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BLD2023-00080 Change Garage to Living - BLD Application - 1/23/2023
MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: Y?IL 1 �(!� � -C1_e PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: RECEIVED •BUILDING.PLANNING•PUBLIC HEALTH.FIRE MARSHAL 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone JAN 2 3 2023 Belfair(360)275-4467•Phone Elma:(360)482-5269 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION615 W. Alder Street PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME:86axi £ r1(? - Q I* NAME: MAILING A DUE S: Q E, Z MAILING ADDRESS: / CITY: S4r STATE: ZIP: CITY:7kCZ M A, STATE: ZIP: PHONE#1: PHONE: CELL: PHONE#2: EMAIL; a /h 4,• r 6`h EMAIL: O rYI L&I REG# k/ S EXP.d7 /17 PRIMARY CONTACT: O NER C� CONTRACTOR[y� OTHER❑ NAME lln EMAILNat % 7 /.CO MAILING ADDRESS 051 •C1 CITY a STATE )AI,A ZIP PHONE CELL o- 9(4 g/- -ATY� PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) Z �' _ D 61 T Q ZONING 132 LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated) I 7- L.0 FIRE DISTRICT_ 2,a _ SITE ADDRESS 3410 0 7CITY DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADD SS QZ AI IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES❑ NO IV IS PROPERTY ITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apply): SALTWATER[[V LAKE ❑ RIVER/CREEK ❑ POND ❑ WETLAND ❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF ❑ STREAM ❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATI�O(�N N/ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTUREpResidence,,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Etc.)IS USE: PRIMARYNAL ❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS NUMBER OF BATHROOM S_ Z HEATED STRUCTURE? YES (Whole Bldg) 51 YES (PartfslofBldg) ❑ NO ❑ c,11(t-r%- 0 L)','i= Eti"�G�C e. DESCRIBE WORK I/e✓ - c><,Ir e / ll✓/l4 (• e.1.h• �S i SQUARE FOOTAGE: (propose+existing) �j'j E iY1 C C1.���- ( 1:_'UL 6(� v) q (p IST FLOOR- sq. ft. 2ND FLOOR Al A sq. ft. 3RD FLOOR /U A sq. ft. 1ZHER_A/ALsq. SEMENT /V A sq. ft. DECK sa. ft. COVERED DECK �/ A sq. ft. STORAGE/(//A sq. ft. ft. GARAGE_ sq.ft. Attached I,/Detached❑ CARPORT A0 sq. ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE_ Al MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC ❑ SEWER M / NEW❑ EXISTING M/ PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES gt NO ❑ If yes, attach completed Water Adequacy Form�J Q PERIMETER&OUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES ❑ NOV EXISTING SQ.FT., �I D EXISTING BEDROOMS 2— PROPOSED BEDROOMS TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative,represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permitlapplication becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT AP P ATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED. (MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) X 19- Z,,3 Si u f ER'(Must be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT' ��C- 3 Z Z3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No ulCf LLl L ? -ttv':(i PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: •BUILDING a PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL. (� �'` �"1\ j!"'U 615 W. Alder St-Shelton, WA 98584 ' ` " L '' www.co.mason.wa.us Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352• Fax:(360)427-7798 JAN 2 3 2023 Phone Belfair. (360)275-4467• Phone E/ma:(360)482-5269 g PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Alder Street OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: l� NAME: r-i jrf �, We.,V 117 NAME: VYt n i . 1 MAILING AD RESTS: 3 4 90 . 52 3 02 MAILING ADDRESS: , CITY: e �.�r STATE: ZIP:� � CITY: at, S ATE: 1a�14 ZIP: I"PHONE: (� - 2?( - [ a PHONE: CELL:7_5"3- (o14?)-& 2"d PHONE: EMAIL : ifr�t9 wn s-7 n�.