 TYPE 1 CATCH BASINS>:M HEIGHT(RN TO PnOn TO HA%E STANTUM LAMM TYPE 2 CAT«SASKS PEP MAIL 31a F= ee (jI ' \ _ u/1:2.6 55 LF lay a 6'TD a a! 'yf� �i\\�' .;; - k iZ a YA \•v 1� 1. ALL CA"M9.GRATES TC BE B47 DOM GRATES YE ASSOCIATED DETAILS GH ARTS CZ5-U6 E am a"^Px ,. 2p �\ [ 1 � VIA $° k ! A j■ Lc S ALL CATCH BASIN NUYS N OR ADMIErt TO PALED YEAS 90LL aE YARNED WITH A T9 SMXCF' SEE DETAE N/C 5 r]2 �P a tFAI.W `• ` �s 6. COIIRE w atR,e gw ACWw Modal SVR.EYJR SMALL CMDLAM PPE SLOES III ON THE INVENT MIDATKNS 910N1 a THE PLANS CONCESSION=IDT2N T'fi�[ y[T� i� � '' tawi.SD - S /' PR eTar l M°Irr AN THE AxoETT:er,Exrome°r .DISCREPANCIES PRIOR rEID .22 _ �1a TY��DT42\ c o 'E ZOH 17 2EI.17 •TMS5 T• - \ `6 y R f' 7. ALL ROOF OHM(RD)LEES TO HE C PVC SM-35 AT A IMOM YSR O 1,S (WE",UNLESS OMPIIH MOTO � 7p2a1.06 IIr7RF 6 \. kfl y' A �A1 B CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VRFY HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF CATCH BASIN STRICTURES 67H REJECT M aXIM/CMOFr, Q 16 if 6'm �I S. A�N��yNL�p�� r�. (RE SPEE-R C2_5C3 7 FOR TZbC ..• 1W-299.02 Fe y b ' A-NPSIR.11E vPJFE 'E�JAILE STAIOMO DETAILS) PADS PRIOR ro GTbI BASH RKEIDIT STARNC OF PAR11A fDRL5,9ADi AT FADE OF GT[N BASH SIANIG Co"CE 150 J _�0. I,wyLl♦. hV e 1 . 4/ B •b k. NEOSSAIn Q T 29B(R \.. g i > I �� RN INERT Ed,, NOTE H o EIEV 9 GRADING LIMITS ARE AS SNOW HERON Cn as ke / 1Y L5j A . �y-�--x/r 2m.90 �. t \ f �'!/,}� Wg Ep.B E-277.63 E-?7791({B-E) 10 THE CONTRACTOR 9MLL SET FRMES AS NECESSARY TO MATCH CROSS SLOW Of THE FRBI CLAM O �� •" n-nss \ /,bV/Q H. SEEw1rJ6TEcnxlK RAMS FOR LOCATIONS OF DOWNSPOUTS AMcoamwATE AT r�Rlc 6 DOWNSPOUT en h1 ACCOEMQY Q Q T■.aa ISO 10/EM1af0 Is. T\ ,\•`\31-'. _ - _ GO ON ,z WE lMD9VVC SITERN1 PR'ADDITIONAL 9rE ELEIaN1S a U Z E.z77.a7(T Iq 11 M COYMACICR SHALL TEW-DRNEY RENOVE TREE PROTECTION To PERFORM GRADING U r Itl� +2Rw N' 1A. BOROMIT AND TOPOGPopRC TA'OIWTHN SHOW OI 11E Sr ARE AS 9VAN W A TOVp1AFHC SAWY QOIOUCIED RY T.3 Q n0 f SETS L ILL ONbEERS(DB NO 5,7731_SEE THE As:OCIAIEO TWOGMPNC P-N6 CN GET-f12(PREPARED By SOTS AND Z N LLLLJJ I O\ \` .� MM Y4 E-m as TY ELf NL vNOEas)FOR xGTIOMu SRSHEr RwwLA1pL 9.wEElENrAI raO9tAREC RsaBlAxa ALONG nE NarnICAsr a u \ :;,_ , COB PI [=GORE��5) EDGE OF THE 5TE R FROM THE PHASE 2 PACE ACAMO PROECT AMID SOUTHEAST EDGE OF IHE SE IS FRd1 PNSF 5 Q lob Eye J I_ \�'� _ MAWNS IEi11E SOYJLL PROJECT(PPFPMFD er 9TI5 R nu EMiEIItS.MC.)/bE"RM6 OHOr AS ELLT). EY = Q CIO \T '\\\ ` _ -ALL _ e_ E-rnN 1s ALL STIMII GRAN PPE ro BE CEP.UNLESS UTERNH NOTED INSTALL PER METAL 02/M3 a D1�2.5 C Z C7 _ C r (4"L LyzJ � 1 � 1��6. � � - �1 �•c`�� � § a nx I.13 Eti76.N(1'EM 16 GWOMTE NiN sGPAOIF PVMS.sfE uITLm PlAlls FDit ALL SWON/UTU71'ONSSHLS. Q O IU � 110.0 �.. `` _ 17. ILL FOOTINGS MANS NUSf IF R(INiLPED INTO A U701 BASH.g}..BOj OaREC'W 70 Roar DRAIN LNG Q C YT~cl I PY-a1.13 1 E�E77.63(IY Nj,N (' S Ob 10E-2ea6e �'■\\ ��\ _ � - CI n3 16 A,,FOOTIIC GRAIN(TO)DIES TO BE:PERFORATED PVC Sal-35 AROUND BU M PERIMETER.FDOTNG TWO MAIT.RES Z ` O ` Y _- i -_ - FROM A CATCH BASM TO ft MUL NG SMALL BE SPED MIA MI PVC WR-35 ALL FRENCH DRYS(ALSO-M)LINES ro BE 6• o O ��.a�.IAN } r 1F2RN -�rt \_ PERFORATED Py SON-35 RN/1 FRENCH atlM SECTION FRENCH GRAIN,IGHRINES FROM A CATCH BASIN TO THE TREND, C ��RLyB�� $D 1 •^-N. I Do _ _ _ OIAN 70 BE$0.1D M41 P'FC 2R-35 ----Jam -- -""-'-'-"- ----- T' TC/WMZBafF r iMLtl3 r 11Ai.T�---Or�f t 1y0- -- -1 �''�-tir 1-- (SEE S TC15-AILS) 7 FIR Tl71L6B _ _ -NH- �-µ 19, ALLTHE PHASES F 9NLL H FN AN RESPGI�If FORD THRUJIGH PROJECT MMWNNG ALL STORM WACTOR HALL SUMMIT MID PSFCRW )7 PROD SOWLE SiAMDA1O OETALS7 N. P VERENT PLAN Fw TEMPORARY IEASRIES LLIIEEEM PMASE 1RNIS'VIN FG OR DNOPMR RET�W A SIGN NO POH11R O Z C0�0B [=zA.01 11� Ba SOB I a � g� lllllll I : „RI,..� �:• ___`� I e J�--- l�' p AEON Na21177- - - I Eby MM/�R�p TF21IP 15 PAG1 NOTES y A N // I ITT I - ^k.a6.07 O 71EMO1 WHIN,PER OCTAL 0.5/C25 . IN �/. L5 LF i 1`•LLL 2B6SO _- - O OVRRLOM CURET PPE NSLu Dom I~ BELIN I 11b207 W ■g ? PER OETAE IT/C2.5 AND RP RAP PAD,SEE PLAN ��Ieh R11b2B1.13 _ 11/TM7N.E i t 9'• FOR LE No RP RIP PAD M/Yll DREIAOK 1 -} /DOT-2111OE3 I. ITNLL-7Y.50 - '4e TER-2E1.M ITkDTI.w OS PATCH GSCOM1ECim PPE cGNEEnaMs PER CETALro�`° rE-2sf 1 TR.20o96 ' SEE 9EF I a1/C25 1 Fw ALTo-t f.� TR-2IRA0 �; .l A ooMT E 1R2y0 t 9N 1C/,A2B090 E O __ j�a F r.71r•.rl 201515 5a _-- ®^3� iM2I0. I J 5L, JMW 1 SC 03/03/16 ,n ur CPEP•D67H u.2m. 1_ _my p Call 2 Working Days Before You Dig ro 01n9/16 TL-21L50 06n T/16 a TA nLO2- �;- - & - ti 1-800-424-5555 /«- / 1PI7LT 17YLL-2W0 ,��--� _ ? wa2.sB .c TA-sLP6 __TCW w � `- RP_ _ IT RA /,' Utilities Underground�ocaTf on Center F�o. 1s� Fo-2n.a sc-2ma _nu-2sti9-Eo-ssn fEFui6o___ y±/`� _ - FC•m3..1W5 1C 77f3A -' - �T- = =�-' •.f. �- J _ SITTS & HILL -- --- :� ENGINEERS INC. SN•et 6 - lNc C2.2 Yr7IlE cL .sr�cTUP>L.sueeEr /M ` [// n� ',.ems 1 i uls-TER I T T- r RRN6R NOM ��������T��//5��p��P IIa�.TAL SCAIE:I, NiIPY/FR1 P+rV DRAIU GE 1 WTI 30 0 b 60 R.Od No 153M P.0d 0'. Stu • $CAE:H--SD RN,E.9w-. ILL N'6j w Jrfl SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-6 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • Catch Basins Catch basins are underground concrete structures typically provided with a slotted grate to collect stormwater runoff and route it through underground pipes. Catch basins can also be used as a junction in a pipe system and may have a solid lid. There are two catch basin types. A Type 1 catch basin is a rectangular box with approximate dimensions of 3'x2'x5'.Type 1 catch basins are utilized when the connected conveyance pipes are less than 18 inches in diameter and the depth from the grate to the bottom of the pipe invert is less than 5 feet. Type 2 catch basins, also commonly referred to as storm manholes, are round concrete structures ranging in diameter of 4 feet to 8 feet. Type 2 catch basins are used when the connecting conveyance pipe is 18 inches or greater or the depth from grate to pipe bottom exceeds 5 feet.Type 2 catch basins typically have manhole steps mounted on the side of the structure to allow for access. Both catch basin types typically provide a storage volume (sump) below the outlet pipe to allow sediments and debris to settle out of the stormwater runoff. Some catch basins are also provided with a spill control device (inverted elbow on outlet pipe) intended to contain large quantities of grease or oils. The most common cleaning method for catch basins is to utilize a truck with a tank and vacuum hose (vactor truck) to remove sediment and debris from the sump. Catch basins may be an enclosed space where harmful chemicals and vapors can accumulate. Therefore, if the inspection and maintenance requires entering a catch basin, it should be conducted by an individual with training and certification in working in hazardous confined spaces. grace / BIRD'S-EYEVIEW i base section i e o lei PVc ® MP. Type (I SIDE PROFILE Type 2 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-7 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Catch Basins Checklist Date Frequency Drainage '� `� `� `� Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That System Should Exist Feature ANNUAL General "Dump no Stencil or stamp should be Warning signs pollutants" visible and easily read (e.g.,"Dump No Stencil or stamp Waste-Drains to not visible Stream")shall be painted or embossed on or adjacent to all storm drain inlets. MONTHLY,STORM General Trash&Debris Trash or debris which is No trash or debris located immediately in front located of the catch basin opening or immediately in is blocking inletting capacity of front of catch the basin by more than 10%. basin or on grate opening. MONTHLY General Trash&Debris Trash or debris(in the basin) No trash or debris that exceeds 60 percent of the in the catch basin. sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin,but in no case less than a minimum of six inches clearance from the debris surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. MONTHLY General Trash&Debris Trash or debris in any inlet or Inlet and outlet outlet pipe blocking more pipes free of trash than 1/3 of its height. or debris. MONTHLY General Trash&Debris Dead animals or vegetation No dead animals that could generate odors that or vegetation could cause complaints or present within the dangerous gases(e.g., catch basin. methane). MONTHLY General Sediment Sediment(in the basin)that No sediment in the exceeds 60 percent of the catch basin sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin,but in no case less than a minimum of 6inches clearance from the sediment surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-8 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • Catch Basins Checklist (continued) Frequency System ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Feature Should Exist ANNUAL General Structure Damage to Top slab has holes larger than Top slab is free of Frame and/or Top Slab 2 square inches or cracks holes and cracks. wider than 1/4 inch(Intent is to make sure no material is running into basin). ANNUAL General Structure Damage to Frame not sitting flush on top Frame is sitting Frame and/or Top Slab slab,i.e.,separation of more flush on the riser than 3/4 inch of the frame rings or top slab from the top slab. Frame not and firmly securely attached. attached. ANNUAL General Fractures or Cracks in Maintenance person judges Basin replaced or Basin Walls/Bottom that structure is unsound. repaired to design standards. ANNUAL General Fractures or Cracks in Grout fillet has separated or Pipe is re-grouted Basin Walls/Bottom cracked wider than 1/2 inch and secure at and longer than 1 foot at the basin wall. joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. ANNUAL General Settlement/Misalignment If failure of basin has created Basin replaced or a safety,function,or design repaired to problem. design standards. MONTHLY General Vegetation Vegetation growing across No vegetation and blocking more than 10% blocking opening of the basin opening. to basin. MONTHLY General Vegetation Vegetation growing in No vegetation or inlet/outlet pipe joints that is root growth more than six inches tall and present. less than six inches apart. MONTHLY General Contamination and Any evidence of oil, No contaminants Pollution gasoline,contaminants,or or pollutants other pollutants(Coordinate present. removal/cleanup with local water quality response agency). ANNUAL Catch Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only Any open catch Basin partially in place. basin requires Cover maintenance. Catch basin cover is closed SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-9 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWA TER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Catch Basins Checklist (continued) Date Frequency Drainage `� `� `� Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That System Should Exist Feature ANNUAL Catch Basin Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by Mechanism opens with Cover Mechanism one maintenance person with proper tools. Not Working proper tools.Bolts into frame have less than 1/2 inch of thread. ANNUAL Catch Basin Cover Difficult One maintenance person cannot Cover can be removed Cover to Remove remove lid after applying normal by one maintenance lifting pressure.(Intent is to keep person. cover from sealing off access to maintenance.) ANNUAL Ladder Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing Ladder meets design Unsafe rungs,not securely attached to standards and allows basin wall,misalignment,rust, maintenance person cracks,or sharp edges. safe access. ANNUAL Grates Grate opening Grate with opening wider than 7/8 Grate opening meets Unsafe inch. design standards. MONTHLY,STORM Grates Trash and Trash and debris that is blocking Grate free of trash and Debris more than 20%of grate surface debris. inletting capacity. ANNUAL Grates Damaged or Grate missing or broken member(s) Grate is in place and Missing. of the grate. meets design standards. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Key: (MONTHLY) Monthly from November through April (ANNUAL) Once in late summer (preferable September) (STORM) After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline). Comments: SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-10 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Debris Barriers (e.g. Trash Racks) Debris barriers consist of bar grates over the open end of a culvert or conveyance pipe.The intent of a debris barrier is to prevent large materials from entering a closed pipe system. Debris barriers are typically located on the outlet pipe from a detention pond to the control structure. If a debris barrier is not located on the outlet pipe, one should be provided to prevent plugging of the control structure and possible flooding. Access barriers are similar to debris barriers but are included on all pipe ends that exceed 18 inches in diameter. Their function is to prevent debris and unauthorized access into the storm conveyance pipe. Removing debris and maintenance to the debris barrier when there is flow through the conveyance pipe should be performed by qualified personnel only. bar frame Flow i anchor strips SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-11 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • Debris Barrier Checklist Date Frequency Drainage Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Should System Exist Feature MONTHLY,STORM General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging Barrier cleared to more than 20%of the openings in design flow capacity. the barrier. ANNUAL General Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more Bars in place with no Bars. than 3 inches. bends more than 3/4 inch. ANNUAL General Damaged/Missing Bars are missing or entire barrier Bars in place according Bars. missing. to design. ANNUAL General Damaged/Missing Bars are loose and rust is causing Barrier replaced or Bars. 50%deterioration to any part of repaired to design barrier. standards. ANNUAL General Inlet/Outlet Pipe Debris barrier missing or not Barrier firmly attached attached to pipe. to pipe. