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I RANGE I TOWNSHIP 22 SECTION 30 SCALE 1" - 400' 2 TRaND ,2 LdJ! ' VI�C`A�E •5 7600 7G CC 12 040 W 7600010 7600020 7600030 v 1100010 i00402C 1004000 S 8/138 1100060 1./ 119OC90 1100070 Ii00020 SP 920 S 9/38 ' 90050 11 00080 / /00000 I C.04030 1100030 1100100 149� SHERWOOD PARK ♦1 1201 RAILROAD R/W VOL . 6/48-49 7500010 1490' 110 SP 6¢ } I 490 TR A as' I oo 7 , .S'llr" 2 G 3.'"L- I ago f 050 7500240 750025C 7 - TRC 1490060 12230 00 64000 1400000 v 75 yOe3i SP ,,660 7700 7500230 7500220 7500040 3 75 = S 2/108 ;500210 i 1` y 1 76 = S 5/34 �' � 1 � I 77 = S 5/129 X 4/89 - 7700080 '759005 I � � 7500200 �� 7590053 Imo/7590052 SP 1208 � W 1 �r / 75nnnan ? i I. w ,fN r Lakeland Village T22R01W-19 2 01W=2 La��;er t T22R01 W-30 T22R01 W-29 Surveyed ra�ca Access Road Property Boundary !c""5" Sherwood i Creek Road tAI VeA Sherwood Creek o' Surveyed Driveway Property corner points Property boundary Sherwood Creek tributaries NSherwood Creek mainstem 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Feet Section lines NRoads 5' Contours l scale 1:3,500