�,,•f k corn EMAIL: ?p 0� L&I RE G#�(,� m I g2 MP EXP.per/ / Z PARCEL INFORMATION: h PARCEL NUMBER (12 Digit Number): I- 22-2-12 V '(J �'l,0 Zoning: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Abbreviated): 2 Q GOJr L✓O`f „L SITE ADDRESS: 3 d r. saR02- CITY: DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: C• SIL W- f p 3 �90 � si S (,✓, 51cQe lGVd4e l^ S ld F Of h"?hPJ4 l , w1�h11'I view 0� �-oo-d , drivew4jl an,yles down 4v0n, Irb"(' TYPE OF JOB: p NEW D ADD=ALT�REPAIR OTHERD USE OF BUILDING F� 1VJQ,l11 re S, LOCATION OF FIXTURES/UNITS— 1 ST FLOO 2ND FLOOR=BASEMENT D GARAGED OTHER_] PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OF EACH) MECHANICAL UNIT S s0 s�] Type of Fixture No. of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric ZP�N atural Ga Ductles Toilets Z Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink 3 Furnace _ Bath Tubs Heat Pump Showers .L Spot Vent Fan 7- Water Heater Propane Tank IX — Clothes Washer i Gas nGas;ellet Kitchen Sinks .Z Woo Stove L EX. Dishwasher 1 Kitcaunt Hood Hose bibs Dryer Vent Other Solar Panel Other Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owners legal representative,or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection.This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OFTHIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE PPLICATION. X / - �Z✓Z3 Sig atu of O r Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT ��L 3•I(�•23 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Rev: 1/27/2016 JBN R Zoning f Front R5 Yard Setbac . 25'. EH AP O ROV D �►� 2� 3-�� Side & Rear Yard etbacks. Resi n i I dw ng and accessory str ctures is 20'. � ; E 3�7 o I OR 10%width of of if not more t n 00' ide f' (_. n erson i 03/23 2023 OR approved A V ; O /31/2023 " No expansion of existing footprint / A PROVED r MASON C NTY DCD PLA I Au 50b7 JZUEDY'Alep �. R ^ncr of, ruc# 2 gp N4Aa° zlFj$ f (2CLr0-9 e / w /�jj //!!�� ; I • E 31490 r. l Prot� �e� �t3z � Yfk I g �lec�55 S-Prop. L ne = 16.5 t MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVI�Et F I V E D Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health JAN 2 3 2023 2018 International Residential Code 615 W. A r Street Min. Width & Thickness for Concrete- Table R403.1(3) Light frame Snow load tory/type of structure Footing Size 1 story-slab-on-grade 12 x 6 1 story-with crawls ace 13 x 6 `* 1 sto - lus basement 19 x 6 Q 2 story-slab-on-grade 12 x 6 M 2 story-with crawls ace 17 x 6 to 2 story-with basement 23 x 6 N 3 stot -slab on grade 15 x 6 3 story-with crawls ace 20 x 6 3 story-plus basement 26 x 8 1 story-slab-on-grade 12 x 6- I story-with crawls ace 16 x 6 ) 4-4 1 stogy - lus basement 21 x 6 a 2 story-slab-on-grade 14 x 6 2 story-with crawls ace 19 x 6 to 2 story-with basement 25 x 7 en 3 story-slab on grade 17 x 6 3 story-with crawls ace 22 x 6 3 stot -Plus basement 28 x 9 1 story-slab-on-grade 12 x 6 1 story-with crawls ace 18 x 6 4* 1 stot - lus basement 24 x 7 a 2 sto -slab-on-grade 16 x 6 2 story-with crawls ace 21 x 6 kA 2 story-with basement 27 x 9 3 story-slab on grade 19 x 6 3 story-with crawls ace 25 x 7 3 stoi -plus basement 30 x 10 Structure widths that exceed 32 feet- for every 2 feet beyond 32 feet, add 2 inches of footing width and l inch of footing thickness. SLAB CRAWL EASEMENT ON GRADE SPACE R403.1.3 Footing and Stem Wall Reinforcing in Seismic Design Categories DO, D1, and D2 BEARING WALL OR CONSTRUCTION JOIN, BRACED WALL LINE. 04 MIN HORIZONTAL SAR TOP MID BOTTOM SILL bit ENT PER (SOLE)PLATE T4,FAIN PER SECTION ATTACHMENT Y3 w 3 ASH CONCRETE R403.1.3,3 PER S.6 T 3 x 3 WASHERS 3 SIB PER PER SECT"R602.11.a SECTION rt545_ WN CLEARANCEt 3W MIN CONCRETE PER SECTIONS SLAB PER SECTION R404A.6 AND R&*.1 R317.1 -- 1 G'MIN DEPTH — nII �'d.o ° a l p P'� +• OR GREATER FOR •�• • '°' "" `�", ' v FROST PROTECTION PER SECTIONS R403.1.4 a I3 MIN AND R4011.4.1 a� y*41r O.C.VERTICAL � a 6bWELS WITH MIN REINFORCEMENT f'� � 1z-Flm — STANDARD HOOK PERSECTKN Y PER PIER R443.1.33 R43.13.4 SECTION R403.a3.3 " SLAB-OhF--GROUND MTH DOWELS FOR sLA15-ON-GROUND r.