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Key: (MONTHLY) Monthly from November through April. (ANNUAL) Once in late summer (preferable September) (STORM) After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline). Comments: SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-12 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • Energy Dissipaters Energy dissipaters are provided on the inlet and outlet to a closed pipe system to prevent erosion at these locations. Design of an energy dissipater can vary significantly from highly engineered systems (concrete or rock gabion structures) to the more commonly used rock pad. The rock pad is typically constructed of 4- to 12-inch diameter rocks a minimum of 12 inches thick and is often lined with filter fabric. The rock pad should extend above the top of the pipe a minimum of 1 foot. discharge pipe filter fabric liner under rock SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-13 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Energy Dissipaters Checklist Date Frequency Drainage System Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Feature Should Exist External: MONTHLY Rock Pad Missing or Moved Only one layer of rock exists above Rock pad Rock native soil in area five square feet replaced to or larger,or any exposure of native design standards. soil. MONTHLY Rock Pad Erosion Soil erosion in or adjacent to rock Rock pad pad. replaced to design standards. MONTHLY Rock Pad Pipe Plugged with Accumulated sediment that Pipe Sediment exceeds20%of the design depth. cleaned/flushed so that it matches design. MONTHLY Rock Pad Not Discharging Water Visual evidence of water Infiltration Properly discharging at concentrated points gallery along trench(normal condition is a redesigned or "sheet flow"of water along rebuilt to trench).Intent is to prevent standards. erosion damage. MONTHLY Rock Pad Perforations Plugged. Over 1/2 of perforations in pipe Perforated pipe are plugged with debris and cleaned or sediment. replaced. MONTHLY Rock Pad Water Flows Out Top Maintenance person observes or Facility rebuilt or of"Distributor"Catch receives credible report of water redesigned to Basin. flowing out during any storm less standards. than the design storm or its causing or appears likely to cause damage. MONTHLY Rock Pad Receiving Area Over- Water in receiving area is causing No danger of Saturated or has potential of causing landslides. landslide problems. Internal: MONTHLY Manhole/Chamber Worn or Damaged Structure dissipating flow Structure Post,Baffles,Side of deteriorates tol/2 of original size replaced to Chamber or any concentrated worn spot design standards. exceeding one square foot which would make structure unsound. MONTHLY Manhole/Chamber Trash Debris Trash or debris(in the basin)that No trash or exceeds 60 percent of the sump debris in the depth as measured from the catch basin. bottom of basin to invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin,but in no case less than a minimum of six inches clearance from the debris surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-14 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Energy Dissipaters Checklist (Continued) Frequency Drainage System `� `� Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Feature Should Exist Internal(Continued): MONTHLY Manhole/Chamber Trash Debris Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe Inlet and outlet blocking more than 1/3 of its height. pipes free of trash or debris. MONTHLY Manhole/Chamber Trash Debris Dead animals or vegetation that could No dead animals generate odors that could cause or vegetation complaints or dangerous gases(e.g., present within the methane). catch basin. MONTHLY Manhole/ Sediment Sediment(in the basin)that exceeds 60 No sediment in Chamber percent of the sump depth as measured the catch basin from the bottom of basin to invert of the lowest pipe.There shall be a minimum of6 inches clearance from the sediment surface to the invert of the lowest pipe. ANNUAL Manhole/ Structure Damage to Frame Top slab has holes larger than 2 square Top slab is free of Chamber and/or Top Slab inches or cracks wider than 1/4 inch holes and cracks. (Intent is to make sure no material is running into basin). ANNUAL Manhole/ Structure Damage to Frame Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting Chamber and/or Top Slab separation of more than 3/4 inch of the flush on the riser frame from the top slab.Frame not rings or top slab securely attached and firmly attached. ANNUAL Manhole/ Fractures or Cracks in Basin Maintenance person judges that structure Basin replaced or Chamber Walls/Bottom is unsound. repaired to design standards. ANNUAL Manhole/ Fractures or Cracks in Basin Grout fillet has separated or cracked Pipe is re-grouted Chamber Walls/Bottom wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 1 and secure at foot at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or basin wall. any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. ANNUAL Manhole/ Settlement/Misalignment If failure of basin has created a safety, Basin replaced or Chamber function,or design problem. repaired to design standards. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-15 TACOMA, WASHINGTON ' NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. ' STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 ' Energy Dissipaters Checklist (Continued) Drainage Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Should ' System Exist Frequency Feature Internal(Continued): ' MONTHLY Manhole/ Contamination Any evidence of oil,gasoline,contaminants, No contaminants or Chamber and Pollution or other pollutants(Coordinate pollutants present. removal/cleanup with local water quality response agency). ANNUAL Catch Basin Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open catch basin Cover requires maintenance. Catch basin cover is closed ANNUAL Catch Basin Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with Cover Mechanism Not maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts proper tools. Working into frame have less than 1/2 inch of thread. ANNUAL Catch Basin Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid Cover can be removed by Cover Remove after applying normal lifting pressure.(Intent one maintenance person. is to keep cover from sealing off access to maintenance.) If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Key: (MONTHLY) Monthly from November through April. (ANNUAL) Once in late summer (preferable September) (STORM) After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline). Comments: SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-16 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Fencing/Shrubbery Screen/Other landscaping Fencing and shrubbery screen are provided around open stormwater management facilities to limit unauthorized access for safety purposes and to minimize the visual impact of the facility. Fencing/Shrubbery Screen/Other Landscaping Checklist Date Frequency Drainage Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature MONTHLY General Missing or broken Any defect in the fence or Fence is mended or shrubs parts/dead screen that permits easy entry replaced to form a solid barrier to shrubbery to a facility. entry. MONTHLY,STORM General Erosion Erosion has resulted in an Replace soil under fence so that no opening under a fence that opening exceeds 4 inches in height. allows entry by people or pets. MONTHLY General Unruly vegetation Shrubbery is growing out of Shrubbery is trimmed and weeded control or is infested with to provide appealing aesthetics.Do weeds. not use chemicals to control weeds. ANNUAL Fences Damaged parts Posts out of plumb more than 6 Posts plumb to within 1-1/2 inches inches. of plumb. ANNUAL Fences Damaged parts Top rails bent more than Top rail free of bends greater than 6inches. 1 inch. ANNUAL Fences Damaged parts Any part of fence(including Fence is aligned and meets design posts,top rails,and fabric)more standards. than 1 foot out of design alignment. ANNUAL Fences Damaged parts Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. ANNUAL Fences Damaged parts Missing or loose barbed wire Barbed wire in place with less than that is sagging more than 2-1/2 3/4-inch sag between posts. inches between posts. ANNUAL Fences Damaged parts Extension arm missing,broken, Extension arm in place with no or bent out of shape more than bends larger than 3/4 inch. 1-1/2 inches. ANNUAL Fences Deteriorated paint Part or parts that have a rusting Structurally adequate posts or or protective or scaling condition that has parts with a uniform protective coating affected structural adequacy. coating. MONTHLY Fences Openings in fabric Openings in fabric are such that No openings in fabric. an 8-inch diameter ball could fit through. Key: (MONTHLY) Monthly from November through April. (ANNUAL)Once in late summer(preferable September) (STORM)After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline). SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-17 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • #2—Maintenance Checklist for Infiltration Facilities Date Drainage System Maintenance Activities and Conditions Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist M,S General Trash and Debris Any trash and debris which exceed 5 cubic feet Trash and debris cleared from site. per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fill up one 32 gallon garbage can).In general,there should be no visual evidence of dumping.If less than threshold all trash and debris will be removed as part of next scheduled maintenance. A General Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation which No danger of poisonous vegetation where Poisonous may constitute a hazard to maintenance maintenance personnel or the public might Vegetation and personnel or the public.Any evidence of normally be.(Coordinate with Tacoma-Pierce noxious weeds noxious weeds as defined in the Pierce County County Health Department)Complete Noxious Weeds List(Apply requirements of eradication of noxious weeds may not be adopted integrated pest management policies possible.Compliance with state or local for the use of herbicides.) eradication policies required M,S General Contaminants and Any evidence of oil,gasoline,contaminants or No contaminants or pollutants present Pollution other pollutants (Coordinate removalldeanup with Pierce County Surface Water Management 253- 798-2725 and/or DOE Spit Response 8006 424-8802.) M General Rodent Holes If the facility is constructed with a dam or berm. Rodents removed and dam or berm repaired. look for rodent holes or any evidence of water (Coordinate with Tacoma-Pierce County piping through the dam or berm. Health Department;coordinate with Ecology Dam Safety Office if pond exceeds 10 acre- feet.) M General Beaver Dams Beaver dam results in an adverse change in the Facility is returned to design function. functioning of the facility. (Contact WDFW Region 6 to identify the appropriate Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator) A General Insects When insects such as wasps and hornets Insects destroyed or removed from site. interfere with maintenance activities. Apply insecticides in compliance with adopted integrated pest management policies. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-18 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Date Drainage System Maintenance Activities and Conditions Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist S General Performance Check crest gauge against design expectations Record reading. Notify county if not meeting (see maintenance plan) design performance. M,S Crest Gage Crest Gage Crest gage is not functioning property.has Repair/replace Missing/Broken been vandalized,or is missing. M Storage Water Not Infiltrating Water ponding in infiltration pond after rainfall Sediment is removed and/or facility is Area ceases and appropriate time allowed for cleaned so that infiltration system works infiltration(24 hours or design infiltration time). according to design, (A percolation test pit or test of facility indicates facility is only working at 90 percent of its designed capabilities.If 2 inches or more sediment is present,remove). M Filter Bags Filed with Sediment Sediment and debris fig bag more than one-half Filter bag is replaced or system is (if and Debris fug. redesigned. applicable) M,S Rock Filters Sediment and By visual inspection,little or no water flows Gravel in rock filter is replaced. Debris through filter during heavy rain storms. A.S Trenches Observation Well Water ponds at surface during storm events. Remove and Replace/Clean rock and (Use surface of Less than 90 percent of design infiltration rate. geomembrane. trench if well is not present) M Ponds Vegetation Exceeds 18 inches, Mow M Ponds Vegetation Bare spots, Revegetate and stabilize immediately. M Side Slopes Erosion Erosion damage over 2 inches deep where Slopes should be stabilized using appropriate of Pond cause of damage is still present or where there erosion control measure(s):a g.,rock is potential for continued erosion, reinforcement planting of grass,compaction. A Pond Settlements Any part of berm which has settled 4 inches Dike is built back to the design elevation. Berms lower than the design elevation.If settlement is (Dikes) apparent,measure berm to determine amount of settlement.Settling can be an indication of more severe problems with the berm or outlet works.A licensed civil engineer should be consulted to determine the source of the settlement. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-19 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT lob Number 16,331 Date Drainage System Maintenance Activides and Conditions Frequency Feature ./ ./ V d Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist A Pond Piping Discemable water flow through pond berm. Piping eliminated.Erosion potential Berms Ongoing erosion with potential for erosion to eliminated. (Dikes) continue,(Recommend a Geotechnical engineer be called in to inspect and evaluate condition and recommend repair of condition. A General Hazard Trees If dead,diseased,or dying trees are identified Remove hazard trees (Use a certified Arborist to determine health of tree or removal requirements) A General Tree Growth and Tree growth and dense vegetation which Trees and vegetation that does not hinder Dense Vegetation impedes inspection,maintenance access or inspection or maintenance activities. interferes with maintenance activity(i.e.,slope Harvested trees should be recycled into mowing,silt removal,vectoring,or equipment mulch or other beneficial uses(e.g.,alders movements). for firewood A Pond Tree Growth Tree growth on berms over 4 feet in height may Trees should be removed. If root system is Berms lead to piping through the bens which could small(base less than 4 inches)the root (Dikes) lead to failure of the berm. system may be left in place. Otherwise the roots should be removed and the berm restored. A licensed civil engineer should be consulted for proper bern/spilway restoration. A Emergency Tree Growth Tree growth on emergency spillways creates Trees should be removed.If root system is Overflow/ blockage problems and may cause failure of small(base less than 4 inches)the root Spillway the berm due to uncontrolled overtopping. system may be left in place.Otherwise the roots should be removed and the berm restored.A licensed civil engineer should be consulted for proper berm/spilway restoration. A Emergency Rock Missing Only one layer of rock exists above native soil Rocks and pad depth are restored to design Overflow/ in area 5 square feet or larger,or any exposure standards. Spilway of native soil at the top of out flow path of spillway. (Riprap on inside slopes need not be replaced.) SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-20 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Date Drainage System Maintenance Activities and Conditions Frequency Feature ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Problem Conditions to Check For That Should Exist A Emergency Erosion Erosion damage over 2 inches deep where Slopes should be stabilized using appropriate Overflow/ cause of damage is still present or where there erosion control measure(s);e.g.,rock Spillway is potential for continued erosion. reinforcement,planting of grass,compaction. Any erosion observed on a compacted bens If erosion is occurring on compacted berms a embankment. licensed civil engineer should be consulted to resolve source of erosion, M Presettling Facility or sump 6 inches or designed sediment trap depth of Sediment is removed. Ponds and filed with Sediment sediment. Vaults and/or debris If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a professional engineer. Key: (M) Monthly from October through April. (A) Once in late summer(preferably September) (S) After any major storm(use 1 inch in 24 hours as a guideline). SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-21 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Grounds (Landscaping) Landscaping is an essential component of stormwater management. Bare soil areas generate higher levels of stormwater runoff and sedimentation in stormwater facilities. The following check list gives some general guidance for landscape management. Grounds (Landscaping) Checklist Date Frequency Drainage Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature MONTHLY General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20% Weeds present in less than 5%of the (nonpoisonous) of the landscaped area(trees and landscaped area. shrubs only). MONTHLY General Insect hazard Any presence of poison ivy or No poisonous vegetation or insect other poisonous vegetation or nests present in landscaped area. insect nests. MONTHLY,STORM General Trash or litter See Ponds Checklist. See Ponds Checklist. MONTHLY,STORM General Erosion of Noticeable rills are seen in Causes of erosion are identified and Ground Surface landscaped areas. steps taken to slow down/spread out the water.Eroded areas are filled,contoured,and seeded. ANNUAL Trees and Damage Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs Trim trees/shrubs to restore shape. shrubs that are split or broken which Replace trees/shrubs with severe affect more than 25%of the total damage. foliage of the tree or shrub. MONTHLY Trees and Damage Trees or shrubs that have been Replant tree,inspecting for injury to shrubs blown down or knocked over. stem or roots.Replace if severely damaged. ANNUAL Trees and Damage Trees or shrubs which are not Place stakes and rubber-coated ties shrubs adequately supported or are around young trees/shrubs for leaning over,causing exposure of support. the roots. If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a Professional Engineer. Key: (MONTHLY) Monthly from November through April. (ANNUAL)Once in late summer(preferable September) (STORM)After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline). Comments: SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-22 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Inlet/Outlet Storm Pipe The inlet and outlet stormwater pipes convey stormwater in, through, and out of stormwater facilities. Storm sewer pipes convey stormwater. Pipes are built from many materials and are sometimes perforated to allow stormwater to infiltrate into the ground. Stormwater pipes are cleaned to remove sediment or blockages when problems are identified. Stormwater pipes must be clear of obstructions and breaks g p ppto prevent localized flooding.All stormwater pipes should be in proper working order and free of the possible defects listed below. In addition, outlet stormwater pipes should be inspected to make sure stormwater exits the facility without causing any negative impacts to the drainage area, if applicable. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-23 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Inlet/Outlet Storm Pipe Checklist Date Frequency Drainage Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature MONTHLY General Obstructions Storm pipe-root enters or Use mechanical methods to remove root. including roots deforms pipe,reducing flow. Do not put root-dissolving chemicals in storm sewer pipes.If necessary,remove the vegetation over the line. MONTHLY General Pipe dented or Inlet/outlet piping damaged or Pipe repaired and/or replaced. broken broken and in need of repair. MONTHLY General Pipe rusted or Any part of the piping that is Pipe repaired and/or replaced. deteriorated crushed or deformed more than 20%or any other failure to the piping. MONTHLY Erosion Erosion Eroded or scoured areas due to For ruts or bare areas less than 12 inches wide, flowchannelization,high flows, repair the damaged area by filling with crushed or vehicular damage. gravel.If bare areas are large,generally greater than 12 inches wide,the damaged area should be re-graded and re-seeded.For smaller bare areas,overseed. MONTHLY Pipe outfall Missing or Only one layer of rock exists Rock pad replaced to design standards. removed rock above native soil in area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native soil. MONTHLY Pipe outfall Erosion Soil erosion in or adjacent to Rock pad replaced to design standards. rock pad. SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-24 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Inlet/Outlet Storm Pipe Checklist (Continued) Frequency Drainage `� Problem Conditions to Check For Conditions That Should Exist System Feature MONTHLY Pipe Erosion/Scouring Eroded or scoured ditch or For ruts or bare areas less than 12 outfall stream banks due to flow inches wide,repair the damaged area channelization,or higher by filling with crushed gravel.If bare flows. areas are large,generally greater than 12 inches wide,damaged area should be re-graded and re-seeded.For smaller bare areas,overseed. MONTHLY Pipe Missing or Only one layer of rock Rock pad replaced to design standards. Outfall Moved Rock exists above native soil area in area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native soil. MONTHLY Pipe Erosion Soil erosion in or adjacent Rock pad replaced to design standards. Outfall to rock pad. If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer. Key: (MONTHLY) Monthly from November through April. (ANNUAL)Once in late summer(preferable September) (STORM)After any major storm(use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline). Comments: SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-25 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 S412 BMPs for Loading and Unloading Areas for Liquid or Solid Material Description of Pollutant Sources:Operators typically conduct loading/unloading of liquid and solid materials at industrial and commercial facilities at shipping and receiving,outside storage,fueling areas,etc.Materials transferred can include products,raw materials, intermediate products,waste materials,fuels,scrap metals,etc.Leaks and spills of fuels,oils,powders,organics,heavy metals,salts,acids,alkalis, etc.during transfer may cause stormwater contamination.Spills from hydraulic line breaks are a common problem at loading docks. Pollutant Control Approach:Cover and contain the loading/unloading area where necessary to prevent run-on of stormwater and runoff of contaminated stormwater. Applicable Operational BMPs: At All Loading/Unloading Areas: • A significant amount of debris can accumulate at outside,uncovered loadinglunloading areas.Sweep these surfaces frequently to remove loose material that could contaminate stormwater.Sweep areas temporarily covered after removal of the containers,logs,or other material covering the ground. • Place drip pans,or other appropriate temporary containment device,at locations where leaks or spills may occur such as hose connections, hose reels and filler nozzles.Always use drip pans when making and breaking connections(see Figure 2.2.2).Check loading/unloading equipment such as valves,pumps,flanges,and connections regularly for leaks and repair as needed. Volume 1V-Source Control BMPs-August 2012 2-27 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-26 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Drip pan Figure 2.2.2—Drip Pan At Tanker Truck and Rail Transfer Areas to Above/Below-ground Storage Tanks. • To minimize the risk of accidental spillage,prepare an"Operations Plan"that describes procedures for loading/unloading.Train the employees,especially fork lift operators,in its execution and post it or otherwise have it readily available to all employees. • Report spills of reportable quantities to Ecology. • Prepare and implement an Emergency Spill Cleanup Plan for the facility(Sec S406 BMPs for Spills of Oil and I lazardous Substances) which includes the following BMPs: Ensure the cleanup of liquid/solid spills in the loading/unloading area immediately,if a significant spill occurs,and,upon completion of the loading/unloading activity,or,at the end of the working day. Retain and maintain an appropriate oil spill cleanup kit on-site for rapid cleanup of material spills.