-- MONOLITHIC TURNE0.t"1OWN FOOTING , ,WITH TURNED-DOWN FOOTINGS SILL OR BOTTOM SOLE PLATE 3W MIN CONCRETE SLAB { PER SECTION RSM.1 ATTACHMENT PER SECTION r—C1 g*4 HOALL IN TOP 12- R403.1.6 VW 3 x 3 WASHERS f rl f S I ON-PER SECTION R602.11.1 CENTER R SE I 7t MN CLEARANCE 3 R603 .32 14'MIN INTO 5TEAF PER SECTIONS WALL WITH STANDARD R464.1.6 HOOK PER SECTION AND R317.1 R #4 HORIZ.IN TOP 12" MIND CM@!STEM- 6'WN CMU STEM 12-M1N DEPTH WALL,SOLID-GRONJrED WALL,SOLID GROl7TEb PER SECTItIN!I"!0Q.1.4 W PER SECTION R404.1 A,, PER SECTION R404-1.4.1 OR GREATER FOR II+I L]OhVEL48'{7�N FROST PROTECTIONPER a CENTER P SECTION r SECTION o "eo R403.1.3.Z 14'MIN INTO 11 a Leo STEM-WALL WITH —STANDARD Rt)HOOK PER SI_CTIN R6I18-5.4.5 W REINFORCEMENT PER SECTION R403.1.3.2 -Si-AS-ON-GROUND 4tr" BASEMENT OR CRAWL SPACE WITH C MA4SONR"Y'STEM WALL AND SPREAD FOOTING 4 I.SASC7hdRY STEW{W1tAt LANIt SPREAD FOOTIhiG scut_Nor ro Stut CONCRETE STEM WALL scrat:har an snot THICKNESS PER SECTION: CONCRETE R404.a.4 2 vuALL MIN CLEARANCE 111 1WI COOT PER SECTION THICKNESS PER 5EARANCCTI R4C[3.a.3.a �MINCLEARANCE PER SECTION R+t0e.1.5 PER SECTIONS 844E_1.4.2 ?4 DOWEL 4$'ON AND R317.1 ¢ CENTER PE SI=CTIOa�i AND R317.1 � � a t1I#4 CONT TOP R403.1.3.1 14'►t IN INTO J� R P£R SECTION o P STEM WALL AND I,r a P R403_a.3.1 12'MIN 0,EPTH STANDARD HOOK aP£R SECTION s PER SECTION R443AA PER SECTION RECK.5.4.5 OR GREATER FOR FROST PROTECTION ~ a GREATER ~ s. " 9 M4wlt PER SEC11t�dJ CONCRETE FOOTINtG FOR FROST ZOTTOM R403.1.4.1 PLACE?PRIOR Tb STEm PROTECTION PER PER SECTION IV WALL SECTION R400A.4.a W R403.1..3.1 (1)04 CON IT PER SECTION BASEMENT OR CRAWL SPACE .I.3t, SA�SEMET OR.CRAWL SPACE WITH MONOLITHIC r,1 CONCRETE STEM WALL AND SPREAD FOOTING CONCRETE STEI4{WALL AND SPREAD FOOTING f J /1 3!lGILE:N4i 74 SCAR. W=Width of footing,T=Thickness of footing and P=Projection per Section R403.1.1 NOTES: 1. See Section R404.3 for sill requirements. 2. See Section R403.1.6 for sill attachment. 3. See Section R506.2.3 for vapor barrier requirements. 4. See Section R403.1 for base. 5. See Section R408 for under-floor ventilation and access requirements. Name�/Yl"t' i V it I �`-'"�` ( 1 t Yl Parcel# (��'Z �—Z� - W Y �� BLD#_ �QLY1 Mason County JAN 2 3 2023 Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheeb"gNJ U4r Street Per Mason County Code,Title 14,Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development, or redevelopment',with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface'. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction,installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. 'Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X Width = Area *All dimensions in feet Building s X = Measurements for buildings are taken at the X _ perimeter of the farthest projections(example: eaves/gutters) X = Drivewa s X _ Length of drive begins at the right of way Parking Areas X X Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X _ Patios/Walks X X = Any paved, gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Others X X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area(sum of all areas) If the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet,please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: If the Total Impervious Surface Area is GREATER THAN 2000 Square Feet, please read,acknowledge and sign the information provided on page 2 of 2. Page 1 of 2 r Name Parcel# BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 2 of 2) Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS Required for this development activity. Title 14,Chapter 14.48 of the Mason County Code(MCC)regulates compliance requirements for Stormwater Management in this jurisdiction.A complete copy of the ordinance can be found on the Mason County website: httpHwww.co.mason.wa—us/code/commissioners/index.htm Please follow the links to "Title 14, Chapter 14.48 Stormwater Management". Regulated activities shall be conducted only after Mason County Public Works approves a stormwater site plan (Mason County Code Title 14 Chapter 14.48 section 14.48.70).You will receive a copy of the Public Works document entitled "Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots,The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan".This document will assist you in preparing the necessary information and plans for Public Works to review and approve. Per Department of Public Works this document will constitute an approved plan if all of the relevant details* are to be installed in their entirety AND no part of the stormwater system adversely affects any septic system (see Environmental Health information below). If an alternative system is to be used a plan will need to be submitted to Public Works for approval. A design by a registered professional may be required for more complex sites. *These details are found in the document Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan on the pages that begin with"Handout" PLEASE INITIAL BELOW TO INDICATE THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THIS SITE A) The relevant details from Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan will be installed in their entirety AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. B) An alternative plan and/or professional design will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. If you have further questions pertaining to parcel drainage and stormwater management Mason County's Public Works Department can provide additional instructions,guidance and examples. (Section 14.48.130)contact Public works at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT.450 Mail:P 0 Box 1850, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 415 N 6th St, Shelton WA 98584 If this development has,or will have,a septic/drainfield system you may need to contact Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this,or any other,parcel.You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project. Mason County Division of Environmental Health can be reached at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT.352 Mail:P 0 Box 1666, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 426 W Cedar St, Shelton WA 98584 A condition will be added to the building permit that states, in part,that all conditions the stormwater site plan will be met prior to a request for final inspection of the building permit. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor.I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- described property for review and inspection as may be required. X Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: Page 2 of 2 P; 4 s v • �P . "Y��siirll s '�t�ttPP PP P� 'i1�' i♦�P�►�� Y�♦1P i1i Pi i+�Pi 5. r P t ♦ P�O�+t���+ +!PtPP . i+i►�t +fir! ♦P�� x OV + a i srs ♦ ♦ ♦e� At klw -. ••e Am of 0 off A .. 1 too •. • .. BLD Etff V C V MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES ��' -000 N_ Building,Plan ning,Environmental Health,Community Health RCV JAN 23 2023 IIIIIIII�BY: APPLICANT INFORMATION (please print clearly) C "'U, ' 6 5 W. Alder Street Name of Applicant: ` r pph(Rll ,A r J Q L Gl. W1k) el Number:„ (, RL- ei�— Q Q D Site Address: 3Y9 0 E. S1�4e 0kt .3DZ.. 5RLJ GQ1-' UA 2952$ — This checklist must be completed and signed by the owner or owners authorized agents at time of submittal. Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted. For a complete application, all items on this checklist shall be submitted, unless waived by Staff. PERMIT APPLICATION N/A Provided Staff Provide a completed and signed(by owner or authorized representative)application ❑ ✓ and applicable fees are due at submittal. Provide a completed plumbing and Mechanical Application ❑ ❑ SITE PLAN Provide one (1)copy of proposed site plan. Drawn to scale of either ❑ d L/ 1"= 10' or 1"=20' depending on lot size. North Arrow, location and dimensions of all property lines and easements. ❑ Vicinity map showing location and names of all roads and easements. (public and ❑ private) Show distances to all structures, septic tanks,drain fields,property lines,top of ❑ L>d slopes or cuts and easements. Zoning(indicate): ,� Rural Residential: ❑2.5 ICI 5 ❑10 ❑20 []Other: Urban Growth Area: Zone: Front yard: Direction: Side yard: Direction: Rearyard: Direction: Sideyard: Direction: All access points, width of access. easements and driveways). ❑ ✓ Contour lines in twenty 20 foot increments. See Parcel Map Viewer on website ❑ ✓ Building height shown on elevations at all four corners of structure. ❑ Flood lain boundaries and setback distances. See Plans for additional requirements. Wetland or surface water(if any) and any applicable buffers. If yes,a wetland 1Z ❑ report mav need to be submitted. Is the site near a Shoreline stream, creek,lake, saltwater if yes,please indicate? ❑ 10 Name of shoreline: Shoreline designation: Stream type F, S,Ns,N : Is the proposed site within 300 feet of a slope 15�/o of greater?If yes,a geological i ❑ / 1 report or assessment may be re uired. Ex. 51 wZ SE9 Existing/pro osed on-site septic system and reserve areas,pr viding setback to ❑ L W C©m,_� at,H A00 1D 5ei ero osed wells show 100 ft well radius,with distances to structures . ❑nd ro osed stormwater controls downs outs, wells,etc. ❑tory e tanks no ane and HVAC equipment. ❑ PLANS Z N/A Provi e.d Staff Provide two 2 copies of plans 1 full size min. 18"x 24"and 1 small size and ❑ 10 N/A Prov c 4 CAI one(1)copies of all specifications and engineering.Plans must be drawn to scale of/,"= 1'. All notations and drawings must be clear and legible.All Engineering ❑ hl� callouts must be on plans. Engineered plans must provide calculations/analysis.Analysis must include the following information: • 2018 International Building Code • Snow load(by location) ❑ it • Seismic zone(D-2) , a Exposure(by location and topography) • Windspeed 85 MPH basic and 110 ultimate w/3 secondgust) If project is in a flood hazard area, the submittal must include an Elevation Certificate, flood venting compliance and an elevation detail indicating the location / q of finished floor relative to the Base Flood Elevation or Design Flood Elevation as ❑ designated by surveyor or engineer. FOUNDATION PLAN Plan view of foundation/footings/pads ❑ Type, size and location of footing(stepped foundation provide detail ❑ Elevation view of foundation steps,with final grade ❑ Cross-sections of footing and foundation(including height of wall). ❑ Floor joist andspacing each floor). ❑ Show location of flood venting and detail the method and compliance for venting. ❑ RkA Type and locations of hold-downs and anchors. ❑ Of V✓ Crawl access location and size. ❑ FIT Insulation value for foundation(if slab or basement). See Energy Credits for ❑ additional requirements, credits must be indicated on the plans. If project is in floodplain provide flood venting compliance including vent locations, vent type, elevation detail for venting location interior and exterior of the ❑ 111A crawls ace. FLOOR PLAN - —\ Square footage of each floor ❑ Use of each room ❑ Of c/ Location and size of attic access ❑ Y, Dimensions of building and rooms. ❑ Location and type of furnaces,water heaters, smoke detectors,and carbon ❑ �/ monoxide detectors. Include location of bollard for appliances located in garage. Plumbing fixture locations ❑ ✓ Location of doors,windows include size, egress, tempered and skylights) ❑ ✓ Insulation value in floor. See Energy Credits for additional requirements,must be ❑ �/ ✓ indicated on the plans. Location of ventilation fans and CFM for each. ❑ no E Location of