(See S406 BMPs for Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances). Ensure that an employee trained in spill containment and cleanup is present during I oading/un loading. At Rail Transfer Areas to Above/below-ground Storage Tanks:Install a drip pan system as illustrated(see Figure 2.2.31 within the rails to collect spills/leaks from tank cars and hose connections,hose reels,and tiller nozzles. Volume 1V-Source Control BMPs—August 2012 2-28 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-27 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Drip pop within rats Figure 2.2.3—Drip Pan Within Rails Loading/Unloading fromlle jUarine Vessels:Facilities and procedures for the loading or unloading of petroleum products must comply with Coast Guard requirements specified in Appendix IV-D 11.5. Transfer of Small Quantities from Tanks and Containers:Refer to BMPs Storage of Liquids in Permanent Above-Ground Tanks,and Storage of Liquid.Food Waste,or Dangerous Waste Containers,for requirements on the transfer of small quantities from tanks and containers,respectively. Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs: At All Loading/Unloading Areas: • Consistent with Uniform Fire Code requirements(Appendix IV-D and to the extent practicable,conduct unloading or loading of solids and liquids in a manufacturing building,under a roof,or lean-to, or other appropriate cover. • Berm,dike,and/or slope the loading/unloading area to prevent run-on of stormwater and to prevent the runoff or loss of any spilled material from the area. • Place curbs along the edge of the shoreline,or slope the edge such that the stormwater can flow to an internal storm sewer system that leads to an approved treatment BMP.Avoid draining directly to the surface water from loading areas. • Pave and slope loading/unloading areas to prevent the pooling of water.Minimize the use of catch basins and drain lines within the interior of the paved area or place catch basins in designated "alleyways"that are not covered by material,containers,or equipment. • Retain on-site the necessary materials for rapid cleanup of spills. Volume IV-Source Control BAIPs—August 2012 2-29 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-28 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT lob Number 16,331 Recommended Structural Source Control BAM For the transfer of pollutant liquids in areas that cannot contain a catastrophic spill,install an automatic shutoff system in case of unanticipated off-loading interruption (e.g.coupling break,hose rupture,overfill,etc.). At Loading and Unloading Docks: • InstalI/maintain overhangs,or door skirts that enclose the trailer end (see Figures 2.2A and 2.2.5)to prevent contact with rainwater. • Design the loadinglunloading area with berms,sloping,etc.to prevent the run-on of stormwater. Figure 2.2.4-Loading Dock with Door Skirt i Figure 2.2.5-Loading Dock with Overhang At Tanker Truck Transfer Areas to Above/Below-Ground Storage Tanks: • Pave the area on which the transfer takes place. If any transferred liquid,such as gasoline,is reactive with asphalt,pave the area with Portland cement concrete. Volume IV-Source Control BMPs-August 2012 2-30 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-29 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 • Slope,berm,or dike the transfer area to a dead-end sump,spill containment sump,a spill control oil/water separator,or other spill control device.The minimum spill retention time should be 15 minutes at the greater flow rate of the highest fuel dispenser nozzle through-put rate,or the peak flow rate of the 6-month,24-hour storm event over the surface of the containment pad,whichever is greater.The capacity of the spill containment sump should be a minimum of 50 gallons with adequate additional volume provided for grit sedimentation. S424 BMPs for Roof/ Building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings Description of Pollutant Sources:Stormwater runoff from roofs and sides of manufacturing and commercial buildings can be sources of pollutants caused by leaching of roofing materials,building vents,and other air emission sources.Research has identified vapors and entrained liquid and solid droplets/particles as potential pollutants in roof/building runoff.Metals,solvents,acidic/alkaline pH,BOD,and organics,are some of the pollutant constituents identified. Ecology has performed a study on zinc in industrial stormwater.The study is presented in Ecology Publication 08-10-025 Suggested Practices to reduce Zinc Concentrations in Industrial Stormwater Discharges,website: http://www_ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0810025_html.The user should refer to this document for more details on addressing zinc in stormwater. Pollutant Control Approacb:Evaluate the potential sources of stormwater pollutants and apply source control BMPs where feasible. Applicable Operational Source Control BMPs: • If leachates and/or emissions from buildings are suspected sources of stormwater pollutants,then sample and analyze the stormwater draining from the building. • Sweep the area routinely to remove any zinc residuals. • If a roof/building stormwater pollutant source is identified,implement appropriate source control measures such as air pollution control equipment,selection of materials,operational changes,material recycle,process changes,etc. Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs: • Paint/coat the galvanized surfaces as described in Ecology Publication #08-10-025. Applicable Treatment BMPs: Treat runoff from roofs to the appropriate level.The facility may use enhanced treatment BMPs as described in Volume V of the SWMMWW. Some facilities regulated by the Industrial Stormwater General Permit,or local jurisdiction,may have requirements than cannot be achieved with enhanced treatment BMPs.In these cases,additional treatment measures may be required.A treatment method for meeting stringent requirements such as Chitosan-Enhanced Sand Filtration may be appropriate. Volume IY-Source Control BMPs—August 2012 2-46 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-30 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Cover Sheet for Inspection Forms Name of Inspector: Date of Inspection: Number of Sheets Attached: Inspector's Signature: SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-31 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Maintenance Log Action Name Date How Procedure Problems Additional Actions Taken Was Performed Encountered Recommended i L SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. E-32 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX F - Soils Report SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-1 TACOMA, WASHINGTON ` NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Soils Report North Mason High School Stadium Project 74 East Campus Drive Belf air, Washington April 20, 2016 re cared or: p P � Erickson McGovern Architects Attention: Ray Mow, Principal Architect 101 E 261h St, Suite 300 Tacoma, Washington 98421 prepared by: Migizi Group, Inc. PO Box 44840 Tacoma, Washington 98448 (253)537-9400 MGI Project P578-T16 i SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-2 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................2 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS.............................................................................................................2 2.1 Test Pit Procedures................................................................................................................3 2.2 Infiltration Test Procedures..................................................................................................4 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................4 3.1a Soil Conditions-Northeastern Half of Proposed NMHS Stadium/Athletic Field......4 3.1b Soil Conditions-West Side of Proposed NMHS Stadium/Athletic Field....................4 3.1c Soil Conditions-South End of Proposed NMHS Stadium/Athletic Field ...................5 3.1d Soil Conditions-Proposed NMHS Stadium Septic Area...............................................6 3.2 Groundwater Conditions......................................................................................................6 3.3 Infiltration Conditions and Infiltration Rate......................................................................7 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................8 4.1 Pervious Pavement................................................................................................................9 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES..............................................................................10 6.0 CLOSURE...........................................................................................................................................10 List of Tables Table 1. Approximate Locations and Depths of Explorations.............................................................................3 Table 2. Laboratory Test Results for Non-Organic Onsite Soils..........................................................................7 Table 3. Field Infiltration Test Results....................................................................................................................8 List of Figures Figure 1. Topographic and Location Map Figure 2. Site and Exploration Plan APPENDIX A Soil Classification Chart and Key to Test Data..................................................................................................A-1 Log of Test Pits TP-1 through TP-6 and S-1 through S-6......................................................................A-2...A-13 APPENDIX B Log of E3RA,Inc.Test Pits TPI-22 through TPI-24 APPENDIX C LaboratoryTesting Results..........................................................................................................................C-1...C-8 i SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-3 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 MIGIZI GROUP, INC. PO Box 44840 PHONE (253)537-9400 Tacoma,Washington 98448 FAX (253)537-9401 April 20,2016 Erickson McGovern Architects 101 E 26th St,Suite 300 Tacoma,WA 98421 Attention: Ray Mow,Principal Architect Subject: Soils Report North Mason High School Stadium Project 74 East Campus Drive Belfair,Washington MGI Project P578-T16 Dear Mr.Mow: Migizi Group,Inc.(MGI)is pleased to submit this supplemental report describing soil conditions within the proposed North Mason High School stadium and field location in Belfair,Washington. This new development is being performed in conjunction with a series of developments within the North Mason School District facilities. Amongst these are the construction of the new North Mason High School and adjacent PACE Building. Construction of these new facilities has largely been completed. Geotechnical evaluations for these previous improvements had been performed by the undersigned during previous employment with E3RA,Inc.(E3RA). E3RA previously prepared a Design Level Geotechnical Report for the new North Mason High School dated October 25,2013, Supplemental Soils Reports for infiltration and septic systems on January 29,2014,April 21,2014 and February 9,2015,and a Supplemental Soils Report for the new PACE Building on June 10,2015. Copies of these geotechnical evaluations and corresponding explorations were made available to us for review with our current study. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Erickson McGovern Architects, and their consultants, for specific application to this project, in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. Page 1 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-4 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects—North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is an irregularly shaped area located towards the northwest comer of the North Mason School District property,found along the east side of Washington State Route 3,south of East North Mason School Road, as shown on the enclosed Topographic and Location Map (Figure 1). The project area is delineated by the extent of the proposed high school stadium, field and associated facilities. The proposed location is currently occupied by the recreational/soccer field for Hawkins Middle School, a Boys &Girls Club, two portable buildings, asphalt pavements, and associated outbuildings. The north side of the project area is in close proximity to E North Mason School Rd,and the west side of the project area is directly adjacent to a densely vegetated sloped region,which descends to the west down to E North Mason School Rd. The east side of the project area is marked by a small sloped area which ascends to the east towards Hawkins Middle School and the PACE building. The southern boundary of the proposed development extends nearly to the North Mason Administrative Building, in an area currently occupied by driving surfaces and parking facilities. Improvement plans involve the construction of the new North Mason High School stadium,athletic field, and associated facilities. Existing structures located in the proposed footprint will be demolished as part of the development. Stormwater produced by the proposed improvements will be retained on site,with pervious pavements being proposed beneath the track alignment. An additional septic site will also be evaluated in the densely wooded region immediately west of the project area. 2.0 EXPLORATORY METHODS Explorations for our supplemental soils report were conducted on March 151h and March 171h of 2016. Our exploration and evaluation program for our soils report was comprised of the following elements: • Surface reconnaissance of the site; • Twelve test pits(designated TP-1 through TP-6 and S-1 through S-6); • A review of the three test pit explorations (designated TPI-22 through TPI-24) conducted by E3RA within the project area on January 2,2015;and • Four sieve analyses performed on soil samples collected from test pit explorations. Table 1 summarizes the approximate functional locations and temlination depths of our subsurface explorations,and Figure 2 depicts their approximate relative locations. Migizi Group,Inc. Page 2 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-5 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects-North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 TABLE 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS AND DEPTHS OF EXPLORATIONS Exploration Functional Location Termination Depth(feet) TP-1 Northeast comer of proposed track alignment 13.5 TP-2 Centrally,north end of proposed stadium field 15 TP-3 Northwest corner of proposed track alignment 15 TP-4 North half,west side of proposed track alignment 15 TP-5 Centrally,southern half of proposed stadium field 15 TP-6 East of the southeast corner of the proposed track alignment 15 S-1 North end of sloped area west of proposed stadium field location 4.8 S-2 Center of sloped area west of the proposed stadium field location 5.1 S-3 Southern half of sloped area west of the proposed stadium field location 4.8 S-4 West of test pit exploration S-3 4.8 S-5 South of test pit exploration S4 4.5 S-6 South of test pit exploration S-3 4.8 The specific number and locations of our explorations were selected in relation to the existing site features, under the constraints of surface access, underground utility conflicts, and budget considerations. It should be realized that the explorations performed and utilized for this evaluation reveal subsurface conditions only at discrete locations across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthermore, the nature and extent of any such variations would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. If significant variations are observed at that time,we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. The following sections describe the procedures used for excavation of test pits. Ll Test Pit Procedures Our exploratory test pits were excavated with a steel-tracked excavator operated by an excavation contractor under subcontract to MGI. An engineering geologist from our firm observed the test pit excavations,collected soil samples,and logged the subsurface conditions. The enclosed test pit logs indicate the vertical sequence of soils and materials encountered in each test pit,based on our field classifications. Where a soil contact was observed to be gradational or undulating,our logs indicate the average contact depth. We estimated the relative density and consistency of the in-situ soils by means of the excavation characteristics and the stability of the test pit sidewalls. Our logs also indicate the approximate depths of any sidewall caving or groundwater seepage observed in the test pits. The soils were classified visually in general accordance with the system described in Figure A-1,which includes a key to the exploration logs. Summary logs of the explorations are included as Figures A-2 through A-13. - Migizi Group,Inc. Page 3 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-6 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects—North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 JZ Infiltration Test Procedures In-situ field infiltration tests were performed for determination of a Design Infiltration Rate in general accordance with the 1980 EPA Falling Head Percolation Test Method. A 6-inch-diameter PVC pipe was tamped into the soil of the upper part of the infiltration layer,or as near to the upper level of the infiltration layer as safety permitted, then rock was placed at the bottom of the pipe to prevent scouring. Soil was placed and tamped outside the pipe for stabilization and to prevent upwelling of test water around the pipe. The pipe was then filled with the equivalent of at least 12 inches of water to pre-saturate the tested soils. Because,in all cases,the pre-saturation water infiltrated the test soil in less than 10 minutes,and we performed our field testing shortly after a substantial rain event,further saturation was deemed unnecessary and the infiltration test proceeded. The pipe was then filled with the equivalent of 6 inches of water and,because site soils were found to be rapidly permeable,the time required for infiltration of the entire 6 inch column of water was recorded. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS The following sections present our observations, measurements, findings, and interpretations regarding soil and groundwater conditions. 3,U Soil Conditions-Northeastern Half of Proposed NMHS Stadium/Athletic Field Subsurface explorations TP-1 and TP-2 advanced by MGI, and explorations TPI-22 and TPI-23 performed by E3RA were conducted within the north half of the project area,and in our opinion, represent soil conditions which can be expected within the northeastern half of the proposed stadium and field footprint,if the project area were to be arbitrarily bisected from the northwest to southeast. Subsurface conditions were fairly consistent within this portion of the site;consisting primarily of a surface mantling of 5 to 8 inches of sod and topsoil underlain by recessional outwash containing an upper, weathered horizon, and deeper, unweathered deposits. This upper, weathered horizon varied in composition from fine silty sand to a fine to medium sand with silt, whereas the unweathered deposits consist of fine to medium sand with varying amounts of gravel, and some to trace silt. The depth of contact between the weathered and unweathered deposits varied from 0 to 2 feet below existing grade; with unweathered deposits being encountered at grade,beneath the thin surface mantle of topsoil in the vicinity of test pit exploration TP-1. This portion of the project area represents the most favorable geologic conditions in respect to the proposed development and stormwater retention. This is due in part, in our opinion, to the likelihood that grading cuts,rather than fill,were utilized in this portion of the project area during the initial development of the site. = Soil Conditions-West Side of Proposed NMHS Stadium/Athletic Field Subsurface explorations TP-3 and TP-4 advanced by MGI,and exploration TPI-24 performed by E3RA were conducted along the west side of the project area. The MG] explorations were performed along the western margin of the site,a short distance inside(to the east)of the fence line Migizi Group,Inc. Page 4of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-7 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects-North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 which marks the west side of the existing athletic field, whereas the E3RA exploration was performed just north of the north side of the Boys and Girls Club. Looking at the gradients of slope proponents marking the western and eastern margins of the project area,it was anticipated that a fill proponent would be present along the west side of the existing athletic field. This was confirmed in test pit explorations TP-3 and TP4. In the vicinity of these explorations, 3 to 7 feet of fill material was observed,with the overall thickness generally increasing towards the south. Approximately 2 feet of fill material was also observed in the vicinity of test pit exploration TPI-24,but in our opinion,is associated with the construction of the Boys and Girls Club rather than the leveling of the project area as with the other explorations. Fill materials contained a conglomerate of materials,generally comprised of silty,gravelly sand, with extensive pockets of organics in the vicinity of test pit explorations TP-3 and TP4.Underlying the fill material,we encountered recessional outwash containing an upper,weathered horizon,and deeper,unweathered deposits. This upper,weathered horizon was comprised of fine silty sand, whereas the unweathered deposits consist of fine to medium sand with varying amounts of gravel, and some to trace silt. The depth of contact between the weathered and unweathered deposits varied from 2 to 11 feet below existing grade;with the deeper contact being observed along the western margin of the site. The fill proponent observed along the western margin of the site represents a"wedge"of material utilized to level out the project area during the original grading of the site. We anticipate that this fill material will taper out towards the south of areas explored as gradients to west become gentler. Given the high organics content of this material, it will likely have to be over-excavated for foundation elements of the proposed stadium,and underlying pervious pavements in an attempt to facilitate retention. = Soil Conditions-South End of Proposed NMHS Stadium/Athletic Field Subsurface explorations TP-5 and TP-6 were advanced in what can be considered the south end of the project area. TP-6 was performed just outside of the project area to the east,along a small knoll due to utility conflicts within the southeast corner of the project area. TP-5 was performed adjacent to the southeast comer of the Boys and Girls Club. It was initially proposed further to the south, adjacent to existing asphalt pavements,but we encountered evidence of an existing septic drain field in that portion of the site. We encountered 3 to 5 feet of fill material in the vicinity of these explorations. Fill material was generally comprised of fine silty sand containing pockets of organic materials. Underlying the fill material,we encountered recessional outwash. In the vicinity of TP-5,the upper 21A of the recessional outwash deposits was moderately weathered, and comprised of fine to medium sand with silt and gravel. No weathered stratum was observed in the vicinity of test pit explorations TP-6. The unweathered recessional outwash deposits consist of fine to medium sand with varying amounts of gravel, and some to trace silt. With depth in both explorations, we observed intermittent lenses of silt and silty fine sands within the more massive sand deposits. The fill material in the vicinity of 1P-6 is likely resultant from grading activities upslope to the east,with Migizi Group,Inc. Page 5 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-8 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects-North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 cuttings being pushed down the slope. Native soils in this area were encountered in close proximity to existing grades of the adjacent athletic field. We anticipate that native soils will be encountered within close proximity to existing grade towards the southeast corner of the project area. Fill soils observed in the vicinity of test pit exploration TP-5 are likely associated with the development of the Boys and Girls Club. Given this fact,and the presence of an existing drain field south of this location,extensive over-excavations will likely be necessary for structural elements and infiltration facilities proposed within the south-central portions of the project area. Md Soil Conditions—E=osed NMHS Stadium St9tic Area Subsurface explorations S-1 through S-6 were performed at locations provided by Erickson McGovern Architects, and are in the vicinity of the proposed septic area to accompany the construction of the proposed stadium and associated facilities. These explorations were performed in the heavily wooded,sloped area,located immediately west of the primary project area. They were performed on either side of a paved access road which travels through this portion of the North Mason School District property. Subsurface conditions were fairly consistent between these explorations;consisting primarily of a surface mantling of 5 to 7 inches of forest duff underlain by recessional outwash containing an upper,weathered horizon, and deeper, unweathered deposits. This upper, weathered horizon consists of fine silty sand,whereas the unweathered deposits consists of relatively clean,fine to medium sand. The depth of contact between the weathered and unweathered deposits varied from 2 to 4 feet below existing grade;being shallowest in the vicinity of test pit exploration S-1 and deepest in the vicinity of explorations S-2 and S-4. No fill soils were observed within this portion of the site. The enclosed exploration logs (Appendix A) provide a detailed description of the soil strata encountered in our subsurface explorations. E3RA test pit logs are attached as Appendix B. Groundwater Conditions At the time of the subsurface explorations for this report,March 151h and 171h of 2016,we observed slow groundwater seepage at a depth of 11 ti4 feet in test pit exploration TP-5. Groundwater seepage was not observed in any of our other test pit explorations. This seepage was observed at the contact between relatively clean sandy soils and underlying,more restrictive,silt soils. It is our opinion that this is representative of seasonally perched groundwater,and not indicative of actual groundwater levels. Based on our knowledge