whole house fart and CFM continuous or intermittent ❑ ���P►`7 Location, side and type of brace wall or shear-wall panels. If structure is ❑ id engineered,must supply two copies of required analysis calculations �x Dimensionsand framing details of decks(including joists,beams,posts, ledgers. ❑ Plan MUST include size, grade, spacing, length andspecies or type of material) ELEVATIONS AND WALL DETAILS Typical and rated walls(garage separation) ❑ Listing of fire-resistive wall designs(duplex or townhouse ❑ �/� Building elevations-all 4 sides Show distance from grade at each corner. ❑ Exterior wall details when distance between overhangs is less than 5 feet. Qr ❑ Insulation value for walls. See Energy Credits for additional requirements,must be ❑ ©/ indicated on the plans. If project is in floodplain must provide Elevation detail indicating the location of Rf ❑ n/ finished floor relative to the Base Flood Elevation or Design Flood Elevation as NA Proi l d eJ designated by surveyor or engineer. ❑ ROOF PLAN Layout of roofs stem Ex, ❑ Label type of roofs stem rafters, engineered trusses&spacing ❑ Headers noted at each location or typical header noted. ❑ EX Roof pitch and covering materials ❑ ' K �X Sheathing types,dimensions and fastening ❑ Rr Attic venting(type, location and amount ❑ Insulation value for roof(R38 vault and R49 ceiling) See Energy Credits for ❑ addition re uirements,must be indicated on the plans. ENERGY CODE REQUIREMENTS N/ Provid o Staff Completed Washington State Energy Code form Plans must indicate fuel source for furnaces,water heaters and other appliances. ❑ Manufactures Specifications for each unit or component for HVAC &plumbing ❑ Compliance to the Washington State Energy Code and required Credits. Construction drawings/plans MUST include all credit information on the plan ❑ details such as insulation,ventilation,furnaces,windows etc. Plans must also ✓ include the number of credits and which credits are chosen. �J I verify that all required documents,plans,and specification associated with this application have been submitted and are accurate. i ature of owner*uthori66d agent Print Name Date «sky. Sign Up(/Register/RegisterUser)or Log In(/Public/Account/Login) (/Public/Home) z Parcel support: permits@masoncountywa.gov (M ai lto:permits@masoncou ntywa.gov) Portal customers can now search information by parcel address,parcel owner or parcel number. Additionally,you may now also view any public notes on any application associated with a parcel. Text Search: To search for specific parcels by number,address,or owner name,enter the search parameters into the search field and select the desired record from the dropdown list.The selected parcel information will appear including zoning,active and closed permit applications,status,inspections,and more. Map Search: To search from the map,click on the mapped address points for parcel details.Select the parcel number in the pop up window to view parcel information including zoning,active and closed permit applications,status,inspections,and more.You may need to zoom in or out to find and select address points.The map can be adjusted by clicking and dragging. *Important Information* The points on this map represent general locations only. Parcel details(including ownership and zoning)may change at any time and may not be reflected on the map. Enter the parcel number,if you don't have the parcel number you can search the Assessors/County website to obtain this information. www.co.mason.wa.us (http://www.co.mason.wa.us) 00110 C:34�80 E SR302 BelfairNA 98528 Other services Advanced search Reports Documents (/ApplicationPublic/Applig4PobBefflepAd-sNlieeq) (/Public/DocumentsView) Mason County Privacy Policy Refund Policy (https://www.masoncoun"etdWJjrivacyPolicy) (/Public/RefundPolicy) Powered by SmartGov,©2011-2022 Brightly Software,Inc.(http://www.smartgovcommunity.com)