of the region gained through the review of extensive subsurface explorations performed within the subject property since the onset of recent improvements,it is our opinion that groundwater is at a sufficient depth so as not to adversely impact the performance of the infiltration and septic systems at their proposed locations. Migizi Group,Inc. Page 6of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-9 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects-North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 31 Infiltration Conditions and Infiltration Kate As discussed in Sections 3.1a through 3.1c, subsurface conditions vary considerably across the proposed footprint of the stadium and athletic field. Towards the northeastern half of the alignment,native recessional outwash deposits are encountered are relatively shallow depths,and massive,relatively clean,sandy deposits extend to depths of up to at least 15 feet below existing grade. Along the western margin of the project area, a substantial "wedge" of fill material is present above native deposits,extending to depths of up to 7 feet below grade. Towards the south- central portion of the project area,an additional fill element is present,being associated with the building pad of the Boys&Girls Club and associated septic drain field. At both of these locations, however,native recessional outwash deposits were encountered with depth. Our test pit explorations revealed that the outwash deposits contain an upper,weathered horizon, overlying cleaner, more rapidly permeable deposits. Sieve analyses were performed on soil samples of the above described weathered and unweathered recessional outwash layers obtained from test pit explorations TP-1,TP-2,TP-5 and TP-6. Field observations and grain size analyses indicate that weathered horizon contains a fines(percent silt and clay)content in excess of 6 percent, whereas unweathered deposits typically contain a fines content of less than 3 percent. For design purposes,we recommend that the bottom of the gravel reservoir,underlying proposed pervious pavement sections,extend into the unweathered glacial outwash deposits described above. This will likely require over-excavations along the western and south-central portions of the site. The results of our soil grain size analyses are presented below, and the attached Soil Gradation Graphs(Appendix C)display the grain-size distribution of the samples tested. TABLE 2 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS FOR NON-ORGANIC ONSITE SOILS %Coarse %Fine Coarse Fine Soil Sample,Depth Gravel Gravel Sand Medium Sand %Fines Dia Sand TP-I,S-1,1 foot 9.1 24.9 11.3 25.t 27.9 1.2 0.22 TP-2,S-2,4 feet 0.0 27.1 16.4 29.9 0.8 0.21 TP-5,S-1,5 feet 0.0 12.3 8.5 50.8 6.5 0.10 TP-6,S-1,6 feet 0.0 1 0.0 0.3 1.0 1 o.7 1A 0.31 Design Infiltration Rate In conjunction with test pit explorations TP-1, TP-2, TP-5 and TP-6, we also performed field infiltration testing at the contact with unweathered recessional outwash deposits. The in-situ field test employed was the 1980 EPA Falling Head Percolation Test Method. After excavating,setting up the test apparatus, and employing an appropriate saturation period, the time required to infiltrate 6 inches of standing water was recorded for each trial. The results of our in-situ field testing are described below. Migizi Group,Inc. Page 7 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-10 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 - April20 2016 Erickson McGovern Architects North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA Soils Report P578-T16 TABLE3 FIELD INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS Field Infiltration Rate for 6 Test Pit Location Depth of Test inch Column(min) Number (feet) Trial Trial TP-1 Northeast comer of proposed track alignment 4 8.50 8.66 TP-2 Centrally,north end of proposed stadium field 4 1.85 1.95 TP-5 Centrally,southern half of proposed stadium field 51/1 2.50 2.82 TP-6 East of the SE corner of the proposed track alignment 6 1.17 1.48 As indicated in the measurements recorded above, field infiltration rates were quite rapid. Averaging the measurements,and converting from minutes per 6-inches of water,to in/hr,we get a preliminary infiltration rate of 100.2 in/hr. As described in Table 3.9,in Volume III,of the 2005 DOE Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington,appropriate safety factors need to be applied to in-situ infiltration measurements to obtain a long-term design infiltration rate. The total correction factor(CF)should be a product of partial correction factors CFv,CFm, and CR CFv accounts for site variability and number of locations tested,with a recommended range of 1.5 to 6. CFm accounts for the degree of long-term maintenance to prevent siltation and bio-buildup,with a recommended range of 2 to 6. CFi accounts for the degree of influent control to prevent siltation and bio-buildup, with a recommended range of 2 to 6. We recommend employing a partial correction factor of 4 for CFv,4 for CFm,and 2 for CFi;resulting in a CF of 10. Applying this safety factor to our in-situ infiltration rate, we recommend utilizing a design infiltration rate of 10 inches/hour for the design of pervious pavements with this project. This infiltration rate applies to relatively clean,unweathered glacial outwash deposits underlying the project area. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Improvement plans involve the construction of the new North Mason High School stadium,athletic field, and associated facilities. Existing structures located in the proposed footprint will be demolished as part of the development. Stormwater produced by the proposed improvements will be retained on site,with pervious pavements being proposed beneath the track alignment. An additional septic site will also be evaluated in the densely wooded region immediately west of the project area. We offer these recommendations: • Proposed NMHS Stadium Septic Area: Subsurface conditions were fairly consistent within the proposed septic area;consisting primarily of a surface mantling of 5 to 7 inches of forest duff underlain by recessional outwash containing an upper, weathered horizon, and deeper, unweathered deposits. This upper, weathered horizon consists of fine silty sand, whereas the unweathered deposits consist of relatively clean,fine to medium sand. We recommend that the civil engineer in charge of septic design for the project determine the suitability of this area for septic system construction. • Infiltration Conditions: Subsurface conditions varied considerably over the proposed footprint of the new stadium and athletic field,with extensive fill soils being observed along the western and south-central portions of the project area. In all areas,however,recessional outwash was encountered with depth,containing an Migizi Group,Inc. Page 8 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-11 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects—North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 upper,weathered horizon,and deeper,unweathered deposits. For design purposes, we recommend that the bottom of the gravel reservoir, underlying proposed pervious pavement sections extend into the unweathered glacial outwash deposits. We recommend utilizing a long-term design infiltration rate of 10 inches/hr for this soil stratum. The following section of this report presents our specific geotechnical conclusions and recommendations concerning the construction of pervious pavement. The Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)Standard Specifications and Standard Plans cited herein refer to WSDOT publications M41-10, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction,and M21-01,Standard Plans for Road,Bridge,and Municipal Construction,respectively. 11 Pervious Pavement We understand that pervious pavement will be installed under the track alignment of the new stadium and athletic field. Site grading will consist of removal of sufficient sod and underlying soil to install a thick coarse gravel reservoir along with a slightly finer gravel pavement base course under the area to receive porous paving. The actual thickness of these elements will be determined by the design engineer;however, a minimum of one foot of separation needs to be maintained between from the bottom of the gravel reservoir and seasonally high groundwater levels. We offer the following comments and recommendations for pavement construction. Subgrade Preparation: The existing subgrade under all pervious pavements must remain in an uncompacted condition to facilitate water infiltration. Traffic from construction equipment and vehicles should be limited to the extent practical prior to placement of the pavement section. Control erosion and avoid introducing sediment from surrounding land uses onto permeable pavements. Do not allow muddy construction equipment on the base material or pavement. Any concentrated areas of fines accumulation due to ponding may be removed to a maximum depth of 6 inches. If desired, these areas may be re-leveled using clean sand. Materials meeting the requirements for "Sand Drainage Blanket" in Section 9-03.13(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications may be used for this purpose. We recommend placement of a nonwoven filter fabric such as Mirafi 16ON or equal over the prepared subgrade prior to construction of the pervious pavement section. Maintenance Considerations: Do not allow sediment laden runoff onto permeable pavements. Pavements fouled with sediments or no longer passing an initial infiltration test must be cleaned using procedures from the local stonnwater manual or the manufacturer's procedures. Construction Observation: We recommend that an MGI representative be retained to observe and document the placement of each course before any overlying layer is placed. Migizi Group,Inc. Page 9 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-12 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 1 NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Erickson McGovern Architects—North Mason High School Stadium,Belfair,WA April 20,2016 Soils Report P578-T16 5.0 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES Because the future performance and integrity of the structural elements will depend largely on proper site preparation, drainage, fill placement, and construction procedures, monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. Subsequently,we recommend that MGI be retained to provide the following post-report services: • Review all construction plans and specifications to verify that our design criteria presented in this report have been properly integrated into the design; • Prepare a letter summarizing all review comments(if required); • Check all completed subgrades for footings and slab-on-grade floors before concrete is poured,in order to verify their bearing capacity;and • Prepare a post-construction letter summarizing all field observations,inspections, and test results(if required). 6.0 CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on the explorations that we observed for this study;therefore,if variations in the subgrade conditions are observed at a later time,we may need to modify this report to reflect those changes. Also,because the future performance and integrity of the project elements depend largely on proper initial site preparation, drainage, and construction procedures, monitoring and testing by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. MGI is available to provide geotechnical monitoring of soils throughout construction. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or any aspects of the project,please feel free to contact our office. Respectfully submitted, MIGIZI GROUP,INC. �5 E' Bh'l Zach L.Logan James E.Brigham,P.E. Staff Geologist Principal Engineer Migizi Group,Inc. Page 10 of 10 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-13 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 1`I JI I ii 1 I r uw u� I 't LII 111 III I III 'I II 'II I7IN1lllp AIII//1 i 011 ky MA All ' 1I1f� itl�� 1'l1I11� I � ,r� f I11 III I I 1 I 11 ''111 ;III North • SchoolStadium • ♦ East Campus Belfair, WashingtonTopographic and Location Map • NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 22 • -4 I -_ - - - 100 O 100 200 SCALE IN FEET ♦ \ s Y..•r�. �.$ - —r-Z - TEST PIT LOCATION TP-1 NOTE: 80UNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY ARE BASED ON MAPPING PROVIDED TO MIGIZI OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHOWN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY BY MIGIZI. PROJECT: 74 E Campus Dr. Migizi Group,Inc. BeHair.Washington PO BOX 44840 SHEET TITLE:Site and Exploration Plan Tacoma,WA 98448 253-537-9400 DESIGNER: CRL JOB NO.P578-T16 253-537-9401 fax DRAWN BY: CRL SCALE: 1'=100' www.mig¢gmup.mm CHECKED BY:JEB FIGURE-2 DATE:Mar.29.2016 FILE: Fig2.dwg SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-15 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX A SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA LOG OF TEST PIT SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-16 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 MAJOR DIVISIONS TYPICAL NAMES CLEAN GRAVELS GW WELL GRADED GRAVELS.GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES GRAVELS WITH LITTLE OR MORE THAN HALF NO FINES GP o1 POORLY GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES COARSE FRACTION n IDo GM SILTY GRAVELS,POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-SILT -' d IS LARGER THAN O N GRAVELS WITH MIXTURES Q N NO.4 SIEVE OVER 15%FINES CLAYEY GRAVELS,POORLY GRADED GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY z ;` GC MIXTURES < rY Uj CLEAN SANDS SW WELL GRADED SANDS.GRAVELLY SANDS w � SANDS WITH LITTLE O OR NO FINES SP t r' POORLY GRADED SANDS,GRAVELLY SANDS MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER THAN SM r; SILTY SANDS,POOORLY GRADED SAND-SILT MIXTURES NO.4 SIEVE SANDS WITH OVER 15%FINES SC ; CLAYEY SANDS,POORLY GRADED SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS,ROCK FLOUR, ML SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS,OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SILTS AND CLAYS SLIGHT PLASTICITY a+ INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 CL GRAVELLY CLAYS,SANDY CLAYS,SILTY CLAYS, o LEAN CLAYS O o o 4CH ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW w v PLASTICITY I z = INORGANIC SILTS,MCACEOUS OR DIATOMACIOUS FINE SANDY OR SILTY SOLS.ELASTIC SILTS z d SILTS AND CLAYS ILLoINORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY,FAT CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 OH{ ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS 8 Modified California RV R-Value ® Split Spoon SA Sieve Analysis Pushed Shelby Tube SW Swell Test m Auger Cuttings TC Cyclic Triaxial ® Grab Sample TX Unconsolidated Undrained Tnaxial Sample Attempt with No Recovery TV Torvane Shear CA Chemical Analysis UC Unconfined Compression CN Consolidation (1.2) (Shear Strength,ksf) CP Compaction WA Wash Analysis DS Direct Shear (20) (with%Passing No 200 Sieve) PM Permeability Water Level at Time of Drilling PP Pocket Penetrometer Water Level after Dnlling(with date measured) a' c� m SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TEST DATA I z z Figure A-1 z z o SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-17 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 PO Box PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma, WA WA 98448 Figure A-2 Telephone: 253-537.9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Proiect PROJECT NUMBER P578-T116 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,BeHair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/15116 COMPLETED 3115/16 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SI2E EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION -- Q. 2 �-W VI U S w � a p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o gZ a � 0.0 Sod and sandy topsoil 4 ,40.7 GB (SP)Graylbrown fine to medium sand with some gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) S-1 SP a' 2.5 2.5 a (SP)Gray fine to medium sand with some gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) m w t SP a Falling Head Test at 4' 5.0 1 15.0 SM 5 5 (SM)Gray/brown fine sitty,sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) _ (SP)Gray fine to medium sand with some gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) s 0 m za SIP m r I a � N 7.5 GB 7.5 aS-2 SP 8,0 (SP)Gray fine to medium sand with gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) (SP)Gray fine to medium sand with some gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) h w c a U h N W 10.0 N J SP 0 12.6 ° w m ° G8 13.5 LL y S-3 Severe caving observed from 2 to 13.5 feet o No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be = considered accurate to 0.5 foot. m . � Bottom of test pit at 13.5 feet. w . z w C7 0 O Y V SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-18 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT lob Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-2 PO Box PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma, WA WA 98448 Figure A-3 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Proiect PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive.Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/15/16 COMPLETED 3/15116 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION — w _ oc v) U �� U 5-w J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION p 0- z p C9 U) 0.0 0 4 Sod and sandy topsoil (SP-SM)Light brown fine sand with silt(medium dense,moist)(Weathered Recessional Outwash) GB S-1 SP- SM 2.0 0 2 5 (SP)Gray fine to medium sand with gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) a o GB a S-2 Falling Head Test at 4' 5.0 S z SP 0 m 0 m r a N 7.5 w ti O w 9.0 (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) w 10.0 GB LU S-3 U SP 3 0 12.5 23 w K 'o Grades to wet at 1 T LL 14.0 SP SM (SP-SM)Gray fine sand with silt(medium dense,wet)(Recessional Outwash) � . m 15.0 GB 15.0 S d No caving observed W No groundwater seepage observed w The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of test pit at 15.0 feet. U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-19 TACOMA, WASHINGTON i NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-3 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 �umm Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-4 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Dnve Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/15/16 COMPLETED 3/15/16 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION 3 00 It Slow seepage__ LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION -- NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION -- w s a: C6 U S w W to y K MATERIAL DESCRIPTION O CL QZ KV, rn 0.0 Sod and topsoil 0.7 (SM)Graylbrown fine to medium sand with silt,some gravel and intermittent lenses of brown silty sand(medium GB dense,moist)(Fill) 3-1 SM a y 2.5 2.5 F SM 3.0 (SM)Dark brown silty sand with organic woody debris(loose,moist)(Old Forest Duff Horizon) GB (SM)Redlbrown fine silty sand(medium dense,moist)(Weathered Recessional Outwash) S-2 a 50 SM N C C m 0 6.5 N GB (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) a S-3 N 7.5 W r a` 0 W s U N y W 10.0 W U J SP 0 12.5 it n y U 0 fL m 15.0 1 1150 No caving observed W Slow groundwater seepage observed at 3 feet W The depths on the lest pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be o considered accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of test pit at 15.0 feet. U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-20 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-4 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 Irmina Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-5 Telephone: 253-537.9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason Hiah School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/15/16 COMPLETED 3115116 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION -- w _ �ui W v; wuj uj CL j MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 Q Z (0 0.0 — Sod and topsoil o.e GB (SM)Graybrown fine to medium sand with silt,some gravel and intermittent lenses of brown silty sand(medium S-1 dense,moist)(Fill) SM y 2.5 ° 13.0 w (SM)Dark brown silty sand with organic woody debris(loose,moist)(Old Forest Duff Horizon) ,o 17 a 5.0 SM �i z it 0 m w 7.0 a (SM)Light brown fine silty sand(medium dense,moist)(Weathered Recessional Outwash) N 7.5 0. 0. O w 0 SM N fn W 10.0 W N 1:1 U 11.0 (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) e `7 0 12.5 O w SP 0 lL h m 15.0 15.0 No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed w The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of test pit at 15.0 feet. � U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-21 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-5 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-6 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/17/16 COMPLETED 3117/16 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator Q AT TIME OF EXCAVATION 11.50 ft Slow seepage LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION — yW a. Wm (0 W �g MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o 2z a r.9 0.0 Sod and topsoil (SM)Graylbrown silty sand with gravel(medium dense,moist)(FRI) SM 20 2 5 (SM)Dark brown silty sand with gravel and pockets of burned organics(medium dense,moist)(Fill) SM a 13.0 F (SP-SM)Redibrown fine to medium sand with sill and some gravel(medium dense,moist)(Weathered Recessional Outwash) 17 i SP- SM .: 5.0 GB N S-1 Z (SP)Gray fine to medium sand with some gravel(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) E 0 o Falling Head Test at 5.5' SIP a N 7.5 w CL 0 0 8.5 'a GB (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) N S-2 W 10.0 Uj SP U Grades to wet at 11' 12.0 0 12.5 GB (ML)Gray/brown well-stratified silt(medium stiff,wet)(Recessional Outwash) w S-3 ML 13.5 (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,wet)(Recessional Outwash) o SP � ta.s m 15.0 ML 15 (ML)Graylbrown well-stratified silt(medium stiff,wet)(Recessional Outwash) a No caving observed i Slow groundwater seepage observed at 11.5 feet w LL The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot • � Bottom of test pit at 15.0 feet � U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-22 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TP-6 PO Box PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma, WA WA 98448 Figure A-7 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3117116 COMPLETED 3/17/16 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT SIZE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION -- w S �W uj V) V JCo U 0 w o J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 2z 0.0 Sod and sandy topsoil t.0 (SP-SM)Gray/brown fine to medium sand with silt and gravel(medium dense,moist)(Fill) 15.0 2.525 a (SP-SM)Dark brown fine to medium sand with silt,gravel and pockets of organic woody debris(medium dense, y moist)(Fill) N a 6 5.0 yGP ° ° 5.5 (GP)Gray gravel with fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) sGB (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) S-1 Falling Head Test at 6' 0 a SP N 7.5 w a' 0 S.5 9 (SM)Gray fine silty sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) a Q W SM 10.0 GB S-2 10.5 i5 GB °Q (GP)Gray gravel with fine to coarse sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) S-3 GP o 0 O o ° 12.0 12.5 (SP)Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist)(Recessional Outwash) cUJ w SP :. 0 0 m 15.0 1 1. .115.0 No caving observed iNo groundwater seepage observed w LL The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be o considered accurate to 0.5 foot Bottom of test pit at 15.0 feet. U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-23 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER S-1 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-8 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/17/16 COMPLETED 3/17/16 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING -- LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES AFTER DRILLING — W }W U Fuj S w CL ¢O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Ov �Z KJ Q � � 0.0 0.4 Forest Duff Light brown loamy sand(medium dense,moist) 2.0 m 2.5 Gray fine to medium sand with silt and gravel(medium dense,moist) a H W H H aD N r 14.8 N No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed 0 The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered $ accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of borehole at 4.8 feet. o� r a N w r E O w C U y fn W 7 N w1' N 7 U v O W K 7 O LL tll U ao F 2 am C • W Z • w O 7a O U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-24 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migia Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER S-2 PO Box PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma, WA WA 98448 Figure A-9 Telephone: 253-537.9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/17/16 COMPLETED 3117/16 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING -- L000ED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES AFTER DRILLING — w _ }u U F-W = w e uj Co <O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o Qz � 0.0 Forest Duff 0.6 Light brown loamy sand(medium dense,moist) 'a 2.5 a w co 4.2 Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist) °° 5.0 5.1 4 No caving observed ZNo groundwater seepage observed e $ The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered o accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of borehole at 5.1 feet. r a y w g� b N W O G yV_ N W 3 N 1' W 4! 7 v a 0 w s 0 LL y y� F m • a c • i c� � V SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-25 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migia Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER S-3 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-10 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578•T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/17116 COMPLETED 3/17/16 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING -- LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES AFTER DRILLING — CL >w S ~W V W cUJQ p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o aZ � 0.0 CD Forest Duff 0.5 Light brown loamy sand(medium dense,moist) Large roots down to 28" 'a fn 2.5 a 2.8 w Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist) e a 6 � 4.8 No caving observed No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered °m accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of borehole at 4.8 feet. r a w 0 O W C Q �Ns N W 7 y K W N J U 'a H O V ui K O LL f/1 aO F i m � Z W (7 • V SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-26 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER S-4 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-11 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3/17/16 COMPLETED 3117/16 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES AFTER DRILLING — w w = a a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 0- Q � to 0.0 Forest Duff 0.6 Light brown loamy sand(medium dense,moist) Small roots down to 17- °d 25 ii: in w r ti co 4.0 a Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist) 4-6 No caving observed yNo groundwater seepage observed z The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered $ accurate to 0.5 foot. z Bottom of borehole at 4.8 feet. a y a N W H O N W 0 'a yU_ W W 7 W WC' N iJ 4 O ui O y O O S m Z w O • U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-27 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER S-5 PO Box 44840 PAGE 1 OF 1 ra®�! Tacoma,WA 98448 Figure A-12 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT EdCkson MCGovem Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T16 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive,Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 3117116 COMPLETED 3/17116 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING -- LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES AFTER DRILLING — w >X U a r m a.C7 w` Lu a.O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 2 a z cD 0.0 Forest Duff 0.6 Light brown loamy sand(medium dense.moist) 2.5 a w 3.3 Gray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist) r m N 1 4.5 No caving observed N No groundwater seepage observed 3 iThe depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered E accurate to 0.6 foot. $ Bottom of borehole at 4.5 feet. 0 m r a r w r a 0 w U y N W a N C' W H _7 3 ui c9 LL N a� F S f0 C W Z - w C7 0 U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-28 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Migizi Group,Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER S-6 >®� PO Box 44840 Tacoma.WA 98448 PAGE 1 OF 1 Telephone: 253-537.9400 Figure A-13 Fax: 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME North Mason High School Stadium Project PROJECT NUMBER P578-T116 PROJECT LOCATION 74 East Campus Drive.BeHair.Washington DATE STARTED 3/17116 COMPLETED 3117116 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE DRILLING CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Steel Tracked Excavator AT TIME OF DRILLING - LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF DRILLING -- NOTES AFTER DRILLING — }}ui = F W U 2 w c Q O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o a_ a 0.0 — 0A Forest Duff Light brown loamy sand(medium dense,moist) a' r2.5 2.7 NGray fine to medium sand(medium dense,moist) rW- e a G 4.8 No caving observed yNo groundwater seepage observed c� oThe depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered m accurate to 0.5 foot. Bottom of borehole at 4.8 feet. m C. co co W H 6 W O G U H N W N� WK N 3 U m m H O w K 7 O LL pJ F m W Z 4U O � U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-29 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX B LOG OF E3RA, INC. TEST PITS TPI-22 THROUGH TPI-24 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-30 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 E3RA Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TPI-22 P.O.Box 44840 E3RA Inc. Tsowm4 WA qua PAGE I OF 1 TaWwra- ZM37-9400 Figure A-4 Fax 253-537-9401 CLIENT Erldcaw MoGovem Archfteds PROJECT NAME H&Mdns Middle School PROJECT NUMBER T13096d PROJECT LOCATION Weir,Washington DATE STARTED 1015 COMPLETED.1/2/15 GROUND ELEVATION_ TEST prT sw-c EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Rubber-tacked Excavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION - LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION w x 0: 'i ui I.- M (j (L C! MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Lu z 0.0 IL . 0.4 Sod and Topsoil 9L (SM)Light brown firm silty sand(medium dense,moist) 2.0 2.6 (-SP)Gray fine to medium sand with gravel and tracesllt(medium dense,Moist) SP 5.01 w 15.0 No wwAng observed No groundwater seepage observed The depths on the test of lop we based on an average of ffmwmTwft across the test;*and should be considered 0 a=x*a to 0.5 fool. Bottom of test pit at 5.0 feet. 0 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-31 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWA TER REPORT Job Number 16,331 E3lA Inc. TEST PIT NUMBER TPI-23 P.O.Box 44840 Tacoma,WA 98448 PAGE 1 OF 1 Telephone: 253-537-9400 Figure A-5 Feu 253-537-9401 CLEW Erickson McGovern Architects PROJECT NAME Haw ldns Middle School PROJECT NUMBER T13096d _ PROJECT LOCATION Belfair,Washington DATE STARTED 1/2115 COMPLETED 1/2/15 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PIT sm EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Rubber-tracked E xavator AT TIME OF EXCAVATION _ LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION _ NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION — w a ofLu _U �m n-0 o �g MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Z k7 rn 0.0 m — \ o.a Sod and Topsoil a (SM)Orangelbram fine silty sand(medium dense,moist) GS sM r= x2 5 (SP-SM)Gray/brown fine sand with sift(medium dense,moist) w s GB 0 S-2 SP- s SM s 0 z z 5.0 s > I L No caving observed 3 No groundwater seepage observed z 0 The depths on the test pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. o Bottom of test pit at 5.5 feet. i= w J LL m I � S N a I a 0 k7 m z 0 N C'1 O J a x I a4 • i 0 a 0 ♦ U SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-32 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 E3RA,try— TEST PIT NUMBER TPI-24 P.O.8=44840 E'RA Inc. Taoane,WA 9644E PAGE 1 OF 1 TdspIxM 253537-9400 Figure A-E Faoc 263-537-9401 CLIENT Erickson McGovern Artidecs PROJECT NAME H&Mdns Middle Sdwc PROJECT NUMBER T13095d PROJECT LOCATION BeMair.WasMnoOon DATE STARTED 1015 COMPLETED 1/2115 GROUND ELEVATION TEST PR SUE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR DSE GROUD WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Rubber-tracked Excaralor AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY ZLL CHECKED BY JEB AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES AFTER EXCAVATION — w w W to 96 x MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Z $ 0.3 Sod and Topsoil (SM)Brown silly sand with grovel and pockets of pulverized brick(medum dense,moist)(Fil) SM 0 2.5 (SM)Orargalbrown fine silty sand(medum dense,moist) SM 35 GB (SP)Gray floe to madamuedca send with gravel and trace sit(rtn derma,moot) 5-1 � 5.0 GS 5A S-2 (SP-SM)Graylbrown fine send wtrh dR(medkun dense,motet) SM No uarirg observed No groundwater eeepgg1 observed The depEm an the Last pit logs are based on an average of measurements across the tent pit and should be kcrmidered accurate to 0.5 fooL Bottom of test pit at 6.5 feet e e r S x m O 0 r pY0 • 8 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-33 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWA TER REPORT Job Number 16,331 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING RESULTS SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-34 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project Job Number: P578-T16 Tested By: ZLL Date: 3/21116 Boring#: TP-1 Sample#: 1 Depth: 12 inches Moisture Content % 1 4.4% Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. 75.0 100.0 Coarse Gravel 9.1 1.5 in. 37.5 100.0 Fine Gravel 24.9 3/4 in. 19.0 90.9 3/8 in. 9.5-mm 78.1 Coarse Sand 11.3 No.4 4.75-mm 66.0 Medium Sand 25.6 No. 10 2.00-mm 54.7 Fine Sand 27.9 No.20 .850-mm 45.2 No.40(.425-mm) 29.0 Fines 1.2 No.60 .250-mm 12.3 Total 100.0 No. 100 .150-mm 3.7 No.200 .075-mm 1.2 LL PI D10 0.22 D30 0.44 D60 3.01 Cc 0.30 Cu 13.81 ASTM Classification Group Name Gray poorly graded sand with gravel Symbol (SP)(med.dense,moist) F � Figure C-1 IWO Soil Classification Data Sheet SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-35 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 t Sample Distribution U.S.Standard Sieve Sizes -•—Samcle oliwrtuaal 3' 1.5' 314' y8• 4 10 20 40 to 100 ZaD 100 90 80 70 c 60 r Y d 50 c 0 40 d 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size(mm) Sample Distribution Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project ample#: 1 Job Number: P578-T16 Date : : 3121/16 Figure: C-2 Tested B ZLL De the 12inches Exploration#: TP-1 • SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-36 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project Job Number: P578-T16 Tested By: ZLL Date: 3/21116 Bonng#: TP-2 Sample#: 2 Depth: 4 feet Moisture Content 1 4.5% Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. 75.0 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. 37.5 100.0 Fine Gravel 27.1 3/4 in. 19.0 100.0 3/8 in. 9.5-mm 90.3 Coarse Sand 16.4 No.4 4.75-mm 72.9 Medium Sand 25.8 No. 10 2.00-mm 56.5 Fine Sand 29.9 No.20 .850-mm 44.7 No.40(.425-mm) 30.8 Fines 0.8 No.60 .250-mm 13.2 Total 777 100.0 No. 100 .150-mm 3.4 No.200 .075-mm 0.8 LL PI D10 0.21 D30 0.42 D60 2.40 Cc 0.34 Cu 11.38 ASTM Classification Group Name Gray poorly graded sand with gravel Symbol (SP)(med.dense. moist) F = Figure C-3 Soil Classification Data Sheet SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-37 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 Sample Distribution U.S.Standard Sieve Sizes -�-Swoo Distribution 7' 1.5' 3/4' yg• 1 10 70 �0 80 100 TOa 100 I 90 ao 70 60 p 4 d 50 `o 40 a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size(mm) Sample Distribution Job Name: NMHS Stadium Pro'ect Sam le#: 2 Job Number: P576-T16 Date: 3121/16 Figure: C-4 Tested By: ZLL De the 4 feet Exploration#: TP-2 • SITTS 8 HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-38 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 1 Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project Job Number: P578-T16 Tested By: ZLL Date: 3121/16 Boring#: TP-5 Sample#: 1 Depth: 1 feet Moisture Content % 9.2% Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. 75.0 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. 37.5 100.0 Fine Gravel 12.3 3/4 in. 19.0 100.0 318 in. 9.5-mm 96.8 Coarse Sand 8.5 No.4 4.75-mm 87.7 Medium Sand 21.8 No. 10 2.00-mm 79.2 Fine Sand 50.8 No.20 .850-mm 71.3 No.40(.425-mm) 57.4 Fines 6.5 No.60 .250-mm 33.8 Total 100.0 No. 100 .150-mm 15.5 No.200 .075-mm 6.5 ILL PI D10 0.10 D30 0.22 D60 0.48 Cc 1.06 Cu 4.94 ASTM Classification Group Name Red-brown poorly graded sand with silt Symbol (SP-SM)(med.dense,moist) f = Figure C-5 Soil Classification Data Sheet SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-39 TACOMA, WASHINGTON I NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts& Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWATER REPORT Job Number 16,331 r Sample Distribution U.S.Standard Sieve Sizes —�—Semple Distribution 3' 1.5' 3r4' 318' a 10 20 40 so 100 Zao 100 90 80 70 c 60 a a m a 50 c d d 40 a 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size(mm) Sample Distribution Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project Number Sam le#: 1 Job Numb P578-T16 Date: 3121/16 Figure: C-6 Tested By: ZLL IDepthe 1 feet Exploration#: TP-5 SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-40 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT-STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWA TER REPORT Job Number 16,331 f Particle Size Analysis Summary Data Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project Job Number: P578-T16 Tested By: ZLL Date: 3/21/16 Boring#: TP-6 Sample#: 1 Depth: 6 feet Moisture Content I 7.1% Sieve Size Percent Size Fraction Percent By Passing(%) Weight 3.0 in. 75.0 100.0 Coarse Gravel 1.5 in. 37.5 100.0 Fine Gravel 3/4 in. 19.0 100.0 3/8 in. 9.5-mm 100.0 Coarse Sand 0.3 No.4 4.75-mm 100.0 Medium Sand 81.6 No. 10 2.00-mm 99.7 Fine Sand 16.7 No.20 .850-mm 59.0 No.40(.425-mm) 18.1 Fines 1.4 No.60 .250-mm 4.4 Total 100.0 No. 100 .150-mm 2.4 No.200 .075-mm 1.4 LL PI 13110 0.31 D30 0.52 D60 0.87 Cc 1.00 Cu 2.79 ASTM Classification Group Name Gray poorly graded sand Symbol (SP)(med.dense,moist) F = Figure C-7 Soil Classification Data Sheet SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-41 TACOMA, WASHINGTON NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT—STADIUM PROJECT Sitts & Hill Engineers, Inc. STORMWA TER REPORT Job Number 16,331 t Sample Distribution U.S.Standard Sieve Sizes 3' IF ya• Ye' 4 io 70 Q eo 100 mo '�—S°mpb DlmbWon 100 I 90 80 70 ac 60 e m A. 50 c e 0 40 `o a 30 20 10 0 lit 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size(mm) Sample Distribution Job Name: NMHS Stadium Project Sam le#: 1 Job Number: P578-T16 Date: 3/21/16 Figure: C-8 Tested B ZLL De the 6 feet Ex lorat on#: TP-6 1 f SITTS & HILL ENGINEERS, INC. F-42 TACOMA, WASHINGTON